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May 20, 1926: President Calvin Coolidge signed the Air Commerce Act
of 1926 into law. The act
instructed the Secretary of Commerce to foster air commerce; designate and establish airways; establish,
operate, and maintain aids to air navigation (but not airports); arrange for research and development to
improve such aids; license pilots; issue airworthiness certificates for aircraft and major aircraft components;
and investigate accidents. (See Introduction.)
May 23, 1926: Western Air Express (WAE) became one of the first U.S. airlines to offer regular
passenger service,
flying from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City via Las Vegas. WAE had begun flying on
Apr 17 as the fourth carrier to begin operations under a new air mail contract system that became the
major source of income for the era's small but growing airline industry (see Jun 3, 1926).
Over twelve years earlier, the St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line had offered the world's first
arly scheduled airline service using heavier-than-air craft. This enterprise lasted for only the first
three months of 1914. On Mar 1, 1925, T. Claude Ryan's Los Angeles-San Diego Air Line had begun the
first scheduled passenger service operated wholly over the U.S. mainland and throughout the year.
Jun 3, 1926: Amended legislation introduced a more workable method of paying
airlines for carrying
mail. The Air Mail Act of Feb 2, 1925, commonly known as the Kelly Act, had provided for transportation
of mail on the basis of contracts between the Post Office Department and individual air carriers, a system
that was to prove a great boon to America's fledgling airlines. Under the original Kelly Act, however, the
carrier's compensation was computed as a percentage of the actual postage affixed to the mail carried.
Since this computation proved cumbersome, the 1926 amendment substituted a procedure under which the
airlines were paid by the pound for mail carried. (See May 17, 1928.)
Jun 11, 1926: The Ford Trimotor made its first flight. The fam
ous "Tin Goose" was a high-wing
monoplane with all-metal construction and a corrugated skin. The original 4-AT model seated eight
passengers, later increased to twelve, and the improved 5-AT seated up to thirteen passengers. The
Trimotor became a workhorse for U.S. airlines and remained in production until 1933.
Jul 2, 1926: A drop of tree seeds over a burned area in Hawaii on this date was the first recorded instance
of reforesting by airplane.
Jul 3, 1926: A congressional joint
resolution authorized the President to detail officers of the Army
Air Corps to the Commerce Department to help in promoting civil aviation, provided the details did not
exceed one year.
Jul 16, 1926: The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company inaugurated the first daily passenger air service
between Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., i
n connection with the celebration of the 150th anniversary
of Declaration of Independence. Both passengers and mail were carried on a schedule of three trips in each
direction daily, using three-engine Fokker monoplanes seating 10 passengers. The flying time was
approximately 1 hour 30 minutes each way, and the passenger fare was $15 one way and $25 roundtrip.
The service lasted for five months.
Aug 11, 1926: William P. MacCracken, Jr., took office as the first Assistant Secretary of Commerce
for Aeronautics (see Oct 1, 1929). He thus becam
e the first head of the Aeronautics Branch, created in the
Department of Commerce by Secretary Herbert Hoover to carry out the Secretary's responsibilities under
the Air Commerce Act of 1926. MacCracken, who had assisted in drafting that act, brought to the position
experience as a World War I Army pilot, as chairman of the American Bar Association's committee on
aviation law, and as general counsel of National Air Transport, a contract mail carrier he helped organize in
With the appointment of MacCracken as its chief, the organization of the Aeronautics Branch
proceeded rapidly. Secretary Hoover believed that the duties imposed by the Air Commerce Act should be
carried out by existing Department of Commerce components. Although five principal units made up the
Aeronautics Branch, which ranked as a bureau, only two were structurally part of the new Branch--the Air
Regulations Division and the Air Information Division. The other three units followed directions from the
Branch concerning work to be undertaken, but received detailed guidance and administrative support from
other bureau-level components of the Department. Thus, the Airways Division was organized within the
Bureau of Lighthouses, the Aeronautical Research Division within the Bureau of Standards, and the Air
Mapping Section within the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Oct 1, 1926: Northwest Airways began service as a contract mail carrier. The company began passenger
service the following year, and expanded its routes in the late twenties and early thirties, changing its name
to Northwest Airlines on Apr 16, 1934. Further expansion included routes to Asia, beginning in the
1940s, and for a time the carrier used the name Northwest Orient Airlines.
Nov 15, 1926: The Post Office invited bids from private operators to take over the transcontinental
air mail route in two sections: San Francisco-Chicago and Chicago-New York. Although no satisfactory
bids were received for the Chicago-New York route, the contract for the San Francisco-Chicago route went
to the organizers of Boeing Air Transport on Jan 29, 1927. After new biding, the Post Office on Apr 3,
1927, announced the award of the Chicago-New York route to the newly formed National Air Transport.
(See Aug 31, 1927.)
Nov 16, 1926: Dr. Louis Hopewell Bauer became the first Medical Director of the Aeronautics Branch.
A major in the Medical Corps at the time of his appointment, Dr. Bauer had spent more than half of his 13-
year Army career in the Air Service. (See Feb 28, 1927.)
Dec 7, 1926: The first airway light beacon erected by the Aeronautics Branch began operation. The
beacon was located 15 miles northeast of Moline, Ill., on the Chicago-Dallas air mail route. By Jun 30,
1927, there were 4,121 miles of lighted airways, including 2,041 miles on the transcontinental airway that
had been previously lighted by the Post Office Department. (See Apr 1973.)
Dec 7, 1926: The Aeronautics Branch made its first official airworthiness inspection of an American
aircraft when Inspector Ralph Lockwood tested a Stinson Detroiter before its delivery to Canadian Air
Dec 18, 1926: The first issue of
Domestic Air News, the Aeronautics Branch official publication,
appeared. (See Jul 1, 1929.)
Dec 31, 1926: The first Air Commerce Regulations of the Aeronautics Branch, Department of
Commerce, became effective. Promulgated under provisions of the Air Commerce Act of 1926, these
regulations resulted from many conferences between the Aeronautics Branch and pilots, operators,
manufacturers, the Army, the Navy, and the Post Office Department.
The regulations required all aircraft engaged in interstate or foreign commerce to be licensed and
marked with an assigned identification number. Pilots of licensed aircraft were required to hold private or
commercial licenses. Commercial pilots were classed as either transport or industrial. Mechanics repairing
aircraft engaged in air commerce were required to secure either engine or airplane mechanic licenses, or
both. Owners, pilots, and mechanics affected had until Mar 1 (later extended to May 1), 1927, to place
their applications on file. Pending action on these applications by the Aeronautics Branch, those applying
by the specified date could continue operating as previously until Jul 1, 1927. Failure to apply as required
was punishable by a $500 fine. The regulations also prescribed operational and air traffic safety rules.
(See Mar 22, 1927.)
Feb 28, 1927: Domestic Air News published a list of 57 physicians qualified to give medical examinations
for pilot licenses. Scattered over the United States, these physicians (soon to be known as aviation
medical examiners) had been selected and qualified by Aeronautics Branch Medical Director Louis H.
Bauer. By Oct 1, 1927, the number of qualified physicians had grown to 188, and additional appointees
were added from time to time. Besides these civilian medical examiners, all Army and Navy flight
surgeons were qualified ex officio to give airman medical examinations. (See Jun 1, 1945.)
Mar 22, 1927: The first general amendments to the Air Commerce Regulations took effect (see Dec
31, 1926). Among the many mandated changes were the addition of a limited commercial pilot license
classification to the existing categories of transport, industrial, and private. The new category permitted
pilots to carry passengers within a ten mile radius of their base while building up flight time for a transport
The amendments altered the original system under which the identification numbers for licensed
aircraft would be preceded by the letter “C” (commercial), “S” (state), or “P” (private). The “P”
designation was now dropped and “X” (experimental) was added. The regulations also required the
identification number of an aircraft engaged in foreign air commerce be preceded by the letter "N"
(denoting U.S. registry in accordance with a 1919 international convention). The “N” was optional at this
time for other licensed aircraft. Later, the identification numbers of all U.S. licensed aircraft began with
“N”, followed by numbers and/or letters under systems that varied as the registration process evolved.
Mar 29, 1927: The Aeronautics Branch issued Aircraft Type Certificate No. 1 to the Buhl Airster C-A3,
a three-place open biplane. The plane had an empty weight of 1,686 pounds and its engine had a
horsepower rating of 200. By the end of fiscal year 1927, the total of aircraft type certificates issued had
reached nine. The rate of type certification then progressively increased. By the end of fiscal year 1928,
the total had reached 47; by the end of fiscal 1929, 170; by Jan 15, 1930, 287.
Apr 6, 1927: William P. MacCracken, Jr., Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics, received
Pilot License No. 1, a private pilot license, from the Aeronautics Branch. MacCracken thus became the
first person to obtain a pilot license from a civilian agency of the U.S. Government.
(During World War I, the Joint Army and Navy Board on Aeronautic Cognizance had issued
flying licenses to civilian individuals and companies. The Board acted under the authority of a Presidential
proclamation, issued on Feb 28, 1918, which described the program as a wartime security measure;
however, the proclamation remained in effect until Jul 31, 1919, more than eight months after the
Before accepting License No. 1, MacCracken had offered this honor to Orville Wright, promising
to waive the fee and examination. Wright declined because he no longer flew and did not think he needed a
Federal license to show that he had been the first man to fly. Like Secretary Hoover, Wright believed
MacCracken should receive License No. 1. (See Aug 19, 1940.)
Apr 30, 1927: The Aeronautics Branch announced that it had recently acquired three aircraft: two
Buhl Airsters (open cockpit) and one Stinson-Detroiter (cabin plane). The Branch planned to add one
Wright Travel Air (open cockpit) and one Fairchild FC-1A (cabin plane).
May 20-21, 1927: Charles A. Lindbergh, a former air mail pilot, made the first nonstop solo flight across
the Atlantic in an airplane, a Ryan monoplane dubbed the
Spirit of St. Louis. He flew the 3,610 miles
from Roosevelt Field, Long Island, N.Y., to Le Bourget Field, Paris, France, in 33 hours 29 minutes.
Lindbergh's feat provided a strong stimulus to U.S. aviation, and made him a world hero whose
fame overshadowed earlier Atlantic crossings by air. The first transatlantic flight had been made in stages
on May 16-27, 1919, from Newfoundland to Lisbon, via the Azores, by a U.S. Navy Curtiss NC-4
seaplane, flown by a six-man crew commanded by Albert C. Read. That same year, on Jun 14-15, Royal
Air Force pilots John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown crossed the Atlantic nonstop from Newfoundland
to Ireland in a Vickers Vimy. The following month, another Royal Air Force crew, commanded by G. H.
Scott, flew the airship R-34 from Scotland to New York (Jul 2-6), then returned to England (Jul 9-13).
Between Jul 30 and Aug 31, 1924, two U.S. Army Douglas World Cruiser seaplanes (manned by Lowell H.
Smith, Leslie P. Arnold, Erik H. Nelson, and John Harding), flew from England to Labrador during the
course of history's first round-the-world flight. Three other aircraft with multiple crew members had also
crossed the Atlantic before Lindbergh's "Lone Eagle" flight.
Jun 4-5, 1927: Charles A. Levine, a New York businessman, became the first person to cross the
Atlantic by airplane as a passenger when he flew nonstop between New York and Germany in a Bellanca
monoplane piloted by Clarence Chamberlin, whom he had sponsored.
Jun 25, 1927: Construction of the Propeller Research Tunnel was completed at the Langley Memorial
Aeronautical Laboratory of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The largest
research facility of its kind up to that time, the wind tunnel could accommodate the entire fuselage of a full-
sized airplane, making it possible to conduct aerodynamic tests on full-scale fuselages, propellers, and other
airplane parts. The facility, which was to make great contributions to aeronautical development (see Nov
1928), was part of a series of wind tunnels. NACA had begun operating its first wind tunnel on Jun 11,
1920. Later developments included a refrigerated tunnel, which NACA placed in operation in 1928 for
study of icing on wings and propellers. In the spring of 1931, NACA began operating a Full Scale Tunnel
large enough to test the performance of actual aircraft.
Jun 28-29, 1927: Army lieutenants A. F. Hegenberger and L. J. Maitland made the first nonstop flight
between the U.S. mainland and Hawaii, taking off from Oakland, Calif., in a Fokker three-engine
Jun 30, 1927: The Aeronautics Branch announced that its first airways strip map was available for
purchase: Moline, Ill., to Kansas City, Mo.
Jun 30, 1927 The Aeronautics Branch issued Transport License No. 199 to Phoebe Fairgrave Omlie,
probably the first woman to obtain a pilot license from a civilian agency of the U.S. government.
(Other American women had previously received pilot licenses from the Joint Army and Navy Board on
Aeronautic Cognizance, which issued civilian flying licenses during 1918-19, as well as from organizations
such as the Federation Aeronautique Internationale.) The Aeronautics Branch also issued one of the early
aircraft and engine mechanic’s licenses to Omlie.
Jul 1, 1927: The transcontinental airway was transferred to the Department of Commerce from the
Post Office Department. Extending from New York to San Francisco, the airway was 2,612 miles long,
with 2,041 miles lighted (see Jan 29, 1929). Its facilities included 92 intermediate landing fields, 101
electric beacons, and 417 acetylene beacons. Also included were 17 radio stations (see Mar 1, 1960).
Personnel involved in the transfer included 45 radio operators, 14 maintenance mechanics, and 84
caretakers. At the same time, the Post Office relinquished air mail operations along the western
section--Chicago to San Francisco--of the transcontinental route to Boeing Air Transport.
Jul 1, 1927: Frank Gates Gardner of Norfolk, Va., received the first Federal aircraft mechanic license.
Jul 1, 1927: The Secretary of Commerce appointed Clarence M. Young as Director of Aeronautics to
administer the Aeronautics Branch under the general supervision of the Assistant Secretary for
Aeronautics. A lawyer from Des Moines, Iowa, Young had served as a pilot on the Italian front in World
War I and was later active in civil aeronautics. (See Oct 1, 1929.)
Jul 4, 1927: The Lockheed Vega first flew. The single-engine, high-wing monoplane seating up to six
passengers marked an important step toward the low-drag designs with which U.S. manufacturers were to
revolutionize airliners in the 1930s. The Vega went into passenger service on Sep 17, 1928, with
International Airlines.
Aug 31, 1927: The Post Office Department turned over operation of its last air mail route, New York
to Chicago, to National Air Transport (see Nov 15, 1926). Private operators under contract to the Post
Office Department now conducted the entire service, a system that promoted the growth of the airline
Sep 1, 1927: American Railway Express and major airlines began air cargo express operations.
Referring to the importance of this event, the
Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote that though it was "much less
spectacular than the long transoceanic flights, the beginning of real commercial aviation is, from the
practical point of view, the most worthy development of all."
Oct 19, 1927: Pan American Airways began its operations with an air mail flight between the United
States and Cuba, accomplished with a rented plane to meet a contract deadline. The company began
regular air mail service between Key West and Havana on Oct 28, and scheduled passenger service on the
route on Jan 16, 1928.
Oct 1927: The International Radio Convention met in Washington, D.C. During sessions that lasted into
November, the conferees secured international agreements on the use of certain frequencies by aircraft and
airway control stations. As a result, it was necessary to reassign frequencies to the Airways Division of the
Aeronautics Branch and to other U.S. Government agencies. The Aeronautics Branch assisted the
Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee in making these reassignments.
Jan 15, 1928: The Aeronautics Branch published a list of newly licensed pilots that included James
Herman Banning as holder of a limited commercial license. Banning was the first known African
American to receive a Federal pilot license. The first Federal transport pilot license issued to an African
American is believed to have been received by C. Alfred “Chief” Anderson in 1932.
Black aviators had been active in the United States as early as the years preceding World War I, an
era when nearly all pilots were unlicensed. The first African American to receive a pilot certificate of any
type was probably Eugene Bullard, who was licensed by the French air corps in 1917 and served as a
combat pilot. In 1921, Bessie Coleman became the first African American to receive a pilot's certificate
from the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, an international organization based in Paris.
Jan 31, 1928: The Aeronautics Branch's
Domestic Air News reported an early instance of airplane noise
nuisance. The proprietor of the Cackle Corner Poultry Farm, Garrettsville, Ohio, complained to the
Postmaster General that low-flying planes were disrupting egg production. The Postmaster General
forwarded the letter to National Air Transport, Inc., the private company operating the New York-Chicago
air mail route, suggesting it make a special effort to maintain altitude over Garrettsville.
Mar 8, 1928: The Foreign Air Mail Act expanded the U.S. Post Office's role in international mail by
giving it new authority to award contracts for periods of up to ten years for transport of mail to foreign
countries and U.S. insular possessions.
Mar 20, 1928: The Department of Commerce announced the award of contracts for equipment that
included 12 new radio stations capable keeping pilots advised of changes in weather conditions while they
were in flight. At that time, the Department was operating 17 radio stations that had been received when it
assumed responsibility for the transcontinental airway (see Jul 1, 1927). Known as Airway Radio Stations
under Commerce, the facilities served as gathering points for data on weather and flights for use in pre-
flight briefings for pilots. The stations transmitted this information along the airways by radiotelegraphy.
(Soon, however, teletypewriter communications via ground lines began to be used for this purpose: see Jul
1, 1928) During Jan 1929, the Department reported that three stations were now broadcasting hourly voice
weather reports to aircraft in flight. When necessary for safety, the stations also accepted messages from
operating companies and transmitted them to pilots aloft. By Jun 30, 1929, 11 new standard stations had
replaced older stations with obsolete arc-type equipment, and new radio equipment was installed at nine
other locations. All these stations transmitted scheduled voice broadcasts. By mid-1933, there were 68
radio communication stations, and a growing number of pilots were able to send as well as receive
transmissions. At the end of the following year, radio-equipped aircraft flying the airways included 326
with two-way radio and 449 with receiving sets only.
Mar 28, 1928: Assistant Secretary of Commerce MacCracken called a special conference of
representatives of the Army Air Corps, Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, Weather Bureau, Bureau of
Standards, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to study the causes and prevention of
ice formation on aircraft, and to discuss the possible development of an instrument to indicate when ice
forms on an aircraft in flight.
Apr 12-13, 1928: Hermann Koehl, a German, and James Fitzmaurice, an Irishman, accompanied by one
passenger, made the first nonstop east-to-west crossing of the Atlantic by airplane, flying from Ireland to
a crash landing on Greenly Island, Labrador, in the Junkers W-33L
Apr 15-21, 1928: George Hubert Wilkins, an Australian explorer, and Carl Ben Eielson, an American
pilot, made the first flight across the Arctic in a heavier-than-air craft, flying from Point Barrow,
Alaska, to Spitsbergen, Norway, in a Lockheed Vega. Later in the year, Wilkins and Eielson flew the same
Vega along the eastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, earning the distinction of being the first to operate
an airplane in Antarctica.
May 1, 1928: Pitcairn Aviation began operations along the Atlantic seaboard as a contract mail-hauler.
The airline inaugurated passenger operations between New York and Washington on Aug 18, 1930, under
the name Eastern Air Transport. The growing carrier acquired New York Airways in 1931 and Luddington
Air Lines in 1933, and later took the name Eastern Air Lines in 1934. Eastern subsequently absorbed
Colonial Airlines in 1956 and Mackey Air Lines in 1967.
May 16, 1928: Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) came into being. Backed by powerful financial
groups that allied manufacturers with operating airlines, TAT was unusual for its time in giving priority to
passenger service rather than mail. The airline was popularly known as the "Lindbergh Line" because of its
association with the famous aviator. (See Jul 7, 1929, and July 19, 1930.)
May 17, 1928: Another amendment to the Air Mail Act of 1925 (see Jun 3, 1926) provided that air carriers
that had operated satisfactorily on mail routes for two years could exchange their contracts for "air mail
route certificates" for a period not to exceed 10 years. The amendment protected the investment of the
airlines in the equipment necessary for carrying out their original contracts since the life of that equipment
was considerably longer than the life of those contracts. At this time, mail contracts provided virtually the
only profitable form of airline operation. (See Apr 29, 1930.)
May 31-Jun 9, 1928: Australian pilots Charles E. Kingsford-Smith and Charles T. P. Ulm, accompanied by
a navigator and a radioman, both Americans, made the first transpacific crossing by air. They flew from
Oakland, Calif., to Brisbane, Australia, with stopovers at Hawaii and the Fiji Islands, in a modified Fokker
Jun 11, 1928: Friedrich Stamer made the first rocket-powered piloted flight, in a tailless glider, at
Wasserkuppe, Germany. Takeoff was assisted by an elastic launching rope. The craft traveled
approximately one mile.
Jun 17-18, 1928: Wilmer Stultz piloted a pontoon-equipped Fokker from Newfoundland to Wales on the
first nonstop transatlantic flight by a seaplane. He was accompanied by a mechanic and by Amelia
Earhart, the first woman transatlantic air passenger.
Jun 20, 1928: Braniff Air Lines began operations. Organized by brothers Thomas and Paul Braniff, the
airline carried passengers between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. The brothers soon sold their airline, but later
organized Braniff Airways, which began operations on Nov 13, 1930, in the same region. After
expanding and acquiring Latin American routes, the company changed its name to Braniff International
Airways on Jun 4, 1948.
Jun 30, 1928: During the quarter that ended on this date, the Commerce Department's Aeronautics Branch
established a five-member Aircraft Accident Board to investigate and analyze civil aircraft accidents with
a view to determining and eliminating their causes.
Jun 30, 1928 During fiscal 1928, which ended on this date, the Commerce Department succeeded in
developing a practical radio navigation beacon system. Two series of flight tests were conducted on the
New York-Cleveland airway between Jul 1927 and Feb 1928. During fiscal 1929, the Aeronautics Branch
standardized a type of four-course radio range system in which pilots listened to aural signals to determine
if they were on course. By Jun 30, 1929, the Branch was able to report that seven of these standard radio
beacons were in operation, providing a continuous radio-marked course from Omaha to New York and
from Key West to Havana. The Branch stepped up installation of four-course radio ranges in the early
1930s. This type of facility became the standard civil air navigation aid, and retained that status until after
World War II (see Calendar year 1952 and Sep 5, 1974).
Jul 1, 1928: The Commerce Department began using teletype machines to transmit aviation weather
information. Among the first airport stations to receive teletypes were those at Hadley Field, N.J.,
Cleveland, Ohio, Chicago, Ill., and Concord, Calif. Those units were all connected with the central office
at Washington, D.C., from which data were exchanged for all locations. By Oct 1938, the teletype weather
communications system had been extended to a total of 21,790 miles, covering all 48 states except Maine,
New Hampshire, and South Dakota.
Aug 1, 1928: As a first step toward promoting uniform state aeronautical legislation consistent with
Federal law, the Aeronautics Branch issued Aeronautics Bulletin No. 18 reviewing the characteristics of
various state statutes and setting forth suggested drafts of required laws. At this time, 20 states had no
aeronautical legislation. (See Dec 16, 1930.)
Sep 15, 1928: The Aeronautics Branch published civil aviation accident statistics for the first half of
1928. There was a total of 390 accidents, of which 34 occurred in scheduled flying, 69 in student
instruction, 17 in experimental operations, and 270 in miscellaneous flying. Assigned causes blamed pilot
error for 43.29 percent of the accidents, engine failure for 16.59 percent, weather for 10.23 percent, and
airport or terrain for 8.72 percent. There was a total of 153 fatalities and 276 injuries. Only six of the
fatalities occurred in scheduled flying.
Sep 18, 1928: The Graf Zeppelin, the most successful rigid airship ever built, first flew. By the time it
was retired in 1937, this craft had flown more than a million miles, spent 16,000 hours in the air, and
carried 13,100 passengers.
Sep 19, 1928: The Packard Motor Car Company flight tested the first diesel engine to power heavier-
than-air craft. Diesel aircraft engines seemed promising but proved too heavy, and interest in their
development waned during the 1930s.
Oct 31, 1928: Statistics published by the Aeronautics Branch indicated that of the 3,659 pilots holding
active licenses, nine states and the District of Columbia accounted for 2,343: California, 633; New York,
347; Illinois, 216; Michigan, 194; Ohio and Pennsylvania, 180 each; Texas, 176; District of Columbia, 161;
Missouri, 150; and Virginia, 105. Of the overall total, 2,426 (66.3 percent) were transport pilots, 385 (10.5
percent) limited commercial, 63 (l.7 percent) industrial, and 785 (21.5 percent) private. One year
previously, transport pilots had accounted for 85 percent of the total. The reduced percentage was due to
the faster growth of private flying.
Nov 1928: Fred E. Weick, an aerodynamicist at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, described
in National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Technical Note No. 301 the testing of long-
chord cowling that significantly reduced drag, the retarding force acting on an airplane moving in air.
Unlike conventional cowlings of that period, which covered the crankcase and the lower portion of the
cylinders, the NACA cowl totally enclosed the engine. In actual flight tests, a Curtiss AT-5A trainer
equipped with NACA's cowling increased its maximum speed from 118 to 137 mph--the equivalent of
providing the aircraft with 83 additional horsepower without an added expenditure in fuel. The NACA
cowl had a very positive effect on airline economics when its appeared on the modern transports of the
early 1930s.
Dec 4, 1928: The Aeronautics Branch issued regulations covering the entry and clearance of aircraft
carrying foreign cargo and passengers into the United States. The rules became effective Feb 1, 1929.
Dec 12-14, 1928: The International Civil Aeronautics Conference held sessions in Washington, D.C.
The President had suggested the conference, and Congress had authorized it by a joint resolution. The 441
participants included 77 official and 39 unofficial delegates from foreign countries. The conference
provided an opportunity to exchange views on problems pertaining to aircraft in international commerce,
and the program included presentations on a variety of aviation topics. Another purpose was to
commemorate the 25th anniversary of the first flight of the Wright brothers. Orville Wright was guest of
honor, and the membership of the conference attended ceremonies at Kitty Hawk, N.C., on the Dec 17
Dec 19, 1928: Harold F. Pitcairn made the first autogiro flight in the United States at Willow Grove, Pa.
Designed by Spain's Juan de la Cierva, the rotary-wing aircraft obtained its support in flight from a rotor
turned by the air forces resulting from its motion. Propulsion came from a conventional engine and
airscrew. On Feb 12, 1931, the Detroit News placed the first order for a commercial autogiro in the United
States, the Pitcairn PC A-2. The Aeronautics Branch type-certificated the plane on Apr 2, 1931, and
Pitcairn's Autogiro Company of America built 51 autogiros in 1931.
Jan 14, 1929: The Commerce Department's Aeronautics Branch received the Aero Club of America
Trophy for 1928 for its outstanding development of airways and air navigation facilities. Robert J. Collier
had established the award, first presented in 1912, to honor the previous year's most outstanding
contribution to U.S. aeronautics or astronautics. In 1922, the Aero Club of America was incorporated as
the National Aeronautic Association (NAA), which assumed administration of the award and renamed it
the Robert J. Collier Trophy in 1944.
Jan 29, 1929: The Airways Division of the Department of Commerce turned on Beacon #25 at Miriam,
Nevada, on the San Francisco-Salt Lake City Airway, completing the lighting of the transcontinental
airway by closing the final twenty mile unlighted gap. (See Jul 1, 1927.)
Feb 4, 1929: The Aeronautics Branch established a Field Service Section which assumed certain duties
performed by the former Airport Section, including assistance to municipalities and other organizations
desiring to establish or improve airports. Five airport specialists, including the section chief, toured the
U.S. to inspect sites, confer with officials, and address civic groups. The creation of the Field Service
Section was part of a general reorganization of the Division of Airports and Aeronautic Information,
formerly known as the Information Division, during fiscal 1929. (See Nov 1929.)
Feb 21, 1929: Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh was appointed Technical Adviser to the Aeronautics
Branch, Department of Commerce.
Feb 28, 1929: The Air Commerce Act was amended to provide for Federal licensing of flying schools.
Instructors were divided into two classes, flying and ground, each of which was rated separately.
Regulations were promulgated in April and went into effect in June 1929.
Mar 2, 1929:
Domestic Air News reported that Pan American-Grace Airways (Panagra) successfully
bid to carry air mail three times weekly from Cristobal, C.Z., to Santiago, Chile, the longest designated air
mail route in the world. Created on Jan 25, 1929, Panagra was jointly controlled by Pan American
Airway's holding company and the W.R. Grace shipping company of New York. Its bid of $1.80 per mile,
plus $0.90 per pound per thousand miles, was not the lowest submitted. Postmaster General Harry S. New
explained, however, that the lowest bidder was not equipped to carry out the contract, and failure in the
project would harm the prestige of U.S. aeronautical enterprise.
Mar 4, 1929: Herbert C. Hoover became President, succeeding Calvin Coolidge.
May 9, 1929: An Interdepartmental Committee on Airways was established to study and pass on
applications for extension of civil airways in the United States. Totaling six members, the committee
consisted of three representatives each from the Post Office and Commerce Departments.
Jun 17, 1929: Delta Air Service made its first passenger flight, with a six-passenger Travel Air, from
Dallas, Tex., to Monroe, La. As it broadened its passenger operations, the company (which originated as
an aerial crop dusting operation, the Huff Daland Dusters) changed its name to Delta Air Corporation and
then, in 1945, to Delta Air Lines. On May 1, 1953, Chicago and Southern Airlines merged into Delta.
Jun 30, 1929: During the fiscal year that ended on this date, the Airways Division of the Commerce
Department’s Bureau of Lighhouses established an office at Fort Worth, Tex., under an airways engineer,
for maintenance of aeronautical aids on certain specified airways. A similar office had previously been
established at Salt Lake City during fiscal 1927. These were the only two organizations concerned
exclusively with the maintenance of aeronautical aides. For the remainder of the nation's airways,
maintenance of facilities was apportioned among the Third, Sixth, Tenth, Twelfth, Seventeenth, and
Eighteenth Lighthouse Districts. Although part of the Bureau of Lighthouses, these organizations received
pertinent directions from the Aeronautics Branch (see Aug 11, 1926, and Jul 1, 1933).
Also during this fiscal year, the field organization of the Inspection Service of the Aeronautics
Branch was reduced from eleven to nine districts, each under the direction of a supervising aeronautical
inspector. The headquarters of the numbered districts were located at Garden City, N.Y.; Camden, N.J.;
Atlanta, Ga.; Detroit, Mich.; Chicago, Ill.; Kansas City, Mo.; Dallas, Tex.; Oakland, Calif.; and Los
Angeles, Calif.
Jul 1, 1929: The first issue of the Air Commerce Bulletin, the official journal of the Aeronautics Branch,
was published, superseding the
Domestic Air News. (See Dec 18, 1926, and Jan 15, 1940.)
Jul 7, 1929: Transcontinental Air Transport inaugurated 48-hour coast-to-coast passenger
transportation service, with air travel by day and rail travel by night. Charles A. Lindbergh flew the first
plane over the route. (See May 16, 1928, and Oct 25, 1930.)
Aug 8-29, 1929: The
Graf Zeppelin made the first round-the-world flight by a rigid airship, leaving
from and returning to Lakehurst, N.J., in 21 days 7 hours 34 minutes. This was the second round-the-world
flight; two U.S. Army Douglas World Cruisers had first performed the feat during Apr 6-Sep 28, 1924.
(See Jun 23-Jul 1, 1931.)
Sep 1, 1929: New regulations affecting transport pilots became effective, stating that a pilot "may
operate any type licensed aircraft but shall not carry persons or property for hire in licensed aircraft other
than those specified on his license." A later amendment, effective Feb 8, 1930, required transport and
limited commercial pilots carrying passengers to have special authority from the Department of Commerce.
Sep 24, 1929: At Mitchel Field, N.Y., Army Lt. James H. Doolittle became the first pilot to use only
instrument guidance to take off, fly a set course, and land. Doolittle received directional guidance
from a radio range course aligned with the airport runway, while radio marker beacons indicated his
distance from the runway. He relied on a sensitive altimeter to determine his altitude, and controlled the
attitude of his aircraft with guidance from a directional gyro and an artificial horizon. Doolittle made the
flight as part of research he conducted for the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics,
with cooperation from the Bureau of Standards, the Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce,
and other organizations. He flew in a hooded cockpit, but was accompanied by a check pilot who could
have intervened in an emergency. On May 9, 1932, Capt. A. F. Hegenberger flew without a check pilot to
make the first blind solo flight on instruments only, at Dayton, Ohio.
Oct 1, 1929: William P. MacCracken, Jr., resigned as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for
Aeronautics and was succeeded by Clarence M. Young (see Jul 1, 1927), who had been serving as
Director of Aeronautics. (See May 23, 1933.)
Oct 1, 1929: Allocation of radio frequencies by the Federal Radio Commission cleared the way for air
transport companies to develop a communications network supplementing Federal facilities. At the close
of the year some major transport lines were maintaining two-way voice communication with their planes in
flight. (See Dec 2, 1929.)
Oct 1, 1929: The Aeronautics Branch issued a set of "Uniform Field Rules" for air traffic control that
were recommended for adoption by states, counties, cities, and other agencies operating airports.
Oct 10, 1929: The Aeronautics Branch inaugurated position-reporting service for planes flying the
Federal airways.
Oct 21, 1929: Colonial Flying Service and the Scully Walton Ambulance Company of New York, N.Y.,
inaugurated an Air Ambulance Service.
Oct 24, 1929: A stock market convulsion gripped Wall Street. The initial crash was followed by another
severe break on Oct 29, and by a continuing slide that heralded the onset of the Great Depression. Aviation
stocks, as others, were strongly affected.
The Depression's impact on the budget of the Aeronautics Branch was not immediate. To get
underway in fiscal 1927, the Branch had received $550,000, and this was increased to $3,791,500 in fiscal
1928 and $5,575,400 in fiscal 1929. The increases continued after the Depression began: fiscal 1930,
$6,676,320; fiscal 1931, $9,208,030; and fiscal 1932, $10,362,300.
The economizing ax fell in fiscal 1933, when Congress reduced the Aeronautics Branch allocation
to $8,533,500. For fiscal 1934, the Branch received only $7,660,780., and this was cut still further by the
Bureau of the Budget, which limited actual expenditures to $5,172,500--the smallest of the Depression
budgets for aeronautic activities. The nation had passed the lowest point of the Depression in March 1933,
however, and the budgets of Bureau of Air Commerce--as the Aeronautics Branch was renamed on Jul 1,
1934--began a rising trend that lasted into World War II. (See Jul 1, 1937).
Nov 1929: As a result of increased activities, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics Clarence
Young reorganized the Aeronautics Branch. He abolished the position of Director of Aeronautics and
divided the principal functions of the Branch among three executives who reported directly to the Assistant
Secretary and, under his chairmanship, constituted the executive board of the Branch. These three officials
were: the Director of Air Regulation, whose responsibilities included the Inspection Service and the
Licensing Division, as well as the Engine Testing Section; the Chief Engineer of the Airways Division; and
the Director Aeronautic Development, whose responsibilities included the Aeronautic Information Division
and the Aeronautics Research Division. The Director of Aeronautic Development also gave direction to
special research committees, the Airways Mapping Section, and the Airport Section, which on Dec 2, 1929,
took over the duties of the Field Service Section established ten months earlier. (See Feb 4, 1929.)
Nov 28-29, 1929: Richard E. Byrd, with pilot Bernt Balchen and two other crew members, became the
first to fly over the South Pole, operating a Ford Trimotor from the U.S. base at Little America. Earlier,
on May 9, 1926, Byrd and Floyd Bennett had made a flight credited as the first over the North Pole, in a
Fokker F.VII.
Dec 2, 1929: Fifteen air carriers pooled $100,000.00 to set up the not-for-profit organization,
Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC), to serve as the single coordinator of aeronautical communications for
the air transport industry, using a common network of ground stations.
Dec 20, 1929: Pan American Airways placed orders for the Sikorsky S-40, a large four-engined flying
boat. These were the first airplanes that Pan American christened "Clipper," the subsequent trade
mark name of the airline's planes.
Jan 16, 1930: Frank Whittle, a British Royal Air Force officer and engineer, received a patent for his
design of a turbojet aircraft engine. Manufacture of an experimental version of the engine began in
1936. On May 15, 1941, the Gloster E28/39, a British turbojet powered by a Whittle W/X jet engine, made
its first official flight, at Cranwell, England. However, this first Allied jet flight came nearly two years
after Germany had accomplished the feat. On Aug 27, 1939, the first air-breathing jet flight of an aircraft
had occurred, accomplished by a German Heinkel He 178 aircraft with a jet engine by designed by Hans
von Ohain.
Jan 25, 1930: An amendment to the Air Commerce Regulations set 500 feet as the minimum altitude at
which aircraft might fly, except when landing and taking off.
Jan 25, 1930: American Airways was formed out of a group of carriers that had operated separately under
the Aviation Corporation (AVCO), a holding company chartered on Mar 3, 1929. American Airways
changed its name to American Airlines on Apr 11, 1934.
Feb 1, 1930: The Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics terminated its
activities. Established in Jan 1926 to support the development of American aviation in its formative years,
the fund had promoted aeronautical education, subsidized research projects, and assisted efforts to develop
commercial aircraft. Daniel Guggenheim intended that the fund be closed when private enterprise would
find it "practicable and profitable to carry on."
Feb 15, 1930: The Aeronautics Branch announced that it had issued the first rating under the Airport
Rating Regulations to the municipal airport at Pontiac, Mich. The airport received the highest possible
rating, A-1-A. The designation system enabled pilots to know at a glance what facilities to expect at any of
the rated airports, which the Branch inspected in response to voluntary applications by airport operators.
The program was part of the Aeronautics Branch’s efforts to encourage airport development through
promotional activites, disseminating technical and statistical information, and giving expert advice to
Mar 26, 1930: The Aeronautics Branch issued the first two approved repair station certificates to
Boeing Air Transport of Oakland, Calif., and National Air Transport of Chicago, Ill. The certificate
entitled a station to repair only aircraft of types for which it was adequately equipped. Previously, anyone
making repairs on licensed aircraft had been obliged to submit to the Branch detailed drawings of the
repairs made and, in some cases, a stress analysis. By mid-1931, the Aeronautics Branch had certificated
forty-eight repair stations.
Apr 29, 1930: The Watres Act further amended the Air Mail Act of 1925 (see May 17, 1928), replacing
the weight basis for computing compensation to air carriers with a space-mile formula. The new act gave
the Postmaster General very broad regulatory control over route locations, route consolidations and
extensions, contract bidding conditions, service conditions, equipment and personnel accounts, and
compensation. (See May 19, 1930.)
May 5, 1930: The Post Office Department, hoping to stimulate air passenger traffic, issued an order calling
for the installation of at least two passenger seats in each mail plane operated by day.
May 15, 1930: Boeing Air Transport inaugurated the first airline stewardess service. The first
stewardess was a registered nurse, Ellen E. Church, who has been described as the first female crew
member aboard a commercial airliner.
May 15, 1930: In regulations effective on this date, the Department of Commerce required airlines to
obtain a certificate of authority to operate if they engaged in interstate passenger service. To qualify, an
airline was required to demonstrate that it possessed aircraft that were properly equipped and maintained, a
sufficient number of qualified airmen, and an adequate ground organization for the services provided. The
routes served were required to possess such air navigation facilities as the Department deemed necessary
for safe and reliable operations. Airlines were required to apply for the certificate by Jul 15, a deadline
later extended to Aug 15, 1930.
May 19, 1930: Postmaster General Walter Folger Brown held the first of a series of meetings with
representatives of the large commercial airlines to discuss air mail routes to be awarded under the
Watres Act (see Apr 29, 1930). All but two of the twenty-two air mail contracts awarded under the act
went to airlines in attendance at the meetings, which were subsequently attacked as "spoils conferences."
(See Feb 9, 1934.)
Jun 20, 1930: Aeronautics Branch certificated its first glider, the Detroit Gull, Model G-1.
Jul 1, 1930: Rules governing the use of intermediate landing fields and a parachute supplement to the
Air Commerce Regulations went into effect.
Jul 19, 1930: Incorporation action took place as a first step in the merger of Transcontinental Air Transport
and Western Air Express to form Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA), which later changed its
name to Trans World Airlines on May 17, 1950. Western Air Express, meanwhile, had retained its
corporate identity on some routes and evolved into Western Airlines, a name it adopted in 1941.
Sep 10, 1930: The Taylor E-2 Cub made its first flight. This design evolved into the famous Piper Cub,
which was introduced in 1938 and became one of the world's most popular general aviation airplanes.
Oct 25, 1930: The first all-air transcontinental through passenger service to link coastal cities began.
Aircraft of Transcontinental and Western Air took off simultaneously from Newark Airport, serving New
York, and from Los Angeles. On Oct 15, the American Airways system had begun to offer all-air service
between Atlanta and Los Angeles.
Dec 16, 1930: The Aeronautics Branch opened the National Conference on Uniform Aeronautic
Regulatory Laws. Representatives from 45 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the Philippine
Islands attended the two-day meeting to discuss uniformity of air regulations. (See Aug 1, 1928, and Mar
23, 1933.)
Dec 31, 1930: Airworthiness regulations for aircraft components and accessories became effective.
Calendar year, 1930: By this year, Cleveland Municipal Airport had established radio control of
airport traffic. In the next five years approximately 20 cities followed Cleveland's lead.
Feb 12, 1931: An amendment to existing regulations covering interstate airline operations required a
copilot on all aircraft flying a schedule of five or more hours with eight or more passengers. (See Oct 1,
Feb 12, 1931: The Department of Commerce placed the radio range beacon at Medicine Bow, Wyo.,
into continuous operation, completing the directional radio marking of the entire route from San
Francisco to New York.
Feb 20, 1931: The Senate ratified the Havana Convention in which 21 Western Hemisphere nations
guaranteed the right of innocent passage of aircraft without discrimination. The Convention formulated the
rules for international air navigation between the contracting states relating to the marking of aircraft,
landing facilities, prohibited transport, competency of airmen, and the right of each country to prescribe the
route to be flown over its territory. The Convention had been prepared at the Pan American Convention on
Civil Aviation at Havana, Cuba, in February 1928.
Mar 31, 1931: A Fokker F-10A operated by Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA) crashed near
Bazaar, Kans. The accident killed all eight persons aboard, including Notre Dame football coach Knute
Rockne. After an investigation disclosed defective wing construction, the Aeronautics Branch took the F-
10A out of passenger service on May 4. Although most of the grounded planes eventually returned to
service, the loss of public confidence and the costly periodic inspection required by the Aeronautics Branch
led to the demise of the once popular airplane.
Jun 23-Jul 1, 1931: With Harold Gatty as navigator, Wiley Post piloted a Lockhead Vega dubbed
Winnie Mae around the world, flying from Roosevelt Field, N.Y., and back with eight stopovers. Post's
course took him near the Arctic Circle, and his distance of 15,447 miles was too short to qualify as a round-
the-world flight as defined by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale. His time of 8 days 15 hours 51
minutes was nevertheless far below the record set by the
Graf Zepplin (see Aug 8-29, 1929), and he
received great popular acclaim. During Jul 15-22, 1933, Post flew
Winnie Mae in what is often regarded
as the first solo flight around the world. He traveled from Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y. and back in 7 days
18 hours 49 minutes, following a course similar to his 1931 trip. (See Jul 10-14, 1938.)
Jun 30, 1931: During the fiscal year that ended on this date, the Aeronautics Branch established an
Engineering Section branch office at Los Angeles to expedite the examination and approval of aircraft
types. The office was created to allow owners and manufacturers in the West the same opportunity for
contact with engineering officials as the main office in Washington provided east of the Rockies.
Jul 1, 1931: United Air Lines was formally established as a management company coordinating four
component air carriers that had already begun operating as a single entity. United was one of domestic
aviation's "Big Four," which also included Eastern Air Transport, American Airways, and
Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA).
Jul 27, 1931: A convention of "Key Men" involved in organizing the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)
voted for affiliation with the American Federation of Labor. On Aug 10, the AF of L formally granted
affiliation to ALPA, which became the largest union representing airline pilots. ALPA's presidents and
the dates of their election were: David L. Behncke, 1931; Clarence N. Sayen, 1952; Charles H. Ruby, 1962;
John J. O'Donnell, 1970; Henry A. Duffy, 1982; and J. Randolph Babbitt, 1990.
Aug 29, 1931: Tests begun this day and continued through Apr 8, 1932, showed that transmission of
weather maps over the teletypewriter circuits of the Federal Airways System was practicable. Using an
experimental circuit, the Aeronautics Branch tested equipment and procedures by sending maps three times
daily from compilers in Cleveland and Kansas City to facilities in New York, Washington, and Chicago.
Map transmission required equipment that printed on pages rather than on the usual tape, but page-type and
tape-type machines could operate on the same circuits. On Dec 1, 1932, the Aeronautics Branch
inaugurated regular transmission of U.S. Weather Bureau weather maps via teletypewriter circuits to 78
U.S. air terminals. Six times daily, the service provided a complete weather map of the United States,
divided into three sections.
Sep 5, 1931: The first instrument landing by a system incorporating a glide path was made at College
Park, Md. The glide path was achieved by aligning an inclined radio beam with the runway, providing a
path approximating the gliding angle of an airplane. (See Sep 24, 1929.)
Oct 1, 1931: The Department of Commerce promulgated a regulation prescribing a cockpit crew
complement of two, a pilot and copilot, on all scheduled air transports capable of carrying fifteen or more
passengers or having a gross takeoff weight of 15,000 pounds or more. (See Feb 12, 1931, and Nov 1,
Oct 3-5, 1931: Clyde E. Pangborn and Hugh Herndon, Jr., made the first nonstop transpacific flight, as
well as the first nonstop flight between Japan and the United States, in a Bellanca Pacemaker. The two
men took off from Samushiro Beach, 300 miles north of Tokyo, and landed at Wenatchee, Wash., covering
4,448 miles in 41 hours 13 minutes.
Nov 1931: The Aeronautics Branch established a branch office of its medical section at Kansas City,
Mo., to keep medical examiners of the Middle Western states in close touch with Commerce Department
policies on medical requirements and examinations.
Jan 1, 1932: The first Air Commerce Regulations governing gliders and gliding became effective.
May 16, 1932 The official
Air Commerce Bulletin published a rule providing for a new scheduled air
transport pilot rating. Those receiving the rating had to demonstrate their ability to use airway navigation
aids and to fly specified manuevers guided entirely by instruments. Effective Jan 1, 1933, the
Aeronautics Branch required the new rating for all pilots on scheduled interstate passenger service. To
meet this deadline, 330 pilots obtained the rating by the end of 1932. Fifty years later, on Dec 31, 1982, the
estimated number of certificated airline transport pilots was 73,741.
May 21-22, 1932: Amelia Earhart became the first woman to make a solo crossing of the Atlantic by
airplane, flying from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, to Londonderry, Northern Ireland, in a Lockheed Vega.
Jun 30, 1932: During the fiscal year that ended this date, the first two installations of a new type of radio
marker beacon were completed and placed in experimental operation
--one at Archbold, Ohio, and one at Sidney, Neb. Sixteen others were ready for installation. Known as
class B radio markers, or as radio landing ranges, these new radio marker beacons had 50-watt transmitters
equipped with loop antennas, which permitted operation as short-range radio range beacons. They were
also equipped for telephone as well as for automatic code transmission. In contrast to the Class A, 7.5-watt
sets, which had a voice range of 5 to 10 miles, the 50-watt sets had a range of 30 to 40 miles. Class B
marker beacons serve primarily to mark intermediate landing fields and to furnish, upon request,
information on landing and weather conditions.
Jul 2, 1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first U.S. presidential candidate to fly when he chartered
a Ford Trimotor from Albany to Chicago to address the Democratic National Convention. (See Jan 14,
Calendar Year 1932: The Aeronautics Branch created the first formal system for the flight inspection of
U.S. airway navigation aids by assigning six pilots to regular airway patrol duty. Operating from Airway
Patrol Headquarters offices in six widely dispersed cities, the pilots were each responsible for 3,000-3,500
miles of airway. The early flight inspection fleet is believed to have included five Bellanca Pacemakers, a
Curtiss-Wright Sedan-15, several Stearman C-3Bs, and three Stinson SM-8As. Beginning in 1937, the
remaining five aircraft of this original fleet were replaced by Stinson SR-8B Reliants and some SR-9E
Reliants. (See Calendar Year 1940.)
Feb 8, 1933: The Boeing 247 first flew. Often considered the first modern airliner, this single-wing
airplane of all-metal construction was powered by two Pratt & Whitney Wasp air-cooled radial engines. It
had a gross takeoff weight of 12,650 points and accommodated 10 passengers. The Aeronautics Branch
type-certificated the plane on Mar 16, 1933, and it entered scheduled airline service on Mar 30, 1933.
Mar 1, 1933: At the Newark Municipal Airport, N.J., the Aeronautics Branch demonstrated a radio system
that it had developed for the blind landing of aircraft. The Branch made the system available for
service testing by aircraft equipped with the necessary radio receivers. Later that month, Aeronautics
Branch pilot James L. Kinney completed the first cross-country test of an all instrument flight and
landing when he arrived at Newark from College Park, Md. Kinney was accompanied by Harry Diamond,
a Bureau of Standards scientist who helped develop the instrument landing system, and William
LaViolette, a radio technician. (See Sep 13, 1934.)
Mar 2, 1933: A regulatory amendment announced on this date increased the solo flying time required
for a private pilot’s license from 10 to 50 hours. Holders of private pilot licenses had until Jun 1, 1933, to
meet the new requirement. The amendment also abolished grade of industrial pilot and created the new
grade of solo pilot. Students with 10 hours of flying time who passed specified tests could qualify for this
grade. (See Aug 15, 1933).
Mar 4, 1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt became President, succeeding Herbert C. Hoover.
Mar 23, 1933: Enactment of legislation by the State of Georgia meant that all of the 48 States had laws
dealing with aeronautics (see Aug 1, 1928, and Mar 1946). Georgia’s new law included a requirement
that all airmen and aircraft operating within the state have Federal licenses. This provision was included in
most, but not all, of the other state aeronautical laws (see Dec 1, 1941).
Mar 28, 1933: The Aeronautics Branch gave permission to aircraft engine manufacturers to conduct
endurance tests on their own equipment. Before this date, manufacturers seeking a type certificate for
new engines had to ship them to the Bureau of Standards, in Washington, D.C., for endurance testing.
Mar 30, 1933: The Sikorsky S-42, a four-engine flying boat designed for Pan American Airways, made its
first flight. The S-42, which entered scheduled service on Aug 16, 1934, weighed over 20 tons, and could
carry 32 passengers and a full load for a distance of 750 miles. (See Apr 28, 1937.)
May 23, 1933: Clarence M. Young resigned as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics,
effective Jun 15. (See Jun 10, 1933.)
Jun 10, 1933: President Roosevelt issued an order changing the designation and broadening the duties
of the Commerce Department's Assistant Secretary for Aeronautics, effective 61 days from this date.
The position was given the simpler title of Assistant Secretary of Commerce and made responsible for
bureaus dealing with surface transportation as well as air transportation. A second Assistant Secretary had
charge of bureaus dealing with trade and industry.
On Jun 15, the position of Director of Aeronautics became head of the Aeronautics Branch.
(For earlier use of this same title, see entries for Jul 1, 1927, and Nov 1929.) The Director was to be
assisted by three new Assistant Directors in charge of the divisions of Air Regulation, Airways, and
Aeronautic Development.
On Jun 16, the President announced the appointment of Ewing Y. Mitchell to be the Assistant
Secretary of Commerce responsible for transportation, and also named the three Assistant Directors of
Aeronautics. The Director of Aeronautics position remained vacant until Sep 19, 1933 (see that date).
Jun 30, 1933: During the fiscal year that ended this date, substitution began of a new T-L antenna for the
old loop antenna used to transmit radio range beacon signals to guide airmen flying through conditions of
poor visibility. The new antenna satisfactorily disposed of the problem of night errors associated with the
loop antenna. By the fiscal year's end, six of the T-L antennas were in operation, 38 were about to be
placed in service, and equipment was available for installation at six additional sites.
Remote control of radio aids to air navigation also began during the fiscal year. Heretofore,
operators of such aids were located on the premises of each radio facility. Since the facilities were far
removed from the air terminals, owing to the hazard radio towers posed to aircraft, the operators seldom
came into personal contact with the people they served. Installation of remote control enabled them to be
located in the teletypewriter station, operating airways radio broadcasting stations and the radio beacon
transmitters by means of a dial switch and leased telephone lines. This centralization of control and close
contact with the flying public promoted efficiency and reduced operating and maintenance costs.
By the end of Jun 1933, three remote control installations had been completed. The equipment for
63 additional stations had been purchased and delivered for installation.
Jul 1, 1933: The Commerce Department's Aeronautics Branch assumed sole responsibility for
constructing and maintaining airways, ending the arrangement under which the Airways Division was
structurally part of the Bureau of Lighthouses. Under the Aeronautics Branch, the number of districts in
which this function was organized was reduced from eight to six.
Jul 1, 1933: The Douglas DC-1, a forerunner of the famed DC-3, made its first flight. Transcontinental
and Western Air (TWA) purchased the only one of these monoplanes built by Douglas. The DC-2, an
improved version of the DC-1, made its maiden flight on May 11, 1934, and promptly went into service
with TWA. CAA type-certificated the plane on Jun 29, 1934.
Aug 15, 1933: The Aeronautics Branch announced the abolition of solo pilot licenses and gave the solo
flying privileges of that license to student pilots. The change was part of the Branch's response to curtailed
appropriations. (See Sep 15, 1933.)
The Aeronautics Branch also announced that it now required airlines to make detailed reports of
all forced landings experienced on interstate scheduled passenger flights. Previously airlines had been
requested only to report the number of forced landings.
Aug 1933: The first practical variable-pitch propeller, developed by Frank W. Caldwell of Hamilton
Standard Propeller Company in 1930, was introduced into airline service, on a Curtiss Condor biplane. The
new propeller improved the propulsive efficiency of modern aircraft with highly supercharged engines,
giving them more thrust than a fixed-pitch propeller when taking off and permitting adjustment to a more
efficient setting for flight at different altitudes and speeds.
Sep 15, 1933: The Aeronautics Branch announced in the
Air Commerce Bulletin a streamlining plan for
the Air Regulation Service aimed at saving $500,000. in the current fiscal year. The plan: reduced the
number of inspection districts from nine to eight; cut personnel in the Service by fifteen percent; generally
required applicants to travel to inspection locations as opposed to inspectors travelling from airport to
airport; placed fourteen Department of Commerce aircraft in storage; closed an aircraft maintenance base;
and completely segregated airline inspection, licensing, and regulation services. The Aeronautics Branch
also announced that the wattage of rotating beacon lights would be cut in half for an annual savings of
about $75,000.
Sep 19, 1933: President Roosevelt appointed Eugene L. Vidal head of the Aeronautics Branch with the
title of Director of Aeronautics (see Jun 10, 1933). Vidal was educated at the University of South Dakota
and at West Point. Graduating from the latter institution in 1918, he served in the Army Corps of
Engineers for two years before transferring to the Air Service and becoming a pilot. In 1926 he resigned
his commission to take a position with a commercial aviation company. He continued in commercial
aviation until he joined the Aeronautics Branch as Assistant Director of Aeronautics for Air Regulation in
June 1933 (see Feb 28, 1937).
With Vidal's appointment as Director, the post of Assistant Director for Aeronautic Development
was abolished and the number of Assistant Directors was reduced to two: the Assistant Director for Air
Navigation and the Assistant Director for Air Regulation. All the principal functions of the Branch were
divided between these two officials. Only the Administrative Section and the Aeronautic Information
Section reported directly to the Director.
Oct 24, 1933: In an unprecedented feat for air transports, a Douglas DC-2 and a Boeing 247D finished
second and third in a field of twenty in the MacRobertson International Air Race. The 18,500 pound
DC-2 negotiated the course from Mildenhall, England, to Melbourne, Australia, in 90 hours 13 minutes. It
finished 19 hours 41 minutes behind the first place finisher, a de Havilland DH-88 Comet, a long-range
twin-engine racer designed expressly for the competition. Even more remarkable, the Douglas carried
three revenue passengers and 900 pounds of mail and made 18 stops along a doglegged course
approximately 1,000 miles longer than that flown by the Comet. The superiority of American transports
over those of British or European manufacture was demonstrated by advanced design features such as
NACA cowls, all-metal stressed-skin construction, light-alloy fuselage, a single low wing, retractable
landing gear, and variable pitch propellers.
Nov 8, 1933: Director of Aeronautics Vidal announced a plan to make low-priced aircraft available for
widespread private ownership. Vidal followed his announcement with a survey that indicated strong
consumer interest in a plane priced at about $700. On Dec 28, the Public Works Administration (PWA)
announced that $500,000 had been set aside for the development of such an airplane. U.S. aircraft
manufacturers denounced the plan as unrealistic, however, and the PWA funds never materialized. The
"Poor Man's Airplane" project collapsed, but the Department of Commerce continued to promote
development of affordable aircraft. (See Jul 19, 1934.)
Nov 24, 1933: The Aeronautics Branch announced an airport development program to be undertaken in
cooperation with the Civil Works Administration. Since one purpose of the program was to provide work
immediately to the unemployed, the Branch urged municipalities wishing to acquire landing fields to apply
within the next two weeks. (See Apr 15, 1934.)
Dec 7, 1933: Regulatory amendments effective this date included a provision that persons under 21 years
of age were required to obtain the consent of parents or guardians before receiving any type of pilot
license (see May 1, 1967). The amendments also created a new amateur pilot license requiring only 25
hours of solo flying time, compared to 50 hours then needed for a private license. The new grade, which
was subsequently discontinued, was intended for personal and pleasure flying.
Dec 20, 1933: The Martin M-130 made its first flight. CAA type-certificated this four-engine,
transoceanic flying boat designed for Pan American Airways, on Oct 9, 1935. The aircraft began service
with Pan American on Nov 22, 1935.
Feb 6, 1934: A new Inter-Departmental Advisory Committee on Aviation met to study the
establishment of a uniform Federal aviation policy. The Committee consisted of representatives of the
Departments of Commerce, War, Navy, and the Post Office, plus the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Feb 9, 1934: Postmaster General James A. Farley, carrying out the wishes of President Roosevelt,
announced the cancellation of all existing air mail contracts, effective midnight, Feb 19, 1934. His
action followed disclosures made by a special Senate investigating committee chaired by Senator Hugo L.
Black (D-Ala.) and investigations made by Farley himself. The general basis for cancellation of the air
mail contracts was the charge that competitive bidding had been bypassed and contract awards had been
made as a result of collusion in a series of conferences of operators with Postmaster General Walter Folger
Brown (see May 19, 1930).
The following day, noting that the air mail contracts had been canceled and that the continuing
need for air mail service had created an emergency, President Roosevelt issued an Executive order
directing the Secretary of War to make available the planes and pilots necessary to carry the air mail during
the emergency. In response to the President's Executive Order, the Army Air Corps began carrying the
air mail when the contracts expired. (See Mar 10, 1934.)
Feb 23, 1934: The Lockheed Electra L-10 first flew. On Aug 10, the Bureau of Air Commerce type-
certificated the aircraft, which featured twin fins and rudders. Scheduled airline service with the L-10
began on Aug 11, 1934.
Mar 10, 1934: President Roosevelt ordered temporary curtailment of air mail service by the Army Air
Corps (see Feb 9, 1934) after accidents had taken the lives of ten Army fliers, four on the mail routes and
six in related flying (training exercises and ferrying personnel). On Mar 19, the Air Corps resumed
carrying the mail on reduced schedules. On May 8, mail service by commercial air companies began
again on certain routes. Pending new air mail legislation, the companies operated under temporary, three-
month contracts, renewable for three months (see Jun 12, 1934). The Air Corps's participation was phased
out, and its last scheduled mail flight was Jun 1, 1934.
Mar 26, 1934: Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nev.), a member of the Black Committee (see Feb 9, 1934),
introduced a Senate bill (S. 3187) as a substitute for the bill that was to become the Air Mail Act of 1934
(see Jun 12, 1934). McCarran's bill, defeated in the Senate, provided for the creation of a "Federal Aviation
Commission" to carry out the economic regulation of scheduled air carrier operations. The bill had no
provision to repeal any existing laws and none relating to air safety. (See Jan 21, 1935.) This was the first
of a series of bills Senator McCarran was to introduce to create an independent aviation regulatory
agency. His efforts, along with those of Representative Clarence Lea (D-Calif.) in the House (see Jan 31,
1935) and others, finally bore fruit in the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938.
Apr 15, 1934: Airport development with Federal aid was transferred to the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration for completion of projects started under the Civil Works Administration. (See Nov 24,
Apr 17, 1934: As a result of recent developments connected with flying the air mail (see Mar 10, 1934),
the Secretary of War appointed the Baker Committee to report on "the operation of the Army Air Corps
and the adequacy and efficiency of its technical flying equipment and training for the performance of its
mission in peace and in war." Named for its chairman, former Secretary of War Newton D. Baker, the
committee was composed of six civilian and five military members. It was directed to include in its report
a study of the proper relationship between the Army and civil aviation. (See Jul 18, 1934.)
Jun 12, 1934: The President signed the Air Mail Act of 1934 into law (see Feb 9, 1934). The principal
provisions were:
* Contracts were to be awarded for an initial period of one year; if the contractor performed
satisfactorily during that time, the contract could be extended indefinitely. Existing three-month contracts
could be extended by the Postmaster General for a period or periods not exceeding a total extension of nine
months (see Mar 10, 1934, and Aug 14, 1935).
* The Interstate Commerce Commission was brought into the administration of air law for the first
time. The Commission was required to fix fair and reasonable rates of compensation for each route, within
the upper limit prescribed in the act, which linked rates to airplane miles, with a sliding scale of increases
based on load. Rates were to be reviewed at least annually. The commission had authority upon 60 days
notice and hearing to terminate any contract that had been extended beyond the initial period.
* The Postmaster General and the Interstate Commerce Commission were authorized to regulate the
accounting practices of the carriers.
* Air mail contractors were prohibited, after Dec 31, 1934, from holding an interest in any other
aviation enterprise except landing fields and appurtenances thereto. Conversely, other aviation enterprises
were prohibited from holding any interest in air mail contracts.
* Contractors were prohibited from employing any person in a managerial capacity who had entered
into any unlawful combination to prevent air mail bidding. Each bidder for a contract was required to
furnish the Postmaster General a list of all stockholders owning more that 5 percent of the bidder's capital
stock, a financial statement, and, in the case of a corporation, the original amount paid to the corporation
for its stock.
* The Secretary of Commerce was to specify the speed, load capacity, and safety features of
equipment to be used on each air mail route, and to regulate the hours and benefits of pilots and mechanics.
* The President was authorized to appoint a commission of five members "for the purpose of making
an immediate study and survey and to report to Congress not later than Feb 1, 1935, its recommendations
of a broad policy covering all phases of aviation and the relation of the United States thereto." (See Jul 11,
* The National Labor Board's Decision 83, which, among other things, set a maximum flying time of
85 hours per month for airline pilots, was imposed on air mail carriers. The Board had handed down
Decision 83 on May 10, 1934, but its provisions had not possessed the force of law. Later, the Civil
Aeronautics Act of 1938 applied Decision 83 to all interstate air carriers. (See
Apr 29, 1942).
Jun 19, 1934: An amendment to the Air Commerce Act of 1926 gave the Aeronautics Branch stronger
authority to investigate civil aircraft accidents. The amendment empowered the Secretary of Commerce
or his representative to subpoena witnesses to testify or produce documentary evidence at public hearings
into the causes of such accidents. If the accident involved a fatality or serious injury, the Secretary was
required to issue a statement of the probable cause. In other cases, issuance of such a statement was left to
the Secretary's discretion. The amendment also gave the Secretary additional safety-rulemaking powers.
(See Oct 1, 1934.)
Jul 1, 1934: The name of the Aeronautics Branch was changed to Bureau of Air Commerce. At the
same time, the title of the Director of Aeronautics was changed to Director of Air Commerce. The new
name more accurately reflected the duties of the organization, which enjoyed the status of a bureau but had
not been so designated. Also by this date there were no longer any major aeronautical functions that were
structurally part of other Commerce Department bureaus.
Jul 11, 1934: The Federal Aviation Commission, appointed by President Roosevelt in accordance with
section 20 of the Air Mail Act of 1934 (see June 12, 1934), held its first meeting. The members were:
Clark Howell, editor in chief of the Atlanta Constitution and a member of the National Transportation
Committee of 1932; Edward P. Warner, a leading aeronautical engineer and the former first Assistant
Secretary of the Navy for Aeronautics; Albert J. Berres, a labor relations expert; Jerome C. Hunsaker, a
former naval officer with executive experience in civil aviation business enterprises; and Franklin K. Lane,
a lawyer with both Army and Navy aviation experience. The Commission's Secretary was J. Carroll Cone,
Director of Air Regulation, Bureau of Air Commerce. The Commission's assignment was to make "an
immediate study and survey" and to recommend "a broad policy covering all phases of aviation and the
relation of the United States thereto." (See Jan 22, 1935.)
Jul 15, 1934: The Southwest Division of Varney Speed Lines began operations, flying a mail route
between Pueblo, Col., and El Paso, Tex. The organization later evolved into Continental Air Lines, a
name that it adopted on Jul 1, 1937.
Jul 18, 1934: The Baker Committee (see Apr 17, 1934), having taken the testimony of 105 witnesses,
visited various aviation centers, and received 536 communications from Air Corps officers, filed its report.
The Committee found that the United States surpassed other countries in "general," commercial, and naval
aviation, but that U.S. military aviation needed financial support. Practically all deficiencies in Air Corps
armament, equipment, and munitions, the Committee found, were traceable to lack of funds.
Considering the aviation industry essential to national defense, the committee recommended that
the Federal government refrain from competition with private industry. It further recommended that in
addition to purchase by open competitive bids, purchase by design competition and by negotiation should
be lawful. Moreover, since the committee believed that commercial equipment and methods would
continue to lead the way, it recommended that the Air Corps take steps to keep abreast of and adopt the
latest such equipment and methods and that Army cargo and transport planes be converted or developed
from commercial types. It also recommended that Army pilots be trained to use the national airways.
Jul 19, 1934: The Bureau of Air Commerce announced the creation of a Development Section to conduct
and promote work on new types of aircraft, engines, and accessories, with specialization in the
development of a low-priced airplane for general public use (see Nov 8, 1933). The new section reported
directly to the Director of Air Commerce.
Jul 1934: The Bureau of Air Commerce designated the first full-time aeronautical inspector for
permanent duty in Alaska. Heretofore, Department of Commerce responsibilities in Alaska under the Air
Commerce Act had been accomplished in the course of an annual visit by an inspector. The duties of the
inspector included examination of airmen and aircraft for licensing, enforcement of airline regulations and
air traffic rules, inspection of flying schools, rating of airports, and all other matters under the jurisdiction
of the Department of Commerce. An important part of these duties was to cooperate closely with the
territorial government in seeking to develop airports and stimulate interest in flying.
Sep 5, 1934: Wiley Post, the first pilot to use a successful pressure suit, reached about 40,000 feet over
Chicago. Although this flight did not set a new altitude record, Post demonstrated the future of pressurized
flying with this and later stratospheric operations.
Sep 13, 1934: Following a conclusive demonstration of an Army Air Corps blind-landing system, the
Bureau of Air Commerce adopted that system as its standard. The demonstration marked the conclusion of
eleven months work by the Bureau in which it tested various systems and modifications for blind landing
using a Ford tri-motor transport. (See Mar 1, 1933, and May 2, 1940.)
Oct 1, 1934: Revised safety requirements for airlines became effective. The revision resulted from an
amendment to the Air Commerce Act of 1926, effective in Jun 1934, which strengthened and made more
explicit the authority of the Secretary of Commerce to prescribe safety regulations.
The new provisions included the requirement for airline pilots to use multi-engine aircraft capable
of operating with one engine not functioning when flying at night or over terrain not readily permitting
emergency landings. Instrument or “blind” flying was permitted only for multi-engine airliners equipped
with two-way radio.
The rules also required every airline to set up its system in operating divisions, with each
division's operating procedure subject to the approval of the Bureau of Air Commerce. The divisions were
to have approved operations manuals dealing with such safety matters as minimum altitudes of flight over
specific airways, minimum ceiling for landing at specific airports, procedures for takeoff in the event of
forced landing, and weather minimums for specific routes.
New flight duty time limitations for airline pilots included a maximum of 100 hours per month.
This was lower than the previous 110 hour monthly maximum and closer to the 85 hours required by law
for pilots of air mail carriers (see Jun 12, 1934). Other provisions included a requirement that dispatching
procedures and personnel receive Department of Commerce approval.
Oct 15, 1934: The National Airline System, later known as National Airlines, began operations as a
Florida intrastate carrier. National's transformation into a trunk airline began in 1944, when the Civil
Aeronautics Board awarded it authority to serve the New York/Florida market.
Jan 1, 1935: The Bureau of Air Commerce announced a new policy for the classification of airports,
under which only those airports serving scheduled interstate airlines would be examined for compliance
with its requirements.
Jan 11-12, 1935: Amelia Earhart took off in a Lockheed Vega from Honolulu and landed in Oakland,
Calif., 18 hours 15 minutes later--making the first solo flight from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland.
Jan 21, 1935: After closely following the work of the Federal Aviation Commission (see Jul 11, 1934, and
Jan 22, 1935), Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nev.) introduced a bill (S. 1932) to create a Civil Aeronautics
Commission to regulate the economic phases of both scheduled air transportation and aircraft operations in
furtherance of a business. Safety regulation of civil aviation would also be turned over to this commission,
but the Secretary of Commerce would retain his duties under existing law with regard to airways and air
navigation facilities. (See Jun 7, 1935.)
Jan 22, 1935: The Federal Aviation Commission (see Jul 11, 1934) submitted its report to the
President, recommending the establishment of an independent Air Commerce Commission that would
eventually be absorbed, along with agencies regulating other forms of transportation, into an overall
transportation agency. The commission also suggested that Congress empower the Department of
Commerce to install lights and other navigational aids at selected airports, and recommended that Congress
ban holding-company operations and other monopolistic practices in the aeronautical industry. On Jan 31,
1935, in forwarding the report to the Congress, President Roosevelt said he was unable to concur in the
commission's recommendation for creating what he called a "temporary" Air Commerce Commission.
Until a permanent transportation agency was created, the President said the needs of air transportation
could be well served by a division of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Congressman Clarence Lea
(D-Calif.) introduced legislation to enact the commission's recommendations, but the bill died in 1936.
Jan 22, 1935: The Bureau of Air Commerce appointed an inspector in South America to renew licenses
for U.S. airmen and aircraft of U.S. registry.
Feb 12, 1935: The U.S. Navy's rigid airship
Macon crashed at sea off the California coast. This crash,
coupled with the loss of the Macon's sister ship, the
Akron, two years earlier, ended U.S. interest in rigid
airship development.
May 6, 1935: A Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA) DC-2 crashed near Atlanta, Mo., killing
five of the eight persons aboard. Senator Bronson M. Cutting (R-N.Mex.) was among the fatalities. A
Bureau of Air Commerce report cited the accident’s causes as the U.S. Weather Bureau’s failure to predict
hazardous weather and misjudgments by the pilot and TWA ground personnel. In June 1936, however, a
committee chaired by Sen. Royal S. Copeland (D-N.Y.) issued a report alleging that the tragedy was caused
by malfunctioning navigational aides and voicing other criticisms of the Bureau of Air Commerce. The
controversy gave impetus to legislative efforts that eventuated in the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938. (See
Jun 23, 1938.)
Jun 7, 1935: In recommending extension of the Emergency Railroad Transportation Act to Congress,
President Roosevelt repeated his views on the regulation of aviation (see Jan 22, 1935). "Air
transportation," he wrote, "should be brought into a proper relation to other forms of transportation by
subjecting it to regulation by the same agency." He said it was his hope "that the Interstate Commerce
Commission may, with the addition of the new duties that I have indicated, ultimately become a Federal
Transportation Commission with comprehensive powers." This reorganization, he believed, should not be
delayed beyond the second session of the 74th Congress, or 1936. On Jun 10, in an effort to carry out
President Roosevelt's wishes, Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nev.) introduced a new bill to replace the one
he had introduced on Jan 21. The revised proposal placed all regulatory authority in the Interstate
Commerce Commission. During hearings, considerable interdepartmental differences of opinion came to
light, particularly between the Commerce and Post Office Departments and the Interstate Commerce
Commission. After being rewritten, the bill was reported out of committee, but failed to reach a vote on the
floor of the Senate and died with the adjournment of the 74th Congress in 1936.
Jun 19, 1935: Gathering at the invitation of the Department of Commerce, a group of governmental and
industry representatives formed the Radio Technical Committee for Aeronautics (RTCA). The
Department had organized the meeting to address a need for coordination of research in the development of
aeronautical radio. The new RTCA agreed to launch a continuing study of radio problems affecting air
navigation. It began by forming subcommittees to consider such issues as reducing rain static interference
and allocating frequencies.
As it evolved, RTCA made two changes to its name. On Jan 15, 1942, the group adopted a
constitution and changed the word "Committee" to "Commission." On Nov 14, 1991, the organization
became a non-profit corporation and shortened its name to RTCA, Inc.
Jun 20, 1935: President Roosevelt ordered the creation of the Interdepartmental Committee on Civil
International Aviation to gather information and make recommendations pertaining to civil international
aviation. The committee was terminated upon the creation of the Civil Aeronautics Authority on Aug 22,
Jun 25, 1935: The first flight of the Breguet-Dorand Gyroplane, an aircraft with two rotors mounted one
above the other, took place in France. The Gyroplane is sometimes cited as the first true helicopter, but
its achievements were surpassed by Germany's Focke-Achgelis Fa-61. Often considered the first practical
helicopter, the Fa-61 first flew on Jun 26, 1936, and went on to set many records. During 1937, it made
the first helicopter flight of over one hour.
Jun 27, 1935: The Supreme Court of the United States handed down its ruling in the case of
(Humphrey's Executor) v. United States--a ruling that was to have a direct effect on the structure of the
Civil Aeronautics Authority (see Jun 23, 1938). The Court held that President Roosevelt had exceeded his
power in dismissing William E. Humphrey, a Republican member of the Federal Trade Commission,
without assigning a statutory cause. The decision was based on the Court's finding that the FTC, since it
included quasi-legislative functions among its responsibilities, was a creature of Congress; therefore,
Congress had been within its powers in specifying by law the basis for removal of appointees. This
decision was in contrast to that in the case of
Myers v. United States (1926), in which the Court had upheld
President Wilson's dismissal of a postmaster on the ground that the latter was an agent of the presidential
power. (See Jan 12, 1937.)
Jul 23, 1935: Britain's Defense Research Committee received a key report on technology that became
known as radar (radio detecting and ranging). By the time World War II began, Britain had established
a chain of radar stations and equipped British aircraft with a device called IFF (identification, friend or foe)
to help the radar stations distinguish British from hostile aircraft. (See Jun 30, 1945.)
Aug 14, 1935: An amendment to the Air Mail Act of 1934 (see Jun 12, 1934) became law, permitting the
Postmaster General to award air mail contracts for a three-year period. The amendment also authorized
moderate increases in route mileage, which had been frozen at 25,000 miles in the 1934 act to prevent
extension abuses.
Aug 15, 1935: Pioneer aviator Wiley Post and humorist Will Rogers were killed when an aircraft
piloted by Post -- a hybrid, pontoon-equipped Lockheed Orion-Explorer -- plunged into a lagoon on
takeoff, 16 miles north of Point Barrow, Alaska.
Aug 29, 1935: The Bureau of Air Commerce began discharging its responsibilities in the Works Progress
Administration airport development program, providing technical advice and recommendations on all
projects submitted. On Oct 1, the Bureau announced the appointment of seven regional supervisors and
thirteen district advisors to oversee the assistance work, which came under the general supervision of the
chief of the permanent Airport, Marking, and Mapping Section.
Sep 5, 1935: Simultaneous transmission of radio beacon signals and voice was first put into regular
service at Pittsburgh, Pa. (See Jul 1, 1937.)
Nov 1, 1935: Due to increased air traffic, Bureau of Air Commerce director Eugene Vidal ordered all
airway users, except airline operators, to refrain temporarily from making instrument flights within
25 miles of the center line of a radio beam or within 25 miles of an air carrier airport. (See Nov 12-14,
Nov 12-14, 1935: Representatives of all segments of the aviation community, except manufacturers, met at
the Commerce Building in Washington, D.C., with Bureau of Air Commerce officials to discuss airway
traffic control. Although the conferees agreed that the Bureau should establish a uniform system of air
traffic control, a lack of funding prevented it from assuming control. Director of Air Commerce Vidal
convinced the airline operators to establish airway traffic control immediately and promised that in 90 to
120 days the Bureau of Air Commerce would take over the operations. (See Mar 24, 1936.) On Nov 15,
Vidal approved an interairline air traffic agreement between carriers flying the Chicago-Cleveland-
Newark airway. He also relaxed the general ban on instrument flying by private fliers (see Nov 1, 1935).
