Regulations of the Commissioner of Education
Section 135.4 (c) (7) (i) (c) and Section 135.5
The University of the State of New York
(Updated) January 29, 2018
Table of Contents
Purpose ………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Who Shall Meet the Requirements? ……………………………………………….. 4
Who is Responsible for Compliance and Records? ……………………………. 7
Ways of Meeting the Educational Course Requirements for Coaching …….. 7
Sport Categories ………………………………………………………………………. 9
Who May Offer NYSED Coaching and FA/CPR Courses ………………………. 9-11
A. Regulations of the Commissioner of Education ……………………….. 12
Section 135.4 (c) (7) (i) (c)
B. Coaching Course Summaries …………………………………………… 15-16
C. Coaching Course Equivalent Application ……………………………….. 17-18
D. Coaching Course Extension Application ………………………………… 19
E. Courses Accepted to Meet the First Aid and CPR Requirement …….. 20-21
F. Common Acronyms …………………………………………………………. 22
Regulations of the Commissioner of Education
Section 135.4 (c) (7) (i) (c) and Section 135.5
The University of the State of New York
January 29, 2018
In order to help provide a safe environment and successful experience for boys and girls who participate
on interschool athletic teams, Section 135.4 (c) (7) (i) (c) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of
Education pertaining to physical education include certain minimum requirements for a person to be
appointed as a coach of an interschool athletic team (see Appendix A). This includes all head coaches
and assistants for varsity, junior varsity, freshman and junior high (modified) teams of public schools.
Many times a person who would like to coach an interschool athletic team has little or no preparation to
teach sport skills and techniques. The only qualification is often the person's participation on a college or
university team, coach of a community youth team or perhaps experience as a professional player.
While such experience is valuable, it does not constitute an adequate preparation for coaching an
interschool team as an integral part of the school physical education program. Courses in techniques of
coaching specific sports are necessary for persons not trained and certified as physical education
The coach needs to possess an understanding of the social, moral and physical values inherent in
secondary school athletics. The coach needs to be aware of the basic philosophy and principles of
athletics as integral parts of physical education and the total educational program for children. The
coach needs to know the various regulations and rules governing athletics so that the decisions a coach
makes will not adversely affect the eligibility of the students or penalize students unfairly.
A man or woman who coaches an interschool team must be capable of protecting the health and well-
being of the students by having knowledge of the structure and function of the human body. A coach
must have a working understanding of how to properly condition athletes and prevent injuries as well as
recognize, evaluate and follow the proper course of action when injuries do occur.
The course requirements in the Regulation of the Commissioner of Education are intended to provide a
person with an understanding of the basic philosophy and principles of athletics in education, the health
related aspects of athletics and the techniques used to coach a specific sport.
Regardless of the experience or teaching certificates a person may have, State Education Law, Article
(6), Section 3001b, requires that a person appointed as a coach of an interschool athletic team must
hold valid first aid skills and knowledge certification (minimum of 12 hours initial training, valid for 3
years); and adult CPR certification (minimum of 4 hours training, valid for 2 years). Training courses are
conducted by the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council,
Emergency Care & Safety Institute, American Safety and Health Institute, NYS Department of Health
(DOH) Bureau of Medical Services and New York State Education Department approved providers. First
Aid and CPR certification must be approved prior to the first day of practice. The equivalent
requirements such as sports medicine and athletic training courses are discussed later in these
guidelines. In addition to the first aid certificate, all coaches of interschool teams must meet part or all of
the course requirements in a pre-service and/or in-service program. Which requirements apply to the
individual coach depend upon the nature of the sport to be coached and the coach's previous
experience, training and basic teaching certificate.
Potential secondary school coaches may possess three different backgrounds:
(1) a certified physical education teacher;
(2) a teacher certified in an area other than physical education, e.g. English, mathematics;
(3) holds no teaching certificate and must qualify for a Temporary Coaching License.
1. Certified Physical Education Teachers. A person who holds a valid certificate to teach physical
education in New York State may coach any sport in any school, but must meet the first aid/CPR
requirement prior to starting to coach.
