Governor Appoints Three Members
Your Scope
of Practice
Do You Want
You Must
Complete a
Nevada State Board of
March 2005
March 2005
Nevada State Board of
Governor Appoints Three Members
Your Scope
of Practice
Do You Want
You Must
Complete a
In one precise moment
Something happens when you put
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Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
The mission of the Nevada
State Board of Nursing is to
protect the public’s health,
safety and welfare through
effective regulation of nursing.
Debra Scott, MS, RN, APN
Executive Director
Cindy Kimball, Editor
Public Information Officer
5011 Meadowood Mall Way,
Suite 201
Reno, NV 89502-6547
The Nevada State Board of
Nursing News publishes
news and information about
Board actions, regulations, and
activities. Articles may be
reprinted without permission;
attribution is appreciated.
5011 Meadowood Mall Way,
Suite 201
Reno, NV 89502-6547
2500 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 207
Las Vegas, NV 89102-4392
We All Have
Something To Offer
Governor Appoints Three
Board Members
Q&A: Determining Your
Scope of Practice
Extending the Bridge from
Education to Practice
Do You Want To Be
a CNA Instructor?
Board Approves
New CNA Skills
Quick Renewal
Facts for CNAs
Remember, You Must Complete
a Bioterrorism Course
Created by Publishing Concepts, Inc.
Virginia Robertson, President • [email protected] • 14109 Taylor Loop Road • Little Rock, AR 72223 / 501.221.9986
For advertising information contact: Jane Coker at 800.561.4686 • j[email protected]
visit our website
If you’re reading a friend’s
magazine, it’s probably because
you didn’t notify the Board of
your correct address.
You may do so by emailing or
writing the Las Vegas office. Please
include your name, license number
and former and current addresses.
Board Talk 5
Toll-Free Hot Line 16
Do You Have a Question? 21
Board Members 24
You Must Inform the Board
Disciplinary Actions 28
Staff Directory 30
Edition 5
But I Don’t Even
Have a Child!
Board Now Accepts
Credit Cards For Payment
page 17
page 22
page 26
Cover photo: Board members Doreen
Begley, Helen Vos and Mary Ann
Photo by Amy Mazzucotelli
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
I BELIEVE THAT EACH LEVEL of nursing has an
important role in caring for the patient. This
includes the different levels of RN education and the
different LPN and CNA scopes of practice.
It is rewarding to meet a nurse who has worked
from a CNA to the RN level, experiencing all the
levels required to meet the needs of the patient.
Also, it is just as rewarding to meet all the levels
and see individuals who have remained in one
role/field and have experienced job satisfaction in
that position.
CNAs, no matter what field they choose—hospi-
tal, home health, hospice, public/community health,
extended care facilities—appear to be “the first line
of defense.” We rely on them to report any unusual
finding, whether it be to the LPN or RN.
Meanwhile, they are the ones who are able to spend
more time with the patient and form a special bond
of trust with the patient. Sometimes the patient
doesn’t understand all the levels of nursing; they just
understand this is a kind, caring, compassionate per-
son helping them with ADLs.
The LPN role, while just as important, reminds
me of a “middle man.” An LPN is someone who can
do the role of CNA if one is not available, and also
be a valuable assistant to the RN. An LPN can be a
valuable contributing employee to the facility he/she
works in by being flexible. They are the eyes and
ears to promote safe care to patients; they report
directly, not only to the RN, but also to the physi-
cian. Their observations skills are invaluable to the
care of the patient.
The RN remains the one most able to be flexible,
but who also has the greatest opportunity for growth.
He/she has many job opportunities awaiting with the
ability to change areas of expertise. All the skills
acquired in school are used, as also is the experience
obtained with practice. They work with the patient
but still cannot be everywhere, so they rely on help
from the CNA and LPN.
During my nursing career, I have been very fortu-
nate to meet and work with all—the RN, LPN, and
CNA. I have met and worked alongside many dedi-
cated individuals.
It has also been my fortune to see the students
come through the facility where I’m employed—the
LPN and RN students from CCSN, the RN students
from UNLV, and most recently, the Nevada State
College RN students. It is a pleasure to see these
eager, bright students learning to perform nursing
tasks. They‘re anxious to start, look forward to their
careers, and I feel they will be contributing immense-
ly to the future of nursing.
We all have something to offer, and need to con-
tinue to work together. I sincerely believe this is pos-
sible, no matter how the future of nursing evolves.
We All Have
Something To Offer
Patricia Shutt, LPN
President and LPN Member, Nevada State Board of Nursing
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
The openings (listed in parenthe-
ses) will occur in the next six
months. All meetings will be held
via videoconference in Reno
and Las Vegas, except for the
Disability Advisory Committee.
Advanced Practice Advisory
Committee (none)
May 10, 2005
August 16, 2005
November 1, 2005
CNA Advisory Committee (two)
May 11, 2005
August 17, 2005
November 9, 2005
Disability Advisory Committee (two)
Recent appointments: Cookie Bible, BSN,
April 15, 2005—Las Vegas
October 7, 2005—Reno
Education Advisory Committee (one)
Recent appointments: Lisa Kless-Kern,
April 29, 2005
July 29, 2005
November 4, 2005
Nursing Practice Advisory Committee
April 13, 2005
June 8, 2005
August 10, 2005
October 12, 2005
December 7, 2005
A seven-member board appointed by
the governor, the Nevada State Board
of Nursing consists of four registered
nurses, one practical nurse, one certified
nursing assistant and one consumer
member. Its meetings are open to the
public; agendas are posted on the
Board’s web site and at community sites.
March 16, 17, 18, 2005—Reno
May 18, 19, 20, 2005—Las Vegas
July 13, 14, 15, 2005—
Annual business meeting
September 14, 15, 16, 2005—
Las Vegas
November 16, 17, 18, 2005—Reno
The Nevada State Board of Nursing is
advised by and appoints members to
five standing advisory committees.
Committee meetings are open to the
public; agendas are posted on the
Board’s web site and at community sites.
If you are interested in applying for
appointment to fill an upcoming open-
ing, please visit the Board’s web site or
call the Reno office for an application.
During each regularly scheduled meeting of the Nevada State Board of Nursing,
Board members hold a Public Comment period for people to talk to them on nurs-
ing-related issues.
If you want to speak during the Public Comment period, just check the meeting
agenda for the date and time it will be held. Usually, the Board president opens
the first day of each meeting by inviting Public Comment. Time is divided equally
among those who wish to speak.
For more detailed information regarding the Public Comment period, please call
the Reno office.