Those pilots could now fly by instruments if they filed a flight plan with the Bureau of Air Commerce and
with at least one airline flying over the route they planned to use.
Nov 22-29, 1935: Pan American Airway's
China Clipper made the first transpacific air mail flight from
San Francisco to Honolulu, Midway, Wake, Guam, and Manila. (See Oct 21, 1936.)
Dec 1, 1935: A consortium of airline companies organized and manned the first airway traffic control
center at Newark, N.J. It provided information to airline pilots on the whereabouts of planes other than
their own in the Newark vicinity during weather conditions requiring instrument flying. Two additional
centers, similarly organized and staffed, opened several months later: Chicago in Apr 1936, Cleveland in
Jun 1936. (See Jul 6, 1936, and Nov 12-14, 1935.)
Dec 17, 1935: The Douglas DC-3 first flew. One of the most successful aircraft in history, the DC-3 was
the first plane that allowed airlines to begin basing their profits squarely on passenger service rather than on
carrying mail. The Bureau of Air Commerce certificated this aircraft on May 21, 1936, and American
Airlines became the first to place it in service (using the berth-equipped DST version) on Jun 25, 1936. By
1942, the DC-3 represented 80 percent of the U.S. airline fleet. When production of the DC-3 and its
modifications ended in 1945, 10,926 aircraft had been built, 803 as commercial airliners, and the rest as
military versions (called C-47 in the U.S. Army, R4D in the U.S. Navy, Dakota or Dakota I by the British).
Jan 3, 1936: Executives of scheduled U.S. airlines met in Chicago to form the Air Transport Association
of America as a separate trade association for air carriers. Until the end of 1935, the founding airlines had
belonged to the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce (see Calendar Year 1945). The new Association's
first president was Edgar S. Gorrell, whose effective lobbying was soon to play an important role in the
passage of the Civil Aeronautics Act (see Jun 23, 1938). Gorrell served until 1945, and was succeded by:
Emory S. Land, 1946-53; Earl D. Johnson, 1954-55; Harold L. Pearson, 1955; Stuart E. Tipton, 1955-72;
Paul R. Ignatius, 1972-84; Norman J. Phillion, 1985; William S. Bolger, 1986-88; Robert J. Aaronson,
1989-92; and James E. Landry, who began serving in 1992.
Mar 24, 1936: At a meeting before a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee to ask for
supplemental funds, Director of Air Commerce Eugene L. Vidal, convinced the committee of the necessity
for the Federal Government to take over Air Traffic Control. Vidal succeeded in ultimately obtaining
$175,000 for the takeover of three existing control centers early in fiscal 1937. (See Jul 6, 1936).
Apr 10, 1936: The President signed legislation that extended the jurisdiction of the Railway Labor Act
to airline employees. The act guaranteed the right of collective bargaining and provided mechanisms,
such as mediation and arbitration, for settling labor-management issues. It also provided for investigation
of representation disputes and for certification of employee organizations as representatives of crafts or
classes of carrier employees.
May 9, 1936: The German rigid airship Hindenburg moored at Lakehurst, N.J., after a nonstop
transatlantic passage of 61 hours 38 minutes from Fiedrichshafen, Germany. The flight marked the
inauguration of regularly scheduled transatlantic air service. The
Hindenburg, which had first flown
two months earlier, on Mar 4, made ten roundtrips between Germany and the United States during her 1936
season, carrying 1,021 passengers across the North Atlantic. (See May 6, 1937.)
Jun 6, 1936: The Socony-Vacuum Oil Company began using the catalytic cracking method to produce
aviation gasoline, a step forward in the technology of aviation fuel production.
Jul 6, 1936: Federal air traffic control began as the Bureau of Air Commerce took over operation of the
three airway traffic control centers at Newark, Chicago, and Cleveland. Up to this time, these centers
had been operated by private airline companies (see Dec 1, 1935). The centers were placed under Earl F.
Ward, whose appointment as Supervisor, Airway Traffic Control, had been announced on Mar 6, 1936.
Ward reported to the chief of the Airline Inspection Service within the Air Regulation Division. When the
Bureau assumed control of the centers, it hired fifteen center employees to become the original Federal
corps of airway controllers.
Aug 15, 1936: Bureau of Air Commerce regulations governing instrument flight became effective.
Under the new rules, all civil pilots desiring to fly intentionally by instruments over a civil airway were
required to have an instrument rating and a Federally licensed aircraft equipped with two-way radio and
approved instrument flying equipment. Pilots were required to file a flight plan if they intended to fly by
instruments or along a civil airway when visibility was less than one mile. At this time, almost all general
aviation pilots lacked instrument ratings and equipment for instrument flying. During bad weather,
therefore, the new rules generally kept them off airways used by air carriers.
Sep 10, 1936: Deutsche Luft Hansa's twin-engine Dornier Do.18 flying boat
Zephyr alighted offshore of
Port Washington, N.Y., after a flight of 22 hours 18 minutes from Horta in the Azores, where it had been
catapulted from the deck of a depot ship. This was the first a series of German survey flights for
possible transatlantic air mail service. The Germans continued such experimental flights into 1938.
Sep 30, 1936: Three reporters left New York City to journey around the world as passengers. Herbert
R. Ekins, who made all major links by air, arrived back in 18 days, 14 hours, 56 minutes. Dorothy
Kilgallen and Leo Kieran made surface connections that included a sea voyage from Hong Kong to Manila.
Keiran's time of 24 days, 14 hours, 20 minutes was 1 hour 45 minutes slower than Gilgallen's, but he
claimed to be the only one of the three who used only regular transportation available to all citizens.
Oct 19, 1936: The Bureau of Air Commerce commissioned the Detroit air route traffic control center on
this date, followed by the Pittsburgh center on Nov 16.
Oct 21, 1936: Pan American Airways initiated regular weekly transpacific passenger service as the
Hawaii Clipper took of from Almeda, near San Francisco, arriving at Manila on Oct 27. (See Nov 22-29,
1935, and Apr 28, 1937.)
Nov 1, 1936: Central Airlines and Pennsylvania Airlines merged to form Pennsylvania-Central Airlines.
The company changed its name to Capital Airlines on Apr 21, 1948. (See Jun 1, 1961.)
Calendar year, 1936: For the first time in their history, U.S. domestic airlines carried a million or more
passengers (l,042,042) in scheduled air operations in a single year.
Jan 12, 1937: Franklin Roosevelt submitted to Congress the Report of the President's Committee on
Administrative Management, popularly known as the Brownlow Report, named after chairman Louis
Brownlow, a public administration expert. The committee had examined the proliferation of Federal
boards, commissions, and agencies that operated independently of the President's executive powers, and
constituted a "fourth branch of Government." The committee had no quarrel with the Congress's intent in
creating these agencies--they were needed to perform quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions. But
the committee did take exception to the fact that these agencies also exercised executive or administrative
powers that, in its opinion, properly belonged to the President. The committee recommended that those
entities be placed within executive departments and divided into judicial and administrative sections. The
judicial section would be independent of executive branch control; the administrative section, however,
would be headed by a chief directly responsible to a member of the President's cabinet. The Brownlow
Report had a profound influence on the organizational structure of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, as set
forth in Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 (see Jun 23, 1938).
Feb 28, 1937: Eugene L. Vidal announced his resignation as Director of Air Commerce. He was
succeeded the following day by Fred D. Fagg, Jr. Fagg came to the Bureau of Air Commerce as an
authority on aviation law. In 1929 he had founded the Air Law Institute at Northwestern University, and
since then he had been its director in addition to editing or helping to edit its publication, the
Journal of Air
Law. Before his appointment as Director of Air Commerce, Fagg had served as consulting expert to the
Department of Commerce on revision of the air commerce regulations, as an advisor to the Copeland
Senate committee on aircraft safety, and as one of the advisers to the Federal Aviation Commission (see Jul
11, 1934). He was a member of the Illinois Aeronautics Commission, secretary of the National Association
of State Aviation Officials, and a member of the American Section, International Technical Committee of
Aerial Legal Experts. (See Apr 16, 1938.)
Mar 1, 1937: The Bureau of Air Commerce commissioned the Los Angeles air route traffic control
center on this date, followed by the Washington (D.C.) center on Apr 1 and the Oakland center on May
Apr 28, 1937: The Pan American
Hong Kong Clipper, a Sikorsky S-42B flying boat, arrived at Hong Kong
from Manila. Linking with the existing Pan Am route from San Francisco to Manila, this new service
completed the first commercial airline route from the United States to a point close to the Asian
mainland. (See Oct 21, 1936.)
Apr 29, 1937: The Commerce Department announced a new plan of organization for the Bureau of Air
Commerce. The reorganization placed all activities under the Director of Air Commerce, assisted by an
Assistant Director, with supervision over seven principal divisions: Airways Engineering; Airways
Operation; Safety and Planning; Administrative; Information and Statistics; Certificate and Inspection; and
Regulation and Enforcement. A Policy Board composed of top Bureau officials and a Technical Assistant
and an Advisory Board of representatives of aviation interests assisted the Director. A second Assistant
Director position was added during fiscal 1938.
May 6, 1937: The German airship
Hindenburg burst into flames while mooring at Lakehurst, N.J., the
U.S. terminal for its regular transatlantic service, killing 35 of the 97 persons aboard. The tragedy signaled
the end of serious efforts to use rigid airships in commercial air transportation.
May 7, 1937: The first flight by a fully pressurized airplane, the Lockheed XC-35, occurred. The Army
used the plane, a modified Electra, to test equipment and material for use in high altitude operations. A few
aircraft prior to the XC-35 had been fitted with experimental pressure cabins, but none of the earlier models
flew successfully.
May 28, 1937: National Aviation Day occurred for the first time, on a one-time basis, pursuant to a
Presidential proclamation issued in accordance with Public Resolution No. 32, 75th Congress, approved
May 25, 1937. May 28 was selected because it marked the 20th anniversary of the decision to design what
later became known as the Liberty engine, the principal U.S. contribution to aeronautics during World War
I. (See Aug 19, 1939.)
Jun 16, 1937: Commercial passenger service was inaugurated reciprocally between New York and
Bermuda by Pan American Airways, using the Sikorsky S.42B flying boat Bermuda Clipper, and by
Imperial Airways, using the Short S.23 flying boat
Cavalier. This was the first scheduled airplane service
over a segment of the North Atlantic.
Jul 1, 1937: The Bureau of Air Commerce launched a two-year comprehensive airways modernization
and extension program, allocating five million dollars to modernize the existing airways, and $2 million
to extend the airways system. Under the program, the Bureau converted the existing airway broadcast and
radio range stations to the simultaneous system of transmission in which a pilot could receive radio range
signals and radiotelephone information on weather conditions at the same time. By the end of fiscal 1938,
six simultaneous-transmission stations had been completed, with the remaining 159 scheduled for
completion at the rate of 12 to 15 per month. (See Sep 5, 1935, and May 1, 1939.) This program followed
a period of several years during which stringent curtailment of funds had brought development of the
nation's airways to a virtual standstill.
Jul 2, 1937: A Lockheed Electra 10E carrying navigator Fred J. Noonan and famed pilot Amelia Earhart
was reported overdue at Howland Island in the Pacific, a stop on an eastward trip planned as the first
flight to follow an equatorial path around the globe. A massive search failed to locate the aircraft, and
theories as to its fate abound.
Aug 23, 1937: At the Army's Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, the first wholly automatic landing was made
by Capt. Carl J. Crane, the system's inventor, Capt. George Holloman, pilot, and Mr. Raymond K. Stout,
project engineer. The landing was made without intervention from the human pilot or from the ground.
Sep 15, 1937: President Roosevelt appointed an Interdepartmental Committee on Civil Aviation
Legislation to review for the executive branch legislation proposed for the economic regulation of the air
carrier industry and make recommendations (see Jun 7, 1935). Representatives from the State, Treasury,
War, Navy, Post Office, and Commerce Departments served on the committee. On Jan 4, 1938, the
committee incorporated the result of its hearings and deliberations in a proposed bill. That bill underwent
various modifications and became in large part the basis of the Senate and House bills sponsored by
Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nev.) and Congressman Clarence F. Lea (D-Calif.). Early in 1938, President
Roosevelt informed McCarran and Lea that he had changed his mind concerning regulation of air
commerce by the Interstate Commerce Commission (see Jan 31 and Jun 7, 1935) and now favored the idea
of a separate commission to regulate all phases of civil aeronautics. These moves by the President and the
two members of Congress were key events in the several years of efforts to obtain legislation providing for
all or part of the regulation of civil aeronautics to be performed by the Interstate Commerce Commission or
a new independent agency. Between Mar 26, 1934, when McCarran introduced his first bill for such a
purpose, until the passage of the Civil Aeronautics Act, more than 30 bills dealing with this subject had
been introduced in Congress, and many of these bills had more than one version as a result of modification
during hearings. The act, as it finally emerged from Congress, embraced the contributions of many persons
and represented many compromises. (See Jun 23, 1938.)
Nov 1, 1937: A Department of Commerce rule went into effect that required scheduled air carriers to
employ a copilot on multi-engine aircraft with retractable landing gear or wing flaps, and on single-engine
aircraft incorporating both retractable landing gear and wing flaps. It also required a copilot in scheduled
service during instrument flying and during flights that exceeded a certain duration. (See Oct 1, 1931 and
Jul 8, 1940.)
Nov 1, 1937: The main part of the Civil Air Regulations (CARs), representing a thorough revision and
codification of the Air Commerce Regulations, went into effect. Classification of the regulations into parts
and sections numbered by an expansible decimal system began at this time.
The need for this revision and codification had become quite urgent. Since 1926, various
individuals within the Aeronautics Branch, the Bureau of Air Commerce, or the Department of Commerce
had issued regulations without any system for clearance through a central office. As a result, there was no
convenient or standard compilation; sometimes, regulations could be found only in Departmental or Bureau
correspondence. Moreover, the enforceability of most of the regulations was open to question in case of
contest because most of them had been issued by persons other than the Secretary of Commerce, the
official designated in the Air Commerce Act. The staff of the Bureau of Air Commerce and its
predecessor, the Aeronautics Branch, were well aware of the situation but too burdened with routine duties
to exert the major effort required to correct it.
Finally, through the interest of Colonel J. Monroe Johnson, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, the
Bureau invited two consulting experts from Northwestern University to undertake the task of revision.
Fred D. Fagg, Jr., and John H. Wigmore, Dean Emeritus of Northwestern's School of Law, began the work
in Jul 1936. When Fagg became Director of Air Commerce on Mar 1, 1937, he was replaced by Howard
C. Knotts, Editor in Chief of the
Journal of Air Law. (See Mar 22, 1927, and Oct 18, 1960.)
Calendar year, 1937: Reciprocal air transport service across the North Atlantic was the subject of an
exchange-of-notes agreement consummated between the governments of the United Kingdom, Canada,
the Irish Free State, and the United States. Provision was made for the British and American air carriers to
operate the service, each participating carrier to fly not more than two round trips per week. (See May 19,
Jan 1, 1938: An Airport Traffic Control Section was created in the Airways Operation Division of the
Bureau of Air Commerce. The new section was to standardize airport control tower equipment, operation
techniques, and personnel. Forty airport control tower operators had been certificated by Jun 30, 1938.
Apr 16, 1938: Denis Mulligan became Director of Air Commerce, succeeding Fred D. Fagg, Jr. (see
Feb 28, 1937), who had resigned the previous day. Mulligan brought to this position broad experience in
aviation, business, and law. A 1924 graduate of West Point, he qualified as an Army Air Corps pilot and
observer. After resigning from the Army, he was active in insurance work, commercial aviation, and
admiralty law. He joined the Bureau of Air Commerce in 1934 as chief of the Enforcement Section,
became Chief of the Regulations and Enforcement Division, and in Oct 1937 became the Bureau's
Assistant Director. Mulligan resigned as the last Director of the Bureau on Aug 21, 1938, the day before
the Civil Aeronautics Act became operative. (See
Jul 7, 1938.)
Jun 7, 1938: The Boeing 314 first flew. On Jan 25, 1939, the Civil Aeronautics Authority type-
certificated the aircraft, and the airliner entered service with Pan American Airways on May 20, 1939.
Made to the specification of Pan American for transoceanic travel, the four-engine flying boat had a gross
empty weight of 50,286 pounds and a maximum carrying capacity of 74 passengers and 10 crew members.
In 1939, the 314 became the largest production airplane in regular scheduled service in the world.
Jun 23, 1938: President Roosevelt signed the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 into law. Most of its
provisions, however, were to become effective 60 days later (see Aug 22, 1938). The law created a new
kind of Federal agency--one designed, in the light of the Brownlow Report (see Jan 12, 1937) and court
decisions (see June 27, 1935), to keep its functions as the agent of Congress distinct from its functions as
the agent of the President. This new Civil Aeronautics Authority was composed of three elements.
To perform the quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions of safety and economic regulation,
the law created a five-member entity designated the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the same term used to
describe the agency as a whole. The law also established an Administrator of the Authority, who was
independent of the five-member Authority and had responsibility for the executive and operational
functions of the agency. Finally, an Air Safety Board of three members operated independently within the
agency and had quasi-judicial powers for investigating accidents, determining their probable cause, and
making recommendations for accident prevention.
The President appointed all nine of these officials with the concurrence of the Senate. The
Administrator, as the agent of the presidential power, could be removed by the President at will, the others
only for cause.
As assigned to the five-member Authority, safety regulation functions were essentially those
previously performed by the Bureau of Air Commerce, but revised and enlarged. Economic regulation was
made much more comprehensive and thorough than that authorized by the Air Mail Act of 1934 (see Jun
12, 1934). The Authority was given regulatory powers applying to: air mail rates; airline rates, fares, and
routes; and the business practices of airlines--the last involving inspection or regulation of such matters as
accounts, records, consolidations, mergers, or other forms of control, and methods of competition.
Interstate air carriers were required to obtain from the Authority a certificate of public convenience and
necessity permitting them to operate over specified routes.
The Administrator's functions under the law were the encouragement of civil aeronautics and
commerce, establishment of civil airways, provision and technical improvement of air navigation facilities,
and the protection and regulation of air traffic along the airways. Airports were not excluded from the
facilities that the Administrator could establish and maintain, as they had been under the Air Commerce
Act; however, the Administrator was prohibited from acquiring any airport by purchase or condemnation.
The law directed the Administrator to make a field survey of the existing system of airports and to present
definite recommendations by Feb 1, 1939, on whether and how the Federal government should participate
in the development, operation, or maintenance of a national system of airports. (See Sep 14, 1938.)
Jun 30, 1938: During the fiscal year that ended this date, the Department of Commerce established
teletype network Schedule B connecting airway traffic control centers with airway communication
stations and with military airbases. By the end of the year this teletype network comprised approximately
10,000 miles of circuits. Prior to this time, the airway traffic control centers were served by only a party-
line telephone circuit connecting the center with the local airline radio ground stations, the control tower,
and the Department of Commerce radio range stations. Control of airway traffic was limited to aircraft that
were in communication with the radio stations operating at the same location as the airway traffic control
Establishment of the Schedule B network permitted teletype transmission of flight data
independently of the increasing load of weather data being transmitted on Schedule A circuits. It became
apparent, however, that improved telephone communication was also needed for airway traffic control. By
the end of fiscal 1940, the government had leased 1,760 miles of private-line telephone circuits connecting
airway traffic control centers and other facilities. By 1942, there were 29,124 miles of these “interphone
circuits” in operation.
Jul 1, 1938: The Bureau of Air Commerce created a new field organization that decentralized
administrative authority. The Bureau abolished the nine general inspection districts and the six airway
districts and consolidated their functions into seven regional offices headquartered at Kansas City (Mo.),
Los Angeles, Newark, Atlanta, Chicago, Fort Worth, and Seattle. Each region was placed under the
general direction of a regional manager responsible for a host of matters that had previously been the
province of Washington officials. The reorganization was in line with the recommendations of the
President's Committee on Administrative Management, headed by Louis Brownlow (Jan 1, 1937), which
had urged the decentralization of the Washington departments along geographical lines and the creation of
regional units to cover all parts of the United States to carry out "more and more of the administrative
work." In that way, the committee stated, government would be brought closer to the people. When the
Civil Aeronautics Authority began operations it retained the Bureau's newly decentralized field
organization. (See Aug 1, 1941.)
Jul 7, 1938: President Roosevelt named the five members of the Civil Aeronautics Authority (see Jun
29, 1938). The Chairman was to be Edward J. Noble, a Connecticut industrialist who had long had an
interest in aviation and was one of the first private owners of an autogiro. The other members were Grant
Mason, Harllee Branch, Oswald Ryan, and Robert H. Hinckley. (See Apr 12, 1939.)
On the same day, the President named Clinton M. Hester, of Montana, as the first
Administrator of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. A veteran public servant, Hester was in his 20th year
of Federal service in Washington. He had previously served in six different agencies and was, at the time
of this appointment, assistant general counsel of the Department of the Treasury. He did not formally begin
his new duties until Aug 22, 1938, the effective date of the Civil Aeronautics Act. (See Jul 11, 1940.)
Jul 10-14, 1938: With a crew of four, Howard Hughes flew a Lockheed L-14 around the world from
Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y., and back with stops at Paris, Moscow, Omsk, Yakutsk, Fairbanks, and
Minneapolis. This celebrated flight of 14,824 miles took 3 days 19 hours, about half the time achieved by
Wiley Post over a similar course in 1934 (see entry for Jun 23-Jul 1, 1931).
Jul 11, 1938: The British Empire led the world in miles covered by air route operations (80,000),
according to an annual report on civil aviation published this date. The runner-up was the United States,
with 63,000 miles. France had 38,750; Germany, 31,900; Italy, 19,450; and Holland, 19,000.
Jul 17, 1938: Douglas Corrigan took off from Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y., on a 28-hour solo flight to
Dublin, Ireland. The pilot had failed to receive clearance for a transatlantic flight, and his persistent claim
that he had intended to fly to California earned him the sobriquet “Wrong Way” Corrigan.
Jul 29, 1938: Pan American's Hawaii Clipper disappeared between Guam and Manila, and searchers
failed to find a trace of the aircraft. The frequency of transpacific service was reduced as a result of the
clipper’s loss.
Aug 22, 1938: The Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 became operative (see Jun 23, 1938). To implement
the act, the Bureau of Air Commerce was transferred from the Department of Commerce, and the Bureau of
Air Mail from the Interstate Commerce Commission to the Civil Aeronautics Authority.
Sep 27, 1938: The Civil Aeronautics Authority announced that President Roosevelt had approved its
recommendation for the immediate construction of a close-in airport to serve the District of Columbia--the
Washington National Airport. Expected to serve as a model for the rest of the nation, the new airport
would be located at Gravelly Point on the Potomac River. The site of approximately 750 acres would
include 500 acres of "made" land from dry fill and dredging. The project was to begin immediately and
was scheduled for completion by the end of 1940. (See Jun 16, 1941.)
Dec 27, 1938: President Roosevelt announced an experimental Civilian Pilot Training Program
involving 330 pilots and 13 colleges and supported by National Youth Administration funds. (See Jun 27,
Dec 31, 1938: The Boeing 307 Stratoliner, the first airliner with a pressurized cabin, made its initial
flight. Derived from the B-17 bomber, this long-range transport had four engines and a carrying capacity
of 33 passengers. CAA type-certificated the aircraft on Mar 13, 1940, and on Jul 8, 1940, it entered
scheduled service with Transcontinental and Western Air. Besides the prototype, which was lost in a crash,
Boeing built only 9 Stratoliners: 5 for TWA, 3 for Pan American, and 1 for Howard Hughes.
Mar 1, 1939: The Civil Aeronautics Authority commissioned the Fort Worth air route traffic control
center on this date, the Salt Lake City center on Apr 1, the St. Louis center on May 1, and the Atlanta
center on Oct 1.
Mar 23, 1939: The Civil Aeronautics Authority submitted to Congress its final report on a detailed
nationwide survey of airports mandated by the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938. The report indicated that
the number of municipal and commercial airports had increased from 823 at the end of 1927 to 1,833 at the
end of 1938, and that Federal relief programs had been responsible for most airport development since
The Authority recommended that the development and maintenance of an adequate system of
airports (including seaplane bases) should be recognized as a matter of national concern and a proper object
of Federal expenditure. Currently, the Authority believed that airports should receive $100 million of
regular public-works or work-relief funds, as well as $25 million to increase the Federal share of joint
Federal-local projects. Important airport projects should also be eligible for special funding in the form of
grants to state authorities. Plans for the location and development of any airports benefiting from a Federal
contribution should be approved by the Federal agency responsible for civil airways. The Federal
government should not contribute to the cost of maintaining non-Federal airports; however, the Civil
Aeronautics Authority might, as funds permitted, assume the cost of operating airport lighting equipment or
other air navigation facilities as a part of the cost of operating the Federal airway system.
Apr 12, 1939: President Roosevelt named Robert H. Hinckley of Utah, to be Chairman of the Civil
Aeronautics Authority. He succeeded Edward J. Noble (see Jul 7, 1938), who resigned to become
Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce. Hinckley was serving as an original member of the
Authority at the time of his appointment to the chairmanship. Previously, he had been Assistant
Administrator of the Works Progress Administration and had been in charge of WPA activities in the West.
Hinckley was Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority at the time of the reorganization of Jun 30,
1940 (see that date). He became Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Air on Jul 8, 1940, and served in
that post until Jul 1, 1942.
Apr 18, 1939: The minimum age requirement for a private pilot's license was increased from 16 to 18
years. The rule change resulted from a protracted campaign by the father of Edward Mallinckrodt. In
1932, the 16-year-old Mallinckrodt took a friend on a flight that ended in an accident costing both their
lives. The young man's parents had been unaware that their son possessed a pilot's license, since parental
consent was not then required for pilot applicants (see Dec 7, 1933). The elder Mallinckrodt failed to
convince the Department of Commerce that the age requirement should be raised to 18. Eventually,
however, he enlisted the support of CAA board member Oswald Ryan, who pushed the reform through the
Authority. The change prevented 16- and 17-year-olds from carrying passengers, but they could still
qualify as students and fly solo. (See Jul 1, 1945.)
Apr 1939: The National Institute of Municipal Law Officers issued the first model Airport Zoning Act,
prepared with CAA assistance, to encourage enactment of such legislation by state governments. By Nov
1944, when a fifth revision of the Model Act was published, 12 states and one territory had passed similar
acts. (See Sep 1, 1946.)
May 1, 1939: The Civil Aeronautics Authority completed a $7 million airways modernization and
improvement program begun Jul 1, 1937. The Federal Airways System now covered 25,500 miles and
included a total of 231 radio range stations, 100 ultra-high-frequency cone-of-silence markers, and 21 ultra-
high-frequency fan markers. The program also involved modernization of all the full-power radio ranges to
permit simultaneous voice and range broadcasts. (See Jul 1, 1937.)
May 9, 1939: Dale E. White and Chauncey E. Spencer took off in a Lincoln-Paige biplane from Harlem
Airport in Oak Lawn, Ill., on a flight to Washington, D.C., as part of a campaign for inclusion of African
Americans in aviation training programs. A number of black colleges were subsequently selected as
participants in the Civilian Pilot Training Program (see Jun 27, 1939).
May 15, 1939: The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), an organization devoted to the
interests of general aviation, was founded. C. Townsend Ludington became the association's first
president. The first major organization of its kind, AOPA would assume in the years to come a large voice
in aviation affairs.
May 19, 1939: The Civil Aeronautics Authority announced issuance of a certificate of public convenience
and necessity to Pan American Airways authorizing transatlantic air transport service of two round
trips per week. Before any passengers were to be carried, Pan American was required to complete a
minimum of five trips as proving flights (see Jun 28, 1939); however, Pan American began the first
regular transatlantic airplane mail service on May 20.
May 29, 1939: CAA's Indianapolis Experimental Station opened with the mission of seeking
improvements in ultra-high-frequency radio ranges, transmitters, receivers, instrument landing systems,
airport lighting methods, and other air navigation aids. Located on a landing area contiguous with the
municipal airport, the station was made available by the city of Indianapolis through a long-term lease
arrangement. Its facilities included a hangar, laboratory, and shop building constructed in accordance with
the Authority's specifications.
Jun 27, 1939: President Roosevelt signed the Civilian Pilot Training Act of 1939 into law. The act
authorized the Civil Aeronautics Authority to conduct a program for the training of civilian pilots through
educational institutions and to prescribe pertinent regulations with the objective of providing sufficient
training to prepare a student for a private pilot certificate. The act authorized $5,675,000 to be appropriated
for the program during fiscal years 1939 and 1940, and specified that thereafter the appropriation should
not exceed $7 million for any one fiscal year. The act was to expire on Jul 1, 1944. On the basis of this
legislation, CAA's program for the 1939-1940 school year called for training 11,000 civilian pilots,
although considerably fewer were actually trained the first year. (See May 16, 1940, and Dec 12, 1941)
In what proved to be an important development for African Americans in aviation, the act
contained a provision introduced by Representative Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill.) stipulating that "none of the
benefits of training or programs shall be denied on account of race, creed, or color."
Jun 28, 1939: Pan American Airways inaugurated the first regularly scheduled transatlantic passenger
airline service by heavier-than-air craft (see May 19, 1939). A Boeing 314 flying boat made the flight
from New York to the Azores, Lisbon, and Marseilles. Pan American opened passenger service between
New York and Southhampton, England, on Jul 8. The outbreak of World War II in Europe soon forced
curtailment of these routes, and by Oct 3, 1939, only the New York to Lisbon portion was operating. (See
Jun 1, 1945.)
Jul 6, 1939: Eastern Air Lines began the world’s first scheduled air mail service by a rotary winged
aircraft, using a Kellet autogiro to fly from the roof of the Philadelphia Post Office to the airport at
Camden, N.J. This experimental service lasted about one year. (See
Oct 1, 1947.)
Aug 19, 1939: National Aviation Day occurred for the first time on a continuing basis. In 1937,
President Roosevelt had designated May 28 as National Aviation Day for that year only (see that date). No
day had been designation in 1938. In a proclamation dated Jul 25, 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt
applied this designation to Aug 19, 1939, and to Aug 19 of each succeeding year, in honor of Orville
Wright's birthdate. The proclamation was issued pursuant to Public Resolution No. 14, 76th Congress,
approved May 11, 1939 (53 Stat. 739).
Sep 1, 1939: Germany invaded Poland, beginning World War II. (See Dec 7, 1941.)
Nov 30, 1939: CAA issued Private Pilot's License No. 93258 to Major Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S.
Army (Infantry), at Fort Lewis, Wash. He had begun his flight training while on the staff of General
Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines. Although he let his license expire, Eisenhower became the first
Chief Executive to have held an airplane pilot's license.
Dec 2, 1939: New York Municipal Airport - La Guardia Field opened for commercial traffic on the
improved site of the former Glenn H. Curtiss Airport at North Beach, Long Island, N.Y. The facility was
renamed La Guardia Airport in 1947.
Dec 4, 1939: At the direction of President Roosevelt, the Bureau of the Budget's Division of
Administrative Management began a study of the organization of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. The
Bureau reported its findings to the President the following spring. Roosevelt approved the Bureau's
recommendations and transmitted them as Reorganization Plans III and IV to Congress in April, 1940,
under the Reorganization Act of 1939. The plans would take effect 60 days after the President submitted
them to Congress unless the House of Representatives and Senate passed a concurrent resolution stating
that Congress did not approve the reorganization.
Plan III involved the transfer of certain functions from the Authority to the Administrator. Plan IV
included: combining the Authority and Air Safety Board into a new Civil Aeronautics Board with authority
to prescribe and revise safety rules and to suspend or rescind the certificates of carriers and airmen; and
transferring the Administrator to the Department of Commerce. While Plan III encountered no opposition
in Congress, Plan IV attracted strong criticism and was voted down in the House. Ultimately, however, the
Senate approved the plan on May 14, 1940, by a 46-34 vote. (See Jun 30, 1940.)
Calendar year, 1939: Extension of airways radio facilities into Alaska got underway.
Jan 1, 1940: The Civil Aeronautics Authority assumed operation of communication stations at
Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska.
Jan 15, 1940: The first issue of the official
Civil Aeronautics Journal appeared, superseding Air
Commerce Bulletin (see Jul 1, 1929). The publication was retitled CAA Journal on Aug 15, 1944. (See
July 20, 1952.)
Feb 9, 1940: A CAA order established a system under which qualified private persons were designated as
flight examiners and empowered to conduct flight tests and written examinations for private pilot
certificates. This permitted CAA inspectors to “spot check” trainees rather than examine each applicant.
Such delegation of authority to private individuals was new (with the exception of the medical examiner
program: see Feb 28, 1927), and it began a trend. Another step in CAA’s growing use of designees was an
order on Dec 17, 1940, authorizing the appointment of representatives to perform certain regulatory
functions regarding the manufacture of military aircraft for export. On Aug 1, 1941, CAA announced the
appointment of its first 50 aircraft inspection representatives to facilitate clearance of civil airplanes for
flight after they had been repaired. As the United States entered World War II, a CAA order of Dec 8,
1941, gave broad authority to the Director, Safety Regulation, to designate persons outside of the agency to
make examinations, tests, inspections, or reports. (See Jan 15, 1946.)
Feb 16, 1940: Radio station WSY, the Civil Aeronautics Authority's first overseas and foreign airways
communications station (OFACS) began regular operations. Capable of two-way radio communications
with aircraft flying the Atlantic Ocean, the powerful facility could also communicate with various points in
Europe, Bermuda, and Newfoundland. The station's high-frequency transmitting equipment, located at
Bayville, Long Island, initially included four 4-kilowatt transmitters and two 400-watt transmitters. The
receiving equipment was spread over 600 acres at Barnegat Light, N.J. A CAA office at La Guardia Field
operated both receivers and transmitters by remote control. During World War II, the station proved
extremely valuable to U.S. ferrying operations over the North Atlantic. WSY set the pattern for the
establishment during the war years of similar overseas communications stations at San Franciso, Seattle,
Miami, New Orleans, Anchorage, Honolulu, San Juan, and Balboa, Canal Zone.
Apr 14, 1940: The first Air Corps detachment assigned to Alaska arrived at Fairbanks.
May 2, 1940: President Roosevelt gave final approval for development of a version of the instrument
landing system (ILS) favored by CAA. Deployment of the system was delayed, however, by continued
disagreements with the military and by World War II defense priorites. ILS did not become available for
civil airliners until after the war.
May 13, 1940: The VS-300, precursor of today's fully mature helicopter, made its first free flight, at
Stratford, Conn. As designer Igor I. Sikorsky continued to improve the aircraft, which employed a single
main rotor, it set records that included a world flight endurance record of over 1 hour, 32 minutes on May
6, 1941. The VS-300's first flight in its final configuration took place on Dec 8, 1941.
May 16, 1940: President Roosevelt called for the production of 50,000 airplanes a year. Since there
were only about 30,000 pilots in the country, CAA subsequently announced that it would expand the
Civilian Pilot Training Program to provide pilots for the increased number of planes. In 1940, the CPTP
graduated 9,885 pilots, and in the 18 months before the United States entered the war, the number of pilots
in the country rose from 31,000 to over 100,000, primarily throught the CPTP. (See Jun 27, 1939, and Dec
12, 1941.)
Jun 20, 1940: Pan American inaugurated regular air mail service between Seattle and Juneau, Alaska,
with a Sikorsky S-42 flight via Ketchikan. Passenger service began on Jun 24.
Jun 30, 1940: The reorganization of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, under President Roosevelt's
Reorganization Plans III and IV, went into effect. The President's announced purpose was to clarify the
relations of the Civil Aeronautics Authority's Administrator and its five-member board (which was
designated the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the same term used to describe the agency as a whole). The
new legislation divided the responsibility of regulating civil aviation between two new organizations.
The five-man board was transferred to the Department of Commerce and renamed the Civil
Aeronautics Board (CAB). The Air Safety Board was abolished and its accident-investigating functions
assigned to the new CAB. Though the CAB was to report to Congress and the President through the
Secretary of Commerce, it was to exercise its functions of safety rulemaking, adjudication, investigation,
and airline economic regulation, independently of the Secretary.
The Administrator, with the new title Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, was also transferred
to the Department of Commerce, and placed under the supervision of the Secretary. The Administrator's
functions now included those initially assigned to him by the Civil Aeronautics Act (see Jun 23, 1938), plus
certain safety-regulating duties the Authority had delegated to him after appointing him Supervisor of the
Bureau of Safety Regulation in the Authority. These safety regulating duties did not involve rulemaking or
the power to suspend or revoke certificates. To deal with his changed responsibilities, the Administrator
informally placed an interim organizational scheme in effect on Aug 24. Eighteen units reported directly to
him: the Management Planning Section; the Personnel Section; Washington National Airport; the Federal
Airways Service; the Certificate and Inspection Division; the Civilian Pilot Training Division; the Legal
(Compliance) Division; the Aviation Medical Division; the Information and Statistics Division; the
Administrative Division; a Coordinator of Field Activities; and the seven regional managers. Subsequent
modifications of this structure included the creation on Nov 1 of an Executive Officer position to handle
internal managerial activities (see Dec 4, 1939 and May 15, 1945).
On Aug 29, Department of Commerce Order 52 designated the functions of the Administrator as
the Civil Aeronautics Administration. The Civil Aeronautics Authority continued to exist on paper as an
entity embracing the CAB and the Civil Aeronautics Administration, but it performed no functions as the
Jul 8, 1940: TWA employed the first flight engineer in U.S. scheduled domestic passenger service, on the
Boeing 307B Stratoliner. The flight engineer took over system support functions, including the operation
of the pressurization system, from the pilots. (See Nov 1, 1937 and Jul 10, 1945.)
Jul 11, 1940: The Senate confirmed Col. Donald H. Connolly, U.S. Army, as the first Administrator of
Civil Aeronautics, following President Roosevelt's reorganization of the Civil Aeronautics Authority.
Clinton M. Hester, who had served as the Administrator in the Authority (see Jul 7, 1938), had resigned to
enter private law practice.
Educated at the University of California and at West Point, from which he graduated in 1910,
Connolly had served in the Corps of Engineers since leaving the Military Academy. He had had previous
executive experience in civilian government as Director of the Civil Works Administration in Los Angeles
in 1934 and as Administrator of the Works Progress Administration for Southern California from 1935 to
1939. During the year and a half immediately preceding his assignment to CAA, he had commanded the
Second Engineers, U.S. Army. (See Jul 20, 1942.)
Jul 12, 1940: A Pan American Boeing 314 left San Francisco for Aukland, beginning service between the
United States and New Zealand for air mail. Passenger service began Sep 13, 1940.
Aug 19, 1940: CAA presented Orville Wright honorary Pilot Certificate No. 1 during a National
Aviation Day ceremony dedicating the Wright Memorial at Dayton, Ohio. (See Apr 6, 1927.)
Aug 31, 1940: a Pennsylvania-Central Airlines DC-3 crashed into a ridge near Lovettsville, Va., killing
all 25 persons aboard, including Sen. Ernest Lundeen (Farmer-Laborite, Minn.). The Civil Aeronautics
Board cited the probable cause as disabling of the crew by a severe lightning discharge near the aircraft.
The crash ended an unprecedented 17 fatality-free months for U.S. domestic scheduled air carriers,
who flew 1.4 billion passenger-miles during the period. (See Dec 31, 1970.)
Oct 1, 1940: CAA commissioned the Seattle air route traffic control center on this date, followed by the
Cincinnati center on Nov 11.
Oct 4, 1940: The Commerce Department's new Aeronautical Advisory Council concluded its first
meeting on this date. A permanent body to consult with Commerce officials on aviation policy, the
Council included members from all sections of the country and all phases of civil aviation.
Oct 9, 1940: In the first appropriation made directly to CAA for airport development, Congress
appropriated $40 million for the construction, improvement, and repair of up to 250 public airports
determined to be necessary for national defense. Under this Development of Landing Areas for National
Defense (DLAND) program, the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics had responsibility for qualifying
airports with the approval of a board composed of the Secretaries of War, Navy, and Commerce.
In fiscal year 1941, Congress allocated funds for developments at 193 sites in the United
States and its possessions. To expedite results, CAA made cooperative arrangements with the Work
Projects Administration (WPA) and the War and Navy Departments, since these agencies performed the
actual construction in many cases. The total expenditure for the DLAND program was ultimately $383
million for 535 airports. After WPA aid to other agencies was suspended on Feb 1, 1943, the continuation
of some of the DLAND projects came into question. In January 1944, however, an amendment to a war
appropriations bill provided money to complete about 30 airports left unfinished by the WPA. Under that
program, the Development of Civil Landing Areas (DCLA), CAA spent $9.5 million on 29 airports.
Dec 17, 1940: The first annual observance of Pan American Aviation Day took place in accordance with
legislation enacted on Oct 10 (see Dec 17, 1963).
Dec 23, 1940: United Air Lines began what was probably the first all-freight service by a U.S. airline,
supplementing its regular service with a daily all-cargo flight westbound from New York to Chicago. This
experiment in freight service ended May 31, 1941. (See Aug 12, 1949.)
Calendar Year 1940: CAA obtained the first of 15 Cessna T-50 Bobcats, which became the agency's
primary flight inspection aircraft during World War II. The T-50s were retired after the war, when CAA
began receiving surplus Beech 18s and DC-3s. (See Calendar Year 1932 and Oct 6, 1956.)
Jan 1941: CAA established a Standardization Center at Houston, Tex., to promote uniformity in the
agency's inspection and instruction methods and in examinations for all types of pilot certificates. The
Center provided mandatory refresher courses for all flight and inspecting personnel, as well as required
classes for new employees before they went to their regular post of duty. With the outbreak of war, the
center expanded its regular program to instruct multi-engine pilots for ferrying duty with the Army Air
Forces. It later also trained flight officers and Link Trainer instructors.
Apr 7, 1941: The War Department-sponsored Interdepartmental Air Traffic Control Board began
operations on this date. The IATCB included representatives of the Army, Navy, CAA, and CAB, and
became an important coordinating agency for the location of military air installations. Forerunner to the
later Air Coordinating Committee (see Mar 27, 1945), IATCB helped evolve many of the procedures for
the control and regulation of air traffic used during the war. The Board was abolished on May 31, 1946.
May 1, 1941: CAA announced that six new airports in Alaska currently under construction or scheduled
to begin would each have at least one usable runway by the following winter. The new airports (at Juneau,
Cordova, Boundary, Big Delta, West Ruby, and Nome) were part of the Development of Landing Areas for
National Defense program (see Oct 9, 1940). They would double Alaska's available airport facilities and
radio aids to flying.
May 1, 1941: After successful tests during the previous year, CAA's first ultra-high-frequency radio
range system opened for scheduled airline use on the New York-Chicago airway. The airway was the first
link in the eventual conversion of the entire 35,000 miles of Federal airways from intermediate to ultra-high
frequencies. U.S. involvement in World War II, however, delayed immediate expansion of the system
because the Army took over all available equipment for these frequencies. In 1944, incorporating wartime
radio advances, CAA began testing an improved, static-free, very high frequency omnidirectional radio
range (VOR) at its Experimental Station in Indianapolis. Using the new system, a pilot could remain on
course by watching a dial on his instrument panel instead of listening to the signal from the four-course
aural range. The new range also sent signals in all directions from the station, instead of merely four
courses as with the low frequency range. (See Calendar Year 1947.)
Jun 16, 1941: CAA officially opened Washington National Airport for full-time operations. By the end
of the year, almost 300,000 passengers had enplaned or deplaned at the airport, and scheduled air carrier
operations reached a high of 192 daily in the month of September. Spectator interest was very high, and by
the first of December over 2,225,000 persons had visited the airport.
Jul 1941: Lt. H. A. Boushey, Army Air Forces, made the first successful jet-assisted takeoff (jato) in the
United States, at March Field, Calif., in an Ercoupe with pressed-powder-propellant jato rockets developed
by the California Institute of Technology.
Aug 1, 1941: CAA added a new region, the Eighth to its organizational structure. The region covered the
territory of Alaska, with headquarters at Anchorage. Prior to this time, direction for aeronautical activities
in Alaska had been provided partly by the Seventh Regional Office in Seattle, and partly by CAA's Bureau
of Federal Airways in Washington, D.C. (See Jun 1, 1938.)
Aug 18, 1941: President Roosevelt announced that Pan American Airways would operate an air ferry
service to fly aircraft, cargo, and passengers to the African continent in support of the Allied war effort. At
the President's direction, CAA on Sep 10 granted temporary authority to Pan American to operate the ferry
service, flying from Miami, Fla., via Puerto Rico and Brazil, to Liberia and Nigeria. The rights would
expire in 5 years, or 6 months after the Secretary of War notified CAA that the service was no longer
Aug 25, 1941: President Roosevelt signed the First Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act
carrying a budget item of $12,186,000 for CAA to construct, operate, and maintain airport traffic
control towers. A procedure, worked out earlier in the year and incorporated into the Appropriation Bill,
required the Secretaries of War and Navy to certify a list of airports as essential to national defense before
CAA could assume control of the towers. According to a CAA-Army-Navy agreement, the CAA airport
traffic controller had full charge of tower operations, except in event of military emergency. The initial
appropriation provided funds for the control of 39 control towers, while additional congressional funding
was required to cover any additional towers recommended by the Army and Navy for CAA control.
The following day, CAA released the list of 39 locations where CAA would assume
jurisdiction over traffic activities. CAA anticipated that the transfer of operations would become effective
Jan 1, 1942. (See Nov 1, 1941.)
Sep 1941: Following evaluation of British jet engine development, the U.S. Army Air Forces decided to
produce a Whittle-type jet engine. (See Jan 15, 1930, and Oct 1, 1942.)
Nov 1, 1941: CAA began operating airport traffic control towers. (Prior to this time, towers were
operated by local airport authorities, except at CAA-managed National Airport.) By Nov 15, the Agency
controlled towers at Albuquerque, N.Mex.; Atlanta, Ga.; Charlotte, N.C.; Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y.;
Orlando, Fla.; Portland, Ore.; Salt Lake City, Ut.; and Savannah, Ga. CAA was to take over control of
towers at 19 additional airports in Jan 1942, and at 12 other fields in Apr 1942. The total of wartime CAA-
operated towers reached a peak of 115 during fiscal year 1944. As the military need for use of civil airports
began to gradually decline in 1945, the War and Navy Department funds underwriting CAA's airport
activities decreased. The Agency returned some towers to local jurisdiction, and in a few cases accepted
municipal reimbursement for the service. In fiscal year 1947, Congress replaced the military support with
the first of many direct appropriations for CAA airport traffic tower control. (See Aug 25, 1941).
Dec 1, 1941: President Roosevelt ordered the creation of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) as a division of the
Office of Civilian Defense. In 1943 the President transferred the CAP to the War Department as an
auxiliary of the Army Air Forces.
Dec 1, 1941: Beginning on this date, all U.S. pilots and aircraft using the nation’s airspace were
required to be Federally certificated. (Up to this time, lack of pertinent legislation in certain states had
allowed uncertificated U.S. pilots and aircraft to operate so long as they stayed within state borders and did
not enter a Federal civil airway.) Alien pilots could operate a foreign aircraft in U.S. airspace if they
possessed a valid certificate issued by the country in which the aircraft was registered, if there was a
reciprocity arrangement between the United States and that country, and if CAB had issued a permit for
such operation.
Dec 7, 1941: The Japanese attacked Hawaii and the Philippines. The following day the U.S. Congress
declared a state of war with Japan. On Dec 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.
Dec 7, 1941: CAA commissioned the Boston air route traffic control center on this date, followed by the
Jacksonville center on Dec 15. (See Dec 18, 1941.)
Dec 12, 1941: President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8974, transforming the Civilian Pilot
Training Program into a wartime program. Henceforth, the CPTP would be "exclusively devoted to the
procurement and training of men for ultimate service as military pilots, or for correlated non-military
activities." (See May 16, 1940, and Dec 7, 1942.)
Dec 13, 1941: The President directed the Secretary of Commerce "to exercise his control and jurisdiction
over civil aviation in accordance with requirements for the successful prosecution of the war, as may be
requested by the Secretary of War." The Executive order also authorized the latter "to take possession and
assume control of any civil aviation system, or systems, or any part thereof, to the extent necessary for the
successful prosecution of the war."
Dec 18, 1941: The Secretary of War requested that long-range CAA projects for commissioning air route
traffic control centers and completing the interphone and teletype network "be expedited to the fullest
extent possible in the interest of National Defense." By mid Mar 1942, CAA had established seven new
centers: Memphis, Jan 15; Kansas City, Feb 1; San Antonio, Feb 15; Denver and Albuquerque, Mar 1; and
Great Falls and Minneapolis, Mar 15. (See Appendix V for listing of all ARTCC commissionings.)
Calendar year, 1941: CAA's first Inter-American Aviation Training Program began as part of the
national defense effort. By the end of the fourth program, completed after the close of hostilities, 894 Latin
Americans had received training in aeronautical sciences, including 365 pilots, 386 mechanics, and 99
airways technicians. (See Jul 16, 1947.)
Calendar Year, 1941: Oscar Holmes, the first known African American to become a Federal air traffic
controller, joined CAA.
Jan 6, 1942: Pan American Airways Pacific Clipper landed at New York, the first commercial airplane to
circle the globe, exclusive of the continental United States. The aircraft had left San Francisco on Dec 2,
1941, and was operating in the South Pacific when the Pearl Harbor attack forced it to return to home
territory by flying west.
Feb 14, 1942: The Douglas DC-4 Skymaster made its initial flight, thereafter becoming prominent in a
generation of four-engine U.S. transports that advanced long-haul air travel. The plane was a scaled-down
version of a prototype developed in 1939. The DC-4 carried a crew of six and up to forty-two passengers.
Unlike the Boeing 307 and 307B, it did not have a pressurized cabin. The DC-4 entered military transport
service with the military designation of C-54.
Apr 29, 1942: Reflecting wartime requirements, an amendment to the Civil Aeronautics Act increased the
maximum permissible monthly number of flying hours of airline pilots to 100. The former monthly
limit for had been 85 hours (see Jun 12, 1934). This lower maximum was later reinstated by congressional
action on Jul 25, 1947.
May 16, 1942: Congress enacted legislation aimed at regulating air freight forwarders. The act
prohibited such forwarders from establishing, or the Civil Aeronautics Board from approving, joint rates
with common carriers subject to the Interstate Commerce Act.
Spring, 1942: CAA Experimental Station in Indianapolis flight tested a stall-warning indicator for
general aviation aircraft. The agency believed that some minor modifications in construction were
desirable before a marketable device would be available. (See Feb 25, 1947.)
Fiscal year, 1942: CAA began a test program to develop a means of preventing damage to aircraft
windshields from collision with birds in flight.
Jul 20, 1942: Charles I. Stanton was sworn in as Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. Nominated on
May 27, he had been Acting Administrator since the Jan 15 resignation of Brig. Gen. Donald H. Connolly
(see Jul 11, 1940). Connolly had resigned to serve on the staff of Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, Chief of the
Army Air Forces. As Military Director of Civil Aviation, Connolly coordinated all civil aviation activities
with the program of the Army Air Forces.
Stanton had received a B.S. degree from Tufts College in 1917, and had served as a World
War I aviator with the 122d Aero Squadron, U.S. Army. His civil aviation career began in 1918, when he
was employed in the air mail operations of the U.S. Post Office Department. After leaving the U.S. Air
Mail Service in 1923, he became executive officer of the National Aeronautic Association, and later
worked for the U.S. Corps of Engineers and in private engineering firms. In 1927 he joined the
Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce as an airplane and engine inspector, transferring soon
afterward to the Airways Division. He served continuously with the Branch and its successor organizations
until becoming CAA Deputy Administrator, the post he held at the time of his appointment as
Administrator. (See Sep 23, 1944.)
Aug 18-20, 1942: Letters from the Acting Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary
of Commerce formalized the decision that CAA would perform its war support functions in a civilian
Sep 14, 1942: To meet the increased tempo of military requirements, CAA established a Pacific Islands
Office at Honolulu under the general supervision of the Sixth Region, headquartered at Los Angeles.
Oct 1, 1942: Robert Stanley piloted the initial flight of the first U.S. jet-propelled aircraft, the Bell XP-
59A Airacomet, at Muroc, Calif. The aircraft was powered by two I-A engines developed by General
Electric from the Whittle design. (See Sep 1941.)
Oct 22, 1942: Westinghouse Electric began development of two 19A axial-flow turbojet powerplants, the
first practical jet engine wholly American in design.
Dec 1, 1942: CAA commissioned the airport traffic control tower at Anchorage, Alaska.
Dec 7, 1942: CAA's Civilian Pilot Training Program became the CAA War Training Service, a
redesignation that recognized changes in progress for some time to gear the program more closely to the
needs of the armed services (see Dec 12, 1941). Beginning Jul 1, 1942, and lasting until the following Dec
15, training under the program was given only to members of the inactive reserve of either the Army Air
Forces or the Naval Reserve. On Dec 15, 1942, the Navy placed its trainees under the program on active
duty. The Army took this step in the summer of 1943. In all, some 300,000 pilots were trained in the War
Training Service phase of the program, which lasted until Jun 30, 1944, for the Army and until Aug 4,
1944, for the Navy.
Calendar year, 1942: At the request of the War Department, the Civil Aeronautics Administration assisted
the Signal Corps in stepped-up efforts to set up worldwide airways for Air Transport Command
operations. High priority was initially assigned to extending the Northeast Airway and establishing the
Crimson Airway to guide the mounting flow of military aircraft to the British Isles. Before the African
invasion, CAA engineers installed radio communications and air navigation facilities at nine large air bases
in South America and Africa on the Southeast Airway. Radio ranges and other facilities also carried
military airways services to Pacific battlefields--southwest to Australia and north from Seattle to Attu. In
response to Army and Navy requests, CAA had established by the end of 1945 facilities at some 200
locations outside the United States at a total cost of $38 million, exclusive of the DLAND airport program.
Jan 9, 1943: The Lockheed C-69 first flew. After the war, this four-engine, military transport was
converted into a successful commercial airliner, the L-049 Constellation. In Dec 1945, CAA type-
certificated the Constellation, which entered commercial passenger service on Jan 14, 1946, with Pan
American. Model L-649, the first version manufactured entirely for civil use, carried 60 passengers and
had a range of over 3,000 miles with 8 tons of payload. On Nov 26, 1968, a Western Air Lines "Connie"
completed the type's last scheduled airline flight in North America.
Jan 11, 1943: Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first U.S. President to fly while holding office when he
took off from Miami, Fla., aboard Pan American's
Dixie Clipper. On Jan 14, Roosevelt arrived in French
Morocco to attend the Casablanca Conference. (See Jul 2, 1932.)
Feb 1, 1943: CAA inaugurated an expanded flight advisory service at all air route traffic control centers.
The centers originated advisories on weather changes and hazardous conditions, and airway communication
stations relayed this information to nonscheduled pilots. The service provided these pilots with some of the
assistance that airline pilots received from their dispatchers. In Jul 1943, CAA's communication stations
also began a flight communications service. When contacting pilots by radio, communicators were
instructed to volunteer information on important weather changes or inoperative facilities along their route.
Oct 3, 1943: The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics' Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory
completed the first U.S.-built afterburner for jet engines.
Dec 1943: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics researcher John Stack conceived the rocket
aircraft research program to investigate the flight characteristics of aircraft flying faster than the speed of
sound. A NACA proposal to service representatives the following spring led ultimately to the X-1
research airplane project.
Calendar Year, 1943: By the end of the year, CAA had established, as a matter of military necessity, the
nucleus of a complete air traffic control system in Alaska. CAA commissioned the airport traffic control
tower at Fairbanks on Feb 1, the air route traffic control center at Ladd Field (Fairbanks) Oct 14, and a
similar center at Anchorage on Sep 15. The U.S. Weather Bureau began operations at Merrill Field,
Anchorage, on Feb 4.
Jan 15, 1944: CAA commissioned the Honolulu air route traffic control center on this date, followed by
the Miami center on Aug 16.
May 1, 1944: In
United States v. Drumm, a U.S. District Court found that Andrew D. Drumm, Jr., had
repeatedly violated Parts 60.30 and 60.31 of the Civil Air Regulations (CARs) by piloting a civil aircraft
without a valid pilot certificate and flying an aircraft lacking an airworthiness certificate. Drumm
maintained that the CARs did not apply to him since he did not fly on civil airways or over restricted areas.
He further contended that the Civil Aeronautics Board had exceeded its statutory authority by promulgating
Parts 60.30 and 60.31. The judge found these arguments without merit, upholding Federal authority to
certificate every pilot and aircraft using U.S. airspace.
May 15, 1944: CAA announced that it had trained 1,536 men of the Armed Forces in air traffic control
work: 605 Army and 628 Navy enlisted control tower operators and 303 Army flight control officers.
Jul 11, 1944: CAB issued a report concluding that an experiment in providing short-haul and local
scheduled air service should be conducted. The experiment involved the establishment of a new airline
category, known as "feeder" or "local service" carriers. On Aug 1, 1945, Essair (later known as Pioneer
Air Lines until merged into Continental on Apr 1, 1955) became the first airline to fly under the new
classification, operating with a temporary certificate. Not until May 19, 1955, did legislation provide for
permanent certification of local service carriers. (Later legislation extended permanent certification in
1956 to local service carriers in Alaska and Hawaii and in 1957 to certain carriers operating between
Alaska and the United States.) In 1970, the local service category included nine airlines carrying 27
million passengers annually. By that time, the local service airlines had begun referring to themselves as
"regionals," a term later adopted by the commuter airlines (see Jul 1, 1969) and also used by CAB as part of
a system that categorized airlines by their revenue levels (see Oct 2, 1980).
Aug 21, 1944: CAA established a Ninth Region with headquarters at Honolulu. The new office had
jurisdiction over the territory of Hawaii and the Pacific Ocean area not within the boundaries of the Eighth
Regional Office in Alaska.
Sep 10, 1944: The first airplane designed in World War II exclusively to carry cargo, the C-82, was
successfully test-flown at the Fairchild aircraft plant in Hagerstown, Md. Fairchild manufactured 220
planes for the Air Force before discontinuing production in 1948.
Sep 23, 1944: Theodore P. Wright was sworn in as Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. Nominated on
Aug 22, Wright succeeded Charles I. Stanton (see Jul 20, 1942), who submitted his resignation on Aug 18
and, on its acceptance, reverted to his former position of Deputy Administrator.
Wright was educated at Lombard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He
was commissioned in the Naval Reserve Flying Corps in 1918, and was superintendent of naval aircraft
construction for the New York district during 1921, his last year of naval service. He then joined the
Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation (later renamed the Curtiss-Wright Corporation) as executive
engineer. During his subsequent tenure as chief engineer, the firm produced a number of outstanding
aircraft types. In World War II, Wright served with the Advisory Commission for the Council of National
Defense as Assistant Chief of the Aircraft Branch of the Office of Production Management (later WPB),
and as Director of the Aircraft Resources Control Office of the Aircraft Production Board. He published
extensively on topics related to aircraft manufacturing. (See Jun 1, 1948.)
Oct 1944: CAA issued the first edition of its
Statistical Handbook of Civil Aviation, a one volume
compilation of essential civil aviation statistics, later superseded by the FAA Statistical Handbook of
Nov 28, 1944: CAA submitted to Congress a National Airport Plan proposing Federal and state
support for airport improvements needed for a forecast increase in civil aviation. The plan was based on
cooperative studies that the agency had carried out with local governmental or private interests seeking
assistance in postwar airport planning. Its publication helped to stimulate the introduction of congressional
bills on airport development. (See May 13, 1946).
Nov 1-Dec 7, 1944: The International Civil Aviation Conference met in Chicago, attended by
representatives of 52 countries. The conference agreed upon the Convention on International Civil
Aviation, known as the Chicago Convention. Rejecting the "blue skies" doctrine and reaffirming the
principle of national sovereignty in airspace, this agreement laid the groundwork for the first truly
global organization for civil aviation--the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization
(PICAO)--and created machinery to assure uniform standards and practices for flight safety and operations.
(See Jun 6, 1945)
Jan 11, 1945: Administrator Theodore P. Wright of the Civil Aeronautics Administration announced the
formation of an Advisory Committee on Non-Scheduled Flying, composed of representatives from the
aviation industry and the private flyer sector, to assist CAA in planning for increased postwar private
Mar 27, 1945: An interdepartmental memorandum between the State, War, Navy, and Commerce
Departments set up an Air Coordinating Committee (ACC) for the purpose of achieving an integrated and
coordinated Federal aviation policy. In May 1946, the ACC established an airspace subcommittee to carry
on the work of the Interdepartmental Air Traffic Control Board (IATCB), which had functioned during the
war to resolve civil-military airspace-use problems. On Sep 19, 1946, the President formally chartered the
ACC. Membership now included the State, War, Navy, Post Office, and Commerce Departments, the Civil
Aeronautics Board, and the Bureau of the Budget (nonvoting member), although subsequent executive
orders made changes in the ACC's membership from time to time until the committee was abolished in Oct
Apr 12, 1945: President Franklin D. Roosevelt died suddenly at Warm Springs, Ga. Vice President Harry
S Truman took the oath as President.
Apr 19, 1945: Forty-one airlines from twenty-five nations created a voluntary organization, the
International Air Transport Association (IATA), at Havana, Cuba, to prevent airlines from practicing
unethical methods of setting rates and schedules. Other international airlines subsequently joined the
association. IATA succeeded the International Air Traffic Association, which had been formed at The
Hague in 1919.
May 8, 1945: President Truman proclaimed the end of the war in Europe.
May 12, 1945: CAA announced the iniation of tests to determine the radius of interference from low-
and high-frequency radio stations on radio reception by airplanes. The tests were considered highly
important because of their general applicability to the airport construction program being considered by
May 15, 1945: Effective this date, CAA Administrative Order No. 34 formalized the first steps of an
extensive reorganization intended "to meet urgent problems, domestic and foreign, of postwar expansion
of civil aviation." The revised organizational structure redesignated the Federal Airways and Safety
Regulation Services as "offices" and established an Office of Airports and an Office of Field Operations.
Assistant administrators directed the Washington program offices, and a regional adminstrator replaced the
regional manager in supervising each of the nine regions. Based on a concept of decentralized
administration, the new pattern of organization placed responsibility upon the regional administrators for
the executive direction of CAA programs in their respective regions. The role of the Washington office
involved "establishing the broad over-all plans, general policies, and standardization of equipment and
procedures." (See Nov 3, 1948, and Jun 2, 1949.)
Jun 1, 1945: Ending a monopoly by Pan American Airways, CAB granted three U.S. airlines the
authority to serve North Atlantic routes to Europe. The three were Pan American, Transcontinental &
Western Air (TWA), and American Export Airlines. On the same day, CAB approved American Airlines'
acquisition of the control of American Export. (See Jun 28, 1939, and Oct 24, 1945.)
Jun 1, 1945: Effective this date, CAA permitted the physical examination for private and student pilots
to be made by any registered physician. (See Feb 28, 1927, and Jun 15, 1960.)
Jun 6, 1945: Representatives from 26 countries created the Provisional International Civil Aviation
Organization (PICAO). (See Nov 1-Dec 7, 1944, and Apr 4, 1947.)
Jun 29, 1945: CAA announced that it was conducting extensive tests of six different types of airport
approach lighting systems under development at its Experimental Station at the Indianapolis Municipal
Jun 30, 1945: During the fiscal year that ended on this date, CAA began development work on adapting
radar to civil aviation at the Indianapolis Experimental Station, using equipment supplied by the Armed
Forces. (See Jul 23, 1935 and May 24, 1946.)
CAA drafted comprehensive proposals for revision of the Civil Air Regulations and
submitted them to the Civil Aeronautics Board. The Board was engaged in revising safety regulations to
reflect wartime advances in aviation.
CAA also resumed its air marking program, suspended during the war because of security
restrictions. The Agency installed markers at 66 points in N.C., Conn., Tex., Ill., Pa., Ohio, and Wash.
during the fiscal year.
Jul 1, 1945: CAA reduced the minimum age requirement for a private pilot license from 18 to 17
years. Application for a student pilot certificate could be made at age 16. Any applicant under age 21 was
required to submit the written consent of a parent or guardian. At the same time, CAA also lowered the
flying time necessary for a private license from 43 to 40 hours for conventional planes and 30 to 27 hours
for nonspin type planes. (See April 18, 1939, and May 1, 1967.)
Jul 3, 1945: CAA created the new position of private pilot examiner to meet the anticipated flood of
postwar demands for private pilot examinations.
Jul 10, 1945: The Civil Aeronautics Board adopted a rule requiring a flight engineer on certain
international flights. (See Jul 8, 1940 and Feb 15, 1946.)
Jul 16, 1945: The United States Government exploded the first atomic device at Alamogordo, N. Mex.
Jul 28, 1945: Flying in fog over New York City, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bomber crashed into the
Empire State Building, causing the deaths all three persons on the plane and eleven in the building.
Aug 6, 1945: The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, followed by a second on
Nagasaki on Aug 9. These attacks, and the Soviet declaration of war against Japan on Aug 8, led to
Japan's surrender on Aug 14 and the end of World War II. As a result of the war, a total of 1,961 men
and 70 women, representing nearly 20 percent of CAA's personnel, left the agency during 1939-45 to serve
in the Armed Forces.
Sep 20, 1945: The first turboprop-powered aircraft flight was completed in Britain by a Gloster Meteor
experimentally equipped with Rolls-Royce Trent engines.
Oct 1, 1945: CAA commissioned the New Orleans air route traffic control center.
Oct 24, 1945: A DC-4 operated by American Export Airlines landed at Hurn Airfield, England, after a
flight from New York, inaugurating the first scheduled landplane commercial service between North
America and Europe. (Pan American had earlier begun the first regular seaplane transatlantic service: see
Jun 28, 1939.) After beginning the new service, American Export adopted the name American Overseas
Airlines on Nov 10, 1945. (See Jun 1, 1945, and Sep 25, 1950.)
Dec 31, 1945: Dr. Luis W. Alvarez received the 1945 Collier Trophy for his outstanding initiative in the
conception of the Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) system and his contribution to its use for the safe
landing of aircraft. The Armed Forces had introduced the system during World War II. After the conflict,
some urged GCA’s use by civil aviation, while CAA continued to favor the Instrument Landing System
(ILS). (See May 2, 1940, Mar 30, 1947, and Apr 3, 1947.)
Calendar Year, 1945: The principle trade association of U.S. aviation manufacturers adopted the name
Aircraft Industries Association of America, or AIA. (It had previously been known as the Aeronautical
Chamber of Commerce of America (ACCA), founded in Dec 1921. ACCA itself had been preceded by the
Aircraft Manufacturers Association, founded in 1917 and later known as the Manufacturers Aircraft
Association.) In 1959, AIA changed its name again to the Aerospace Industries Association of America,
reflecting a membership broadened to include manufacturers of space-related products.
Jan 15, 1946: CAA announced streamlined inspection procedures intended to prevent bottlenecks in the
extensive civilian aircraft production underway. The new procedures provided for appointment from the
industry of designated manufacturing inspection representatives and designated aircraft maintenance
inspectors. CAA’s increasing use of designees included other regulatory areas. By Jun 30, 1948, 9,965
representatives of the Office of Aviation Safety were in the designee program, including 2,050 commercial
aviation medical examiners, 6,222 airman rating examiners, and 1,693 aircraft service representatives. (See
Feb 9, 1940, and Nov 25, 1947.)
Jan 29, 1946: CAA Administrator T. P. Wright received the Daniel Guggenheim Medal for 1945 for
notable achievement in the advancement of aeronautics.
Feb 1, 1946: Association of Aviation Underwriters announced a 30 percent rate reduction in personal
accident insurance for domestic airline passengers.
Feb 11, 1946: The United States and Great Britain signed the Bermuda Agreement, an Air Service
Agreement for the operation of commercial air services, which set a pattern for the conclusion of
subsequent bilateral civil aviation treaties by the United States. (See Jul 23, 1977.)
Feb 15, 1946: The Lockheed L-049 Constellation went into U.S. domestic passenger service. Designed
for a three-man crew, the Constellation had a separate panel and side-facing seat for a flight engineer. (See
Jul 10, 1945 and Feb 21, 1947.)
Feb 28, 1946: The Civil Aeronautics Board approved for one year, beginning on this date, the rate-setting
machinery of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The approval was later extended.
Mar 4, 1946: The first of a continuing series of international regional air navigation planning meetings
sponsored by the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization began at Dublin, Ireland, to
determine standard operating procedures for North Atlantic air services. This meeting was followed by
similar meetings in the other nine regions of the world. By Apr 1949, an initial meeting had been held in
all ICAO regions.
Mar 15, 1946: CAA announced the selection of Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma City, Okla., for the location
of its new aeronautical center for training and maintenance. The agency immdiately relocated the
Standardization Center (Houston), the general aircraft maintenance base for the Midwest, and the Signals
Division School, and planned eventually to move all Federal airways schools and similar Agency activities
to this central location. Oklahoma City had agreed to build an administration building and two new
hangars for CAA's use.
Mar 21, 1946: The Army Air Forces, the Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics, CAA, the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), and the aircraft industry formulated a National Aeronautical
Research Policy. Promulgated largely to clarify the relationships of NACA with other research and
development agencies, the policy statement charged NACA with responsibility for "research in the
aeronautical sciences," the military services with "the evaluation of military aircraft and equipment and the
exploration of possible military applications of research results," CAA with "expediting the practical use in
civil aeronautics of newly developed aircraft and equipment," and the aircraft industry with "application of
research results in the design and development of improved aircraft equipment, both civil and military."
Mar 29, 1946: Executive Order 9709 authorized the Department of Commerce to take over and operate the
200 air navigation facilities in 68 foreign countries installed during the war for military purposes. This
interim arrangement was later extended to include Alaska. A previous order in Dec 1945 had transferred
responsibility for air navigation facilities and functions in Iran from the War Department to CAA.
Mar 1946: Agreement on certain principles governing Federal-state relationships in aviation law
enforcement resulted from meetings of CAA, CAB, and Department of Justice representatives with the
National Association of State Aviation Officials. The conferees agreed that CAA would continue to
enforce regulations concerning airworthiness of aircraft, competency of airmen, operating standards, and
air traffic rules, with the states cooperating in administering punishment for the reckless operation of
aircraft in their jurisdictions. States could adopt and enforce their own safety regulations if they were not in
conflict with Federal rules (see Dec 13, 1956). It was also agreed that states could require registration of
aircraft provided that the fee was moderate and would be in full substitution for any state, county, and
municipal property taxes on the aircraft. State registration of pilots would be permitted if the fee was
nominal. CAA reaffirmed its position that it was the states’ function to license airports (see May 21, 1970).
Apr 1, 1946:
Standards for the Control of Instrument Flight Rule Traffic, a manual approved by the
operations executives of the Army Air Forces, Navy, Coast Guard, and CAA, became effective. Its
adoption recognized the need for common procedures in the control of civil-military air traffic.
Apr 1, 1946: CAA assumed custody from the Army of the files and records relating to instrument
approach procedures, and became responsible for processing and approving standardized instrument
approach procedures for all civil airports under CAA's jurisdiction. (See May 1, 1945.)
Apr 24, 1946: Winged Cargo, Inc. began the first glider commercial freight service, using a DC-3 to tow
a Waco glider. The flight took off from Philadelphia and made stops at Miami, Havana, and San Juan.
Apr 1946: CAA began biweekly publication of a new
Airman's Guide, consolidating into one
comprehensive volume for private and commercial pilots information formerly issued in three separate
publications. This publication contained current and standard data on communications and navigational
aids, airport facilities, air traffic control procedures, airspace hazards, and other information needed to plan
and conduct safe flights. (See Dec 10, 1964.)
May 8, 1946: The Bell Aircraft Corporation's Model 47 became the first helicopter to receive a CAA
airworthiness type certificate, authorizing mass production.
May 13, 1946: President Truman signed the Federal Airport Act establishing the Federal-aid airport
program (FAAP), the first peacetime program of financial aid aimed exclusively at promoting
development of the nation's civil airports. Sen. Pat McCarran (D-Nev.) and Rep. Clarence F. Lea (D-
Calif.) had introduced the legislation. The Act authorized appropriations of $500 million for the contiguous
United States and $20 million for Alaska and Hawaii over a period of seven years, beginning Jul 1, 1946.
Federal allotments were to be matched by local funds. For fiscal year 1947, Congress appropriated $45
million for construction and nearly $3 million for preliminary planning and surveys. (See Appednix VIII
and Oct 8, 1946.)
May 24, 1946: The Civil Aeronautics Administration gave an initial demonstration of the first radar-
equipped control tower for civilian flying atop the agency's Experimental Station at Indianapolis
Municipal Airport. Raytheon had built the basic radar equipment for the Navy, and the company's
engineers directed modifications at Indianapolis that included improvements lately developed for that
service. Among these were an improved search antenna and a feature that eliminated ground clutter by
permitting only moving targets to appear on the screen. (See Jun 30, 1945.)
May 27, 1946: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Causby v. United States that flights over private land
represent the taking of an air easement if they are "so low and so frequent as to be a direct and immediate
interference with the enjoyment and use of the land." Causby owned a small chicken farm near a municipal
airport used by military aircraft that passed over his property at an altitude below 100 feet. The noise from
these flights frightened the chickens, caused a drop in production, and eventually forced Causby to close
down his chicken-raising operation. The Court found that the United States had taken an air easement over
Causby's property that interfered with its normal use. Causby's Fifth Amendment rights had been violated,
it held, because his property had been put to public use without just compensation. (See Dec 13, 1956, and
Mar 5, 1962.)
May 31, 1946: CAA announced that production certificates would be handled by the regional offices
rather than from Washington to speed issuance to aircraft manufacturers.
Jun 9, 1946: CAA regional offices, rather than Washington headquarters, became the approving authority
for flying schools, repair stations, ground schools, mechanic schools, and parachute lofts. The increasing
number of applications for CAA aircraft and airman certificates had made this further decentralization of
CAA services necessary.
Jun 11, 1946: The Administrative Procedure Act became law, prescribing more uniform and publicized
procedures for executive agencies to use in rulemaking, adjudicatory proceedings, and similar
administrative actions. Federal agencies engaged in rulemaking were required to publish a notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register, unless this would be “impracticable, unnecessary, or
contrary to the public interest.”. The notice must include: a statement of the time, place, and nature of the
public rulemaking proceedings; a reference to the authority under which the rule was proposed; and the
substance of the proposed rule. After publishing the NPRM, the rulemaking agency was to give interested
persons an opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed rule. The act also made every
executive agency action for which no adequate court remedy was provided subject to review by an
appropriate national court.
Jun 29, 1946: The Douglas DC-6 made its first flight, and CAA certificated the plane nine months later.
The DC-6 entered U.S. domestic passenger service on Apr 27, 1947. The aircraft, the first Douglas plane
with a pressurized cabin, could seat approximately 50 passengers.
Jun 30, 1946: CAA announced the opening of its first two regional medical offices at Santa Monica,
Calif., and New York, N.Y. The Agency planned to open a third office in Fort Worth, Tex., in July.
Jul 10, 1946: The Civil Aeronautics Administration announced plans to establish nine new foreign offices
during the next year. The locations selected included Paris, London, Cairo, Shanghai, Sidney, and Mexico
City. CAA stations already existed at Lima, Rio de Janeiro, and Balboa (C.Z.).
Jul 11, 1946: CAA grounded the Lockheed L-049 Constellation immediately following a crash that
killed four of the five crew members of a TWA plane near the airline's training base at Reading, Pa. This
was the most recent in a series of accidents involving fires in the Constellation's engines. CAA ordered
modifications, mainly to the plane's electrical system and power plants, and the 58 grounded aircraft
returned to service on Aug 24.
Jul 15, 1946: CAA Administrator T. P. Wright invited the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
(NACA), the Air Transport Association, and the Aircraft Industries Association to participate in a joint
attack on the problem of aircraft engine noise, which "threatens to undermine aviation progress." Earlier
he had recommended to NACA, in which he served as vice chairman, that consideration be given to
research directed at reduction of airplane noise levels. Largely as a result of this recommendation, NACA's
Langley Laboratory initiated a research project to investigate propagation of noise from light airplanes.
Aug 1, 1946: A British civil aviation bill was approved, giving the monopoly of British scheduled air
services to three state-owned corporations. In addition to the already existing British Overseas Airways
Corporation, the British European Airways Corporation, and the British South American Airways
Corporation were established.
Aug 2, 1946: An act of Congress established the National Air Museum under the Smithsonian Institution.
In 1976, the name changed to National Air and Space Museum.