2. Other Certified Teachers, School Leaders or Pupil Personnel Service providers. Coaching a
secondary school athletic team is considered teaching physical education. However, a person who holds
a valid teaching certificate in an area other than physical education, a NYS certified School Leader or a
NYS certified Pupil Personnel provider may also be appointed to coach. The person may either
complete appropriate courses or meet the provisions of the "grandfather" clause, as noted below. The
"grandfather" clause qualifies a teacher under Section 80.2(c) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of
Education to do incidental teaching (coaching) in an area other than the one for which the person holds
a certificate.
In addition to the first aid/CPR requirement prior to starting to coach, the certified teacher must (a)
complete an approved course (or an equivalent course satisfactory to the commissioner see Appendix
C for the Coaching Equivalent form) in Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education
within two years from the date of initial appointment as a coach; (b) complete a course on Health
Sciences Applied to Coaching within five years of appointment as a coach; and (c) also, within that
same five years, complete a course on Theory and Techniques of Coaching the sport or sports for
which he/she is appointed.
Effective July 1, 2015, coaches in New York State (NYS) have the option to pursue a second pathway
to complete the 3 NYS required coaching courses (Principles, Philosophy and organization of Athletics
in Education, Health Sciences Applied to Coaching, and Theory & Techniques of Coaching (Sport
Specific) by utilizing the NFHS online coaching courses (AIC-Level 1 and CIC-Level 2) and completion
of an internship in accordance with guidelines.
See link:
A certified teacher should not apply for a Temporary Coaching License.
It is the responsibility of the school administration to monitor and require certified teachers to meet all
requirements to coach.
3. Non-teacher Coaches.
A) Temporary Coaching License (TCL). A person who does not hold a current New York State
teaching certificate (e.g. physical education, English, mathematics) may be appointed as a
temporary coach only if there are no certified teachers available with experience and qualifications
to coach the team. The non-teacher coach must obtain a Temporary Coaching license by applying
on-line through the NYSED TEACH system and meet all of the same course requirements for
coaching as does the certified individuals listed above within the same time lines and extensions.
To gain the temporary coaching license the applicant must submit evidence of acceptable first
aid and CPR courses; Child Abuse Identification workshop, School Violence Prevention and
Intervention (SAVE) workshop and the Training in Harassment, Bullying, Cyber bullying, and
Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention (DASA Training) workshop and fingerprint
Applications for a 1
renewal of a Temporary Coaching License must submit evidence of
completion of the Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics in Education course.
Evidence of completion of the remaining required courses must meet the same time line followed
by certified teachers (see item #2 above).
NFHS Pathway option:
NFHSSecond-PathwayGuideline-1-6-17-FDraft.pdf or
Concussion training course (Every 2 years)
o Heads Up, Concussion in Youth Sports, available at: (Filed at local level)
o NFHS Concussion course available at: (Filed at local level)
B) Professional Coaching License (PCL). A person who has completed all the required coaching
courses, acceptable first aid and CPR courses; Child Abuse Identification workshop, School Violence
Prevention and Intervention (SAVE) workshop and the Training in Harassment, Bullying, Cyber bullying, and
Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention (DASA Training) workshop and fingerprint
clearance., and has held a minimum of three Temporary Coaching Licenses for a sport per CR
135.4(c)(7)(4)(A) may apply for a three-year renewable Professional Coaching License. The PCL may
be renewed for an additional three-year period upon the submission of a renewal application.
To gain the Professional Renewal, applications must include verification of current first aid and CPR and
evaluations prepared by either the Principal or the Director of Physical Education/Athletics for each year
Applicants must begin the licensure process directly through the on-line State Education Department
TEACH system application process at
1) A coach of a non-strenuous/non-contact sport is not required to take the last two courses on health
sciences or theory and techniques courses (see Appendix B - Course Outlines).
2) Extensions To Complete the Course Requirements: An extension of up to two additional years
to complete the last two courses may be obtained if there is sufficient reason given for an extension
(see Appendix D - Application Form for an Extension).
3) Lapse of Coaching Service: An extension of up to two additional years may be granted by
application to the Commissioner for extenuating circumstances that resulted in a lapse of coaching
service from the time of initial appointment as a coach. (Appendix D Application Form for an
4) Grandfather Clause: “persons who were employed as coaches in New York State schools on or
before September 1, 1974 and who do not meet the requirements set forth in subclause (1), (2) or
(3) of this clause, may continue to coach any sport;”
1) Fingerprinting Requirement
Information regarding fingerprinting process is available at the New York State Education
Department’s web site at .