Board staff will come speak to your organization on a range of nursing-related
topics, including delegation, the impaired nurse, licensure and discipline process-
es, and the Nurse Practice Act.
• May 2005
• August 2005
• November 2005
• February 2006
to reserve advertising space
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are direct mailed to every
licensed nurse in the following
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and growing!
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Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
GOV. KENNY GUINN recently appointed Doreen
Begley, a nursing clinic director for the University of
Nevada, Reno, to the Nevada State Board of Nursing. He
also reappointed nursing executive Helen Vos and univer-
sity nursing professor Mary Ann Lambert. Begley replaces
nurse practitioner and veteran Board member Cookie
Bible, whose second four-year term expired in October.
The seven-member board consists of four registered
nurses, one practical nurse, one certified nursing assistant,
and one consumer member. They are appointed by the
governor to four-year voluntary terms.
Doreen Begley, MS, RN
RN Member
Begley is director of the Orvis Nursing Clinic at the
University of Nevada, Reno. She spent the majority of
her 35 years in the profession as an emergency nurse,
including serving a seven-year term on the Board of
Directors for the National Emergency Nurses
Association. After earning her diploma from the Los
Angeles County General Hospital School of Nursing in
1970, Begley began her career as an emergency depart-
ment nurse at the University of California, San
Francisco, Moffitt Hospital.
Her clinical experience includes emergency nursing
positions at San Francisco General Hospital; Tahoe Forest
Hospital in Truckee, California; Maui Memorial Hospital in
Hawaii; Northern Nevada Medical Center, and Washoe
Medical Center. A published author and experienced pre-
senter, Begley earned her bachelor’s degree in health sci-
ence from the College of St. Francis, Joliet, Illinois, in
1994; and a master of science degree in health services
administration from the University of St. Francis in 2000.
In 2001, Begley accepted the newly created position of
nurse executive for the Nevada Hospital Association. In
that role, she established and directed the Nursing
Governor Appoints
Three Board Members
New member Doreen Begley
joins reappointed members
Helen Vos and Mary Ann Lambert
Doreen Begley, MS, RN
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
Institute of Nevada, a statewide collaborative formed to
address nursing shortage issues in Nevada. The Institute
played a key nursing advocacy role in the successful effort
to double the state’s nursing school enrollment.
Begley said her background and experience has helped
shape the perspective she brings to her new role as a
Board member: “I think of myself as a fair person, capable
of listening to all sides of an issue and coming to a reason-
able conclusion. I have been a strong advocate for both
patients and nursing colleagues throughout my entire
career, and I look forward to being able to participate in
the regulation and promotion of safe nursing practice for
the citizens of Nevada.”
Helen Vos, MS, RN
RN Member
Vos is the chief nursing officer for Mountain View
Hospital in Las Vegas. She began her nursing career in
1974 as a staff nurse in the neurosurgical intensive care
unit of the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond.
Her experience includes positions as ICU charge nurse,
neuroscience clinical nurse specialist, director of clinical
projects, clinical and quality services leader, nursing
consultant, and vice president of clinical services. Vos
has spent much of her career working for university med-
ical centers such as Baylor University in Dallas and the
University of California at San Diego.
“I found my first four years on the Board a very
rewarding, enlightening experience,” Vos said. “One of
the accomplishments I am most proud of is helping to
foster effective communication and collaboration
between the nursing community and the Board. I look
forward to continuing to further those efforts. After all,
we share the same goal of providing safe and quality
nursing care for the citizens of Nevada.”
Vos received her nursing diploma from St. Luke’s
Methodist School of Nursing in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; her
bachelor of science in nursing from Coe College in
Cedar Rapids; and her master of science from Texas
Women’s University in Dallas. A member of the
American Association of Critical Care Nurses, the
Nevada Organization of Nurse Leaders and the Sigma
Theta Tau International Honor Society, Vos is a pub-
lished author and is a national speaker on topics related
to Neuroscience Nursing, Critical Care and Nursing
Mary Ann Lambert, MSN, RN
RN Member
Lambert is an assistant professor of adult health nurs-
ing in the University of Nevada, Reno’s Orvis School of
Nursing. She is the undergraduate coordinator for the
BSN and RN/BSN programs. Lambert is also nursing
coordinator/house supervisor at Washoe Medical Center.
Her nursing career spans 30 years and includes positions
ranging from staff nurse to instructor to nurse manager
to clinical nurse specialist.
“I have learned a great deal in the first four years and
feel like now I can make even more of a contribution to
regulation and nursing in the state of Nevada,” Lambert
said. “The contributions I’ve made have been mainly in
the area of regulating nursing education, making it possi-
ble for Nevada’s universities and community colleges to
hire the faculty they need to double their enrollments.
One of my goals this term is to find better ways to meas-
ure the success of nursing programs.”
Before her appointment to the Board in 2000,
Lambert served as a member of the Board’s Nursing
Practice Advisory Committee from 1998 to 2001. She is
a member of the Nevada Nurses Association, Sigma
Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, and the
Helen Vos, MS, RN
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Lambert
received the Orvis School of Nursing’s Outstanding
Faculty Award in 1999, and the Most Inspirational
Faculty Award (given by Orvis graduating classes) in
1997, 1999, and 2002.
Lambert, who earned both her master’s and bache-
lor’s of science degrees in nursing from the University
of Nevada, Reno, began her career at St. Mary’s
Hospital in 1971 as staff nurse. In 1976, she moved to
Washoe Medical Center. 1979 marked the beginning
of Lambert’s teaching career, when she began working
as a nursing instructor for Truckee Meadows
Community College. In1984, she left TMCC to join
the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, where she
taught nursing for two years, then became a nurse
manager for the university’s neurosciences units, where
she stayed for eight years. Before coming back to Reno
in 1996 to teach at the Orvis School of Nursing,
Lambert worked for two years at the University of
Minnesota’s Hospital and Clinics as a clinical nurse
specialist for neuroscience.
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Mary Ann Lambert, MSN, RN
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
Every day, the Board receives many calls and emails regarding scope of prac-
tice, ranging from whether a Nevada license is required to staff a telephone
advice line to whether an LPN can perform intravenous therapy.
While the Nurse Practice Act and the Board’s practice decisions do specifi-
cally address some of these questions (e.g. telenursing), there is no one “list” of
acceptable procedures.
The Nurse Practice Act defines nursing in terms of applying the nursing
process, teaching health care practices, and managing the practice of nursing.
To determine if providing a specific service or procedure is acceptable prac-
tice, both the specific circumstances involving the patient’s condition and the
competency of the nurse must be considered.