Aug 8, 1946 An amendment to the Civil Aeronautics Act facilitated the participation of the Weather
Bureau in international meteorology and gave the Bureau the responsibility of acting as a clearinghouse for
research in aeronautical meteorology. The Bureau was also charged with providing for the collection and
dissemination of weather observations made by pilots in flight. (See Sep 15, 1950.)
Aug 15, 1946: For the first time, CAA began charging for certain of its services. The agency began
requiring a fee of $5 for registering and recording aircraft titles, with an additional fee of $5 for
recordations involving liens or other encumbrances. CAA charged $5 for certificating parachute lofts and
$10 for certificating flying and ground schools, mechanic schools, and repair stations. On May 1, 1947 the
Agency lowered the aircraft title recording fee to $4.
Sep 1, 1946: The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) published a model State
Aeronautical Commission (or Department) Act incorporating changes suggested by CAA. In October,
NASAO approved in principle a CAA redraft of the Model Municipal Airport Act, originally issued by
NASO in 1944. The model airport act was intended to promote uniform state legislation enabling cities
and other political subdivisions to build and operate airports and to obtain aid under the Federal Airport
Act. NASAO had also previously approved a model State Airport Zoning Act (see Apr 1939).
Sep 6, 1946: The United States and Brazil signed an air transportation agreement, the first such
agreement to be made with a South American country.
Sep 15, 1946: CAA required all nonscheduled air carriers to apply for an operating certificate by this
date, when a new Civil Air Regulations Part 42 governing this category of operator became effective. The
nonscheduled carriers had also been required to file a registration statement and financial/traffic report with
CAB by Sep 3. The actions introduced greater oversight of the “nonskeds,” charter operators that offered
transport services on an irregular basis. The nonskeds had grown in number and importance due to the
post-war availability of surplus aircraft and ex-military pilots. Although now required to have a CAA
safety certificate, the nonskeds continued to operate without certification under CAB’s system of economic
regulation. Effective Jun 10, 1947, CAB created the category of noncertificated irregular air carriers
as a new designation for the nonskeds. The irregular carriers were divided into two classes according to the
size of their aircraft, with those using heavier planes subject to greater economic reporting requirements.
(See Nov 15, 1955.)
Oct 1, 1946: CAA commissioned the El Paso air route traffic control center.
Oct 8, 1946: CAA announced the opening of 44 new district offices for the administration of the Federal-
aid airport program (FAAP). Of these, 43 were located within the United States and one in Puerto Rico.
CAA also established Airport branches in its regional offices at Honolulu and Anchorage. (See May 13,
1946 and Jan 9, 1947.)
Oct 10-23, 1946: At the request of the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (PICAO),
representatives of 60 foreign countries attended demonstrations of U.S. air navigation and air traffic
control equipment and techniques at CAA's Technical Development and Evaluation Center at
Indianapolis. These detailed demonstrations helped influence the decision, taken later by the delegates at
Montreal, to recommend acceptance of the systems and techniques proposed by the United States as
international standards.
Nov 1946: CAA activated air traffic control over the North Atlantic in conjunction with the
establishment of the North Atlantic Region of ICAO. The agency's New York oceanic air traffic control
center assumed control of that portion of the North Atlantic Region assigned to the United States, assisted
by oceanic ARTCC sectors established in Boston, Washington, and Jacksonville. During the previous
fiscal year, CAA had already assumed responsibility for certain Atlantic and Pacific oceanic air traffic
control services formerly provided at the request of the Army.
Nov 22, 1946: CAA Administator Wright and CAB Chairman James M. Landis established a CAA-CAB
Committee, a six-man group created to facilitate coordination between the two bodies.
Nov 23, 1946 The Martin 2-0-2 made its first flight. On Aug 13, 1947, CAA type-certificated the
aircraft, a two-engine transport designed for the short-haul passenger market. The airplane entered service
a year later with Northwest Airlines. The Martin was the first airliner to operate on postwar passenger
routes that had not seen service during World War II.
Jan 9, 1947: Regulations governing the administration of the Federal Airport Act received final
approval, and two days later CAA announced the 1947 construction program, listing 800 airports for either
construction or improvement. Published in February, the first National Airport Plan under the program
contained a three-year forecast of requirements involving 4,431 locations. Twin Falls, Idaho, became the
first community to receive a grant when, on May 7, the CAA Administrator signed papers for the
construction of a class 3 airport at a cost of about $647,000, of which $384,000 was in Federal funds. (See
May 13, 1946, Jun 30, 1954, and Appendix VII.)
Feb 21, 1947: The
Air Line Pilots Association adopted a resolution providing that all four-engine aircraft
be required to carry a flight engineer. (See Feb 15, 1946 and Jun 15, 1947.)
Feb 25, 1947: CAA demonstrated a new stall warning instrument which it had developed. (See Spring
Mar 15, 1947: CAA established, "in the interest of safety in air commerce," airport traffic control zones
having radii of three or five miles. In addition to cancellations of airport approach zones, the Agency
redesignated a large number of civil airways.
Mar 27, 1947: Figures released by the CAB indicated the strong U.S. position in transatlantic air
transport. Three American airlines--Pan American, American Overseas, and Trans Continental and
Western Air (TWA)--had made 84 percent of the flights and carried 86 percent of the passengers on
transatlantic routes during the preceding year.
Mar 30, 1947: CAA Administrator T. P. Wright announced that he had lowered ceilings and visibility
requirement for airlines using the instrument landing system, known as ILS (see May 2, 1940, and Jul
11, 1947). Scheduled airlines with the proper equipment and training in use of the ILS could now make
straight in approaches when the ceiling was 100 feet below the present minimim (400 feet at most airports)
and with visibility one-quarter less than present regulations required (generally one mile). After an airline
had six months of satisfactory experience with the ILS, its ceiling minimum might be dropped another 100
feet and permissable visibility reduced another one-quarter mile. CAA had no plans to reduce ceilings
below 200 feet or visibility below one-half mile. On Nov 1, Braniff became the first airline to receive
permission to lower its ceiling minimum to 200 feet and one-half mile visibility. (See Oct 2, 1964.)
Apr 3, 1947: CAA began in service testing of GCA (ground controlled approach) radar systems at
Washington National and Chicago Municipal Airports. This modified radar precision landing equipment
had been developed for military use, loaned to CAA by the Army Air Forces, and installed by the Airborne
Instrument Laboratory of the Air Transport Association. New York's La Guardia Airport received similar
equipment later in the year. (See Dec 31, 1945, and Apr 9, 1947.)
Another operational service test, started about the same time at Washington National Airport,
involved a microwave early-warning radar (MEW), one of the best long-range sets developed during the
war. A joint CAA/Army Air Forces undertaking, this test aimed at developing effective means of
coordinating MEW data and information from ATC flight progress boards.
Apr 4, 1947: CAB certificated Piedmont Airlines as a local service carrier. The airline, whose original
routes ran along the Piedmont-Appalachia area, began operations on Feb 20, 1948. Piedmont expanded
steadily during the succeeding decades, then grew rapidly after airline deregulation was introduced in the
late 1970s. (See Oct 30, 1987.)
Apr 4, 1947: The Convention on International Civil Aviation came into force after being ratified by 26
countries. (Among these was the United States, which had ratified the Convention on Aug 9, 1946.) The
Convention had been drawn up at a conference in Chicago over two years before (see Nov 1-Dec 7, 1944).
The fact that it was now in force officially created the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
to succeed its temporary predecessor, PICAO (see Jun 6, 1945). The first General Assembly of ICAO was
held in Montreal during May 6-28.
Apr 8, 1947: American Overseas Airlines obtained rights for commercial service to Finland, the first
U.S. route to the Soviet sphere in Europe.
Apr 9, 1947: CAA granted its first approval of the Air Forces' Ground Control Approach (GCA) radar
device for commercial planes, authorizing its use by Pan American Airways at Gander, Newfoundland.
(See Apr 3, 1947, and Jul 11, 1947.)
May 13, 1947: Dr. Lewis H. Bauer, a pioneer in aviation medicine who had served as the first medical
director of the Aeronautics Branch (1926-1930), received the Theodore C. Lyster award for "outstanding
achievement in the general field of aviation medicine," becoming the first person to receive that prestigious
award. The award was established in honor of Brig. Gen. Theodore C. Lyster, the first Chief Surgeon of
the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps, U.S. Army, a man generally considered to have been "the father
of aviation medicine in America."
Jun 12, 1947: At the request of the Air Coordinating Committee, the Radio Technical Commission for
Aeronautics established a special committee (SC-31) to study and develop recommendations for the
safe control of expanding air traffic. This action followed acceptance by the ACC of an Air Transport
Association report on the same problem. (See Feb 17, 1948.)
Jun 15, 1947: President Harry S Truman appointed a Special Board of Inquiry on Air Safety, headed by
CAB Chairman James M. Landis. The action followed a series of three DC-4 airline accidents that claimed
the unpredecented total of 145 lives between May 29 and Jun 13, 1947. On Aug 15, Landis suggested that
the Civil Aeronautics Board immediately hold hearings on airline crew complement to determine whether
a flight engineer was required on all four-engine air transports in scheduled domestic passenger service.
Between Oct 6-8, CAB held such hearings, and as a result, in April, 1948, adopted the so-called 80,000-
pound rule. Effective Dec 2, 1948, (subsequently extended to Mar 31, 1949), all airplanes certificated for
a maximum takeoff weight of more than 80,000 pounds were required to carry an airman holding a flight
engineer's certificate. Airmen with a pilot's or a mechanic's background could qualify for the certificate.
By the end of 1949, the airlines had divided into three groups in implementing the rule. Pan American,
Eastern, TWA, American, Chicago & Southern, Continental, National, Northwest, and Western used
people with mechanical backgrounds as flight engineers. Braniff, Capital, Delta, Northeast, and Panagra
employed pilots. United Air Lines used both pilots and mechanics. (See Feb 21, 1947 and Oct 24, 1955.)
Jun 17, 1947: Pan American Airways inaugurated round-the-world scheduled passenger service,
exclusive of the continental United States, as a Lockheed Constellation took off from New York and flew
eastward on a route that led to San Francisco. The gap in the circle between San Francisco and New York
could not be closed because of a provision in Pan Am's certificate excluding domestic service. (See Jan 14,
Jun 24, 1947: A reported sighting of "flying saucers" near Mt. Ranier, Wash., began
widespread interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs) among the American public. In 1948, the Air
Force began gathering data on UFO reports under its Project Blue Book. In 1969, a study sponsored by the
Air Force rejected the theory that UFOs were extraterrestial visitors, and Blue Book was discontinued on
Dec 17 of that year.
Jun 30, 1947: During the fiscal year ending on this date, the U.S. Army Air Forces inaugurated a military
flight communications system, which relieved CAA of responsibility for handling the majority of Army
flight plans under visual flight rules and reporting arrivals on the civil communications system. CAA's
handling of communications relating to flights under instrument flight rules remained unchanged.
In view of the trend toward larger and more complex aircraft, CAA completed plans regarding
certification of three new classes of flight personnel: flight radio operators, flight navigators, and flight
CAA also installed the first high-powered, low-frequency, long-range navigation facility,
on Nantucket Island, Mass., using temporary radio equipment. Construction materials and 300-foot towers
had been procured for this and similar facilities to be built at: San Juan, P.R.; Omaha, Neb.; San Francisco,
Calif.; and Honolulu, Hawaii.
Jun 1947: Fifty students from the Philippine Republic began training at the Aeronautical Training Center
at Oklahoma City under the Philippine Rehabilitation Act. Courses of instruction included air traffic
control, airways communications, and airways facilities maintenance. Under the same legislation, CAA
also opened an office in the Philipines during 1947 to aid that nation in establishing airway aids.
Jul 8, 1947: The prototype Boeing 377 Stratocruiser first flew. The 377, an outgrowth of the military B-
29 Superfortress and the C-97 military transport, received its CAA type-certificate on Sep 3, 1948, and first
saw service with Pan American World Airways on Apr 1, 1949. The plane had a spiral staircase leading
down to a first class lounge in the lower fuselage. It could carry approximately 100 passengers or could be
converted into a sleeper plane with 28 full-sized Pullman berths.
Jul 11, 1947: The House Subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, chaired by
Representative Carl Hinshaw (R-Calif.), submitted a report recommending creation of a single
instrument landing system to safely and economically serve the requirements of both commerce and
national defense simultaneously. Addressing the controversy regarding the merits of CAA's Instrument
Landing System, known (ILS) and the military's Ground Control Approach (GCA) system, the committee
recommended that CAA stop installation of additional ILS equipment. The committee suggested further
that the United States proceed with the development of an instrument landing system satisfactory for fully
automatic landing, and that the most modern GCA be installed at selected airports. Congress endorsed the
report through its Aviation Policy Board in Mar 1948, and recommended, through the Board, that the
"single system" program be undertaken.
Meanwhile, on Jul 15, 1947, CAA Administrator Theodore Wright had announced a new
civil-military instrument landing system policy. ILS would remain the primary CAA landing aid, but the
agency would supplement ILS at busy airports with an element of GCA designated precision approach
radar (PAR), along with airport surveillance radar. The Air Force, however, would still rely primarily on
GCA, using ILS for heavy planes and as a backup to GCA. (See Mar 30, 1947, and Feb 4, 1949.)
Jul 16, 1947: CAA announced a program under which Latin American aviation leaders would come to
the United States to study both the governmental and private phases of the nation's aviation industry. The
effort was closely related to the continuing Inter-American Aviation Training Program (see Calendar Year
Jul 18, 1947: President Truman established a temporary Air Policy Commission, chaired by Thomas K.
Fineletter of New York, to assist in formulating an integrated aviation policy. On Dec 27, 1947, the
commission submitted its report,
Survival in the Air Age, to the President. Released to the public on Jan
13, 1948, the report recommended immediate action to increase the military air arm and suggested major
changes in the organization of civil aviation agencies. The Commission recommended the creation of a
Department of Civil Aviation and a Department of Industry and Trade, both headed by Secretaries
reporting directly to the Secretary of Commerce. CAA functions plus the Civil Aeronautics Board's
responsibility for safety regulations were to be vested in the new aviation department, and CAB's
responsibilities would be narrowed primarily to rate and route decisions. An Air Safety Board would be
established with responsibility for accident investigations. The CAB and the Safety Board would be
independent, but placed within the Civil Aviation Department for housekeeping. The report further
proposed that a Government Aircraft Development Corporation be set up within the Department of Civil
Aviation to encourage the development of a suitable cargo aircraft, and recommended that a decision be
made as to whether military or civil air authorities should have responsibility for the future development of
a common system of air navigation.
Jul 25, 1947: President Truman approved the National Security Act, which provided for the unification of
U.S. Armed Forces, including an Air Force coequal with the Army and Navy, under a new
Department of Defense.
Jul 30, 1947: The President signed Public Law 289, an amendment to the Surplus Property Act of 1944, to
help speed the conversion to civil use of airports, airport facilities, and aviation equipment no longer
needed by the military. Recognizing that maintenance of the airports would require substantial funds, the
law authorized transfer of surplus property to develop sources of revenue from non-aviation businesses at
such airports.
Aug 25, 1947: CAA announced that survey flights would begin on Sep 8 for "Skyway One," a pair of 40-
mile-wide paths from Washington to Los Angeles that were to be dotted liberally with air markers to
encourage cross-country contact flights by private pilots. Sponsored by a government and civic committee,
the project was intended to serve as a model for other such skyways. During 1948, CAA designated a
"Skyway No. 2" with terminals at Seattle, Wash., and Boston, Mass.
Sep 1947: CAA took over the maintenance and operation of airport facilities at Midway, Wake, and
Guam, which became part of the Federal airways and links in the air routes over the Pacific. Pan
American Airways had operated the airports at Wake and Guam after military authorities had relinquished
them after the war. (See Mar 29, 1950.)
Oct 1, 1947 Los Angeles Airways began the world’s first regularly scheduled mail service by
helicopter (as distinct from autogiro service: see Jul 6, 1939). The carrier operated Sikorsky S-51s within
a radius of roughly 50 miles of Los Angeles International Airport. (See Jul 9, 1953.)
Oct 8, 1947: New air traffic rules resulting from a revision of Part 60 of the Civil Air Regulations went
into effect. Besides substantially altering visual flight rules, the new regulations made some changes in
instrument flight rules operations. One section of the regulation set up rules for water operation of aircraft
and others applied specifically to helicopter flight rules.
Oct 11, 1947: Representatives of 42 nations signed a convention in Washington, D.C., establishing the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which superseded the International Meteorological
Organization. A focal point for international efforts toward such goals as common technical standards and
a worldwide meteorological network, WMO became a specialized agency of the United Nations in Dec
Oct 11, 1947: Trans-Texas Airways began operations as a local service carrier. The airline at first
served routes within Texas, reached outside the state in 1953, and acquired routes to Mexico in 1966. It
adopted the name Texas International Airlines following a change of ownership in 1968.
Oct 14, 1947: Maj. Charles E. Yeager, USAF, piloting the Bell X-l rocket-propelled research aircraft at
Muroc, Calif., became the first pilot to exceed the speed of sound in level flight.
Oct 24, 1947 In-flight fire caused the crash of a United Air Lines DC-6 at Bryce Canyon, Utah, with
the loss of all 52 persons aboard. On Nov 11, another in-flight fire caused an American Airlines DC-6 to
make an emergency landing at Gallup, N.M. Immediately following this second incident, the three
airlines using DC-6 aircraft voluntarily withdrew them from service. The CAB determined that the
fires had been caused by fuel leaking into the cabin heater system through an air intake scoop. After the
problem had been remedied, the DC-6 returned to service in Mar 1948.
Nov 3, 1947: A commission of the International Civil Aviation Organization met in Geneva to consider
proposals for a multilateral civil aviation agreement to replace the existing system of bilateral
agreements by which traffic rights for scheduled commercial air services were established. Differing views
concerning the so-called Fifth Freedom--the privilege of picking up or discharging in a second nation
cargo destined to or coming from the territory of a third nation---prevented the commission from
concluding any agreement. It recommended, however, that the subject be studied further.
Nov 25, 1947: CAB published a regulatory amendment permitting CAA to use a Technical Standard
Order (TSO) system to facilitate aircraft production. After consultation with industry, CAA would
publish TSOs setting specifications for aviation appliances, materials, parts, and processes. Manufacturers
need no longer receive CAA type certification for items covered by TSOs. Instead, the manufacturers
themselves could certify that their product met the TSO specifications. (See Jan 15, 1946, and Sep 29,
Dec 17, 1947: A prototype of the Boeing B-47 Stratojet made its maiden flight. Designed for the War
Department as a bomber, the aircraft had thin swept wings and six externally mounted jet engines. The B-
47A entered service with the Air Force in May 1951. The Air Force retired the last B-47 operated as a
bomber on Feb 11, 1966, but B-47s continued in service as weather reconnaissance and research aircraft.
Calendar year, 1947: CAA commissioned the first very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges
(VORs). During 1946, the agency had applied wartime technology on an experimental basis when it
converted eight radio range stations on the New York and Chicago airway to VOR omnirange stations (see
May 1, 1941). As a result of those tests, CAA adopted the VHF omnirange for standard use and began
general installation of the new system in 1947. (See Oct 15-21, 1950.)
Jan 16, 1948: The Airport Operators Council was established as an association of operators of U.S.
commercial airports. In 1967, the association added the word "International" to its name to reflect a
broadened membership. Later, in 1991, the Airport Operators Council International merged with the
International Civil Airports Association to form a federation with headquarters in Geneva and six regional
affiliates. The new organization adopted the name Airports Association Council International, later
becoming simply the Airports Council International (ACI). One of ACI's six affiliates was a
Washington-based organization representing members in the United States, Canada, and Bermuda. This
regional organization adopted the name Airports Council International--North America on Jan 1, 1993.
Jan 30, 1948: Orville Wright died at age 76. His brother Wilbur had died of typhoid 36 years earlier, at
age 45.
Feb 17, 1948: The Executive Committee of the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA)
accepted a special committee report on air traffic control (see Jun 12, 1947). Prepared by top
government-industry representatives and technicians in the field of aeronautical telecommunications, the
report outlined "interim" and "target" requirements for a common military-civil air traffic control
system. In its recommendations for the transition period, the special committee recommended
implementation of very high frequency omnidirectional ranges (VORs) and distance measuring equipment
(DME). The plan called for the ultimate development of reliable all-weather navigation and landing aids,
integrated into an ultramodern airways traffic control system. The report's recommendations were accepted
by Congress and all major users of the airspace. The RTCA received the 1949 Collier Trophy for these
efforts. (See Dec 1949.)
Mar 1, 1948: The Congressional Aviation Policy Board (Brewster Board) released its report.
Established pursuant to Public Law 80-287 on Jul 30, 1947, the Board was to study the current and future
needs of American aviation. In its report, the commission concluded "that a strong, stable, and modern
civil aviation component is essential" to national security. The report formulated nearly 100
recommendations relating to military and civil aviation, aircraft manufacturing, research and development,
and government organization. Realizing the airways system of the country was near the saturation point
even for the existing fleet of 1,000 airliners, the board endosed rapid implementation of the RTCA SC-31
program as a first priority step toward the establishment of a common civil-military system . (See Feb 17,
Apr 1, 1948: CAA assumed administrative control of the Landing Aids Experimental Station at Arcata,
Calif. The station was a joint civil-military, government-industry facility concerned primarily with testing
equipment and techniques for bad-weather landings.
Apr 15, 1948: CAA conducted flight demonstrations at Washington National Airport with four types of
aircraft equipped with crosswind landing gear developed by the agency through contracts with industry.
CAA hoped that availability of the castered gear would encourage wider use of single-strip airports,
substantially reducing the large landing areas required for multidirectional runways. On Oct 15, 1949,
CAA's official journal reported that, as a result of further tests, the agency had approved a new component
for DC-3s equipped with a cross-wind undercarriage. CAA stated that planes so equipped could land
directly across a wind as high as 40 mph, and hence provide more regular airline service to single-strip
May 1, 1948: The Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and CAA officially adopted a revised edition of an Apr
1, 1946, Army-Navy-Civil (ANC) Manual on air traffic control procedures designed to standardize
ATC procedures.
May 23, 1948: The Secretaries of Defense and Commerce announced preliminary agreement to set up an
Air Navigation Development Board (ANDB). The action resulted from a six-month study by the
Research and Development Board of the National Military Establishment. In October and November, the
two secretaries signed a charter of agreement concerning the Board, and the Secretary of Commerce
formalized its creation with an order dated Jan 19, 1949. The ANDB's mission was to formulate a unified
program of research and development of "aids for a common national system of air navigation and air
traffic control" that would serve both civil and nontactical military aviation but be capable of integration
with any air defense system established. The Board was also charged with supervising research and
development projects for the common system. While the ANDB investigated the best technology for the
common system, CAA continued deployment of VORs, and the Navy continued development of its tactical
air navigation system (TACAN), which it had begun to develop in 1947. Military exigencies brought on by
the Korean War in 1950 resulted in a deemphasis of common system development and an acceleration of
TACAN development. (See Jan 1954 and Oct 29, 1957.)
May 28, 1948: The President approved legislation directing CAA to construct and operate public
airports at or near Anchorage and Fairbanks "adequate for the needs of air-transportation services and
air commerce of the United States serving the territory of Alaska and foreign countries by way of points
within the territory of Alaska." The act also authorized the Administrator to provide for facilities, roads,
and services necessary to the operation of the airports. The two airports opened for commercial service in
1951, initially using temporary terminal buildings. The state of Alaska assumed responsibility for
operating the two facilities in 1960.
Jun 1, 1948: Delos W. Rentzel became CAA Administrator. He succeeded Theodore P. Wright (see Sep
23, 1944), who had submitted his resignation on Jan 11. Before his appointment, Rentzel had served as
president of Aeronautical Radio, Inc., from 1943 to 1948, and for 12 years prior to that he had been director
of communications for American Airlines. During World War II, he served as a consultant to the Secretary
of War on navigational aids and to the Secretary of the Navy on Pacific routes. He was educated at Texas
A. & M., where he studied electrical engineering. (See Oct 4, 1950.)
Jun 1, 1948: Limited operations began at a major new airport built on the site of Idlewild golf course at
Jamaica, N.Y. Regular commercial operations started on Jul 1. The facility was dedicated on Jul 31 as
New York International Airport, but was unofficially known as Idlewild. (See Dec 24, 1963.)
Jun 16, 1948: The International Aviation Facilities Act became law. It authorized the CAA
Administrator to improve air navigation facilities abroad and to train foreign nationals to operate such
facilities whenever it benefited U.S. air carriers. The act gave the Administrator responsibility for
maintaining a record of deficiencies in aviation facilities used by U.S.-flag carriers and to plan appropriate
programs for their correction.
Jun 16 and 19, 1948: President Truman signed two amendments to the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 to
encourage the financing of aircraft purchases. The first limited the liability of owners not actually
exercising control over the operations of the aircraft; the second provided a system for the recording of
liens on aircraft engines and spare parts used by air carriers.
Jun 24, 1948: The Soviet Union stopped rail and road traffic between Berlin and the West. The Western
Powers began airlifting vital supplies to the beleaguered city. The following month, at the request of the
Air Force, CAA dispatched an initial group of 20 volunteer air traffic controllers to Frankfurt and Berlin for
duty in the airlift operation. CAA also provided VHF air navigation aids. The Berlin blockade was
officially lifted on May 12, 1949.
Jun 29, 1948: The President approved legislation that authorized and funded a training program for air
traffic control tower operators. It also empowered the CAA Administrator to conduct studies and
research to determine the most desirable qualifications for such operators. (See Calendar Year 1968.)
Jun 30, 1948: The Bell Telephone Laboratories made the first public demonstration of the point contact
transistor, developed by two Bell scientists, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. The background of this
achievement included work by another Bell scientist, William Shockley, who in 1951 invented a simpler
and improved amplifying device, the junction transistor. Great advances in electronics resulted from the
introduction of the transistor, which virtually replaced the vacuum tube.
Jul 1, 1948: New amendments to the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 became effective which authorized
CAB to delegate to the CAA Administrator certain of its safety rulemaking and accident investigating
functions; removed the restriction that air navigation facilities be established only on airports and along
civil airways; and redefined and clarified a number of administrative and investigative responsibilities of
the Administrator.
Jul 29, 1948: Approval of a CAA mission to Venezuela brought the number operating in South America
to four. In order of their establishment, they included missions to Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela.
Aug 1, 1948: The Secretary of Defense issued an order abolishing the 32-year-old Aeronautical Board,
composed at the time of three members each of the Air Force and Navy and one Army member. Its
functions were transferred to the Munitions Board and the Research and Development Board.
Aug 29, 1948 A Northwest Airlines Martin 2-0-2 crashed near Winona, Minn., with the loss of all 37
persons aboard. The accident showed structural problems with the wings, and all 2-0-2s were withdrawn
from service. After extensive modification, they returned to service on September 1, 1950, with the
designation 2-0-2A, but airline confidence in the model had been weakened.
Sep 13, 1948: To speed certification of aircraft and aircraft parts, CAA announced that type certificates
would be issued in its nine regions rather than at headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Nov 3, 1948: CAA announced that Wallace Clark and Company, a management consultant firm, would
conduct an impartial survey of the agency's management practices. Submitted in Mar 1949, the study
concluded that the Administrator was involved in too much routine contact with subordinates. Results of
the study included a reduction in the number of officials reporting directly to the Administrator. (See Jun
2, 1949.)
Nov 22, 1948: The Wright brothers' Kitty Hawk airplane, the Flyer I, arrived at the Smithsonian
Institution after 20 years in the South Kensington Museum, London.
Nov 30, 1948: The Curtiss-Wright Corporation demonstrated its new reversible-pitch propellers, which
permitted a DC-4 transport to make a controlled descent from 15,000 to 1,000 feet in 1 minute 22 seconds.
Dec 1, 1948: CAA commissioned the San Juan air route traffic control center.
Dec 7, 1948: The American Federation of Labor chartered the Flight Engineers International
Association (FEIA), comprised largely of flight engineers with backgrounds in mechanics. Flight
engineers had originally sought to join the Air Line Pilots Association, but had been rebuffed by the pilots.
Eventually, FEIA representated flight engineers at eight major U.S. airlines.
Dec 28, 1948: CAA ordered a complete end to racial segregation at Washington National Airport
following a Department of Justice opinion that the Administrator had authority to issue such a ruling
notwithstanding the apparent incorporation of the Virginia segregation statute in the Federal law governing
the airport.
Dec 29, 1948: CAA revealed details of a U.S.-U.K. agreement based on previous action by the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The United Kingdom agreed to install an airway and
traffic control system similar to that then in use in the United States. The United States would procure
four low-frequency radio ranges to supplement the three already operating in the British Isles, and assist in
installing the facilities as requested.
Calendar year, 1948: CAA type-certificated the Allison model 400-C-4 jet engine this year, the first jet
engine to receive CAA approval for commercial transport operations.
Jan 11, 1949: The Civil Aeronautics Board granted a certificate of convenience and necessity as a local
service carrier to All American Airways, which had been founded in 1937 as All American Aviation.
Beginning operations under its new certificate on Mar 7, All American served the northeastern United
States. On Jan 1, 1953, the carrier changed its name to Allegheny Airlines. It subsequently absorbed Lake
Central Airlines on Jul 1, 1968, and Mohawk Airlines on Apr 12, 1972. (See Oct 28, 1979.)
Feb 4, 1949: CAA granted authorization for commercial planes to use ground control approach (GCA)
radar as a "primary aid" for bad-weather landings. (See Apr 9, 1947.)
Feb 25, 1949: The U.S. and Greek Governments concluded an agreement that provided for a civil
aviation mission to Greece under the sponsorship of the Economic Cooperation Administration. The
thirteen CAA specialists named to the mission left for Greece in April to aid in the establishment,
maintenance, and operation of civil aviation facilities. CAA team also was to train Greek personnel in the
operation and maintenance of the facilities, which were to provide at least minimum requirements for safe
international air transportation.
Feb 26-Mar 2, 1949: The
Lucky Lady II, a USAF Boeing B-50 commanded by Capt. James Gallagher,
made the first nonstop round-the-world flight, covering 23,452 miles in 94 hours l minute. The aircraft,
which took off from and returned to Carswell Air Force Base, in Fort Worth, Tex., was refueled in flight
four times. (See Dec 23, 1986.)
Mar 1, 1949: The Hoover Commission (Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the
Government) submitted to Congress its recommendations concerning reorganization of the Commerce
Department. Disagreeing with the suggestion of its task force that a new Department of Transportation be
created, the Commission recommended grouping within the Commerce Department all major
nonregulatory transportation activities of the Federal government. The report visualized replacing CAA
with a Bureau of Civil Aviation having the authority to promulgate and enforce all air safety rules, while
the Civil Aeronautics Board exercised only review responsibility with respect to such rules. It also
recommended that the aeronautical research function as well as the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics (NACA) be brought into the proposed Bureau of Civil Aviation. (See Feb 9, 1950.)
Mar 30, 1949: The President approved legislation providing for construction of a permanent radar
defense network for the United States.
Apr 4, 1949: The North Atlantic Treaty was signed by the U.S. Secretary of State and the Foreign
Ministers of Britain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Holland, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway,
and Portugal. Article 5 of the treaty specified that "an armed attack against any one or more of them in
Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all."
May 1-Jun 30, 1949: Operation Blackjack, a joint Air Defense Command/CAA training exercise, was
conducted in the northeastern part of the United States to develop effective procedures for separating
"unfriendly bombers" from normal air traffic moving in the area.
May 18, 1949: New York's first helicopter station began operating at pier 41 on the East River.
May 31, 1949: Earl F. Ward died at age 56. An American Airlines executive, Ward organized the
nation's first air traffic control center (see Dec 1, 1935). In Mar 1936, he joined the Commerce Department
as Supervisor, Airway Traffic Control, and during the next year became head of the new Airways
Operations Division. Ward played an important part in conceiving and organizing the early en route traffic
control system. At the time of his death, he was assisting in aviation planning in Chicago on behalf of the
Civil Aeronautics Administration.
Jun 2, 1949: Administrator D. W. Rentzel announced completion of a CAA reorganization begun in May
15, 1945 (see that date). The change was intended to centralize policy control to assure uniformity, while
allowing technical supervision of programs to continue in the field. The Administrator was now assisted by
two deputies, one charged with general supervision of personnel, budget, and management functions. The
other deputy coordinated the activities of Washington offices in planning all programs and evaluating their
implementation in the field. Additional steps to insure a closely knit organization included establishment
of a staff school where technical personnel would receive uniform training in administrative procedures,
and placement of Washington representatives on regional boards for approving new types of aircraft.
The principle headquarters offices now were: Federal Airways (building, maintaining, and
operating the air navigation and air traffic control system); Airports (the Federal Aid Airport Program and
airport advisory services); Aviation Safety (airworthiness, airman competency, medical certification, flight
operations, and other safety issues); Technical Development (development and testing of air navigation
devices and other aviation products); General Counsel (legal affairs); Aviation Information (information,
publications, and audio-visual services); and Aviation Development (a recently formed office bringing
together the developmental functions of aviation education, air marking, personal flying promotion, and
flight information). The Office of Field Operations was abolished. A new International Region, with
headquarters in Washington, was given responsibility for CAA's international affairs and missions abroad.
The reorganization also involved a sharper delineation of the responsibilities of the Administrator's
"special" and "program" staff officials.
Jul 1949: CAA inaugurated the first direct radiotelephone communications service between aircraft and
an Air Route Traffic Control Center at the Chicago ARTCC. Extension of this capability to all ARTCCs
was completed in 1955.
Aug 12, 1949: Effective this date, CAB awarded experimental five-year certificates authorizing scheduled
all-freight operations to four airlines: Slick Airways, the Flying Tiger Line, U.S. Airlines, and Airnews.
The four were among the few independent freight lines that had survived a rate war with the scheduled air
carriers. In the long term, the most successful of them proved to be the Flying Tiger Line, which had been
formed on Jul 25, 1945, by veterans of the American Volunteer Group that had served in Asia under Gen.
Claire Chennault.
Sep 23, 1949: President Truman announced that within recent weeks the Soviet Union had succeeded in
exploding a nuclear device.
Oct 1949: CAA issued to Compania Mexicana de Aviacion, Mexico City, the first certificate authorizing
a foreign repair station to perform work on U.S. aircraft. The authority to issue foreign repair station
certificates was provided by Civil Air Regulations Amendment 52-1, which became effective Mar 10,
1949. By Jun 30, 1952, CAA had certificated 17 foreign repair stations.
Nov 1, 1949: An Eastern Airlines Douglas DC-4 and a Lockheed P-38 collided on final approach to
Washington National Airport as the P-38 overtook the airliner. All 55 people aboard the air carrier died, a
higher toll than in any previous U.S. air accident. The fatalities included Congressman George J. Bates (R-
Mass.) and former Congressman Michael J. Kennedy (D-N.Y.). The P-38, a twin-engine fighter had been
recently purchased for delivery to the Bolivian government. Its pilot, a Bolivian citizen on a familiarization
flight, survived. CAB’s report cited the probable cause of the accident as the P-38 pilot’s execution of a
straight-in final approach without proper clearance and without exercising the necessary vigilance.
Six weeks later, on Dec 12, Washington National was the scene of another fatal accident
when a Capital Airlines DC-3 carrying 20 passengers and a crew of three stalled during approach and
crashed into the Potomac River, killing the pilot, copilot, and four passengers.
Nov 25, 1949: CAA’s Administrator enunciated the "single runway policy" covering the use of Federal
matching funds in the Federal-aid airport program. In substance, the new policy stated additional runways
that provided only wind coverage or conveniences without increasing traffic capacity were not of sufficient
value to justify the cost of construction. (See Jan 9, 1947.)
Dec 1949: The Air Coordinating Committee authorized the establishment, under its Air Traffic Control
and Navigation Panel, of a full-time special working group to develop a specific and detailed transitional
"common system" based on the recommendations of the RTCA SC-31 report (see Feb 17, 1948). The
group included operational and technical specialists representing both government and industry and both
civil and military aviation. During the week of Oct 22, 1950, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, the
group conducted an operational demonstration of the air traffic principles recommended for use during the
transitional period. Its report,
Air Traffic Control and the National Security, completed in Dec 1950,
recommended that radar be put into immediate use for monitoring and expediting air traffic control in
terminal areas.
Calendar year, 1949: The Brookings Institution issued a study entitled
National Transportation Policy,
a study that was an outgrowth of the participation of authors Charles L. Dearing and Wilfred Owen in the
activities of the Hoover Commission (see Mar 1, 1949). The report recommended that Congress establish
four offices for the water, highway, aviation, and railroad modes and a Transport Regulatory Commission
that would take over the rate setting and other economic regulatory functions of the Civil Aeronautics
Board, the Maritime Commission, and the Interstate Commerce Commission. The study also
recommended against an independent accident investigation board. (See Oct 15, 1966)
Jan 3, 1950: Pan American Airways changed its name to Pan American World Airways. Nine days later,
on Jan 12, the company completed its round-the-world radio-telephone communications system, which
the Civil Aeronautics Administration had approved for air-ground operations. This long-term project for
conversion from code to voice involved 19,687 miles of voice radio link and 32 high-frequency ground
Feb 9, 1950: A CAA Program Planning Staff report recommended that Congress establish a government
corporation to operate Washington National Airport and any other Federal airport established in the
Washington, D.C. area in the future. The recommendation, first put forward a year earlier by the Hoover
Commission, died only to be revived more than three decades later. (See Jan 29, 1971, and Oct 30, 1986.)
Mar 9, 1950: CAA awarded its largest contract in history for the purchase of 450 distance-measuring
equipment (DME) ground stations. The $4,210,750 contract to the Hazeltine Electronics Corporation
included spare parts.
Mar 18, 1950: President Truman approved legislation (Public Law 463) authorizing the Secretary of the
Interior to acquire, construct, operate, and maintain public airports near national parks and
monuments in cooperation with local government agencies and with the assistance of CAA in accordance
with the Federal Airport Act (see May 13, 1946).
Mar 29, 1950: CAA announced that it would close its facilities at Midway Island on May 1 due to the
Navy's decision to withdraw from the island. (See Sep 1947.)
May 6, 1950: To improve communications between CAA and the general aviation community,
Administrator Rentzel established an Aviation Development Advisory Committee. The Director of
CAA's Office of Aviation Development served as executive secretary of the Committee, which consisted of
12 qualified private citizens representing manufacturers, users, and others interested in the utilization of
aircraft for personal, agricultural, and other non-air-carrier purposes.
May 15, 1950: A conference between British aviation officials and representatives of CAA and Civil
Aeronautics Board opened in Washington to seek agreement on a number of technical problems related to
airworthiness and certification requirements. (See Feb 10, 1953.)
May 24, 1950: Reorganization Plan No. 5 became effective. The plan, one of a number put into effect
under the Reorganization Act of 1949, stemmed in part from recommendations of the Hoover Commission
(see Mar 1, 1949). It transferred to the direct control of the Secretary of Commerce all functions of all
agencies and officers within his Department except those of CAB and certain similar agencies having
rulemaking and adjudicatory powers. The Secretary redelegated to the CAA Administrator those functions
affected by the reorganization. (See Mar 30, 1953.) Reorganization Plan No. 13 also became effective
this date, transferring to the Chairman of CAB executive and administrative functions formerly held by the
entire Board.
Jun 25, 1950: North Korean forces launched an invasion of South Korea. Two days later, President
Truman announced that he had ordered the U.S. Air Force to assist South Korea, beginning U.S.
involvement in the war.
Jul 11, 1950: The air forces of the United States and Canada concluded a two-day conference on which
they agreed to the erection of the Pinetree radar network on Canadian soil. Also on Jul 11, CAA and the
U.S. Air Force formed the Air Defense Planning Board to plan for civil participation in air defense.
Aug 1, 1950: CAA commissioned the Wake Island air route traffic control center.
Aug 3, 1950: Legislation enacted on this date provided criminal sanctions for knowing and willful
display of false or misleading marks as to an aircraft's nationality or registration.
Aug 8, 1950: To help CAA personnel keep pace with swift advances in aeronautical science, Congress
enacted legislation allowing the Secretary of Commerce to detail agency personnel for advanced training
at civilian or other institutions or at schools which the Secretary operated.
Aug 8, 1950: Following field tests, CAA consolidated airport traffic control towers and airway
communications stations at 16 smaller airports in the continental United States. The agency subsequently
expanded the program, reaching a peak of 84 combined station-towers in 1958. (See Nov 30, 1981.)
Sep 7, 1950: President Truman approved Public Law 762, which directed the Secretary of Commerce "to
construct, protect, operate, improve, and maintain" a second public airport for the Washington, D.C., area.
The act authorized appropriations not to exceed $14 million (see Jul 11, 1958), and Congress subsequently
authorized $1 million to launch the project. By the end of 1951, 1,046 of the required 4,570 acres had been
purchased at Burke, Va. When local opposition to the project developed, Congress refused to appropriate
additional funds. Further studies were made in the 1953-1955 period. (See Dec 1955.)
Sep 9, 1950: Amendments to the Civil Aeronautics Act allowed the Secretary of Commerce and CAB, as
directed by the President, to develop and implement a plan for security control of air traffic when U.S.
security was endangered, while permitting the maximum flow of air traffic. The Secretary was authorized
to establish security zones in the airspace and, in consultation with CAB and the Departments of Defense
and State, prohibit or restrict flights which could not be effectively identified, located and controlled with
available facilities. (See Dec 20, 1950.)
Sep 15, 1950: CAA and the U.S. Weather Bureau issued a Memorandum of Understanding delineating
responsibilities for weather and communications services carried out cooperatively by the two
organizations. (See Aug 2, 1965.)
Sep 25, 1950: Overruling the Civil Aeronautics Board, President Truman permitted the merger of
American Overseas Airlines into Pan American World Airways. (See Oct 24, 1945.)
Sep 29, 1950: President Truman signed an amendment to the Civil Aeronautics Act authorizing the
Secretary of Commerce and the CAA Administrator to delegate to qualified private persons the
authority to perform examinations, tests, and inspections and to issue certificates under the Act’s Title
VI (Safety Regulations). As the House report covering this legislation noted, the great postwar increase in
civil aircraft and pilots had already caused CAA to enlarge its designee program in recent years. Using the
provisions of the new legislation, CAA placed new delegation option procedures in effect on Nov 3, 1951
for small aircraft weighing no more than 5,000 lb. and carrying no more than five persons. Under these
procedures, manufacturers of such aircraft could choose to apply for authority to submit information that
would serve as the basis for CAA certification. On Nov 2, 1956, the delegation option procedures were
revised to include aircraft and gliders weighing less than 12,500 lb., as well as small aircraft engines and
propellers. (See Nov 25, 1947, and Oct 8, 1965.)
Sep 30, 1950: The Prototype Aircraft Act (Public Law 867) declared that congressional policy was to
promote the development of improved transport aircraft, particularly those that were turbine-powered,
especially adapted to economical cargo operations, or suitable for feeder-lines. The act authorized
appropriations of up to $12.5 million for a five-year period. The Secretary of Commerce was directed to
consult with interested government, labor, and industry groups in carrying out the act, and the Prototype
Aircraft Advisory Committee was accordingly established in December.
Oct 4, 1950: Donald W. Nyrop became Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. He succeeded Delos W.
Rentzel (see Jun 1, 1948), who had submitted his resignation on Sep 18 to become Chairman of the Civil
Aeronautics Board. Nyrop was Deputy Administrator when nominated to be CAA Administrator, and had
previous service in the General Counsel's office of both CAA and CAB. He received his B.A. degree from
Doane College in 1934, and a law degree from George Washington University in 1939. (See May 18,
Oct 15-21, 1950: During this seven-day period, CAA put into operation the first omnirange (VOR)
airways (see Calendar Year 1947). Although 271 omniranges had already been commissioned in different
parts of the United States, this marked the initial designation of a chain of these ranges as a controlled
airway. The new routes, approximately 4,380 miles long, linked such major terminals as Kansas City,
Denver, Albuquerque, El Paso, Omaha, and Oklahoma City. (Jun 1, 1952.) During fiscal year 1951, CAA
began enhancing the VOR airways with distance measuring equipment (DME) to assist in low visibility
Oct 1950: The U.S. Air Force announced a program to replace all its piston-engine fighter aircraft in
Europe with jets.
Dec 20, 1950: Executive Order No. 10197, prepared and issued this date at the request of the Department
of Defense, directed the Secretary of Commerce to exercise security control over aircraft in flight.
Subsequent regulations promulgated by the CAA Administrator under delegation from the Secretary of
Commerce made mandatory the filing of flight plans for aircraft entering or flying within designated air
defense identification zones (ADIZs) over and adjoining the continental United States. A system for
voluntary filing of plans for flights within ADIZs had been in effect previously. (See Sep 9, 1950, and Jun
Dec 1950: Langley Aeronautical Laboratory made a worldwide analysis of atmospheric turbulence and
gusts on the basis of data obtained from NACA-developed recorders carried on commercial airliners on
transpacific and South American routes.
Calendar year, 1950: CAA began the installation of mechanical interlock devices in areas with high-
density traffic. Developed by CAA, the new push button system eliminated most of the verbal coordination
formerly required between the air traffic control center and the airport tower in assigning flight altitudes
during IFR conditions.
Jan 21, 1951: CAA created an Office of Aviation Defense Requirements to administer priorities and
allocations for civil aviation under the Defense Production Act of 1950. The immediate task of the new
office was to handle Defense Order rating authorizations for new air carrier aircraft and for necessary spare
parts and equipment to keep U.S. and allied foreign carriers in operation during the Korean emergency.
Feb 28, 1951: A U.S.-Canadian memorandum of agreement concluded on this date simplified notification
procedures for private and non-scheduled aircraft flights from Canada to the United States. The United
States negotiated a similar agreement with Mexico in Feb 1952. Effective May 15, 1953, an expansion of
the agreement with Canada made transborder flight notification service available to pilots flying in either
direction across the border.
Mar 1951: Pratt & Whitney began flight tests of its new 10,000-pound thrust J57 jet engine, which
eventually powered the B-52, YB-60, F-l00, F-l0l, YF-l05A, KC-135, Boeing 707, F4D, and A3D, as well
as the Snark missile.
Apr 21, 1951: The experimental Chase XC-123A, powered by four J47 turbojet engines, made its first
flight. Designed as a troop and cargo transport for the Air Force, the XC-123A was fitted with four turbojet
engines, installed as pairs in pods.
May 18, 1951: Charles F. Horne became Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. He succeeded Donald
W. Nyrop (see Oct 4, 1950), who became Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board on this same day.
(Nyrop had submitted his resignation from the CAA post on Mar 18.)
Horne, a regular Navy officer, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1926 and received
an M.S. degree in communications and electronics from Harvard in 1935. On loan from the Navy, he
became Acting Director of CAA's Airways Division in 1949. From 1950 to 1953, he served as vice
chairman of the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics. Horne went on the retired list of the Navy
in May 1951 as a Rear Admiral. (See Apr 27, 1953.)
May 31, 1951: Roosevelt Field, on Long Island, N.Y., closed. The facility had opened 40 years
previously and had subsequently been named for Quentin Roosevelt, a son of Theodore Roosevelt killed in
World War I. Lindbergh took off from this field in 1927 for his epochal flight to Paris, and other famous
aviators who used it included Richard E. Byrd, Clarence Chamberlin, and Amelia Earhart. The 250-acre
site eventually became the home of the Roosevelt Shopping Center.
Jun 14, 1951: A new Title XIII of the Civil Aeronautics Act authorized the Secretary of Commerce to
provide war risk insurance to U.S. air carriers when such insurance could not be obtained commercially
on reasonable terms and conditions. Under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, the war risk insurance
program remained with the Secretary of Commerce rather than becoming a function of the new Federal
Aviation Agency (FAA). In 1967, the program was transferred from Commerce to the new Secretary of
Transportation, who delegated the function to FAA. Under the program, FAA maintained a premium
standby insurance plan that would make aviation war risk insurance available at the outbreak of war to civil
aircraft engaged in operations deemed in the national interest. The program also included non-premium
war risk insurance for aircraft under contract to the Departments of Defense and State or committed to
Defense for emergency use. (See Jul 31, 1970.)
Jun 27, 1951: CAA demonstrated the Ag-1, the first airplane designed exclusively for agricultural use.
The Personal Aircraft Research Center at Texas A. & M. College constructed the plane under CAA
Jun 30, 1951: During fiscal year 1951, which ended on this date, CAA assisted the Federal Civil Defense
Administration (FCDA) in formulating plans for the use of civil aircraft in civil defense. In cooperation
with FCDA and the National Association of State Aviation Officials, CAA distributed a suggested uniform
State Plan for Civil Aviation Mobilization and Civil Defense.
Jul 10, 1951: Negotiations aimed at ending the Korean conflict began. Fighting continued, however,
and hostilities were not formally ended until the signing of an armistice in Panmunjom on Jul 27, 1953.
Jul 26, 1951: The three U.S. armed services agreed to the establishment of Project Lincoln, a study of the
air defense program by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (See Apr 10, 1953.)
Sep 11, 1951: The National Security Resources Board completed its air transport mobilization survey.
Developed by a large group of aviation leaders from government and industry, the program outlined
requirements for rapid mobilization of the U.S. air transport industry in the event of expanded war. (See
Dec 15, 1951.)
Oct 10, 1951: The President approved the Mutual Security Act of 1951 to maintain security and promote
foreign policy by furnishing military, economic, and technical assistance to friendly nations in the interest
of international peace and security. The plan included a number of aviation assistance programs. The
Mutual Security Act of 1952 continued the Mutual Security Agency, established to administer the act, until
Aug 1, 1953, when its functions were transferred to the Foreign Operations Administration. The State
Department's International Cooperation Commission and the Department of Defense assumed FOA's
responsibilities on Jun 30, 1955.
Nov 12, 1951: Pursuant to Executive Order 10219 (Feb 28), the Department of Commerce established the
Defense Air Transportation Administration to plan and direct the mobilization of U.S. civil aviation
resources for effective utilization in the event of war.
Dec 10, 1951: The Kaman K-225, the world’s first turbine-powered helicopter, made its initial flight.
The Kaman Aircraft Corporation had developed the K-225 under contract for the U.S. Navy.
Dec 15, 1951: The Secretaries of Commerce and Defense signed the Civil Reserve Air Fleet Plan. The
plan, developed in consultation with the airlines, stipulated that the airlines would provide ninety-one
aircraft to the Military Air Transport Service within forty-eight hours of notification. An additional 271
aircraft were to be provided 30 days later. The plan was the result of an executive order issued by President
Truman on Mar 2, 1951, which, in part, authorized the Secretary of Commerce to transfer or assign civil air
carriers to the Department of Defense during mobilization.
Calendar year, 1951: CAA placed the first nine DME (distance-measuring equipment) ground
transponders in experimental operation along the Chicago-New York airway.
For the first time in U.S. history, air passenger-miles flown (10,679,281,000) exceeded
passenger-miles traveled in Pullman cars (10,224,718,000)
CAA heart specialist Dr. J. E. Smith developed the ballistocardiograph, a machine that made
the electrocardiograph more effective in detecting heart abnormalities.
Jan 5, 1952: Using Douglas DC-6As, Pan American World Airways inaugurated the first all-cargo air
service across the North Atlantic.
Jan 7, 1952: CAA inaugurated radar departure control procedures at the Washington air route traffic
control center. Use of radar for approach began Jul 1, 1952.
Feb 3, 1952: CAA put into effect a plan to consolidate aviation safety functions under one chief in each
of its seven continental regions and to reorganize the Washington Office of Aviation Safety. Under
development for more than a year, the program was intended to achieve better coordination between CAA's
field services and the public and the industry. Designed also to keep pace with rapid changes in
technology, the reorganization placed air carrier and general aviation specialists in separate groups.
Feb 20, 1952: President Truman established a temporary Airport Commission under the chairmanship
of James H. Doolittle, with CAA Administrator C. F. Horne and J. C. Hunsaker of NACA as members.
The action responded to a series of crashes, due to varied causes, in the New York-New Jersey
metropolitan area. These events had raised residents’ fears and prompted authorities to close Newark
Airport temporarily:
* On Dec 16, 1951, a Miami Airlines C-46 crashed in Elizabeth, N.J., shortly after takeoff
from Newark, killing all 56 people on board.
* On Jan 14, 1952, a Northeast Airlines Convair 240 approaching La Guardia Airport
crashed into Flushing Bay with no fatalities.
* On Jan 22, 1952, an American Airlines Convair 240 crashed in Elizabeth, killing seven
people on the ground and all 23 in the airplane.
* On Feb 10, 1952, a National Airlines DC-6 crashed in Elizabeth after taking off from
Newark, killing four people on the ground and 29 of the 63 persons on the airplane.
Truman asked the Commission to restudy the nation's policy on airport location and use,
considering the well-being of people living near airports, as well as national defense requirements and the
economic importance of a progressive and efficient aviation industry. The Commission was also instructed
to take into account: (1) the Federal, State, and local investment in existing civil and military airports and
the factors affecting the utility of airports to adjacent communities; (2) governmental actions to lessen
hazards surrounding existing civil and military airports; (3) assignment of newly activated military units to
existing airports, with particular regard for potential hazards to the communities involved; (4) site selection
for new civil and military airports and the factors affecting relocation of existing airports; (5) joint
civil/military use of airports; and (6) legislation and appropriations necessary to carrying out appropriate
policy. (See May 16, 1952.)
Mar 5, 1952: CAA commissioned the Norfolk air route traffic control center.
Apr 1, 1952: All CAA facilities began using a new phonetic alphabet replacing the familiar "Able-Baker-
Charlie." Recently adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization, the new alphabet used words
with almost the same pronunciation in all languages.
May 1, 1952: The first tourist class air service over the North Atlantic began, in accordance with an
agreement between eleven International Air Transport Association member airlines that had been
announced on Dec 5 of the previous year.
May 2, 1952: The British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) inaugurated the first scheduled air
service with turbojet airliners, de Havilland Comet I's, operating between London and Johannesburg.
(See Jan 10, 1954.)
May 16, 1952: The Airport Commission forwarded its report,
The Airport and Its Neighbors, to the
President. Calling for greater Federal and local support of airport development, the report made 25 specific
recommendations for improvements, including integrated municipal and airport planning, effective zoning
laws, positive air traffic control, Federal certification of airports, preferential runways and flight patterns,
and development of helicopters for civil use.
May 1952: J. B. "Doc" Hartranft, Jr., was named president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
(AOPA). He had served as general manager of the organization since its founding in 1939, and succeeded
the original president, C. Townsend Ludington. With AOPA vice president Max Karant, Hartranft would
become a vigorous advocate in behalf of general aviation in the face of growing airspace demands from
commercial and military aviation. After Hartranft's retirement in May 1977, John L. Baker became AOPA
president, and was in turn succeeded by Phil Boyer in 1991.
Jun 1, 1952: Forty-five thousand miles of very-high-frequency (omnirange) airways, referred to as
"Victor" airways, were put in operation. Like the then existing 70,000 miles of Federally maintained low-
frequency airways, the "Victor" routes were 10 statute miles in width. (See Oct 15-21, 1950 and Jun 29,
Jun 17, 1952: The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted a
recommendation that, pending development of a more suitable form of speech, English should be used as
a universal language in aeronautical radiotelephony and should be available for communications
involving international air services. This recommended practice, which became applicable on Apr 1, 1953,
was contained in an amendment to Annex 10 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Vol. II,
Jun 1952: The U.S. Air Force and the Civil Aeronautics Administration worked out an agreement under
which 11 CAA air route traffic control centers would furnish appropriate air defense units with flight
movement data on aircraft penetrating or operating within air defense identification zones (ADIZs).
This agreement followed tests conducted by experimental aircraft movement identification sections (AMIS)
established at the Boston and Seattle ARTCC centers. (See Dec 20, 1950, and Dec 1, 1955.)
Jul 1, 1952: All CAA facilities and services were scheduled to begin using knots and nautical miles on
this date, establishing a single military-civilian standard measurement for speed and distance used in air
navigation. The change had been announced in the CAA Journal on Aug 15, 1950.
Jul 15, 1952: The Secretaries of Defense and Commerce approved a plan for the security control of air
traffic (SCAT) during various defense warning conditions. Adopted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in
collaboration with representatives of civil aviation groups, the plan aimed at permitting the maximum of
civilian and military flying consistent with national defense requirements. (See Jul 20, 1957.)
Jul 20, 1952: Because of a curtailment of operating funds, CAA ceased publication of its
CAA Journal.
(See Jan 15, 1940.)
Jul 15-31, 1952: Two USAF Sikorsky H-19 helicopters made the first transatlantic helicopter flight,
flying from Westover Field near Boston to Prestwick, Scotland, with stopovers in Maine, Labrador (for 10
days), Greenland, and Iceland. (See May 31-Jun 1, 1967.)
Aug 1952: CAA established a hemisphere headquarters for technical cooperation in the field of civil
aviation in Panama City, Panama. This office acted as a pool of technical talent to assist Latin American
countries participating in civil aviation development projects under the Point Four program, and
supplemented the work of CAA missions in Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, and
Oct 20, 1952: Pan American World Airways announced its order for three British jet airliners, de
Havilland Comet IIIs, to be delivered in 1956. (See Oct 13, 1955.)
Nov 1, 1952: The U.S. exploded the first hydrogen bomb on Eniwetok Island. On Aug 20, 1953, the
U.S.S.R. announced it had tested an H-bomb "within the last few days."
Dec 4, 1952: CAA Administrator C. F. Horne established a Turbine-Powered Transportation
Evaluation Team to: (1) assure uniformity in the handling of turbine-powered transport certification
projects between regions and for all manufacturers, (2) make its members unquestioned authorities in this
field by intensively supplementing their past specialized training, and (3) make the team a central source of
information on turbine-powered transport developments through maintaining contact with manufacturers,
the military, experimental laboratories, foreign governments, and other appropriate bodies. After studies
and discussions with more than 400 specialists in government and industry, the team completed a
comprehensive report at the end of the following year.
Calendar year, 1952: CAA began its program of decommissioning the low and medium frequency four-
course radio ranges, and replacing them with the very high frequency omnidirectional ranges. (See Jun
30, 1928, and Sep 5, 1974.)
Jan 20, 1953: Dwight D. Eisenhower became President, succeeding Harry S Truman.
Jan 20, 1953: A specially recruited team of Italian-speaking CAA air traffic control experts left for Italy
to assist that country in improving the operation of its airways.
Feb 10, 1953: CAA and British aircraft experts concluded extensive discussions of technical problems
relating to airworthiness certification of turbine-powered transports. The meetings, termed
"exploratory," sought eventual agreement on standards for U.S. certification of the airworthiness of jet
transports, such as the British Comet. (See May 15, 1950.)
Feb 1953: The American Medical Association authorized the American Board of Preventive Medicine to
establish aviation medicine as a distinct specialty and to grant certification for those physicians properly
Mar 30, 1953: The Commerce Department's Office of Transportation was abolished and its function
thereafter focused directly in the Office of the Under Secretary for Transportation. (See May 24, 1950.)
Apr 10, 1953: The U.S. Air Force decided to proceed with the production of SAGE (Semiautomatic
Ground Environment), an electronic defense system developed by MIT's Lincoln Laboratory. (See Jul
10, 1956.)
Apr 18, 1953: The first turboprop airliner, the Vickers V-701 Viscount, entered scheduled passenger
service with British European Airways. On Jul 26, 1955, Capital Airlines introduced the British-made
plane on its Washington-Chicago route. The Viscount was the first turboprop-powered aircraft to be used
in U.S. scheduled service.
Apr 27, 1953: Frederick B. Lee was sworn in as CAA Administrator. He succeeded Charles F. Horne
(see May 18, 1951), who resigned on Mar 6, 1953, because of the change in administration following
President Eisenhower's election. Lee received his A.B. degree from Stanford in 1928 and a law degree
from Harvard in 1931. A naval aviator in World War II, he rose to the rank of commander, authored a
manual for naval flight instructors, and supervised training in night fighters and torpedo units. He joined
CAA in 1946 as Program Planning Officer, was made executive assistant to the Administrator in Jan 1947,
and became Deputy Administrator the same year. He was still Deputy Administrator when nominated on
Mar 11, 1953, to be Administrator. (See Dec 8, 1955.)
Jun 1, 1953: Under the provisions of the Reorganization Act of 1949, President Eisenhower submitted
Reorganization Plan No. 10 to the Congress. The plan provided for the separate payment of airline
subsidies and fees by the Post Office Department for transportation of mail; such subsidies and fees had
previously been paid as a lump sum by the Post Office. The plan went into effect Oct 1, 1953.
Jul 1, 1953: CAA moved its medical research function to the Civil Aeromedical Research Laboratory
(CAMRL), established on the campus of the Ohio State University School of Medicine. On Jun 30, 1958,
CAMRL moved back to the Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City, by order of CAA Administrator James
T. Pyle.
Jul 9, 1953: New York Airways became the first scheduled passenger helicopter air carrier to operate
in the United States. (See Oct 1, 1947.)
Aug 1953: The first operational installation of a transmissometer, an electronic device for measuring
visibility, was completed at Washington National Airport. The transmissometer was developed by the
National Bureau of Standards, purchased and installed by the Weather Bureau, and used by CAA control
tower operators to provide pilots with accurate information on visibility changes.
Sep 1, 1953: The Belgian airline Sabena opened the first international helicopter services, from Brussels
to Rotterdam, Lille, and Maastricht.
Oct 1, 1953: CAA made extensive changes in its field organization, reducing the continental regions,
excluding Alaska, from seven to four . . . . During the following year, the agency revamped its Washington
headquarters organization. (See Aug 17, 1954.)
Calendar year, 1953: A study made of changes in the air carrier fleet between Jun 1950 and Jun 1953
indicated that while the number of aircraft had increased by 17 percent, the available lift capacity had
increased by 42 percent, representing an annual gain of a billion ton-miles.
Jan 1, 1954: Effective this date the Civil Aeronautics Board delegated to the Civil Aeronautics
Administration responsibility for the investigation of accidents involving small airplanes. The Board
retained its responsibility for investigating accidents involving fixed-wing aircraft of over 12,500 pounds,
aircraft used in Alaskan air carrier operations, and helicopters or non-fixed-wing aircraft.
Jan 1954: The Air Navigation Development Board (ANDB) was reconstituted with members from
higher levels of Government (see May 23, 1948). The revised Board, chaired by Donald A. Quarles,
Assistant Secretary of Defense (R. & D.), included: an Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation;
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air; Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (R. & D.); and a Special
Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (see Oct 29, 1957). During its first meeting, the ANDB established
a committee to study the military tactical air navigation system (TACAN) and the civilian very high
frequency omnidirectional range/distance measuring equipment (VOR/DME) to determine which system
offered the most benefits for the development of a common system of air navigation (see Jan 14, 1955).
The committee consisted of representatives from all the military agencies, the Departments of Commerce
and Defense, the National Business Aircraft Association, and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association,
and was chaired by Milton W. Arnold of the Air Transport Association.
Jan 10, 1954: A British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) de Havilland Comet I jetliner fell into
the Mediterranean Sea with the loss of all 35 on board. BOAC temporarily suspended Comet operations
after the accident, but resumed them on Mar 23. On Apr 8, a second Comet I crashed into the
Mediterranean, killing all 21 occupants. Comet services were discontinued again when the Minister of
Transport and Civil Aviation withdrew the jet transport's airworthiness certificate. On Feb 11, 1955, a
Court of Inquiry into the two accidents announced that testing had revealed that the aircraft's fuselage shell
was prematurely vulnerable to metal fatigue. De Havilland engineers subsequently corrected the
deficiencies, but the setback helped American manufacturers to overtake the British in the commercial
jetliner race. (See May 2, 1952, and Dec 20, 1957.)
Feb 25, 1954: The delegates to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) conference in Paris
signed a new agreement on the maintenance of North Atlantic weather stations. After Jul 1, 1954, the
number of weather stations would be reduced from 10 to 9 and weather ships from 25 to 21.
Mar 1954: A team of CAA experts arrived in Formosa (Taiwan) to assist the Nationalist Chinese
Government in developing omnirange air routes and in training Chinese personnel to operate and maintain
the airways system. Although other CAA missions already operated under Foreign Operations
Administration auspices in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Greece, Honduras, Italy,
Panama, and Turkey, this was the first CAA group to be assigned to the Far East under the FOA's
Technical Cooperation Program.
May 1, 1954: The Air Coordinating Committee submitted its study on Civil Air Policy in response to a
Presidential request of Sep 23, 1953, for a comprehensive review of U.S. policies in the primary areas of
aviation interest in consultation with appropriate industry, local government, and private aviation groups.
The committee's report covered a variety of topics and recommended the development of a single national
common civil-military system of air navigation and air traffic control. On May 26, 1954, the President
approved the report "as a guide in the future consideration of questions related to the subject of civil
aviation and in making appropriate recommendations to Congress."
Jun 30, 1954: During fiscal year 1954, which ended on this date, the Eisenhower Administration’s
retrenchment cut CAA's budget to $115.9 million, $20 million less than the agency received in fiscal
1953 and the lowest amount since 1949. The reduction was achieved by eliminating 1,500 positions,
discontinuing control tower operations at airports with light commercial traffic, decommissioning
nonessential communications stations, and curtailing services to private fliers.
Congress appropriated no new funds for the Federal-aid airport program during fiscal
1954, but work proceeded on projects already funded. CAA reviewed and revised its policies toward future
grants, concluding that they should concentrate on airports important from an overall national aviation
standpoint. Federal funds should be used primarily for improvements contributing directly to safety and
efficiency of aviation operations and to national defense, and improvements to airport terminal buildings
should be excluded. An appropriation of $22 million reactivated the program for fiscal 1955. (See Jan 9,
1947, and Aug 3, 1955.)
Jul 1954: CAA launched an Aviation Incentive Movement (AIM) designed to stimulate interest in
aeronautics among precollege students. Prompted by CAA's concern over the shortage of engineers and
other trained aeronautics personnel, AIM proposed to equip grade schools with aviation displays, conduct a
series of nationwide clinics and competitions in the building and flying of model airplanes, and award flight
or technical-training scholarships. Budgetary restraints limited the program to a modest effort. (See Sep
30, 1964.)
Jul 12, 1954: CAA and the Air Force announced the completion of plans for CAA to operate radar
approach control centers (RAPCONs) at 18 military bases, to serve both civil and military traffic. The
first joint RAPCON had been commissioned at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, on Apr 4, 1954.
Aug 2, 1954: The Convair XFY-1, an experimental VTOL aircraft, made the first free vertical takeoff
and landing by a fixed wing aircraft at Moffett NAS, Calif.
Aug 6, 1954: CAB announced the signing of an agreement with Norway, Sweden, and Denmark for the
operation of an air route by U.S. and Scandinavian airlines between Los Angeles and Scandinavia via
Aug 17, 1954: Administrator Frederick B. Lee placed in effect a reorganization of CAA (see Jun 2,
1949). He established a position of Assistant Administrator for Operations in the Office of the
Administrator to exercise direct supervision over the Office of Airports, Office of Federal Airways, Office
of Aviation Safety, and the Washington National Airport. The administrative staff offices were placed
under an Assistant Administrator for Administration, also responsible for supervising the Aeronautical
Center. An Assistant Administrator for Program Coordination (later redesignated Assistant Administrator
for Planning, Research, and Development) supervised the Technical Development and Evaluation Center.
The line of authority was officially defined as running through the program directors to the regional
administrators. Effective Jan 1, 1955, Lee gave the program directors authority to take individual
personnel actions involving professional or technical employees in any grade level at headquarters or in the
field. (See Sep 4, 1956.)
Sep 1, 1954: CAA commissioned the Indianapolis air route traffic control center.
Dec 1954: CAA and the Air Force launched a program to accelerate the certification of Air Force air
traffic controllers and promote greater standardization of air traffic control techniques for both civil and
military operations. Under the plan, CAA delegated for one year to each group commander of the USAF
Airways and Air Communications Service authority to administer CAA written examinations for control
tower operators.
Jan 14, 1955: The VORTAC Committee of the Air Navigation Development Board (ANDB) reported its
inability to reach a unanimous decision to resolve the TACAN/VOR-DME controversy (see Jan 1954).
Despite the split report of its committee, the ANDB favored development of TACAN. On Feb 8, however,
the ANDB issued a press release stating that TACAN was under consideration to replace VOR-DME, the
civil system in operation. This was the first public announcement of the TACAN/VOR-DME controversy,
and it sparked a series of hearings in public and executive session by the Transportation and
Communications Subcommittee of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (See Aug
30, 1956.)
Mar 14, 1955: The first type-certification board meeting to be held in connection with the certification of
a foreign-built aircraft under U.S. regulations met in Washington. Representatives of the Royal
Netherlands Aircraft Factories, having applied for a U.S. type certificate on its Fokker F-27, met with the
CAA engineering staff for preliminary discussions. Previous certification negotiations, such as those
involving the British-built Viscount, had focused on U.S. acceptance of certification by the country of
Mar 15, 1955: CAA commissioned the first of 15 very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges
(VORs) planned for Southeast and South Asia at Manila International Airport. Additional VORs
programmed by CAA along routes followed by U.S.-flag carriers included 3 ranges for Formosa, 1 in
Bangkok, and 10 for India.
May 3, 1955: Preliminary plans were announced for sending CAA specialists to assist Pakistan in
developing its airways system under an agreement between Pakistan and the U.S. Foreign Operations
May 4, 1955: President Eisenhower, acting through the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, requested
William Barclay Harding to serve as a consultant to study long-range needs for aviation facilities and
aids. On Dec 31, 1955, Harding's Aviation Facilities Study Group submitted its report to the Director of
the Bureau of the Budget. Concluding that the need to improve air traffic management had already reached
critical proportions, the group recommended that an individual of national reputation, responsible directly
to the President, be appointed to provide full time leadership in developing a program for solving the
complex technical and organizational problems facing the government and the aviation industry. On Feb
10, 1956, following approval of the Harding Committee recommendations, President Eisenhower named
Edward P. Curtis his Special Assistant for Aviation Facilities Planning. Curtis was to direct and
coordinate "a long-range study of the Nation's [aviation facility] requirements," to develop "a
comprehensive plan for meeting in the most effective and economical manner the needs disclosed by the
study," and "to formulate legislative, organizational, administrative and budgetary recommendations to
implement the comprehensive plan." (See Apr 11, 1957.)
May 5, 1955: An agreement between the United States and Canada provided for the construction and
operation of a new distant early warning (DEW) radar defense line in northern Canada.
Aug 3, 1955: President Eisenhower signed Public Law 211, making major changes in the Federal-aid
airport program and removing the 1958 time limit prescribed by the original act, as amended in 1950.
The changes established a four-year program which placed the total funding for fiscal 1956 at $62.5 million
and provided $63 million for each of the fiscal years 1957-59. The law also made all types and sizes of
airports eligible for aid, included development of airport buildings as eligible items, and provided that
funds apportioned yearly to States under an area population formula would remain available for two years.
(See Jun 30, 1954, Oct 18, 1955, and and Jan 21, 1959.)
Oct 13, 1955: The aviation industry learned that Pan American World Airways had placed the first order
for jet airliners to be produced in the United States, ordering both the Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8.
(See Oct 20, 1952.)
Oct 18, 1955: CAA announced new policies regarding airport grants in a booklet entitled "Federal-Aid
Airport Program Policies and Procedures." Airports were to be considered eligible for matching Federal
funds on the basis of the actual or potential aeronautical need of the community rather than, as previously,
according to a level of activity equivalent to 3,000 annually enplaned passengers or 30 based aircraft.
Airport terminal buildings, and any other buildings (except hangars) that were necessary to serve the
public, were eligible for Federal aid. Federal funds could also be used to share the cost of automobile
parking areas required for users of the airport. (See Aug 3, 1955, and Jan 21, 1959.)
Oct 24, 1955: United Airlines' flight engineers went on strike, due to the carrier's decision to require all
future flight engineers to possess a pilot's certificate. After 51 days, the strike was broken when pilots
belonging to the Air Line Pilots Association crossed the picket lines of the flight engineers union to occupy
the seats vacated by the strikers. (See Jun 15, 1947 and Nov 8-14, 1956.)
Oct 30, 1955: The first commercial flights began at the new O’Hare Field, Chicago International
Airport, which had been under construction since 1949. The facility was named for Lt. Commander
Edward H. O’Hare, who won the Medal of Honor as a naval aviator in World War II. Subsequent years
saw major improvements at the site, and the expanded Chicago-O’Hare International Airport was dedicated
on Mar 23, 1963.
Nov 1, 1955: A bomb destroyed a United Air Lines Douglas DC-6B airliner after it took off from
Denver, Colo., killing all 44 people on board. The Federal Bureau of Investigation later arrested J. G.
Graham, who had taken out a large life insurance policy on his mother, a passenger on the ill-fated aircraft.
Graham was subsequently convicted and sentenced to death.
Nov 15, 1955: The Civil Aeronautics Board gave the new name of supplemental air carriers to those
charter operators previously designated large irregular carriers (see Sep 15, 1946). At the same time, the
Board granted an interim exemption allowing the supplementals to offer, in addition to charter flights, a
limited number of flights for which tickets or freight services were sold individually. The Board granted
this interim exemption pending determination as to which operators would ultimately receive this operating
authority. (See Jan 29, 1959.)
Dec 1, 1955: Major changes in the structure of the U.S. air defense identification zones (ADIZs) became
effective, superseding substantial changes already established on Jan 15, 1953. Increased military
capability made it possible to revise the structure in such a way as to exempt a substantial volume of flying
from ADIZ requirements. Rules governing the security of air traffic were eased further on Jan 1, 1957.
(See Jun 1952 and Apr 1, 1959.)
Dec 8, 1955: CAA Administrator Frederick Lee resigned after months of widening personal and policy
differences with the Secretary and Under Secretary of Commerce (see spring 1956). The President
accepted his resignation two days later. On Dec 12, 1955, Charles J. Lowen took the oath as Lee's
successor. With Congress not in session, President Eisenhower had given Lowen an interim appointment
on Dec 9.
A 1938 graduate of the University of Colorado, Lowen had worked in aviation sales and
service until 1942, then served during World War II with the Air Transport Command. His experience
after the war included three years as an executive with Capital Airlines and a period as Director of Aviation
for Denver, as well as positions unrelated to aviation. He joined CAA as a consultant in May 1955 and
became Deputy Administrator in July.
Lowen underwent surgery for cancer in May 1956, shortly before the Senate confirmed
him as Administrator on Jun 6, and he died on Sep 5 of that same year. (See Feb 11, 1957.)
Dec 20, 1955: The Douglas DC-7C first flew. On May 15, 1956, CAA type-certificated the four engine,
propeller-driven aircraft. Dubbed the "Seven Seas," the transport was able to fly nonstop between the
United States and many European cities and had a maximum capacity of 99 passengers. The plane entered
scheduled airline service with Pan American World Airways on Jun 1, 1956.
Dec 21, 1955: CAA and the Air Force announced an agreement under which CAA would for the first time
use USAF Air Defense Command radar for civil air traffic control. Under the arrangement, CAA used
information from the Air Defense Command radar at the Olathe, Kan., Naval Air Station to maintain
approach control at nearby airports. CAA commissioned the facility for this use on Jan 15, 1957.
Dec 1955: Following Senate hearings in July on a second public airport for Washington, CAA reiterated
its earlier position that the Maryland site occupied by Andrews Air Force Base would be the best location,
but again recommended Burke, Va., as the next best alternative. A request for $34.7 million to complete
the Burke project was turned down when strong opposition to that site continued at Senate hearings in July
1956. (See Sep 7, 1950, & Aug 1957.)
Dec 1955: The Civil Aeronautics Administration released its first five-year plan (1957-1961) for the
expansion and modernization of the Federal airways system.
Calendar year, 1955: Bendix Aviation Corporation began manufacturing a transistorized automatic pilot
for commercial and military sales. Prototype testing of the equipment had occurred the previous year on a
B-25 flying laboratory. Automatic pilots had been installed previously in aircraft as accessory equipment,
but the Bendix equipment was the first completely transistorized automatic flight control system designed
for high performance aircraft.
For the first time on record, water sprayed from an airplane put out a forest fire. The
plane completely supressed a blaze covering 50 acres on a steep slope near Wenatchee, Wash.
Jan 11, 1956: Civil Aeronautics Administration officials convoked the first CAA jet age symposium as
an initial step toward planning for the introduction of jets in civil operations. On Apr 20, CAA established
a Jet Age Planning Group to work with industry and Government on potential civil jet transport
Feb 20, 1956: CAA and the Air Force announced a joint study under Air Navigation Development Board
auspices to evaluate the use of Air Defense Command (ADC) radar for civil air traffic control
purposes. The evaluation included use of a microwave link to remote radar information between an ADC
installation at Rockville, Ind., and the CAA ARTCC at Indianapolis, a distance of some 50 miles. This was
the first use of a microwave link to transfer radar information between distant points for air traffic
control. (See Nov 16, 1956.)