2) Child Abuse identification and Reporting and School Violence Prevention and Intervention
In accordance with Section 80-1.4 completion of a study in child abuse identification and reporting,
and school violence prevention and intervention. All candidates license shall have completed at least
two clock hours of coursework or training regarding the identification and reporting of suspected
child abuse or maltreatment in accordance with the requirements of sections 3003(4) and 3004 of
the Education Law and completed at least two clock hours of coursework or training in school
violence prevention and intervention, as required by section 3004 of the Education Law. Check with
the local BOCES for course offerings or go to the following links to find an on-line
class: (child abuse identification) and (SAVE) for more information.
3) Concussion training course (Every 2 years) Heads Up, Concussion in Youth Sports, available at: (Filed at local level)
Coaches can take NFHS Concussion course available at: (Filed at local level)
1. Coursework or Training in Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention and
Intervention required under the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) effective December 31,
Part 80 of the Commissioner’s Regulations were amended to require that anyone applying for an
administrative or supervisory service, classroom teaching service or school service certificate or
license on or after July 1, 2013, shall have completed at least six clock hours of coursework or
training in Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention.
See NYSED website for information regarding the DASA requirement:
Compliance: It is the responsibility of the board of education to appoint only coaches who meet the
requirements as outlined in the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. The chief school officer
has the responsibility to see to it that all coaches, once appointed by the board of education, complete
the necessary courses, to determine that the coaches are keeping their first aid skill and knowledge
current and are complying with the coaching course requirements. Checking applicants through the
SED TEACH system prior to submitting their names for appointment to the Board of Education is highly
Record Keeping: Each school district must keep permanent records on persons who have been and are
currently coaching in the district. It is recommended that the director of physical education and athletics
maintain these records. Information on the current coaching staff should be listed in the School District
Plan for Physical Education.
The courses required to be completed will depend upon the nature of the sport being coached. In
addition to the first aid and CPR requirement, a person coaching a non-contact/non-strenuous sport
(bowling, golf, archery, rifle, shuffleboard, table tennis) need only complete the Philosophy, Principles
and Organization of Athletics in Education course. This is normally a 3-credit college course or a 45-
clock hour non-credit course.
Persons coaching contact/strenuous sports (football, soccer, track and field (indoor and outdoor), cross-
country, gymnastics, wrestling, basketball, swimming, ice hockey, baseball, softball, lacrosse, field
hockey, team handball, volleyball, competitive cheerleading, tennis, fencing, crew, skiing, handball and
badminton) must have valid first aid/CPR and must complete:
Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education course (a 3-credit college
course or a 45-clock hour non-credit course).
Health Sciences Applied to Coaching (a 3 credit or 45 clock hour course) and,
Theory & Techniques of Coaching (specific to the sport coached) (a 2 credit or 30 clock hour
(see Appendix B - Course Outlines and Sport Categories).
NFHS Pathway option:
NFHSSecond-PathwayGuideline-1-6-17-FDraft.pdf or
Ways in which the educational requirements for coaches can be met are:
1. Complete a State Education Department-approved course for coaches offered by approved providers
(an alphabetical list by location of approved agencies may be found on the Physical Education web
page: Click the item Toolkit, then click on the bullet:
Approved Coaching Courses Information).
2. Obtain approval for equivalent experience in lieu of attending one or more of the courses.
Applications for equivalent experience must be made to the Office of Curriculum and Instruction (click on
Toolkit in the above link, then click on the bullet: FORM and send the form and appropriate
documentation: Official transcripts with identifying information in a sealed college envelope, course
descriptions, certifications, etc., to the State Education Department, Office of Curriculum and Instruction,
89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234, Attention: Physical Education Associate). Please note:
approval for equivalent experience applied to the Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in
Education course is seldom given because few people received the practical experiences of working
with the specific rules, regulations and interpretations which govern athletics in New York State schools.
The State Education Department does not issue course credit. Credit for courses is only given by
approved agencies who offer the coaching courses. Partial or full credit towards fulfillment of required
courses may be given for participation in appropriate conferences, clinics, coaching schools, other
courses or experiences that provide knowledge of a comparable nature. Persons who believe they can
qualify for such credit should contact the SED Physical Education Associate for an evaluation of their
course experiences (Coaching Course Equivalents). A review may exempt persons from class sessions
covering topics in which the person’s experience is judged to be sufficient.