Published inside the Nurse Practice Act (revised May 2004) is a list of spe-
cific practice decisions (pages 91-95) and a guideline and decision tree for deter-
mining scope of practice (page 96-97). The guideline lists basic questions you
should ask if you’re trying to determine whether a practice is within your scope.
If you can answer yes to all the questions, and other state or federal laws and
regulations don’t prohibit it, the practice is probably within your scope.
Here are answers to some of the scope of practice questions the Board is fre-
quently asked.
Q Do you need a Nevada license to staff a telephone
advice line?
Yes, if the patient is in Nevada. Here is the Board’s practice decision on
this topic:
An RN may practice telenursing, defined as the provision of nursing
care or advice from a remote location through the use of telecommuni-
Determining Your
Scope of Practice
There is no “list” of
acceptable procedures
Chris Sansom, RN
Director of Operations
“Why won’t the Board of Nursing
publish a list of all approved skills
for each nursing discipline?” This is
a question we are frequently asked.
In establishing the Nevada State
Board of Nursing, the legislature
declared the purpose of the Board
was to regulate the practice of
nursing and to enforce the provi-
sions of the Nurse Practice Act.
This does not mean dictating how
your practice is implemented. The
practice of nursing is constantly
evolving to keep up with current
technology and research. The
Board does not want to be a
roadblock to that progress. The
“Determining Your Scope of
Practice” algorithm was created to
allow nurses to work with their
chief nurse to develop policies and
procedures that are consistent with
current customary standards of
nursing practice.
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
cations equipment including, but not limited to, a tele-
phone, teletype, facsimile machine or other equipment
capable of transmitting a video image. Telenursing
involves the use of comprehensive written protocols for
potential implementation of treatment by nurses. The
Nevada State Board of Nursing has established the fol-
lowing practice guidelines.
1) Only Registered Nurses, currently licensed in the
State of Nevada, may practice telenursing in relation
to patients in Nevada.
2) Per NAC 632.249, the nurse practicing telenursing
must identify himself by name and title.
3) After completion of a nursing assessment of the
patient, the nurse practicing telenursing may provide
advice based on the use of written physician proto-
cols (which may include over-the-counter medica-
tions), published reference guides or software proto-
cols approved by the medical staff.
4) All telenursing interactions including, but not limited
to, the collection of demographic data, health history,
assessment of chief complaint, protocols followed,
referrals and follow-ups, must be electronically record-
ed. (6/02)
Q Can an LPN administer flu shots in a clinic?
How about nursing students?
They may be able to do so, under appropriate
conditions. LPNs and nursing students have supervi-
sory requirements that must be in place, and each
must have documented competency to perform the
nursing task.
Per NRS 632.017, an LPN must practice under the
direction of a registered professional nurse, an
advanced practitioner of nursing, a licensed physi-
cian, a licensed physician assistant, a licensed dentist
or a licensed podiatric physician. Therefore, an LPN
must have an order and direction from one of these
practitioners. If any assessment is required by the
client prior to receiving the injections, an LPN is not
qualified to perform this nursing function and would
need to refer the client to the appropriate person.
Per NAC 632.252, a nursing student may administer
injections if working in the capacity of an apprentice
nurse in a health care facility, or a community health
clinic, and working under the direction of a registered
nurse who is present at the site. The nursing student
may only perform those tasks that they have success-
fully demonstrated in their program of education.
Q May a CNA work as a medical assistant?
A CNA may choose to have a separate job as a medical
assistant. However, the hours worked as a medical assis-
tant do not qualify toward the 400-hour CNA renewal
requirement. This applies even if the employer requires
an employee to have a CNA certificate for a specific
position (see related article on page 21). A CNA has a
very specific and limited scope of practice. Medical assis-
tant practice falls under the direction and supervision of
a physician who is regulated by the Board of Medical
Q What are the nurse’s responsibilities in
supervising medical assistants?
Nurses supervise non-licensed personnel daily in prac-
tice. Nurses may not delegate nursing care to unqualified
or unlicensed personnel. However, they may assign tasks
(see NAC 632.222 and NAC 632.224). However, if a
nurse is supervising a medical assistant, the nurse is
responsible and accountable for duties she assigns to the
medical assistant.
Q May an LPN serve as the chief nurse and
supervise RNs?
The answer lies both in the Nurse Practice Act and in
facility regulations. Per NRS 632.240, nursing services
must be supervised by a chief administrative nurse, who
must be a registered nurse. Also, LPNs work under the
direction of a registered nurse, not the other way around
(see NRS 632.017).
Facility regulation (NAC 449.74517), enforced by the
Nevada State Health Division’s Bureau of Licensure and
Certification, allows an LPN to work as the charge nurse
in a facility for skilled nursing, but not as the chief
administrative nurse. Here is the relevant text of that
NAC 449.74517 Nursing Staff.
(2) A facility for skilled nursing shall employ a full-time
registered nurse to act as the chief administrative
nurse. The chief administrative nurse must have:
(a) At least 3 years of experience providing
nursing care in a hospital or facility for
long-term care; and
(b) Experience supervising other employees.
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
Q Is a nurse qualified to make a determination
of whether or not to initiate CPR if the
patient does not have a DNR order?
The answer is no. If a patient in a medical facility does
not have a “Do Not Resuscitate” order by a physician or
a signed valid Advanced Directives form in his or her
chart designating no CPR, the nurse must initiate CPR
upon finding the patient without pulse and respiration.
Failing to initiate CPR may be considered a violation of
the Nevada Nurse Practice Act including but not limit-
ed to NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct, and
NAC 632.890 (24) failing to collaborate, (27) custom-
ary standards, (28) causing harm, and (33) abusing or
neglecting a patient.
Registered nurses have been given the authority by the
legislature to pronounce death and sign a death certifi-
cate, but only under very specific conditions. Here is the
relevant text from NRS 440.415:
NRS 440.415 Pronouncement of death by registered
nurse: Conditions; release of body; regulations.
1. A physician who anticipates the death of a patient
because of an illness, infirmity or disease may author-
ize a specific registered nurse or the registered nurses
employed by a medical facility or program for hospice
care to make a pronouncement of death if they
attend the death of the patient.
2. Such an authorization is valid for 120 days. Except
as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the authori-
zation must:
(a) Be a written order entered on the chart of the
(b) State the name of the registered nurse or
nurses authorized to make the pronounce-
ment of death; and
(c) Be signed and dated by the physician.
3. If the patient is in a medical facility or under the care
of a program for hospice care, the physician may
authorize the registered nurses employed by the facili-
ty or program to make pronouncements of death
without specifying the name of each nurse.