Feb 23, 1956: The Civil Aeronautics Board, noting the increasing frequency of near-collisions in the air
and wishing to gain more information about such incidents, adopted Special Civil Air Regulation No. SR-
416, which granted immunity from disciplinary proceedings to pilots reporting near misses. The
identity of the pilot or other person making the report would be held in confidence by the Board. In cases
where information about a violation of Civil Air Regulations was obtained by other means, however, the
fact that the violation was voluntarily reported would not preclude enforcement, disciplinary, or remedial
proceedings on the basis of such other information. In an attempt to gather information on near misses,
some airlines had previously started their own anonymous reporting programs, but that effort had failed
because pilots feared possible Federal disciplinary action. The CAB grant of immunity was intended to
overcome this problem. (See Jul 10, 1959.)
Mar 31, 1956: The Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) was established as a nonprofit professional
organization to promote the advancement of air traffic control. Originally composed only of controllers,
ATCA broadened its membership to include governmental agencies, private companies, and other
individuals and organizations worldwide.
May 27, 1956: The Sud-Aviation SE 210 Caravelle made its first flight. The first short-haul jet plane to
go into general use, the Caravelle's rear-mounted engine configuration set a design trend for jet transports.
Jun 25, 1956: Its interest kindled by the Harding Report (see May 4, 1955), the Legal and Monetary
Affairs Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations, chaired by Rep. Robert H.
Mollohan (D.-W.Va.), began extensive hearings on the Federal role in aviation. The hearings centered
on: the adequacy of the Federal-aid airport program; problems in air traffic control and air navigational
aids, with particular reference to the TACAN/VOR-DME controversy (see Aug 30, 1956); the effect of
introducing commercial jets; the organization for aviation matters within the executive branch; the
operational efficiency of CAA, including the effectiveness of its five-year program; and the problem of
joint military and civil use of airports.
Jun 30, 1956: A Trans World Airlines Super Constellation and a United Air Lines DC-7 collided over
the Grand Canyon, Ariz., killing all 128 occupants of the two airplanes. The collision occurred while the
transports were flying under visual flight rules (VFR) in uncongested airspace.
The accident dramatizing the fact that, even though U.S. air traffic had more than doubled
since the end of World War II, little had been done to expand the capacity of the air traffic control system
or to increase safeguards against midair collisions. Sixty-five such collisions had occurred in the United
States between 1950 and 1955. This was partly because the ATC system did not have the ability to
segregate VFR traffic from instrument flight rules (IFR) traffic, or slow-moving flights from faster ones.
Many experts recognized a need to institute positive control -- requiring instrument flight over certain
portions of the airspace irrespective of weather conditions.
In the wake of the tragedy, Congress opened hearings to probe its relationship to the general
problems of airspace and air traffic control management. (See Apr 11, 1957.)
Jun 1956: The first radar in a CAA program to "circular polarize" airport surveillance was completed
at La Guardia Airport. The modification program would permit the radar to "see" aircraft passing through
rain and snow. With the unmodified equipment, aircraft operating in storm areas often failed to show on
the scope.
Spring, 1956: The Senate Aviation Subcommittee, chaired by A. S. "Mike" Monroney (D-Okla.), held
hearings relating to the resignation under fire of CAA Administrator Frederick Lee (see Dec 8, 1955)
and to the larger allegation of the neglect of CAA by the Department of Commerce.
Jul 10, 1956: CAA announced the establishment in the Boston area of a Military Integration Branch of
the Technical Development Center. The new office was created to provide closer coordination with
military development programs, such as the SAGE Air Defense System, at Lexington and Deer Island,
Mass. (See Apr 10, 1953, and Sep 21, 1959.)
Jul 24, 1956: CAA placed the Central Altitude Reservation Facility (CARF) in operation at Kansas City
to handle all requests for temporary altitude reservations for military aircraft. Creation of this new facility
marked a significant advance in controlling airspace at higher altitudes.
Aug 1, 1956: The President signed into law a bill permitting the Armed Forces to include flight
instruction in Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs.
Aug 30, 1956: The Air Coordinating Committee approved a study panel's recommendation that VOR and
TACAN, the separate civil and military air navigation systems, be combined. VORTAC (an acronym
used to describe a short-range navigation system, using the VOR directional component and the distance
component of TACAN) would become a key element of the civil-military common system of air navigation
and air traffic control. (See Jan 14, 1955, and Sep 16, 1985.)
Sep 4, 1956: CAA announced a reorganization designed to streamline the Administrator’s office and
place greater reliance on a direct line of command as the basic core of CAA organization. The
reorganization abolished the Assistant Administrator positions for Operations and for Planning, Research,
and Development, and grouped most CAA functions under six major program offices. The Office of Air
Navigation Facilities and the Office of Air Traffic Control were created from the former Office of Federal
Airways, a change that had been previously announced. (One reason for creating a separate ATC Office,
according to Administrator Lowen, was "to reverse completely the approach of having the operations of the
air traffic control system governed by the kind of tools the engineers give the operators." Lowen believed
that the men who operate the system should develop broad performance specifications for the equipment
they need and then the engineers should devise and perfect such equipment.) The Office of International
Cooperation was established to replace the International Region, and the Office of Aviation Safety was
redesignated the Office of Flight Operations and Airworthiness. The two other two major program offices
were the Office of Airports and the Technical Development Center.
In addition, the Office of Aviation Information was abolished and its duties were divided between
the Office of General Services and a Press and Publications Officer reporting to the Deputy Administrator.
The reorganization extended to the regional offices, where counterparts to Washington program offices
were to be established wherever there was a clear cut program that required field execution.
Sep 27, 1956: CAA announced the formation of a team of aviation specialists to provide technical
assistance and guidance to Afghanistan in developing a national airways system. Under the sponsorship
of the International Cooperation Administration, the modernization program called for loans and
expenditures totaling $14,560,000 to expand Afghanistan’s air transportation facilities.
Oct 6, 1956: Upgrading its fleet of flight inspection aircraft, CAA announced that it would obtain five
Convair 440s, with delivery in Dec 1957 and Jan 1958. To calibrate and evaluate the performance of
airway navigation aids, the agency had previously used DC-3s and Beech 18s, which had an operating
ceiling of only 12,000 feet. The pressurized Convairs (later re-engined to the Convair 580 configuration)
permitted testing in altitudes up to 20,000 feet. For higher altitudes up to 50,000 feet, the agency had
already borrowed two Martin B-57s from the Air Force, and began operations with these in 1957. During
1956-57, CAA also obtained 40 more surplus DC-3s, most of which were eventually modified for flight
inspection duty Other changes to the flight inspection fleet in this era included the acquisition in 1958 of
the first two of five Lockheed L-749 Constellations, which were used primarily in the Pacific area. (See
Calendar Year 1940 and Jan 1962.)
Oct 1956: CAA leased a computer (IBM type 650) for installation in the Indianapolis ARTCC to assess
the value of computers for the preparation of flight progress strips and to familiarize its personnel with this
type of equipment.
Nov 8-14, 1956: At its annual convention, the Air Line Pilots Association changed its policy to allow
mechanic-trained flight engineers eligible for membership. The union also adopted as mandatory
policy a resolution declaring that no turboprop or turbojet aircraft be operated unless "manned at all flight
stations by a qualified pilot." (See Oct 24, 1955 and Jul 21, 1958.)
Nov 16, 1956: CAA and the USAF Air Defense Command agreed on ground rules to guide a permanent
Joint Radar Planning Group charged with developing programs for the joint use of civil and military
radar in air traffic control. The agreement followed extensive study by the two agencies, including joint
surveys and tests of operating radar facilities and operational evaluation programs conducted at CAA's
Technical Development Center at Indianapolis. (See Feb 20, 1956, and Jan 9, 1958.)
Nov 20, 1956: CAA announced that it had awarded a $9 million contract for 23 long-range radars, the
agency's largest single purchase of electronic equipment to that date. The new radars were to be used
primarily for en route air traffic control purposes.
Dec 13, 1956: In
Allegheny Airlines, Inc., v. Village of Cedarhurst, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit upheld a lower court judgment that permanently voided a Cedarhurst ordinance prohibiting
flights over the village at an altitude under 1,000 feet. Cedarhurst, situated near New York International
Airport (Idlewild), argued that the flights over the village constituted a "taking," as set forth by the
Supreme Court in the Causby case (see May 27, 1946). In declaring the ordinance invalid, the Appeals
Court said that airplanes using Idlewild did not impact on Cedarhurst to such a degree as to constitute a
"'taking” within the doctrine of the Causby case." The court further held that Congress had preempted the
regulation of air traffic and that any local regulations contrary to Federal rules were precluded. As a
consequence of the Federal government's intervention in the case -- along with 10 airlines, the Port of New
York authority, and other groups -- the Chairman of CAB with the concurrence of the CAA Administrator
took action to repudiate a previous recognition of State authority to adopt and enforce their own safety
regulations. (See Mar 1946.)
On Mar 10, 1964, with the Federal courts having consistently struck down locally imposed
altitude restrictions, the Town of Hempstead, N.Y.-- a community near the same airport, now named John
F. Kennedy International -- tried a new tack: it enacted a noise ordinance that prohibited the operation of
any mechanism (including aircraft) that created noise in excess of a specified level of perceived noise
decibels. Though the ordinance prescribed no flight patterns, on Jul 17, 1968, the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit found in
American Airlines v. Hempstead that adhering to the ordinance would
have forced aircraft to deviate from existing traffic patterns and FAA procedures. The court concluded,
therefore, that the Hempstead ordinance was invalid because it (l) operated in an area preempted by Federal
legislation and regulation, (2) posed an unconstitutional burden on interstate commerce, and (3) was in
direct conflict with valid Federal regulations. (See May 14, 1973.)
Calendar Year, 1956 The Cessna Aircraft Company introduced its Model 172, a four-seat general
aviation aircraft. During the next 30 years, sales of all versions of the 172s built in the United States
totaled an estimated 37,000.
Feb 11, 1957: The Senate confirmed James T. Pyle as Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. He
succeeded Charles J. Lowen, who died Sep 5, 1956 (see entry for Dec 8, 1955). Pyle had been Deputy
Administrator under Lowen. He was nominated as Lowen’s successor on Dec 20, 1956, and took the oath
of office on an interim appointment on Dec 26, 1956.
Pyle studied business law and accounting at Princeton and Columbia Universities, aircraft
mechanics at the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics, and meteorology and transportation at the Daniel
Guggenheim School of Aeronautics, New York University. From 1935 to 1944 he had worked for Pan
American Airways, and during World War II he had served in the Pacific with the Naval Air Transport
Service. He returned briefly to Pan American after the war, then became president of the Air Charter
Company in Denver, Colo., and later president of the Denver Air Terminal Corporation. In 1953, he
became a special assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air, and in 1956 he joined CAA as
Deputy Administrator. (See Dec 31, 1958.)
Feb 13, 1957: CAA held ground-breaking ceremonies for construction of an expanded Aeronautical
Center at Oklahoma City. Financed by the city with a $10,665,000 bond issue, the new buildings replaced
temporary construction, mostly World War II metal barracks. CAA ultimately concentrated the shop and
warehousing activities of the four continental regions and many of its new training programs at the
enlarged facility. (See Mar 15, 1946.)
Feb 1957: CAA began installation of the first "narrow band" radio receivers under a program
designed to double the number of civil communications channels available for air traffic control use. The
new receivers made it possible to space transmissions 100 rather than 200 kilocycles from the adjacent
Apr 11, 1957: President Eisenhower transmitted to Congress an interim report by Edward P. Curtis,
Special Assistant for Aviation Facilities Planning (see May 4, 1955). The report proposed the
establishment of an Airways Modernization Board as a temporary organization to unite scattered
responsibilities for system development and selection. Eisenhower stated that his Administration would
submit legislation for the establishment of such a board and urged its early enactment.
On May 10, 1957, Curtis submitted to the President his final report on aviation facilities
planning. The report warned of "a crisis in the making" as a result of the inability of the airspace
management system to cope with growing congestion and complex patterns of civil and military traffic.
Curtis recommended the establishment of an independent Federal Aviation Agency "into which are
consolidated all the essential management functions necessary to support the common needs of the military
and civil aviation of the United States." Until such a permanent organization could be created, the Airways
Modernization Board would function as an independent agency responsible for developing and
consolidating the requirements for future systems of communications, navigation, and air traffic control.
(See Jul 17, 1957.) Curtis's specific recommendations for improving air traffic including setting aside all
airspace above a designated altitude for controlled separation at all times, and dividing certain airspace
below this zone into "funnels" and "cylinders" reserved for Intrument Flight Rule (IFR) traffic.
Apr 22, 1957: CAA commissioned the Spokane air route traffic control center.
May 1957: Using CAA and USAF aircraft, CAA conducted a service test of VOL-SCAN (a computer for
automatic scheduling of aircraft approaching for landing) to evaluate the possible application of such
military tactical equipment to air traffic control use in the common system.
Jun 20, 1957: CAA made public a plan for the security control of air traffic and electromagnetic
radiations (SCATER) during an air defense emergency. The joint product of CAA, CAB, the Air Force,
and the Navy, it was based on a plan that had been approved in 1952, expanded to include air traffic
security control rules. (See Jul 15, 1952.)
Jun 30, 1957: For fiscal 1957, which ended on this date, CAA received increased funding after several
years of declining or stable budgets. The agency's airway facility funds grew from $16 million in FY 1956
to $75 million in 1957, raising the overall CAA budget for 1957 to $278.4 million. Further major increases
in facilities and equipment funds the next two years brought the total CAA budget to $565 million,
reflecting heightened urgency concerning air traffic control problems.
Jul 6, 1957: CAA announced that high speed teletypewriters able to transmit 100-word-per-minute would
be installed along its three aeronautical weather networks. The new equipment was to replace 75-word-
per-minute teletypewriters used for services designated "A," "C," and "O." These three functions made up
the basic weather distribution systems for the entire country’s military and civil aviation. On Oct 17, 1958,
CAA announced the award of a contract for 600-word-per-minute teletypewriters and related equipment to
further speed the dissemination of aeronautical weather information. (See Jan 16, 1961.)
Jul 17, 1957: President Eisenhower appointed Elwood R. Quesada as his Special Assistant for
aviation matters and charged him with "taking the leadership in securing the implementation of the Curtis
plan of action." (See Apr 11, 1957.)
Jul 25, 1957: Dynamite exploded in the lavatory of a Western Airlines Convair 240 flying at 7,500 feet
over California, blowing the person who had detonated the charge through the side of the aircraft. The
plane landed successfully without further casualties.
Aug 1, 1957: The United States and Canada informally established the North American Air Defense
Command (NORAD). The two countries ratified a formal agreement the following May. The
organization was renamed the North American Aerospace Defense Command on May 12, 1981.
Aug 5, 1957: The Civil Aeronautics Board adopted a rule requiring an approved Flight Data Recorder
(FDR) aboard air carrier and commercial airplanes of more than 12,500 pounds maximum certificated
takeoff weight, with compliance by Jul 15, 1958. The FDRs were to be capable of recording time, air
speed, altitude, vertical acceleration, and heading. In adopting the rule, CAB stated that FDRs would be
invaluable in investigating accidents and such incidents as extreme vertical accelerations. (At first, the rule
applied only to aircraft certificated for operations above 25,000 feet, but this limitation was dropped in an
amendment issued on Jul 12, 1960.)
On two previous occasions, CAB had rescinded a similar rule. Effective Apr 1, 1941, CAB
had required a simpler type of FDR on certain carriers; but on Jun 9, 1944, the board found that operators
could not properly maintain their recorders because of wartime material shortages. On Sep 15, 1947, the
board again adopted a rule requiring FDRs on aircraft in scheduled air transportation. Contrary to
expectations, however, no recording device of proven reliability was readily available, and CAB rescinded
the rule on Jun 30, 1948, one day before its effective date. (See Aug 12, 1970.)
Aug 14, 1957: President Eisenhower signed the Airways Modernization Act (Public Law 85-133). The
act established the Airways Modernization Board charged with "the development and modernization of
the national system of navigation and traffic control facilities to serve present and future needs of civil and
military aviation." The AMB was to select such systems, procedures, and devices as would promote
maximum coordination of air traffic control and air defense systems. The act provided for a three-member
board consisting of a chairman, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, the
Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Commerce. The act further provided for its own expiration on
Jun 30, 1960. Since the AMB was an interim organization, the act also contained the following provision:
"It is the sense of Congress that on or before Jan 15, 1959, a program of reorganization establishing an
independent aviation authority, following the objectives and conclusions of the Curtis report, entitled
'Aviation Facilities Planning,' be submitted to the Congress."
The Senate confirmed the appointment of Elwood R. Quesada as chairman on Aug 16. In
the following month, Malcolm A. MacIntyre, Under Secretary of the Air Force, and Louis S. Rothschild,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation, were designated respectively by the Secretaries of
Defense and Commerce to act in their stead as members of the Board. (See Apr 11, 1957, and Nov 1,
Aug 1957: Congress appropriated $12.5 million for a second airport for Washington, D.C., to be built on
a site to be recommended by President Eisenhower. (See Dec 1955 & Jan 16, 1958.)
Sep 7, 1957: The President signed legislation establishing an aircraft loan guarantee program to aid
local service and territorial carriers unable to obtain private loans to purchase new and modern equipment.
The act authorized CAB to guarantee loans of up to $5 million for each such airline. (see Oct 15, 1962.)
Sep 9-13, 1957: CAA held demonstrations of scan conversion equipment under evaluation at its
Technical Development Center, Indianapolis. The equipment was designed to improve radar display
techniques. (See Apr 27, 1960.)
Oct 4, 1957: The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, the first manmade earth satellite, into orbit. (See
Jan 31, 1958.)
Oct 29, 1957: The President approved actions of the Airways Modernization Board, taken in accordance
with provisions of its basic statute, which transferred to the AMB certain funds and all functions of the
Air Navigation Development Board along with several research and development programs of the
Departments of Defense and Commerce relating to air traffic control. Subsequent presidentially approved
orders transferring additional funds and ATC projects from the DOD. (See May 23, 1948, Jan 1954, and
Aug 14, 1957.)
Nov 26, 1957: The board of directors of the Air Transport Association passed a resolution favoring the
creation of an independent Federal agency to make safety rules and develop a common civil-military
system of airspace control and use.
Dec 1, 1957: After receiving authority from the Civil Aeronautics Board, CAA designated all the airspace
in the continental United States at or above 24,000 feet (exclusive of prohibited and restricted areas) as the
"continental control area" and planned twelve "superskyways" that would provide direct, controlled
high-altitude routes for transcontinental commercial flights. Positive control on these routes, however, was
mandatory only during instrument conditions; during visual flight rule conditions it was provided at the
option of the pilot. This meant that CAA could guarantee separation only between aircraft that filed an IFR
flight plan. But these aircraft would have no protection from military and private airplanes that could still
choose to fly the same airspace under visual flight rules, so long as weather permitted such flight. In any
event, genuine positive control could not be implemented without CAB first permitting it by amending Part
60 of the Civil Air Regulations. (See May 28, 1958.)
Dec 6, 1957: The Lockheed 188A Electra first flew. The transport, a four-engine turboprop airliner of
short-to-medium range with a maximum capacity of 99 passengers, received its type certificate on Aug 22,
1958, and entered scheduled airline service with Eastern Air Lines on Jan 12, 1959.
Dec 20, 1957: The first U.S.-made turbojet airliner, the Boeing 707, first flew. (Boeing's 367-80, the
prototype for both the 707 and the military KC-135 Stratotanker, had first flown on Jul 15, 1954.) CAA
certificated the aircraft, a four-engine, long-range plane with a maximum capacity of 189 passengers on
Sep 23, 1958. The 707 entered scheduled airline service, on Oct 26, 1958, with Pan American World
Airways (see Oct 4, 1958). On Aug 30, 1991, Boeing announced an end to production of the 707. The
company built 857 of the 707s, selling the last as a radar surveillance plane earlier in 1991.
Jan 9, 1958: The Secretaries of Commerce and Defense concluded a joint-use agreement to: avoid
duplicating facilities, equipment, and overlapping functions; increase the capability of each function; and
create an air traffic control system functionally compatible with the nation's defense facilities in peace and
war. They agreed that each department would "make its respective surveillance, data processing, situation
display, communications, identification processes and facilities mutually and fully available for the early
attainment of the objective above." They also agreed that the Airways Modernization Board would develop
criteria for the practical application of this national policy. (See Nov 16, 1956, and Sep 2, 1958.)
Jan 14, 1958: Australia's Qantas Empire Airways began the first completely round-the-world scheduled
passenger service, using Super Constellations. (See Jun 17, 1947.)
Jan 16, 1958: In a report to Congress, President Eisenhower endorsed the recommendation of his special
assistant for aviation, E. R. Quesada, that Washington's second public airport be built at Chantilly, Va.
Land acquisition began Jan 27, 1958. (See Aug 1957 and Jul 11, 1958.)
Jan 31, 1958: The United States successfully launched Explorer I, the first U.S. earth satellite. (See Oct
4, 1957.)
Feb 13, 1958: The Civil Aeronautics Board issued an amendment to the Civil Air Regulations that
reaffirmed and clarified the authority and responsibility of the Civil Aeronautics Administration's
Administrator in the designation and use of restricted airspace areas. A concurrent amendment
recognized that under defense-emergency circumstances it might be necessary for the military to deviate
from the CARs. But all other military flights, such as training , were to be conducted under the terms of a
waiver issued by the Administrator. The action became effective Apr l.
Apr 19, 1958: CAA commissioned the Phoenix air route traffic control center.
Apr 21, 1958: An Air Force jet fighter collided with a United Air Lines DC-7 near Las Vegas, Nev.,
killing both occupants of the fighter and all 47 persons aboard the airliner. Another midair collision
between a military jet and an airliner occurred on May 20 when a T-33 trainer and a Capital Airlines
Viscount collided over Brunswick, Md. This second accident cost the lives of one of the two persons
aboard the T-33 and all 11 aboard the Viscount. The twin tragedies spurred governmental action already
underway to improve air traffic control and to establish a comprehensive Federal Aviation Agency. (See
May 21 and May 28, 1958.)
May 21, 1958: Senator A. S. Mike Monroney (D-Okla.) introduced S. 3880, a bill "to create an
independent Federal Aviation Agency, to provide for the safe and efficient use of the airspace by both
civil and military operations and to provide for the regulation and promotion of civil aviation in such a
manner as to best foster its development and safety." By the next day 33 Senators were listed as
cosponsors of the bill, and Representative Oren Harris (D-Ark.) introduced the same bill as H.R. 12616.
On Jun 13, President Eisenhower, in a message to Congress, recommended early enactment of such
legislation to consolidate "all the essential management functions necessary to support the common needs
of our civil and military aviation." (See Aug 23, 1958.)
May 28, 1958: CAB adopted Special Civil Air Regulation 424, which authorized the CAA Administrator
to designate as a "positive control route segment" any portion of the airspace between 17,000 and 35,000
feet to a width of not more than 40 miles. Within airspace so designated, all visual flight rule (VFR) flights
would be prohibited regardless of weather; only instrument flight rule (IFR) operations, conducted with the
prior approval of air traffic control, were to be permitted. This ruling took into account the extreme closure
rates of high performance aircraft, and represented a major modification of the long-established, "see-and-
be-seen" philosophy applicable to VFR operations. Until that time Board rulings on the subject had dealt
primarily with meteorological conditions affecting a pilot's ability to see other aircraft.
On Jun 15, CAA designated five positive control routes on trial basis. Although only a
stopgap measure to improve safety, the designation of these airways marked the beginning of positive
control. On Sep 15, 1959, FAA made these positive control routes permanent, and began plans to develop
more positive control in both a route and area basis. (See Oct 15, 1960-Mar 1, 1961.)
May 30, 1958: The Douglas DC-8 first flew. On Aug 31, 1959, FAA type-certificated this four-engine
long-range jet airliner with a maximum capacity for 189 passengers. The plane entered scheduled airline
service with Delta on Sep 18, 1959.
Jun 15, 1958: CAA began using Greenwich mean time for all domestic air traffic control operations.
Jul 1, 1958: The Airways Modernization Board established the National Aviation Facilities
Experimental Center (NAFEC) near Atlantic City, N.J. The fledgling Federal Aviation Agency assumed
all functions of the Board, including control of NAFEC, on Nov 1, 1958 (see that date). Beginning in early
1959, the Technical Development Center that CAA had operated in Indianapolis was gradually deactivated,
and many of its resources, functions, and personnel were transferred to NAFEC during that year.
Jul 11, 1958: Congress removed the ceiling of $14 million (see Sep 7, 1950) for the construction of a
second Washington airport. On Aug 1, 1958, the U.S. Government took official possession of the 8,200-
acre Washington international airport site at Chantilly, Va. Construction on what was eventually to become
Dulles International Airport began the following month. (See Jan 16, 1958, and Jul 15, 1959.)
Jul 21, 1958: A Presidential Emergency Board issued its report on a dispute between the Eastern Air Lines
and unions representing its pilots and flight engineers. President Eisenhower had appointed the board the
previous January to mediate the controversy over the qualifications of the flight engineer on turbojet
transports. The board concluded that a flight engineer on jetliners should have piloting qualifications and
recommended that Eastern train its flight engineers to qualify for a commercial pilot's certificate. Despite
the board's report in the Eastern dispute, American Airlines decided to give the third seat on the Boeing 707
to mechanic-trained flight engineers. Reacting to that decision, American's pilots walked off the job on
Dec 19. After 23 days, the strike ended when American agreed to add a third pilot (a fourth crew member)
to the 707 cockpit. Other airlines that traditionally employed mechanic-trained flight engineers (Pan Am,
Western, Eastern, and TWA) signed similar labor agreements with the Air Line Pilots Association
requiring them to employ a fourth person in the jet cockpit. (See Jul 21, 1958 and Jun 7, 1960.)
Aug 23, 1958: President Eisenhower signed the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (P.L. 85-726) into law.
Treating comprehensively the Federal role in fostering and regulating civil aeronautics and air commerce,
the new statute repealed the Air Commerce Act of 1926, the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, the Airways
Modernization Act of 1957, and those portions of the various Presidential reorganization plans dealing with
civil aviation. The act assigned the functions exercised under these repealed laws, which had been
dispersed within the Federal structure, to two independent agencies--the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA),
which was created by the act, and the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), which was freed of its
administrative ties with the Department of Commerce.
FAA came into existence with the signing of the Act, but assumed its functions in stages.
Pursuant to the legislation, it also took over the responsibilities and personnel of the Airways
Modernization Board, which were transferred to it by Executive Order 10786, on November l. FAA
inherited as a nucleus the organization and functions of CAA on Dec 31, 1958. Later (on August 11,
1960), Executive Order 10883 terminated the Air Coordinating Committee, transferring its functions to
FAA. Section 103 of the act concisely stated the Administrator's major powers and responsibilities as
"(a) The regulation of air commerce in such manner as to best promote its development and
safety and fulfill the requirements of national defense;
"(b) The promotion, encouragement, and development of civil aeronautics;
"(c) The control of the use of the navigable airspace of the United States and the regulation of
both civil and military operations in such airspace in the interest of the safety and efficiency
of both;
"(d) The consolidation of research and development with
respect to air navigation facilities, as well as the installation and operation thereof;
"(e) The development and operation of a common system of air traffic control and navigation
for both military and civil aircraft."
CAB, though retaining responsibility for economic regulation of the air carriers and for
accident investigation, lost under the act most of its former authority in the safety regulation and
enforcement field to FAA. The law provided, however, that any FAA order involving suspension or
revocation of a certificate might be appealed to CAB for hearing, after which CAB could affirm, amend,
modify, or reverse the FAA order. Provision was made for FAA participation in accident investigation, but
determination of probable cause was to be the function of CAB alone. When the FAA assumed full
operational status on Dec 31, 1958, it absorbed certain CAB personnel associated with the safety
rulemaking function. (See Nov 1 and Dec 31, 1958.)
Sep 2, 1958: The CAA Administrator and the Commander of the Air Force's Air Defense Command
announced the establishment of a program for joint use of 31 new high-power, long-range radar
facilities and plans for such joint use of additional facilities in the future. Under the extensive joint-use
program, each agency was to budget for special equipment or modifications to meet its particular
requirements, with ADC providing security guards and CAA maintaining the primary radar and other
facilities used in air traffic control. (See Jan 9, 1958, and May 1959.)
Oct 1, 1958: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established under the
National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. Passage of the Space Act (signed into law by President
Eisenhower on Jul 29, 1958) settled the question of whether space exploration should be under civilian or
military control. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), which had been in existence
since 1915, was absorbed by and formed the nucleus for the new civilian space agency.
Oct 4, 1958: British Overseas Airways Corporation inaugurated the first transatlantic jet passenger
service, using de Havilland Comet 4 aircraft flying between New York and London. On the 26th of the
same month, Pan American World Airways began the first U.S. scheduled jet service with Boeing 707
flights between New York and Paris. On Dec 10, 1958, National Airlines used leased 707s to begin the
first U.S. domestic scheduled jet airline service, flying between New York and Miami.
Oct 4, 1958: CAA issued a Technical Standard Order containing revised standards for the design of
runways to meet the requirements of both conventional and turbine-powered air carrier aircraft.
Superseding an October 1948 standard, the new TSO (N6b) reduced the number of airport classifications
for air carrier service from six to four, with corresponding changes in runway lengths, widths, and strength.
Nov 1, 1958: Elwood R. Quesada became the first Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency.
The son of a Spanish businessman and an Irish-American mother, "Pete" Quesada was born in Washington,
D.C., in 1904, and attended Maryland and Georgetown universities. He joined the Army in 1924, received
his pilot's wings, and returned to civilian life before reentering active duty in 1927. Quesada was a member
of the flight crew of the Army C-2
Question Mark, which, under the command of Major Carl Spaatz, broke
world endurance marks in Jan 1929 by remaining in the air for more than 150 hours. During World War II,
Quesada flew many combat missions and held a series of important commands, including the 12th Fighter
Command, the 9th Fighter Command, and the 9th Tactical Air Command. Units under his leadership made
important contributions to the success of the Normandy invasion and other campaigns by achieving air
superiority, flying interdiction missions, and providing close air support to ground troops. Quesada's
assignments after the war included: Commanding General, Tactical Air Command (1946); chairman of the
Joint Technical Planning Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1949); and Commanding General of Joint
Task Force Three (1951). He held, with various other awards, the Distinguished Service Medal with one
cluster and the Distinguished Flying Cross.
After retiring from the Air Force in 1951 with the rank of Lieutenant General, Quesada held a
variety of positions in private industry before returning to government as Special Assistant to the President
for aviation matters (see Jul 17, 1957) and later Chairman of the Airways Modernization Board (see entry
for Aug 14, 1957). To qualify as FAA Administrator, Quesada complied with the provisions of the
Federal Aviation Act by resigning his commission as a retired regular military officer. (Congress later
restored his commission after he left FAA.) Sixty days after Quesada's appointment, FAA assumed the full
scope of its responsibilities (see Dec 31, 1958). Quesada served as Administrator for the remainder of the
Eisenhower Administration, resigning effective Jan 20, 1961 (see that date).
Nov 1, 1958: Executive Order No. 10786 transferred all functions of the Airways Modernization
Board to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency. This action was taken in accordance with
the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. (See Aug 23, and Dec 31, 1958.)
Dec 31, 1958: The Federal Aviation Agency assumed the full scope of its statutory responsibilities.
Under the provisions of the Federal Aviation Act (see Aug 23, 1958) the effective date of appointment of
the first FAA Administrator (see Nov 1, 1958) determined the effective date of most of the operative
provisions of the act, which were to take effect 60 days from the qualification of the first Administrator.
On this date FAA superseded CAA and absorbed certain CAB personnel associated with safety rulemaking.
James T. Pyle, the last CAA Administrator, became Deputy Administrator of FAA, a post he
continued to hold until Nov 30, 1961 (see Feb 21, 1962).
Dec 31, 1958: The FAA Administrator signed an agreement with the military departments setting forth the
conditions for assignment of members of the Armed Services to FAA.
Calendar year, 1958: This was the first year that the total number of transatlantic passengers traveling
by air exceeded the number traveling by sea. (See Calendar Year 1966.)
Jan 3, 1959: Alaska entered the Union as the 49th State.
Jan 4, 1959: A published report described the successful use of Doppler navigation techniques in aerial
explorations for oil in remote areas.
Jan 7, 1959: The Federal Aviation Agency began an extensive air traffic survey covering all segments
of U.S. aviation--air carrier, military, and general aviation. Goals of the survey were to develop estimates
of air activity through 1980 and to formulate a scientific method of forecasting air activity. FAA's
sampling of a period having the lowest level of air activity was followed in July and August by a second
survey providing data on the summer peak.
Jan 15, 1959: Agency Order 1 prescribed FAA's basic organizational structure. The Administrator and
his Deputy were assisted by three staff offices headed by Assistant Administrators: Management Services;
Personnel and Training; and Plans and Requirements (the name of which was shortened to Plans on July
10, 1960). Other staff officials reporting to the Administrator included the General Counsel, the Civil Air
Surgeon, and the heads of the Offices of Public Affairs, Congressional Liason, and International
Coordination. The agency's major programs were entrusted to four Bureaus whose Directors reported to
the Administrator: Research and Development (testing and development of new equipment); Flight
Standards (certification of airmen, aircraft, and air carriers); Air Traffic Management (planning and
operation of the airspace system); and Facilities (acquisition and maintenance of air navigation facilities
and related equipment). FAA's initial field structure retained the Civil Aeronautics Administration's system
of six numbered regions headed by Regional Administrators reporting to the agency chief. Three large
field facilities were exempt from regional control: the National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center
(NAFEC), the Aeronautical Center, and Washington National Airport.
Jan 21, 1959: The FAA Administrator submitted to Congress draft legislation to extend the Federal
Airport Act to Jun 30, 1963. Intended to effect an "orderly withdrawal" from the airport grant program,
the bill authorized $200 million graduated downward over the four-year period. The bill proposed to revise
the apportionment of funds among the States, increasing from 25 to 50 percent the proportion of funds that
could be allocated at the Administrator’s discretion regardless of geographical location. The proposal also
limited grants under the act to construction of landing area facilities such as runways and control towers,
while excluding such items as terminal buildings, parking lots, and entrance roads. (See Aug 3, 1955, Oct
18, 1955, and Jun 20, 1959.)
Jan 25, 1959: Transcontinental jet airliner service began as American Airlines inaugurated Boeing 707
flights between New York and Los Angeles. The new service also made American the first U.S. airline to
begin domestic scheduled jet flights using its own aircraft (see Oct 4, 1958). High-altitude radar
advisory service was also established, using FAA-military radar teams based at 17 military installations
across the United States.
Jan 27, 1959: The Convair 880 (Model 22) first flew. On May 1, 1960, FAA certificated this four-engine
medium-range jet airliner with a maximum capacity of 110 passengers. The plane, built by General
Dynamics Corporation, entered scheduled service on May 15, 1960, with Delta Air Lines.
Jan 29, 1959: The Civil Aeronautics Board issued the first certificates to supplemental air carriers. The
certificated supplemental operators were authorized to offer unlimited domestic charter service, as well as
up to ten round trips per month between any pair of U.S. points for individually ticketed passengers or
individually waybilled cargo. The Board awarded the certificates of public convenience and necessity on a
two- or five-year basis to 23 applicants, most of whom were already offering substantially the same types
of services under an interim exemption. (See Nov 15, 1955, and Jul 10, 1962.)
Feb 3, 1959 A Pan Am 707 entered a steep dive toward the Atlantic after its autopilot disengaged at
35,000 feet. The captain, who had been in the passenger cabin when the dive began, fought powerful
gravity forces to return to the cockpit. Taking command from the copilot, he was able to end the dive at
6,000 feet. Prompted by this near-disaster, FAA in April began rigorously enforcing an often-disregarded
rule requiring all flight-crew members to remain at their stations "except when the absence of one is
necessary in connection with his regular duties."
Feb 8, 1959: FAA announced plans to coordinate Federal research and development in aviation
weather forecasting and reporting. The announcement followed general agreement between FAA, the
Department of Commerce (Weather Bureau), and Department of Defense on the need for such a joint
research program.
Feb 25, 1959: In a special conference at Montreal, the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO), approved the distance-measuring element (DMET) as a complement to the very high
frequency omnidirectional radio range (VOR). Over protests of the British delegation, which favored its
own Decca Navigator System, the conferees adopted the American-developed system as a navigational-aid
standard for the world's airlines until 1975. This action extended a 1949 ICAO agreement not to require
replacement of basic VOR equipment prior to January 1, 1966 to 1975.
Mar 27-28, 1959: At FAA’s Aeronautical Center, Administrator Elwood R. Quesada held a meeting on
rulemaking and enforcement attended by nearly 200 regional administrators, regional attorneys, and key
Flight Standards personnel. Quesada announced plans for a concentrated aviation safety drive and full use
of the agency's rulemaking powers. The Administrator stated his “4-F” philosophy that FAA enforcement
activities must be "firm, fair, fast, and factual."
Apr 1, 1959: British Overseas Airways Corporation completed the first turbine-powered airline
passenger flight around the world, (in this case, both turbojet and turboprop aircraft were used). The
airline began this service on a regular basis on Aug 22, 1959. (See Oct 10, 1959.)
Apr 1, 1959: Three air defense identification zones (ADIZs) were eliminated and flight requirements
within the remaining zones were relaxed effective this date. Elimination of the Western, Eastern, and
Presque Isle Identification Zones became possible by the complete encirclement of the United States
following establishment of an ADIZ in the Gulf of Mexico on Feb l. (See Dec 1, 1955.)
Apr 2, 1959: FAA announced the adoption of a new "mobile lounge" concept of transporting airline
passengers between the terminal building and parked aircraft at Washington's planned jet airport at
Chantilly, Va. Making possible a reduction in terminal building size, the mobile lounge system was
intended to eliminate finger docks, tunnels, and other devices to get passengers to their airplane. Although
passengers at some European airports traveled between terminal and aircraft on buses, this was the first
time that a specially designed vehicle had been proposed for this purpose. On Nov 27, 1961, FAA
reaffirmed the concept for use at the new airport and announced a $4.7 million contract award for 20
mobile lounges.
Apr 8, 1959: CAB ruled that foreign airlines could not carry commercial traffic moving only between
U.S. cities. Consistent with U.S. international commitments, the ruling was viewed as strengthening the
stand of U.S. airlines against further invasion of domestic markets by foreign carriers.
Apr 27, 1959: FAA announced a contract award for development of an air height surveillance radar
(AHSR-1) to automatically provide air traffic controllers with information on aircraft altitudes up to a
range of 50 nautical miles. This data would add a third dimension to the distance and bearing data
provided by radar currently in use. The AHSR-1 would have a three-sided fixed antenna 150 feet in height,
with each of the three sides 60 feet wide. FAA completed development and testing of the AHSR-1 during
fiscal 1963, but the project was placed on standby as a possible backup system due to a decision to use
secondary radar as the primary means of acquiring aircraft height data. (See Sep 10, 1959.)
May 1, 1959: Installation of an experimental runway barrier for commercial aircraft began at FAA's
National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center near Atlantic City. Aimed at developing an effective
barrier for civil aircraft in case of overruns on landings or takeoffs, the program--the first to be sponsored
by the Federal government--called for a six-month evaluation of the arresting device.
May 11, 1959: The Vertol 107 helicopter, a twin-turbine-powered transport, was demonstrated in flight at
Philadelphia International Airport.
May 15, 1959: New procedures for allocating airspace to meet civil and military requirements became
effective. In keeping with the authority vested solely in the FAA Administrator by the Federal Aviation
Act, the revised rules superseded procedures under which airspace matters were processed through the Air
Coordinating Committee and its regional counterparts. The new regulation also established procedures for
assignment of airspace in accordance with provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act. By the end of
calendar 1960, approximately 25,100 square miles of restricted- and prohibited-area airspace had
been restored to common use. Approximately 123,700 square miles of restricted-airspace blocks
May 1959: In keeping with its mandate to develop a common civil-military airspace system (see Aug 23,
1958), FAA initiated "Project Friendship." Consultations were begun with the Defense Department to
determine which military functions pertaining to air navigation and air traffic control -- both domestic and
overseas -- should be transferred to FAA and when the transfers should be made. (See Oct 7, 1959.)
Jun 1, 1959: FAA commissioned the Guam air route traffic control center.
Jun 3, 1959: FAA announced that the agency had commissioned UNIVAC file computers for use in air
traffic control at its New York and Washington air route traffic control centers (ARTCCs). Additional
systems were scheduled to be installed in late summer at the Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Boston ARTCCs.
These general purpose electronic computers were to be used in preparing flight progress strips, exchanging
information with one another, and generally aiding air traffic controllers in their "bookkeeping chores."
Jun 14, 1959: FAA established a Bureau of National Capital Airports to provide management
responsibility for Washington National Airport and the new Washington International Airport, then under
construction at Chantilly, Va, and soon to be renamed (see Jul 15, 1959). Establishment of the new bureau
was viewed as an interim measure pending enactment of legislation to set up a government corporation,
within the framework of FAA, to handle the management and operational functions of both airports.
Jun 20, 1959: The President approved a two-year extension of Federal-aid to airport program (FAAP)
at the current $63 million level of funding. An administration bill had proposed $200 million for a four-
year period of "orderly withdrawal" from the aid program, while the Senate originally passed a four-year
$465 million program. The House approved a $297 million plan for the four-year period. Refusal of the
President to expand the FAAP commitment and the failure of the Senate-House conferees to resolve their
differences resulted in this stopgap compromise measure. (See Jan 21, 1959 and Sep 20, 1961.)
Jul 1, 1959: A new safety rule became effective requiring that holders of first class medical certificates--
airline transport pilots--must submit to an annual electrocardiogram.
Jul 10, 1959: The Federal Aviation Agency, which had assumed the safety rulemaking functions of the
Civil Aeronautics Board, announced an end to the three-year near miss reporting program that had
granted immunity from prosecution to pilots reporting their own involvement in near-collisions (see Feb
23, 1956). The purpose of the program had been to compile data on the numbers and causes of such
incidents. Believing that the program had outlived its usefulness, FAA Administrator Quesada directed
that future reports of near misses be handled by FAA in accordance with the normal investigative
procedures established for other safety violation reports. (See Jun 7, 1961.)
Jul 15, 1959: President Eisenhower signed an order designating Washington's international airport under
construction at Chantilly, Va., as the Dulles International Airport in memory of his late Secretary of
State, John Foster Dulles. (See Jul 11, 1958, and Nov 17, 1962.)
Jul 26, 1959: FAA consolidated responsibility for the planning, coordination, and utilization of radio
frequencies in a newly established Frequency Management Staff Division within its Bureau of Facilities.
In addition to these functions, the new staff division was assigned responsibility for representing FAA
before the Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee.
Jul 31, 1959: Effective this date, FAA required that one pilot at the controls of a turbine-powered
airliner operating above 25,000 feet wear and use an oxygen mask, and that the other cockpit crew
members wear masks ready for immediate use. This rule was modified as experience with jet operations
grew and oxygen mask design evolved. Effective Feb 1, 1960, the altitude above which one pilot was
required to use a mask was raised to 30,000 feet if all cockpit crew members wore masks designed for fast
donning when needed. Effective Sep 30, 1965, the altitude above which these requirements applied to
turbine aircraft equipped with fast-donning masks was raised to 41,000 feet.
Aug 21, 1959: Hawaii entered the Union as the 50th State.
Sep 10, 1959: To aid in the control of civil and military air traffic, FAA put into operation in the New
York area a 64-code air traffic control radar beacon system, commonly known as secondary radar. A
descendant of the World War II IFF (Identification, Friend, or Foe), the new equipment was designed to
reinforce primary radar signals and permit positive identification of individual aircraft carrying
transponders. By May of the following year, 20 radar beacons had been put in operation at 16 air route
traffic control centers. (See Apr 7, 1961.)
Sep 15, 1959: FAA adopted new procedures for handling temporary airspace reservations for mass
movements of military aircraft and extended the altitude reservation service to oceanic areas. Reflecting
the growing use by civil jets of altitudes above 24,000 feet--airspace previously used almost exclusively by
military aircraft--the new rules required the filing of airspace reservation requests four to twelve days in
advance of the mission. Missions not airborne within 30 minutes past the scheduled time of departure
would be subject to FAA cancellation to make the airspace available to other users.
To supplement the work of its Central Altitude Reservation Facility (CARF) in Kansas City,
Mo. (see Jul 24,1956), FAA established gateway sectors at the Honolulu air route traffic control center and
at the New York ARTCC to handle altitude reservations for military flights over the Pacific and North
Atlantic Ocean areas, respectively.
Sep 20, 1959: FAA commissioned the San Antonio air traffic control center's new building, the first in
a program to construct 32 new center facilities. Located in most cases away from airports to permit
more space and to withstand nuclear attack on critical target areas, the buildings had an expandable design
to facilitate installation and use of the latest equipment. By the end of 1960, 15 of the centers were under
construction or completed.
Sep 21, 1959: FAA announced that its representatives and those of DOD and the Air Force had signed an
agreement to establish nine FAA air route traffic control centers at Air Force SAGE supercombat
centers. The supercombat centers were part of the SAGE (semiautomatic ground environment) system for
radar surveillance and identification of air traffic for air defense. (See Jul 10, 1956, and Apr 12, 1960.)
Sep 29, 1959: A Braniff Lockheed Electra lost a wing and exploded in flight over Buffalo, Tex., with
the loss of all 34 persons aboard. (See Mar 17, 1960.)
Oct 7, 1959: Speaking on the theme "Project Friendship," FAA Administrator Quesada announced that
FAA was preparing to assume the operation of about 2,095 military air traffic control facilities at 337
global locations. Under the "Friendship" plan, four types of military functions would be scheduled for
transfer: air navigation and air traffic control services; military flight service; air traffic controller training;
and facilities flight inspection. FAA and DOD would coordinate time phasing for absorbing military
facilities, and implementation of certain parts of the project depended on further understandings with DOD
and agreements with foreign countries. (See May 1959, and Dec 15, 1960.)
Oct 10, 1959: Pan American World Airways inaugurated round-the-world jet service (excluding the
continental United States) using intercontinental versions of the Boeing 707. On Oct 27, Australia's
Qantas Empire Airways began operating the first jet service to completely circle the globe.
Oct 15, 1959: FAA adopted an amendment to Civil Air Regulations Part 29 that clarified the physical and
mental conditions disqualifying an airman from holding a medical certificate. The disqualifying
medical conditions spelled out in the new revision included: diabetes mellitus requiring insulin; coronary
artery disease; a history of psychosis; or certain other mental or nervous diseases such as behavior
disorders, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, or epilepsy.
Oct 31, 1959: FAA announced plans to establish a Civil Aeromedical Research Center (later named the
Civil Aeromedical Research Institute) at the Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City, to carry out its
assigned responsibilities for research in aviation medicine. CARI's research would aim at developing
medical data needed to meet operational problems anticipated as civil air operations moved into higher
altitudes and greater speeds. (See Jul 1, 1953 and Oct 21, 1962.)
Nov 22, 1959: An extensive reorganization of FAA's Bureau of Research and Development became
effective. In place of the six previous divisions plus the National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center
(NAFEC) at Atlantic City, N.J., the new structure embodied ten divisions consisting of the following five
staff and five program divisions, respectively: Plans, Operations, Contracts, Budget, and Administrative
Services; Research, Test and Experimentation, Systems Engineering, Air Defense Integration, and
Nov 23, 1959: The Strategic Air Command began using seven special air routes established for its use by
FAA to carry out day and night, all-weather, low-altitude training missions. The routes for Operation Oil
Burner, code name for these SAC radar bomb runs over simulated targets throughout the country, were
laid out to avoid congested population and airport centers to the maximum extent possible.
Nov 23, 1959: The Boeing 720 first flew. On Jun 30, 1960, FAA certificated the 720, a four-engine
medium-range jet transport with a maximum capacity of 140 passengers. The plane entered scheduled
service with United Airlines on Jul 5, 1960.
Dec 7, 1959: FAA began a stepped-up safety inspection program of all scheduled air carrier flight
operations and training programs, placing its safety inspectors on a round-the-clock schedule. The
concentrated 30-day program was prompted by a rash of accidents and was intended to underscore FAA's
intensified commitment to air safety.
Dec 13, 1959: Effective this date, FAA realigned responsibilities for its materiel functions,
management of FAA aircraft, and activities at the Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City, Okla. The
Bureau of Facilities--with "Materiel" added to its designation--was assigned expanded responsibility for
procurement of materiel for the establishment, maintenance, and repair of air navigation and air traffic
control equipment. The task of monitoring agencywide the application of materiel practices and policies
was given to the Office of Management Services.
Reporting directly to the Bureau of Facilities and Materiel, a Facilities and Materiel Depot
was established at the Aeronautical Center to perform overhaul and heavy maintenance on all FAA aircraft,
centrally warehouse and distribute materiel, and operate shops for repair and fabrication of airways
equipment. Responsibility for the management and light maintenance of all FAA aircraft was assigned to
the Bureau of Flight Standards. The Bureau of Personnel and Training controlled the extensive training
programs at the Aeronautical Center, which were grouped together as the FAA School (later known briefly
as the Training Center before being renamed the FAA Academy in early 1962).
Under the new concept of organization, the Director of the Aeronautical Center was
responsible for providing the physical plant and administrative and supporting services for the various
agency bureaus and offices conducting programs at the Center. The operating bureaus and offices,
however, exercised line authority over the programs.
Dec 1959: FAA established the world's first helicopter air traffic control service in the New York area
to aid in an intensive government-industry test of all-weather helicopter operations.
Jan 1, 1960: A major realignment of responsibilities for Federal Aviation Agency field operations
became effective. Under the new centralized concept of operations, the Washington Bureaus of Air
Traffic, Facilities and Materiel, and Flight Standards, as well as the Office of the Civil Air Surgeon,
received authority to exercise direct supervision over all program activities in the field except in Alaska,
Hawaii, and at the Aeronautical Center and National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center. FAA
abolished the position of Regional Administrator and created, in its place, the post of Regional Manager to
carry out the administrative and support functions required by the program divisions in the field. In March,
FAA prescribed a standard organization for the regional headquarters under the new system. At the same
time the agency gave managers in Region 1 through 4 authority to foster coordination and exchange of
information among all field divisions.
Jan 6, 1960: A National Airlines DC-6B crashed near Bolivia, N.C., killing 34 passengers and crew.
The Civil Aeronautics Board accident investigation revealed that the plane had disintegrated in flight as a
result of a dynamite explosion. Bomb fragments were found imbedded in the body of passenger Julian
Frank, who, in the preceding year, had taken out more than a million dollars in life insurance. The
indication of sabotage sparked demands for the use of baggage-inspection devices and moved FAA to
clamp a ceiling of $165,000 on the amount of airline trip insurance a passenger could purchase at
Washington National Airport. (See Nov 10, 1964.)
Jan 8, 1960:
The New York Times reported that Pan American World Airways had put into operation near
Shannon, Ireland, the first unit in a planned worldwide radio transmission system using the "forward
scatter" technique. This was the first such very-high-frequency ground station to be put into operation by
an airline.
Jan 9, 1960: FAA announced a rule requiring airborne weather radar on most U.S. airliners in
passenger service. Deadlines for installation were: (a) Jul 1, 1960 for turbojet and turboprop airliners; (b)
Jan 1, 1961, for the Douglas DC-6 and DC-7 series and the Lockheed Constellation 1049 and 1649 series;
and (c) Jan 1, 1962, for all other affected aircraft. The rule exempted the Curtiss C-46, Douglas DC-3, and
Lockheed L-18, as well as aircraft operated only within Alaska or Hawaii. An FAA rule issued on Apr 8,
1966, extended the requirement to large transport aircraft used for cargo only. Turbojets were
required to comply by the end of 1966, and all others by the end of 1967. This rule also exempted certain
older aircraft as well as operations solely in Alaska or Hawaii.
Mar 1, 1960: FAA announced that it was giving its Air Traffic Communications Stations (ATCS) and
International Air Traffic Communication Stations (IATCS) the new names Flight Service Stations (FSS)
and International Flight Service Stations (IFSS) respectively to identify properly the primary functions
of those stations.
The history of these evolving facilities can be traced to Aug 20, 1920, when the U.S. Post
Office Department issued orders to establish the first Air Mail Radio Stations along the transcontinental air
mail route. The first 10 stations were ready by Nov 1, and all 17 stations were operational by the end of
1921. When the Department of Commerce became responsible for the transcontinental airway (see Jul 1,
1927), it assumed operation of the stations, which it renamed Airway Radio Stations (see Mar 20, 1928).
With other airway facilities, the stations were transferred to the Civil Aeronautics Authority in 1938 and to
the Civil Aeronautics Administration in 1940. They were redesignated as Airway Communication Stations
in 1938, and were later known as Interstate Airway Communication Stations (INSACS) and Overseas and
Foreign Airway Communication Stations (OFACS). After becoming part of the new FAA in 1958, the
facilities initially received the ATCS and IATCS designations until renamed as described above.
Mar 1-14, 1960: FAA transferred from Washington to Oklahoma City certain organizational
elements responsible for: aircraft registration; preparation and administration of knowledge examinations
for certification of airmen and ground instructors; and the issuance of airman certificates.
Mar 15, 1960: FAA’s "age-60 rule" went into effect, barring individuals who reached their 60th birthday
from serving as a pilot on aircraft engaged in certificated route air carrier operations or on large aircraft
engaged in supplemental air carrier operations. The rule did not apply to commuter or on-demand air taxi
operations, which employed smaller aircraft. In adopting the rule, FAA declared that a progressive
deterioration of certain physiological functions normally occurs with age and that sudden incapacity due to
certain medical defects such as heart attack and strokes becomes significantly more frequent in any group
reaching age 60. The agency therefore imposed the age-60 rule until science provided better tests to
determine individual pilots' susceptibility to these problems.
The Air Line Pilots Association sought an injunction against the new rule on the grounds that
it was arbitrary and discriminatory. The courts found the rule reasonable, however, and this view was
upheld by the Supreme Court in Jun 1961. (See Jun 21, 1968.)
Mar 16, 1960: New requirements regarding instrument flying skills became effective. Persons
receiving a commercial pilot certificate were required to have a minimum of 10 hours of instrument flight
instruction and to demonstrate their ability to control their aircraft manually while relying solely on
instrument guidance. Successful applicants for private pilot certificates were required to have dual
instruction in the basic control of the aircraft by the use of instruments, and to demonstrate their manual
capability in attitude control in simulated emergencies involving the loss of visual reference during flight.
The added requirements applied only to new applicants, not holders of existing certificates.
Mar 17, 1960: A Lockheed Electra lost a wing in turbulent air and crashed near the towns of Tell City
and Cannelton, Ind. All 63 persons aboard the Northwest Airlines flight were killed. On Mar 20, FAA
reduced the top cruising speed of the Electra Model 188 series turboprop airliners from 373 to 316
m.p.h., pending determination of the cause. Additional restrictions effective on Mar 25 included a further
cutback in permissible speed (down to 259 m.p.h., or 225 knots) and a series of rigid tests and inspections.
These measures seemed warranted by similarities between the Tell City crash and the crash of another
Electra in Texas (see Sep 29, 1959). On Apr 12, the Civil Aeronautics Board unanimously recommended
grounding all Electras not inspected since the Tell City accident. FAA Administrator Quesada decided,
however, that the aircraft could safely continue to operate under the Mar 25 restrictions. On May 12,
Lockheed announced its conclusion that the two aircraft destroyed in the accidents had sustained prior
damage. This had permitted their power-package nacelles to wobble, allowing development of a "whirl-
mode" phenomenon that overstressed their wings. (See Oct 4 and Dec 31, 1960.)
Mar 21, 1960: FAA announced the appointment of 21 of the nation's leading forensic pathologists as
consultants to help determine involvement of human factors in aircraft accidents. This nationwide
system of consultants supplemented an already-existing program of aeromedical investigation of aircraft
accidents by FAA's Office of the Civil Air Surgeon with the assistance of pathologists from the Armed
Forces Institute of Pathology.
Mar 24, 1960: The Federal Aviation Agency established a new Bureau of Aviation Medicine to replace
the former Office of the Civil Air Surgeon. The elevation to bureau status pointed to the growing
significance of the role of the medical program in the agency's primary mission of air safety. During the
following three months, work began on a series of new aeromedical research projects concerned with the
effects of aging on pilot proficiency, selection criteria for and environmental stress factors experienced by
air traffic controllers, and in-flight fatigue affecting flight engineers on jet aircraft.
Mar 25, 1960: FAA Administrator Elwood R. Quesada revealed details of a new program under which
agency air carrier operations inspectors were being trained as specialists in the operation of specific
types of high-performance turbine-powered aircraft. The specialist program called for increased ground
and flight training and type rating of selected inspectors in the Convair 880, Fairchild F-27, Vickers
Viscount, Douglas DC-8, Lockheed Electra, and the KC-135, the Air Force jet tanker version of the Boeing
Apr 1, 1960: The United States launched Tiros I, the first of a successful series of weather satellites.
Equipped with long-range television cameras, the satellite transmitted 22,952 cloud-cover photos during
the 78 days that its instruments functioned.
Apr 1, 1960: In answer to an Oct 1958 suggestion by the United States, the Soviet Union informed
Washington that it was ready to negotiate for regular airline traffic between the two countries. On
May l , however, an American U-2 spy plane was shot down inside the Soviet Union. Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev used the incident as grounds for pulling out of the Paris summit conference scheduled
for later in the month. Khrushchev subsequently made increasing verbal attacks on the United States, and a
U.S. RB-47 was shot down over international waters off Soviet territory. Because of this deterioration in
relations, the United States on Jul 14 postponed scheduled talk on a bilateral agreement for the
exchange of commercial air rights. On Aug 2, however, a Soviet delegation arrived in the United States
in an exchange program between the two countries in the field of civil air transportation. The visit was
part of the cultural and scientific exchange agreement signed in November 1959. In mid-September, a
group of U. S. aviation experts headed by the FAA Administrator began a three-week tour of Soviet civil
air transport operations and facilities. (See Nov 4, 1966.)
Apr 4, 1960: FAA placed in effect the first of a series of regulations designed to minimize aircraft
noise at major airports by procedural methods while retaining safety as the primary objective. This
Special Civil Air Regulation No. 438 set up rules for both civil and military aircraft operating at Los
Angeles International Airport, including minimum altitudes, preferential runways, and approach and
departure routes over the least populated areas. Similar special regulations covering operations at New
York International (Idlewild) and at Washington National Airport were issued Oct 15 and Nov 29, 1960
respectively. (See Jul 18, 1960, and Dec 4, 1967.)
Apr 6-May 20, 1960: FAA conducted a management experiment called Project Straight-Line in the
Cleveland air route traffic control center area. Limited to the Bureau of Air Traffic Management and the
Bureau of Facilities and Materiel, the experiment tested the feasibility of transferring operational
responsibilities in the field to a new echelon, the area office, below the regional level. (See Sep 2, 1960.)
Apr 12, 1960: FAA announced the start of a live test of the SAGE air defense system as a means of
improving high-altitude air traffic control services. A part of a joint FAA-USAF project called
Trailsmoke, the flight advisory service test (FAST) aimed essentially at evaluating the capability of the
SAGE system to provide civil and military radar advisory information on potential air traffic conflicts.
Specific operating positions would be occupied by FAA controllers at two SAGE direction centers of an
Air Defense Division monitoring air activity in the Midwest section of the nation. (See Sep 21, 1959, and
Apr 17, 1960.)
Apr 12, 1960: The Defense Department released a report recommending Air Force contracts with
commercial airlines for most passenger and cargo flights being operated by the Military Air Transport
Service. The report was prepared by a committee appointed by the Secretary of the Air Force.
Apr 17, 1960: FAA announced a contract award totaling nearly $6 million to the MITRE Corporation,
Lexington, Mass., for advanced experimentation on automated air traffic control. Work to be
performed under the contract included research and experimentation on joint use of military SAGE
equipment and facilities for air traffic control, as well as for air defense purposes. FAA and the Air Force
would share the cost of the project. (See Apr 12, 1960, and Sep 11, 1961.)
Apr 27, 1960: FAA announced a contract with the General Instrument Corporation for 38 radar bright
display systems for Air Route Traffic Control Centers. The equipment used a dual purpose scan
converter/storage tube to present a brighter display that would help controllers work more efficiently in
lighted rooms. FAA and its predecessors had been involved in developing bright displays as early as Aug
18, 1952, when CAA's Technical Development and Evaluation Center reported favorably on using storage
tube techniques for the purpose. At the time of the 1960 order, bright display units were already in service
at 10 ARTCCs and 4 towers. On Jul 9, 1961, FAA announced an order for 40 more of the systems. (See
Sep 9-13, 1957, Jul 15, 1968, and Apr 5, 1988.)
Jun 7, 1960: A wildcat strike broke out at Eastern Air Lines when an FAA safety inspector boarded an
Eastern DC-8 flight and took the forward observer's seat from the third pilot. The Air Line Pilots
Association had previously protested this practice as a threat to safety. FAA, however, maintained that the
Douglas DC-8 and Boeing 707 had been certificated for air carrier operations with a crew of two pilots and
a flight engineer and that the third pilot was superfluous. The agency immediately promulgated a
regulation requiring the third pilot to give up the forward observer's seat to an FAA inspector. Meanwhile,
the strike spread to Pan American but ended on Jun 21 following an injunction. (See Jul 21, 1958 and Feb
7, 1961.)
Jun 15, 1960: Regulations became effective that required applicants for a student or private pilot (class
3) medical certificate to take their medical examinations solely from FAA-designated aviation
medical examiners. Applicants for airline transport pilot (class l) and commercial pilot (class 2) medical
certificates were already required to be examined by designated medical examiners. During the past 15
years, however, student and private pilot applicants had been permitted to receive their physical
examinations from any registered physician. (See Jun 1, 1945).
Jun 30, 1960: The House Committee on Science and Astronautics recommended that Congress support a
Federal program for the development of a commercial supersonic transport (SST). The committee
report called for completion of the B-70 bomber program, which it considered justified on defense grounds
and which was expected to blaze a technological trail for the SST. The report also recommended that
NASA assume leadership in devising a program for SST development. (See Jan 9, 1961.)
Jul 1, 1960: Effective this date, 5 additional megacycles of radio frequencies were allocated for FAA
air traffic control communications. This was the first increase in the VHF radio spectrum allocated for
communications in the common air traffic system since Oct 1946. The additional 5 megacycles (126.825
to 128.825 and 132.025 to 135.0) added 100 channels to the air traffic control system.
Jul 6, 1960: FAA certificated the single-turbine Sikorsky S-62, an amphibious helicopter, for commercial
operations on passenger and mail routes.
Jul 18, 1960: As part of its noise abatement program, FAA issued a new series of detailed takeoff and
landing instructions for jet airliners. Applying to individual aircraft by type and intended for inclusion
in pilot training programs, the new instructions were designed to become standard methods of operating the
Boeing 707, the DC-8, the Convair 880, the Lockheed Electra, the Fairchild F-27, the Viscount, and the
Napier Eland Convair. The new procedures were drawn up and voluntarily agreed upon by all elements of
the aviation industry during an FAA-sponsored meeting in the spring of 1960. Further such meetings were
planned for reviewing and updating the procedures. (See Apr 4, 1960, and Jan 25, 1967.)
Aug 1, 1960: FAA launched Project Searchlight, an intensive and comprehensive study of its activities
involving maintenance of equipment in the Federal Airways System. The agency conducted the study in
several phases, completing it in early 1962. The resulting recommendations led to several improvements
(see Jan 1963 and May 1, 1963), including the creation of a separate Systems Maintenance Service (see
May 16, 1962).
Aug 11, 1960: Executive Order 10883, signed by President Eisenhower this date, but effective Oct 10,
1960, abolished the Air Coordinating Committee (see Sep 19, 1946). In a memorandum accompanying
the Executive Order, the President made future coordination of aviation matters in the Federal
Government the responsibility of the FAA Administrator. Since the need for such coordination would
be greatest in the international area, the President suggested that the Administrator form an interagency
group to develop recommendations on international aviation questions for the Secretary of State. The
President stated that continuing membership in this group should be small, but ad hoc membership should
be open to any other agencies having a substantial interest in matters under consideration by the group.
(See Dec 19, 1960.)
Aug 25, 1960: FAA commissioned the first ASR-4 airport surveillance radar at Newark. Scheduled for
installation at 34 of the nation's airports, the new radar system had a range of 60 miles, the capability of
reaching an altitude of 25,000 feet, a 16-inch picture tube, and controller's-option display of either fixed or
moving objects. The Civil Aeronautics Administration, FAA's predecessor agency, had commissioned the
first ASRs during fiscal year 1951. (See Jun 1975.)
Sep 2, 1960: FAA Administrator Quesada approved a field reorganization of the Federal Aviation Agency
in accordance with the recommendations of Project Straight-Line (see Apr 6- May 20, 1960), to be
completed in phases by Jun 30, 1961. Intended to decentralize many regional responsibilities to a new and
lower echelon, the area office, the reorganization would establish a "straight line" of command between
the bureaus at FAA headquarters in Washington and the field facilities. Involved in the reorganization
would be the field of the Bureau of Air Traffic Management, the facility maintenance and field supply
functions of the Bureau of Facilities and Materiel, and the flight inspection and procedures activities and
services of the Bureau of Flight Standards. The area organization was to be based on the geographic
boundaries of air traffic flight advisory areas and located physically near the air route traffic control centers
within the then existing 27 flight advisory areas in FAA's four domestic regions. The functions of 74
airway technical district offices and 27 air traffic supervisory offices were to be merged into the new area
offices. FAA issued orders to implement the new area concept of administration on Nov 11, 1960, and Feb
6, 1961. (See Apr 7, 1961.)
Sep 8, 1960: FAA adopted the British RAE visual glide path indicator landing lights as a national
standard for use at U.S. airports. Developed by the Royal Aircraft Establishment in England, the RAE
system required no equipment of any kind in the aircraft cockpit. Where installed at airports, it promoted
air safety by reducing the possibility that aircraft might overshoot or undershoot the runway, and it helped
abate noise by keeping aircraft as high during landing approach as safety factors permitted.
Sep 8, 1960: FAA issued a new aircraft noise abatement technical planning guide for use by Federal
and local officials. The guide discouraged certain kinds of construction in areas around large airports, such
as residential subdivisions, schools, churches, hospitals, and other places of public assembly. Land lying
immediately under the takeoff and landing patterns of jet runways, the guide recommended, should be
utilized wherever possible for industrial, commercial, agricultural, or recreational purposes.
Sep 9, 1960: FAA permitted aviation medical examiners (AMEs) to deny, as well as issue, medical
certificates to applicants that they examined. Previously, applicants whose fitness was questioned by the
AME were automatically referred to the FAA Civil Air Surgeon in Washington. Under the new procedure,
such referral ceased to be automatic, but the AME-denied airman could still appeal to the Civil Air
Surgeon. Denial by the Civil Air Surgeon also remained appealable, to the Civil Aeronautics Board, as
provided by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. On Dec 14, FAA named nine members to a Medical
Advisory Panel to assist the Administrator with the cases of applicants for airman certification who
petitioned for exemption from medical standards.
On Oct 25, meanwhile, FAA had also announced the establishment of a Medical Advisory
Council of 11 prominent doctors. The Council was appointed by the Civil Air Surgeon and assisted in
developing and coordinating the aviation medicine program.
Sep 10, 1960: The Department of Defense conducted Operation Sky-Shield, a giant air defense drill,
which necessitated the grounding of all commercial and general aviation aircraft throughout the North
American continent for a six-hour period.
Sep, 1960: FAA commissioned its first Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE-2) at Newark,
N.J. Originally developed for the Air Force, ASDE was a radar system that provided air traffic controllers
with information on the position of aircraft and other vehicles on the ground, even during darkness and fog.
The ASDE antenna picked up this data for display on a scope in the airport tower. FAA's specifications for
ASDE-2 were based largely upon an improved developmental model that had been operated under the
agency's cognizance at New York International Airport (Idlewild). Besides Newark and Idlewild, eight
other major U.S. airports were also scheduled to receive ASDE-2 in this initial installation program:
Washington (Washington National and Dulles International), Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, Cleveland,
Los Angeles, and Portland. (See Jul 5, 1977.)
Oct 4, 1960: An Eastern Air Lines Electra plunged into Boston Harbor shortly after taking off from
Logan Airport, killing all but 10 of the 72 persons aboard. The accident marked the fifth Electra crash in
two years and touched off renewed demands to ground the aircraft, which was being allowed to operate by
FAA under a reduced speed regime (see Mar 17 and Dec 31, 1960). The presence of many dead birds on
the Logan runway helped to convince FAA Administator E. R. Quesada that the accident had probably
been caused by ingestion of birds into the aircraft’s engines rather than structural failure. Quesada decided
not to ground the Electra. This judgement was later supported by laboratory tests that pointed conclusively
to bird ingestion. Following the Boston crash, FAA engaged in studies and research on the bird hazard and
methods of protecting aircraft from the effects of bird strikes.
Oct 9, 1960: FAA commissioned the Oakland air traffic control center's new building, followed by the
Atlanta center's new building on Oct 15.
Oct 15, 1960-Mar 1, 1961: FAA successfully tested positive control on an area basis, as distinguished
from a route basis (see May 28, 1958 and Apr 6, 1961), in Operation Pathfinder. As a result, area
positive control was continued as a regular service in the location used for the test: airspace between the
altitudes of 24,000 and 35,000 feet overlying 120,000 square miles surrounding FAA's air route traffic
control centers at Chicago and Indianapolis. Any aircraft entering this airspace, whether on or off the
airways, were required to be equipped with (1) a radio permitting direct communication with controllers at
the centers, and (2) a radar beacon transponder for identifying the aircraft, independently of voice
communications, on the controllers' radarscopes. In addition, such aircraft were required to fly on
instruments regardless of weather, remaining under control of the centers while in the positive control area.
Under these conditions of constant radar surveillance, aircraft required as little as half the standard
separation interval.
The launching of Operation Pathfinder was preceded by more than a year of special
preparations at the Chicago and Indianapolis centers--including intensive controller training, installation of
additional radar and communications equipment, development of air traffic control procedures and
phraseology, and an exhaustive analysis of the program through simulation studies.
Oct 18, 1960: FAA announced a comprehensive project to consolidate and simplify aviation safety
regulations. The regulations had evolved without a coordinated plan, and interested persons might have to
consult as many as 11 different publications to secure the desired information. Redundant and obsolete
provisions and unnecessarily complicated or technical language also made it difficult to use the regulations.
The purpose of the project was to eliminate these faults without changing the substance of the regulations.
(See Nov 1, 1937, and Aug 31, 1961.)
Oct 29, 1960: A chartered Curtiss-Wright Super C-46F crashed at Toledo, Ohio, killing 22 of the 48
persons aboard, including 18 members of the California State Polytechnic College football team. CAB
cited the probable cause as loss of control during premature liftoff, with contributary factors that included
zero-visibility fog. The pilot's license had been revoked by FAA for a series of previous violations, but he
had continued flying pending an appeal before CAB. The operator, Artic-Pacific, lost its certificate as a
result of the crash. After the accident, FAA instructed its tower controllers to withold takeoff clearance
from commercial aircraft under specified conditions of low visibility.
Nov 3, 1960: FAA certificated the Beech 95-55 Baron, a four- to five-place aircraft powered by two
Continental 260 h.p. fuel-injection engines. The plane had first flown on Feb 29, 1960.
Dec 15, 1960: FAA began the assimilation of six Military Flight Service Centers manned by
approximately 500 men of the USAF Airways and Air Communications Services. Completed the
following spring, the transfer was a part of the overall FAA-DOD plan labeled "Project Friendship" (see
Oct 7, 1959, Jan 1962, and Feb 17, 1962).
Dec 16, 1960: A United DC-8 and a TWA Super Constellation collided in midair over Brooklyn,
N.Y., killing all 128 occupants aboard the planes and eight persons on the ground. CAB determined that
the probable cause was that the United flight proceeded beyond its clearance limit and confines of the
airspace assigned by Air Traffic Control. The DC-8's high speed, coupled with a change of clearance
which reduced the distance which the aircraft needed to travel by approximately 11 miles, contributed to
the crash. The Board concluded that the crew did not take note of the change of time and distance
associated with the new clearance. The crew's workload was increased by the fact that one of their two
Very High Frequency radio navigational receivers was inoperative, a fact unknown to Air Traffic Control.
FAA actions taken as a result of the accident included: a requirement that pilots operating under
instrument flight rules report malfunctions of navigation or communications equipment, effective
Feb 17, 1961; a program to equip all turbine-powered aircraft with distance measuring equipment, or
DME (see Jun 15, 1961); a speed rule, effective Dec 18, 1961, prohibiting aircraft from exceeding 250
knots when within 30 nautical miles of a destination airport and below 10,000 feet, except for certain
military jets requiring a higher minimum speed for safe operation; and other steps to strengthen air traffic
control procedures.
Dec 19, 1960: The Martin Company delivered its last airplane, a Marlin Patrol Boat, to the Navy.
Since the company's founding by Glenn L. Martin in 1912, it had produced more than 12,000 aircraft.
Since 1948, the company had also been active in the missile-space field, and it would continue in that field.
Dec 19, 1960: FAA Administrator Quesada announced the establishment of the Interagency Group on
International Aviation (IGIA). With the Administrator as chairman, the group included one
representative each from the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Departments of State, Defense, and
Commerce, and one ad hoc representative each from any other agencies having a substantial concern in
business before the group. The IGIA was to develop recommendations for the Secretary of State on
international aviation questions involving the substantial interest of two or more agencies other than the
Department of State. The work to be done by IGIA had formerly constituted part of the function of the Air
Coordinating Committee. (See Aug 11, 1960.)
Dec 30, 1960: FAA and Air Force jointly announced a U.S. Air Force program to develop a long-range all-
cargo aircraft designed to meet civil and military needs. Part of a program to modernize the Military Air
Transport Service (MATS) with long-range jet transports, the aircraft was to be developed in such a way as
to be qualified, upon completion, for immediate FAA certification as a commercial carrier. On Dec 17.
1963, the U.S. Air Force's C-141A first flew, and on Apr 23, 1965, the Air Force accepted delivery of its
first C0141. On Jan 19, 1965, FAA had type-certificated the civil version, the Lockheed Model 300-50A-
Ol (StarLifter).
Dec 31, 1960: FAA lifted the speed restriction on Lockheed Electras when modification to prevent
recurrence of the nacelle-wing whirl mode phenomenon had been accomplished (see Mar 17, 1960). The
agency informed all known operators of the Electra by telegram and published the airworthiness directive
in the Federal Register on Jan 17, 1961.
Jan 9, 1961: The Federal Aviation Agency released a report on the commercial supersonic transport
(SST), prepared by FAA with the assistance of DOD and NASA. The report concluded that a Mach 3
(2,000 m.p.h.) transport could and should be built by U.S. industry, with governmental financial support
limited to demonstrated needs. Although he had been unable to persuade the outgoing Eisenhower
Administration to request funds for SST development, Administrator Quesada recommended prompt and
careful consideration of the immediate establishment of such a program. (See Jun 30, 1960, and Jul 24,
Jan 9, 1961: Pursuant to Executive Order 10902, signed on this date, the Office of Civil and Defense
Mobilization Preparedness issued its Order No. 3 charging the FAA Administrator with preparation for
emergency management of the nation's civil airports and civil aviation operating facilities. On Feb
16, 1962, Executive Order 11003 continued and extended this responsibility by directing the Administrator
to prepare national emergency plans and preparedness programs for the nation's civil airports, civil aviation
operating facilities and services, and civil aircraft other than air carriers.
Jan 13, 1961: AN FAA directive gave the Bureau of Research and Development full responsibility for the
improvement and modification of air navigation aids, communications, and related equipment used
in the Federal airways system. While continuing to procure, install, and maintain such facilities, the
Bureau of Facilities and Materiel, which had previously shared or performed certain R&D functions, would
henceforth provide only required "immediate" engineering support.
Jan 16, 1961: FAA introduced a new Automatic Data Interchange System (ADIS), a multi-point high-
speed teletypewriter network capable of transmitting weather data at 850 words per minute. The new
network connected interchange centers located at Cleveland, Atlanta, Fort Worth, Kansas City, and San
Francisco that served five national "weather areas." The new high-speed circuit would be used for Service
A, the most complex of FAA’s three weather communications networks. (See Jul 6, 1957, and Jun 1979.)