All coaches must be current in first aid and CPR prior to the first day of practice for the assigned sport.
First aid/CPR for coaches can be completed through various options. Options available include the
following (First Aid valid for three years and CPR valid for two years for the purpose of coaching):
1. Completion of an approved First Aid or CPR program by the American Red Cross, American
Heart Association, National Safety Council or other approved agency included on a list available
from the State Education Department; OR
2. A State Education Department-approved college or university course on athletic
training or sports medicine that includes first aid certification; OR
3. A State Education Department-approved In-service first aid course; OR
4. A State Education Department-approved college first aid course; OR
A list of State Education Department approved providers offering in-service first aid courses is available
online at: click on Toolkit, then click on the bullet: Approved
Courses. Insuring that all coaches continue to meet requirements for first aid and CPR from the date of
appointment to coach an interschool team is the responsibility of the chief school officer. Prior to the
start of each sport season, the chief school officer must require valid evidence that each coach has kept
current with skill and knowledge of first aid and CPR and that all coaches have completed coaching
course work as required.
Football, soccer, track and field (indoor and outdoor), cross-country, gymnastics, wrestling, basketball,
swimming, ice hockey, baseball, softball, lacrosse, field hockey, team handball, volleyball, tennis,
fencing, crew, skiing, handball, competitive cheerleading and badminton.
Bowling, golf, archery, rifle, shuffleboard, table tennis.
Programs may be offered by colleges and universities, two year colleges, school districts, BOCES,
professional organizations, athletic leagues, section athletic councils, athletic associations or other
recognized groups or agencies that have received approval from the State Education Department.
Agencies or organizations wishing to offer a coaching program should make application to the Office of
Curriculum and Instruction and must receive approval prior to implementation.
I. The materials to be submitted with a letter of request for approval shall include:
1. The contact person for the agency. Include name, full address, phone number and email
2. The name of the person(s) teaching the course(s), including evidence of their competence: see
specifics in item II. below;
3. A statement from the agency indicating it will keep permanent records on persons who complete
the courses, where the records will be kept and who will be responsible for them;
4. Indicate which course(s) the agency wishes to be approved to teach:
Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education
Health Sciences Related to Coaching
Theory & Techniques of Coaching sport specific
First Aid
5. A list of the resource persons that will be used (for coaching courses only);
6. A description of the evaluation techniques to be used.
7. Name, address, and email for each instructor you wish approved, plus the items under Instructor
II. Instructor Approvals:
A) Coaching Courses:
To have instructors approved to teach any of the coaching courses, please see the following list of
qualifications necessary to become an instructor. Verification of these items must accompany a request
to have the individual approved to be an instructor:
1. Earned Master’s Degree
2. Copy of teacher certification or other NYS Education Department certification (counselors, school
psychologists, Nurses license, etc.)
3. Documentation of completion of the three coaching courses (for all individuals that are not
certified in physical education)
4. Minimum of five years recent coaching experience at the interscholastic Varsity - Head coach
level or currently in a Director of Physical Education/Athletics position.
5. List of current memberships: (NYS Public High School Athletic Association, NYS Athletic
Administrators Association, NYS Council of Administrators, NYS Association of Health, Physical
Education, Recreation and Dance, Inc., etc.)
6. Knowledge and understanding of the NYSPHSAA Handbook.
7. NYS Certified Athletic Trainers may be approved to teach Health Sciences Applied to Coaching
without items 2 and 4.
8. Three letters of recommendation to be an instructor for SED.
B) First Aid/CPR Courses:
First Aid and CPR instructors must provide the following verifications:
1. Documentation of 5 years experience teaching First Aid and/or CPR for a recognized agency
such as the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council, EMS
Services, NYS Department of Health, etc.
2. Current instructor certifications from one of the above.
3. Three letters of recommendation to become an instructor for SED.
III. Upon agency approval:
Once the agency and instructors are approved, a course outline for each of the courses to be taught will
be sent to the contact person listed for the agency. Certificates of completion for Coaching Courses,
First AID and CPR will be provided for participants (photocopy masters) and approved agencies will be
responsible to provide certificates of completion to participants for each coaching course offered.