4. If a pronouncement of death is made by a registered
nurse, the physician who authorized that action shall
sign the medical certificate of death within 24 hours
after being presented with the certificate.
5. If a patient in a medical facility is pronounced dead
by a registered nurse employed by the facility, the reg-
istered nurse may release the body of the patient to a
licensed funeral director pending the completion of
the medical certificate of death by the attending
physician if the physician or the medical director or
chief of the medical staff of the facility has authorized
the release in writing.
Q May licensed nurses administer
over-the-counter medications without
a physician order?
If a person is employed as an RN or LPN, he or she can
only administer medications (including over-the-count-
er) under the regulation that governs prescriptions—
NAC 632.071 “Prescription” defined. According to that
regulation, “prescription” means authorization to admin-
ister medications or treatment issued by an APN, a
licensed physician, a licensed physician assistant, a
licensed dentist or a licensed podiatric physician in the
form of a written or oral order, a policy or procedure of a
facility, or a written protocol developed by the prescrib-
ing practitioner. So, an RN or LPN can only give over-
the-counter medications with a prescription.
Q Can LPNs do assessments in long-term
care settings?
They can contribute to the assessment, just as they can
in any setting, according to “Nursing Roles and
Responsibilities” (page 98 of the Nurse Practice Act,
revised May 2004). At the direction of an RN, APN,
licensed physician, licensed physician assistant, or
licensed dentist, an LPN can contribute to assessments
of health status by (1) collecting, reporting, and record-
ing objective and subjective data, (2) observation of
conditions or change in condition, and (3) signs and
symptoms of deviation from normal health status.
Q May licensed nurses perform a task or duty
assigned by a physician if the physician
has given them direction to do so and has
indicated they are “working under his
Licensed nurses may only perform those duties and tasks
that are within their scope of practice as defined by the
Nevada Nurse Practice Act. Licensed nurses never work
“under” anyone else’s license.
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
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Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
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Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
www.nursingboard.state.nv.usNevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
Almost three years ago, the Board
approved guidelines for health care
facilities that wished to hire RN stu-
dent nurses in apprentice positions.
The resulting apprentice nursing pro-
grams proved so successful, the Board
in November adopted a set of appren-
tice guidelines for practical nursing
students. Those guidelines, developed
by the Board’s Education Advisory
Committee, are printed here and can
be found on the Board’s web site
under the link Education.
Contributes to assessment of health
status by:
Advanced Directives
objective & subjective data
AM care
Ambulation of patients
Answer call lights
Back rubs
Bathing patients (bed, assist, sponge,
tub, shower, whirlpool)
Bathroom (assist with commode, bed
pans, urinals)
Bed making
Bowel and bladder, assist with
*Cast care, routine patient care with
RN assist
*Catheters Suprapubic:
Site care
Emptying drainage bag
Charting, flow sheets
Graphic/vital signs record
Profile, admission data collecting
Flowsheet, I & O
Care of/assist with patient on
specialty bed
Code - As appropriate (with basic CPR)
Contribute to patient assessment
Diet - Appropriate for age and
Feeding patients, verifying diet
Assist with menus, passing trays
Discharging patients, assisting with
Dressing and undressing
*Dressing changes: sterile and
Surgical, simple (uncomplicated)
Moist, unsterile
•Wet to dry
*Enema (fleets, soap suds)
Oil retention
Errands as directed: supplies and
*Elastic stockings, measuring
*Foley Catheter (insertion under
supervision of licensed nurse and
site care)
Care of patient with Foley
Emptying drainage bag
HS care/PM care
Hair care (shampoo, brush, comb)
Harris flush
I & O (Also be able to follow
Contact, Droplet, Respiratory and
Impaired mobility management,
Intravenous Therapy
Start peripheral line or peripher-
al access device with needles
that are no longer than 3”
Administer IV fluids without addi-
tives or medications
IV site care
Change a central venous
catheter dressing
Removal of peripheral line which
is no longer than 3”
Flush lock
*Isolation - technique following
guidelines (Standard Precautions)
*Jejunostomy - gavages of existing tube
*K-pad - administration and
monitoring, use of
Linen, emptying
May administer oral, intra-mus-
cular, subcutaneous, otic, oph-
thalmic or nasal, tube or PCA
May NOT administer intra-
venous medications (push, pig-
gyback or additives)
Extending the Bridge from
Education to Practice
Board adopts apprentice nurse
guidelines for PN students
An apprentice nurse is an RN or PN nursing student, currently
enrolled in a Nevada nursing program. The apprentice nurse
works at a health care facility providing nursing care following
a Board of Nursing approved skills list. As apprentice nurses
progress through their nursing programs, their ability to perform
more of the approved skills increases. The Apprentice Nurse
Program offers students the opportunity to practice their clinical
skills and to acclimate to the role of the professional nurse.
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
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May NOT administer epidural
*Nasogastric Tube (with the exception
of weighted tip enteral feeding tube)
Administer enteral tube &
GT/PEG feeding
Gastric suctioning
Observe condition or change in
Oral hygiene (conscious and
unconscious patient)
Brush, floss, denture care
*Orthopedic devices (knee
immobilizer, cervical collars, slings,
crutches, CPM, etc.)
Change bag, skin care
Orientation of patients to room/unit
*Oxygen therapy (mask, nasal
cannula, blow-by)
Patient Education
Reinforcement of established
written teaching plan
*Patient weight/height
(standing/chair/bed scale/sling)
*Perineal care
Positioning patient in bed
Post Mortem Care - assist with care
*Pulse Oximetry - record and report
Range of Motion (ROM) exercises
Simple ROM
Rectal digital stimulation, under RN
direction (not to perform on new
paraplegics or quadriplegics)
*Restraints/Safety Devices - apply,
release/care of patient
Safety - fall prevention
Care of patient, reporting
Seizure care - precautions,
Shaving patients
*Skin care
Pressure ulcer prevention
Collect skin care related data
*Specimen collection handling
Respiratory secretions and sputum
Rectal, stool
*Manipulated specimen
collection: wound drainage,
indwelling catheter
*Staples - removal, with assist of
licensed nurse
*Steri-strips - application/removal
*Suctioning - oral, nasal, tracheal
*Surgical drains - Care of Jackson
Pratt, J-Vac and JT-tubes
*Suture removal
Tracheotomy care and suctioning
*Traction equipment
Setting up (trapeze only)
Assist RN/LPN/PT with initial
Assist RN/LPN/PT with care
of patient
Reapply traction
Transportation of patients and
Valuables and other property,
appropriate care of
Vital signs (including apical pulse)
*Involves the use of special equip-
ment and tools—follow manufactur-
er’s instructions
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
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or in Reno calling
area, 688-2620
The Nevada State Board of
Nursing has a hot line to help con-
sumers who have questions or con-
cerns about the nursing care they
or their loved ones are receiving.