Jan 20, 1961: John F. Kennedy became President, succeeding Dwight D. Eisenhower. The resignation
of FAA Administrator Elwood R. Quesada became effective, and Deputy Administrator James T. Pyle
became Acting Administrator. (See Mar 3, 1961.)
Jan 24, 1961: The Convair 990 (model 30) first flew. On Dec 15, FAA certificated the four-engine jet
airliner of medium-to-long range with a maximum capacity of 121 passengers. The plane, built by General
Dynamics Corporation, entered scheduled service on Mar 9, 1963, with Swissair.
Feb 7, 1961: Affirming the decision of a neutral committee, the U.S. National Mediation Board ruled that
the pilots and flight engineers of United Air Lines constituted one craft for purposes of representation.
The Board ordered an election in which the Flight Engineers International Association (FEIA) faced certain
defeat by the more numerous members of the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA). On Feb 17, flight
engineers walked off the job at seven airlines to protest the board's decision, which they feared would set
an industry-wide precedent. On Feb 21, with several wildcat strikes still in progress, President Kennedy
appointed a three-man investigative commission headed by law professor Nathan Feinsinger. On May
24 and Oct 17, the commission issued two reports recommending that: all four-man cockpit crews be
gradually reduced to three men; flight engineers on jets should take pilot training at airline expense; FEIA
and ALPA should merge or take other cooperative action to settle their dispute over flight deck jurisdiction;
and no disciplinary action should be taken against the flight engineers who struck in February. ALPA gave
formal acceptance to only part of these recommendations, while FEIA accepted them as suggestions rather
than binding solutions. All the airlines except Western, which refused to rehire its striking engineers,
accepted the recommendations. By negotiations or strike-breaking, all the carriers that had been using a
four-man cockpit crew had succeeded in eliminating the fourth man by the end of 1964. (See Jun 7, 1960
and Apr 21, 1965.)
Feb 7, 1961: FAA commissioned the Cleveland air traffic control center's new building, followed by
the Jacksonville center's new building on Feb 25.
Feb 21, 1961: Effective this date, an amendment to Part 60, Civil Air Regulations, made it possible for
FAA to raise the floor of control areas (airways) from the existing 700 feet to at least 1,200 feet above
the surface, on a case-by-case basis. Such actions would provide an additional 500 feet or more of
uncontrolled airspace. The additional uncontrolled airspace would be available to pilots operating under
visual flight rules (VFR) when flight visibility was as low as one mile, in contrast to a three-mile visibility
required for VFR operations in controlled airspace.
Feb 26, 1961: FAA and the U.S. Weather Bureau announced the expansion of aviation weather services.
Under the joint program, direct weather briefing service would be made available to pilots at hundreds of
additional airports. The expanded program involved training FAA's 4,000 flight service specialists to
handle preflight briefing and to answer air-ground requests for weather information.
Mar 3, 1961: Najeeb E. Halaby became the second FAA Administrator, succeeding Elwood R.
Quesada (see Nov 1, 1958). The appointment, which President Kennedy had announced on Jan 19, was
submitted to the Senate on Feb 13 and confirmed on Feb 24.
Born in Dallas, Tex., Halaby received a B.A. from Stanford in 1937 and a law degree from
Yale in 1940; however, his aviation career had already begun in 1933 when, at the age of 17, he received
his student pilot certificate. Early in World War II (1942-1943), he served as a test pilot for the Lockheed
Aircraft Corporation. After becoming a naval aviator in 1943, he served at the Naval Air Test Center,
Patuxent, Md. He participated in the first flights of U.S. jet-powered aircraft. Among the positions in
which Halaby served the Federal government after the war were: foreign affairs adviser to the Secretary of
Defense; special assistant to the Administrator of the Economic Cooperation Administration; Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; and vice chairman of the Aviation
Facilities Study Group (see May 4, 1955). In 1953, Halaby was selected by the Junior Chamber of
Commerce for an award as the "outstanding young man in Federal Service." His private business activities
included the practice of law with a Los Angeles firm in 1940-1942 and, after World War II, service as: an
associate of Laurence Rockefeller; executive vice president and director of Servomechanisms, Inc.;
president of American Technological Corporation, a technical ventures corporation; secretary-treasurer of
Aerospace Corporation, a firm that was principal adviser to the Air Force missile and space program; and
director of his own law firm in Los Angeles.
Halaby headed FAA for over four years, the longest tenure of any of the agency's first twelve
Administrators, before resigning effective Jul 1, 1965 (see that date).
Mar 3, 1961: President Kennedy requested Administrator Halaby to develop a statement of national
aviation goals for the period 1961-70 which would define the technical, economic, and--excluding matters
of peculiar concern to combat operating forces--military objectives of the Federal government throughout
the broad spectrum of aviation. To undertake the study, called Project Horizon, an eight-member task
group of aviation experts was formed under the chairmanship of Fred M. Glass, business executive and
former member of the Harding Aviation Facilities Study Group. (See Sep 10, 1961.)
Mar 8, 1961: President Kennedy requested FAA Administrator Halaby "to conduct a scientific,
engineering review of our aviation facilities and related research and development and to prepare a
practicable long-range plan to insure efficient and safe control of all air traffic within the United States." In
response to this directive, the Administrator established the Project Beacon task force--a study group that
brought together eight recognized experts in aeronautic and related technologies under the chairmanship of
Richard R. Hough, vice president-operations of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company. (See Sep 11, 1961.)
Mar 9, 1961: Administrator Halaby launched an "air share" program under which he and other top FAA
officials met the general aviation community in a series of "hangar sessions" to discuss changes in the Civil
Air Regulations. These meetings afforded airmen the opportunity to "air" their views and "share" the
benefits of improved rules for safe flying. In Oct 1961, 90 air share meetings were held throughout the
nation on a single day.
Mar 13, 1961: The Civil Aeronautics Board, rendering a decision in the
Southern Transcontinental
Service Case, awarded Delta Air Lines and National Airlines additional route segments that allowed both
airlines to begin transcontinental service on Jun 1l, 1961.
Mar 29, 1961: Administrator Halaby requested a four-man group of consultants to review FAA
rulemaking and enforcement procedures. This Project Tightrope study group, headed by Lloyd N.
Cutler of Washington, D.C., was composed of prominent attorneys experienced in administrative law and
aviation problems. Submitted in October, the Tightrope report made a number of recommendations that
resulted in important changes in these procedures. Among the group's recommendations were: establishing
a Regulatory Council directly under the Administrator; appointing advisory committees for major
rulemaking projects; eliminating the practice of keeping the rules docket closed until the end of the public
comment period; publishing the proposed rule early in the rulemaking process; and having a trial-type
hearing before an independent examiner prior to suspension or revocation of a certificate. (See Jan 8 and
17, 1962.)
Apr 6, 1961: FAA established a three-layer airways system and lowered the floor of the continental
control area from 24,000 to 14,500 feet. A new intermediate system covering altitudes between 14,500
and 24,000 feet was designed primarily to provide express airways for long- and medium-haul operations.
The high-altitude jet route system extended above 24,000 feet; the low-level system, in operation for many
years, extended up to 14,500 feet. The lowering of the floor of the continental control area put into effect
more stringent weather minimums for visual flight rule (VFR) operations above 14,500 feet. (See Oct 15,
1960-Mar 1, 1961, and Sep 17, 1964.)
Apr 7, 1961: FAA rescinded previous orders that had authorized the establishment of field area offices in
accordance with recommendations of Project Straight-Line. (See Sep 2, 1960 and Oct 1, 1963.)
Apr 7, 1961: FAA adopted the side-lobe suppression feature as a national standard for the air traffic
control radar beacon system. The side-lobe suppression technique would permit ground facilities to
interrogate and receive a radar reply only from the aircraft being queried. This ability expanded the radar
beacon system's capacity to handle air traffic. (See Sep 10, 1959, and Sep 11, 1961.)
Apr 12, 1961: Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space when he rode the
Vostok I
for a single orbit of earth before landing safely. Astronaut Alan B. Shepard became the first American in
space with a May 5 suborbital flight. The following year, John H. Glenn, Jr., piloted the first U.S.
manned orbital flight on Feb 20, 1962.
Apr 10-14, 1961: The first FAA-sponsored International Aviation Research and Development
Symposium, convened at Atlantic City, covered subjects relating to advances in electronics and their
application to air navigation and air traffic control systems. Attendees included officials of some 20
foreign governments and representatives of the electronics and aviation communities.
Apr 17, 1961: Air traffic control training for a group of military ATC trainees began at FAA's Aeronautical
Center in Oklahoma City. The purpose of the experimental program was to determine whether FAA, in
line with the Project Friendship plan, should eventually assume responsibility for training all military air
traffic controllers. (See Oct. 7, 1959, and Mar 1, 1963.)
May 1, 1961: The first series of aircraft hijackings in the U.S. began when a passenger on a flight to
Key West, Fla., forced the pilot to fly to Cuba. Four other "skyjacking" incidents took place before the end
of Aug. In concert with other agencies, FAA actively supported congressional efforts to remedy a lack of
criminal laws applicable to these and other threats to air safety. On Sep 5, President Kennedy signed
Public Law 87-197, an amendment to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. The law prescribed death or
imprisonment for not less than 20 years for interference with aircrew members or flight attendants in the
performance of their duties. Pertinent parts of the U.S. Code were made applicable to certain other crimes
aboard aircraft in flight. To help enforce the act, a special corps of FAA safety inspectors were trained for
duty aboard airline flights (see Aug 10, 1961).
May 2, 1961: The FAA Administrator and the CAB Chairman issued a joint policy statement favoring
the use of a single air carrier airport serving adjacent communities when such an arrangement might
cut costs and improve service. The statement indicated that this policy should be increasingly important in
considering applications for airport construction grants and for certificated airline service. (See Sep 1965.)
May 4, 1961: FAA issued orders providing for the organization and operation of a comprehensive flight
information service to ensure that current and complete information required for operations in the
navigable airspace was available in the most suitable form.
May 5, 1961: Navy aeronauts Malcolm Ross and Victor Prather set a balloon high altitude record of
113,740 feet while testing space suits developed for use by Project Mercury astronauts. They landed as
planned in the Gulf of Mexico, but Prather drowned during the recovery phase of the operation.
May 25, 1961: A Special Civil Air Regulation effective this date banned the use of portable FM radios
on U.S. civil aircraft. Radios having oscillators operating within or very near the Very High Frequency
(VHF) band affected the VHF radio navigation system of the aircraft.
May 26, 1961: FAA Administrator Halaby disclosed his intention to decentralize the agency's
operational responsibilities and broaden the authority of regional executives. He selected FAA's Region
One, with Headquarters in New York, for the pilot program, and chose Oscar Bakke, head of the Bureau of
Flight Standards, to develop the program and to submit a transition plan which would be used as a model
for reorganization of the other regions. Bakke assumed the title of Assistant Administrator for the Eastern
Region, effective Jul 1 (see that date).
Jun 1, 1961: United Air Lines absorbed Capital Airlines in the biggest U.S. domestic airline merger up
to that time.
Jun 5, 1961: FAA announced a program of improvements to Washington National Airport that would
include easier highway access, upgraded baggage handling, enclosure of walkways, and a new taxiway near
the North Terminal, a facility that had been added in 1958.
Jun 7, 1961: FAA signed a contract with the Flight Safety Foundation for a survey of near-collisions in
the air during a one-year period, including compilation of statistical data, analysis, and recommendations.
The resulting Project Scan began on Jul l. To ensure a free flow of information, the Foundation protected
the identity of those reporting the near misses. A final report released on Aug 31, 1962, analyzed more
than 2,500 of the incidents. It recommended an educational program for pilots, improvements in
equipment and procedures, and continued collection of anonymous reports "to provide a broad background
of information on the near mid-air collision hazard." (See Jan 1, 1968.)
Jun 8, 1961: FAA announced plans to establish an additional regional office, with headquarters in Atlanta,
Ga. The new Southern Region office would have responsibility for FAA activities in Georgia, Florida,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and
Swan Island--areas currently under the supervision of FAA Region 2 headquartered at Fort Worth, Tex.
The Southern Region would be a controlled installation with minimum staffing, designed to serve as a
model for reducing regional headquarters cost through prudent management. At the same time, FAA
disclosed that its regions would be identified by geographical rather than numerical designations.
Thus, Region 1 would become the Eastern Region; Region 2, Southwest Region; Region 3, Central Region;
Region 4, Western Region; Region 5, Alaskan Region; and Region 6, Hawaiian Region (subsequently
changed to Pacific Region)
Jun 15, 1961: Following installation of distance-measuring equipment (DME) on the entire jet fleet of
American Airlines, FAA began using DME air traffic control procedures for the first time on a nationwide
basis. While these procedures had been in effect since Jan 1960, their use had been limited by the small
number of DME-equipped civil aircraft. (See Dec 16, 1960, and Jul 1, 1963.)
Jun 26, 1961: FAA announced that as a result of a recent decision by the U.S. Civil Service Commission,
many air traffic controller positions in approach control towers and air route traffic control centers
would be raised one grade to reflect increased job requirements and complexity. Primarily affected were
the positions of certain controllers performing coordination and radar control duties as well as facility
chiefs and other supervisors. (See Dec 15, 1968.)
Jun 29, 1961: FAA commissioned the first Doppler VOR system, for service at Marquette, Mich. The
Doppler version of the very-high frequency omnidirectional radio range, a primary navigational aid of the
Federal airways system, was developed for installation at sites where standard VOR's could not be used.
(See Jun 1, 1952.)
Jul 1, 1961: An extensive reorganization of the Federal Aviation Agency began. Termed
"evolutionary" and keyed to a revised concept of Washington-field relationships, the reorganization was
intended to strengthen agency management by centralizing development of programs, policies, and
standards in Washington and delegating broad operational responsibilities to regional offices. The seven
regional offices would be headed by assistant administrators responsible for the executive direction of all
FAA programs in the field within the framework of the national guidelines established by Washington. To
assist the Administrator in the overall management of specific functional areas, the posts of Deputy
Administrator for Plans and Development and Deputy Administrator for Administration were established.
In an earlier action, the FAA Administrator had named Alan L. Dean, formerly Assistant Administrator for
Management Services, as the new Deputy Administrator for Administration. The following April, Robert
J. Shank, an engineer-executive from private industry, was selected to head the redesignated post of Deputy
Administrator for Development. The statutory Deputy Administrator was to serve as general manager of
the agency's operations, coordinating the activities of the regional offices and the operating programs in
Washington. James T. Pyle, former CAA Administrator and Deputy Administrator under Quesda, would
continue to occupy this post until his resignation in Oct 1961. General Harold W. Grant was selected as
the new Deputy Administrator in February 1962. Except for the Bureau of National Capital Airports, all
of the former bureaus and the Office of International Coordination were redesignated as services, each
headed by a director. Other changes involved the former Budget Division of the Office of Management
Services, which became the Office of Budget.
Jul 1, 1961: FAA, with the cooperation of the U.S. Weather Bureau, inaugurated pilot-to-forecaster
weather service as a test program in the Washington, D.C., and Kansas City areas. The service allowed
pilots to request weather information via a special radio frequency.
Jul 1, 1961: FAA commissioned the Balboa (C.Z.) air route traffic control center.
Jul 12, 1961: Findings of a recently completed U.S. Civil Service Commission review of the functions
and operations of FAA flight service stations were released. The CSC study concluded that changes in
the functions and responsibilities of specialists at these facilities warranted in many instances one or two-
grade salary increases.
Jul 13, 1961: FAA issued new procedures for the emergency operation of the DC-8 hydraulic system
in a telegram to the aircraft’s users. The action followed a United Air Lines accident fatal to 17 persons on
Jul 11 and a non-fatal accident on Jul 12.
Jul 15, 1961: The "tall tower" rule (Part 626, Regulations of the Administrator) became effective. This
was the first single regulatory document containing criteria and procedures for determining potential
hazards to air navigation which might be created by proposed tall structures. The controversial rule was
regarded as a firm rejection of the broadcast industry's contention that such regulation invaded Federal
Communications Commission jurisdiction. On Jul 21, 1961, FAA Administrator Halaby and FCC
Chairman Newton N. Minow announced agreement on a number of measures to insure coordination of the
new rule with FCC requirements to prevent unnecessary restriction.
Jul 24, 1961: A joint FAA-DOD-NASA Commercial Supersonic Transport Aircraft Report was issued.
Based on a review of information gathered from industry and Federal government sources, the report
concluded that development of a commercial transport aircraft to fly three times the speed of sound (Mach
3) was feasible and could be done by 1970-71. During August, Congress made its first appropriation
for FAA research on the Supersonic Transport (SST). (See Jan 9 and Sep 25, 1961.)
Jul 25, 1961: FAA requested contract bids for the development of a compact airborne radar beacon for
light aircraft. The transponders became commercially available during fiscal year 1965. The equipment,
designated SLATE (small lightweight altitude-transmitting equipment), provided air traffic controllers with
altitude information, permitting users to receive positive separation service in busy terminal area controlled
Jul, 1961: Work began at Anchorage on the installation of an automatic telecommunications system to
modernize FAA's aeronautic communications in the Alaskan area. The new system was able to
automatically switch reports coming in from 65 stations to the proper receiving station. It would handle
mainly messages in FAA's Service B, which covered primarily aircraft movements, flight plans, and
messages related to air traffic control and aviation safety. Additional steps were taken in September to
modernize major portions of FAA's Alaskan telecommunications network with the award of a contract for
200 high-speed teletypewriters and associated equipment.
Aug 10, 1961: For the first time the Federal government employed armed guards on civilian planes.
(See May 1, 1961.) The first such guards were border patrolmen from the U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service. In Mar 1962, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy swore in FAA's first "peace
officers," as Special U.S. Deputy Marshals. Graduates of a special training course at the U.S. Border Patrol
Academy, all of the men worked as safety inspectors for Flight Standards and only carried out their role as
armed marshals on flights when specifically requested to do so by airline management or the FBI. (See Feb
21, 1968.)
Aug 13, 1961: Standard instrument departure (SID) procedures went into effect for the first time for
civil aircraft at New York International Airport. In the form of pictorial charts, the SID's simplified pilot-
controller exchange of complex clearance information.
Aug 28, 1961: FAA issued type and production certificates for the Lockheed Model 1329 JetStar,
powered by four Pratt & Whitney JT12A-6 engines. The JetStar was the first four-engine turbojet
executive-type transport designed and developed in the United States to be certificated.
Aug 31, 1961: FAA issued orders setting up an accelerated program to codify the agency’s safety rules.
The purpose of the program was to replace an ungainly mass of regulatory material with one streamlined
body of rules. Primary responsibility was assigned to a Director of Rules Codification reporting to the
agency’s General Counsel. (See Oct 18, 1960, and Dec 31, 1964.)
Sep 7, 1961: FAA approved in principle the use of Doppler radar and other flight deck navaids to
guide airliners across the North Atlantic. Authorization to operate on these routes without a navigator
was contingent on satisfactory completion of a pilot training program and a refinement of procedures. The
announcement resulted in a strike threat by airline navigators, who would be replaced by the all-electronic
navigation systems. In Feb 1962, however, Trans World Airways became the first carrier to obtain FAA
authorization to employ the Doppler navigational system in lieu of celestial navigation. (See Jul 21, 1964.)
Sep 10, 1961: The White House released the Project Horizon task force report (see Mar 3, 1961) on
aviation goals for the 1960s with a presidential endorsement and instructions to the FAA Administrator to
take the lead in its implementation. At the same time, the President instructed the Secretary of Commerce
to take Horizon proposals fully into account in preparing a report on overall transportation policies, thus
aiding in the quest for "an integrated national aviation program within a broad national transportation
The 239-page report defined 24 national aviation goals and outlined various programs aimed
at helping to achieve those important objectives. Among the major points were those that called for:
* Maintaining U.S. leadership in world aviation.
* Basic reorientation of the Federal government's approach to the economic regulation of the
airlines to avert the threatened collapse of the industry's financial structure.
* Development of a Mach 3 supersonic commercial transport.
* More emphasis on the aeronautical as opposed to astronautical aspects of the Federal R&D
* A comprehensive study of international aviation relations, commissioned by the President.
* Enactment of legislation tailored to aviation's needs to replace the Railway Labor Act.
* Continued effort to achieve a common civil-military air traffic control and air navigation
system, including the establishment of a Federal Aviation Service within the FAA that
would become an integral part of the military services in time of war.
* Implementation of pending Project Beacon recommendations on air traffic control (see Sep
11, 1961).
Sep 11, 1961: The Project Beacon task force on Air Traffic Control (see Mar 8, 1961) submitted its report
to the FAA Administrator. While finding that the air traffic control system was "being expertly operated by
a highly skilled organization," the report concluded that substantial improvements were needed to meet the
future challenge of aviation's projected growth. FAA urgently needed an overall systems plan. In effect,
the recommended improvement involved a major reorientation of the modernization effort that had been
launched in 1957 following the Curtis report. Keyed to the use of an air traffic control radar beacon
system (ATCRBS) as a primary means of providing controllers with aircraft position information, the new
concept found little promise in ground-based altitude measuring devices such as the 3-D radar under test as
part of the earlier program (see Apr 7, 1961, and Dec 27, 1963). The report also urged expanded use of
general purpose computers rather than special computer systems formerly under development for air traffic
control. Rejecting the idea of fully merging air traffic control with the SAGE air defense system, the
report urged that only radar elements of SAGE be used for the air traffic control system (see Apr 17,
1960, Feb 21, 1962, and Dec 1, 1963). The task force also urged a variety of changes involving airports,
the segregation of controlled traffic, navigation and all-weather landing systems, a new category of flight
known as controlled visual rules (CVR), and the extension of positive control and weather information.
On Nov 7, having reviewed the Project Beacon report, President Kennedy directed FAA
Administrator Halaby to begin carrying out the report's recommendations. With respect to unresolved
differences of opinion between FAA and DOD concerning integrating the SAGE air defense and air traffic
control systems--a matter which had delayed release of the report by some two months--Kennedy asked
Halaby "to consult with the Secretary of Defense and the President's Scientific Advisor, Dr. [Jerome B.]
Wiesner, so that the optimum application of all resources of the Government in the safe and economical use
of the airspace may be assured."
Sep 15, 1961: The White House announced establishment of a steering committee to study "economic,
political, military, and prestige interests" related to U.S. international aviation policies, as
recommended by Project Horizon. FAA Administrator Halaby chaired the committee, which included:
Kenneth R. Hansen, Assistant BOB Director; Alan S. Boyd, Chairman, CAB; C. Daniel Martin, Jr., Under
Secretary of Commerce for Transportation; Edwin M. Martin, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic
Affairs; F. Haydn Williams, Deputy Assistant DOD Secretary; and James P. Grant, Deputy AID Director
for Program and Planning. In October, a contract was jointly awarded to Robert P. Nathan Associates and
the Systems Analysis and Research Corporation to conduct a broad study of international aviation problems
for the use of the steering committee. Completed in early 1963, the committee's report led to a new
presidentially approved statement of U.S. policy on international air transportation. (See Apr 24, 1963.)
Sep 20, 1961: The Federal Airport Act was amended to extend the Federal-aid airport program
through fiscal year 1964. The new law authorized appropriations of $75 million each for fiscal years 1962-
64. See Appendix VII for subsequent appropriations under this Act until its repeal in 1970. (See Jun 20,
1959, and May 21, 1970.)
Sep 21, 1961: Senator A. S. Mike Monroney (D.-Okla.) introduced legislation proposed by FAA
Administrator Halaby for creation of a Federal Aviation Service (FAS) to assure the continuity of
essential airways services during any national emergency. Representative Oren Harris (D.-Ark.)
introduced a similar bill in the House. The proposal was submitted in accordance with section 302(g) of
the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, which directed the Administrator, in consultation with other affected
Federal agencies, to study the special personnel problem inherent in the functions of the FAA and make
recommendations to the Congress. Though basically civilian in character, the recommended FAS could be
placed in military status by the President if necessary for defense purposes. DOD viewed such legislation
as prerequisite to the eventual transfer of military air traffic control and air navigation facilities to FAA
contemplated by the Federal Aviation Act. (See Feb 17, 1962.)
Sep 25, 1961: FAA, NASA, and the Defense Department agreed on a plan for the research and study
phase of the commercial supersonic transport (SST) program. Assigning FAA responsibility for
overall program leadership and management direction, the plan provided for a Supersonic Transport
Steering Group--headed by the FAA Administrator and including the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
for Materiel and NASA's Director of Advanced Research Programs--to formulate broad policy and give
overall guidance for the Federal role in the program. The Steering Group would be supported on the
working level by the SST task group, which had been in operation for some time. Comprised of designated
FAA-DOD-NASA representatives, the task group was to continue coordinating the SST activities of the
three agencies. (See Jul 24 and Dec 11, 1961.)
Oct 13, 1961: FAA commissioned a CONSOLAN long-range navigation aid for service at Miami, Fla.
The new station reduced the gap in radio navigation facilities covering the North and South Atlantic, the
Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean, in addition to strengthening coverage of the U.S. east coast.
Oct 21, 1961: A new rule made airline management responsible for banning passengers appearing to be
intoxicated. Although the pilot still retained his authority as captain in command, the new rule took into
account the fact that the pilot was normally occupied with preflight checks during the time passengers were
Nov 6, 1961: Reflecting increased emphasis on the Federal-aid-to-airports program (see Sep 20, 1961),
FAA established an Airports Service to replace the former Airports Division of the Aviation Facilities
Nov 8, 1961: An Imperial Airlines L-049 Constellation crashed after stalling while attempting an
unscheduled landing at Richmond, Va. The crash, which claimed 77 lives, was the latest in a series of
accidents involving supplemental ("nonsked") carriers. It triggered investigations by Congress, CAB,
and FAA into the supplementals' safety record, financial status, and business practices. (See Jul 9 and 10,
Dec 1, 1961: FAA began an operational evaluation of aircraft powerplant reliability in a program
jointly developed with the airline industry. The new program was designed to substitute continuous
records of operational reliability for the older system of establishing minimum overhaul times as a measure
of safety for aircraft powerplants.
Dec 11, 1961: A Supersonic Transport Advisory Group established in November held its first formal
meeting with the joint Supersonic Transport Steering Group. The new group was headed by General Orval
R. Cook (USAF Ret.) and included aviation industry leaders. Its major tasks were: to assess basic technical
background material of the supersonic transport (SST); to define Federal-industry roles in program
management; to consider the impact on U.S. and world markets if a European Mach 2 SST flew before the
American SST; to develop a plan for financing development; to prepare a blueprint for development,
production, and entry into airline service; and to consider methods for airline financing of SST purchases.
(See Sep 25, 1961, and Jan 16, 1963.)
Dec 26, 1961: Air traffic rules establishing the first national standards for conducting flight operations
on and around all controlled airports throughout the country became effective. At airports providing
Federal traffic control tower service, the new rules established airport traffic areas, approach and departure
procedures, and pattern altitudes; required two-way radio communications; and set airspeed limits within
the airport traffic area. The airport traffic area affected was defined as airspace within a five-mile
horizontal radius from the airport's center extending from the surface up to 2,000 feet.
Jan 1, 1962: As a step in the Federal Aviation Agency's decentralization of operational activities to the
field (see Jul 1, 1961), FAA transferred to its seven regions the additional responsibility of processing
enforcement actions arising from violations of the Civil Air Regulations by air carriers, air carrier airmen,
manufacturers, or military personnel. The regions already had authority to process actions in the general
aviation field.
Jan 8, 1962: FAA established an Agency Regulatory Council to facilitate rulemaking and to insure the
implementation of the Administrator's rulemaking policies. The agency also established the position of
Executive Director to provide full-time management for the Council. Besides the Executive Director,
original regular membership consisted of: the Administrator (as chairman); the Deputy Administrator; the
Director, Air Traffic Service; the Director, Flight Standards Service; the Civil Air Surgeon; and the General
Counsel. Added as regular members later were: the Director, Airports Service; the Director, Systems
Research and Development Service; the Associate Administrator for Programs; and the Assistant
Administrator, International Aviation Affairs. The other Associate Administrators and other office and
service heads participated individually as ad hoc members in matters of substantive concern to them.
Establishment of the Regulatory Council implemented one of the principal recommendations of Project
Tightrope (see Mar 29, 1961). The Council's first meeting took place on Jan 10, 1962.
Jan 17, 1962: As recommended by Project Tightrope (see Mar 29, 1961), FAA established the positions
of chief hearing officer and hearing officers to make available to airmen a trial-type proceeding when
charged with a violation of the Civil Air Regulations for which their certificate might be suspended or
revoked. Appearance before a hearing officer would not prejudice the airman's statutory right to appeal an
FAA decision to the Civil Aeronautics Board. In July 1963, FAA broadened hearing officer duties to
include the conduct of such other public and intra-agency hearings as the Administrator might direct.
Three hearing officers began their new duties about Mar 1, 1962. Based one each at Los Angeles, Kansas
City, and Atlanta, they held hearings at various locations within their respective jurisdictions, which
covered the contiguous 48 states. Pending the appointment of a chief hearing officer, the hearing officers
reported to the Administrator through the Executive Director of the Agency's Regulatory Council (see Jan
8, 1962).
Jan 17, 1962: President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10988, which guaranteed the right of
Federal employees to join organizations--i.e., any lawful association, labor union, federation, council, or
brotherhood "having as a primary purpose the improvement of working conditions among Federal
employees"--and engage in collective bargaining. The order also made provision for Federal agencies to
accord informal, formal or exclusive recognition to employee organizations. FAA Administrator Halaby
argued unsuccessfully before Kennedy Administration councils that air traffic controllers, because they
served a national defense function, should be excluded from the provisions of the order. (See Jan, 1968.)
Jan, 1962: FAA began using semiautomatic flight inspection (SAFI) equipment for all-weather flight
inspection at high altitudes, initially on a limited basis. By the end of fiscal 1963, SAFI-equipped aircraft
performed almost all inspections of those air navigation facilities in the 48 contiguous states used purely for
en route navigation. (As the dependability of the en route system became established, the SAFI program
was reduced until by 1990 it was conducted by a single aircraft.)
Meanwhile, an Executive Order of Aug 28, 1962, formally authorized the transfer of flight
inspection responsibilities from the Defense Department to FAA, as planned under Project Friendship
(see Oct 7, 1959). This process had already begun during the first half of calendar 1961, when FAA had
undertaken flight inspection for the Army and Navy, initially on reimbursable basis. During fiscal 1963,
the agency also took over routine inspection of air navigation aids for the Air Force, although that service
retained some flight inspection aircraft of its own (see Oct 1, 1991). At the end of fiscal 1963, FAA's
worldwide flight inspection fleet consisted of: 55 Douglas DC-3s; 6 DC-4s (C-54s); 8 Convair 240s (T-
29s); 5 Convair 440s (C-131s); 2 Boeing 707s (KC-135s); 4 Lockheed 749 Constellations; and one
Fairchild C-123. (See Oct 6, 1956, and Jul 8, 1973.)
Feb 17, 1962: The Director of the Bureau of the Budget proposed appointment of a joint Bureau of the
Budget/Department of Defense/Federal Aviation Agency Steering Committee to study outstanding
problems and recommend further action in the matter of the proposed mass transfer of military air
navigation facilities to FAA and consolidation of air traffic management functions in that agency as part of
Project Friendship (see May 1959).
In the course of the following month, such a Steering Committee was appointed, consisting of the
Assistant Director of the Bureau of the Budget, DOD's General Counsel, and FAA's Deputy Administrator
(later, Associate Administrator) for Administration. On Apr 4, 1962, the Steering Committee approved a
prospectus for the study drawn up by a working group from the three agencies. In the same month, on
recommendation of the Steering Group, FAA advised the appropriate Senate and House committees that
hearings on the bill to establish a Federal Aviation Service to provide centralized operation of all air
navigation facilities should be deferred pending the Steering Committee's findings. (See Sep 21, 1961, and
Mar 1, 1963.)
Feb 21, 1962: The U.S. Senate confirmed Major General Harold W. Grant, USAF, as FAA's Deputy
Administrator, succeeding James T. Pyle (see Dec 31, 1958). A specialist in communications, General
Grant was Commander of the Air Force Communications Service when the President selected him, on Feb
1, for the FAA position. Born in Louisville, Ky., General Grant received a bachelor of science degree from
Northwestern University in 1928, and was commissioned in the Army Air Corps the following year. In
World War II, he served as U.S. Air Signal Planner for Combined Operations in the European Theater and
as Deputy Signal Officer in Chief of the Southeast Asia Command in India. During the Korean conflict, he
was Vice Commander of the Japan Air Defense Force. After other assignments of high responsibility in
the Far East and the United States, he became, in mid-1958, director of communications and electronics in
the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, U.S. Air Force Headquarters. From this position he
was assigned in July 1961 to the command from which he came to FAA. His decorations include the
Legion of Merit with two clusters and the Order of the British Empire. (See Jul 1, 1965.)
During the two years after his appointment, Grant helped to work out a series of agreements
with military commands that provided close integration of communication systems and joint use of
facilities, espcially radar. Under an agreement with the Continental Air Defense Command, FAA handled
the ATC operations of interceptor flights going to and returning from a target. These agreements reduced
the chances of civil-military midair collisions and provided better defense readiness. The improved
coordination of military and FAA activities helped to ease tensions that had developed over the FAA
decision to make only limited use the military’s SAGE system in the national ATC system (see Sep
11, 1961, and Dec 1, 1963).
Feb 27, 1962: FAA announced Project Little Guy, a three-year program aiming at development of a
simpler, more efficient cockpit layout for light aircraft. The results of this research and development effort
would be available to future aircraft designers.
Feb 28, 1962: FAA received the Project Pipeline report, a study to improve and modernized FAA's supply
system. The final report, based on an extensive study of the supply systems of private industry and Federal
agencies, established guidelines for subsequent improvements in FAA's supply-materiel . A parallel
project, titled the Harbridge House study (for the Boston management firm which produced it), was also
undertaken and completed in the spring. The Harbridge study reviewed FAA's materiel activities with
respect to organization for management of the materiel function, training requirements for materiel
programs, and problem areas in procurement. During fiscal year 1963, FAA formulated a comprehensive
Materiel Systems Improvement Plan. According to the agency's FY63 annual report, FAA began a two-
year implementation process of that plan, streamlining business methods, increasing the use of electronic
automatic data-processing equipment, and improving distribution and storage techniques.
Mar 1, 1962: Los Angeles Airways began the world’s first airline service by a multi-engine turbine-
powered transport helicopter. The airline used the new Sikorsky S-61L, which had first flown on Dec 6,
1960, and which became the first twin-turbine helicopter to receive an FAA commercial type certificate on
Nov 2, 1961. An important competitor to the S-61L was the Boeing-Vertol 107-II, which had first flown
in prototype on Oct 25, 1960, and received certification on Jan 26, 1962. The Vertol 107-II entered
scheduled service with New York Airways on Jul 1, 1962.
Mar 5, 1962: In Griggs v. Allegheny County, the U. S. Supreme Court held that noise from low-flying
aircraft had interfered with the use and enjoyment of Grigg's residential property near a runway to such an
extent as to constitute a "taking" of an air easement for which compensation must be made. In Causby v.
United States (see May 27, 1946), the Court had ruled that such an easement had been taken by the Federal
government, which was the owner/operator of the aircraft in that case. In Griggs, however, the Court
asserted that Allegheny County, Pa., as the "the promoter, owner, and lessor of the airport" took the air
easement. The Court absolved the airlines and the Federal government of any taking, stating that it was
Allegheny County that decided, subject to Civil Aeronautics Administration approval, "where the airport
would be built, what runways it would need, their direction and length, and what land and navigation
easements would be needed." The Court concluded that, in designing the airport, the County had not
acquired enough private property to satisfy constitutional standards. (See Dec 13, 1956, and May 14,
Mar 16, 1962: Effective this date, FAA abolished the Office of Plans, and transferred its personnel to other
FAA components (see Jan 15, 1959 and Aug 28, 1967).
Mar 23, 1962: FAA type-certificated North American Aviation's Sabreliner (Model 265), an executive
type jet aircraft. It thus became the first executive-type aircraft with twin turbojet engines to be designed,
developed, and certificated in the United States.
Late Mar, 1962: FAA Administrator N. E. Halaby added a Special Assistant for General Aviation to his
personal staff. A recognition of general aviation's great growth and continuing expansion, this appointment
carried out one of the recommendations of the Project Horizon study (see Sep 10, 1961).
Apr 1, 1962: FAA commissioned the Fort Worth air traffic control center's new building. Other new
center buildings commissioned during 1962 were: Kansas City, Apr 30; Denver, May 1; Memphis,
May 5; Minneapolis, Jul 1, Seattle, Aug 1; Salt Lake City, Oct 1; Indianapolis, Nov 1; and Chicago,
Dec 1.
Apr 11, 1962: Simultaneous code-identification and voice broadcasts from air navigation facilities
would soon be standard, FAA announced, as a result of modifications being made to VORs and
VORTACs. Simultaneous broadcasts had been recommended for international adoption by the Seventh
Session of the International Civil Aviation Organization's Communications Division.
Apr 11, 1962: Administrator Halaby announced the formation of a Technical Advisory Board to assist
FAA in keeping abreast of science and technology in general, and to help in particular with the agency's
planning for modernizing the airspace system on the basis of the Project Beacon recommendations (see Sep
11, 1961). Richard R. Hough, Vice President for Engineering of the American Telephone and Telegraph
Company served as chairman of the committee. Mr. Hough had previously served as chairman of the
Project Beacon task force. Joseph D. Blatt, Director of FAA's Aviation Research and Development Service
became executive secretary. The five other members were drawn from the air carrier and aircraft-
manufacturing industrys and the academic community.
Apr 11, 1962: FAA announced that the first appointee as Assistant Administrator for Appraisal would
assume his duties on Apr 16, with responsibility for evaluating the agency's operations both in Washington
and the seven regions. On May 16, 1962, a formal order set forth the functions of the new Office of
Apr 16, 1962: The new FAA Internal Directives System became effective. It substituted a single,
uniform, agencywide system in place of the previous diversity of directive types, formats, and numbering
May 16, 1962: In accordance with the recommendations of Project Searchlight (see Aug 1, 1960), the
Aviation Facilities Service ceased to exist. FAA reorganized the service's diverse component parts by
function, combining them with other organizational units to form two new specialized services. The new
Installation and Materiel Service had responsibility for the acquisition, construction, and installation of
air navigation, air traffic control, and aeronautical communication facilities, whether for the National
Airspace System, international programs, or foreign governments. The service was also responsible for
procurement and management of real and personal property, transportation, and procurement of services in
support of all agency programs. The new Systems Maintenance Service received the mission of
maintaining facilities and equipment for air traffic control, air navigation, and aeronautical
May 16, 1962: FAA formally established a new Office of Policy Development with the mission of
developing broad policy and objectives and the plans required to carry them out. On the same day, FAA
created an Office of Compliance and Security in an action that consolidated these two functions
organizationally. Previously, compliance matters had been handled by a staff assistant to the Deputy
Administrator (later Associate Administrator) for Administration, and security matters were the concern of
a division in the Office of Personnel and Training. The new office had the mission of assuring the highest
possible standards of ethical, trustworthy, and nondiscriminatory conduct among employees, the physical
security of information and property, and the conduct of investigations to meet the agency's needs. (See
Nov 18, 1969.)
May 22, 1962: An explosion blew the tail off a Continental Air Lines 707 flying over southern Iowa,
killing all 45 persons aboard. Officials later cited the probable cause as a dynamite detonation in a rear
lavatory. On Jun 5, a government/industry steering committee headed by FAA Administrator Halaby
convened to review efforts to combat the aircraft bombing hazard.
Jun 19, 1962: The FAA Administrator approved a standard organizational configuration for regional
headquarters for FAA's seven regions, to be implemented by Oct 1, 1962. Besides the regional assistant
administrator and his deputy, the organizational plan provided for an executive officer and divisions in
large measure paralleling the office and service structure at the national headquarters. Any deviation from
the standard pattern that might be needed to meet special local conditions would require specific approval
by the Administrator.
Jun 29, 1962: The British Aircraft Corporation's VC-10 first flew. On Apr 29, 1964, this long-range jet
airliner with four engines in lateral pairs on each side of the rear fuselage entered scheduled service with a
BOAC flight from London to Lagos, Nigeria.
Jun, 1962: FAA established a Psychiatric Services Staff within its Aviation Medical Service to assure that
the agency's medical program would give proper emphasis to the psychological dimension and needs of the
nation's airmen.
Jul 9, 1962: Effective this date, a new FAA rule required supplemental (”nonsked”) airlines to conduct
proving flights on new or materially altered aircraft before placing them in service. In effect, the new
rule extended to the supplementals the provisions of a rule already applying to the scheduled airlines,
requiring such aircraft to be flight tested a total of 100 hours, including 50 hours of en route operation and
at least 10 hours at night. The new rule was one of several tightening-up measures deemed necessary when
the supplementals' safety record, which had been excellent, deteriorated in 1960 and 1961. (See Nov 8,
1961, and Jul 10, 1962.)
Jul 10, 1962: An amendment to the Federal Aviation Act regularized the role in U.S. air commerce of the
supplemental carriers (see Jan 29, 1959) after a court decision made new legislation necessary. The new
law authorized the Civil Aeronautics Board to issue to such carriers limited charter certificates and to grant
temporary authority for individually ticketed service where required to meet special public needs for air
transportation. Increased emphasis on the safety of supplementals was reflected in provisions of the law
that mandated certain fitness requirements and permitted the Board to require these airlines to carry
adequate insurance and to furnish performance bonds.
Aug 31, 1962: FAA Administrator Halaby created the Office of Assistant Administrator for General
Aviation Affairs to supersede the function of Special Assistant for General Aviation (see late Mar 1962).
The mixed nature of the agency's programs involving general aviation made their grouping in a line-of-
authority relationship under one office impractical; hence, the new office functioned as the focal point in
matters concerning the general aviation field. The new office also had responsibility for congressional
relations and for aviation education matters.
Sep 4, 1962: Executive Order 11048 vested authority for the civil administration of Wake Island in the
Secretary of the Interior and make effective an earlier agreement between the FAA Administrator and the
Secretary of the Interior. Under the agreement, FAA assumed responsibility for the civil administration of
this Pacific island, exercising executive, legislative, and judicial authorities. The FAA Administrator also
promulgated a new Wake Island Code, which greatly strengthened the legal system and reduced previous
administrative uncertainty. (See Jun 24, 1972.)
Oct 12, 1962: At the Administrator's direction, the Office of the General Counsel assumed sole
responsibility for drafting of FAA safety rules. This action ended a situation in which the Office of the
General Counsel had shared rule drafting responsibility with other major FAA components.
Oct 15, 1962: Public Law 87-820 transferred final responsibility for the aircraft loan guarantee program
from the Civil Aeronautics Board to the Secretary of Commerce. (See Sep 7, 1957, and Jun 13, 1968.)
Oct 15, 1962: An experiment testing FAA's capability to provide air traffic control service to
interceptor aircraft of the Air Force's Air Defense Command
(ADC) during military operations got
underway in FAA's Central Region. The experiment was born of the need to end a situation in which two
organizations--FAA, controlling civil aircraft, and ADC, controlling its interceptor aircraft--were directing
aircraft movements in the same airspace at the same time. This need, which had caused concern for some
time, was intensified by the implementation of the area positive control program (see Oct 15, 1960-Mar 1,
1961). In the test, ADC's pilots received air traffic control service from FAA controllers for scramble,
flight en route to target, and recovery; for actual intercept, they were handed off to ADC intercept directors.
The test ended successfully on Apr 6, 1963, and pending formalization of the program, FAA continued
providing services as during the test period. (See Sep 9, 1963.)
Oct 21, 1962: FAA Administrator Halaby dedicated the Civil Aeromedical Research Institute's new
$8.5 million custom-designed building at the Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City (see Oct 31, 1959).
Key programs continued in the new facility included investigation of such topics as: the "true" age of pilots
as opposed to their chronological age; effects of certain prescription drugs on aircrew members; crash-
impact survival; methods for selecting trainee controllers, stress experienced by controllers, and the bearing
of such stress on the desirability of an early retirement program.
Oct 21, 1962: Under the air route traffic control center consolidation program first announced in 1959,
FAA phased out the Pittsburgh center and transferred its operational responsibilities to the Cleveland
Oct 22, 1962: President Kennedy made a national broadcast on the Cuban missile crisis and U.S.
"quarantine" of Cuba. On the previous day, FAA had set up a temporary air traffic control tower at Key
West about 5 hours after receiving a request for this action to assist military operations. During the crisis,
the Miami air route traffic control center became a focal control point for air operations to support
preparedness. The center also administered a special regulation, placed in effect on Oct 24, banning civil
flights over the southern two-thirds of Florida and adjacent waters without a flight plan or functioning
navigational equipment and two-way radio.
Nov 5, 1962: FAA announced acceptance of a design concept for a standard air traffic control tower.
Prepared by the New York architectural firm I. M. Pei and Associates, the concept featured a free-standing
tower providing greater visibility from the cab, improved space for operating radio and radar equipment,
and a better environment for air traffic control personnel. Acceptance of the Pei design was recommended
by FAA engineers and the agency's Design Advisory Committee, a group of citizens prominent in the fields
of architecture or design. (See Dec 14, 1964.)
Nov 17, 1962: Ceremonies marked the opening of Dulles International Airport. Scheduled airline
service began two days later. Air carrier operations reached a daily level of 72 by mid-1963, and
operations of all types for fiscal 1964 totaled 111,071. (See Jul 15, 1959.)
Nov, 1962: FAA Administrator Halaby invited the civil aviation heads of 93 friendly foreign
countries to meet individually with him in Washington during 1963. The aim was to discuss
developments in aeronautical matters and stimulate thinking on measures to advance world progress in civil
aviation. By the end of 1963, 25 such officials had visited FAA or were planning visits.
Dec 15, 1962: FAA authorized simultaneous instrument approaches and landings on parallel runways
at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport to relieve traffic backup during peak-activity periods. The
agency approved this air traffic control innovation only after extensive testing under both simulated and
actual conditions. Participating pilots had to operate under instrument flight rules, regardless of weather.
They were radar vectored by the tower's approach controllers from four outer fixes to one of the two final
approach ILS courses.
Jan 16, 1963: The Federal Aviation Agency's Supersonic Transport Advisory Group recommended
U.S. development of a commercial supersonic transport (SST) as a top-priority Federal-industry
program in a report made public this date. In acknowledging the report, Administrator Halaby said that it
made a "powerful" case for proceeding with SST development, but he asked for additional conclusions and
recommendations in the following areas: cost of development and testing up to the preproduction stage for
each airplane; unit cost which should be charged to the air carriers by manufacturers after the production
stage was reached, "assuming production of some 200 aircraft"; direct operating costs; and management
organization for development of an SST. The group submitted this supplementary report in May 1963
before dissolving in July. At the end May 1963, a Cabinet-level committee headed by Vice President
Lyndon B. Johnson submitted recommendations to President Kennedy that were favorable to the program.
(See Dec 11, 1961, and Jun 5, 1963.)
Jan, 1963: Implementing a Project Searchlight recommendation, FAA began using a new reporting
system to provide comprehensive data on circumstances associated with outages of air navigation
facilities because of equipment failures. Initially using punchcard accounting machinery to obtain data
summaries from some 30,000 reports per month, FAA early began to convert the system to a computer.
Analyses of the data identified equipment deficiencies, established the basis for equipment modifications,
provided a means of evaluating cost-benefit ratios for facility and equipment proposals, and led to an
improvement in maintenance productivity. (See Aug 1, 1960.)
Feb 1, 1963: In a formal agreement effective this date, the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the FAA
Administrator called for joint FAA-DOD use of operational point-to-point communications networks
on a worldwide basis. As the first step, leasing of FAA's commercial-wire communications requirements
was phased in as an activity of the Defense Communications Agency. The phase-in was complete by the
following Jun 30. The integration of FAA-DOD telecommunications facilities was undertaken to enhance
the efficiency and reliability of both agencies' communications. Specific benefits foreseen included cost
savings, greater protection for FAA's communications against service disruption, and an optimum balance
of operational and economic considerations in a system satisfying both military and FAA cryptographic
Feb 9, 1963: The Boeing 727 first flew. On Dec 24, 1963, FAA certificated the 727, a three engine jet
airliner of short/medium range with a basic capacity of 94 and a maximum capacity of 119 passengers. The
plane entered scheduled airline service with Eastern Air Lines on Feb 1, 1964, and achieved worldwide
popularity. By 1988, U.S. air carriers alone were operating 1,246 of the 727s.
Feb 14, 1963: The Civil Aeronautics Board disapproved agreements reached by the International Air
Transport Association at its Chandler, Ariz., conference the previous fall to increase certain passenger
fares on North Atlantic and Pacific routes. The CAB stand for lower fares resulted in a major controversy
among international air carriers and their governments. Most European governments approved the higher
fares and took steps to require U.S. carriers to charge the increased tariffs as a condition of entry into their
respective countries. The controversy was temporarily resolved by a compromise agreement worked out by
the carriers at Montreal in late May and subsequently approved by CAB.
Mar 1, 1963: The BOB-DOD-FAA Interagency Steering Committee (see Feb 17, 1962) reported to
Administrator Halaby its findings concerning air traffic control and related functions of the
Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Agency. In summary, the Committee concluded: (1) a
general assimilation of military traffic control functions by FAA could not be justified by cost or
operational considerations; (2) assumption of operational and maintenance responsibilities by FAA for
individual military facilities or classes of facilities might be advantageous, and the continuation of
assimilation programs in such cases on a selective and mutually agreeable to basis was desirable; and (3)
that it was desirable to further explore the feasibility of such joint programs as the training of traffic
controllers and the establishment of common technical performance standards for equipment. By the time
of this report, the opposing views of the air traffic controllers and the military had produced a deadlock
that destroyed prospects for a Federal Aviation Service (see Sep 21, 1961.).
Mar 12, 1963: FAA published the first issue of
Intercom, a weekly newsletter to keep employees at
headquarters abreast of agency business. The issue announced that
Intercom's for field personnel would be
developed at the regional level by adding regional news to that reported in the headquarters version. In
May of the same year, FAA also distributed the first issue of
Horizons, a longer publication for employees.
Horizons appeared monthly until biweekly publication began during 1967. In January 1971, it was
superseded by the monthly
FAA World. Publication of World was suspended after May 1986, but
resumed in December of that year and continued through April 1994.
Apr 1, 1963: As an initial move in decentralizing its international aviation activities, FAA established a
Europe, Africa, and Middle East region. Within its geographical area, the new regional organization
represented the Administrator and unified authority for all FAA activities except the supervision of
technical assistance programs. The new region assumed responsibility for the European, African, and
Middle Eastern activities of the agency's international field offices, the Committee for European Airspace
Coordination representatives, systems research and development offices, and air traffic control advisers.
Headed by an Assistant Administrator, the new organization became fully operational on Sep 1, 1963. By
that date, London had been selected as its headquarters. (See Jul 17, 1963, and May 1, 1965.)
Apr 4, 1963: Under the air route traffic control center consolidation program, FAA completed a phase-
out of the Spokane center and transferred its responsibilities to the Seattle center. The agency completed
two similar phase-outs on Jun 22 (El Paso, with responsibilities transferred to the Albuquerque center) and
Jun 30 (Norfolk, with responsibilities transferred to the Washington center).
Apr 20, 1963: FAA commissioned the Albuquerque air traffic control center's new building on this
date. Other new center buildings commissioned during 1963 included: Washington at Leesburg, Va.,
on Apr 28 (FAA held formal dedication ceremonies on Jun 15) and Miami on Sep 2.
Apr 24, 1963: President Kennedy approved a new statement of U.S. international air transport policy
based on a report submitted earlier by an Interagency Steering Committee, chaired by the FAA
Administrator (see Sep 15, 1961). A change in emphasis rather than in fundamental approach, the new
statement stressed the necessity for keeping the environment of the international air transport industry as
free as possible from restrictions, whether imposed by government or intercarrier agreement. U.S. policy
was to seek an atmosphere of free enterprise that would benefit U.S. international air carriers and
strengthen the entire system generally. As a follow-up action, the President, on Jun 22, 1963, directed the
Secretary of State to organize an Interagency Committee on International Aviation Policy. The new
body was to assist in the continuing task of developing and updating this and related U.S. policies. Chaired
by the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and with the FAA Administrator as vice chairman, the
committee consisted essentially of membership representing the same agencies as those of the Interagency
Group on International Aviation (see Aug 11, 1960), which continued to handle technical matters affecting
international aviation.
Apr 26, 1963: A split occurred within the Air Line Pilots Association, resulting in the formation of a
separate union, the Allied Pilots Association, that gained the right to represent the pilots of American
May 1, 1963: Effective this date, FAA revised Part 45 of the Civil Air Regulations to require commercial
operators of large aircraft to file financial statements and to demonstrate their financial fitness. The
new requirement grew from the agency's belief that an operator suffering severe financial difficulties might
tend to relax safety standards. Recent accidents involving supplemental air carriers operating had
strengthed this belief (see Nov 8, 1961, and Jul 10, 1962).
May 1, 1963: A year-long VOR maintenance study recommended by Project Searchlight (see Aug 1,
1960) got underway to determine whether VOR outage time occasioned by routine periodic maintenance
work could be reduced without impairing the reliability of VOR service to users. The study showed that
the equivalent of 135 personnel, or $1,120,000 annually, could be saved by using a revised maintenance
May 18, 1963: Effective this date, FAA required aircraft of Cuban registry engaging in nonscheduled
international service in U.S. airspace to follow designated routes and to land at designated airports for
inspection. FAA issued the rule at the request of the Departments of State and Defense as a measure
necessary to national security. Its content was disseminated on May 20 in an international notice to airmen.
Jun 5, 1963: President Kennedy announced his decision to proceed with the development of a U.S.
supersonic transport (SST) in an address at the Air Force Academy's commencement exercises. In a Jun
14 letter to Congress, Kennedy wrote that the national interest required a U.S. SST superior to any
comparable transport, and he formally recommended a program to develop such an aircraft. He suggested
that private industry bear 25 percent of the development costs, with the Federal government paying the
remaining 75 percent. To provide this Federal share, the President on Jun 24 requested Congress to
appropriate $60 million. The money was subsequently included in FAA's appropriation for fiscal 1964.
(See Jan 16, 1963, and Jul 29, 1963.)
Jun 5, 1963: Administrator Halaby announced the establishment of an aviation mechanic safety awards
program, to be administered by FAA in conjunction with the Flight Safety Foundation of New York City.
Under the program, annual awards would honor airline and general aviation mechanics at state, regional,
and national levels on the basis of their suggestions for improving either maintenance procedures or the
mechanical reliability of aircraft and component systems. State aviation officials and representatives of
FAA and industry would select the winners at the state and regional levels. FAA, the Flight Safety
Foundation, and a committee of prominent members of the aviation community would select national
Jun 12, 1963: The Administrator announced the appointment of David D. Thomas to the new FAA
position of Deputy Administrator for Programs. Thomas would be responsible for planning and
coordinating the operating programs of FAA's Air Traffic Service, Flight Standards Service, Airport
Service, and Systems Maintenance Service. The title of the position was changed on Jun 28, 1963, to
Associate Administrator for Programs, at the same time that the positions of Deputy Administrator
for Administration and Deputy Administrator for Development were redesignated Associate
Administrators for Administration and for Development.
Jul 1, 1963: FAA established the Office of Headquarters Operations, consolidating under a single
managerial responsibility the personnel, accounting, data processing, and other administrative and support
services required by FAA's Washington headquarters.
Jul 1, 1963: AN FAA safety rule requiring distance-measuring equipment (DME) on all airline turbojets
and on all other civil aircraft flying instrument flight rules (IFR) above 24,000 feet in the contiguous 48
States went into effect. (See Jun 15, 1961, and Sep 18, 1965.) FAA stated that the rule would be extended
to Alaska and Hawaii when the necessary ground equipment became available in those States. The agency
extended the rule to all air carrier aircraft operating IFR, regardless of altitude, beginning with turboprops
on Jan 1, 1964; pressurized piston-engine airplanes on Jul 1, 1964; and other planes having a maximum
takeoff weight above 12,500 pounds on Jul 1, 1965.
Jul 17, 1963: FAA reconstituted its International Aviation Service as the Office of International Aviation
Affairs, under an Assistant Administrator for International Aviation Affairs reporting to the Administrator.
The same order directed decentralization of operational responsibility for the agency's international aviation
activities to the regions. Full implementation was achieved in September 1963. As a result, the mission of
the new Washington headquarters organization changed from an operating function to a staff activity;
however, the new office retained responsibility for the management of FAA's role in technical assistance
Jul 21, 1963: FAA commissioned a new building for the New York air route traffic control center at
Islip, N.Y. This new building brought into service the first real-time solid-state computer to be used by the
FAA in air traffic control. Formal dedication ceremonies took place Sep 7-8, 1963. The New York center's
old building, in use since 1956, had been located at New York International Airport (Idlewild).
Jul 29, 1963: FAA Administrator Halaby announced the appointment of Gordon M. Bain to the new
position of Deputy Administrator for Supersonic Transport Development. Bain was to head the
organization within the FAA charged with overall responsibility for the Federal-industry program to
develop a commercial supersonic transport (SST) aircraft. A division-level organization had previously
handled the agency's role in the feasibility and research phase of the program, which was conducted jointly
with NASA and the Defense Department. (See Jun 5, 1963, Aug 15, 1963, and Sep 15, 1965.)
Jul, 1963: FAA issued a Guide to Drug Hazards in Aviation Medicine, the first work of its kind. Dr.
Windsor Cutting, professor of therapeutics at Stanford University, prepared the work for the agency with
the assistance of of other eminent pharmacologists and staff members of FAA's Aviation Medical Service.
A comprehensive listing of all commonly used drugs, both prescription and nonprescription, the Guide
treated these by groups with similar pharmacological characteristics. For each group there was a concise
statement of side effects, if any, making the drugs undesirable for fliers, and recommendations concerning
the length of time a pilot should wait after taking a drug before resuming flight activity.
Aug 15, 1963: FAA issued a request for proposals (RFP) that established performance objectives for the
United States supersonic transport (SST), providing the basis for design competition among airframe
and engine manufacturers. The program timetable called for initial submission of manufacturers' designs
based on this RFP by Jan 15, 1964. By Sep 10, 1963, three major airframe manufacturers and three major
engine builders had notified FAA of their intention to submit proposals. (See Jul 29, 1963, and Nov 19,
Aug 20, 1963: The BAC 1-11 first flew. The plane received a British type certificate on Apr 6, 1965. On
Apr 15, 1965, FAA typed certificated the twin-engine, short-range jetliner with a maximum passenger
capacity of 79, the first airliner since the 1940s to be certificated for operation with a two-man cockpit
crew. Braniff Airways pressed the aircraft into U.S. domestic service on Apr 25, 1965.
Sep 9, 1963: FAA issued interim policy and guidance to cover an expansion of air traffic control
services to the peacetime activities of the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD). Limited thus
far to the Central Region (see Oct 15, 1962), these FAA services would become available to CONAD in all
regions after necessary preparations. The agency would provide air traffic control for a large part of
intercept operations, but leave the control of critical phases to military air defense facilities. On Oct 7,
1963, Administrator Halaby hailed this development as "a milestone in air traffic control and in FAA-
CONAD relations," and stated that the new procedures would become effective on Feb 1, 1964.
Sep 14, 1963: The Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft (known
as the Tokyo Convention) was opened for signature at a diplomatic conference held under the auspices of
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). AN FAA official representing President Kennedy
signed the document on behalf of the United States. The Legal Committee of ICAO had spent many years
drafting the convention, which clarified certain jurisdictional issues concerning hijacked aircraft, and
recognized the authority of aircraft commanders to use reasonable force to preserve law and order aboard
their aircraft. The agreement also obligated signatory nations in which a hijacked aircraft might land to
restore that aircraft to its lawful commander and to permit passengers and crew to continue their journey as
soon as possible. The convention was to become effective 90 days after the twelfth signatory state
deposited its instrument of ratification. (See Dec 4, 1969.)
Sep 30, 1963: A National Aircraft Accident Investigation School, jointly established by the Civil
Aeronautics Board and FAA, opened at Oklahoma City with a prototype class of 16 students. The six-
week course in accident investigation techniques and procedures was primarily for CAB-FAA personnel,
with participation by a limited number of foreign students.
Oct 7, 1963: The Learjet 23 made its initial flight. FAA certificated the twin-engine executive aircraft in
July of the following year, and the company made its first delivery in October. The success of Model 23
and later Learjets helped to popularize corporate jet transportation.
Oct 1, 1963: FAA began Project FOCUS (field organization configuration study), a set of working tests
of alternative modes of field organization which were conducted simultaneously through Apr 1, 1964. The
tests were the core of a study to address the problem of administrative decentralization at FAA's
subregional level. Since each of the tested concepts offered different advantages and costs, the agency
required an extensive period of evaluation following the tests to determine which provided the best cost-
benefit ratio and greatest potential for meeting the future needs of the agency and the aviation public.
While Project FOCUS was conducted only within the 48 contiguous states, three FAA regions
took action to establish area offices outside the contiguous states during fiscal 1964. The Southern
Region established area offices at Balboa (for the Canal Zone) and San Juan (for Puerto Rico and the
Virgin Islands); the Alaskan Region, at Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks, Nome, Sitka, and 16 other locations;
the Pacific Region, at Wake Island, Canton Island, Guam, and American Samoa. Area offices were
expected to provide prompter and more locally responsive actions, a reduced regional headquarters
workload, and generally more effective supervision of field offices and facilities. Area managers, the heads
of these offices, had line authority over four basic operating programs--air traffic, flight standards, airway
facilities, and airports. These programs had previously been in the hands of the regional directors and the
regional program division chiefs. (See Apr 7, 1961, and May 18, 1965.)
Oct 30, 1963: FAA announced a proposed program to stimulate development of a new passenger/cargo
aircraft for the short haul market, still dominated by the venerable DC-3. A preliminary design
competition was completed in June 1964, but FAA did not consider any of the designs submitted a
sufficient advance in the state of the art to warrant a detailed design contract.
Nov 1, 1963: At New York International Airport (Idlewild), FAA began operational tests of automatic
broadcasts of routine, noncontrol terminal information using the voice channel of the navaid serving
the airport. The agency later extended the new procedure to other busy terminal areas to reduce pilot-
controller frequency congestion.
Nov 19, 1963: Responding to requests from U.S. and foreign carriers for priority deliveries of the U.S.
supersonic transport (SST) when it became available, FAA established a delivery priorities system for the
first 70 airliners to come off the production line. The agency stated it was acting as intermediary for the
airlines pending final selection of a manufacturer to make the SST available at an early time to the broadest
possible market, while maintaining a reasonable balance of distribution been U.S. and foreign carriers.
(See Aug 15, 1963, and Jan 15, 1964.)
Nov 22, 1963: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and was succeeded by Lyndon B.
Nov 22, 1963: FAA's Washington headquarters staff began moving into the newly completed Federal
Office Building 10A, at 800 Independence Avenue, SW. Completed in December, the move brought
together under one roof personnel formerly housed in several widely dispersed buildings, including some
"temporary" buildings of World War II vintage.
Dec 1, 1963: FAA's air route traffic control center at Great Falls, Mont., began joint use with the Air Force
of facilities originally installed to serve the latter's SAGE direction center at Malmstrom Air Force Base,
Great Falls. Under this arrangement the same facilities served the dual purpose of air traffic control and air
defense. This marked the first use of SAGE data for air traffic control by an FAA facility. (See Sep
11, 1961.)
Dec 8, 1963: A lightning-induced fuel tank explosion caused the crash of a Pan American Boeing 707
near Elkton, Md., with the loss of all 81 persons aboard. FAA's response included a Dec 18 telegram to air
carriers and aircraft operators requiring installation of static dischargers on aircraft using turbine fuels. The
accident led to research into methods of preventing such explosions, and to a debate on the safety of JP-4
(Type B) jet fuel. (See Jan 15, 1965.)
Dec 17, 1963: As a result of a congressional joint resolution and a Presidential proclamation,Wright
Brothers Day occurred for the first time as a continuing annual observance on this 60th anniversary of the
brothers' epocal first flight. (The anniversary had previously received this official designation on a one-
time basis for the year 1959.) Dec 17 also remained Pan American Aviation Day (see Dec 17, 1940).
Also on this date in 1963, "First Flight Airport" was dedicated at Kill Devil Hills, N.C.,
near the scene of the achievement commemorated in the facility's name. To build this general aviation
airport, contributions of $44,444 each were made by the state of North Carolina, FAA, and the National
Park Service.
Dec 24, 1963: New York International Airport (known as Idlewild) was renamed John F. Kennedy
International Airport.
Dec 27, 1963: The civil-military common system of air navigation and air traffic control moved forward a
step with a final action on FAA-DOD agreements defining the use, technical standards, and equipment
characteristics of a key component--the air traffic control radar beacon system (ATCRBS). (See Sep
11, 1961, and Mar 4, 1976.)
Dec 30, 1963: FAA made public a study completed for the agency by a private research firm with the
cooperation of the Air Transport Association. The study concluded that airport surface congestion was
the principal cause of airport delays, a finding that corroborated an Aug 1962 FAA staff study. The firm
found that runways, taxiways, ramp space, and gate positions were inadequate for modern-day air traffic,
particularly during the evening rush hour. Only about one in five flights encountered delay, however, and
significant delays were concentrated within a relatively few large airports.
Calendar Year, 1963: Marlon Green became the first African American to be hired as a pilot by a
major U.S. passenger airline, after winning a discrimination suite against Continental Airlines. Earlier
black pilots to fly for airlines had included August Martin, hired by a cargo line in 1955, and Perry Young,
who joined a helicopter air carrier in 1956.
Jan 9, 1964: The Federal Aviation Agency stated that its recent tests indicated that crash locator beacons
could effectively aid in the location of downed aircraft. (See Feb 26, 1968.)
Jan 15, 1964: Six companies submitted supersonic transport (SST) design proposals to FAA in response
to the agency’s Aug 1963 request for such proposals. The companies included three airframe
manufacturers (Boeing, Lockheed, and North American Aviation) and three engine manufacturers (General
Electric, Pratt & Whitney, and Curtiss-Wright). (See Nov 19, 1963, and Apr 1, 1964.)
Jan 20, 1964: The Beech King Air first flew. The aircraft received type certification on May 19,
becoming the first U.S. light twin-engine turboprop business aircraft to be type-certificated.
Jan 30, 1964: FAA established a staffing validation program to provide a systematic and standardized
agencywide approach to the problem of developing accurate staffing requirements. Under this program,
staffing standards would largely be determined by onsite factfinding studies conducted by specialists
trained in the program's concepts and techniques.
Feb 3, 1964: A series of sonic boom studies began as FAA launched a six-month project to test public
reaction to the phenomenon in Oklahoma City, using regularly scheduled overflights by Air Force
supersonic jets. On Aug 5, the National Academy of Sciences announced the establishment of a committee
to study effects of sonic boom as related to the development of the supersonic transport. On Nov 18, FAA
launched a three-month study of the effects of sonic boom on typical structures in White Sands, N.M. (See
Jan 27, 1965.)
Feb 4, 1964: As part of a continuing effort to modernize the National Airspace System, FAA announced
the first phase of a long range plan to gradually reduce the number of flight service stations (FSSs) in
the contiguous 48 states from 297 to 150 hard-core stations backed up by a network of manned and remote
communications links. The resulting consolidated FSS system, made possible by advances in
communications technology, would require between 500 and 600 fewer flight service specialists than the
existing system and would save approximately $3 million annually, according to FAA estimates. In the
first consolidation phase, 42 stations would be replaced either by manned information and communications
facilities (MANICOMs) or airport information desks (AIDs), which would function as satellites of hard-
core stations.
President Johnson approved the plan, and on Apr 14, 1964, instructed FAA Administrator
Halaby to “move as rapidly as possible to close unnecessary flight service stations." The plan, however,
encountered strong resistance from general aviation organizations, individual private pilots, and
communities where FSSs were scheduled to be closed. Critics of he plan argued that the remote,
impersonal service provided by AIDs was no substitute for on the-spot service offered by manned stations.
In view of this opposition, Congress attached a rider to the fiscal year 1965 Independent Offices
Appropriations Act restraining FAA from closing any flight service stations during fiscal 1965. After
restudying the plan, FAA in August 1965 informed Congress that it would not implement the
consolidation program; instead, it would evaluate the service needed in each FSS area on a case-by-case
basis. (See Feb 1976.)
Mar 16, 1964: A manpower study conducted by FAA revealed an approaching shortage of aircraft
maintenance personnel. The survey, "Report of 1962 Survey of Maintenance Airmen," revealed that only
3 percent of the total aviation mechanic work force was between 18 and 24 years of age, and relatively few
members of this age group were entering the aviation mechanic career field. The survey found that many
aviation mechanics were discovering lucrative job opportunities in the missile and space fields. (See Sep
30, 1964, and Mar 17, 1965.)
Mar 27, 1964: The severe "Good Friday" earthquake destroyed the Anchorage airport traffic control
tower. One FAA employee died in the quake, which registered between 8.5 and 8.7 on the Richter scale.
As a result of widespread damage in the Alaska area, Congress authorized FAA to retain jurisdiction for
two more years over 15 airports in Alaska. The agency operated these airports under the Alaska
Omnibus Act of 1959, which funded the reimbursement of Federal agencies performing services for the
new state of Alaska normally performed by state or local governments. Authorization for these funds had
been due to expire on Jun 30, 1964, but was extended to Jun 30, 1966 by Public Law 88-311, enacted May
27, 1964.
Apr 1, 1964: Executive Order 11149 established the President's Advisory Committee on Supersonic
Transport (SST) to advise President Lyndon B. Johnson on "all aspects of the supersonic transport
program." The committee's original membership included Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara
(chairman), Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon, Commerce Secretary Luther H. Hodges, NASA
Administrator James E. Webb, FAA Administrator N. E. Halaby, CIA Director John A. McCone, and two
private citizens: Eugene R. Black, former president of the World Bank, and Stanley de J. Osborne,
Chairman of the Board of Olin Mathieson. The committee remained in existence until Sep 5, 1968, when it
was terminated by the President.
Also on Apr 1, 1964, FAA’s Deputy Administrator for SST Development Gordon Bain reported
on the results of a evaluation made in Phase I of the SST design competition. A 210-person Federal team
gave the highest competitive scores to the Boeing variable-sweep wing airframe design and the General
Electric after-burning turbojet engine design. In transmitting these results to Administrator Halaby, Bain
recommended that the two companies be selected to go into a one-year noncompetitive detailed-design
phase. (See Jan 15 and May 20, 1964.)
Apr 15, 1964: FAA established a Value Engineering Staff to achieve engineering objectives at the lowest
overall cost. Value engineering (or value analysis) was to be applied to design, construction, installation
and other activities involved in FAA's programs for establishing air navigation and air traffic control
Apr 17, 1964: Geraldine ("Jerrie") Mock completed the first solo flight around the world by a woman.
Mock made the 23,103-mile flight in 29 days 11 hours 59 minutes, landing at Port Columbus Airport, Ohio.
Later, on Apr 10, 1966, she set a world nonstop distance record for women of 4,550 miles.
Apr 24, 1964: The deliberate wrecking of a Douglas DC-7 near Phoenix, Ariz., began a testing program
in which FAA and the Flight Safety Foundation attacked the problem of preventing postcrash fatalities.
FAA crashed a Lockheed 1649 Constellation at the same site in Sep 1964. These experiments reflected a
growing realization that fatalities in takeoff or landing accidents could be reduced if passengers were
prevented from colliding with the aircraft's interior structure or furnishings and protected from postcrash
fire and smoke. The test aircraft crashed through manmade barriers and then into a rocky slope, carrying
dummy passengers, cameras, and instruments for recording impact forces, G-forces, hydrostatic pressures,
and other stresses. The tests provided valuable data on such matters as fuel spillage, safety characteristics
of rear-, forward-, and side-facing passenger seats, and the efficacy of passenger-restraining devices.
Beginning in Apr 1965, FAA used the wrecked Constellation's fuselage for emergency evacuation tests.
(See Jun 7, 1965, and Sep 20, 1967.)
May 4: , 1964 President Johnson announced the formation of a 32-member FAA Women's Advisory
Committee on Aviation, created to advise the FAA Administrator on problems and matters relating to
women in civil aviation. On Jan 23, 1975, the name of the group was changed to Citizens Advisory
Committee on Aviation, and the membership expanded to include men. The committee was terminated on
Jan 23, 1977.
May 7, 1964: A passenger shot the captain and first officer of a Pacific Air Lines Fokker F-27 en
route from Reno, Nev., to San Francisco, Calif. The aircraft crashed near San Ramon, Calif., killing all 44
occupants. (See Aug 6, 1964.)
May 20, 1964: President Johnson gave his approval for the U.S. supersonic transport (SST)
development program to proceed into Phase IIA--a six-month design competition between two airframe
manufacturers (Boeing and Lockheed) and two engine manufacturers (General Electric and Pratt &
Whitney). The President based his decision on the recommendations of the President's Advisory
Committee on Supersonic Transport made on May 15, 1964. On Jun 1, the four competitors signed the six-
month Phase IIA contracts. The contracts authorized each air frame manufacturer to spend at the rate of $1
million per month during the contract period and each engine manufacturer at a rate of $835,000 per month.
All four manufacturers agreed to bear 25 percent of the contract costs.
The design competition was
subsequently extended for an additional six month period designated Phase IIB. (See Apr 1, 1964,
and Jul 1, 1965.)
Jun 1, 1964: La Guardia Airport opened to scheduled air carrier jet operations. Jet air carriers had
begun operating at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Oct 4, 1958, and at Newark Airport on Sep
11, 1961. (See Apr 24, 1966.)
Jun 1, 1964: The French-Anglo-United States Supersonic Transport (FAUSST) group opened its first
meeting. The group was established to exchange information on airworthiness and environmental matters
in SST development, certification, and operation. FAA represented the United States in the group.
Jun 26, 1964: FAA issued a rule requiring Cockpit Voice Recorders to be installed in certain aircraft
used by air carriers or commercial operators. The rule applied to large turbine-powered aircraft and to
large pressurized aircraft with four piston-type engines. The compliance date, as subsequently amended,
was Mar 1, 1967. In the event of an accident, the voice recorder could provide the cockpit conversation of
the aircrew during the preceding half-hour, which might give investigators clues to the nature and cause of
the mishap. The information from this device would supplement that provided by the aircraft’s Flight Data
Recorder. (See Aug 5, 1957, and May 4, 1970.)
Jul 1, 1964: Continuing its consolidation of air route traffic control centers, FAA decommissioned the
St. Louis center and transferred its functions to the Kansas City center. The agency subsequently
decommissioned the Detroit center on Jul 5 (transferring it responsibilities to the Cleveland center) and the
Phoenix center on Aug 20 (transferring responsibilities to the Albuquerque center).
Jul 7, 1964: President Johnson issued Executive Order 11161 directing FAA and the Department of
Defense (DOD) to plan on the basis of the probability that in time of war FAA would become an
adjunct of DOD. Under the guiding concept, FAA would remain organizationally intact and the
Administrator would retain responsibility for his statutory functions, "subject to the authority, direction,
and control of the Secretary of Defense to the extent deemed by the Secretary to be necessary for the
discharge of his responsibilities . . . ." The Secretary of Defense was explicitly authorized to direct the
Administrator to place operational elements of FAA under the direct control of military commanders. The
order also required the Secretary and the Administrator to assure that during any national emergency short
of war the functions of FAA would be performed in a manner satisfying essential national defense
requirements. As a step in executing the order, FAA and DOD agreed on a memorandum of understanding
on Apr 13, 1966. The understanding covered the relationship between the two agencies in the event that
FAA became an adjunct of DOD, and provided for planning for this eventuality and for lesser emergencies.
Jul 20, 1964: To decentralize and thus speed up operational decisionmaking in airspace management,
FAA transferred the responsibility for designating controlled airspace in terminal areas from Washington to
the regional headquarters.
Jul 21, 1964: Pan American World Airways announced that inertial navigation systems would be
installed on most of its jet aircraft. (See Sep 7, 1961, and Dec 15, 1969.) An inertial navigation system,
being independent of external referents, permitted increased accuracy in navigation over oceans and other
expanses where surface navigation aids were not available and where the conventional magnetic compass
was unreliable (as in transpolar flight).
Aug 6, 1964: An FAA rule effective this date required the closing and locking of crew compartment
doors of scheduled air carriers and other large commercial aircraft in flight to deter passengers from
entering the flight deck either intentionally or inadvertently (see May 7, 1964). The agency made
exception for takeoffs and landings of certain aircraft in which the door involved led to a required
passenger emergency exit. On Dec 18, 1965, FAA published a rule that extended this exception to aircraft
in which the crew compartment door led to a floor level exit that was not a required emergency exit, but
which might nevertheless assist passenger evacuation.