IV. Course Certificates of Completion:
Participant certificates will be provided by SED for all agencies approved to teach the courses. An
original template of the certificates will be sent to the Point of Contact upon approval. These certificates
must be used to provide evidence of course completion to the BOCES Certification Units and the
Director’s of Physical Education/Athletics where the individual is coaching. ONLY THESE
V. Applications to NYSED:
Send the above to: Associate in Physical Education, State Education Department, Room 318 EB,
Albany, New York 12234 for an updated list. If you have questions, please send them via email to:
Regulations of the Commissioner of Education
Section 135.4 (c) (7) (i) (c)
Effective August 2015
Coaches of Interschool Athletic Teams
(7) Basic code for extraclass athletic activities. Athletic participation in all schools shall be planned so as
to conform to the following:
(i) General provisions. It shall be the duty of trustees and boards of education:
(a) .....
(b) .....
(c) to appoint individuals to serve as coaches, whether in a paid or non-paid (volunteer) status, of
interschool athletic teams, other than intramural teams or extramural teams, in accordance with the
(1) Certified physical education teachers may coach any sport in any school;
(2) Teachers with coaching qualifications and experience certified only in areas other than physical
education may coach any sport in any school, provided they have completed:
(i) the first aid requirement set forth in section 135.5 of this Part; and
(ii) an approved pre-service or in-service education program for coaches or will complete such a
program within three years of appointment. Such program shall include an approved course in
Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education which shall be completed within
two years after initial appointment as a coach and approved courses in Health Sciences Applied
to Coaching, and Theory and Techniques of Coaching that is sport specific, which shall be
completed within five years of initial appointment. Upon application to the commissioner of
education, setting forth the reasons for which an extension is necessary, the period in which to
complete such training may be extended to no more than five years after such appointment.
Such approved programs for coaches will consist of one of the following (credits and hours vary
depending upon the contact and endurance involved in the sport): a department-approved
college program of from two to eight credits; or a department-approved in-service education
program, conducted by schools, colleges, professional organizations or other recognized groups
or agencies, from 30 to 120 clock hours; or an equivalent experience which is approved by the
commissioner of education. Upon application to the Commissioner of Education in a format
prescribed by the Commissioner and setting forth the reasons for which an extension is
necessary, the period in which to complete such training may be extended to no more than
seven years after such appointment; provided that coaches who have a lapse in service due to
maternity leave, military leave, or other extenuating circumstances may apply to the
Commissioner for an additional extension of no more than two years to complete course work
(iii) on a biennial basis, a course of instruction relating to mild traumatic brain injuries
pursuant to section 136.5(b) of this Title.
(3)Temporary Coaching License. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 80.18 of this Title, other
persons with coaching qualifications and experience satisfactory to the board of education may be
appointed as temporary coaches, whether in a paid or non-paid (volunteer) status, of interschool sport
teams, when certified teachers with coaching qualifications and experience are not available, upon the
issuance by the commissioner of a temporary coaching license. A temporary coaching license, valid for
one year, will be issued under the following conditions:
(i) the superintendent of schools shall submit a statement to the Department that the district is
unable to obtain the services of a certified teacher with coaching qualifications and experience;
(ii) candidates for initial temporary licensure shall have completed the first aid requirement set
forth in section 135.5 of this Part prior to the first day of coaching;
(iii) candidates for the first renewal of a temporary license shall have completed or be enrolled in
an approved course in Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education; and
(iv) candidates for any subsequent renewal of a temporary license shall have completed an
approved pre-service or in-service education program for coaches which shall include an
approved course in Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics, which shall be
completed within two years after initial appointment as a coach, and approved courses in Health
Sciences Applied to Coaching, and Theory and Techniques of Coaching that is sport specific,
which shall be completed within five years of initial appointment. Such approved programs for
coaches shall consist of one of the following (credits and hours vary depending upon the contact
and endurance involved in the sport): a department-approved college program of from two to
eight credits; or a department-approved in-service education program, conducted by schools,
colleges, professional organizations or other recognized groups or agencies, from 30 to 120
clock hours; or an equivalent experience which is approved by the commissioner of education.
Upon application in a format prescribed by the Commissioner of Education and setting forth the
reasons for which an extension is necessary, the period in which to complete such training may
be extended to no more than seven years after such appointment; provided that coaches who
have a lapse in service due to maternity leave, military leave, or other extenuating circumstances
may apply to the Commissioner for an additional extension of no more than two years to
complete course work.