Please encourage your friends,
families and patients to call the hot
line if they have concerns about
nursing care. And remember, if you
or anyone else wishes to file a
complaint against a nursing assis-
tant or nurse, it must be done in
writing. Complaint forms can be
requested by calling the hot line or
can be obtained by visiting the
Board’s web site.
For more information,
call us today at 1-800-853-5803
or fax resumes attention: HR Director at 702-579-4343
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Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
Do You Want To Be A
CNA Instructor?
Please check with the Board first
If you’re thinking about becoming an instructor for a CNA training program,
please first contact the Board’s Las Vegas office to learn if you will qualify for
instructor certification.
To become a certified CNA instructor, you must:
Hold a permanent RN nursing license
in Nevada
Have two years of nursing experience
Have one year experience in the care of the
elderly or chronically ill (must provide a letter
on letterhead from a current or past employer
verifying one year of experience in caring for
the elderly or chronically ill)
Have no disciplinary action, administrative
action, or any complaints pending against
your license
Complete the Board-approved Train-the-
Trainer course at the Community College of
Southern Nevada, Great Basin College, or
Truckee Meadows Community College*
Complete the instructor application
Submit fee of $100
*The Board screens interested individuals for qualifications before they enroll in
the Train-the-Trainer course
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
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After more than three years of
research and discussion, the CNA
Advisory Committee recommended
the Board make several additions to
the CNA Skills Guidelines.
Committee members testified at the
November 17-18 Regular Board
Meeting in Reno, giving the Board
the background and rationale for
adding the new skills.
Linda Dammeyer, MS, RN, and
Vivencio (Junji) C. Navarro, Jr. MSN,
RN, told the Board that the addition
of the skills will push the quality of
nursing care upward. “For example,”
Dammeyer said, “bladder scan avail-
ability helps patients avoid foley
catheters.” They also pointed out that
all the skills the committee recom-
mended, and more, can be found in
current CNA textbooks. Dammeyer is
the director of the CNA training pro-
gram at the Community College of
Southern Nevada and Navarro is one
of the program’s instructors. Navarro
is also employed at Silver Hills Health
Care Center.
Board members, who had reviewed
the committee’s research and recom-
mendations before the meeting, asked
several questions regarding the skills
and the training required to perform
them. They then voted to add them
to the CNA Skills Guidelines. The
new skills are listed below. The entire
list of skills is on the Board’s web site,
or can be obtained by contacting the
Board’s Las Vegas office.
Perform bladder scan
Perform EKG
Apply monitor leads
Adjust oxygen flow rate
Apply dry sterile dressing
CPR and Automated
External Defibrillation
Please note: CNAs wishing to
perform these tasks that were not
included in their original training
must receive further training and
demonstrate competency before
they can perform them. Contact
your facility’s nursing education
or staff development director for
additional information.
Board Approves New CNA Skills
List includes bladder scans and EKGs
Nursing Instructors Needed
Nursing Instructors Needed
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
The newly approved CNA skills have been incorporated into the Board’s
Model Curriculum used by Nursing Assistant Training Programs
The Board also approved this process for a CNA to obtain these skills if they
were not taught in the CNAs original training program:
The skills must be taught by the facility nursing education or staff development
The skills must be taught by an RN, who is currently licensed in Nevada, has
at least two years of experience as an RN, one of which must be in the care
of the elderly or chronically ill
The RN does not have to be certified by the Board as a CNA instructor
A certificate of completion for each skill completed must be issued to the CNA
from the nursing education or staff development department/division.
Regarding the additional skills, please note:
Performing an EKG does not mean interpretation of the results
Placement of monitor leads does not mean interpretation of the rhythm results
or performance of duties as a “monitor technician”
Application of a dry sterile dressing does not mean assessing the status of a
wound or providing wound care
Adjusting oxygen flow rates means there has been a medical order received by
the RN or LPN to make the adjustment; the task is then assigned to the CNA
Performing a bladder scan does not mean interpretation of the results
The individual CNA must possess the knowledge and competency to
perform the skills
As with all CNA skills, these additional skills can only be performed at
the direction of an RN or LPN
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
If you have questions regarding
nursing practice, the first place to
look is inside your Nurse Practice
Act. If after reading it, you still
have questions, call the Reno
office. If it is an issue that needs
further definition, you may
request the Board issue a prac-
tice decision. The Board will then
ask its Nursing Practice Advisory
Committee to research the issue
and make a recommendation.
The Nevada Nurse Practice Act is
a 5-1/2” by 8-1/2” booklet. It’s
just $5 if you buy it at the Reno
or Las Vegas office, and $8 by
mail (make check or money order
payable to the Nevada State
Board of Nursing).
The Board’s web site nursing- has a link to the
state laws (NRS), regulations
(NAC), and practice decisions
which make up the Nurse Practice
Act. It also contains a separate
section on practice information,
including guidelines for determin-
ing scope of practice.
Quick Renewal
Facts for CNAs
You need to renew your certificate every two years.
To renew your certificate
you must prove you worked 400 hours in your scope
of practice as a CNA, under the direction of a
licensed nurse (RN or LPN).*
you must prove you completed 24 hours of inservice
you must complete and submit your renewal applica-
tion (available on the Board’s web site) and submit it
to the Board with the fee of $50 on or before your
expiration date
In counties with populations of less than 10,000, CNAs
who worked less than the required 400 hours may sub-
mit, as equivalent, additional hours of either in-service
education or college credits earned while working
toward a higher degree in nursing. Nevada counties
with populations of less than 10,000 are currently
Esmeralda, Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, Pershing,
Storey, and White Pine.
Those of you who used your nursing fundamentals in
lieu of a training program to qualify to take the certifica-
tion test were “grandfathered” into the system using
your nursing education. You must always submit your
complete renewal application on or before your expira-
tion date.
*Employers, please don’t put your CNAs in a “Catch-22” posi-
tion by requiring they have a CNA certificate to work as a
monitor technician, transporter, EKG technician, rehabilitation
technician, etc., without assigning them at least 400 hours of
work as a CNA within the two-year renewal time frame.