Aug 7, 1964 Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution supporting intervention in the Vietnam
conflict. U.S. involvement in the war had begun with the assignment of advisors to South Vietnam in the
mid-1950s, and its scope increased greatly in the mid-1960s. The last U.S. troops left Vietnam in March
1973. (See Spring 1975.)
Sep 7, 1964: Effective this date, FAA prescribed more rigorous safety standards for air-taxi operators
and commercial operators of small aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or less. The new directive was
designated Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations in accordance with an ongoing recodification
(see Dec 31, 1964), and its scope included the larger scheduled air taxis later designated commuter airlines
(see Jul 1, 1969). Part 135 contained provisions on pilot qualifications, operational procedures, and aircraft
equipment. Need for the new standards was underscored by a marked increase in the complexity and
volume of air-taxi operations. The scheduled air taxi was becoming a popular means of transportation
where small airports were located near industry or population centers, or where route-carrier scheduling did
not meet local need. Aircraft manufacturers contributed to the growth of this mode of transportation by
designing small aircraft especially suited for air-taxi operations. Route carriers, recognizing the potential
of the air taxi as a feeder to main terminals, also contributed by entering into operating agreements with air-
taxi operators. (See Feb 1968 and Calendar year 1968.)
Sep 17, 1964: FAA implemented a simplified two-layer airway route structure, replacing the previous
three-layer system (see Apr 6, 1961). The lower layer of the new structure extended generally from an
altitude of 1,000 feet to 18,000 feet, and the jet route portion from 18,000 to 45,000 feet. Airspace above
45,000 feet was reserved for point-to-point operations on a random routing basis. Besides requiring fewer
aeronautical navigation charts, the new system reduced pilot-controller workload by requiring fewer radio
contacts and navigational checkpoints. As a necessary complement, FAA revised rules governing use of
the standard altimeter setting by lowering the base altitude for such settings from 24,000 to 18,000 feet
above mean sea level. (See Mar 4, 1965.)
Sep 21, 1964: The Air Force XB-70A supersonic aircraft made its first flight. Subsequent flights of this
steel-bodied airplane, which had been conceived as a bomber but recast as a research aircraft, provided the
FAA-managed U.S. supersonic transport development program with useful technical data. (See Jun 8,
Sep 26, 1964: The Bureau of Budget released the first significant amount of hardware-procurement funds
for modernizing the National Airspace System (NAS). These funds were specifically designated for
installing the first complete NAS En Route Stage A configuration (FAA's semiautomated system for en
route air traffic control) at the ARTCC at Jacksonville, Fla. (See Feb 1, 1967.) Modernization of both the
en route and terminal air traffic control subsystems of NAS had been recommended in 1961 by the Project
Beacon task force (see Sep 11, 1961). The modernization was a long-range program that would require a
decade or longer to fully implement.
The air traffic control system targeted for replacement was essentially a manually operated
system employing radar, general purpose computers, radio communications, and air traffic controllers.
Only five ARTCCs (New York, Boston, Washington, Cleveland, and Indianapolis) had computers capable
of processing flight data, calculating flight progress, checking for errors, and distributing flight data to
control sectors. The old system had a two-dimensional radar display, which permitted controllers to view
only an aircraft's range and bearing. Vital information such as altitude and identity was obtained through
voice contact with the pilot or from the flight plan. To retain the correct identity of an aircraft target,
controllers were required to tag the targets with plastic markers (known as "shrimp boats") and move the
markers by hand across the radar display. The planned semiautomated system would perform these
functions automatically, faster, and more accurately than the controller. Properly equipped aircraft would
report their altitude, identity, and other flight data automatically at any given time. The computer
processed messages would appear on a radar display next to the aircraft they identified, in the form of
alphanumeric symbols which would make the radar display three-dimensional in effect. (See Oct 6, 1964,
May 24, 1965, and Dec 30, 1968.)
Sep 29, 1964: The tilt-wing XC-142A (LTV-Hiller-Ryan VHR-447), a triservice assault transport, made
its first flight, flying horizontally. This V/STOL (vertical/short takeoff and landing) aircraft was capable
of taking off, landing, and flying like a helicopter or a conventional aircraft. The craft made its first
hovering flight on Dec 29, 1964, and its first transition flight--from hover to horizontal flight and return--on
Jan 11, 1965.
Sep 30, 1964: FAA released the Project Long Look study by the Aviation Human Resources Study
Board that Administrator Halaby had created on Feb 6, 1964. The study warned of deficiencies in career
planning and training of both flight and mechanic personnel, citing a decrease in the number of schools
offering aviation training and in aviation course enrollment. Most new pilots were business people over
age 35, few persons under 30 were learning to fly, and the percentage of young student pilots going on to
earn pilot certificates was relatively small. Estimating that demand for air carrier and other commercial
aircraft pilots would increase some 73 percent between 1965 and 1980, the Board recommended a
government/industry program to encourage young people to choose aviation careers, including
establishment of scholarships for pilot and aviation mechanic trainees. (See Mar 16, 1964, and Mar 17,
Sep, 1964: FAA's Pacific Region headquarters staff moved into the newly completed headquarters
building in Honolulu, bringing together personnel formerly housed in four widely dispersed buildings.
Oct 2, 1964: Taking another step toward the goal of all-weather landing, FAA announced qualifying
criteria for Category II landing operations. Air carrier and commercial aircraft operators meeting these
criteria could land at properly equipped airports under weather conditions permitting a decision height
(vertical visibility) as low as 100 feet and a runway visibility range (horizontal visibility) as low as 1,200
feet. Hitherto, under Category I weather minimums, landing operations were permitted only when the
decision height was at least 200 feet and the runway visibility range was at least 1,800 feet (four-engine jets
required a runway visibility range of 2,600 feet). An operator able to qualify would first be permitted to
land with a decision height of at least 150 feet and a runway visibility range of at least 1,600 feet. After six
months of successful operation with these minimums, the operator could be authorized to use the lower
minimums of 100 and 1,200. On Oct 29, 1965, United Air Lines became the first to qualify for the
initial step of the Category II approval process, receiving authorization to use the 150 and 1,600 minimums
with its DC-8 aircraft. (See Mar 30, 1947, and Aug 7, 1967.)
Oct 2, 1964: President Johnson proclaimed 1965 as International Cooperation Year (ICY) within the
United States, in support of a similar action by the United Nations on a global basis. FAA was represented
on the President's ICY Cabinet Committee, which planned and coordinated United States participation in
ICY, and chaired the ICY Aviation Committee.
Oct 3-4, 1964: The Eastern and Southern regions jointly conducted a general aviation airlift exercise,
called "Survival East and South 1964," to test the effectiveness of general aviation in support of military
operations and civil survival efforts in a national emergency.
Oct 6, 1964: FAA established the National Airspace System Special Projects Office (NASSPO) to
provide the management leadership and coordination necessary for the effective and timely implementation
of the semiautomated air traffic control subsystem of the National Airspace System. (See Sep 26, 1964,
and Apr 25, 1966.)
Oct 6, 1964: The Sikorsky S-61L and S-61N became the first civil helicopters in the non-communist
world to be certificated for instrument flight rules (IFR) operations. (See Mar 1, 1962.)
Oct 16, 1964: The regulation of air cushion vehicles, or hovercraft, fell within the Federal Maritime
Commission's jurisdiction -- not FAA's or CAB's -- according to a statement issued by seven Federal
agencies and bureaus. (See Nov 1967.)
Oct 18, 1964: FAA dedicated the Aviation Records Building at the Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City.
Oct 30, 1964: FAA and Eurocontrol signed an agreement to increase their cooperative efforts in the
area of air safety. The agreement opened the way for a free exchange of technical information and air
traffic statistics between the two organizations. Eurocontrol was an organization of six European States
established in 1963 for the unified control of air traffic in the upper airspace of Europe. Its members were
Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United
Nov 10, 1964: FAA announced the results of a study concluding that neither eliminating nor limiting
air-trip insurance would solve the airline sabotage problem. (See Jan 6, 1960.) The study was
conducted for the agency by Clarence C. Pell, Jr., head of the aviation division of a New York insurance
firm. In his view, the value of restrictions on air-trip insurance would be nullified by the availability of
other types of insurance and by the irrational nature of airline saboteurs. These conclusions were in general
agreement with those reached by the Government-Industry Steering Committee on Airline Sabotage on
Mar 8, 1963.
Nov, 1964: FAA commissioned the first distance-measuring equipment (DME) combined with an
instrument landing system (ILS) at John F. Kennedy International Airport. The ILS-DME combination
provided the pilot of an appropriately equipped aircraft with continuous information on his distance from
the runway.
Dec 1, 1964: United States International Aviation Month began under a Presidential proclamation
commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
(The proclamation, issued on Jul 28, 1964, came at the request of the Council of the International Civil
Aviation Organization.) As part of the observance, the heads of aviation of 19 nations toured U.S. aviation
facilities as guests of the FAA Administrator during Dec 14-16. (See Nov 1-Dec 1, 1944.)
Dec 4, 1964: FAA relaxed sport parachuting rules. Parachutists were no longer required to obtain a
certificate of authorization from an FAA District Office before drifting over congested areas, open-air
assemblies, or airports without functioning control towers. Before making a parachute jump over any
airport, however, parachutists were still required to receive permission from the airport's management. All
other rules governing intentional parachute jumps remained in force. (See Mar 24, 1967.)
Dec 8, 1964: A United Air Lines Caravelle jet made the first computer landing (automatic touchdown)
at Dulles International Airport. (See Jun 10, 1965.)
Dec 10, 1964: The
Airman's Information Manual (AIM) replaced three basic FAA flight information
publications: the
Airman's Guide (see Apr 1946), the Directory of Airports and Seaplane Bases, and the
Flight Information Manual. The AIM was divided into five sections that were revised either monthly,
quarterly, or semiannually. In 1978, Parts 2 and 3 were discontinued as parts of the AIM and were
published as the
Airport/Facility Directory. Parts 3A and 4 were also separated from the AIM and
published under the title Notices to Airmen. The Part 1 data, concerning basic flight information and air
traffic control procedures, continued to be issued as the AIM. On Jul 20, 1995, the AIM’s title was
changed to
Aeronautical Information Manual.
Dec 14, 1964: The first FAA-designed and -constructed airport traffic control tower was
commissioned at Lake Tahoe (Calif.) Airport. Previously, the airport sponsor designed and constructed the
tower structures, with FAA participating in the financing. The Lake Tahoe tower had a pentagonal cab to
provide an unobstructed view of the entire airport. (See Nov 5, 1962, and Feb 1965.)
Dec 21, 1964: The General Dynamics F-111 fighter, the world's first variable-wing aircraft, made its
first flight.
Dec, 1964: FAA and DOD established an Air Traffic Controller Training Council to develop
recommendations on joint or cooperative efforts by the two agencies in the training of civilian and
military air traffic controllers. A secretariat representing both agencies was located at the FAA
Academy, Oklahoma City.
Dec, 1964: FAA began operating its first single-sideband (SSB) air-ground equipment at Point Barrow,
Alaska, for aircraft flying the northern polar air route. Designed for remote operation, the Point Barrow
transmitter beamed vital air traffic control information, weather, and other messages to pilots flying "on top
of the world."
Dec 31, 1964: FAA completed its codification of previous aviation regulatory issuances into a single body
of rules, the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR's). FAA had reorganized and streamlined the
regulations to eliminate duplicate, obsolete, and unnecessary provisions of multiple regulatory systems
inherited from the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA). The
FARs consolidated and simplified the former Civil Air Regulations (CARs), Civil Aeronautics Manuals
(CAMs), and Regulations of the Administrator.
The codification program had occupied several years (see Aug 31, 1961), and the various parts of
the new FARs were published as completed. Examples were Part 135, covering air taxis and commercial
operators of small aircraft, which was published on Mar 5 and became effective on Sep 7, 1964 (see that
date). The last major part to be published was Part 121, which appeared on Dec 31, 1964. Part 121
covered domestic, flag, and supplemental air carriers and commercial operators of large aircraft over
12,500 lb.
Jan 4, 1965: Under a rule effective this date, FAA required approved survivor lights on all life
preservers and liferafts carried by U.S. air carriers and other large commercial aircraft flying more than
50 miles from shore, to assist in the rescue of passengers in the event of a night ditching. (See Jan 28,
Jan 15, 1965: AN FAA-sponsored study by the Coordinating Research Council of New York, reported all
aviation fuels equally safe, and that no basis existed for the contention that kerosene offered more overall
safety than JP-4 aviation fuel (a mixture of gasoline and kerosene). Despite this finding, TWA announced
on Jan 21, 1965, that it was suspending use of JP-4. Earlier, on Jan 7, 1965, Pan American World Airways
had announced that it would make kerosene its standard jet fuel because of public mistrust of JP-4. The
Airways Club, a New York organization of frequent air travelers, had long urged banning JP-4 as a
commercial jet fuel because of its alleged high volatility.
Jan 18, 1965: FAA released a study concluding that transport-aircraft fuel tanks could be designed to
reduce the fire hazard of crash landings. Conducted for the agency by General Dynamics, the study
involved tests in which experimental tanks survived crashes of up to 57Gs without rupturing. The study
estimated that such tanks would increase wing weight and production costs by as little as one percent, and
recommended consideration of fuel-containment principles during preliminary design of future aircraft.
Jan 27, 1965: The National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Supersonic Transport Sonic Boom
concluded that prototype development of a supersonic transport (SST) was “clearly warranted” by
evidence from research, tests, and studies of sonic boom phenomena (see Jul 1, 1965). This finding was
largely based on data collected by FAA in the Oklahoma City area (see Feb 3, 1964).
On Apr 25, 1965, FAA made public a summary of its Oklahoma City sonic boom study,
in which U.S. Air Force jets had subjected residents to 1,253 booms during daylight hours. Most boom
intensities ranged between 1.0 and 2.0 pounds of overpressure per square foot, but adverse atmospheric
influences caused approximately 11 percent to exceed the intended limit of 2.0 pounds of overpressure.
FAA also released an interim report on the related test at White Sands, N.M., in which Air Force jets
subjected 16 representative structures to 1,494 booms varying in intensity from 2.0 to 20.0 pounds of
overpressure. The findings of the two tests included:
* Sonic booms of less than 5 pounds of overpressure caused no discernible damage to
structurally sound buildings; however, booms of this intensity probably triggered cracks in
faultily constructed walls, breaks in cracked windows, and other damage in structurally
unsound buildings.
* Booms of the order of those expected to be generated by the U.S. supersonic transport
(SST) had no measurable physiological effect on humans.
* The subjective reaction of individuals to sonic boom would be the area of greatest concern
for the U.S. SST program.
* Fully 27 percent of the people polled in the Oklahoma City area during the closing weeks
of testing declared they could not live with sonic boom; additionally, 40 percent of those
polled were unconvinced that booms did not cause damage to buildings.
In releasing the information, Administrator Halaby stated his conclusion that a supersonic transport could
be designed in terms of configuration, operating attitude, and flight paths so as to achieve public acceptance
in the early 1970s. On Mar 8, 1969, the Federal government lost its appeal in a class action suit involving
claims for property damage allegedly caused by the Oklahoma City tests. (See Apr 27, 1973.)
Feb 25, 1965: The Douglas DC-9 made its maiden flight. On Nov 23, 1965 FAA type-certificated the
aircraft, a twin-engine turbojet transport designed for short- to medium-haul market for operation with a
two-man crew. The plane entered service with Delta on Dec 9.
Feb, 1965: FAA commissioned the first nonradar control tower to be constructed according to a
standard design, adopted by FAA in 1962, at Lawton Municipal Airport, Lawton, Okla. This was also the
first control tower of standard design to be built entirely with FAA funds. The nonradar towers were
freestanding and featured a control cab placed atop a pentagonal supporting steel structure that housed five
floors of operating space beneath the cab floor. (See Dec 14, 1964, and Jun 30, 1967.)
Mar 4, 1965: Under an amendment to a rule effective this date, FAA consolidated positive control of
nearly all of the airspace in the contiguous 48 states between 24,000 and 60,000 feet into one area known as
the continental positive control area. FAA had begun nationwide implementation of positive air traffic
control in Oct 1962. (See Oct 15, 1960-Mar 1, 1961 and Nov 9, 1967.)
Mar 6, 1965: A Navy Sikorsky SH-3A made the first helicopter nonstop flight across the North
American continent, covering 2,116-miles in 15 hours 52 minutes. The helicopter flew from an aircraft
carrier at San Diego, Calif., to another carrier at Mayport, Fla.
Mar 17, 1965: FAA announced that it had joined with CAB, the Department of Labor, and the Department
of Health, Education, and Welfare in a project to establish a national data bank for interagency exchange of
information on civil aviation manpower resources. The undertaking had been prompted by Project Long
Look (see Sep 30, 1964). On Apr 20, 1965, FAA outlined government-industry cooperative efforts to
implement the Project Long Look recommendations, primarily by promoting youth interest in aviation
careers and improving training opportunities and standards.
Mar 20, 1965: FAA’s first regulation providing penalties for cheating and improper conduct in
connection with airman tests and related records became effective. The new rule imposed an automatic
one-year disqualification from receiving a certificate or rating as a sanction for cheating or other
irregularities. Such misconduct might also result in the suspension or revocation of certificates or ratings
already held.
Mar, 1965: Los Angeles Airways became the first helicopter air carrier certificated by FAA to conduct
instrument flight rules (IFR) operations. This initial approval was limited to IFR departures from, and
approaches to, Los Angeles International Airport. (In Apr 1950, CAA had authorized the same carrier to
fly on instruments at night for periods up to 15 minutes when moving through “smog” in Southern
Apr 1, 1965: A British Overseas Airways Corporation BAC Super VC-l0 became the first British-built
turbojet to cross the Atlantic (London to New York) on a scheduled passenger run since the Comet IV
ceased transatlantic operations in 1961.
Apr 6, 1965: The British government disclosed it had abandoned the TSR-2 tactical-strike-
reconnaissance jet program. The Ministry of Defence stated that the program’s cost "was out of all
proportion to the aircraft's military value." The loss of technical experience resulting from this decision
was perceived as a setback for development of the supersonic transport Concorde (see Dec 11, 1967).
Apr 8, 1965: FAA demonstrated, with the manufacturer's assistance, a McDonnell Aircraft Corporation
188 STOL (short takeoff and landing) aircraft at Dulles International Airport as part of the agency's
long-range study of interurban air transportation (see Apr 1966). The aircraft, a U.S. version of the Breguet
941, took off and landed at the 500-foot Dulles helistrip. Known as a blown-wing aircraft, the 188 had
large propellers for high static thrust; the propeller slipstream covered the aircraft's entire wing area. It
employed highly deflected, full-span, triple-slotted flaps to produce the required lift for low takeoff and
landing speeds as well as safe maneuverability. One commercial version of the aircraft could
accommodate 55 passengers and take off with a maximum gross weight of 58,422 pounds.
Apr, 1965: FAA reported that a new nongyroscopic blind flight instrument could prevent a significant
number of accidents caused by disorientation, a conclusion based on evaluation in a Civil Aeromedical
Research Institute aircraft.
Apr 11, 1965: The Federal government terminated subsidies that had been paid to three certificated
helicopter airlines, New York Airways, Los Angeles Airways, and Chicago Helicopter Airways. The
action was followed by the demise of Chicago Helicopter Airways at the end of 1965.
Apr 17, 1965: Homeowners of North Caldwell, N.J., flew war-surplus weather balloons over their homes
to protest the noise created by low-flying aircraft using neighboring Caldwell-Wright Airport.
Apr 21, 1965: Administrator Halaby issued a statement of FAA's long-range policies that included such
basic principles as respect for the rights of airspace users and the general public. Among other points, the
statement recognized a favorable balance of benefits versus cost as a guide in actions affecting the National
Airspace System.
Apr 21, 1965: FAA eliminated the rule requiring a three-man crew on all transports with a takeoff
weight over 80,000 pounds (see Jun 15, 1947), and substituted a rule that set forth workload criteria as the
standard for determining the size of an air transport cockpit crew. On Nov 23, FAA type-certificated the
Douglas DC-9 for operation with a two-man crew (see Feb 25, 1965). Earlier in the year, FAA had
certificated the BAC 1-11, a British-made transport, for operations with a two-man crew. (See Feb 7, 1961
and Nov 20-29, 1966.)
Apr 29, 1965: FAA established an Office of Audit, which was under the administrative direction of the
Associate Administrator for Administration and reported directly to the FAA Administrator on substantive
matters. The rapid evolution of the audit function from division to staff to office within a period of seven
months reflected the growing emphasis placed by FAA on cost reduction and financial management.
Apr 29-May 10, 1965: The Miami Air Route Traffic Control Center provided air traffic control service for
an emergency Air Force airlift to the Dominican Republic during U.S. intervention in civil conflict in
that country. In 1,710 missions, the airlift carried 14,699 tons of cargo and 17,921 passengers.
May 1, 1965: FAA completed transfer of the Europe, Africa, and Middle East Region headquarters
from London to Brussels. At the same time, the agency consolidated various elements that had been
located in Washington, D.C., New York, and Paris with the regional headquarters group. (See Apr 1,
May 13, 1965: FAA advised homeowners that radio-controlled garage doors could be hazardous to air
navigation since a pilot might inadvertently "home in" on the radio signal emitted by the equipment.
Effective Sep 7, 1965, the Federal Communications Commission barred the use of radio-controlled door
openers operating within the frequencies reserved for radio navigation of aircraft.
May 14, 1965: The formation of a 12-member NASA-FAA Coordinating Board for the exchange of
research and development information and for joint planning of related activities was announced. The aim
of the Board was to strengthen the coordination, planning, and exchange of information between the two
May 18, 1965: FAA announced a plan to establish 18 area (or subregional) offices in the contiguous 48
states, as part of plans to decentralize FAA which had begun in 1961. Elements of the decentralization plan
had been tested during Project FOCUS (see Oct 1, 1963). Under the plan, an area manager would head
each of the 18 area offices, and would have line responsibility over four basic operating programs: air
traffic, flight standards, airway facilities, and airports--programs that had previously been in the hands of
the regional directors and the regional program division chiefs. FAA selected as area office headquarters
sites: Boston, Cleveland, New York, and Washington in the Eastern Region; Atlanta, Memphis, and Miami
in the Southern Region; Chicago, Kansas City, and Minneapolis in the Central Region; Albuquerque, Fort
Worth, and Houston in the Southwest Region; Denver, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and
Seattle in the Western Region. In September 1965, nine area offices opened for business; all 18 offices
were fully operational by the end of the following month. (See Jun 30, 1965.)
May 18, 1965: An FAA-DOD agreement effective this date provided for exchange of mobile flight
facilities equipment and services between the Air Force and FAA in such circumstances as defense
readiness, natural emergencies, and equipment outages affecting the aviation community.
May 21, 1965: The Interagency Air Cartographic Committee (IACC) was created to standardize
Governmental aeronautical charts and thus avoid duplication. The committee was to be chaired by FAA
with the Departments of Defense and Commerce as members.
May 24, 1965: FAA announced the start of the first field appraisal of prototype alphanumerics using
automated air traffic control equipment. ARTS (advanced radar traffic control system--later changed to
automated radar terminal system), the terminal prototype, would go through an 18-month evaluation at
the Atlanta ATCT. SPAN (stored program alphanumerics), the en route prototype, would go through a
10-month evaluation at the Indianapolis ARTCC. These field tests were part of FAA's program to replace
an essentially manual air trafic control system with a semiautomated system. ARTS electronically tagged
radar targets with luminous letters and numbers, indicating the identity and altitude of each target aircraft.
The electronic tags moved with the corresoinding aircraft blip across the controllers' radarscopes. To be so
tagged, an aircraft had to be equipped with a transponder. (See Sep 26, 1964, and Feb 1966.)
May 26, 1965: In the U.S. Army's closely contested light observation helicopter competition, the Hughes
Model 369 (YOH-6A) was announced the winner over two other entries, the Bell 206 (OH-4A) and the
Fairchild-Hiller 1100 (OH-5A1). During 1964, FAA had type-certificated all three of these new turbine-
powered light helicopters, which were expected to expand civil use of rotorcraft.
May, 1965: Findings of Project Taper (turbulent air pilot environmental research), a joint FAA-
NASA research effort, showed flight through turbulent air required improved instrumentation and pilot
capabilities for longitudinal control, trimming, and control of oscillation. These findings were based on
data collected by instrumented FAA jet aircraft flying through areas of known turbulence.
Jun 7, 1965: New rules governing the rapid evacuation of passengers from aircraft became effective
this date. The new regulations required all carriers and commercial operators using aircraft with a seating
capacity of more than 44 passengers to demonstrate, among other things, the ability under simulated
emergency conditions to evacuate a full passenger load through only half of the airplane's exits within two
minutes. Operators were required to assign each crewmember specific emergency evacuation duties. The
minimum number of flight attendants on an aircraft was raised according the following formula: one
attendant for planes with 10-44 passenger seats; two for 45-99; three for 100-149; and four for more than
149 (see Jun 15, 1972). Operators were also required to brief passengers on the location of emergency
exits and provide them with cards showing their operation. The new regulations also set emergency
equipment requirements. Aircraft were required to be equipped by Jul 1, 1966, with battery-powered
megaphones, increased emergency lighting capacity, larger emergency-exit signs, and ropes or approved
equivalent devices at overwing exits. (See Sep 20, 1967.)
Jun 7, 1965: FAA announced progress in the use of chemicals to remove snow, ice, and slush on
runways. The agency found that a mixture of 75 percent tripotassium phosphate and 25 percent
formamide was best for use at temperatures as low as -10 degrees.
Jun 8, 1965: Administrator Halaby dedicated the helipad atop FAA's Headquarters building (FOB-l0A)
at ceremonies attended by six former FAA/CAA administrators and William F. McKee, President Johnson's
nominee to succeed Halaby. The helipad was designed to serve Federal officials who might be called upon
to make sudden trips during emergencies. The facility was not heavily used, and in 1984 was listed as
closed until further notice.
Jun 9, 1965: FAA conducted a one-day national symposium on aircraft noise in New York City. The
symposium, attended by all segments of the aviation community, considered current and proposed
programs to alleviate aircraft noise and related problems.
Jun 10, 1965: A British European Airways Trident I landing in London made the first automatic
touchdown by a scheduled commercial airliner carrying fare-paying passengers. (See Dec 8, 1964, and Jul
7, 1967.)
Jun 10, 1965: FAA's Pacific Region established an area office on each of five Hawaiian Islands having
FAA activities: Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Hawaii, and Maui. Because of FAA's withdrawal from Canton
Island, however, the area office there was disestablished. On Jul 1, the agency ceased operations for
Canton and relinquished responsibility for the island to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
(See Oct 1, 1963, and Jun 17, 1966.)
Jun 26, 1965: The new Houston air route traffic control center assumed the functions of the New
Orleans center and some of the responsibilities of the San Antonio Center. The remainder of San Antonio's
control area was transferred to Houston on Jul 10. The personnel of the two defunct centers were
Jun 29, 1965: FAA established an Office of Congressional Liaison. Since Aug 31, 1962, congressional
liaison responsibilities had been a function of the Office of General Aviation Affairs. (See Aug 31, 1962.)
Jun 30, 1965: During fiscal year 1965, which ended on this date, FAA established seven area offices in the
Europe, Africa, and Middle East Region: Beirut, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Rome, Lagos, and New York.
(See Oct 1, 1963 and May 1, 1965.)
Also during fiscal 1965, FAA transferred five FAA-operated intermediate landing fields to
local sponsors to be turned into public airports. The one remaining FAA-operated intermediate field in the
contiguous United States was at Hanksville, Ut. The state of Utah assumed operation of that facility on Jun
23, 1974.
Among other actions in this fiscal year, FAA compiled a list of nearly 500 "safe haven"
airports for air carrier fleet dispersal in the event of a national emergency. The Office of Emergency
Planning (subsequently renamed Office of Emergency Preparedness) aided the project, and FAA
coordinated the list with the Air Force to insure the integration of military and civil dispersal plans. FAA
also developed a special-purpose vehicle for measuring surface-friction characteristics of airport runways
as part of a program to improve the stopping capability of civil transport aircraft under adverse runway
Jul 1, 1965: General William F. McKee (USAF, Ret.) became the third FAA Administrator,
succeeding Najeeb E. Halaby (see Mar 3, 1961). President Johnson had announced his selection of McKee
on Apr 27, but did not submit his name for Senate confirmation until Congress passed special legislation
exempting the general from a provision of the Federal Aviation Act that required the Administrator to be a
civilian. This legislation cleared Congress on Jun 22, after prolonged debate. Johnson formally nominated
McKee on Jun 23, and the Senate confirmed the nomination on Jun 30.
Born in Chilhowie, Va., in 1906, "Bozo" McKee graduated from West Point in 1929. He
began his career with the U.S. Army Coast Artillery Corps, but transferred in 1942 to the Army Air Forces.
McKee received his first star in 1945. The following year, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Air
Transport Command. In 1947, when the Air Force became a separate service, McKee became Assistant
Vice Chief of Staff, Air Force, a position held for six years. He was serving as Commander of the Air
Force Logistics Command when selected for the Vice Chief of Staff post, the second highest military
position in the Air Force. At the time he received his fourth star, he was the only Air Force officer to have
attained that rank without holding an aeronautical rating. Upon his retirement from the military in 1964, he
joined the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as Assistant Administrator for Management
The selection of McKee to head FAA was linked to the need for an experienced executive to
oversee the development of the U.S. supersonic transport (see Jul 1, 1965, entry on this topic, below). He
served as Administrator for three years and one month (see Jul 31, 1968).
Jul 1, 1965: David D. Thomas became FAA's Deputy Administrator. Thomas was FAA's Associate
Administrator for Programs when President Johnson selected him for the new post. He succeeded Lt. Gen.
Harold W. Grant (see Feb 21, 1962), who had resigned the previous day. (Grant was barred from serving
under Gen. McKee, because the Federal Aviation Act prohibited the filling of the Deputy Administrator's
post with a military officer on active duty, a retired regular officer, or a former regular officer if the
Administrator himself is a former regular officer.)
A career civil servant, Thomas began his Federal service in 1938 as an air traffic controller
with the Civil Aeronautics Authority in the Pittsburgh air route traffic control center. After a number of
other field assignments, Thomas came to CAA headquarters in 1946, serving successively as Deputy Chief
of the International Services Office, Chief of CAA's Planning Staff, and Deputy Director, Office of Federal
Airways. Following the breakup of the Office of Federal Airways in 1956, he was elevated to Director,
Office of Air Traffic Control. With the creation of FAA in 1958, he became Director, Bureau of Air
Traffic Management. In 1961, after an FAA administrative reorganization, he became Director, Air Traffic
Service, the position he was holding when selected, in 1963, to be Associate Administrator for Programs.
Thomas served as Acting Administrator between the tenures of Administrators McKee and
Shaffer (see Jul 31, 1968, and Mar 24, 1969). He then continued as Deputy Administrator until retiring
from Federal service on Feb 15, 1970.
Jul 1, 1965: President Johnson announced that the supersonic transport (SST) development program
would move into Phase IIC, an 18-month detailed design phase costing approximately $220 million. The
President’s decision, which was made known during General William F. McKee's swearing-in as FAA
Administrator, was based on the recommendations of the President's Advisory Committee on Supersonic
The decision postponed prototype development and fabrication for at least 18 months,
prolonging the program's competitive phase by retaining the two airframe competitors (Boeing and
Lockheed) and the two engine competitors (General Electric and Pratt & Whitney) selected in 1964.
Unlike the previous design phases, however, Phase IIC was not purely a "paper" competition. The airframe
manufacturers would construct full-scale mock-ups, and the engine manufacturers would build and test
full-scale demonstrator engines.
The President enumerated four primary objectives of the new competitive design phase: (1) to
provide a sound foundation for realistic estimates of operating performance and production costs; (2) to
take advantage of the flight experience of the SR-71, the XB-70, and the variable swept-wing F-111; (3) to
reduce developmental risks and developmental costs, while retaining the capacity to accelerate the program
in its later phases; (4) and to provide a better basis for judgment as to the manner in which the program
should proceed after the 18-month period. The President asked Congress for $140 million to initiate the
18-month program. (See May 20, 1964, and Dec 31, 1966.)
Jul 1, 1965: A new communications system linking virtually every non-Communist airline in the world
went into operation. Known as the Electronic Switching System, it was connected to the interline teletype
transmission systems of major U.S. airlines and foreign carriers serving the United States. All interline
teletype communications involving reservations and internal administrative messages automatically were
directed to a computer in Chicago, which scanned the messages for correctness and electronically
forwarded them to the proper airline.
Jul 17, 1965: A 16-year absence of air service between the United States and any part of the Communist
bloc by United States or Communist-bloc airlines ended this date when Pan American World Airways
began serving Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Jul 24, 1965: FAA announced Project GAPE, a General Aviation Pilot Education program aimed at
reducing general aviation accidents by upgrading pilot knowledge and proficiency. The program,
developed in cooperation with the Flight Safety Foundation, disseminated letters and safety kits to aircraft
operators, published accident summaries, bulletins, and special studies, and conducted a vigorous publicity
campaign through radio, television, and printed media.
Aug 2, 1965: FAA and the Department of Commerce signed a formal agreement on this date updating all
FAA and U.S. Weather Bureau working arrangements in the areas of aviation weather services and
meteorological communications. (See Sep 15, 1950.)
Aug 4, 1965: In a letter to Senator A. S. “Mike” Monroney (D-Okla.), FAA Administrator William F.
McKee revealed an FAA decision not to incorporate emergency arresting systems for large air carrier
aircraft into the National Airspace System.
Development of arresting gear devices had first been explored by the Airways Modernization
Board in 1958. FAA continued this work and, in 1962, demonstrated the technical feasibility of arresting
large transport aircraft on airport runways by means of a tail hook and a cross-runway cable connected to
an arresting engine. The issue of whether this emergency gear should be mandatory at large air carrier
airports came into sharp focus in Apr 1964, when three airliners at two New York airports skidded off
slippery runways in one 12-hour period. In May 1964, FAA officials opened discussions with aviation
industry representatives on arresting gear, and in July the agency formed a committee to work with the air
transport industry in studying the question. The committee's recommendation that the arresting system be
integrated into the National Airspace System was reinforced in Jan 1965 by the results of an FAA-
sponsored study conducted by the Flight Safety Foundation. The study concluded that 17 of 87 accidents
in the past five years could have been prevented by an emergency arresting system, and forecast 55 jet
transport accidents resulting from runway overshoots on takeoff or landing over the next 10 years. In the
end, however, FAA decided that the system could not be justified on a cost-versus-benefit basis, a
judgment supported by virtually all elements of the aviation industry except the Air Line Pilots
Association. The estimated cost of equipping 65 major jetports with two emergency arresting systems and
retrofitting all four-engine air carrier jet aircraft with tail hooks was about $47 million. FAA held that this
money would buy more safety if spent in such other ways as developing better brakes, removing water
from runways through drying and blowing techniques, or eliminating aircraft hydroplaning on runways by
grooving or ribbing the pavement (see Apr 23, 1967). Meanwhile, FAA relied on a new wet-runway rule to
reduce potential landing hazards (see Jan 15, 1966).
Aug 10, 1965: San Francisco-Oakland Helicopter Airlines initiated the first scheduled air cushion
vehicle (hovercraft) service in the United States between Oakland and San Francisco. The service began
a year-long test authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Board to determine the feasibility of using air-cushion
vehicles in ferrying passengers in metropolitan areas. (See Nov 1967.)
Aug 16, 1965 A series of three Boeing 727 accidents within three months began as a United Air Lines
flight crashed into Lake Michigan for undetermined reasons, killing all 30 people aboard. On Nov 8, an
American 727 crashed in Kentucky on approach to Greater Cincinnati Airport, killing 58 of the 62 people
aboard. CAB later determined the probable cause was the crew's failure to properly monitor the altimeters.
On Nov 11, a United 727 crash landed at Salt Lake City. All 91 occupants survived the impact, but 43 died
of the effects of postcrash flames and smoke (see Sep 20, 1967). CAB later cited the probable cause as the
pilot's failure to arrest an excessive descent rate. On Nov 12, FAA declared it could find no pattern in the
mishaps and hence it would be premature to ground the 727, about 190 of which were in operation.
Aug 25, 1965: A Curtiss-Wright X-19, an experimental vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, one of two
X-19 prototypes developed by Curtiss-Wright, crashed during its first extended test flight, at FAA's
National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center. It had first flown on Jun 26, 1964.
Aug 30, 1965: CAB assumed responsibility for a factfinding investigation of nonfatal aircraft accidents
involving air-taxi operators and other commercial operators of small aircraft. By this action, CAB
withdrew a delegation of this function made to FAA on Dec 31, 1958. FAA continued to conduct under a
CAB delegation of authority factfinding investigations of nonfatal accidents involving noncommercial
fixed-wing aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less.
Aug 31, 1965: The world's largest cargo plane, the Aero Spacelines B-377SG Super Guppy completed its
maiden flight. A converted Boeing 377 Stratocruiser with a capacity of 49,790 cubic feet, the Super Guppy
was under contract to NASA for use in hauling rockets and other space equipment.
Sep 1, 1965: An inspector or other authorized flight examiner conducting a flight test is an observer,
and normally not considered to be the pilot in command, according to a rule effective this date.
Sep 3, 1965: After withholding Federal funds from the Port of New York Authority (PNYA) for two years,
FAA announced resumption of annual grants under the Federal-aid airport program (FAAP). In Aug 1963,
FAA had notified the PNYA of the tentative allocation of $4.3 million in FAAP matching funds for
lengthening the runways at La Guardia Airport, one of New York City's three major airports, on the
condition that PNYA develop a plan for improving airport facilities for general aviation in the
metropolitan New York area. PNYA did not submit such a plan acceptable to FAA. Eventually, the
differences between the two agencies narrowed down to the continued operation (desired by FAA) of
Teterboro, a general aviation airport in northeastern New Jersey which PYNA owned and operated at a
loss. When Pan American World Airways leased this airport from the Port Authority and agreed to keep it
in operation, FAA considered all outstanding issues between itself and PNYA resolved.
Sep 7, 1965: FAA presented its first type certificate for a Japanese-made aircraft to the Nihon
Aeroplane Manufacturing Company, Ltd., for its NAMC YS-11, a twin-turboprop short/medium-range
transport with a maximum seating capacity of 59 passengers. The YS-11 had first flown in Aug 1962, and
had received its Japanese type certificate on Aug 25, 1964. (See Mar 14, 1955.)
Sep 15, 1965: Deputy Administrator for Supersonic Transport Development Gordon Bain resigned from
FAA effective this date. Brig. Gen. Jewell C. Maxwell (USAF) was assigned to replace Bain with the new
title Director of Supersonic Transport Development. The new designation entailed no change in
responsibilities or organizational relationship. (See Jul 29, 1963, and Apr 6, 1970.)
Sep 18, 1965: FAA required distance-measuring equipment on turbine-engine aircraft and pressurized
piston-engine aircraft when operated by foreign air carriers within the contiguous United States after Dec
31, 1966. The agency required other foreign air carrier aircraft having a maximum certificated takeoff
weight of more than 12,500 pounds to have this equipment after Dec 31, 1967. All foreign civil aircraft not
engaged in air carrier operations were required to have this equipment after Dec 31, 1966, when flying at or
above 24,000 feet. (See Jul 1, 1963.)
Sep 26, 1965: A rule effective this date required biennial requalification of all flight instructors
. It also
required instructors to assume additional responsibilities for the supervision of student-pilot solo flight
Sep, 1965: The Texas cities of Dallas and Fort Worth agreed on a site for a regional airport,
culminating more than a decade of disagreement and negotiation over this issue. The site chosen had been
recommended by a consulting firm called into the dispute by a Civil Aeronautics Board examiner. It
contained 18,000 acres lying approximately equidistant from the two cities, but overlapping part of Fort
Worth's Greater Southwest International Airport. The agreement was a victory for the regional airport
concept advocated by FAA and the Civil Aeronautics Board (see May 2, 1961, and Feb 2, 1967).
Construction began on the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport in Dec 1968 (see Jan 13, 1974).
Oct 1, 1965: FAA created the position of Associate Administrator for Personnel and Training. The
new associate administrator reported directly to the FAA Administrator; previously, the head of the
agency's personnel and training functions reported to the Associate Administrator for Administration. (See
Jan 19, 1968.)
Oct 1, 1965: As part of the agency's continuing decentralization program, FAA placed the Aeronautical
Center in Oklahoma City under a director reporting directly to the FAA Administrator. A similar
change on Oct 22 placed the National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center in Atlantic City, N.J.,
under a director reporting the Administrator. Both centers had previously been headed by a manager, and
had been under the jurisdiction of various offices or services in Washington.
Oct 8, 1965: In two separate but related rulemaking actions, FAA authorized increased industry
participation in the certification of aeronautical products. One rule permitted FAA to delegate
authority to qualified manufacturers in certification of helicopters, small turbine engines, and aeronautical
parts. Previously, delegation procedures were permitted only in the certification of airplanes and gliders
weighing 12,500 pounds or less, small piston engines, and propellers manufactured for use with these
engines (see Sep 29, 1950). The other rule provided for the establishment of Designated Alteration
Stations by qualified manufacturers, air carriers, commercial operators of large aircraft, and domestic
repair stations. FAA authorized the stations to: issue supplemental type certificates for already type-
certificated products; issue experimental airworthiness certificates for aircraft they altered; and amend
standard airworthiness certificates for such aircraft. In Jun 1966, FAA made the first issuance of a
"Designated Alteration Station" authorization to the American Airlines repair station in Tulsa, Okla.
Oct 15, 1965: FAA established a comprehensive new air traffic controller health program. The
previous practice had been to examine only terminal controllers, under standards originally designed for
airman certification. Under the new program, every controller and flight service specialist would receive
an annual physical examination, including a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, audiogram, measurement of
intraocular tension, and psychological screening. Psychophysiological data generated by these
examinations would be used to formulate administrative policies on selection, employment, and retirement.
Oct 21, 1965: Effective this date, FAA clarified its regulations governing the issuance of limited
operations medical certificates. The previous language of the rule had led some applicants to believe that
they had a right to attempt to demonstrate their ability to fly safely regardless of the nature of their limiting
deficiency. The new wording made it clear that certain disases and disabilities could not be compensated
for under any circumstances.
Oct 22, 1965: The Air Force-operated USAF/USN Central NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) Facility (CNF)
began operations in FAA Headquarters Building, Washington, D.C., after moving from Tinker AFB, Okla.
The military NOTAM facility was co-located with the FAA-operated civil NOTAM system (National
Flight Data Center), and the two were eventually consolidated into a single National NOTAM System
managed by FAA.
Nov 1, 1965: FAA announced that it had recovered the entire cost of developing a low-cost, light-
weight transponder for general aviation use. The Wilcox Electric Company made the repayment in
accordance with a special clause in the 1960 contract under which the equipment was developed. This
represented perhaps the first time that a Federal civilian agency had recovered the entire cost of developing
a device produced under government contract by a private manufacturer and sold to the public. The money
was deposited into the U.S. Treasury’s general fund.
Nov 9-10, 1965: New York's La Guardia and John F. Kennedy airports were forced to shut down when the
overloading of a switch at an electrical generating plant in Ontario, Canada, set off a chain reaction that
caused a massive power failure in the northeast, blacking out for 13 hours or longer an 80,000-square-
mile area. The power failure hit during the evening rush hour, but several factors combined to head off
disaster: clear weather, a moonlit night, and the fact that FAA's air route traffic control centers in the
blacked out area continued to operate. Relying on secondary commercial suppliers, the ARTCCs guided
aircraft to Newark, Philadelphia, Washington, and other airports not affected by the failure.
Prior to the blackout, the agency had believed that a standby engine generator was not as
desirable as a second source of commercial power when two or more such sources were available, for the
simultaneous loss of multiple sources was considered highly improbable. The power failure, however,
demonstrated the need for generators at individual facilities. On Mar 2, 1966, FAA announced a program
to install standby engine generators to power essential services at 50 airports in the contiguous United
States. The 50 airports, chosen on the basis of their activity and location, would receive standby engine
generators capable of powering a control tower, airport surveillance radar, approach-light system,
instrument landing system, and runway lights on the primary runway.
The following year, FAA began planning a similar program for the air route traffic control
centers. Over the past three years, ARTCCs had suffered more than 1,300 power failures lasting long
enough to impair the operational use of critical equipment. Recognizing that power loss would be a
potentially more serious safety threat in the future due to increased reliance on automation, FAA planned to
equip all 20 centers in the contiguous U.S. with adequate auxiliary power sources and uninterruptible
power units. (See Jun 27, 1969.)
Nov 14-17, 1965: In a flight sponsored by Rockwell-Standard, a Boeing B-707 became the first aircraft
to girdle the globe going north to south, covering 26,230 miles in 62 hours 28 minutes. Beginning in
Honolulu, the flight flew over the North Pole, made stops at London, Lisbon, and Buenos Aires, flew over
the South Pole, and returned to Honolulu by way of Christchurch, New Zealand.
Nov 15, 1965: The United States served a formal notice of denunciation of the Warsaw Convention,
effective six months later, because of the inability to substantially raise the liability limit above the
approximately $16,600 per international passenger set by the 11-year-old Hague Protocol to the
Convention. The United States stated that it would withdraw the notice if there were reasonable prospects
for ICAO to amend the convention to raise the liability limit to at least $100,000, and if the international
carriers worked out an interim agreement for a liability limit of $75,000, with strict liability Although a
1966 ICAO meeting failed to reach an agreement on an acceptable limit, the International Air Transport
Association, in consultation with U.S. officials, reached an interim agreement with international carriers
providing for a liability limit of $75,000 per passenger. The U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB)
approved the interim agreement on May 13, 1966, and the United States withdrew its notice of termination.
Participation in the agreement was mandated by the U.S. CAB in permit and certificate conditions, and
later generalized by regulation (14 CFR 203). Subsequent attempts to raise the Warsaw liability limit by a
new Protocol were unsuccessful. In 1996, the U.S. Department of Transportation approved three
agreements, proposed by the International Air Transport Association and Air Transport Association, under
which carriers agreed to waive the Warsaw passenger liability limits in their entirety. Widespread
implementation of these agreements was anticipated in early 1997.
Nov 21, 1965: FAA renamed the Civil Aeromedical Research Institute (CARI) the Civil Aeromedical
Institute (CAMI). (See Oct 21, 1962.)
Dec 16, 1965: Under a rule effective this date, FAA required pilots flying large aircraft (12,500 pounds
or more) to hold a type rating for that aircraft. Previously, the agency required only pilots in command of
large aircraft carrying passengers or freight for remuneration to hold such a type rating. The new rule also
required pilots in command of small turbojet aircraft to be type rated for such aircraft after Mar 31, 1966.
The purpose of the rule was to insure that pilots were fully qualified to serve in command of aircraft that
handled differently from those in which they had acquired their flying experience.
Dec 31, 1965: Effective this date, FAA required scheduled helicopter air carriers to assign individual
emergency evacuation duties to their crewmembers. The new regulations also included rules on
drinking on helicopter airlines similar to those already in effect for fixed-wing airlines: passengers were
prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages unless served by the carrier, and carriers were prohibited
from allowing persons who appeared intoxicated to board flights or to be served alchoholic beverages on
Dec, 1965: FAA published three studies concerning human circadian rhythms (biological rhythms with
a period of about 24 hours, linked to mental and physical efficiency). The studies were based primarily on
biomedical assessments of human subjects aboard a series of intercontinental flights. The subjects selected
had daily work and sleep habits representative of the adult male population. The flights traveled across
multiple time zones from east to west and from west to east, as well as from north to south within the same
time zone. Subjects on all the flights displayed subjective fatigue. Those travelling east-west or west-east
experienced shifts of circadian periodicity that required varyious periods for readjustment. The east-west
travelers displayed a signficant impairment of psychological performance not shown by those on the other
Calendar year, 1965: Forty-two million people, or 38 percent of the adult population of the United
States, had flown in a commercial aircraft, according to a survey made during 1965 by the Gallup
Organization for Trans World Airlines. In 1962, a similar TWA-sponsored survey had shown that 33
percent of the adult population had flown in a commercial aircraft. (See Jun 1970.)
Jan 1, 1966: Part 137 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, "Agricultural Aircraft Operations," became
effective on this date, establishing for the first time national standards and requirements for private and
commercial agricultural operator certificates, operating rules, aircraft airworthiness, and pilot
Jan 10, 1966: Reliance on radar for controlling air traffic advanced when a rule effective this date
permitted pilots flying Instrument Flight Rules in a radar environment to omit routine position
Jan 11, 1966: FAA announced that Washington National Airport would be opened to jet aircraft on
Apr 24, 1966 (see that date). The decision was supported by a study entitled "Economic Feasibility of
Alternative Programs for Washington National Airport," published on Jan 26. The study discussed
modernization of the airport and concluded that a continued ban on jet airline operations would reduce its
function to virtually that of a general aviation field, with greatly decreased passenger traffic and revenues.
Jan 15, 1966: Effective this date, a rule intended to prevent runway overruns required turbojet transport
aircraft landing on wet or slippery runways to have available 15 percent more runway length than
considered adequate in dry weather. If the increased runway length was not available at an arrival airport
and weather reports indicated slippery or wet runways during a transport's anticipated arrival time, the
aircraft was required to compensate for the shorter runway length by carrying less payload or fuel. (See
Aug 4, 1965.)
Jan 28, 1966: FAA published a rule requiring a life preserver or some other approved flotation device
for each occupant of large aircraft used by air carriers or other commercial operators in all overwater
operations. The compliance deadline was Mar 1, 1967, subsequently extended to Sep 1, 1967. Such
devices had already been required for operations of large aircraft conducted over water at a horizontal
distance of more than 50 miles from the nearest shoreline. (See Jan 4, 1965.)
Jan, 1966: FAA and the Department of Defense signed an agreement on development of DAIR (direct
altitude and identity readout), an automated air traffic control configuration for military facilities and
low-density civil terminals. Unlike more sophisticated automated ATC configurations designed to provide
alphanumerics, DAIR would employ only numerics. During fiscal 1970, the Air Force contracted for 304
production models of the system, now renamed the AN/TPX-42, and FAA exercised an option to acquire
56 of the systems over a five-year period.
Feb 3, 1966: The Soviet Union's unmanned spacecraft LUNA IX made the first soft landing on the
moon. (See Jun 2, 1966.)
Feb 13, 1966: AN FAA-developed mobile air traffic control tower began operating at the Lockheed Air
Terminal, Burbank, Calif., within 40 hours after a fire had destroyed the Lockheed tower.
Feb 18, 1966: The National Committee for Clear Air Turbulence was established to determine
operational needs for the detection and prediction of this hazard, known as CAT. Formed at the instigation
of the Defense Department, the committee was composed of representatives from the National Science
Foundation and seven Federal agencies, including FAA. In a Dec 1966 report, the committee called for a
coordinated national effort to understand and remedy the CAT problem. The report’s recommendations
included a national data collection project to gather information needed to achieve CAT detection and
forecasting. On Mar 29, 1967, the CAT hazard was illustrated by the death of an unbelted passenger when
a United Airlines jet reportedly plunged 8,000 feet after encountering turbulence. Subsequent FAA
actions regarding CAT included participation in joint research on forecasting methods.
Feb 22, 1966: Under a rule effective this date, FAA required newly certificated flight engineers to have
an aircraft class rating for each class of aircraft (piston-engine, turboprop, or turbojet) in which they
flew. Currently active flight engineers had until Feb 22, 1968, to exchange their existing certificate for one
with a class rating.
Feb, 1966: FAA completed a 10-month evaluation of SPAN (stored program alphanumerics) at the
Indianapolis air route traffic control center. The agency subsequently dismantled and shipped this
prototype ATC system to the New York ARTCC to help cope with the extremely high air traffic density in
the New York area. (See May 24, 1965, and Spring 1968.)
Mar 1, 1966: An unmanned Soviet spacecraft entered the atmosphere of Venus, becoming the first space
probe to reach another planet.
Mar 2, 1966: President Johnson recommended to Congress the creation of a Cabinet-level Department of
Transportation. The President noted that the United States lacked a coordinated transportation system
permitting travelers and goods to move conveniently from one means of transportation to another, using the
best characteristics of each. The responsibility for transportation within the Federal government, he
observed, was fragmented among many agencies resulting in a series of uncoordinated modal policies.
What was needed was a single department to develop and carry out comprehensive policies and programs
for transportation in its totality.
The President proposed that the following agencies and functions be consolidated in the new
department: the Office of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation; the Bureau of Public
Roads; the Federal Aviation Agency; the U.S. Coast Guard; the Maritime Administration; the safety
functions of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB); the safety functions and car service functions of the
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC); the Great Lakes Pilotage Administration; the St. Lawrence
Seaway Development Corporation; the Alaska Railroad; and certain minor transportation-related activities
of other agencies. The President also recommended the creation within the Department of a National
Transportation Safety Board, which would absorb the safety functions transferred from CAB and ICC.
(See Oct 15, 1966.)
Mar 16, 1966: Gemini VIII, a U.S. manned space flight, achieved the first space docking.
Mar 17, 1966: The Bell Triservice X-22A, a tilting-duct Vertical/ Short Takeoff and Landing (V/STOL)
aircraft, made its maiden flight. On Jun 30, 1966, with the tilting ducts at an angle of 30 degrees, the
aircraft made its first STOL takeoff, and subsequently attained a top speed in excess of 100 miles an hour.
Mar 17, 1966: FAA type-certificated the Learjet 24, a two-engine turbine-powered business aircraft
seating eight (two crewmembers and six passengers). In the first flight of its kind by a business jet, a
Learjet 24 completed a 17-leg, 23,002-statute-mile, round-the-world flight on May 26, 1966. The global
flight took 65 hours 40 minutes (actual flying time, 50 hours).
Apr 8, 1966: FAA established a Noise Abatement Staff, under the Associate Administrator for Programs,
to lead the agency's response to a call by President Johnson for a government-wide effort to alleviate the
problem of aircraft-engine noise. The President's call came on the heels of a recommendation by the Jet
Aircraft Noise Panel of the Office of Science and Technology that the Federal government take the lead in
seeking solutions to the problem. Shortly after this recommendation, the President established an
interagency aircraft noise abatement program under the Office of Science and Technology. FAA served on
three interagency committees set up under this program. The various projects developed under this
program fell into three categories: developing quieter engines; revising aircraft operating procedures; and
promoting land uses around airports compatible with airport operations.
Later in the year, FAA drafted legislation empowering it to prescribe noise standards as part
of the criteria for aircraft certification. The administration's noise abatement bill was introduced in the 89th
Congress, but did not come to a vote. (See Jul 21, 1967, Dec 4, 1967, and Jul 21, 1968.)
Apr 17, 1966: FAA commissioned the San Juan air route traffic control center's new building.
Apr 24, 1966: Scheduled air carrier jet operations began at Washington National Airport (see Jan 11,
1966). FAA limited air carrier jet use of the airport to two- and three-engine aircraft with short- and
medium-range. A further limitation--agreed to voluntarily by the twelve certificated route air carriers
serving National and approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board--required the first stop for these air carrier
jet flights to be within a radius of 650 miles from Washington, D.C., except that nonstop service in effect
on Dec 1, 1965, to eight specified cities outside that radius could continue. These eight cities, all within
1,000 miles, were Memphis, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, and West Palm Beach, and
Hamilton, Bermuda. (Flights to and from Hamilton were later forced to operate out of Dulles
International.) The 650-mile radius agreement expired on Jan 1, 1967; however, all parties to the original
agreement continued to adhere to its provisions, thus fixing National's role as that of a short-haul airport.
The introduction of jet air carrier service at this airport required special arrival and departure procedures,
based on the Potomac River as the natural flyway for reducing noise disturbances. In addition, a curfew on
jet operations was imposed between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. (See Sep 1, 1966 and Mar 23, 1978.)
Apr 25, 1966: FAA established the National Airspace System Program Office, replacing the NAS
Special Projects Office as a staff element under the Associate Administrator for Development. Headed by
the Deputy Associate Administrator for Development, NASPO had responsibility for design, engineering,
procurement, and installation--in addition to central programming, planning, and scheduling--of designated
program elements of the air traffic control subsystem of the National Airspace System. (See May 18, 1970
and Feb 10, 1972.)
Apr, 1966: The United States and New Zealand signed the first agreement for flight inspection of U.S.
air navigation facilities by a foreign country. New Zealand's flight inspection of U.S. navaids in
American Samoa was expected to save FAA $15,000 per year.
Apr, 1966: AN FAA published a study examining the technological and economic feasibility of a
V/STOL (vertical/short takeoff and landing) transport system. Prepared for the agency by the
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, the report concluded that a 100-passenger V/STOL aircraft operating
from small airports close to downtown city areas could play a major role in meeting increasing needs for
short-distance transportation. (See Apr 8, 1965, and Nov 5, 1966.)
May 19, 1966: According to a Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences staff report entitled,
"Policy Planning for Aeronautical Research and Development," civil aeronautics was served by
technology in a haphazard manner. For civil aviation to advance as rapidly as technology will allow, the
report recommended: taking civil requirements into greater account during military aircraft development
planning; Federal underwriting of the increasing financial risks in civil aeronautical development;
providing tax credits and other incentives to the aeronautical industry; and carrying out of transportation
systems planning on the Federal level.
May 20, 1966: A $2.50 charge for in-flight motion picture entertainment on international flights
received the approval of the Civil Aeronautics Board. The charge, covering the audio portion of the
entertainment, had been put in effect by U.S.-flag carriers on Apr 1, 1966.
Jun 2, 1966: Surveyor I became the first U.S. spacecraft to make a soft landing on the moon. The
spacecraft transmitted television pictures back to earth. (See Feb 3, 1966.)
Jun 8, 1966: A midair collision with an F-104 over Barstow, Calif., destroyed one of the two XB-70
experimental aircraft built by North American Aviation. (See Sep 21, 1964, and Mar 25, 1967.)
Jun 17, 1966: FAA consolidated the Pacific Region area offices on the Hawaiian Islands of Hawaii, Maui,
Oahu, Kauai, and Molokai into one area office in Honolulu. (See June 10, 1965.)
Jun 28, 1966: The design of the Dulles International Airport terminal building won for Eero Saarinen
and Associates one of three "first honors" awards for architectural excellence presented by the
American Institute of Architects for 1966. The awards jury cited the Dulles terminal for conveying the
"free and graceful movement that we associate with flight," and stated that the entire project set "a new
high in architectural achievement by the Federal Government." (See Feb 22, 1978.)
Jun 30, 1966: The Lockheed L-286 helicopter became the first rigid-rotor helicopter to receive FAA type
Jun 30, 1966: During fiscal 1966, which ended on this date, FAA's interests in 21 airports owned,
operated, or maintained by the agency were transferred to the state of Alaska. The FAA-owned
facilities transferred to the state were intermediate airports at Cold Bay and 7 other locations. FAA
continued for a time to own 7 other intermediate airports in Alaska, but by 1996 the agency owned only
one of these facilities.
During the same fiscal year, FAA also returned the international field office at San
Francisco to the line control of the Pacific Region's Flight Standards Division. In fiscal 1965 the field
office had been assimilated to the area-manager concept by being placed under an FAA representative
responsible directly to the Director, Pacific Region.
Jun, 1966: FAA implemented the performance and reliability system (PAR) designed to monitor
mechanical reliability in the airline industry as represented by 15 participating airlines. Regularly updated
information on selected safety parameters were displayed in graphs and charts for each airline. The
performance patterns thus revealed allowed inspectors to concentrate on problem areas and reduce routine
In a related effort to improve monitoring of air carrier compliance with operational and
maintenance rules, FAA partially implemented the Systemworthiness Analysis Program (SWAP) on Jul
1. Under this program, the agency strategically based teams of inspectors within an inspection area to
complement small cadres of inspectors domiciled at the carriers' main operations and maintenance bases.
The resident cadres maintained routine surveillance, while the SWAP teams, periodically and as necessary,
performed in-depth inspections of air carrier programs for keeping their personnel and materiel up to
standards. FAA fully implemented SWAP during fiscal 1968.
Jul 1, 1966: The Slick Corporation ceased air transport operations, transferring most of its assetts to
Airlift International. The company had begun flying on Mar 4, 1946, under the name Slick Airways. It had
become the nation's largest all-cargo commercial airline by 1951, but had encountered difficulties as
passenger airlines increasingly competed for air freight.
Jul 8-Aug 19, 1966: A strike by the International Association of Machinists halted for 43 days the flight
operations of Eastern, National, Northwest, TWA, and United. This was the longest and costliest strike in
U.S. airline history to that date.
Jul 11, 1966: A joint planning document effective on this date set forth the responsibilities of FAA and
DOD in developing plans and procedures for using non-air-carrier civil aircraft to support civil defense
during a national emergency.
Jul 12, 1966: Effective this date, FAA established a policy that television towers or other structures in
excess of 2,000 feet above the ground were presumed to be hazards to air navigation. The agency would
only rule that no hazard existed in exceptional cases in which an applicant had shown clearly that the
structure would cause no danger of inefficient use of airspace.
Aug 18, 1966: FAA commissioned the nation's 300th civilian airport traffic control tower at Hillsboro,
Ore. Dedication ceremonies were held on Aug 28.
Sep 1, 1966 A voluntary agreement effective this date limited operations at Washington National
Airport to a maximum of 60 Instrument Flight Rules operations per hour--40 for air carriers and 20 for
general aviation. If air carrier IFR operations dropped below 40 per hour, general aviation would assume
the unused “slots.” The agreement had been reached between FAA and the aviation groups using the
airport, and approved by CAB.
The need to limit operations at Washington National had risen from crowded condititions in
the terminal buildings and on the runways, and from the rise in noise complaints since the introduction of
jets into the airport. On Jul 1, 1966, FAA had issued a new operating policy, to be effective Aug 7, 1966,
which required flights originating or departing from National to land on their first stop within a radius of
500 miles from Washington, D.C. This would have reduced the 650-mile radius agreed to in Apr by the
airlines serving National (see Apr 24, 1966, and May 26, 1981). Shrinking the perimeter served by
National, FAA had calculated, would have reduced the flow of passenger traffic through the terminal from
22,000 people daily to a manageable 18,000. FAA decided, however, to drop the more restrictive perimeter
rule in favor of a rule limiting operations at National to 60 per hour. The quota rule was never issued
because the airport users’ voluntary agreement made it unnecessary. With FAA's and CAB's blessing, a
scheduling committee composed of representatives of carriers serving the airport was constituted to
distribute slots among its membership. The agreement formally expired on Dec 1, 1966, but its terms were
continued in force voluntarily. (See Spring 1967 and Jun 1, 1969.)
Sep 9, 1966: The Interagency Bird Hazard Committee, formed to exchange and consolidate data useful
in developing methods for reducing the danger of collisions between birds and airplanes, held its first
meeting. Represented on the committee were FAA, NASA, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Department
of Interior, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the three armed services.
Sep 11, 1966: Tracy Barnes completed the first hot-air-balloon flight across the contiguous United
States, landing near Villas, N.J., near the eastern shore of the Delaware Bay. He had departed San Diego,
Calif., on Apr 10, 1966. The flight took twice the time Barnes had originally estimated due to mishaps,
including one that hospitalized him for three days, and unfavorable winds. Hot air ballooning had emerged
as a popular sport in the early 1960s. (See Aug 11-17, 1978.)
Sep 19, 1966: AN FAA rule effective this date required U.S.-registered civil aircraft operating outside the
United States to meet basically the same operational and maintenance standards as those prescribed for
operations within the United States.
Sep 30, 1966: FAA consolidated its aeromedical research function into one location by transferring
such activities at the Georgetown Clinical Research Institute, Washington, D.C., to the Aeronautical
Center's Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI) in Oklahoma City. (See Nov 21, 1965.)
Oct 15, 1966: President Johnson signed the Department of Transportation Act (Public Law 89-670),
bringing 31 previously scattered Federal elements, including FAA, under the wing of one Cabinet
Department. The purpose of the new Department was to: assure the coordinated, effective administration
of the transportation programs of the Federal Government; facilitate the development and improvement of
coordinated transportation service, to be provided by private enterprise to the maximum extent feasible;
encourage cooperation of Federal, State, and local governments, carriers, labor, and other interested parties
toward the achievement of national transportation objectives; stimulate technological advances in
transportation; provide general leadership in the identification and solution of transportation problems; and
develop and recommend to the President and the Congress national transportation policies and programs to
accomplish these objectives with full consideration of the needs of the public, users, carriers, industry,
labor, and the national defense.
The legislation provided for five initial major operating elements within the Department.
Four of these organizations were headed by an Administrator: the Federal Aviation Administration
(previously the independent Federal Aviation Agency); the Federal Highway Administration; the Federal
Railroad Administration; and the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. The new Department
also contained the U.S. Coast Guard, which was headed by a Commandant and had previously been part of
the Treasury Department.
The DOT Act also created within the new Department a five-member National Transportation
Safety Board. The act charged the NTSB with (1) determining the cause or probable cause of
transportation accidents and reporting the facts, conditions, and circumstances relating to such accidents;
and (2) reviewing on appeal the suspension, amendment, modification, revocation, or denial of any
certificate or license issued by the Secretary or by an Administrator. In the exercise of its functions,
powers, and duties, the Board was made independent of the Secretary and the other offices and officers of
the Department.
Two important differences between President Johnson's proposal (see Mar 2, 1966) and the
final DOT Act were: (1) the Maritime Administration was left out, and (2) the actions of the FAA
Administrator relating to safety, and the decisions of the NTSB, were designated "administratively final"
with appeals only to the courts. Three months after signing the DOT Act, Johnson appointed the first
Secretary of Transportation (see Jan 16, 1967). The new Department began full operations on Apr 1, 1967.
(See Mar 2, 1966, Jan 16, 1967, and Apr 1, 1967.)
Oct 17, 1966: Effective this date, FAA required pilots to have a helicopter instrument rating to operate a
helicopter under Instrument Flight Rules conditions.
Oct 20, 1966: FAA type-certificated the 206A Bell JetRanger, a five-place, rotary-wing, turbine-powered
general-purpose helicopter. This highly successful helicopter had first flown on Jan 10, 1966.
Nov 4, 1966: The United States and the Soviet Union signed an agreement authorizing commercial
airline service between New York and Moscow. (See Apr 1, 1960, and Jul 15, 1968.)
Nov 5, 1966: A two-day exercise designated Metro Air Support '66 began as a demonstration of
aviation's ability to provide emergency access and logistic support to a city center. The first major
operation of its kind, it involved more than 200 airplanes, helicopters, and Short Takeoff and Landing
(STOL) aircraft.
FAA was a key participant in planning the exercise, and a number of airlines cooperated by
flying supplies from distant points to airports in the New York City vicinity. The key operation involved
airlifting supplies from the fringes of the city to its center, which was accomplished by helicopters and
STOL aircraft. The exercise had its headquarters at a pier on the Hudson River, and one of its objectives
was to encourage the development of waterfront locations for STOL ground facilities. (See Apr 1966 and
Jun 30, 1968.)
Nov 20-29, 1966: The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) board of directors adopted an article to its
constitution and by-laws providing that all future turbine-powered transports (excluding 'stretch' models of
the turbine-powered, twin-engine aircraft presently certificated) be manned by a minimum crew of three
pilots. On Jun 29, 1967, ALPA formally proposed to FAA's Western Region, and to the FAA
Administrator on Aug 8, 1967, that a three-man crew be incorporated in the 737 cockpit, then under
development. (See Apr 21, 1965 and Jul 25, 1967.)
Dec 5, 1966: Bureau of National Capital Airports headquarters personnel moved from FAA
headquarters in Washington, D.C., to Falls Church, Va. The move allowed the Bureau, which operated
Washington National and Dulles International Airports, to be centrally located between the two airports.
The Eastern Region's Washington Area Office also moved from Washington to Falls Church during
December. (See Jun 14, 1959.)
Dec 6, 1966: The launching of NASA's first applications technology satellite (ATS I) on this date
afforded FAA the first opportunity to evaluate a satellite as an air-ground-air relay for long-distance very-
high-frequency radio voice communications. The 775-pound spin-stabilized satellite transmitted voice
messages of excellent clarity originating either from the ground or from flying aircraft. Both FAA and air
carrier aircraft took part in the testing, conducted during 1966 and 1967. (See Mar 29, 1967.)
Dec 31, 1966: FAA declared the Boeing Company and the General Electric Company winners of the
supersonic transport (SST) development program competitive design and study phase (Phase IIC).
The agency selected Boeing's variable-sweep-wing airframe design over the Lockheed Corporation's
double-delta-wing design and General Electric's after-burning turbojet engine over the Pratt & Whitney
ductburning turbofan engine. The selections were based on an intensive two-month evaluation conducted
by a 240-person team of aeronautical experts from the Defense Department, NASA, CAB, and FAA. In
addition, 10 U.S. and foreign airlines independently evaluated the proposals and submitted individual
recommendations. (See Jul 1, 1965, and Feb 6, 1967.)
Calendar year, 1966: In crossing the North Atlantic, 89 percent of the year's travelers went by air and
11 percent by sea. Total passengers were estimated to be 5,322,000, of which 4,720,000 flew and 602,000
sailed. (See Calendar year 1958 and May 8, 1967.)
Jan 11, 1967: A Scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet), a vehicle described by scientists as a
forerunner of aircraft that would carry passengers at speeds of about 8,000 miles an hour at very high
altitudes, made its first test flight when launched from an Air Force-NASA Scout rocket.
Jan 16, 1967: Alan S. Boyd became the first Secretary of the Department of Transportation
(see Oct
15, 1966, and Apr 1, 1967). President Johnson had announced his intention to nominate Boyd on Nov 6,
1966. The new Secretary had been a member and chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board and, at the time
of his nomination, Under Secretary of Commerce. Boyd served as Secretary for the rest of the Johnson
Administration, resigning effective Jan 20, 1969. (See Jan 22, 1969.)
Jan 25, 1967: A study of aircraft noise at Washington National Airport (WNA) released on this date
revealed that four-engine piston air carrier aircraft made more noise on departure than did two- and three-
engine jet air carrier aircraft. (Four-engine jet airliners were not permitted at WNA: see Apr 24, 1966.)
The noise levels of executive jet aircraft were relatively high, and turboprop air carrier aircraft, as a group,
were the quietest on both departure and arrival. During the first half of 1967, FAA developed and
implemented a two-segment takeoff profile for noise abatement at WNA. The procedure called for a
rapid climb to a specified altitude, and then a reduced-thrust climb until the aircraft was ten miles from the
airport. AN FAA study of aircraft overflight recordings showed that the procedure was effective. (See Jul
18, 1960, and Dec 4, 1967.)
Feb 1, 1967: A Civil Aeronautics Board order effective this date permitted the merger of Pan American-
Grace Airways (Panagra) into Braniff International Airways. President Johnson had approved the
purchase of Panagra by Braniff on Oct 19, 1966. The merger reduced the number of U.S. flag carriers
serving South America from three to two--Braniff and Pan American World Airways.
Feb 1, 1967: FAA awarded a contract to the Raytheon Company for the purchase of computer display
channels for NAS En Route Stage A, the agency's automation program for its air route traffic control
centers (ARTCC's). The computer display channel comprised about a third of the equipment in an
automated ARTCC and was the final link in the process of providing the air traffic controllers with three-
dimensional information on their radar display. The contract was the largest awarded to that date for air
traffic control equipment. (See Sep 2, 1964.)
Feb 2, 1967: FAA issued an advisory circular entitled "Regional Air Carrier Airport Planning" as an
aid in determining when a single regional air carrier airport was preferable to two or more airports. In line
with joint FAA-CAB policy (see May 2, 1961), the circular advised that a regional airport study should be
made in specified circumstances involving inadequacies at existing airports located within 50 miles and one
hour's driving time of another air carrier airport or another community receiving scheduled service. (The
National Airport Plan for fiscal years 1968-72, issued in Apr 1967, was the first such plan to identify
locations that could be developed as regional airports.)
Feb 6, 1967: FAA asked U.S. air carriers to help finance the supersonic transport (SST) prototype
program by contributing $1 million in risk capital for each SST delivery position held (see Nov 19, 1963).
The agency took the step at the direction of President Johnson, who considered it a way in which the
airlines could demonstrate to the Congress and the public their faith in the SST program. Under the
proposal, contributions would in no way affect the established places of contributing and noncontributing
carriers on the reservation schedule. The money would go directly to the Boeing Company to be used in
the development program in lieu of Federal funds. The airlines would recover their investment--up to a
maximum of $1.5 million for each $1 million contributed--through aircraft royalty payments. Ten U.S. air
carriers holding a total of 52 delivery positions agreed to put up risk capital. Details of the participation
agreement could not be worked out before April, however, and this became a factor in delaying the
President's announcement of his decision to take the SST program into prototype development. (See Dec
31, 1966, and Apr 29, 1967.)
Feb 25, 1967: A four-lane viaduct opened between Washington National Airport and U.S. Route 1,
improving the airports accessibility by automobile. The viaduct cost $3.7 million.
Feb 28, 1967: The 40th anniversary of the designated aviation medical examiner (AME) program was
celebrated by a special seminar jointly conducted by the FAA and the Aerospace Medical Association for
designated AME's from 37 foreign countries and U.S. possessions. (At the end of fiscal 1967, there were
5,961 AME's.) (See Feb 28, 1927.)
Mar 24, 1967: New parachute jumping rules effective this date required pilots of aircraft used for jumps
in controlled airspace: to have two-way voice radio communication equipment; to establish
communications with air traffic control at least 5 minutes before jumps began; to monitor FAA radio
channels during the jump; and to advise air traffic control when the jump was completed. The minimum
time for notifying FAA of planned jumps in controlled airspace was reduced from six hours to one hour.
(See Dec 4, 1964, and Aug 7, 1968.)
Mar 25, 1967: The management of the XB-70 supersonic aircraft research program was transferred
from the U.S. Air Force to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Flight Research Center.
The program, much of which was devoted to the study of supersonic flight in support of the U.S.
supersonic transport development program, continued as a joint NASA-USAF effort. (See Sep 21, 1964,
Jun 8, 1966, and Feb 4, 1969.)
Mar 27, 1967: FAA approved a new 2,000-candlepower runway centerline light to permit operations
under visibility as low as 700 feet.
Mar 29, 1967: FAA participated in NASA's first public demonstration of a new data-link system using an
orbiting satellite for transmitting navigation data from aircraft to ground stations. A Pan American
World Airways cargo jet beamed the data to NASA's ATS I satellite, which relayed the signals to an
antenna at the Mojave Desert Ground Station in California. The signals then went by telephone lines to
Kennedy International Airport by way of the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. This was the
first test of an aircraft antenna designed specially for transmitting satellite messages. (See Dec 6, 1966, and
Nov 21, 1967.)
Apr 1, 1967: The Department of Transportation (DOT) began operations. At the same time, FAA
ceased to be the independent Federal Aviation Agency and became the Federal Aviation
Administration, a modal agency within the new Department. (See Mar 2, 1966, Oct 15, 1966, and Jan 16,
Apr 7, 1967: FAA certificated West Germany's first civilian jet transport, the Hamburger Flugzeugbau
HFB 320 Hansa. The nine-passenger twin-jet had received German type approval on Feb 23, 1967, and
had first flown on Apr 21, 1964.
Apr 9, 1967: The Boeing 737 made its first flight. On Dec 15, 1967, FAA type-certificated the airliner, a
short-range jet transport with swept wings, wing-mounted twin engines, and a maximum capacity of 107
passengers, for operation with a two-man cockpit crew. The plane entered scheduled airline service on Feb
10, 1968.
Apr 23, 1967: A project completed on this date made Washington National Airport's main runway the first
U.S. runway for commercial operations to be grooved. Developed by the British, runway grooving
proved highly successful in reducing the tendency of landing aircraft to aquaplane on wet surfaces. The
grooves at National were 1/8 inch wide, 1/8 inch deep, and cut at angles to the runway centerline with a 1-
inch spacing. They carried water away in what amounted to thousands of tiny gutters. On May 24, 1968,
FAA announced that Chicago Midway Airport would receive the first funding allocation for runway-
grooving under the Federal-aid airport program. (See Aug 4, 1965 and Jul 13, 1983.)
Apr 28, 1967: The McDonnell Douglas Corporation came into being, the result of a merger between the
Douglas Aircraft Company and the McDonnell Company. Douglas had been founded in 1920, McDonnell
in 1939.
Apr 28, 1967: FAA required operators of unmanned free balloons to equip their balloons with at least
two separate, independently operated self-destruction mechanisms for both the balloon envelope and its
instrument package. The agency further required the balloon envelope to have radar reflective equipment.