(4) Professional coaching certificate.
(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of subclauses (1)-(3) of this clause, other persons with
coaching qualifications and experience satisfactory to the board of education may coach a
specific sport in any school, upon the issuance by the commissioner of a professional coaching
certificate. A professional coaching certificate, valid for three years, shall be issued to a
candidate who submits a fee of $50 together with an application, in a form prescribed by the
commissioner, which satisfactorily establishes that:
(A) the candidate has completed the requirements set forth in items (3)(ii), (iii) and (iv) of
this clause; and
(B) the candidate has a minimum of three years coaching experience in a specific sport
in a New York State interschool athletic program;
(ii) a professional coaching certificate shall be valid for a three year period, provided that such
certificate may be renewed for additional three year periods upon the submission of a fee of $50
together with a renewal application for each successive renewal period, in a form prescribed by
the commissioner, which satisfactorily establishes that:
(A) the candidate meets the requirements of sub-items (i)(A) and (B) of this subclause;
(B) the candidate has received a satisfactory evaluation by the principal or athletic
director for each of the preceding three years that the candidate coached in the specific
sport for which a professional coaching certificate is sought;
(iii) evaluation by principal or athletic director;
(A) A school district that appoints an individual as a coach pursuant to a professional
coaching certificate shall ensure that the principal or athletic director responsible for the
supervision of such individual conducts an evaluation of such individual during each year
in which such individual is so employed;
(B) Each evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the coach's:
communication and interpersonal skills, including interactions with colleagues, students,
parents and the general public; supervisory, organizational, and leadership capabilities;
knowledge and proficiency in first aid, CPR, sexual abuse guidelines, and other athlete
injury-related protocols and procedures; and adherence to guidelines for purchasing
equipment, uniforms and related supplies and for storing and maintaining sports
(5) persons who were employed as coaches in New York State schools on or before September 1, 1974
and who do not meet the requirements set forth in subclause (1), (2) or (3) of this clause, may continue
to coach any sport;
Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics in Education (3 Credits 45 Hours)
This 45 hour course will be taught in 15 sessions. Each session is three hours in duration.
The course covers basic philosophy and principles as integral parts of physical education and
general education; State, local and national regulations and policies related to athletics; legal
considerations; function and organization of leagues and athletic associations in New York State;
personal standards for the responsibilities of the coach as an educational leader; public relations;
general safety procedures; general principles of school budgets, records, purchasing and use of
facilities. (Note: This is not a course in “athletic administration.” In addition to first aid and CPR,
this is the only course required for coaches of non-contact/non-strenuous sports: bowling, golf,
archery, rifle, shuffleboard, table tennis)
Health Sciences Applied to Coaching (3 Credits 45 Hours)
This 45 hour course will be taught in 15 sessions. Each session is three hours in duration.
The course is a series of interactive exercises and activities designed to study Health Sciences
as they apply to coaching sports. Through these activities, exercises and health application to
coaching topics, participants will gain information, organize it for professional and personal use,
and apply it to their particular programs. Health Sciences as applied to coaching will also help
define: selected principles of biology, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology related to coaching; risk
minimization; mixed competition; NYSED selection and classification of athletes; age and
maturity of athletes.
This 45 hour course is divided into three parts:
Part I - Philosophy, Physiology, and Psychology (9 hours)
Part II - Fitness, Conditioning, Sport Specific Training, Nutrition,
and Weight Management (24 hours)
Part III - Current and On-going Health Issues and Administrative
Procedures (12 hours)
Theory & Techniques of Coaching (2 Credits - 30 Hours)
This 30-hour course will be taught in ten (10) sessions. Each session is three (3) hours in
duration. The first five (5) sessions will address the commonalties of all sports. Sessions six
through eight (6-8) will deal with the coaching of specific sports. Session nine (9) will result in an
internship experience in one specific sport as described below. Session ten (10) will deal with
the coach’s maintenance of personal health and wellness.
The course will begin with an introductory phase in which the basic concepts common to all
sports will be discussed. Topics will include a history of interscholastic athletics in New York
State. The objectives, rules, regulations and policies of athletics, as well as performance skills,
technical information, and organization and management practices will also be among the topics
covered. The special training and conditioning of the athletes in specific sports, the fitting of
equipment, specific safety precautions and officiating methods will also be examined. An
internship that will include practical experience as a coach in the specific sport and/or periods of
observing other approved coaches will also be required.