Remember, You Must Complete
a Bioterrorism Course
Nevada law requires it
As we’ve mentioned in previous
issues of NSBN News, the 2003 Nevada
legislature passed Assembly Bill 250,
which requires that several types of
health care professionals, including
nurses, take four hours of continuing
education “relating to the medical con-
sequences of an act of terrorism that
involves the use of a weapon of mass
The requirement went into effect
for all nurses renewing their
Nevada licenses after December
31, 2004. Four of the 30 continu-
ing education credits required for
your renewal must be earned in a
bioterrorism course that meets the
bill’s requirements.
The bill specifies that the course of
instruction must include:
a. An overview of acts of terrorism and
weapons of mass destruction;
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
Taking any CE course?
It doesn’t have to cost
you anything, but it
must be offered by an
approved provider.
b. Personal protective equipment
required for acts of terrorism;
c. Common symptoms and methods of
treatment associated with exposure
to, or injuries caused by, chemical,
biological, radioactive and nuclear
d. Syndromic surveillance and report-
ing procedures for acts of terrorism
that involve biological agents; and
e. An overview of the information
available on, and the use of, the
Health Area Network.
Completing a bioterrorism course
which meets the requirements of the
law is a one-time requirement of all
RNs and LPNs with active Nevada
licenses. Once the course is completed,
it doesn’t have to be taken again.
Beginning January 1, 2005, all nurses
renewing their licenses must have com-
pleted this four-hour bioterrorism course
as part of their CE renewal require-
ment. On that date, the Board’s random
CE audits began to include auditing for
proof that renewing nurses have com-
pleted the bioterrorism course.
The four hours may be counted as
part of the 30-hour CE requirement for
RN and LPN renewal, and as part of
the 45-hour CE requirement for APN
and CRNA renewal. (Remember you
must retain your CE certificates for four
years, so that you have proof you met
the CE renewal requirement in the
event you are audited.)
While the legislature didn’t mandate
the course for CNAs, the Board highly
encourages them to take it as part of
their 24-hour in-service training renew-
al requirement.
When considering any continuing
education course, please make sure
that the CE provider is approved by
the Board (see below). If it is not, it
won’t count toward the 30-hour
renewal requirement. In addition,
when reviewing a potential bioterror-
ism course, make sure the course con-
tent covers the subject matter mandat-
ed by the Nevada legislature. Be
aware—many courses entitled
“Bioterrorism” only cover one or two
of the mandated subjects.
If you took a bioterrorism course
before January 1, 2005 and after
October 1, 2003, AND it met the
requirements of the law, the Board
will count that course as meeting
your one-time requirement. Just
make sure you keep a copy of the
certificate in case you are audited.
If you have any questions regarding
this new requirement, please feel free
to call the Board.
If a continuing education provider is an academic institution
or recognized by one of the organizations below, it is consid-
ered an “approved provider” by the Nevada State Board of
Nursing. If a provider doesn’t fall into one of those two cate-
gories, please call the Las Vegas office to verify the provider
is approved by the Board.
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American Nurse Credentialing Center
Commission on Accreditation
National Association of Pediatric Nurse
Associates and Practitioners
National League for Nursing
The Board’s web site ( has a
brief listing of approved continuing education providers
whose bioterrorism courses appear to meet the legislative
intent for the bioterrorism classes. Please note that it is not a
comprehensive list.
As you review the list and/or receive any mailings about
other bioterrorism courses, please remember—you are
responsible for ensuring the course you take meets the
requirements of the law (see main article).
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
The Nevada State Board of Nursing is a seven-member board
appointed by the governor of Nevada consisting of four registered
nurses, one licensed practical nurse, one certified nursing assistant,
and one consumer member.
If you wish to contact a Board member, please write c/o Nevada
State Board of Nursing 5011 Meadowood Mall Way #201, Reno,
NV 89502-6547; call 688-2620 (toll-free outside Reno calling area
1-800-746-3980); or email [email protected].us
The Board has authority
only over its licensees
and certificate holders
and not over the facilities
in which these individu-
als practice. The Board
enforces the Nurse
Practice Act (the law reg-
ulating nursing practice),
with funding for all of its
activities coming solely
from the fees paid to the
Board by licensees and
certificate holders. The
Board does not have
authority to take action
on issues that are of an
employment nature, or
those that relate to the
nursing profession as a
whole. These matters are
best dealt with by the
state labor commissioner,
nursing associations,
labor unions, or other
similar entities.
Patricia Shutt, LPN
President, LPN Member
Mary Ann Lambert, MSN, RN
Vice President, RN Member
Member Helen Vos, MS, RN
Secretary, RN Member
Dorothy Perkins, CNA
CNA Member
David Burgio, MS, RN, APN
RN Member
Doreen Begley, MS, RN
RN Member
Joseph Cortez
Consumer Member
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
Publication Schedule
• May 25th 2005
• August 25th 2005
• Nov 25th 2005
• Feb 24th 2006
For Ad info and reservations
Need Representation
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Nurse’s Name______________________________________ Credentials ________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________ State _____________ Zip _______________
Phone_________________________________ email _________________________________
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Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
The Post Office Will Not
Forward Your Renewal
The law requires you to inform the
Board when you change addresses
You’re required by law to inform the Board, in
writing, of any address change, including a zip code
change. Even if you’ve asked the post office to for-
ward your mail, it will not forward your renewal
application. You may use the address change form
below, mail a signed letter to the Las Vegas office, or
send an email to [email protected].us.
Remember to include your name, license or certifi-
cate type and number, former address, current
address, social security number, and date of birth. If
you choose to email us, please send a separate email to
the Board rather than using an address change service.
Change of address form
Name (Last, First, Middle)
Type of License ____________________________________
License Number ___________________________________
Date of Birth ______________________________________
Social Security #___________________________________
Former Address ____________________________________
City, State, Zip Code _______________________________
Current Address
City, State, Zip Code _______________________________
Mail to: Nevada State Board of Nursing
2500 W. Sahara Ave. #207
Las Vegas, NV 89102-4392
But I don’t even
have a child!
We often hear this lament from people whose
applications have been returned to them
because they didn’t think the child support sec-
tion applied to them.
But we don’t have a choice. It’s a federal law
that requires applicants to complete the child
support section, even if they don’t have chil-
Your application will be returned as incom-
plete unless you (1) check or answer one of the
statements (2) mark only one statement and (3)
sign and repeat your social security number in
the child support section of the application.
Board Now
Accepts Credit
Cards For
As part of its
ongoing efforts to
improve customer
service and con-
venience, the
Board in
February began
accepting major
credit cards in addition to cash, checks,
and money orders. You can now use your
MasterCard™, Visa™, or Discover™ card
to pay for any Board service. You can use
your credit card on line, over the phone,
and through the mail.