Apr 29, 1967: President Johnson announced that the U.S. supersonic transport (SST) development
program would proceed into the prototype development phase (Phase III). Johnson based his decision
on the recommendations of the President's Advisory Committee on Supersonic Transport. On May 1,
1967, the date of the President's formal approval, FAA, Boeing, and General Electric signed the Phase III
contracts retroactive to Jan 1, 1967, which called for the construction of two identical variable, sweep-wing
SST prototypes. (See Feb 6 and Jun 5, 1967.)
May 1, 1967: Effective this date, FAA dropped its requirement that applicants under 21 years of age
have parental or guardian consent for student pilot certificates
. The 16-year minimum age for a
student pilot's license remained unchanged. (See Apr 18, 1939, and Jul 1, 1945.)
May 8, 1967: The prevailing preference for flying rather than sailing among transoceanic travelers
was pointedly emphasized as the Cunard Steamship Company announced retirement of the world's two
largest passenger liners, RMS Queen Elizabeth and the RMS Queen Mary. (The 81,237-ton Queen Mary
completed her 1,000th and final transatlantic voyage for Cunard on Sep 27, 1967; the Queen Elizabeth
completed her final transatlantic voyage on Nov 6, 1968.) (See Calendar year 1966.)
May 31-Jun 1, 1967: Two Sikorsky HH-3Es made the first helicopter non-stop transatlantic crossings,
flying from New York to the Paris Air Show. Each aircraft required nine aerial refuelings during the flight.
(See Jul 15-31, 1952.)
Jun 5, 1967: The Boeing Company assumed from FAA responsibility for allocating supersonic
transport (SST) delivery positions to purchasers (see Nov 19, 1963). At the same time, FAA raised the
cost of reserving future positions from $200,000 to $750,000. The $750,000 deposit would be made
directly to Boeing, would be in the form of risk capital, and would bear no interest. It would be used by
Boeing in lieu of Federal funds to help finance the prototype program. Boeing agreed to honor the 113
delivery positions already allocated by FAA among 26 airlines. (See Apr 29, 1967, and Jan 15, 1968.)
Jun 6, 1967: The nation’s First Lady, Mrs. “Lady Bird” Johnson, presented FAA's first Airport
Beautification Award to Phoenix, Ariz., for its Sky Harbor Municipal Airport. FAA established the award
to honor organizations that protect, restore, or enhance airport beauty.
Jun 6, 1967: FAA adopted a new U.S. standard for Category II approach lights to conform with the
standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Red light barrettes would be added on either side
of existing white centerline lights over the last 1,000 feet of the approach light system. The new standard
also required a red and white crossbar 500 feet from the end of the runway, and white centerline lights at
100 and 200 feet from the runway threshold.
Spring, 1967: Scheduled air-taxi operators agreed to limit their operations at Washington National
Airport to a maximum of eight per hour. (See Sep 1, 1966, and Jun 1, 1969.)
Jun 30, 1967: During fiscal year 1967, which ended on this date, FAA installed an IBM 9020 simplex
computer system at the Cleveland (Ohio) ARTCC (see Feb 18, 1970).
FAA also adopted a new, lower-cost design standard for control towers at medium activity
airports. The new design retained the appearance of the tower concept adopted by FAA in 1962, featuring
a free-standing 60- to 120-foot pentagonal concrete shaft topped by a control tower cab with 300 square
feet of operating space. Money was saved in construction through use of more conventional techniques and
elimination of certain operational features. (See Feb 1965.)
In addition, during fiscal 1967, FAA used thickened, or gelled, fuels for the first time to
operate a ground-based jet aircraft engine. This test, successfully concluded at FAA's National Aviation
Facilities Experimental Center, was followed by the initiation of an expanded FAA sponsored program at
the Naval Air Propulsion Test Center. The use of gelled fuels was one of a number of avenues being
explored by FAA for reducing the fire hazard in aircraft accidents.
Jul 1, 1967: Pacific Northern Airlines merged into Western Air Lines.
Jul 7, 1967: A Pan American World Airways Boeing 707 made the first fully automatic approach and
landing by a four-engine jet aircraft with passengers on board. (See Jun 10, 1965.)
Jul 13, 1967: NASA awarded the first contract in its quiet-engine project, part of the Government-wide
noise abatement program, to the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation. The
objective of the quiet engine project, due to run into fiscal 1972 and cost $50 million, was to employ all
known noise control techniques in a 20,000-pound-thrust demonstrator engine. When installed in a new
sound absorbing nacelle, the "quiet engine" was expected to be 20 perceived noise decibels quieter than jet
engines in use during the late 1960s.
Jul 19, 1967: A midair collision near Hendersonville, N.C., between a Piedmont Airlines Boeing 727
and a Cessna 310 killed all 82 people aboard the two aircraft. The fatalities included Secretary-designate of
the Navy John T. McNaughton. The National Transportation Safety Board listed the probable cause as the
Cessna's deviation from its Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) clearance. The Board could not specifically
identify the reason for the Cessna’s deviation; however, it cited the "minimum control procedures” used by
FAA in handling the Cessna as a contributory factor in the accident. The Board’s recommendations
included improvements to the air traffic control system and more stringent requirements for IFR pilots,
including an annual proficiency flight check.
Jul 21, 1967: FAA established the Office of Noise Abatement, a measure of the importance the agency
attached to the problem of aircraft-engine noise. Hitherto, the agency's noise-abatement program had been
under the direction of a small noise abatement staff. (See Apr 8, 1966, and Nov 27, 1968.)
Jul 21, 1967: FAA retitled the Associate Administrator for Programs the Associate Administrator for
Operations. (See Jun 12, 1963.)
Jul 25, 1967: United Airlines made public its order for 79 jet aircraft at a cost of $690 million, the largest
airline equipment purchase announced at one time to that date. The order included 13 Boeing 747s, 23
Boeing 727s, 25 Boeing 737s, and 18 McDonnell Douglas DC-8s.
Jul 25, 1967: A Federal mediation board recessed without resoving a dispute between United Air Lines
and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) over the crew complement of the Boeing 737. United
insisted that the aircraft could be safely flown with two pilots, while the union argued for a three-man
cockpit crew. On Mar 21, 1968, United and its pilots agreed to conduct an in-service evaluation of the
737, but they could not agree on the evaluation's results. On Feb 22, 1969, a Federal arbitration panel
ruled in favor of the pilots for the life of the current United-ALPA contract, and on Mar 31, 1970, a
second arbitration panel affirmed this ruling for the duration of the next contract. This decision on United
Air Lines, the first airline to order the 737, influenced Western to accept a three-man cockpit on its 737s.
(See Nov-20-29, 1966 and Jul 21, 1969.)
Aug 7, 1967: In a rule effective this date, FAA set equipment and procedural standards under with
general aviation pilots operating properly equipped airplanes were authorized to land under Category II
weather minimums--a 1,200-foot runway visibility range and a 100-foot decision height. (See Oct 2, 1964,
and Nov 3, 1967.)
Aug 28, 1967: FAA appointed an Associate Administrator for Plans. This new position was responsible
for developing the agency's long-range plans for meeting future demands for its services. (See Mar 16,
1962, and Nov 27, 1968.)
Aug 31, 1967: President Johnson signed the Veteran's Pension and Readjustment Act of 1967 (Public Law
90-77), which became fully effective Oct 1. The Act authorized the Veterans Administration to reimburse
eligible veterans for 90 percent of the cost of flight training necessary for a recognized vocational
objective. The legislation specified that: the eligible veteran must have a private pilot certificate (or have
completed the required flight-training hours), with at least a second class medical certificate, and the flight
school courses meet FAA standards and be approved both by FAA and the appropriate State agency.
Sep 10, 1967: A rule requiring that the design of transport category airplanes include the protection of the
fuel system against lightning became effective.
Sep 16, 1967: Typhoon Sarah struck Wake Island with winds exceeding 140 miles per hour, knocking out
the island's electric power plant, air traffic control tower, air route traffic control center, and navigation
aids. Damage to the island's housing, sanitation system, and freshwater supply necessitated the evacuation
of one fourth of Wake's population.
A special FAA-Air Force task force directed the evacuation and worked round the clock to
restore critical navaids and airport capabilities. Portable equipment (including a tower, VOR, and TACAN)
was air lifted to the island. Within 48 hours after the typhoon struck, the airport had resumed transpacific
airlift operations on a reduced scale. By the last week in September, all essential facilities of both the
airport and the center had returned to service.
Sep 20, 1967: FAA published new safety rules designed to improve crashworthiness and passenger
evacuation standards in transport airplanes. The new rules required air carriers, other commercial
operators, and aircraft manufacturers to demonstrate that airplanes with more than 44 seats were capable of
permitting the evacuation of a full load of passengers through only half the aircraft's exits in 90 seconds.
The previous rule, which did not require demonstration by aircraft manufacturers, had set a time limit of
120 seconds.
Other key provisions of the new rules related to: the distribution and type of exits, and their
ratio to passengers; improved access to overwing exits; evacuation slides deployable in 10 seconds;
improved interior lighting and new exterior lighting; cabin linings with self-extinguishing qualities;
stowing carry-on baggage; slip-resistant and clearly marked escape routes; and better protection of fuel and
electric lines. Compliance dates for the new rules ranged from Oct 24, 1967, to Oct 1, 1969. (See Jun 7,
1965, and May 1, 1972.)
Sep 20, 1967: Citing the rapid growth of commercial and private flying, President Johnson requested
Transportation Secretary Alan S. Boyd to develop a long-range, comprehensive plan for the facilities,
equipment, and personnel required for a substantial expansion and improvement of the air traffic
control system. The President stated that the plan "should be accompanied by a proposal for financing the
improvements through a system of charges by which the users of the Nation's airways bear their fair share
of its costs." (See May 20, 1968.)
Sep 22, 1967: North American Rockwell Corporation came into being, result of a merger between
North American Aviation and Rockwell-Standard Corporation.
Sep 25, 1967: AN FAA report released on this date concluded that the economic effects of the
development of general aviation airports were beneficial for five communities studied: Hereford, Tex.;
Sumter, S.C.; Hayward, Calif.; Frederick, Md.; and Fairmount, Minn. FAA found that airports served as a
catalyst for business growth, helping to provide industrial jobs for machine-displaced farm laborers, as well
as providing operational bases for aerial crop seedings and crop spraying.
Oct 3, 1967: Maj. William J. Knight, USAF, piloting the X-15 rocket plane, set an unofficial world record
of 4,534 miles an hour, almost seven times the speed of sound. (See Jul 28, 1976.)
Oct 11, 1967: A new prototype airport traffic control tower equipped with solid-state electronic
equipment went into operation at Reid-Hillview Airport, San Jose, Calif. Designed primarily for small
airports, such a tower provided the same services as towers with vacuum tube equipment, but at much less
cost. The solid-state equipment was also more reliable, compact, easier to install, and required less
Oct 19, 1967: FAA type-certificated the Grumman Gulfstream II, a two-engine corporate jet with a crew
of two and a maximum capacity of 19 passengers in the corporate seating arrangement.
Oct 19, 1967: FAA retitled the Office of Management Services the Office of Management Systems, to
reflect a shift in the primary responsibility of the office from providing specific administrative support
services to the development of agencywide systems and methods for solving management problems.
Nov 3, 1967: Pan American World Airways became the first airline to receive FAA approval for full
Category II operations, permitting the airline to land in weather offering only a 100-foot decision height
and a 1,200-foot runway visibility range. At this date, however, such operations could be conducted only at
Dulles International Airport. In the ensuing seven months, seven additional airports qualified for Category
II operations. (See Aug 7, 1967, and Jan 21, 1972.)
Nov 9, 1967: FAA lowered the floor of area positive control over the northeastern and northcentral
United States--perhaps the most heavily traveled airspace of its size in the world--from 24,000 to 18,000
feet. The area was bounded roughly by a line running from Presque Isle, Maine, south to Danville, Va.,
west to Salina, Kan., north to Minneapolis, Minn., and east again to Presque Isle. This action followed
FAA's determination that it could no longer assure the safe separation of aircraft in this area without
extending positive control. (See Mar 4, 1965, and Oct 14, 1971.)
Nov 21, 1967: A Pan American World Airways jet flying the North Atlantic successfully used NASA's
ATS III, one of a series of application research satellites, as an air-ground-air radio voice relay. The
demonstration was part of a program by major airlines to develop a global system of long-range, static-free,
very-high-frequency communications between the air and ground. (See Mar 29, 1967.)
Nov, 1967: The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) revised its definition of
aircraft to exclude air cushion vehicles, or hovercraft. ICAO had previously defined aircraft as "any
machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air," but amended this by
adding "other than reactions of the earth's surface." This change meant that hovercraft were not subject to
international standards and regulations governing aircraft. (See Oct 16, 1964.)
Dec 4, 1967: Effective this date, FAA required pilots of small turbine-powered aircraft to follow the
same noise abatement procedures mandated for pilots of large transports. The change meant that the
rules now applied uniformly to all large (over 12,500 lbs.) aircraft and to all turbine-powered aircraft,
whose pilots were currently required to: (1) enter an airport traffic area at 1,500 feet above surface and
maintain that altitude until further descent was necessary for safe landing; (2) climb to 1,500 feet as rapidly
as practicable after takeoff; and (3) use assigned noise abatement runways at airports where FAA had
established a formal runway use program. In addition, pilots of all large aircraft and all turbine-powered
aircraft equipped with an Instrument Landing System (ILS) were required to remain at or above the glide
slope on final approach for ILS landings. (See Apr 4, 1960, and Feb 4, 1971.)
Dec 7, 1967: FAA decommissioned the Wake Island air traffic control center and transferred its air
traffic control functions to the Honolulu ARTCC.
Dec 11, 1967: Sud Aviation and the British Aircraft Corporation unveiled a prototype of the British-
French Concorde, the West's first supersonic transport, in Toulouse, France. On Mar 2, 1969, the
Concorde made its first flight. Almost ten years later, on Sep 21, 1979, after meeting in London, aviation
officials of France and the United Kingdom agreed to end the unprofitable Concorde production
program. Unsold Concordes were allocated to the flag carriers of the two countries--Air France and
British Airways. Only sixteen of the supersonic jet transports had been built.
Dec 18, 1967: The Post Office Department imposed requirements on air taxi operators desiring
contracts for carrying U.S. mail. To qualify, air taxi aircraft had to have at least two engines, complete
deicing equipment, and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) capability. Similarly, air-taxi pilots were required to
have an IFR rating, a minimum of 500 flight hours, 50 hours of night operations, and 50 hours of IFR
operations under actual IFR conditions.
Dec 22, 1967: FAA renamed its Installation and Materiel Service the Logistics Service to describe better
the service's revised functions. (See May 16, 1962 and Jan 19, 1970.)
Jan 1, 1968: The Federal Aviation Administration began a one-year study of the causes of near-collisions
in the air, hoping to gather data for developing effective counteractive measures. Since the study's success
depended on the full and frank cooperation of those involved, FAA granted immunity from any
enforcement or other adverse action, remedial or disciplinary, to any person involved in a near miss that
had been voluntarily reported to FAA during the course of the study. On Dec 18, FAA extended the
program for an additional year. (See Jun 7, 1961, and Jul 15, 1969.)
Jan 15, 1968: AN FAA technical team began a review of modifications made by Boeing to its
supersonic transport (SST) prototype design (variable-sweep-wing model 2707-200). The team found
that these changes, by increasing the aircraft's weight, had resulted in a poor weight-payload ratio. This
overweight factor limited range and payload to such an extent that the prototype's calculated performance
fell well below the specifications for the Phase III contract. (With a full payload, the 2707-200 had a range
of only 2,775 statute miles.) An amendment to the Phase III contract, dated Mar 29, 1968, required
Boeing to submit to FAA by Jan 15, 1969, a fully substantiated design capable of meeting the Phase III
contract criteria for the prototype airplane. (See Jun 5, 1967, and Oct 21, 1968.)
Jan 19, 1968: FAA Administrator McKee approved the realignment of the functions of the Associate
Administrator for Personnel and Training (see Oct 1, 1965). Under the new organizational structure,
the agency established a separate Office of Personnel and a separate Office of Training, as well as a
Manpower and Planning Staff and an Executive and Military Personnel Staff. This realignment provided a
closer grouping among traditional personnel and training functions and permitted a quicker response to
agency needs. The new office became operational on Feb 1, 1968.
Jan, 1968: A group of dissatisfied air traffic controllers in the New York area formed the Professional Air
Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO). By the end of Jun 1968, PATCO had a national
membership of well over 5,000 FAA employees. (See Jan 17, 1962, and Jul 3, 1968.)
Feb 21, 1968: A sustained wave of U.S. air carrier hijackings began when a fugitive aboard a Delta Air
Lines DC-8 forced the pilot to divert to Havana. By Jul 17, four more U.S. airliners had been diverted to
the same destination. On Jul 19, FAA announced that specially trained FAA safety inspectors ("sky
marshals") had begun boarding Florida-bound airline flights (see Aug 10, 1961, and Oct 28, 1970). The
inspectors, sworn in as deputy U.S. marshals after being trained at the U.S. Border Patrol Academy, were
generally assigned to flights on a random, unannounced basis. Hijackings continued, however, and a total
of twelve airliners and six general aviation aircraft were diverted to Cuba during 1968. (See Jan 1969.)
Feb 26, 1968: FAA issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking inviting comments on the
advisability of requiring general aviation pilots to carry crash locator beacons when flying over large
bodies of water, mountainous terrain, or remote areas. The agency cited a growing body of opinion that
the device would be useful in the rapid location of crash sites and survivors. FAA had begun testing the
equipment in 1963, and had subsequently encouraged its use (see Jan 9, 1964). The agency had resisted
regulatory action, however, because of the equipment's high cost and the need for related airborne search
units used to “home in” on the crash site. (See Mar 20, 1969.)
Feb 26, 1968: FAA's put into operation its National Airspace Communications System (NASCOM), a
daily nationwide telephone conference. NASCOM connected the Administrator, Deputy Administrator, the
associate administrators, the heads of FAA's operating services, the regional directors, and area managers in
the contiguous United States, and the directors of NAFEC and the Aeronautical Center in a telephone
discussion of the status of the National Airspace System (NAS). The agency developed NASCOM because
of the need to keep Washington headquarters closely and constantly in touch with activities in the NAS.
Feb, 1968: AN FAA study noted the growing volume of mail receiving air transportation in recent
years with special emphasis on first-class mail moved on a space available basis. About 95 percent of first-
class mail traveling over 200 miles currently moved by air. The study predicted that mail by air would
continue to increase steadily and that the use of air taxis would be expanded to expedite overnight delivery
to additional communities. (See Dec 18, 1967, and Calendar year 1968.)
Mar 1, 1968: The Point Barrow, Alaska, flight service station went into operation, becoming FAA's
northernmost facility (71 degrees 22 minutes north latitude). FAA's southernmost facility, located at 14
degrees 16 minutes south latitude, was the Pago Pago international flight service station in American
Mar 16, 1968: Under a rule effective this date, FAA prohibited VFR (visual flight rules) operations at or
above 10,000 feet above mean sea level unless a pilot enjoyed a minimum visibility of five miles while
remaining at least 1,000 feet vertically and one mile horizontally from cloud formations.
Apr 1, 1968: Consolidation of several airlines in Alaska occurred as Alaska Coastal Airlines merged into
Alaska Airlines, which had absorbed Cordova Airlines on Feb 1, 1968. On the same day, a merger of
Northern Consolidated Airlines and Wien Alaska Airlines created a new intrastate carrier, Wien
Consolidated Airlines.
Apr 17, 1968: Bonanza Air Lines and West Coast Airlines merged with Pacific Air Lines to form Air
West, which was renamed Hughes Air West in Jul 1970, following its acquisition by Howard Hughes.
Apr 30, 1968: FAA banned Special VFR (visual flight rules) operations by fixed-wing aircraft at 33
major airports, under a rule effective this date. Special VFR operations are visual operations conducted
under less than basic VFR weather minimums. The new rule continued to permit such operations in the
control zones of other airports served by a radar-equipped control tower, though priority would be given to
aircraft operating under instrument flight rules (IFR). The rule also continued to permit special VFR
operations in airport control zones not served by radar, but only when IFR operations were not being
conducted. The growing number of high performance aircraft, coupled with the continuing increase in air
traffic, necessitated this reduction in special VFR operations.
May 2, 1968: The Beechcraft Model 99 received FAA type certification. The aircraft was a twin-engine,
17-passenger turboprop designed specifically for the scheduled air taxi market.
May 20, 1968: The Johnson Administration submitted two legislative proposals dealing with airport
and airway development to Congress. One bill provided for Federal loans to sponsors of public airport
development, and for a small Federal grant-in-aid program to certain airports. The other bill provided for
expanded user taxes, with revenues generated by these taxes being used to fund airway development. Both
proposals were an outgrowth of President Johnson's letter to Secretary Boyd calling for a long-range
airways development plan (see Sep 20, 1967).
The Senate Commerce Committee rejected the airport loan proposal in a report issued Jul
1. Instead, the committee favored a grant-in-aid program for airports of $150 million a year--double the
amount authorized at that time by the Federal Airport Act (see Sep 20, 1961). In addition, the committee
recommended the establishment of an aviation trust fund--a concept opposed by the Administration--into
which would go all revenues generated by user taxes and other congressional appropriations to FAA. All
FAA programs and operations would be funded through this fund.
The committee reported out a bill based on these recommendations. Although the 90th
Congress failed to act on this measure, it later became the basis of the Airport and Airway Development
and Revenue Acts of 1970. (See Jun 16, 1969, and May 21, 1970.)
May 27, 1968: FAA announced that Washington National was the first airport in the U.S. to have its main
instrument runway equipped with color-coded centerline lights for greater safety in low-visibility weather.
Alternate red and white lights cautioned pilot that they were entering the last 3,000 feet of runway, while
all-red centerline lights marked the last 1,000 feet.
Spring, 1968: The Stored Program AlphaNumerics (SPAN) equipment transferred to the New York air
route traffic control center in 1966, and subsequently renamed Beacon AlphaNumerics (BAN), was
dismantled and shipped to Atlanta, where it was to augment the ARTS I configuration at that terminal area.
(ARTS and BAN hardware components were virtually identical.) While BAN had been perfectly capable
of handling the en route traffic assigned to the Indianapolis ARTCC, it was incapable of meeting the
considerably greater control demands imposed by the New York center, which had perhaps the most
difficult radar beacon and traffic control environment in the United States. The chief difficulties with BAN
in New York were those growing out of the configuration's limited capacity. BAN could cover only nine of
the center's 37 sectors. Consequently, aircraft were flying out of sectors with automation into sectors
without automation, and vice versa. (See Feb 1966.)
Jun 13, 1968: The Secretary of Transportation delegated responsibility for administering the aircraft loan
guarantee program to the FAA Administrator. The Department of Transportation Act of 1966 had
transferred final loan guarantee responsibility from the Secretary of Commerce to the Secretary of
Transportation. Authority to guarantee loans under the act had lapsed in 1967, but was renewed in 1973
with changes that included an increase of the maximum limit per carrier to $30 million. (See Oct 15, 1962,
and Sep 7, 1977.)
Jun 20, 1968: FAA abolished the Northway (Alaska) Area Office and transferred its duties to the
Fairbanks Area Office. (See Apr 23, 1959.)
Jun 21, 1968: The U.S. Department of Labor ruled that FAA’s age-60 rule on airline pilot retirement
represented a "bona fide occupational qualification" (BFOQ) under the provisions of the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. On Apr 20, 1977, however, a U.S. appeals court held in the
case of Houghton v. McDonnell Douglas that age did not necessarily constitute a BFOQ for test pilots.
(See Mar 15, 1960, and Jan 24, 1974.)
Jun 30, 1968: The Lockheed C-5A Galaxy, a long-range military heavy transport, made its first flight.
On Sep 30, 1965, the Air Force had selected Lockheed to develop and produce the heavy logistics transport
aircraft. The C-5A was powered by four General Electric TF39-GE-1 turbofan engines, each rated at
41,000 pounds of thrust. Intended primarily as a freighter, the aircraft's maximum takeoff weight was
728,000 pounds; its design payload, 220,000 pounds. On Dec 17, 1969, the Lockheed C-5A transport was
formerly turned over to the U.S. Air Force during ceremonies at Marietta, Ga., where the aircraft was
Jun 30, 1968: During fiscal 1968, which ended on this date, the U.S. Weather Bureau transferred
responsibility for the Pilot Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service (PATWAS) to FAA.
Also during this fiscal year, airports to accommodate STOL (short takeoff and landing)
aircraft were for the first time included in the National Airport Plan, which covered the years 1967-73.
Twenty-five potential STOLports were identified in the eastern megalopolis and along the west coast,
both areas of dense traffic deemed a ready market for short-haul operations within and between cities. (See
Nov 5, 1966, and Aug 5, 1968.)
Jul 1, 1968: FAA implemented Project 85, a general aviation accident prevention program, for a two-
year trial in the Central and Southwest Regions. Under the program, an accident-prevention specialist at
each general aviation district office was to stimulate and focus cooperation of the aviation public, the
aviation industry, and the government agencies toward a substantial reduction in general aviation accidents.
(See Nov 30, 1970.)
Jul 1, 1968: Effective this date, FAA included on its list of emergency procedures the dropping of chaff
by pilots experiencing a communications failure or wishing for any other reason to declare an in-flight
emergency. The chaff (strips of tinfoil or other radio-wave-reflecting material) would cause radar echoes
to attract the attention of air traffic controllers.
Jul 1, 1968: FAA transferred the Aeromedical Education Division from the Office of Aviation Medicine,
FAA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., to FAA's Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Jul 3, 1968: PATCO president Michael J. Rock announced "Operation Air Safety," which he described as
a campaign among PATCO members to maintain FAA-prescribed separation standards between aircraft.
Rock said that FAA supervisors were violating these standards to accommodate the high levels of traffic,
but that thereafter PATCO-affiliated controllers would "go by the procedures in the manual." (See Jan,
1968, and Jul 19, 1968.)
Jul 15, 1968: By this date, FAA had commissioned the first Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment
(BRITE-1) systems at the Newark, Dallas (Love), and Birminham airport towers (see Apr 27, 1960). The
system presented a televised image of a radar display, an image distinct enough to be used by tower cab
controllers in daylight. FAA had used such televised displays on a limited basis since the mid-1960s, then
ordered the BRITE-1 from ITT in Mar 1967. The agency subsequently procured two upgraded versions of
the system, which were designated BRITE-2 and BRITE-4. By Jul 1979, there were approximately 394
BRITEs in service, some of which provided a remote display of radar data at satellite airports without radar
transmitters. A Bright Alphanumeric Subsystem (BANS) was used to convert digital data from
Automated Radar Terminal Systems (ARTS) for presentation on BRITE displays. In Jul 1986, FAA
ordered approximately 400 Digital Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment (DBRITE) systems from
Unisys as part of a joint procurement with the Defense Department. DBRITE was expected to provide a
simplified and more reliable replacement for both BRITE and BANS. By the end of fiscal year 1992, FAA
had completed installation of the DBRITE systems.
Jul 15, 1968: The New York Common Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Room at John F. Kennedy
International Airport went into limited operation by taking over the manual IFR operations controlled by
the Kennedy TRACON (terminal radar approach control facility). The Common IFR Room then took over
manual IFR operations controlled by the Newark and La Guardia airports' TRACONS in August and
This consolidation permitted more flexible and efficient air traffic control. Under the old
scheme, each of the control facilities at Kennedy, Newark, and La Guardia had been assigned airspace with
more or less inviolable boundaries separated by large buffer zones. Because of the slowness of
communications between the control facilities, boundaries and buffer zones could not be easily shifted to
meet changes in traffic flow. In the Common IFR Room, however, controllers working different control
areas were within easy reach of each other; when necessary, they were able to shift boundaries and buffers
almost instantaneously. (See Jun 1, 1969.)
Jul 15, 1968: Aeroflot Soviet Airlines and Pan American World Airways inaugurated twice-weekly
scheduled passenger service between Moscow and New York as an Aeroflot Ilyushin IL-62 departed
Moscow and flew to Kennedy International Airport via Montreal. A Pan American Boeing 707 departed
Kennedy that evening and, after an intermediate stop in Denmark, arrived at Moscow on Jul 16. Aeroflot
had been issued a foreign air carrier permit by the Civil Aeronautics Board on Jun 15, 1968 and the
President approved the CAB permit on Jun 19, 1968. (See Nov 4, 1966, and Jun 19, 1973.)
Jul 17, 1968: The Department of Transportation formed an Air Traffic Control Advisory Committee for
the purpose of recommending air traffic control systems and requirements for the 1980s and beyond. (See
Dec 1969.)
Jul 19, 1968: Air traffic congestion reached critical proportions when a total of 1,927 aircraft in the
vicinity of New York City were delayed in taking off or landing, some for as long as three hours. The
jam, which spread to other major transportation hubs, was exacerbated by PATCO's decision to conduct a
slowdown. (See Jul 3, 1968, and Jan 15, 1969.) At the root of the problem, however, was the inability of
an inadequate and long-neglected air traffic control and airport system to accommodate the heavy tourist-
season traffic. The jam was symptomatic of conditions that forced FAA to develop schedule restrictions
for certain airports. (See Jun 1, 1969.)
Jul 21, 1968: President Johnson signed Public Law 90-411, which amended the Federal Aviation Act of
1958 to require aircraft noise abatement regulation. The act vested in the FAA Administrator the power,
after consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, to: prescribe and amend standards for the
measurement of aircraft-engine noise and sonic boom; prescribe noise standards as criteria for aircraft
certification; require the retrofit of existing aircraft with quieter engines or noise-abating devices; enforce
operating procedures that reduce noise; and ban overland supersonic flights of civil aircraft. (See Dec 1,
1969, and Oct 27, 1972.)
Jul 31, 1968: General William F. McKee resigned as FAA Administrator effective this date (see Jul 1,
1965). On Aug 1, 1968, Secretary of Transportation Alan S. Boyd designated FAA Deputy Administrator
David D. Thomas as Acting Administrator. No one was named to the FAA Administrator post during the
remaining months of the Johnson Administration. (See Mar 24, 1969.)
Aug 5, 1968: The first STOLport (short takeoff and landing facility) for commercial aircraft in the
United States opened at La Guardia Airport in New York City. The STOLport, 1,095 feet long, would be
used for VFR flying only. (See Jun 30, 1968, Sep 23, 1968, and Oct 17, 1971.)
Aug 7, 1968: AN FAA rule effective this date required deployment-assisting devices on parachutes for
static-line jumps. The rule responded to a number of static-line parachuting accidents caused by improper
extensions of the pilot chute or by entanglement of parachutes with jumpers. (See Mar 24, 1967.)
Aug 8, 1968: Congress exempted FAA air traffic control personnel from those provisions of Public Law
90-364 limiting the number of full-time civilian employees in the executive branch to the total employed on
Jun 30, 1966. Controller shortages at the large air hubs and the busier centers, coupled with a more rapid
than expected increase in air traffic necessitated the need for additional controllers.
Sep 23, 1968: Washington Airlines began the nation's first regularly scheduled short takeoff and
landing (STOL) service. The new air shuttle service, using 11-passenger, twin-engined Dornier
Skyservants linked the Washington, D.C., area's three major airports: Washington National, Dulles
International, and Baltimore Friendship. (The service proved short-lived, however, since the airline ceased
operations on Sep 26, 1969.)
Also on Sep 23, 1968, FAA issued design guidance for developing STOL airport
facilities, recommending runways 1,500 feet long and 100 feet wide, taxiways 60 feet wide, and pavements
strong enough to support 150,000-pound STOL transports. STOLports at close-in locations were expected
to alleviate some of the air traffic congestion at large conventional airports. To further encourage their
development, FAA on Nov 5, 1970, issued an advisory circular providing criteria and specific information
for planning, designing, and constructing such facilities. (Aug 5, 1968, and Apr 29, 1971.)
Sep 28, 1968: Under provisions of a rule effective this date, FAA required an approved altitude alerting
system to be installed on all U.S. civil turbojet aircraft by Feb 29, 1972. Aided by this device, a pilot
climbing or descending to a preselected altitude would be alerted, by signals to both eye and ear, in
sufficient time to establish level flight at the desired altitude. The device would also provide a warning if
the pilot strayed from an assigned altitude. FAA considered this necessary because of the dangers posed by
inadvertent aircraft deviations from assigned or predetermined flight lanes in an environment increasingly
populated by turbojets possessing capability for rapid climb and descent.
Sep 29, 1968: AN FAA-sponsored report released this date outlined four optional plans for modernizing
27-year-old Washington National Airport through a new or enlarged terminal building, more vehicular
parking, the accommodation of a rapid transit station, and such airport-related facilities as a hotel and office
building. In its 1972 budget submission, FAA unsuccessfully requested $26 million as the Federal share of
a modernization program for which air carriers and concessionaires were expected to contribute $131
Oct 1, 1968: The first partial instrument landing system (ILS) to be paid for and installed without
Federal financial assistance was commissioned at the Westmoreland-Latrobe County Airport, Latrobe,
Pa. Later, on May 1, 1969, the Outagamie Airport, Appleton, Wis., installed the first full ILS to be
purchased without benefit of Federal funds. A partial ILS includes outer and middle markers and a
localizer, while a full ILS also includes a glide slope.
Oct 10, 1968: Enactment of Public Law 90-566 authorized higher overtime pay for certain FAA
employees. Those nonmanagerial employees with duties critical to the daily operation of the air traffic
control and navigation system became eligible for overtime pay at one and a half times their regular pay in
grades up to and including GS-14. The affected employees--who worked in air traffic control, flight
inspection of navigational aids, and airway facility maintenance--were thus excepted from a general ceiling
that limited overtime pay to one and a half times the regular pay for the first step of pay grade GS-10.
Oct 14, 1968: A new Part 123 of the Federal Aviation Regulations went into effect, upgrading safety
requirements for air travel clubs using large aircraft (over 12,500 pounds). This new part was intended
to raise the clubs' maintenance and operating standards to the safety level of airlines and commercial
operators certificated under Part 121 (see Dec 31, 1964), but without imposing onerous or inappropriate
requirements. The affected clubs were required to cease operations after Dec 1 unless they applied for a
certificate under the new Part 123. Those that applied were permitted to operate without such a certificate
until Feb 1, 1969.
Oct 21, 1968: The Boeing Company formally announced it had abandoned its variable-sweep-wing
design for the U.S. supersonic transport (SST) in favor of a conventional fixed-wing. The company’s
engineers had never been able to overcome the weight penalties imposed by the variable-sweep wing
design. Boeing would submit the new design to FAA for approval in Jan 1969. (See Jan 15, 1968, and Jan
15, 1969.)
Oct 23, 1968: The National Transportation Safety Board announced that aircraft accident investigation
reports would be available, upon request, to the public. The Board took this action to make the disclosure
of aircraft accident information consistent with the Freedom of Information Act.
Oct, 1968: FAA resumed basic air traffic control training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City.
Since the fall of 1962, apprentice ATC specialists had been receiving their basic training on the firing line--
at towers, centers, or flight service stations, depending on their specialty. This procedure had worked
satisfactorily when the ATC work force was declining (as it was between Jun 1963 and Jun 1967). By mid-
1968, however, the number of ATC trainees had ballooned to 10 percent of the total ATC specialist work
force. Training a contingent of this size required a faster, more efficient, and more formal training
program. (See Calendar year 1968.)
Nov 13, 1968: President-elect Richard M. Nixon announced that "a first priority of my Administration will
be to strengthen our air-controller force, improve their working conditions and provide them with new
equipment they need to keep our airways safe."
Nov 21, 1968: The first U.S. rapid transit system linking an airport to a downtown area began
operating in Cleveland between Hopkins International Airport and the city's Union Terminal. This rail
service provided easy access to the airport from most sections of Cleveland.
Nov 22, 1968: In accordance with a plan approved in Feb 1968, FAA ordered a realignment of
relationships between its regional and area offices. The aim was to give area managers more time for
day-to-day operational functions by shifting many functions to the regional headquarters. In the area of
facilties and equipment, the regions assumed responsibility for contracting, program control, and
installation; however, the area offices continued to make site investigations, perform preliminary
engineering and planning, and participate in acceptance inspections. The regions assumed final authority
for air carrier enforcement actions; however, area offices, in conjunction with general aviation district
offices, continued to handle all air taxi and general aviation enforcement actions. The area compliance and
security branches, and the area counsels, were abolished and their functions assumed by the regions. The
area budget and management branches were also abolished, and the area offices retained only small
administrative staffs. Field offices and facilities now submitted requests for budgetary resources directly to
the regional offices. The regional offices assumed all formal management analysis functions. The regions
also provided a full range of personnel and training services to the area offices, which retained only small
personnel and training staffs.
This realignment was the first such change since the 18 area offices in the contiguous
United States had been established under the agency's long-range decentralization program (see May 18,
1965, and May 22, 1969).
Nov 27, 1968: AN FAA circular outlined modifications to airport terminal facilities to assist physically
disabled persons traveling by air. Areas requiring improvement included: vehicular loading areas, parking
areas, doors, stairways, elevators, escalators, toilet facilities, drinking fountains, telephones, signs, and
Nov 27, 1968: FAA formally established an Office of Aviation Economics and an Office of Aviation
Policy and Plans under the Associate Administrator for Plans. At the same time, the Office of Noise
Abatement was transferred to the Associate Administrator for Plans from the Associate Administrator
for Operations. (See Jul 21, 1967, Aug 28, 1967, and Dec 22, 1970.)
Dec 15, 1968: New classification and qualification standards for air traffic control specialists became
effective this date. The new standards, developed by the Civil Service Commission, simplified procedures
for career development within the occupation. FAA upgraded 9,234 ATC specialist positions within six
months after the new standards went into effect. (See Jun 26, 1961.)
Dec 21, 1968: The United States launched Apollo 8, the first manned mission to orbit the moon. (See
Jul 20, 1969.)
Dec 30, 1968: The data-processing capability of the NAS En Route Stage A system at the Jacksonville
(Fla.) ARTCC went into operation on a part-time basis. The system's new computer complex processed
and automatically updated flight plans filed by pilots with the Jacksonville ARTCC area. (See May 24,
1965, and Feb 18, 1970.)
Dec 31, 1968: The Soviet Union's Tupolev TU-144 prototype became the world's first supersonic
transport to make its maiden flight. (See entry for Dec 11, 1967.)
Calendar year, 1968: The air taxi business was the fastest growing component of general aviation thus far
during the 1960s. As of Nov 1, 1968, scheduled air-taxi operators in the United States numbered 240, with
1,272 aircraft in use. Less than five years earlier, on Jan 1, 1964, there had been only 12 scheduled air-taxi
operators, with 72 aircraft in use. The main demand for this "third level" of service had come from people
desiring air transportation from outlying points not served by local-service or trunk airlines. Another
important part of the growth was in air-taxi carriage of the U.S. mail. (See Sep 7, 1964, Feb 1968, and Jul
1, 1969.)
Also during this year, FAA-approved courses in air traffic management were offered as
part of the regular 1968-69 curriculum by a number of junior colleges participating in an FAA-organized
cooperative aviation education program designed to help meet the critical need for air traffic control
personnel. Under the program, FAA tested applicant students for suitability for ATC work. Those enrolled
served tours of duty at FAA installations while pursuing their college work. During their first semester of
ATC course work, these students were employed as GS-3 flight data aids; they were to become eligible for
promotion for GS-4 during their second semester. (See Jun 29, 1948, and Oct 1968.)
Jan 7, 1969: FAA imposed additional airworthiness standards for small airplanes used in air taxi
operations under Special Federal Aviation Regulation 23, effective this date. The standards applied to
piston-powered and turboprop airplanes weighing 12,500 pounds or less and capable of carrying more than
10 occupants, including the flightcrew. (See Sep 7, 1964, and Dec 1, 1978.)
Jan 15, 1969: The U.S. Civil Service Commission (CSC) ruled that the Professional Air Traffic
Controllers Organization (PATCO) was an employee organization, not a professional society, because
it had sought and obtained a dues-withholding agreement. FAA had agreed to permit a voluntary payroll
deduction plan for the payment of PATCO dues with the understanding that PATCO would remain a
professional society. As a result of the CSC ruling, PATCO became subject to the Standards of Conduct
and the Code of Fair Labor Practices. At the same time, however, PATCO became eligible for formal
recognition as a labor bargaining organization under Executive Order 10988. (See Jul 19, 1968, and Jun
11, 1969.)
Jan 15, 1969: FAA adopted a method of regulating the flow of traffic into the Metropolitan New York
area. The new procedures went into effect each time the delay forecast for IFR aircraft flying into New
York exceeded one hour. When this happened, the flow of air traffic into New York was limited by
keeping New York-bound aircraft on the ground at their points of departure. Though the new procedures
did little or nothing to reduce the length of delays incurred by New York-bound aircraft, they did reduce the
length of time spent in airborne holding patterns to an hour or less. This, in turn, reduced congestion on the
airways leading to New York and facilitated the flow of non-New York traffic using or crossing these
routes. (See Jul 19, 1968, and Jun 25, 1970.)
Jan 15, 1969: The Boeing Company submitted to FAA for evaluation a new supersonic transport (SST)
configuration, a delta-wing design with a horizontal tail. A 100-person review team drawn from FAA,
NASA, and the Defense Department found that Boeing had adequately integrated the new design.
In February, President Nixon appointed an interdepartmental committee headed by Under
Secretary of Transportation James M. Beggs to review the SST program. The committee’s report,
submitted in early April, contained mixed views on the program’s future. Secretary of Transportation
Volpe, however, continued to advise in favor of the program.
On Sep 23, 1969, Nixon announced that the SST development program would be
continued because the project was essential to maintaining U.S. leadership in world air transport. The
President requested Congress to appropriate $96 million during fiscal year 1970 ($662 million over a five-
year period, fiscal 1970 through fiscal 1974) to pursue the program. (See Oct 21, 1968, and Apr 6, 1970.)
Jan 20, 1969: Richard M. Nixon became President, succeeding Lyndon B. Johnson.
Jan 22, 1969: John A. Volpe became Secretary of Transportation, succeeding Alan S. Boyd (see Jan
16, 1967), who had resigned with the change in administrations. Volpe, a successful building contractor,
had served as Governor of Massachusetts. (See Feb 2, 1973.)
Jan 27, 1969: Under an FAA contract, the University of Ohio initiated a five-year study seeking to
improve the overall capabilities of the existing instrument landing system, giving particular attention to
interference problems. The contractor examined existing criteria for controlling taxiing aircraft on or near
ILS runways and also examined criteria for taxi-strip and warmup-area construction. This part of the study
had largely been prompted by the introduction of the Boeing 747 and the Lockheed C-5A, which, because
of their size, could seriously interfere with ILS signals. Another part of the study dealt with the possible
effects of hangars, buildings, powerlines, and terrain on electronic signals. A computer manufacturer
developed a mathematical model and a generalized computer program for predicting these effects for the
Jan, 1969: Eight U.S. airliners were hijacked to Cuba during the month (see Feb 21, 1968). In February,
FAA created an eight-man Task Force on the Deterrence of Air Piracy that combined a broad spectrum
of expertise under the leadership of the Deputy Federal Air Surgeon (see Aug 3, 1970). Systematic study
by the Task Force revealed that a hijacker "profile" could be constructed from behavioral characteristics
shared by past perpetrators. When used in conjunction with a magnetometer weapons-screening device
developed by the agency, the profile system offered a promising method of preventing potential hijackers
from boarding aircraft. On Oct 15, FAA announced that Eastern Air Lines was using the system at several
key locations. By Jun 15, 1970, four U.S. air carriers were employing the system. (See Jul 17, 1970.)
Feb 4, 1969: The XB-70 supersonic research aircraft made its final flight, from Edwards AFB, Calif., to
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, where it was placed on exhibit in the Air Force Museum. (See Mar 25,
Feb 9, 1969: The Boeing 747, the first of the wide-body jetliners, made its initial flight. On Sep 30,
1968, Boeing had unveiled the large subsonic jet, which was powered by four Pratt & Whitney JT9D-3
turbofan engines, each rated at 43,500 pounds of thrust. The plane had a maximum takeoff weight of
710,000 pounds and a maximum payload of 220,000 pounds. Its seating capacity ranged up to 490
passengers, although most airlines planned a seating configuration in the 350-365 range. FAA certificated
the 747 on Dec 30, 1969. Pan American World Airways, which on Apr 13, 1966, had placed the first
order for the 747s at a cost of $525 million for 25, became the first airline to operate the new wide-body as
the 747 entered service with a takeoff from New York for London on Jan 22, 1970. Trans World
Airlines inaugurated the first transcontinental 747 service, between Los Angeles and New York, on Feb 25,
Feb 20, 1969: Theodore C. Uebel, an FAA International Liaison Officer, received the first International
Aviation Service Award. The award, which recognized singular achievements in advancing the cause of
international aviation, was financed by private donations from FAA employees.
Feb 21, 1969: To keep pace with the growth of the U.S. civil aviation fleet, FAA expanded the number
of aircraft identification numbers available. The identification numbers continued to consist of the
prefix letter "N", followed by not more than five symbols. These symbols could consist of all numerals
(e.g., N10000), or of one to four numerals with a suffix letter (e.g., N1000A). In the past, FAA had
sometimes also assigned identification numbers with one to three numerals and two suffix letters (e.g,
N100AB), but only to fulfill certain special requests. Now, however, FAA permitted the unrestricted
issuance of these identification numbers consisting of one to three numerals and two suffix letters. This
change increased the number of available identification numbers from about 339,000 to about 739,000.
Feb 27, 1969: FAA launched the Experimental Aviation Technology Education Project in cooperation
with a number of institutions of higher learning to establish college-level programs responsive to the
manpower needs of the aviation community and FAA. Curriculums at the institutions combined broad
liberal arts educational subjects and aviation-oriented academic study with on-the-job experience at FAA
facilities. After a two-year test period at 15 schools, FAA removed this program from the experimental
stage, renamed the work study program, and transferred it from the Washington Headquarters to FAA's
Regional Offices.
Mar 5, 1969: A Puerto Rico International Airlines (PRINAIR) de Havilland 114 Heron crashed near
San Juan, P.R., killing all 19 persons aboard. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) listed the
probable cause as the vectoring of the aircraft into mountainous terrain by a controller performing beyond
the safe limits of his performance capability and without adequate supervision. NTSB noted that a routine
psychological test in 1966 had suggested that the controller suffered from high anxiety and low stress
tolerance. He then received psychiatric and psychological examinations, after which the regional flight
surgeon pronounced him fit for duty. NTSB concluded the controller’s problems with anxiety and stress, in
combination with other factors, might have caused his inadequate duty performance. NTSB therefore
recommended that FAA expand the psychiatric and psychological assessment of controllers, and place such
assessment under the strict supervision of qualified psychiatrists and psychologists. In reply, FAA pointed
to the appointment of a panel of psychiatrists and psychologists to assist the Federal Air Surgeon.
Mar 7, 1969: A Civil Aeronautics Board rule effective this date imposed the first Federal requirement for
air taxi operators to carry liability insurance covering passengers as well as persons and property on the
ground. The minimum coverage was $75,000 per person and $100,000 for property damage.
Mar 20, 1969: FAA published a proposal to require air taxis and small aircraft flown by commercial
operators to carry crash locator beacons and other survival equipment. FAA's proposal referred to public
and congressional concern generated in recent years by accidents in which survivors had perished because
rescuers could not locate the crash site. The agency also noted the expansion of air taxi operations to
include larger aircraft over longer routes, and the disappearance in Feb 1969 of a DC-3 on an air taxi flight
from Hawthorne, Nev. (See Feb 26, 1968, and Dec 29, 1970.)
Mar 24, 1969: John H. Shaffer became the fourth FAA Administrator, succeeding William F. McKee
(see Jul 1, 1965). President Nixon had nominated Shaffer on Mar 6 and the Senate confirmed the
nomination on Mar 20.
Born in Everett, Pa., in 1919, Shaffer earned his wings while still at West Point.
Graduating in Jan 1943, at the height of World War II, he went on to fly 46 combat missions as a B-26 pilot
with the 9th Air Forces in Europe. In 1946, while still in uniform, he earned an M.S. degree from
Columbia University. This was followed by successive assignments as production project officer of the
Army Air Forces B-50 program (1946-48) and weapons system program manager of the Air Force's B-47
program (1948-54). In Jan 1954, he resigned his Air Force commission with the rank of lieutenant colonel
to become general production manager and assistant plant manager of the Ford Motor Company's Mercury
assembly plant in Metuchen, N.J. Three years later, he joined TRW, Inc., an aerospace conglomerate.
Shaffer resigned his position as corporate vice president (customer requirements) of TRW to become FAA
Administrator, a post which he held for nearly four years. He resigned, as part of a broad Nixon
Administration reorganization, effective Mar 14, 1973 (see that date).
After leaving FAA, Shaffer remained active in aviation as a consultant and served as a
board member of several companies. He died on Sep 14, 1997.
Mar 27, 1969: FAA created an Equal Opportunity Staff, headed by a Director of Equal Opportunity, and
transferred the equal opportunity and civil rights functions of the Office of Compliance and Security to the
new staff. On May 19, 1969, the staff became the Office of Civil Rights. The head of the office, who
reported directly to the Administrator, was titled the Director of Civil Rights (later the Assistant
Administrator for Civil Rights). The new office's responsibilities included assuring: that FAA offered
equal opportunities to all employees eligible for advancement and all qualified job applicants; that
employment practices of FAA contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, and recipients of FAA
grants-in-aid conformed with Federal civil rights regulations; and that FAA programs and activities
affecting housing and urban development were consistent with the fair housing provisions of the Civil
Rights Act of 1968. FAA's action was in response to a call by the Secretary of Transportation to "do
everything the letter and the spirit of the law provide in order to make equal opportunity a reality." An
Office of Civil Rights had been established in the Office of the Secretary on Dec 14, 1968.
Mar 28, 1969: The first charter flight from the United States to the Soviet Union departed New York
via an Overseas National Airways aircraft. On Jun 6, 1970, Alaska Airlines inaugurated the first of a series
of charter flights from Anchorage to Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R.
Apr 23, 1969: FAA abolished the Kenai and Cordova (Alaska) Area Offices. The Anchorage and
Juneau Area Offices absorbed the territory formerly served by these offices. (See Jun 20, 1968 and Feb 27,
Apr 23-25, 1969: More than 800 aviation community representatives attended the first National Aviation
System Planning Review Conference, held in Washington, D.C. the conference featured seminars
covering subjects discussed in FAA's first 10-year National Aviation System Plan (1970-79). In
preparing the following year's version of the Plan, FAA reviewed the views expressed at the seminars,
together with documented proposals submitted by the aviation community. The conference was held on an
annual basis as a forum for government/industry discussion of FAA's long-range plans and policies.
Apr 27, 1969: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced the retirement of the two
extant X-15 rocket research aircraft. The X-15 had first flown on Jun 8, 1959; it made its final flight on
Oct 24, 1968. (See Oct 3, 1967.)
Apr, 1969: FAA launched an automated airport data system for collecting, processing, and
disseminating data on all civil and joint-use airports, heliports, Short Takeoff and Landing airports, and
seaplane bases in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The system, capable of storing up
to 137 data elements for each landing facility, would provide data for use in pilot briefings, flight planning,
airspace clearance, airport planning, and aeronautical chart production.
Apr, 1969: FAA issued a report recommending ways of relieving congestion at 18 of the nation's busiest
airports. The short-range recommendations included improving traffic flow on the airfield through
additional runway exits, access taxiways, holding and staging aprons, and expanded terminal aprons, and
creating additional runway capacity through runway extension and grooving. Long-range
recommendations included: review of noise-abatement procedures and restrictions; construction of new
general aviation airports and new air carrier airports; installation of navaids; and installation of landing aids
at reliever airports to attract general aviation traffic.
May 5, 1969: FAA announced the establishment of two new engineering and manufacturing district
offices--one in Kansas City, Mo., and one in Chicago--bringing the nationwide total of such offices to 21.
From these offices, FAA's manufacturing inspectors worked with companies and individuals seeking
certification or approval of airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, parts, or appliances for use in civil
May 8, 1969: The Martin Marietta X-24A rocket-powered, manned, lifting-body research aircraft
made a successful 4-minute glider (unpowered) flight at Edwards AFB, Calif. The X-24A was released
from underneath the wing of a B-52 Stratofortress at 45,000 feet. The aircraft made its first powered flight
on Mar 19, 1970. Developement of the X-24A came as part of Martin Marietta's program to develop a
manuevering manned re-entry vehicle able to perform as a spacecraft in orbit, fly in Earth's atmosphere like
an aircraft, and land at conventional airports.
May 14, 1969: Hamburger Flugzeubau GmbH and Messerschmitt-Bolkow GmbH merged to form
Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm, the largest aerospace concern in Germany.
May 22, 1969: Administrator Shaffer requested plans for consolidating regional and area offices located
in the same city within the contiguous United States. The move offered operating economies and the
saving of numerous positions that could be used to fill critical "firing line" position shortages. FAA
implemented the consolidations during late summer 1969, and completed the transfer of functions and
personnel to the appropriate regional divisions on Sep 8. The agency eliminated the area officers in
Atlanta, Fort Worth, Kansas City, Los Angeles, and New York as they gave up their functions and
resources to the regional headquarters located in the same city. (See Nov 22, 1968 and Apr 2, 1971.)
Jun 1, 1969: The shifting of the New York common IFR room from a manual radar system to a
computerized alphanumeric radar system further enhanced the traffic-handling capabilities of the New
York terminal area. The semiautomated system permitted an aircraft equipped with a beacon transponder
to provide the terminal controller automatically with information on its identity, altitude, range, and
bearing. Under the old system, the controller could obtain an aircraft's altitude and identity only through
voice contact with the aircraft's pilot. (See Jul 15, 1968.)
Jun 1, 1969: In response to growing congestion, FAA implemented a rule placing quotas on instrument
flight rule (IFR) operations at five of the nation's busiest airports between 6 a.m. and midnight. The
rule assigned the following hourly quotas: Kennedy International, 80 (70 for air carriers and supplementals;
5 for scheduled air taxis; 5 for general aviation); O'Hare, 135 (115 for air carriers and supplementals; 10 for
scheduled air taxis; 10 for general aviation); La Guardia, 60 (48 for air carriers and supplementals; 6 for
scheduled air taxis; 6 for general aviation); Newark, 60 (40 for air carriers and supplementals; 10 for
scheduled air taxis; 10 for general aviation); Washington National, 60 (40 for air carriers and
supplementals; 8 for scheduled air taxis; 12 for general aviation). The rule did not charge extra sections of
scheduled air carrier flights (such as hourly shuttle flights) against the established quotas, except at
Kennedy; this airport, however, was permitted 10 extra air carrier operations per hour during the peak
traffic period between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
IFR flights were required to make advanced reservations for each operation. Pilots
obtained IFR reservations by contacting the Airport Reservation Office (established May 30, 1969) in
Washington, D.C., or any FAA flight service station. Aircraft under visual flight rules (VFR) made arrival
reservations in the air when approximately 30 miles from their intended destination. Departure reservations
for such aircraft were handled by the air traffic control facilities serving these five high density airports.
Originally implemented for a six-month period, this "High Density Rule" was
subsequently extended to Oct 25, 1970. On that date, the hourly limitations on operations were suspended
at Newark, where peak operations during fiscal 1970 had averaged 18 less than the assigned quota of 60.
At the same time, the quotas were extended for another year at the other four airports. In taking this action,
FAA noted that the percentage of aircraft delays at the five airports had decreased substantially since the
rule was put into effect.
On Aug 24, 1971, FAA published an amendment extending the High Density Rule until
Oct 25, 1972. Flight limitations remained unchanged at La Guardia and Washington National, but at
O'Hare and Kennedy the quotas were now in effect only between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. The relaxation was due
in part to a decline in aviation activity during a general downturn in the U.S. economy.
An amendment published on Oct 25, 1972, extended the High Density Rule until the same
date in 1973, when another amendment was published giving it an indefinite extension. At the same time,
FAA eliminated the requirement that pilots operating under visual flight rules at all five airports file a flight
plan. FAA believed this requirement was no longer necessary since these airports were now operating
under the terminal control area concept, which required pilots to establish radio communications with the
tower and receive permission to enter the terminal airspace. (See Mar 23, 1978, Nov 3, 1980, and Mar 6,
Jun 4, 1969: FAA and the Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services (COCESNA)
signed a contract under which FAA would provide technical assistance for air navigation and traffic
control services to COCESNA, a five-nation governmental group whose members were Costa Rica, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. FAA had traditionally provided technical assistance to
Latin American countries under the sponsorship of the State Department's Agency for International
Development; however, this was the first time FAA provided such services to these countries under a direct
reimbursable contract.
Jun 11, 1969: Russell J. Sommer, PATCO's Western Coordinator, notified PATCO Southwest delegates of
upcoming FAA testimony before Congress on a PATCO-supported controller career bill. "If
testimony not favorable," Sommer wrote, "D-Day June 18th!" In opposing the bill before a congressional
committee on Jun 17, FAA Administrator John Shaffer characterized controllers as "well-paid" considering
their educational level. That evening, PATCO counsel F. Lee Bailey appeared on the NBC "Tonight
Show" and reportedly told host Johnny Carson, "I'd start walking if I were you." (See Jan 15, 1969, and Jun
18-20, 1969.)
Jun 16, 1969: FAA commissioned the Anchorage air route traffic control center's new building,
located on Elmendorf AFB. Formal dedication ceremonies were on Aug 21, 1969.
Jun 16, 1969: The Nixon Administration submitted to Congress the Aviation Facilities Expansion Bill of
1969, proposed legislation to expand and improve the nation's airway and airport systems and to
provide revenue to support this expansion. Similar legislation had been submitted to Congress by
President Johnson (see May 20, 1968), but was not acted on. Features of the Nixon Administration's
proposals included:
* Increasing the outlay for airway facilities and equipment to $250 million a year over the
next 10 years. (During the decade of the sixties, annual appropriations for airway facilities
and equipment averaged $93 million.)
* Increasing the average yearly Federal outlay for airport development to $250 million
over the next 10 years. (In the past, Congress had appropriated approximately $65 million
a year in FAAP funds.)
* Imposing (1) an 8 percent tax on domestic airline passenger tickets; (2) a $3 surcharge
on passenger tickets for international flights originating in the United States; (3) a 5
percent tax on air-freight waybills; and (4) a 9-cent-a-gallon tax on gasoline and jet fuel
used by general aviation aircraft.
* Placing the revenues generated by the new taxes in a designated account in the U.S.
Treasury to be used exclusively for airway and airport development. (See Sep 20, 1967,
and May 21, 1970.)
Jun 18-20, 1969: Numerous FAA facilities felt the effects of a work stoppage by PATCO-affiliated air
traffic controllers, who claimed illness and did not report for work. The "sickout," which resulted in
widespread flight delays, coincided with congressional hearings on legislation to provide higher pay, early
retirement, and other benefits for controllers. Of 477 controllers who took sick leave during the job action,
FAA suspended 80 from three to fifteen days. On Jul 27, FAA terminated its dues-withholding agreement
with PATCO, stating that it was not in the public interest to assist an organization taking part in an illegal
job action. (See Jun 11, 1969, and Oct 27, 1969.)
Jun 19, 1969: FAA redesignated the Office of Information Services the Office of Public Affairs, which
had been its original name when Agency Order 1 was issued in Jan 1959. The Information Services title
had been adopted in the early 1960s.
Jun 27, 1969: FAA announced the commissioning of its first Uninterruptible Power System, designed to
control power failures and fluctuations that caused errors in high speed data processing equipment and
affected radar and communications. Installing this system at the Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control
Center was the initial step in an FAA-wide electric power modernization program for the en route centers.
(See Nov 9-10, 1965, and Sep 19, 1974.)
Jun 30, 1969: Fiscal year 1969, which ended on this date, saw a dramatic increase in Alaskan air
activity following the discovery of oil in the Prudhoe Bay area of the state’s North Slope. The Fairbanks
Flight Service Station (FSS), for example, experienced a 325 percent rise in flight services performed. On
the North Slope itself, services performed by the Point Barrow FSS rose 500 percent during the period, to
17,221, while the number performed by the Bettles FSS rose 87 percent to 16,168. In order to
accommodate this traffic, FAA and oil companies drilling in the area collaborated to bolster the air traffic
facilities on the Slope. The oil companies built six new airfields, and both FAA and the companies
furnished navaids to serve the area. (See Mar 1, 1968.)
Jul 1, 1969: Effective this date, CAB selected "commuter air carrier" as its name for certain scheduled
air taxi operators (see Calendar Year 1968). The new title "commuter" applied to an air taxi operator that
performed at least five round trips per week between two or more points and published flight schedules
giving certain specified information, or transported air mail under a current contract. There were 138
commuter operators in 1969, and an average of 180 during the 1970s. The Airline Deregulation Act of
1978 encouraged the commuter airlines, which gained opportunities as many larger operators dropped
service that they had been required to supply to smaller communities. By 1981, an estimated 270
commuter airlines were operating in the contiguous United States. Like the local service airlines before
them (see Jul 11, 1944), the commuters began referring to themselves as "regionals" as they grew more
prominent. The term "regionals" was also part of a revenue-based classification system adopted by CAB
on Oct 2, 1980 (see that date). (See Sep 17, 1972.)
Jul 6, 1969: A Beech 99 operated by Air South crashed near Monroe, Ga., killing all 14 persons aboard
the aircraft. In an accident report adopted on Aug 26, 1970, the National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) cited the probable cause as “an unwanted change in longitudinal trim which resulted in a nose-
down high-speed flight condition that was beyond the physical capability of the pilots to overcome.”
NTSB stated that the design of the aircraft flight control system was conducive to malfunctions that could
lead to a loss of control.
The Beech 99 had been type-certificated under FAA's delegated option authority
program (see Sep 29, 1950). Under this procedure, manufacturers of aircraft under 12,500 lb. were
authorized to submit information that was used by FAA as a basis for certification. The NTSB report stated
that FAA normally participated in flight tests only when a new regulation was applied to an aircraft, or
when the manufacturer produced a new design feature that it had not previously certificated. The Beech
99’s trimmable stabilizer was such a new feature, but FAA had not participated in flight testing this item.
NTSB recommended that FAA participate directly in the certification of all newly designed aircraft
components. FAA replied that it participated directly in delegation option authority certification when
deemed necessary, but had judged the design concept in question to be of high integrity. After subsequent
reevaluation, the agency required numerous improvements to the component. In response to other NTSB
recommendations, FAA revised its type certification handbook to assure proper consideration of
information gained from accident investigations and took other steps to improve certification procedures.
Jul 11, 1969: DOT consolidated the Washington Headquarters libraries of FAA, the Coast Guard, and the
Federal Highway Administration and established the Department of Transportation Library. A service
branch, primarily containing aviation-related materials, was located in FAA's Washington Headquarters'
Jul 15, 1969: FAA issued a study of near midair collisions. To encourage the reporting of such incidents,
FAA had granted pilots and other airmen immunity from penalties under the Federal Aviation Regulations
(see Jan 1, 1968). This study found that most of the reported near miss incidents of 1968 that were judged
to be hazardous had occurred in congested airspace near large airports having air traffic control service, and
resulted from mixing controlled traffic with traffic under visual flight rules.
On Jul 31, 1969, on the heels of FAA's report, the National Transportation Safety Board
released a study of actual midair collisions, which was also based on incidents occurring in 1968. In
contrast to FAA's findings on near misses, the Board found that the majority of the 38 real collisions had
taken place in uncongested airspace at or near airports without air traffic control service. There was no
evidence that adverse weather was a significant factor in any of the 38 accidents. All of the 71 persons
killed in the collisions were occupants of general aviation aircraft. A general aviation aircraft was involved
in each accident, with three collisions involving air carrier aircraft and one military airplane.
On Dec 4, 1969, FAA's near miss reporting program was extended for an additional two
years (see Dec 31, 1971).
Jul 20, 1969: Astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., became the first people to land on
the Moon, while Michael Collins remained in lunar orbit. Later in the day, Armstrong and then Aldrin
became the first to walk on the lunar surface. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's
Project Apollo achieved five more Moon landings between this date and Dec 11, 1972.
Jul 21, 1969: The pilots of Piedmont Airlines went on strike when the company moved to reduce its
Boeing 737 cockpit crew to two men. On Aug 14, 1969, Piedmont secured a Federal injunction ordering
its pilots back to work. The dispute raged for months, but was eventually resolved when the pilots accepted
a two-man crew complement in exchange for higher pay. The Air Line Pilots Association refused to sign
the agreement, although it took no action against Piedmont pilots for violating its constitution (see Nov 20-
29, 1966). Piedmont permanently switched to two-man crews on its 737s on Jan 9, 1973. (See Jul 25,
1967 and Nov 23, 1971.)
Aug 8, 1969: Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe established an Air Traffic Controller Career
Committee, a seven-member group headed by professional consultant John J. Corson. The committee was
to inquire into the controller career field and report its findings and recommendations to the Secretary.
Topics to be investigated inluded employment practices, employee compensation, work environment,
training, and employee-management relations. The committee was instructed to give special attention to
the controller's occupational stresses. (See Jan 29, 1970.)
Aug 29, 1969: In the first hijacking of a U.S. aircraft outside of the Western Hemisphere, two Arabs
seized control of a TWA 707 bound for Israel and diverted it to Syria, where they deplaned the occupants
and then threw hand grenades into the cockpit area (see Calendar Year 1969).
Sep 5, 1969: AN FAA rule concerning the flight hazards associated with flying contraband drugs
between Mexico and the United States went into effect. The rule made such illegal activity grounds for
suspension or revocation of pilot certificates and of the operating certificates of aircraft owners or lessors
knowingly involved. The rule also required all pilots to file flight plans and radio positions when operating
civil aircraft between the two countries. Pilots without two-way radios were required to land at the nearest
designated airport of entry and file an arrival notice.
In proposing the rule on Aug 1, FAA had cited President Nixon's Jul 14 announcement of a
government-wide campaign against drug smuggling. The agency stated that any pilot attempting to evade
this increased enforcement effort could be expected to engage in such hazardous practices as very low
flight to avoid radar or use of unprepared landing sites. Effective Aug 1, 1973, FAA extended its ban on
illicit carraige of drugs by air to domestic flights and to flights between the United States and Canada.
Sep 9, 1969: A midair collision near Fairland, Ind., killed all 83 people aboard the aircraft involved, an
Allegheny Airlines DC-9 and a Piper PA-28. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) listed the
probable cause as deficiencies of the air traffic control system in a terminal area with mixed instrument
flight rules (IFR) and visual flight rules (VFR) traffic. The cited deficiencies included the inadequacy of
the see-and-avoid concept under the circumstances, lack of regulations to provide an adequate separation
system for mixed VFR/IFR traffic in terminal areas, and the technical limitations of radar in detecting all
aircraft. In response to NTSB recommendations, FAA agreed to expedite research into enhancing radar
detection through a passive device to be carried by smaller aircraft. Meanwhile, the agency moved toward
greatly improved radar detection by requirements for radar beacons (transponders) aboard aircraft in
designated terminal areas (see Jun 25, 1970).
Oct 1, 1969: Sixteen area navigation routes opened between 11 U.S. cities on an interim basis pending
formal rulemaking. The new routes were the first in a projected nationwide area navigation route system
designed to increase airway capacity. They ran between the following cities: Chicago and New York (two
routes); Los Angeles and Chicago (two); Kansas City and Minneapolis (two); San Francisco and Chicago
(two); Atlanta and Pinehurst, N.C. (two); Knoxville and Atlanta (two); Houston and Dallas (four). In
succeeding months, additional cities were linked as more routes were developed (see Apr 29, 1971).
The primary air navigation system in use in the United States in 1969 required pilots to fly directly
toward or away from the ground-based radio navigation aid (a VOR or VORTAC) transmitting a line of
position, or radial. With area navigation, aircraft did not have to fly a track to or from a navaid, though
they did depend on signals from VORs or VORTACs. Pilots flying appropriately equipped aircraft could,
within the limitations of the system, follow any preselected arbitrary track. An airborne computer
calculated the aircraft's position and displayed track and distance to a point selected by the pilot or
prescribed by the controller. The system's advantages included: routes could be established along the
shortest and most convenient paths; parallel and one-way routes could be established to reduce congestion;
aircraft could be segregated according to speed and destination; navaids could be placed at accessible
points on more favorable terrain; departure routes could be designed to lead directly from the runway to the
appropriate parallel airway; and arrival routes could be designed to accept traffic directly from en route
airways. (See Mar 6, 1972.)
Oct 27, 1969: FAA denied PATCO's request for formal recognition because of its participation in the
recent "sickout" (see Jun 18-20). On Oct 29, however, President Nixon issued Executive Order 11491,
replacing Executive Order 10988 as the basis for Federal employee-management relations. The order,
which went into effect on Jan 1, 1970, gave the Labor Department authority to grant exclusive recognition
to Federal unions. (See Feb 18, 1970.)
Oct 28, 1969: Executive Order 11490 ("Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to Federal
Departments and Agencies") consolidated and superseded over 20 previous directives, including Executive
Order 11003, which had dealt with FAA's preparedness functions. (See Jan 9, 1961.)
Oct 30, 1969: FAA dedicated its new Systems Training Building at the Aeronautical Center. In addition
to classrooms for air traffic control and systems maintenance personnel training, the building contained
simulators, computers, and other equipment used in training FAA personnel.
Oct 31, 1969: Rafael Minichiello, a U.S. Marine absent without leave, commandeered a TWA 707 bound
for San Francisco and embarked on a 17-hour journey that ended in Rome, Italy. The first hijacker to
force a crew to land and refuel repeatedly, Minichiello received worldwide publicity that included some
sympathetic coverage (see Calendar Year 1969).
Nov 15, 1969: Air taxi operators of large aircraft became subject to stricter operational
requirements applying to supplemental air carriers. (See Sep 7, 1964, and Dec 1, 1978.)
Nov 18, 1969: FAA changed the title of the Office of Compliance and Security to the Office of
Investigations and Security. (See May 16, 1962 and Aug 3, 1970.)
Nov 22, 1969: Effective this date, FAA increased minimum flight-time requirements for an airline
transport pilot (ATP) certificate from 1,200 to 1,500 hours. All flight time logged as second-in-
command in airline operations would be credited toward the ATP certificate, as would a limited amount of
flight engineer time.
Nov 26, 1969: The Beech Aircraft Corporation delivered its last Model 18 aircraft. The original Model
18 first flew on Jan 15, 1937, and was type-certificated on Mar 4, 1937. When production of the plane
ceased, the Model 18 had been in continuous production longer than any other aircraft.
Dec 1, 1969: Effective this date, FAA added a new Part 36 to the Federal Aviation Regulations that
established allowable engine-noise levels as part of the criteria for transport aircraft type-
certification. The new rule had been published on Nov 18, 1969, and was the first issued under Public
Law 90-411 (see Jul 21, 1968). The rule applied to two classes of aircraft for which an application for a
type certificate was made after Jan 1, 1967: all subsonic aircraft in the transport category, and all subsonic
turbojets regardless of category. The allowable noise levels varied with aircraft size and type, ranging from
93 to 108 effective perceived noise decibels (EPNdB). The noise limits also varied according to the type of
aircraft operation: between 102 and 108 EPNdB on approach, and between 93 and 108 EPNdB during
takeoff. The agency further limited sideline noise--i.e., noise along the runway or taxiway during idling or
taxiing--to a range between 102 and 108 EPNdB. (See Oct 26, 1973.)
Dec 4, 1969: Dulles International Airport banned student pilot operations because of the rising traffic
volume at the airport.
Dec 4, 1969: The Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, popularly
known as the Tokyo Convention, went into force among ratifying countries. The United States had
ratified the agreement on Sep 5, 1969, completing the 12 ratifications required to bring it into force 90 days
later. Though ineffectual against the hijacking of aircraft to nonsignatory or nonratifying countries, the
convention was a forward step in its clarifying of jurisdiction over crimes aboard aircraft anywhere in the
world. It afforded a useful framework within which an international or diplomatic solution to aircraft
piracy could be pursued.
Denmark, the Republic of China, Italy, Norway, the Philippines, Portugal, Sweden, the
United Kingdom, the Republic of Upper Volta, Mexico, and Niger ratified the convention before the
United States. A dozen more countries ratified the convention soon after the United States and over 130
eventually became party to it. (See Sep 14, 1963, and Oct 14, 1970.)
Dec 5, 1969: The Legal Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted a resolution urging
governments to prosecute aircraft hijackers, and urged member states without laws against aircraft
piracy to enact such legislation.
Dec 5, 1969: FAA announced a major program to expand and modernize the physical plants of 20 air
route traffic control centers in the contiguous United States to accommodate the personnel and equipment
needed to handle the increasing volume of air traffic. The basic plan of the modernization program called
for an additional three-story administrative wing at each center to provide space for training and
administration. Space would also be provided for the automated air traffic control systems being delivered
to the centers, for additional engine generators, and for future expansion of mechanical, electrical, and
communications systems. The plant modernization program would continue through the early 1970s.
Dec 15, 1969: American Airlines began the nation's first use of three-dimensional area navigation
equipment on regularly scheduled passenger service. In Jun 1968, American had inaugurated scheduled
passenger operations using an inertial navigation system; however, it was only a two-dimensional system,
not equipped with the ascent-descent feature. (See Oct 1, 1969.)
Dec 18, 1969: FAA certificated the first all-plastic aircraft, the Windecker AC-7, a four-place craft
made of moulded fiberglass and epoxy resins.
Dec 29, 1969: FAA abolished the Honolulu Area Office and transferred its functions to the regional
Dec, 1969: The Air Traffic Control Advisory Committee (see Jul 17, 1968) submitted its report to the
Secretary of Transportation. The committee saw a continued rise in the demand for air traffic control
services during the decades ahead, and stated that if FAA expected to accommodate the anticipated growth
in aviation traffic, three critical problems required solutions: the shortage of terminal capacity; the need for
new means of assuring separation; and the limited capacity and increasing cost of air traffic control. The
committee believed that major improvements in airport capacity could be achieved through the use of
parallel runways, high speed turnoffs, advanced terminal automation, and reduced longitudinal separation
between aircraft on final approach for landing. For the safe separation of aircraft, the report recommended
further efforts to upgrade radar beacon transponders for tracking aircraft on radar. The committee believed
that the midair collision problem could be overcome in airspace under radar surveillance by automating and
making more precise the air traffic control advisory service. The report also noted that a higher level of
automation would enable the system to handle perhaps two or three times the 1969 traffic with the same
controller work force. This higher automation might be achieved by expanding NAS En Route Stage A
and ARTS III version of the Automated Radar Terminal System to include spacing, sequencing, and
conflict prediction/resolution, and by adding data link. The committee’s report, which was made public in
May 1970, also recommended rapid development of the Microwave Landing System (see Jun 19, 1970).
Dec, 1969: Eastern Air Lines put into operation at its terminal at Kennedy International Airport the first
computerized system for issuing seat assignments and boarding passes to airline passengers as they
checked in at the airport.
Calendar year, 1969: Worldwide concern focused on hijacking as the number of aircraft involved in
such incidents during the year totaled 87, as compared to 37 for 1968. The number of U.S. aircraft
involved was 40, as compared to 47 foreign aircraft. (In 1968, 22 out of a total of 35 incidents involved
U.S. aircraft.)
Cuba remained the most popular destination for hijackers during 1969: 31 U.S. and 25
foreign air carrier aircraft, as well as one foreign general aviation aircraft, were forced to land there. But
the year also saw a break in the diversion-to-Cuba pattern when 11 foreign and 2 U.S. air carrier aircraft
were forced to land in other countries. (See Aug 29 and Oct 31, 1969.) For U.S. aircraft, the only previous
hijacking completed to a destination other than Cuba had been an Aug 31, 1965, incident in which an
airliner was forced to return to Honolulu shortly after takeoff.
1960s: The number of U.S. civil aircraft possessing current airworthiness certificates
increased 89 percent during the decade, from 70,747 on Dec 31, 1959, to 133,814 on Dec 31, 1969. The
general aviation fleet increased 90 percent (from 68,727 to 130,806), while air carrier aircraft increased 49
percent (from 2,020 to 3,008).
Jan 1, 1970: The Department of Labor designated the Federal Aviation Administration as the agency
responsible for air transportation industry compliance with the equal employment opportunity provision
of Executive Order 11246 (issued Sep 24, 1965), which prohibited discrimination in hiring by the
government and its contractors.
Jan 1, 1970: Sud Aviation, Nord Aviation, and S.E.R.E.B. merged forming the Societe National
Industrielle Aerospatiale.
Jan 13, 1970: Blanche Stuart Scott, often considered the first American woman to pilot an airplane,
died. In Sep 1910, Scott made her first solo flight in a Curtiss Pusher at Hammondsport, N.Y. According
to some accounts, however, the flight was an unintentional one caused by wind lifting her taxiing aircraft
off the ground. Later that year, Bessica Faith Raiche became the first American woman to make an
undisputedly intentional solo airplane flight.