In addition to the traditional format, effective July 1, 2015, coaches in New York State (NYS) will
be able to complete the 3 NYS required coaching courses (Principles, Philosophy and
organization of Athletics in Education, Health Sciences Applied to Coaching, and Theory &
Techniques of Coaching (Sport Specific) by utilizing the NFHS online coaching courses (AIC-
Level 1 and CIC-Level 2) and completion of an internship in accordance with guidelines.
See link:
Second Sport Certification
If a coach wishes to gain certification in a second sport while taking the Theory & Techniques
of Coaching course, he/she must meet additional requirements by completing activities in
sessions 6, 7, and 8 for that sport. A second internship experience (Session 9) must also be
completed for the additional sport.
If a coach has already completed the Theory & Techniques of Coaching course for one sport and
at a later date wishes to have certification in a second sport, they must complete only Sessions
6, 7, 8, and 9 for that sport and not the entire course.
The following courses are approved as equivalent instruction for sessions 6-9 when requesting
sport certifications only:
1) National Federation of High Schools (NFHS): Fundamentals of Coaching: Sport
Specific Coursework
2) American Sport Education Program (ASPEP): Coaching Technical and Tactical Skills
Online Courses in: Sport Specific Coursework
Please print legibly or type all information. This application is a request for the NYS Education
Department to give credit for equivalents to the coaching courses required by the Regulations of the
Commissioner of Education, Section 135.4, in lieu of attending courses offered by approved providers.
Send the completed form and documentation to support you request, (official transcript with
identifying information in a sealed college envelope, course descriptions, certifications, etc), to:
Associate in Instructional Services Physical Education, NYS Education Department, 89 Washington Ave,
Office of Curriculum and Instruction, 880 EBA, Albany, New York 12234.
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth ________________ Last four digits of SSN: _______________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________ State ______ Zip______________
Home Phone ( ) ________ - __________ Work Phone ( ) _________ - __________(ext)_______
E-mail _______________________________________
1. Do you hold a New York State Teaching Certificate? ____Yes ____No
If Yes, in what subject? __________________________ Type __________________________
Effective Date _____/_____/_____ Certificate Number _________________________________
2. Are you currently employed as a coach? _____Yes _____ No
If Yes, School Name ______________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________ City __________________State ____ Zip____________
Phone ( ) ________ - __________ Date appointed _____/_____/_____
Director of Physical Education/Athletics _______________________________________________
3. Courses requested to be met by Equivalent Experience:
_____ Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education
_____ Health Sciences Related to Coaching
_____ Theory and Techniques of Coaching (Sport): _________________________________________
(see page 2)
4. List equivalents related to the courses below and attach copies of transcripts, course descriptions,
clinics attended with certificates of participation, or other verification of equivalents:
A. Philosophy, Principles and Organization _____________________________________________
B. Health Sciences Applied to Coaching _________________________________________________
C. Theory and Techniques of Coaching (specific to the sport coached) ________________________
I declare and affirm that the statements made in the foregoing application, including accompanying
statements and transcriptions, are true and correct.
Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___ / ___ /______
Please print legibly or type all information. This application is a request for the State
Education Department to give an extension of time to meet the coaching courses required by
the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Section 135.4. Send completed form to:
Associate in Instructional Services Physical Education, NYS Education Department, 89
Washington Ave, Office of Curriculum and Instruction, 880 EBA, Albany, New York 12234.
Name _____________________________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Date of Birth ________________ Last four digits of SSN: ___________
Address_______________________________ City________________ State_____ Zip______________
Home Phone ( )__________ - ____________ Work Phone ( ) __________ - ______________
E-mail ___________________________________________________________
1. District where you coach: ____________________________________________________________
Director of Physical Education/Athletics: ________________________________________________
Date first appointment as coach: _____ /____ /_____ Sport(s): _____________________________
2. The coaching courses completed and the agency where courses were taken:
Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education:_____________________________
Health Sciences Related to Coaching:___________________________________________________
Theory and Techniques of Coaching (Sport): _____________________________________________
3. Reasons for requesting an extension:
4. Plans for completing courses (indicate dates and locations):
□ Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education:_______________________________________
□ Health Sciences Applied to Coaching:______________________________________________________________
□ Theory & Techniques of Coaching:________________________________________________________________
I declare and affirm that the statements made in the foregoing application are true and correct.