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
For more information visit these advertisers
on their websites or at
NCSBN Review for the
NCLEX–RN Exam Online
National Council State Board of Nursing
Home loans & Mortgages
Gif ts for that
special nurse
Nation Wide Medical
Staffing Specialists
Terri Hill RN, CNOR • • 877-369-5672
A Family of Healthcare Professionals
LaTonia Denise Wright, R.N. B.S.N., J.D.
Representing Nurses and Dialysis Technicians
in Board Disciplinary Investigations and Proceedings
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[email protected]
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Nursing Instructors Needed
The Internet Nursing Marketplace will appear in
every issue of all our state boards of nursing
magazines across the country—plus your banner
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email Laura Norris at: [email protected]
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Case Manager with acute
care hospital & UR experience
Email resumes to:
Fax: 775-883-8145
or stop by 3208 Goni Rd.
Ste. 181 to pick up
an application
No calls please.
Go to:
Mailing List Reminder
You can request to be removed
The Board sells its mailing lists to various organizations, based on their applications.
Examples include the Nevada Nurses Association, which mails its newsletter RNformation
to all actively licensed Nevada nurses; continuing education providers; uniform companies;
and researchers.
If you wish to remove your address from the Board’s mailing list, you may do so by mak-
ing a request in writing.
Just send an email to [email protected].us or mail a signed letter to the Las Vegas
office. Please include your full name, address, and license or cer-
tificate number. If you choose to remove your address, you will
still receive official Board communications such as this magazine,
the NSBN News, but you will not receive the material sent by
the organizations that purchase the Board’s mailing list.
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
Disciplinary Actions
Before disciplinary action is taken,
the Board ensures the nurse or
nursing assistant is given due process
The following are disciplinary
and licensure/certification actions
taken by the Nevada State Board of
Nursing for the period of September
25, 2004 through November 18,
2004. Please note that this list does
not include some outcomes of the
November 17-18, 2004 Board meet-
ing due to legal notice requirements.
Those outcomes will be reported in
the next disciplinary actions list. This
list does include some outcomes of the
May 19-21, 2004 and September 22-
24, 2004 Board meetings that were
not reported earlier due to legal notice
Settlement Agreements and/or
Hearing Outcomes
Castro, Erik, CNA011348
Certificate revoked for violation of NRS
632.320 (14) failing to comply with Board
Clear, Brenda, LPN11844
License revoked for violation of NRS
632.320 (2) conviction.
Cuevas, Rosemarie, RN29087
License revoked for violation of NRS
632.320 (13) deceive, defraud a patient,
(7) unprofessional conduct, and NAC
632.890 (36) practicing without an active
Cole, Linda, CNA002135
Order of Probation for violation of NRS
632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct, and
NAC 632.890 (17) soliciting or borrowing
money from a patient and (34) misappro-
priating the property of a patient.
Deller, Beverly, CNA016819
Reprimand and class for violation of NRS
632.320 (2) conviction.
Devorss, Jennifer, LPN12141
License revoked for violation of NRS
632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct, and
NAC 632.890 (2) practicing beyond
scope, (10) positive drug screen on duty
and (27) customary standards.
Dillard, Maryanne, RN18279
Agreement for Probation for violation of
NRS 632.320 (5) controlled substances.
Duclos, Melinda, RN32967
Order of Probation for violation of NRS
632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct and
NAC 632.890 (9) practicing while ability
impaired and (27) customary standards.
Etcheberry, Jennifer, CNA016192
Agreement for Probation for violation of
NRS 632.320 (2) conviction.
Frantti, Myra, RN18952
Agreement for Reprimand for violation
of NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional
conduct, and NAC 632.890 (20)
inaccurate recording or falsifying and
(27) customary standards.
Gneiting, Bret, RN40605
Agreement for Fine of $100 for violation
of NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional con-
duct, and NAC 632.890 (36) practicing
without an active license.
Hampton, Courtney, CNA017489
Certificate revoked for violation of
NRS 632.320 (14) failing to comply
with Board order.
Haynes, Geralynn, CNA015323
Certificate revoked for violation of NRS
632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct, and
NAC 632.890 (34) misappropriation of a
patient’s property.
Johnson, Jennifer, CNA013953
Certificate suspended for violation of NRS
632.320 (14) failing to comply with Board
Jones, Kathleen, RN13623
Agreement for Probation for violation of
NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct,
and NAC 632.890 (9) practicing while
Please do not use this list of disciplinary actions for verifying
licensure or certification status.
Other action may have taken
place between the time the discipline was imposed and the time
of publication. To verify licensure or certification status, please
visit our web site or call the Las Vegas or Reno office.
NRS Nevada Revised Statutes
NAC Nevada Administrative Code
ability impaired and (10) positive drug
screen on duty.
Koehm, Adam, RN applicant
Order of Probation for violation of NRS
632.320 (2) convictions.
Koyen, Scott, RN43010
Voluntary Surrender of License in Lieu of
Other Disciplinary Action for violation of
NRS 632.320 (5) controlled substances,
(7) unprofessional conduct, and NAC
632.890 (18) diversion.
Linehan, Dana, RN25746
Voluntary Surrender of License in Lieu of
Other Disciplinary Action for violation of
NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct
and NAC 632.890 (10) positive drug
screen on duty and (18) diversion.
Neder, Gail, RN29472
Agreement for Probation for violation of
NRS 632.320 (5) controlled substances
and (7) unprofessional conduct and NAC
632.890 (18) diversion, (20) inaccurate
recording or falsifying records, and (27)
customary standards.
Peaden, Karen, CNA006619
Agreement for Reprimand for violation of
NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct,
and NAC 632.890 (2) practicing beyond
scope and (27) customary standards.
Ponder, Patricia, RN16967
License suspended for violation of NRS
632.320 (14) failing to comply with Board
Rax, Lisa, LPN11444
Agreement for Probation for violation of
NRS 632.320 (5) controlled substances.
Ryan, Patricia, LPN04746
Agreement for Probation for violation of
NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct
and NAC 632.890 (10) positive drug
screen on duty.
Sherron, Connie, RN36283
Voluntary Surrender of License in Lieu of
Other Disciplinary Action for violation of
NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct,
NRS 632.320 (14) failing to comply with
Board order, NAC 632.890 (16) failing to
properly document the administration of a
controlled substance and (18) diversion.
Toney, Debra, RN30972
Order of Probation and Reprimand for
violation of NRS 632.320 (14) failing to
comply with Board order.
Turnbull, James, RN17501
Order of Probation, including prohibition
against direct patient contact, for viola-
tion of NRS 632.320 (2) conviction.