Signature ___________________________________________________ Date: / /______
Approved _____/_____/_____
Disapproved _____/_____/_____
Returned for Clarification _____/_____/_____
Signed _______________________________
(Update) August 2016
*FIRST AID All cards and/or certificates must be renewed per certifying agency requirements
*Please note- Review courses are only accepted with proof of taking initial course. Participant must possess a current certificate(s) (or
equivalent) in order to take a review course. Challenge courses are not accepted by NYSED.
A NYS State Education Department approved agency that offers First Aid using the SED course outlines and time requirements:
12 hours initial; 5.5 hours update (valid for 3 years) (- Click on Toolkit, then
on Approved Coaching Courses)
American Red Cross
Responding to Emergencies First Aid /CPR/AED
Responding to Emergencies Comprehensive First Aid /CPR/AED
Responding to Emergencies Adult and Child First Aid/CPR/AED
Responding to Emergencies Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
Responding to Emergencies Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED and Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Responding to Emergencies Adult and Child First Aid/CPR/AED and Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Emergency Medical Response
Shallow Water Lifeguarding
Water Attraction Lifeguarding
Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED
Lifeguarding/First Aid
Waterfront Lifeguarding
3. American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
Advanced First Aid
4. Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI)
First Aid, CPR, and AED
Wilderness First Aid
Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention
5. National Safety Council
Advanced First Aid, CPR, and AED
6. NYS Department of Health (DOH) Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Certified First Responder
SED does not require the following to show separate certification in First Aid to coach, HOWEVER A VALID CPR CERTIFICATE WILL BE REQUIRED:
a. All Nurses (RN, LPN, NP) b. Physician Physician Assistant (MD, DO) c. Certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) and
Paramedic d. Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) e. Fire & Police Officers (full time) f. Dentists (Includes
Oral and Maxillofacial
g. Physical Therapists h. Optometrists
*For further clarification on other specific First Aid/CPR certifications not listed, please contact the Associate in
Physical Education at (518) 474-5922.
(Update) August 2016
*ADULT CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) All cards and/or certificates must be renewed per certifying agency requirements
A NYS State Education Department approved agency that offers CPR using the NEW SED course outline and time requirements: 2.5 hours
initial; 1.5 hours update (must be renewed every 2 years to be valid) check out - Click Toolkit, then on Approved Coaching Courses)
American Heart Association Courses (AHA)
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers (BLS Provider)
Heartsaver CPR/AED
Heartsaver First Aid/CPR/AED
American Red Cross Courses
Basic Life Support for Health Care providers (BLS)
CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and Health Care Providers
CPR/AED for Professionals
Adult CPR/AED (Note: For High School level coaches only)
Adult & Child CPR/AED
CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer
Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED
Waterfront Lifeguarding
Shallow Water lifeguarding
Water Attraction Lifeguarding
Emergency Medical Response
o Responding to Emergencies Comprehensive First Aid /CPR/AED
o Responding to Emergencies Adult and Child First Aid/CPR/AED
o Responding to Emergencies Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
o Responding to Emergencies Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED and Bloodborne Pathogens Training
o Responding to Emergencies Adult and Child First Aid/CPR/AED and Bloodborne Pathogens Training
American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
Adult CPR/AED (For High School Coaches only)
Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI)
First Aid, CPR and AED
Sports First Aid & Injury Prevention-NYS Coaches
Health Care Provider CPR & AED
6. National Safety Council (NSC)
Adult and Child CPR & AED
Adult, Child and Infant CPR/AED
o BLS Healthcare and Professional Rescuer
NYS Department of Health (DOH) Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Certified First Responder
*For further clarification on other specific First Aid/CPR certifications not listed, please contact the Associate in Physical
Education at (518) 474-5922.
AHA American Heart Association
ARC American Red Cross
ASEP American Sport Education Program
BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
EMS Emergency Medical Services
FA First Aid
NFHS National Federation of High Schools
NSC National Safety Council
NYSAAA New York State Athletic Administrators Association
NYS AHPERD New York State Association for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance, Inc.
NYSDOH New York State Department of Health
NYSED New York State Education Department
NYSPHSAA New York State Public High School Athletic Association
PCL Professional Coaching License
TCL Temporary Coaching License
Project SAVE Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act