Weaver, Ellengay, LPN10916
Agreement for Probation for violation of
NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct
and 632.890 (11) positive pre-employ-
ment drug screen.
Weber, Michele, RN31227
Agreement for Reprimand for violation of
NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct,
NAC 632.890 (2) practicing beyond
scope, (18) diversion, and (27) customary
Denials of Applications for
Licensure or Certification
Dorsette, Anna, RN applicant
Gbenjo, Emmanuel, LPN applicant
Applications denied for violation of NRS
632.320 (1) is guilty of fraud or deceit in
procuring or attempting to procure a
license or certificate pursuant to this
Lopez, Crystal, CNA applicant
Applications denied for violation of NRS
632.320 (2) is guilty of a felony or any
offense (a) involving moral turpitude; or
(b) related to the qualifications, functions
or duties of a licensee or holder of a cer-
tificate, in such case the record of convic-
tion is conclusive evidence thereof.
Findings of guilt for abuse,
neglect or misappropriation
placed on the Certified Nursing
Assistant Registry by the
Nevada State Health Division’s
Bureau of Licensure and
Edge, Nikki, CNA014816
Quinn, Lanna, CNA016015
Verbal/Physical Abuse
Valena, Lowella, CNA015702
Wells, Sharon, CNA016934
Verbal Abuse
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Reno 688-2620 or Toll-Free 1-800-746-3980
What are common types of
disciplinary actions?
When considering what kind of disciplinary action it
should take, the Board always asks itself, “What is
needed to make this person safe to practice?” The
answer depends on the nature of the violation, and
can range from reprimanding an individual and
ordering the person to attend a remedial class to
revoking the person’s license or certificate. All disci-
plinary action is reported to national disciplinary
data banks. Outlined in the Nurse Practice Act, NRS
632.325, disciplinary actions available to the
Board include:
Denial of Application
If the Board denies an application for licensure or
certification, it has determined that the individual
violated the Nurse Practice Act. In most cases, the
denial is due to criminal convictions and/or submit-
ting a fraudulent application.
Reprimand and/or Fine
If the Board reprimands or fines a nurse or CNA, it
has determined that the individual violated the
Nurse Practice Act. This action does not prohibit or
restrict the individual’s practice.
If the Board puts an individual on probation, it
means the nurse or CNA may work, but will be
working on a restricted license or certificate and
monitored by the Board for a specific time period.
The probation may also include practice and/or
setting restrictions and requirements like classes or
random drug tests.
If the Board suspends a license or certificate, it
means the nurse or CNA is prohibited from practic-
ing for a designated time period.
Voluntary Surrender
This means the nurse or CNA has agreed to volun-
tarily surrender his or her license or certificate and
cannot practice in Nevada. If the person applies for
reinstatement, the Board weighs evidence of reha-
bilitation and remediation when considering the
If the Board revokes a license or certificate, it
means the nurse or CNA cannot practice in Nevada
from a minimum of one to a maximum of 10
years. After that time, the nurse or CNA may apply
for reinstatement if all the requirements in the
order of revocation have been met. The Board
weighs evidence of rehabilitation and remediation
when considering the application.
Who can I call if I have questions about the complaint or discipli-
nary process?
The Board encourages you to call any time you have
a question about the disciplinary process or what constitutes a vio-
lation of the Nurse Practice Act. Just call the Reno office and ask for
one of the nurse investigators or the associate director for practice.
Nevada State Board of Nursing
Las Vegas 486-5800 or Toll-Free 1-888-590-6726
Debra Scott, MS, RN, APN, Executive Director
Statewide Liaison and Spokesperson
Organizational and Public Management
Fiscal and Human Resource Management
Legislative and Governmental Relations
APN Advisory Committee Chair
Education Advisory Committee Chair
Nursing Practice Advisory Committee Chair
Chris Sansom, RN, Director of Operations
Program Management
CNA Advisory Committee Chair
Fred Olmstead, General Counsel
Legal Counsel
Dean Estes, Accountant
Budget, Accounting and Payroll
Expense Reports
Technology Support
Cindy Kimball, Public Information Officer
Public Information and Education
Consumer Relations
Newsletter, Web Site, Publications
Teri Troke, Executive Assistant
Assistant to the Executive Director
Board Meeting Agenda and Arrangements
Nurse Practice Act Publication
5011 Meadowood Mall Way, Suite 201, Reno, NV 89502, 800-746-3980
Investigations and Monitoring (Reno)
Linda Aure, BSN, RN, C, Investigator
Complaint Investigations
Nursing Practice Questions
Lark Muncy, RN, Investigator
Complaint Investigations
Nursing Practice Questions
Robert Buck, BSN, RN, Application
Application Review
Fraudulent Application Screening
APN Certification
Kathleen Reynolds, BHS, RN, Compliance
Disability Advisory Committee Chair
Disability Advisory Committee Scheduling
Probation and Alternative Program Monitoring
Licensure (Las Vegas)
Bobbye Hicks, Senior Licensure Specialist
Endorsement and Examination Applications
Renewal Applications
Licensure Eligibility Questions
Continuing Education Providers
Foreign Nurse Graduates and Licensure Issues
Sarah Long, Licensure Specialist
Licensure Eligibility Questions
Renewal Applications
Endorsement Applications
Certification (Las Vegas)
Patty Towler, Certification Specialist
Las Vegas Office Daily Operations
CNA Registry Maintenance
CNA Certification and Renewals
CNA Program and Instructor Approvals
Kris Sanchez, Certification Clerk
CNA Registry Maintenance
CNA Certification and Renewals
Susan Lang, Management Assistant (Reno)
Assistant to the Director of Operations
Discipline Investigative Support
Board Meeting Preparation
NURsys Data Entry
Eve Tidwell, Management Assistant (Reno)
Discipline Investigative Support
Yes Answer and Fraudulent Applications Processing
Board Meeting Preparation
Disability Advisory Committee Scheduling
Sherrie Frederick, Receptionist (Reno)
Program Support
Inquiries, Information and Referrals
Licensure and Certification Applications
Nursing Personnel Lists
Crisandra Eastmond, Receptionist (Las Vegas)
Program Support
Inquiries, Information and Referrals
Licensure and Certification Applications
Program Staff
5011 Meadowood Mall Way, Suite 201, Reno, NV 89502, 800-746-3980
2500 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 207, Las Vegas, NV 89102, 888-590-6726
Have a question? Give us a call.
Nevada State Board of
*Must meet eligibility requirement.
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Nevada State Board of Nursing
5011 Meadowood Mall Way, Suite 201
Reno, NV 89502-6547