Jan 15, 1970: President Nixon announced an agreement to seek a site for the development of a Miami
(Fla.) jetport outside of a proposed land area in the ecotone between Big Cyprus Swamp and
Everglades National Park. The agreement was signed by the Dade County Port Authority, the State of
Florida, and the Secretaries of Transportation and Interior.
Dade County had acquired 39 square miles in the area for a future jetport to relieve the
anticipated saturation of Miami International. Lying 40 miles west of Miami and surrounded by natural
buffer zones, the proposed new jetport would pose neither a noise nuisance nor an air pollution threat to
residents. Conservationists, however, argued that a major airport on the tract would upset the delicate
ecology of the Everglades. After environmental studies, Dade County officials agreed with state and
Federal authorities to seek another site.
The agreement also provided that a one-runway training airport already constructed on the
tract would be operated under strict environmental safeguards until a new training facility could be
established at the still-to-be-determined jetport site. Construction of the training field had begun in Sep
1968. During fiscal 1969, FAA had awarded a $500,000 grant to assist the project, which was intended to
divert training flights from Miami International and provide the nucleus for an eventual air carrier facility.
In announcing the agreement, President Nixon directed the Secretary of Transportation to
consider introducing legislation to ensure that the national interest would be adequately represented in
regional airport development. "We have learned," the President stated, "that the development of major
facilities, such as a regional airport, may have widespread environmental and social consequences that
cannot wisely be left entirely to local initiative and local decision."
Jan 19, 1970: FAA established the Facility Installation Service under the Associate Administrator for
Operations. This service assumed the management of FAA's facilities establishment program from the
Logistics Service. It also assumed from the Systems Research and Development Service the responsibility
for preparing procurement specifications for production equipment and for prescribing technical
instructions and standards for its installation. The new service's mission included the facilities
establishment programs for air navigation, air traffic control, aeronautical communications, and visual
ground marking; however, it did not include facilities establishment for NAS En Route Stage A and the
various terminal automation programs. (See Dec 22, 1967, and Oct 1, 1971.)
Jan 20, 1970: FAA and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare reached an agreement with 31
scheduled and charter airlines on the retrofit of Pratt & Whitney JT8D engines with smoke-reducing
combustors. Under the retrofit plan, the airlines voluntarily agreed to install combustors on approximately
1,000 Boeing 727s, Boeing 737s, and Douglas DC-9s by Dec 31, 1972. The combustors reduced the level
of visible pollutants emitted by jet engines, but had no effect on invisible pollutants. (See Dec 31, 1970.)
Jan 29, 1970: The Air Traffic Controller Career Committee (popularly known as the Corson
Committee) submitted its report to Secretary of Transportation John Volpe. The report's recommendations
*Reduce the overtime work required of controllers in high-density areas.
*Reduce the consecutive hours spent by controllers in operational positions to two, and the
total hours per day on such positions to six.
*Detail qualified journeyman controllers to high-density facilities with critical manpower
*Develop a more mobile controller work force so that the needs of the system, rather than the
preferences of controllers, determine assignments.
*Develop incentives to attract the most talented controllers to the most difficult positions.
*Pay special rates for employment in facilities located in high-cost-of-living areas.
*Accelerate and improve training of developmental controllers.
*Seek legislation providing for the early retirement of controllers who attain a certain age and
cannot be retained or reassigned to less arduous duty--e.g., retirement at age 50 after 20 years
of ATC service with 50 percent of high-three average salary.
*Designate a single official immediately responsible to the FAA Administrator to handle all
relationships with employee organizations at the national level.
A number of the committee's recommendations, including detailing journeyman controllers to
facilities with critical manpower shortages, and providing developmental controllers with "update" training,
received immediate attention. In addition, FAA appointed a Director of Labor Relations on Mar 23,
1970. The agency established nine groups to consider the remaining recommendations and develop
programs for their implementation. (See Aug 8, 1969, Mar 25-Apr 14, 1970, Nov 6, 1970, and May 16,
Jan 1970: The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) was founded as a trade
association of firms producing general aviation aircraft, engines, avionics, and components.
Feb 2, 1970: A rule effective this date permitted expanded use of FAA-approved airplane simulators in
training airline crews. With the advances in flight simulation technology, the use of these simulators would
help to ease the serious problems of congestion in the airspace by permitting more training on the ground.
Feb 5, 1970: Effective this date, FAA required manufacturers to make a maintenance manual
available to their customers at the time of aircraft delivery. The manual was to contain information that the
manufacturer deemed essential to proper maintenance.
Feb 18, 1970: FAA's first IBM 9020 computer and its associated software program became
operational at the Los Angeles ARTCC (see Jun 30, 1967). The new computer system was at the heart of
the new semiautomated airway air traffic control system--NAS En Route Stage A. This equipment
reduced controller workload by automatically handling incoming flight information messages, performing
necessary calculations, and distributing flight data strips, as needed, to controller positions. The agency
planned to install similar equipment at all of the centers, and with the new automated nationwide system
each center would have the capability to collect and distribute information about each aircraft's course and
altitude to all the sector controllers along its flight path. The new computers also had the ability to record
and distribute any changes registered in aircraft flight plans en route. (See Dec 30, 1968, and Feb 13, 1973.)
Feb 18, 1970: A commuter airlines terminal officially opened at Washington National Airport to
facilitate the operations of the 13 commuter airlines serving the airport.
Feb 18, 1970: PATCO filed a petition with the Federal Labor Relations Council for certification as
exclusive bargaining representative for all non-supervisory air traffic control specialists. (See Oct 27,
1969, and Mar 25-Apr 10, 1970.)
Feb 27, 1970: FAA abolished the McGrath (Alaska) Area Office and transferred the territory formerly
served by that office to the Anchorage and King Salmon Area Offices. (See Apr 23, 1969.)
Feb 1970: FAA began a new training program for the air traffic and electronic technician occupations.
The agency hoped that the project, termed the 150 Program because of the number of positions initially
allotted to it, would work to broaden the recruitment base and equalize opportunities for minorities.
Candidates began at the GS-4 level and, after successfully completing a six month training program at the
Aeronautical Center, became GS-5s. The 150 Program was later renamed the Pre-development Program.
Mar 1, 1970: FAA implemented a revised separation standard to protect small aircraft from wake
turbulence, rotating air currents trailed by large aircraft. The danger from these wake vortices had grown
with the introduction of “jumbo” jetliners. The new standard changed from three miles to five miles the
required separation between a "heavy" aircraft (over 300,000 pounds) and an aircraft operating behind it.
(See Nov 1, 1975.)
Mar 4, 1970: FAA retitled the Office of Associate Administrator for Personnel and Training as the Office
of the Associate Administrator for Manpower to emphasize the broader functional responsibilities of this
office. The agency issued a formal order reflecting this change on Jan 9, 1971. The same order officially
established under the new associate administrator the Office of Labor Relations (the Director of Labor
Relations had been appointed on Mar 23, 1970), an Employee Communications Staff, and an Equal
Employment Opportunity Staff within the Office of Personnel, which, along with the Office of Training,
rounded out the major components of the new administrative complex. (See Jan 19, 1968.)
Mar 7, 1970: Effective this date, FAA required every U.S. civil aircraft owner to submit an annual report
on aircraft registration, eligibility, identification, and activity no later than Jun 30 of each year. The
submission of the annual reports through 1977 permitted the updating of the aircraft register and the
removal of about 32,000 obsolete records. On Jan 25, 1978, FAA revoked the annual reporting
requirement because the register could now be kept largely current on the basis of sales records and other
information received in the normal course of business. The agency noted, however, that it might be
necessary to implement a new reporting procedure. (See Apr 30, 1980.)
Mar 17, 1970: The first death in a domestic U.S. aircraft hijacking incident occurred when a hijacker
shot and killed the copilot on an Eastern Air Lines shuttle (Newark-Boston). Although fatally wounded,
the copilot still managed to shoot and severely wound the hijacker with the latter's gun. The aircraft's
captain, himself wounded in both arms, landed his DC-9 safely in Boston.
Mar 19, 1970: FAA issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking asking public comment on whether
smoking should be allowed aboard passenger-carrying aircraft. This action resulted from two petitions
filed with FAA in Dec 1969. One petition requested a ban on smoking on all flights, while the other
requested that domestic air carriers effectively segregate smokers from other passengers. FAA believed the
petitions warranted an in-depth study to determine to what extent tobacco smoke was harmful to
nonsmokers. The agency's existing rules prohibited smoking only during takeoff and landing. (See May
10, 1973.)
Mar 24, 1970: FAA announced a program to improve the appearance of the nation's airports by removing
derelict aircraft. FAA field personnel would perform periodic checks and bring such aircraft to the
attention of airport management. The agency urged airport operators to include in their contracts with
aircraft owners and operators of aviation activities provisions for the removal of such aircraft at owner's
expense. FAA and the fixed-base operators concluded such an arrangement at Washington National and
Dulles International Airports.
Mar 25-Apr 10, 1970: Some 3,000 air traffic controllers, all members of PATCO, engaged in a "sick-
out" strike. All but a few of those involved were en route, rather than terminal, controllers. Some
remained absent for a day or two, others for the entire 17-day period. The work stoppage reflected
widespread discontent, but its immediate trigger was FAA's decision to ignore PATCO's protests and carry
out the involuntary transfer of three controllers from the Baton Rouge combined station-tower. The
absentees claimed sick leave, but the Department of Transportation viewed their action as a strike against
the U.S. government and hence illegal. The government obtained temporary restraining orders against
PATCO. When the union failed to comply with these orders, a show-cause order was obtained against its
officers. During the hearing on the show-cause order, PATCO agreed to call off the "sickout." FAA
suspended nearly 1,000 controllers and fired 52 for their role in the affair. (See Feb 18, 1970, and Apr 23,
Apr 1, 1970: Extensive amendments establishing additional operating requirements for air taxi and
commercial operators of small aircraft became effective. The new rules reflected many of the operating
requirements of major air carriers, and were designed to fit the growing complexity of air taxi operations.
(See Sep 7, 1964, and Dec 1, 1978.)
Apr 3, 1970: Under a rule effective this date, FAA would not approve Federal-aid airport program
(FAAP) projects involving the displacement and relocation of people until adequate replacement housing
was provided for (by construction, if necessary) and offered to all affected persons.
Apr 6, 1970: Management responsibility for the supersonic transport (SST) development program was
transferred from the FAA to the Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation. The Director of
Supersonic Transport Development would henceforth take guidance and direction from the Under
Secretary of Transportation, while FAA would continue to provide a variety of support functions for the
program. In announcing the transfer a few days earlier, Secretary Volpe had explained that it would
increase his oversight of the program. In addition, the change would ensure that FAA, the agency
responsible for certificating the aircraft, would not be responsible for its development. Volpe had also
announced the appointment of William M. Magruder as Director of the program, succeeding Brig. Gen.
Jewell C. Maxwell, who had resigned during the previous summer. (See Jan 15, 1969, and Apr 22, 1970.)
Apr 9, 1970: Boeing 727-200 "stretch jets" were allowed to operate at Washington National Airport,
initially on a temporary basis. These larger capacity aircraft had been banned in the past to prevent
overcrowding of the airport's terminal building. (See Apr 24, 1966.)
Apr 18, 1970: Braniff International Airways put into operation its "Jetrail," a monorail transporting
passengers from parking lot to terminal area at Dallas' Love Field. The three-quarter-mile trip took 3
Apr 22, 1970: The first annual Earth Day observance throughout the United States included protests
indicating environmentalists’ rising opposition to the supersonic transport (SST) program. Concerns
about the SST included such issues as sonic booms (see Jan 27, 1965) and the aircraft’s effect on the ozone
layer of the earth’s upper atmosphere. (See Apr 6 and Dec 30, 1970.)
Apr 23, 1970: John F. Leyden, newly elected president of PATCO, told the union's members of his
intention to introduce realism into the organization, "to eliminate a 'showboat-gunboat' approach, and to
replace it with a firm and reasonable persuasion." Nevertheless, PATCO used slowdowns as a tactic during
Leyden’s tenure. (See Mar 25-Apr 10, 1970, and Sep 10, 1970.)
Apr 27, 1970: The Central Flow Control Facility was established at FAA Headquarters as a permanent
part of the air traffic control (ATC) system. This facility took over from the air route traffic control centers
some of the responsibility for restricting the number of aircraft moving from the control of one center to
another. Central Flow Control collected and correlated system-wide air traffic and weather data, using this
information to prevent isolated clusters of congestion from disrupting the overall traffic flow. Linked by
teletypwriter and telephone to all 21 centers, the facility detected potential trouble spots and suggested to
the centers such solutions as flow-control restrictions or rerouting. (See Jul 29, 1970.)
The centers retained the authority to accept or reject the Central Flow facility's
recommendations, but their decisions were now based on broad information about the overall condition of
the ATC system. Lacking such information, the centers had previously tended to be over-defensive. For
example, when a buildup of traffic forced one center to restrict the number of incoming aircraft from an
adjacent center, the adjacent center might fear an impending traffic buildup in its own area and hence
institute restrictions against yet another center. The spreading restrictions could eventually affect
Instrument Flight Rules aircraft throughout the ATC system.
During a three-month test beginning in Jan 1970, the Central Flow facility had proved its
worth in reducing delays, and had been invaluable in monitoring and rerouting traffic during the controller
"sick-out" strike (see Mar 25-Apr 10, 1970).
On Jul 29, 1970, FAA established the Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center to
integrate the functions of the Central Flow Control Facility, Airport Reservation Office, the Air Traffic
Service Contingency Command Post, and Central Altitude Reservation Facility. (See Dec 31, 1983.)
Apr 30, 1970: FAA commissioned the International Aeronautical Telecommunications Switching
Center at Kansas City. This high-speed, fully automated message switching facility was the key element
in the North Atlantic and Caribbean Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN), a
worldwide communications system operated by members of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Some 86 communications channels, the first commissioned on Mar 4, 1970, connected the center directly
to three U.S. networks and to more than 100 locations in 17 other countries. The center speeded the flow
and improved the accuracy of international aeronautical information by eliminating all other intermediate
relay points.
Apr 1970: An FAA study reported that adherence to basic preflight procedures could reduce general
aviation accidents by as much as 14 percent. The study was based on data about the 4,968 general
aviation accidents in 1968 and on responses to a pilot survey. The results indicated that faulty preflight
procedures could be linked to 697 accidents, of which 184 were fatal. Of these 184 fatal accidents, the
largest number (81) resulted from flying under Visual Flight Rules into bad weather, and the next highest
number (42) from impairment by alcohol. Of the non-fatal accidents caused by poor preflight procedures,
the largest number (132) was due to fuel exhaustion. Eighty-two percent of pilots involved in accidents
linked to preflight procedures had not filed a flight plan.
May 3, 1970: Upgraded certification requirements for aviation maintenance technician schools (formerly
called "aviation mechanic schools") became effective. The changes, which included new curriculum
requirements for both certification and operations, were designed to reflect recent technological advances
in aviation.
May 4, 1970: FAA issued a rule requiring that Cockpit Voice Recorders be installed in large
transport category helicopters operated in scheduled service, with compliance by Jul 8, 1971. (See Jun
26, 1964, and Mar 25, 1987.)
May 4, 1970: FAA implemented a standard organizational structure for the larger air route traffic
control centers, including the so-called Level IB (300,000 to 1,000,000 aircraft handled per year) and
Level II (over 1,000,000 aircraft handled per year) centers. The new structure strengthened administrative
and technical supervision of air traffic control personnel. It was designed to increase operational efficiency
through better manpower utilization, while providing a more effective basis for the development of the
controller's career progression plans. As part of the new structure, the agency assigned personnel
management specialists to all centers in the contiguous United States, except Great Falls, to advise
managers and supervisors. These specialists also worked with organized employee groups and provided
professional advice on personnel matters to individual center employees.
May 8, 1970: Upgraded type-certification standards for new large transport aircraft became
effective. The new airworthiness standards resulted from several years of government/industry study and
development. They related to four major certification areas: flight requirements; systems and equipment;
airframe; and powerplant.
May 11, 1970: Kenneth M. Smith became FAA's Deputy Administrator, succeeding David D. Thomas
(see Jul 1, 1965). He was nominated by the President on Mar 24, and confirmed by the Senate on Apr 30.
Born in Sacramento, Calif., Smith began his career in aviation in 1939 as an aircraft electrical
installer with Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. (later the General Dynamics Corp.) in San Diego. He was
a Navy pilot during World War II, and attended St. Mary's University and California Polytechnic
University in 1943 and 1944 under a Navy training program. Smith returned to Consolidated Vultee at
war's end, became the firm's representative in the nation's capital in 1952, subsequently moved to other
positions, and was named corporate vice president in 1960. Smith left General Dynamics in 1962 to
become vice president/marketing for the Consolidated Electrodynamics Division of Bell and Howell. In
1964, he joined Rockwell Standard Corporation as vice president and assistant general manager of the Aero
Commander Division, and was promoted to general manager in December. Smith became president of
Management Enterprises, an aircraft industry consulting firm in Oklahoma City in 1966. In 1967, he
assumed the presidency of Windecker Research in Midland, Tex., became vice chairman of the board in
1969, and held these positions when selected for FAA's top post.
Smith served as FAA Deputy Administrator until Jul 15, 1972, when he left the agency to
become Executive Vice President of E-Systems, Inc., an engineering research and development firm
specializing in aerospace and electronic systems. (See Aug 9, 1974.)
May 15, 1970: FAA published new taxiway design standards aimed at speeding ground movements of
large aircraft and thus increasing an airport's capacity. These new standards were based on the size of the
aircraft using an airport; previously, taxiway designs were determined by the length of the runway. The
agency intended the new standards primarily for yet-to-be-built airports, though they applied to existing
airports served by aircraft in the Boeing 747 category.
May 15, 1970: FAA completed the functional realignment of the Logistics Service on this date. This
service, while relinquishing some of its responsibilities to the National Airspace System Program Office
and the Facility Installation Service (see Jan 19, 1970), retained its responsibility over materiel purchasing;
at the same time, it was given the responsibilities in property management previously exercised by the
Office of Management Systems and moved (on Jan 19, 1970) from the jurisdiction of the Associate
Administrator for Development to the jurisdiction of the Associate Administrator for Administration. (See
Dec 22, 1967.)
May 18, 1970: FAA established the Office of the Associate Administrator for Engineering and
Development, replacing the abolished Office of the Associate Administrator for Development. The new
Associate Administrator had executive direction over the National Airspace System Program Office
(NASPO), the Systems Research and Development Service (SRDS), and the National Aviation Facilities
Experimental Center (NAFEC). Previously, NASPO and NAFEC reported directly to the FAA
Administrator. Under the new organizational structure, the agency abolished the Aircraft Development
Service and assigned its responsibilities to SRDS. (See Jan 13, 1961, Jul 1, 1961, Oct 22, 1965, and Apr
25, 1966.)
May 21, 1970: President Nixon signed Public Law 91-258, of which Title I was the Airport and Airway
Development Act of 1970 and Title II was the Airport and Airway Revenue Act of 1970. The
legislation responded to problems posed by civil aviation's extraordinary growth during the 1960s.
Between mid-1959 and mid-1969, the number of aircraft handled by FAA's air route traffic control centers
had increased by 110.6 percent, while aircraft operations at FAA's airport towers had increased by 112
percent. Airport and airway development programs, inadequately funded, had failed to keep pace with this
growth in aviation activity, resulting in a severe strain on the air traffic control system (see Jul 19, 1968).
The new legislation assured a fund of about $11 billion over the next decade for airport and
airway modernization. By establishing an Airport and Airway Trust Fund modeled on the Highway
Trust Fund, it freed airport and airway development from having to compete for General Treasury funds.
Into the trust fund would go new revenues from aviation user taxes levied by the Airport and Airway
Revenue Act, and other funds that Congress might choose to appropriate to meet authorized expenditures.
Revenues would be raised by the following levies on aviation users: an 8 percent tax on domestic passenger
fares; a $3 surcharge on passenger tickets for international flights originating in the United States; a tax of
7¢ a gallon on both gasoline and jet fuel used by aircraft in noncommercial aviation; a 5 percent tax on
airfreight waybills; and an annual registration fee of $25 on all civil aircraft, plus (1) in the case of piston-
powered aircraft weighing more than 2,500 pounds, 2¢ a pound for each pound of maximum certificated
takeoff weight, or (2) in the case of turbine powered aircraft, 3.5¢ a pound for each pound of maximum
certificated takeoff weight. The principal advantages of the user-charge/trust-fund approach to revenue
raising and funding were that it provided a predictable and increasing source of income, more
commensurate with need; permitted more effective and longer range planning; and assured that the tax
revenues generated by aviation would not be diverted to nonaviation uses.
The major weaknesses of the Federal Airport Act (see May 13, 1946), which was repealed by
the new legislation, were inadequate funding and the nature of the formula for distributing those resources.
The annual authorization for airport development under the old act totaled only $75 million. Of this total,
the distribution of $66.5 million was fixed by a formula apportioning 75 percent of it by population and
area among the states--half in the ratio of each state's population to the total population of all the states, and
half in the ratio of each state's area to the total area of all the states. The remaining 25 percent of the $66.5
million, plus any state's apportionment under the population-area formula if unclaimed for two fiscal years,
went into a discretionary fund with certain other funds; however, this discretionary fund was too small to
make a significant impact on critical, high-priority areas.
Under the new Airport Development Aid Program, by contrast, airport aid received a
greatly increased annual authorization of $280 million for each of the next five fiscal years (see Aug 6,
1970). The new law also provided an improved distribution formula. Of the annual $280 million, $250
million in matching funds would be distributed in the following manner among airports serving air carriers
certificated by CAB and airports serving general aviation primarily to relieve congestion at airports serving
other segments of aviation:
* One-third as follows: (1) 97 percent of this third among the several states, one-half in the
ratio of each state's population to the total U.S. population, and one-half in the ratio of each
state's area to the total area of all the states; (2) 3 percent of this third among Hawaii,
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, the first two places receiving 35 percent shares
each, and the last two, 15 percent shares each.
* One-third among airports serving CAB-certificated air carriers in the ratio of each such
airport's passenger enplanements to the total number of passengers enplaned at all such
* One-third at the discretion of the Secretary of Transportation.
The remaining $30 million of the annual $280 million would be apportioned by the Secretary as follows for
developing in the several states and in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands airports serving segments
of aviation other than CAB-certificated air carriers: 73.5 percent among the several states, one-half of this
in the ratio of each state's population to the total population of all the States, and one-half in the ratio of
each State's area to the total area of all the States; 1.5 percent for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the
Virgin Islands in shares of 35 percent, 35 percent, 15 percent, and 15 percent, respectively; and 25 percent
at the discretion of the Secretary.
In its provisions concerning planning, the new legislation reflected both lessons of experience
and the emergence of certain new planning factors. Experience under the Federal Airport Act with the
National Airport Plan (NAP), which covered a period of five years and was revised annually, led to the
requirement in the new law for a National Airport System Plan (NASP) covering at least 10 years and
revised only as necessary. Notable among factors explicitly mentioned for the Secretary's consideration in
preparing the NASP, but not explicitly mentioned in relation to the NAP, were: the relationship of each
airport to the local transportation system, to forecasted technological developments in aeronautics, and to
developments forecasted in other modes of intercity transportation; and factors affecting the quality of the
natural environment.
A significant feature of the new legislation was its provision for planning grants (see Mar
31, 1971). The law authorized a total of $75 million for grants to planning agencies for airport system
planning, and to public agencies for airport master planning; however, planning grants could not exceed
$15 million in any one fiscal year; nor could any such grant exceed two-thirds of an airport project's cost.
Another important provision of the bill gave FAA the responsibility for the safety certification of airports
served by air carriers (see May 21, 1973).
No less than airport development, airway modernization would benefit from the increased
funding under the Airport and Airway Development Act. Whereas appropriations for airway facilities and
equipment had averaged $93 million a year during the 1960s, the new legislation authorized "not less than"
$250 million a year for the next five fiscal years. A principal beneficiary of this more generous
authorization would be FAA's efforts to automate the air traffic control. (See Nov 27, 1971, and Jul 1,
May 25, 1970: FAA issued the first supplemental type certificate for installation and operation of area
navigation equipment in general aviation aircraft to the Butler National Corporation for use of the
Butler Vector Analog Computer. The certificate permitted the use of this equipment during the en route,
terminal, and approach phases of operation. (See Oct 1, 1969.)
May 26, 1970: Effective this date, FAA prohibited persons from operating any moored balloon,
unmanned free balloon, kite, or unmanned rocket in a manner interfering with aircraft operations. The
rule was in response to an attempt by certain individuals to disrupt aircraft operations at two airports in
California by flying kites or balloons, the sizes of which were not covered by Federal regulation.
May 27, 1970: Resumption of flight operations by National Airlines ended the longest complete
shutdown of a domestic U.S. airline by a strike
to that date. The 116-day strike had begun on Jan 31.
Jun 15, 1970: FAA, the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), and the Air Force signed a memorandum of understanding
setting forth the relationship between CAP wings and State and Regional Defense Airlift (SARDA)
organizations. According to the agreement, the CAP would function as an arm of SARDA during a
national emergency.
Jun 17, 1970: Effective this date, FAA set requirements for the use of supplemental oxygen in
nonpressurized general aviation aircraft. Flight crews were required to use supplemental oxygen: on
flights remaining more than 30 minutes above 12,500 feet and up to 14,000 feet; and during the entire time
a flight remained above 14,000 feet. Above 15,000 feet, supplemental oxygen was to be provided for each
occupant of the aircraft. Previously, only air carrier and air taxis had been covered by requirements
concerning supplemental oxygen.
Jun 19, 1970: An Interagency Microwave Landing System Planning Group was formed at the direction
of the Secretary of Transportation. With the FAA Administrator as chairman, the group included
representatives from the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, the Department of Defense, and the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The group was charged with preparing a five-year plan
for the development and implementation of a microwave landing system (MLS) for civil-military common
use. The development of the new system had been a recommendation of DOT's Air Traffic Control
Advisory Committee. (See Dec 1969 and Jul 1971.)
Jun 19, 1970: FAA established two-way air traffic control satellite communications between its facilities in
San Francisco/Oakland and Honolulu. This service, the first full-time point-to-point satellite
communication service in air traffic control, consisted of one voice and three teletypewriter channels
leased from the International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium (Intelsat). The new system was
superior to the previously used high frequency radio circuits and permitted the decommissioning of FAA's
high frequency International Flight Service Transmitting and Receiving Service at Tracy, Calif.
Jun 25, 1970: The first series of area navigation instrument approach procedures in the United States
went into effect at six terminal areas--Kirksville, Mo., Longview, Tex., and Fullerton, Lancaster, Palm
Springs, and Torrance, Calif. The new procedures permitted pilots of aircraft equipped with area
navigation equipment to make straight-in instrument approaches to runways without the use of runway-
oriented electronic approach aids. This eliminated the need for pilots to conduct time consuming turns and
circling maneuvers required by conventional IFR approaches. (See Oct 1, 1969.)
Jun 25, 1970: FAA introduced major changes in the New York Metropolitan Area's air traffic
patterns and procedures. Known as New York Metroplex, the new procedures reduced traffic
congestion in and around New York airports, and accelerated the movement of aircraft along major north-
south routes. Under Metroplex, primary holding patterns, or arrival fixes, for area airports were moved
farther out from the center of the city. This enabled FAA to add five new en route corridors, with the
following results: the number of departure routes increased significantly, traffic distribution improved,
bottlenecks were reduced, and crisscrossing of incoming and outgoing flight corridors was minimized. The
introduction of the new procedures, first scheduled for Apr 2, 1970, but delayed by a postal employees
strike and then the air traffic controllers strike, was made possible by the presence of the New York
common IFR room (see Jul 15, 1968), which gave the New York area a greater and more flexible traffic
handling capability than the older, unintegrated terminal control system. (See Jan 15, 1969.)
Jun 25, 1970: In a major new safety rule effective this date, FAA established the terminal control area
(TCA) concept. FAA designed the rule, first proposed in Sep 1969 and re-proposed in revised form in
Mar 1970, to minimize the midair collision hazard around the nation's busiest airports. A TCA consisted of
controlled airspace within which all aircraft would be subject to special operating rules and pilot and
equipment requirements. Although the boundaries of each TCA would be determined separately, their
general shape resembled an "inverted wedding cake" with its smallest layer touching the ground. TCAs
were broken into two categories, with the most congested locations designated as Group I. The rules for
Group I required:
* Air traffic control clearance for all operations.
* Large turbine-powered aircraft to stay above the TCA's floor unless otherwise authorized
by air traffic control.
* The speed limit beneath the TCA's lateral limits to be 200 knots (230 mph).
* Takeoffs and landings by solo student pilots to be banned.
* Aircraft to carry an operable two-way radio.
* Fixed-wing aircraft to carry an operable receiver for VOR or TACAN (standard navigation
aids), as well as a radar beacon transponder. The transponder requirement did not apply to
instrument flight rules (IFR) operations to and from secondary airports within the TCA.
For Group II TCAs, the rules were the same as for Group I except that solo student operations
were not banned, and that aircraft using visual flight rules (VFR) need not carry transponders (see Jun 8,
1973). Because of this less stringent transponder requirement, air traffic control would provide added
separation service--separation from VFR as well as IFR traffic--only when large turbine-powered aircraft
were involved. Within Group I TCAs, by contrast, air traffic control would maintain separation between all
FAA tentatively selected 10 locations as Group I TCAs and 14 as Group II. Because of
varying local conditions, each was to be designated by a separate rule, beginning with those in Group I.
FAA established the first TCA at Atlanta on the same day as the TCA concept itself. It established the
second at Chicago on Jul 23. (See Feb 4, 1971.)
Jun 26, 1970: FAA completed the first field evaluation of ARTS (Automated Radar Terminal System)
II at the Knoxville, Tenn., terminal area. A modular, non-tracking air traffic control system, ARTS II was
designed for both low- and medium-density terminal control facilities. The evaluation, which had begun on
Feb 9, encompassed three separate test phases: a numerics-only phase, an alphanumerics phase, and a two-
display configuration phase. (See Oct 1, 1976.)
Jun 1970: Forty-seven percent of the adult U.S. population had flown on a scheduled airline, according
to a poll taken this month by the Gallup Organization. (See Calendar year 1965.)
Jul 1, 1970: All Department of Transportation internal audit functions were consolidated in the
Office of the Secretary. FAA's internal audit functions were directed to take guidance and direction from
the Department's Director of Audit.
Jul 1, 1970: All Department of Transportation public information functions were consolidated in the
Office of the Secretary. FAA's Office of Public Affairs was directed to take guidance and direction from
the Department's Director of Public Affairs.
Jul 1, 1970: FAA discontinued the Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) code which had been in use for 31
years, substituting contracted English. This freed pilots and Flight Service Station specialists from
encoding and decoding information transmitted on teletype circuits.
Jul 13, 1970: FAA announced an expansion of the air traffic controller training facilities at the
Aeronautical Center. A new building would be constructed that would provide additional office space as
well as additional classrooms for air traffic control training. (See Jun 30, 1989.)
Jul 17, 1970: New Orleans' Moisant International Airport became the first U.S. airport to subject all
passengers to the FAA-developed antihijacking screening system. (See Jan 1969.) The system was
based on a behavioral profile used in conjunction with weapons detection by magnatometer. If a person
identified by the system as a possible risk did not satisfactorily resolve the question with airline personnel,
he was further investigated by a U.S. marshal or deputy marshal. Previously, individual airlines had used
the system only on selected flights. (See Feb 2, 1972.)
Jul 31, 1970: FAA issued to Pan American World Airways the first aviation war risk insurance premium
policy under a new coverage plan. Previously, FAA's only war risk insurance for which a premium was
charged was a standby plan that would make coverage available in the event of war between major powers
(see Jun 14, 1951). The new plan was offered in response to the entry into airline service of the Boeing
747. Because of the high cost of this aircraft (some $24 million), commercial insurers would cover only
about 60 percent of its value. FAA's new policy covered war risks for the commercially uninsurable
portion of Boeing 747s flying international routes, and was later expanded to cover the aircraft's whole
On Feb 4, 1971, FAA transferred the responsibility for administering the aviation war risk
insurance program from its General Counsel to the Assistant Administrator for International Aviation
Affairs. In Nov 1977, Public Law 95-163 expanded the scope of insurable risks to allow the FAA
Administrator broad discretionary authority in extraordinary circumstances to insure air services deemed in
the national interest. On Feb 4, 1984, the aviation insurance program was transferred from the Office of
International Aviation to the Office of Aviation Policy and Plans. In 1992, legislation further expanded the
scope of the program by allowing coverage for some domestic flight segments and certain services in direct
support of flight operations.
In addition to the 747 coverage mentioned above, examples of uses of the aviation insurance
program have included both premium and non-premium coverage of: flights in the Vietnam area during
1967-75; Middle East flights during the 1990-91 Operation Desert Shield/Storm; and flights to Somalia in
support of Operation Restore Hope in 1992-93.
Aug 2, 1970: The first hijacking of a wide-bodied airliner occurred as a Pan American 747 bound from
New York to San Juan with 388 passengers was diverted to Havana.
Aug 3, 1970: FAA renamed its Office of Investigations and Security the Office of Air Transportation
Security. At the same time, the agency established an Air Operations Security Division within the new
office and gave it responsibility for dealing with hijacking security, bomb threats, aircraft and cargo
security, and for developing and implementing deterrent systems for the prevention of criminal acts against
air transportation. (See Nov 18, 1969 and Jun 11, 1974.)
On Jun 15, 1970, the Secretary of Transportation had announced that the nine-member Task
Force on the Deterrence of Air Piracy would be replaced by a permanent organizational component staffed
with full-time specialists to deal not only with aircraft piracy, but also with sabotage and all other air
transportation security problems (see Jan 1969).
Aug 6, 1970: FAA announced its first three grants under the new Airport Development Aid Program, or
ADAP (see May 21, 1970). The awards went to Detroit Metropolitan-Wayne County Airport (Mich.),
Hector Field (Fargo, N.D.), and Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (Minn.). On Oct 27, 1970, the
Secretary of Transportation officially delegated the authority to administer the ADAP program to the FAA
Aug 6, 1970: FAA transferred jurisdiction over agency hearing officers from the Regulatory Council to
the Assistant Administrator for Appraisal. (See Jan 17, 1962.)
Aug 11, 1970: FAA withdrew a notice of proposed rulemaking requiring the use of protective smoke
hoods. The agency had proposed on Jan 6, 1969, that these hoods be carried on all large airplanes for use
by occupants during evacuation when fire or smoke was present. After further study, however, FAA
decided that the hoods’ use might produce unacceptable delays during evacuation. Rapid evacuation after a
crash landing, the agency held, was the most vital element for survival.
Aug 12, 1970: FAA established a Technical Assistance Staff headquartered in the United States in the
Office of International Aviation Affairs to provide a variety of short-term technical assistance in aviation
to foreign countries anywhere in the world. During the first year of its existence, this staff dispatched 44
technicians on short-term assignments to 13 countries. At the same time, FAA abolished the Regional
Aviation Assistance Group, which had provided assistance primarily to Latin American countries.
Aug 12, 1970: In a rule issued this date, FAA required an advanced type of Flight Data Recorder for
those large transport aircraft over 12,500 lb. certificated after Sep 30, 1969, that were turbine-powered or
certificated to operate above 25,000 feet. By Mar 18, 1974, such aircraft were required to carry a type of
recorder able to provide accident investigators with over three times more information on an aircraft's
control settings and other circumstances. (See Aug 5, 1957, and Mar 25, 1987).
Aug 29, 1970: The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 first flew. On Jul 29, 1971, FAA type-certificated the
aircraft, a medium-to-long-range airliner with a maximum capacity of 345 passengers. Powered by three
General Electric CF6-6D turbofan engines, the DC-10 became the first transport certificated by FAA to
meet the reduced engine-noise levels for takeoff, approach, and taxiing operations specified in Part 36 of
the Federal Aviation Regulations . American Airlines inaugurated scheduled DC-10 service on Aug 5,
1971, with a flight from Los Angeles to Chicago.
Sep 6-9, 1970: Members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked four airliners
over Europe, blew them up, and held many passengers hostage. The hijackers originally planned to seize
two Israeli, one Swiss, and one U.S. aircraft, and take the planes to a level stretch of Jordanian desert
dubbed "Revolution Airstrip." The plan failed insofar as the Israeli aircraft were concerned. Front
members were refused admittance to one of them, whereupon they hijacked a U.S. flight. When they
learned that the wide-body jet was too large to land at Revolution Airstrip, they ordered it to Cairo, where
they blew it up after deplaning its occupants. Front members succeeded in boarding the other Israeli
airliner, but their hijacking attempt was foiled in flight. One hijacker was killed and another arrested by
British authorities when the plane landed in London.
The part of the original plan involving U.S. and Swiss airliners succeeded, and on Sep 6 these
aircraft landed at Revolution Airstrip with all passengers. To gain bargaining power for the release of their
member arrested in London, the Front hijacked a British airliner and forced it to land at Revolution Airstrip
on Sep 9. The Front blew up the three empty airliners on Sep 12. All hostages except six were freed on
Sep 27. Those six were freed two days later, in return for the release of the hijacker under arrest in London
and six other Front members held by the Swiss and West Germans.
Sep 10, 1970: The Air Transport Association settled a $50 million damage suit against PATCO for its
role in the 1970 strike. As part of the settlement, PATCO remained under a permanent injunction against
any future job action. (See Apr 23, 1970, and Jan 29, 1971.)
Sep 11, 1970: President Nixon announced a comprehensive antihijacking program that called for:
* The U.S. government to place specially trained, armed guards on American commercial
airline flights.
* Extending, under DOT auspices, the use of electronic and other surveillance techniques by
U.S. flag carriers to all gateway airports in the U.S., and in other countries wherever
* Accelerated efforts by Federal agencies to develop security measures, including new
methods for detecting weapons and explosives devices.
* The State Department and other appropriate agencies to consult foreign governments and
foreign carriers on antihijacking techniques.
* All countries to accept the multilateral convention (to be considered at a conference held
under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization) providing for
extradition or punishment of hijackers.
In addition, the President called on the international community to suspend airline service to countries
refusing to extradite or punish hijackers involved in international blackmail. He stated that it was U.S.
policy to hold nations in which a hijacked plane landed responsible for appropriate steps to protect the lives
and property of U.S. citizens. (See Sep 21, 1970, Oct 28, 1970, and Sep 23, 1971.)
Sep 21, 1970: The Department of Transportation announced the appointment of Lt. Gen. Benjamin O.
Davis, Jr. (USAF-Ret), as Director of Civil Aviation Security for DOT. Davis advised the Secretary of
Transportation on the Department's antihijacking program and coordinated the functions of the airport and
airborne security force, composed of components from the Departments of Defense, Justice,
Transportation, and Treasury, and other government agencies. (See Sep 11, 1970.)
Sep 25, 1970: The Departments of Justice and Transportation signed a memorandum of understanding
dividing responsibilities for responding to hijackings. The FBI had jurisdiction when an aircraft was
neither airborne nor moving on the runway for purposes of takeoff or landing. The pilot retained command
at other times, and FAA's recommendations to him had precedence. A further agreement in Dec 1971
assigned the pilot the responsibility of signaling whether the aircraft should be disabled or stormed. On
Feb 26, 1975, FAA and the FBI signed a new memorandum of understanding governing responsibilities
during a hijacking. Following guidelines provided by the Anti-Hijacking Act of Aug 5, 1974 (see that
date), the new agreement extended FAA jurisdiction to include the period from the closing of all external
doors following embarkation until the opening of one such door for disembarkation. Both the FAA and the
FBI agreed to fully consider each other's views, as well as the views of the airline and the pilot in
command, before initiating law enforcement action.
Sep 30, 1970: FAA established a Civil Rights Committee. The 13-member committee served as a
sounding-board for the discussion of equal employment opportunity problems and suggested methods for
improving the employment environment, examined employment practices and procedures, reviewed
proposed employment directives, and performed other specified advisory functions.
Oct 2, 1970: A chartered Martin 404 carrying members of the Wichita State University football team
crashed near Silver Plume, Colo., killing 32 of the 40 persons aboard. The National Transportation
Safety Board later cited the probable cause as the operation of the aircraft over a mountain valley route at
an altitude from which the aircraft could not avoid obstructing terrain. Among factors listed as contributing
to the accident was the charter company’s poor operational management. The accident called into question
the business practices of charter and leasing firms, and Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe on Oct 9
ordered an investigation of companies designated as commercial operators of large aircraft (see March
5, 1971). While this investigation proceeded, FAA on Oct 27 proposed a rule redefining the term
"commercial operator" and requiring educational institutions and similar groups to hold an air travel club
certificate when operating large aircraft over 12,500 pounds. The proposal would also have required
operators of large aircraft to obtain a commercial operator's certificate for certain operations in the
furtherance of business. Industry response to the proposal proved strongly negative. Meanwhile, another
major crash of a charter flight occurred on Nov 14, 1970, when a Southern Airways DC-9 descended
too low during a nonprecision approach at Huntington, WVa. The accident killed all 75 of the plane’s
occupants, including the Marshall University football team. (See Mar 5, 1971.)
Oct 12, 1970: FAA announced adoption of a three-bar version of the visual approach slope indicator
(VASI) system. VASI had been adopted as the U.S. national standard in 1961 and became the international
standard shortly thereafter. The bicolor (red-white) light box system was located alongside the runway at
its touchdown or aiming point. When the pilot was on the proper glide slope, the far indicator was red and
the closer one was white. When the pilot was above the glide slope, both indicators were white; when
below the glide path, both were red. The specialized three-bar VASI was primarily for runways which
were not equipped with the Instrument Landing System and which served new, large jets, such as the
Boeing 747, whose pilots sat high above the landing gear. Pilots flying these jets would use the second and
third bars for reference, while pilots of smaller aircraft would use the first and second bars. (See Feb 8,
Oct 14, 1970: Congress approved legislation implementing the Convention on Offences and Certain Other
Acts Committed on Board Aircraft--the so-called Tokyo Convention. This legislation accomplished three
objectives: it closed certain minor gaps in U.S. criminal jurisdiction over acts committed on aircraft of U.S.
registry; it clarified the existing "air commerce" jurisdiction, which otherwise could have created serious
constitutional and international problems; and it brought U.S. military aircraft under the "special aircraft
jurisdiction of the United States." (See Dec 4, 1969.)
Oct 28, 1970: The Departments of Transportation and Treasury agreed that the Bureau of Customs would
recruit and train a permanent force of customs security officers who would be assigned to FAA for
service as sky marshals aboard commercial passenger flights (see Aug 10, 1961). The first class of these
officers graduated on Dec 23, 1970; by May 1971, they had completely replaced an interim force organized
in accordance with the program announced by President Nixon on Sep 11, 1970 (see that date). This
interim force had consisted of both military personnel and civilian agents from the Treasury Department
and other agencies, including FAA.
Nov 6, 1970: FAA established a national en route air traffic training program for beginning center
controllers. The program, an outgrowth of a Corson Committee recommendation (see Jan 29, 1970),
used the FAA Academy for qualification training and FAA facilities for proficiency training. Its objectives
included shortening the training, reducing the high attrition rate among trainees, and making more efficient
use of resources. Training was conducted in three phases. The first phase, indoctrination and precontrol,
took place at an en route facility and covered noncontrol duties. The second, control, was conducted at the
FAA Academy and consisted of a nine-week non-radar and radar control procedures course. The final
phase, sector qualification, took place at an en route facility. Previously, controller trainees had been sent
directly to the FAA Academy for a nine-week indoctrination course, and then to the centers for on-the-job
training running from two to three years.
Nov 12, 1970: The National Transportation Safety Board released the results of a 1969 inquiry into the
cause and prevention of midair collisions. The Board concluded that "no one solution is available to the
aviation community which will result in the elimination of all midair collisions." The collision potential,
however, could be reduced by (1) pilot education and pilot scanning techniques, (2) using collision
avoidance systems and pilot warning indicators, (3) establishing standard traffic patterns for all airports, (4)
separating high- and low-performance aircraft within terminal areas, (5) implementing area navigation
throughout the National Airspace System, (6) increasing the conspicuity of aircraft, and (7) expanding the
use of automation in air traffic control.
The Board recommended that FAA:
* Evaluate pilot qualification criteria and minimum airborne equipment requirements for
operations into high-density terminal areas.
* Accelerate the program providing for the separation of high- and low-performance aircraft
in high-density terminal areas.
* Encourage the development of an airborne collision avoidance system for air carrier and
larger general aviation aircraft.
* Provide funds for the ground equipment necessary to support airborne collision avoidance
* Sponsor the development of pilot warning indicator systems.
* Require the installation of collision avoidance and pilot warning indicator systems when
they become available.
* Add scanning techniques to the pilot training syllabus.
* Require the installation of white anticollision lights on all aircraft.
* Accelerate the implementation of an area navigation system throughout the National
Airspace System (see Mar 6, 1972).
Nov 16, 1970: The Lockheed TriStar L-1011 first flew. On Apr 14, 1972, FAA type-certificated the
three-engine wide-body jet with a maximum capacity of 260 passengers. Eastern Air Lines inaugurated
scheduled L-1011 service on Apr 26, with a flight from Miami to New York. On Dec 7, 1981, Lockheed
announced a phasing out of Tristar production. The 250th and last L-1011 was rolled out on Aug 19,
1983. The company completed delivery during 1985, with the exception of a single L-1011 (the first one
produced) retained by Lockheed until 1986. While ceasing to compete against Boeing and McDonnell
Douglas in the commercial transport field, Lockheed remained a major producer of military aircraft.
Nov 30, 1970: FAA inaugurated a general aviation accident prevention program on a national level
after its effectiveness had been demonstrated in a two-year test in FAA's Central and Southwest Regions
(see Jul 1, 1968). The expansion of the program during fiscal 1971 involved placing accident prevention
specialists in 83 general aviation and flight standards district offices, supplemented by one national and
seven regional accident coordinators. The program's premise was that the number of general aviation
accidents could be reduced by improving the attitude, behavior, proficiency, and knowledge of airmen, as
well as by reducing environmental hazards.
Dec 3, 1970: The supersonic transport (SST) program suffered a reverse in Congress as the Senate
adopted an amendment to delete from the Department of Transportation fiscal 1971 appropriations bill an
administration request for $290 million to continue SST prototype development. Subsequently, House-
Senate conferees restored $210 million of the administration's request to the bill. But the Senate balked
again, and the House refused to take part in another conference. Accordingly, the two chambers passed a
joint resolution continuing appropriations for the Department (including the SST project) through Mar 30,
1971, at the fiscal 1970 level; at the same time, they agreed to vote on the SST appropriation separately
from the rest of the DOT appropriation early in the 92d Congress. (See Apr 22, 1970, and Mar 24, 1971.)
Dec 5, 1970: A rule prohibiting any person from acting as a crewmember of a civil aircraft within
eight hours after consuming alcohol became effective. The previous rule had prohibited crewmembers
from performing their duties while under the influence of alcohol, but specified no time period for
abstinence. (See Apr 17, 1985.)
Dec 14, 1970: The Center for Development of Air Transportation, a private Italian organization founded in
1950, awarded the Leonardo da Vinci Prize for 1970 to FAA for contributions to worldwide knowledge
and achievements in the fields of aerial navigation, airport development, and the promotion of flight safety.
Dec 16, 1970: The U.S. and 49 other nations signed the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful
Seizure of Aircraft (known as The Hague or Hijacking Convention) at a diplomatic conference held
under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization. The U.S. was an active participant in
developing the convention, which declared the hijacking of civil aircraft to be an offense punishable by
severe penalties. The convention obligated contracting states to extradite hijackers or to submit their cases
to prosecutorial authorities. The U.S. Senate approved ratification on Sep 8, 1971, and the U.S. deposited
its instruments of ratification on Sep 14. This completed the 10 ratifications needed to bring the convention
into force among ratifying states 30 days later, and it became effective on Oct 14, 1971. Signatories to the
convention depositing instruments of ratification before the U.S. were Japan, Bulgaria, Sweden, Costa
Rica, Gabon, Hungary, Israel, Norway, and Switzerland.
Dec 22, 1970: FAA established the Office of Environmental Quality and simultaneously abolished the
Office of Noise Abatement, which formed the nucleus of the new office. This organizational change
reflected FAA's expanding responsibilities in such areas of environmental quality as aircraft noise
abatement, sonic boom, smoke emission, exhaust pollution, and aircraft waste. FAA issued an order on
Feb 19, 1971, transferring the aircraft noise abatement research program to the Systems Research and
Development Service. (See Jul 21, 1967 and Sep 10, 1978.)
Dec 23, 1970: FAA established the Office of Systems Engineering Management in the Office of the
Associate Administrator for Engineering and Development. This new office replaced the abolished
Systems Engineering Management Staff.
Dec 29, 1970: The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, enacted this date, required that most U.S.
civil aircraft carry emergency locator transmitters (ELTs), also known as crash locator beacons, after
Dec 30, 1973. The law also required ELTs on airplanes newly manufactured or imported after Dec 30,
1971. The requirement applied to most of the general aviation fleet, including supplemental air carriers, air
taxis, and commercial operators. Exemptions included scheduled air carriers, rotorcraft, turbojets,
experimental aircraft, agricultural planes, and training flights within 20 miles of the home base. The
legislation was a response to concern over incidents in which persons survived an accident only to die
because searchers were unable to locate the crash site. FAA implemented the legislation in a rule published
on Sep 21, 1971. (See Mar 20, 1969, and Jan 2, 1974.)
Dec 31, 1970: FAA established a Defense Readiness Staff in the Office of the Associate Administrator
for Operations; at the same time, it abolished the Defense Coordination Staff. The new staff directed its
efforts to maintaining FAA's defense readiness and operational contingency plans, its post-attack and
follow-on readiness plans, and liaison between FAA and other civil and military agencies regarding defense
readiness. With the change in the organization of FAA's emergency readiness activity, the Associate
Administrator for Plans assumed responsibility for coordinating defense matters with the Department of
Defense and for monitoring significant DOD-FAA programs and plans. Subsequent changes regarding
these responsibilities included the assignment of the emergency operations function to the Office of the
Deputy Administrator on Aug 8, 1984.
Dec 31, 1970: Public Law 91-604, the Clean Air Amendments of 1970, gave the recently created
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the responsibility to promulgate aircraft engine emission
standards in order to control air pollution. Under the legislation, FAA would implement and enforce the
standards if it deemed them to be technologically feasible and economically practicable. (See Jan 20, 1970,
and Jul 6, 1973.)
Dec 31, 1970: The end of this day marked a calendar year in which there were no passenger or air
crew fatalities in U.S. scheduled domestic airline service, the first such Jan-Dec period in Federal
records. One person, however, was killed in a propeller accident on the ground, and two passengers died in
scheduled international service. Certificated route air carriers in scheduled domestic and international
passenger service recorded an unprecedented passenger fatality rate per l00 million passenger-miles flown
of 0.00l. (See Aug 31, 1940, and Dec 31, 1980.)
Jan 15, 1971: The Federal Aviation Administration transferred jurisdiction over its field offices and
facilities in Kentucky from the Eastern Region Area Office at Cleveland to the Southern Region
headquarters at Atlanta.
Jan 29, 1971: The Department of Labor stripped PATCO of its status as a labor organization because it
had called a strike against the Federal government. PATCO was required to post a notice declaring that it
would not engage in illegal job actions before it could be considered eligible for recognition as a labor
organization. PATCO took this and other steps to comply with the Labor Department's decision. On Jun 4,
the Department decided that PATCO was eligible to seek recognition as a labor organization under
Executive Order 11491. Three days later, PATCO filed a new petition with Labor for exclusive
recognition as the national representative for all air traffic controllers. (See Sep 10, 1970, and Feb 7, 1972.)
Jan 29, 1971: The Nixon administration proposed the sale of Washington National and Dulles
International Airports in the Budget of the United States Government for fiscal year 1972. The
Government asked $105 million for the two airports and made the sale subject to the approval of the
Congress. (See Oct 30, 1986.)
Feb 4, 1971: FAA instituted the new "Keep-'Em-High" program to reduce noise in the vicinity of the
nation's airports. Under the program, which had been announced in Oct 1970, the agency instructed
controllers to keep flights as high as possible during landings and takeoffs, delaying turbojet aircraft in their
final descent until relatively close to their destination airport and climbing them out as rapidly as possible
after takeoff. Where aircraft performance capabilities and considerations of passenger safety and comfort
permitted, FAA required turbojet aircraft to be kept at 10,000 feet or higher until within 30 miles of the
By Jul 1, 1971, the program had been implemented at 387 airports, nearly all those airports
serving scheduled air carrier and turbojet aircraft. (See Dec 4, 1967, and Aug 1, 1972.)
Feb 4, 1971: FAA permanently established a terminal control area (TCA) for Washington, D.C. (the
Washington National/Andrews Air Force Base complex). A TCA had been established earlier for this
location, on Aug 20, 1970, but rescinded the following day because of operational problems. The agency
established a revised version on Oct 1, 1970, but adherence was purely voluntary until made mandatory by
the Feb 4, 1971, rule. The Washington TCA was the third to be established. Two more TCAs were
established on Sep 16, 1971, one for Los Angeles and one for the New York City airport complex. (See
Jun 25, 1970 and Jan 1, 1974).
Feb 23, 1971: The Secretary of Transportation established a Transportation Safety Institute (TSI) at
FAA's Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City. Although initially operated by FAA, this school provided
training in the investigation of accidents and incidents in all modes of transportation, and in related
regulatory matters. In 1977, TSI became part of the new Research and Special Programs Administration
(see Sep 23, 1977.)
The establishment of TSI followed the dissolution of the National Aircraft Accident
Investigation School (NAAIS), which had been originally operated as a joint venture at the FAA Academy
(see Sep 30, 1963) by FAA and the Civil Aeronautics Board. The National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) assumed CAB's share of responsibility for the school when NTSB took over CAB's aircraft
accident investigation functions on Apr 1, 1967. Subsequently, however, FAA decided to include
enforcement-oriented training as part of the curriculum at NAAIS. As this added training would not be
consistent with NTSB's mission, FAA and NTSB agreed to dissolve NAIS as of Jan 31, 1971. (On Mar 4,
NTSB established its own National Aircraft Accident Investigation School at Dulles International
Mar 2, 1971: The Civil Aeronautics Board approved the merger of Trans Caribbean Airways into
American Airlines, effective this date. Trans Caribbean had begun as a charter carrier in Dec 1945, and
had begun scheduled service between New York and Puerto Rico in Mar 1958.
Mar 5, 1971: DOT released the report of its investigation of air charter and leasing companies
undertaken following an accident on Oct 2, 1970 (see that date). The investigating task force determined
the key problem was the difficulty of enforcing the distinction in the safety regulations between large-
airplane operators in private carriage for compensation or hire and other large-airplane operations in private
carriage. Among the group's recommendations were: distributing to universities and other organizations
flyers explaining the differences between leasing an aircraft and hiring a charter; incorporating a truth-in-
leasing clause in leases; and requiring that all large and complex airplanes be operated and maintained at a
safety level comparable to that of air carriers. FAA immediately carried out the recommendation on the
distribution of flyers, and later took action on the truth-in-leasing issue (see Jan 3, 1973). On Oct 7, 1971,
however, FAA withdrew a proposed rule that would have placed certain new certification requirements on
operators of large aircraft in private carriage. FAA took this action on the ground that the proposal would
impose unnecessary administrative burdens on corporate or business aircraft operators, but the agency
continued to consider ways to upgrade the safety of large general aviation aircraft. (See Oct 23, 1972.)
Mar 13, 1971: AN FAA rule upgraded airworthiness standards for small airplanes seating 10 or more
passengers (excluding crew). The new rule required all such aircraft, regardless of weight, to be
certificated in the air transport category. The rule reflected a trend toward increased numbers and types of
small aircraft designed with relatively large passenger capacity, and it affected segments of aviation that
included the growing air taxi industry. (See Sep 7, 1964, and Dec 1, 1978.)
Mar 15, 1971: FAA adopted a marking and lighting standard for identifying transmission lines and
their support structures that could constitute a potential hazard to air navigation. The standard called for
three sequentially flashing white lights of high intensity to be installed on transmission line support
structures. Each light would flash 60 times per minute. These lights replaced unlighted spherical markers
on transmission lines, which provided little or no help to pilots at night or in bad weather.
Mar 24, 1971: The Senate in effect terminated the U.S. civil supersonic transport (SST) program
when it voted against the appropriation of $289 million to continue SST prototype development. The
House of Representatives had voted down the SST appropriation on Mar 18, 1971. Later, in May 1971,
pro-SST forces in the House seeking to revive the program succeeded by a vote of 201-197 in amending a
Department of Transportation supplemental appropriations bill to include $85.3 million for SST
development; however, the Senate struck out the amendment by a vote of 58-37. (See Dec 3, 1970, and
Oct 12, 1971.)
Mar 25, 1971: A U.S.-Icelandic agreement provided that the United States would reimburse Iceland for
flight inspection of U.S.-owned military air navigation aids within Iceland. The inspections had
previously been performed by FAA, which since 1966 had been helping Iceland to establish a flight
inspection unit.
Mar 29, 1971: The FAA Administrator delegated to the Federal Air Surgeon the authority to grant or
deny airman petitions for a medical exemption under a rule effective this date. Previously, the
Administrator granted or denied such petitions after receiving the recommendation of an advisory panel of
medical specialists. Under the new rule, the services of this panel were no longer required; however, the
Federal Air Surgeon consulted with medical specialists where appropriate. Petitions involving a policy
determination were referred, with the Federal Air Surgeon's recommendations, to the Administrator for
final action.
Mar 31, 1971: The first grant under the Airport Planning Grant Program went to the Massachusetts
Aeronautics Commission for the development of a statewide comprehensive airport system plan. (See May
21, 1970.)
Apr 2, 1971: FAA realigned its regional field structure in the contiguous 48 States to conform generally
with the President's plan for a common pattern of Federal regional boundaries and regional headquarters.
In March 1969, the President had announced a plan calling for 10 standard Federal regions encompassing
all 50 States to facilitate service to the public in matters cutting across departmental or agency lines.
Conformance with this plan required FAA to establish four new regions--New England, Great Lakes,
Rocky Mountain, and Northwest--and to realign the boundaries of four of its five preexisting regions in the
contiguous 48 States. The resulting nine regions in the contiguous states, their regional headquarters, and
the states each encompassed, were:
* New England (Boston): Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, and Vermont.
* Eastern (New York City): New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia,
Delaware, New Jersey,
and the District of Columbia.
* Southern (Atlanta): North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi,
Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
* Great Lakes (Chicago): Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
* Central (Kansas City): Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska.
* Southwest (Fort Worth): Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.
* Rocky Mountain (Denver): Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and
* Northwest (Seattle): Washington, Idaho, and Oregon.
* Western (Los Angeles): California, Arizona, and Nevada.
FAA was authorized certain deviations from the President's plan: (1) the agency did not
establish a region headquartered at Philadelphia, but instead combined the states that the plan allocated to
that region with those allocated to New York; (2) FAA's Alaskan Region was not combined with the region
headquartered at Seattle; (3) and Hawaii continued as the main part of FAA's Pacific Region, headquartered
at Los Angeles, rather than becoming part of a region headquartered at San Francisco. Thus, FAA had 11
regions for the 50 States. (See Jun 12, 1981.)
At the same time that FAA's regional realignment went into force, FAA abolished its area
offices in the contiguous 48 States (see Nov 22, 1968), and the responsibilities of the area managers were
transferred to the appropriate regional directors. Area coordinators without line authority were stationed at
seven locations formerly having area offices (Albuquerque, Houston, Memphis, Miami, Salt Lake City, San
Francisco, and Washington, D.C.). In addition, Cleveland and Minneapolis each had a local coordinator
with responsibility limited to the city's metropolitan jurisdiction. These coordinators served as a point of
contact for the public on issues involving more than one program area, represented the regional director
with the community on nonprogram matters, and advised and assisted program elements of FAA on
activities that crossed program lines. In Alaska, FAA also closed the Fairbanks, Juneau, Nome, and
King Salmon Area Offices (see May 22, 1969), and area coordinators assumed services formerly
performed by those offices.
Apr 2, 1971: The Administrator gave air traffic control facilities increased flexibility in granting pilot
routing and altitude requests for all types of aircraft. Conditions permitting, controllers were empowered
to: relax the requirements for preferential routings; assign the most economical altitudes; discontinue
standard instrument departures; and honor requests for direct radar vectors. These relaxed procedures were
made possible by a temporary decline in air traffic during fiscal 1971 (the first such decline since fiscal
1961), which coincided with a general slowdown in the U.S. economy.
Apr 6, 1971: FAA required pilot familiarization with all available information concerning the
runway lengths at airports of intended use, as well as with takeoff and landing distances appropriate to the
aircraft being used. This mandatory preflight action replaced various general operating practices.
Apr 19, 1971: FAA issued its first type certificate for a West German helicopter, the Messerschmitt-
Bolkow-Blohm BO-105A.
Apr 19, 1971: The Soviet Union launched Salyut 1, the first of a series of orbiting space stations.
Soviet cosmonauts used Soyuz spacecraft to reach these stations for increasingly long missions, including a
stay of over 200 days aboard Salyut 7 in 1982. (See May 14, 1973.)
Apr 26, 1971:
Intercom noted that Ruth M. Dennis would become the first woman to serve as chief of a
Flight Service Station when she reported to the San Diego FSS during the week. Dennis had joined the
Civil Aeronautics Authority in 1944.
Apr 29, 1971: FAA established four transcontinental high-altitude area navigation routes between
New York City and Los Angeles and Oakland, Calif. (See Oct 1, 1969, and Mar 6, 1972.)
Apr 29, 1971: FAA established a V/STOL (vertical/short takeoff and landing) Special Projects Office
under the Associate Administrator for Engineering and Development to stimulate and encourage the private
development of economically viable V/STOL systems and provide a focal point for all of FAA's V/STOL
development activities. The new office would formulate and maintain a comprehensive agency V/STOL
development plan. (See Sep 23, 1968, Sep 17, 1971, and Jul 26, 1972.)
May 3, 1971: FAA's Management Training School at Cameron College, Lawton, Okla., admitted its
first class. The school's establishment had been recommended by the Corson Committee (see Jan 29,
1970). FAA required all supervisors and middle managers to attend an appropriate three-week course, and
refresher courses were offered. Some 50,000 FAA personnel attended the school before it closed on Jul 3,
1987. (See Jul 1, 1972 and Mar 14, 1986.)
May 14, 1971: In
United States v. Lopez, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New
York declared FAA's antihijacking profile system constitutional (see Jul 17, 1970). The court found that
the system had provided the "reasonable suspicion" required to justify a personal search. On another key
point, that of the characteristics contained in the profile for identifying potential hijackers, the Court said
that careful adherence to the absolute objectivity and neutrality of the system as designed would avoid
discrimination on the basis of religion, origin, race, or political views.
The case arose when two men preparing to board a New York-San Juan flight were arrested
and charged with concealing a packet of narcotics. Charges against one of the men were dropped. The
other man--the defendant in this case--was acquitted on a motion to suppress the evidence, which the court
found had been gathered outside the government's system to deter and apprehend hijackers.
May 16, 1971: Gene D. Sims became the first woman to serve as chief of an FAA airport traffic
control tower, taking over supervision of the Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Airport tower upon its
commissioning. Sims, who had joined FAA in 1956,had served as a crew chief at the Akron-Canton
(Ohio) Airport tower since 1962.
May 21, 1971: FAA established the Office of General Aviation, at the same time abolishing the Office of
General Aviation Affairs, which formed the nucleus of the new office. (See Aug 31, 1962 and Sep 10,
Jun 4, 1971: FAA issued the first supplemental type certificate approving installation of a nitrogen fuel-
tank inerting system in a civil aircraft to protect against accidental ignition of fuel vapors. The agency
installed the inerting system, developed under an FAA contract by Parker Hannifin Corporation, in a DC-9
aircraft. The type certificate applied to this specific aircraft only.
Jun 8, 1971: FAA established a Behavioral Sciences Division in the Office of Aviation Medicine. The
new division, to which the agency transferred the functions of the Psychology Staff and the Psychiatric
Assistant, provided advice on psychiatric and psychological matters in support of employee and
occupational health programs, the air traffic control specialist health program, manpower management
programs, and FAA's effort to combat aircraft piracy and sabotage, including the selection and training of
air marshals.
Jun 8, 1971: FAA established the quality assurance systems analysis review (QASAR) program to
improve surveillance activities of the quality control systems used by aviation-product manufacturers and
their parts suppliers. This program provided for a systems analysis evaluation of the aeronautical
manufacturer's total organization through in-depth and independent evaluations of the manufacturer
conducted by the Flight Standards Service's QASAR teams, and continuing evaluations by Engineering and
Manufacturing District Offices as part of their day-to-day certificate management responsibilities. On Oct
15, 1971, FAA established an Aeronautical Quality Assurance Field Office in the regions to carry out the
responsibilities of the QASAR program as well as the functional responsibilities of the Systemsworthiness
Analysis Program. (See Jun 1966.)
Jun 12, 1971: The first passenger death in a domestic hijacking incident occurred on a TWA aircraft
bound from Albuquerque to New York. The hijacker had forced his way aboard the Boeing 727 aircraft
during a scheduled stop at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, seized a stewardess, and demanded to be
flown to Vietnam. The passenger was killed attempting to aid the stewardess. When the medium-range
aircraft landed at New York's Kennedy International Airport for substitution of a long-range aircraft, the
hijacker was wounded and arrested. (See Mar 17, 1970.)
Jun 15, 1971: FAA moved its Southeast Asian International Field Office (IFO) from Manila, Republic
of the Philippines, to Agana, Territory of Guam. (The Manila office was officially closed Jun 30, 1971.)
This IFO provided aviation services to Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, South Vietnam, Thailand, Nauru, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and Guam.
Jun 18, 1971: FAA announced a joint program with the military services designed to minimize the
number of military aircraft flying under visual flight rules (VFR). The purpose of the program was to
enhance the efficiency of the common civil-military airspace system and reduce the midair-collision hazard
by bringing military flights under the direct control of FAA's air traffic control facilities. To the maximum
extent practicable, military flights in fixed-wing aircraft would be conducted in accordance under
instrument flight rules (IFR). The danger of mixing of high-speed IFR and VFR traffic had been tragically
illustrated by a midair collision on June 6, 1971, near Duarte, Calif., of a DC-9 airliner and a U.S. Marine
Corps F-4B. All 49 occupants of the DC-9 and one of the two occupants of the F-4B were killed. The
airliner was under IFR control; the military plane was flying VFR.
Jul 1, 1971: The production model of the Cessna Citation first flew. In February 1972, FAA type-
certificated this 8-seat, pressurized, executive turbofan aircraft.
Jul 1, 1971: FAA's first modular airport traffic control tower went into operation, at the Owensboro-
Davies County (Ky.) Airport. The prefabricated tower, designed primarily for low traffic activity airports,
was erected at the airport in a matter of weeks. The tower was equipped with solid state communications
Jul 8, 1971: FAA put into operation a jet-propelled boat to conduct search and rescue operations in the
event of a crash landing in the Potomac River near Washington National Airport. The 22-foot watercraft
could accommodate all occupants of the largest airliner serving the airport.
Jul 27, 1971: FAA put into operation two mobile lounges that could be raised and lowered to
accommodate varying aircraft floor heights at Dulles International Airport. The new lounges, which
carried up to 150 passengers were designed to mate with the Boeing 747, Lockheed L-1011, and
McDonnell Douglas DC-10, and other commercial aircraft. The older model mobile lounges had been
fitted with a portable stairway to bridge the space between the lounge ramp and the newer and higher
aircraft; however, this attachment did not protect passengers from adverse weather. (See Apr 2, 1959.)
Jul 1971: The Departments of Defense and Transportation and the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration issued a national plan for developing a microwave landing system (MLS) for civil-
military common use. The plan, designed to meet all civil and military needs for instrument landing
systems at domestic and foreign airports during this century, outlined two complementary development
efforts: an industry program to produce prototype equipment at the earliest possible date; and a series of
government programs concerned with such issues as validation, the investigation of subsystem concepts
and techniques, and the application of MLS to civil-military aircraft operations.
MLS was intended to replace the instrument landing system (ILS), a unidirectional system
employing VHF and UHF radio frequencies. The ILS, which had remained essentially unchanged since its
introduction in the 1940s, suffered from limitations that included dependence on a fairly smooth airport
surface to transmit an acceptable signal. Consequently, the system could not be installed in some areas
without expensive reconfiguring of the terrain. The construction of a new hangar or even the accumulation
of snow could adversely affect the system. MLS would provide precision, high-integrity guidance that
would be relatively insensitive to the effects of terrain, structures, other aircraft, and weather. It could
operate at airports where the conventional ILS could not operate because of terrain irregularities.
Moreover, the new system would make more flight paths available because it would employ a wide-angle
scanning beam, as opposed to the unidirectional beam of the old system.
On Jul 26, 1972, the responsibility for developing the new system was entrusted to a newly
formed Microwave Landing System Branch within FAA's Systems Research and Development Service.
(See Jun 19, 1970, and Jan 27, 1972.)
Aug 4, 1971: Recognizing that noise was a major source of environmental pollution, the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued guidelines for housing construction near high-noise
areas, including airports. HUD hoped to discourage the construction of new dwelling units on sites that
had, or were projected to have, an unacceptable noise exposure by withholding financial assistance for their
development. For existing buildings located in a noisy environment, the Department encouraged sound-
proofing, provided a structure's life was not substantially increased.
Aug 10, 1971: FAA abolished the Bureau of National Capital Airports as a bureau, renamed it National
Capital Airports, and attached it to the Airports Service, which assumed responsibility for operating
Washington National and Dulles International Airports. (See Dec 5, 1966 and Jun 11, 1974.)
Aug 11, 1971: FAA expanded requirements for an anticollision system of flashing aviation-red or
aviation-white lights for night operations. The agency mandated that the system be installed on all
powered U.S. civil aircraft with a standard airworthiness certificate by Aug 12, 1972. (Aircraft with
experimental, restricted, or provisional type certificates were exempted.) Previously, FAA had required the
anticollision light system only on large aircraft and on certain small aircraft as specified in their
airworthiness certificates. The agency required this system in addition to the position-light system carried
by all aircraft on their tails and wingtips.
Aug 30, 1971: Effective this date, FAA required the fastening of safety belts by each occupant on U.S.-
registered civil aircraft during takeoff and landing. The rule excepted occupants of airships and also
children under two years if held by an adult. Previously, the only passengers that FAA had required to
fasten their belts during takeoff and landing were those transported by scheduled air carriers and
commercial operators of large aircraft. The new rule required the pilot in command to ensure that all
persons aboard had been notified to fasten their safety belts prior to takeoff or landing.
Sep 4, 1971: An Alaska Airlines 727 struck a mountain slope while attempting a nonprecision
instrument landing approach to Juneau airport, killing all 111 persons aboard. The National Transportation
Safety Board determined the probable cause to be a display of misleading navigational information
concerning the flight's progress along the localizer course, which resulted in premature descent.
Sep 14, 1971: FAA signed an agreement with NASA for joint participation in flight simulation research
and development projects. Under the agreement, FAA provided technical personnel to coordinate the
agency's R & D projects with NASA officials at the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffet Field, Calif.
Included among the research projects were aircraft handling qualities and the development of certification
criteria for new aircraft, such as short takeoff and landing (STOL) aircraft.
Sep 14, 1971: FAA transferred the air marking and skyway programs to the Office of General Aviation
from the Facility Installation Service.
Sep 15, 1971: The Department of Transportation issued an in-depth study of general aviation safety,
excluding "for hire" operations. The study was conducted by members of the staff of the Assistant
Secretary of Transportation for Safety and Consumer Affairs, FAA officials, and general aviation
consultants. Areas of concern identified were: inadequate pilot and flight instructor certification
requirements; the lack of periodic pilot proficiency checks; the inability of flight service stations to meet
the flight operation requirements of the general aviation community, especially its need for accurate and
current weather data; and the lack of standard traffic patterns for uncontrolled airports.
The study's recommendations included: conducting a biennial proficiency flight review of
every pilot by a certificated flight instructor; placing increased emphasis on the general aviation accident
prevention program; increasing the skill, knowledge, and experience requirements of flight instructors;
implementing flight service station modernization and reconfiguration; improving the reporting of weather
information to the general aviation pilot; strengthening general aviation's position in FAA's headquarters;
publishing the Federal Aviation Regulations in separate parts, rather than the 11-volume format used at the
time; and adopting the standard traffic-pattern rule at all uncontrolled airports.
Sep 16, 1971: The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that pilots who had suffered a stroke
could not be automatically denied a first-class medical certificate. The Board stated that each pilot's
case must be treated separately rather than on the basis of general stroke statistics and predections. The
ruling reversed FAA's denial of a first-class medical certificate to a pilot who had suffered a "pure motor
stroke" in 1964. The Board noted that the pilot had met the pertinent rules and standards since the stroke,
and hence his general medical condition allowed him to safely exercise the privileges of the certificate.
Sep 17, 1971: The first grant related to vertical/short takeoff and landing facilities under the airport
planning grant program went to the New Jersey Department of Transportation to study the development of
a special facility to accommodate V/STOL aircraft. (See Apr 29 and Oct 17, 1971.)
Sep 23, 1971: The United States and 29 other nations signed the Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation (known as the Sabotage or Montreal Convention) at
a conference held under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (see Sep 11, 1970).
This agreement was directed against offenders who commit acts of violence against persons aboard civil
aircraft in flight, or who destroy or endanger such aircraft through means that include sabotage, interference
with air navigation facilities, and communication of false information It placed an obligation on
contracting states to extradite such offenders or submit their cases to prosecutorial authorities. The
convention would go into force 30 days following deposit of instruments of ratification by 10 of the
original signatory states. The U.S. deposited its instruments of ratification on Nov 1, 1972, and the treaty
went into force on Jan 26, 1973.
Oct 1, 1971: FAA established the Airway Facilities Service, combining the Systems Maintenance and
Facility Installation Services. This action brought the Washington headquarters in line with the regional
organization. (See May 16, 1962 and Jan 19, 1970.)
Oct 4, 1971: FAA commissioned the first operational Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS) III,
at Chicago's terminal radar control facility at O'Hare International Airport. The basic ARTS III, when
added to existing airport surveillance radars, permitted the display of such flight information as aircraft
identity and altitude directly on the radarscopes for aircraft equipped with transponders. (See Feb 13,
Oct 12, 1971: FAA abolished the Office of Supersonic Transport Development and established the
Supersonic Transport Office under the Associate Administrator for Engineering and Development to
continue SST engineering and research activities. The agency also established a SST Contracts Branch in
the Logistics Service to perform the contracting and procurement functions for the negotiation,
administration, and termination of SST contracts. (See Mar 24, 1971.)
Oct 14, 1971: FAA completed lowering the base of area positive control from 24,000 to 18,000 feet
over the entire contiguous 48 States with the lowering of the base over the southeastern United States.
The base had previously been lowered over the northeastern and north central United States on Nov 9,
1967; the northwestern and northern tier states on May 27, 1971; the west central states on Jul 22, 1971;
and the central and southwestern states on Aug 19, 1971.
The action meant that all aircraft flying between 18,000 and 60,000 feet over the contiguous
United States would receive separation services under direct FAA air traffic control. The agency had
considered the measure for a number of years, since the increasing closure speeds of aircraft reduced the
time available for pilots operating under Visual Flight Rules to detect potential collisions and take evasive
action. (See Nov 9, 1967.)
Oct 17, 1971: Opening of the first officially designated STOLport solely for short takeoff and landing
aircraft took place at Disney World, near Orlando, Fla. (The term "STOLport" had previously been
applied to that portion of an airport reserved for STOL aircraft, and not to the entire facility.) The facility
was the first such site in a projected intrastate STOL transportation system. (See Aug 5, 1968, and Jul 26,
Nov 18, 1971: Public Law 92-159 prohibited airborne hunting of birds, fish, and other animals. The
act prescribed criminal penalties for shooting, attempted shooting, or harassing of wildlife from an aircraft.
Nov 23, 1971: A Federal arbitrator approved a two-man cockpit crew for Aloha's 737 flights, basing his
decision on the low-density, fair-weather conditions under which Aloha operated. On May 8, 1973,
however, a federal arbitrator's ruling in another dispute approved a three-man crew for the 737 flights of
Wien Air Alaska. (See Jul 21, 1969 and Nov 18-27, 1974.)
Nov 24, 1971: The first in a series of hijackings involving extortion occurred when a passenger on a
flight from Portland to Seattle successfully demanded $200,000 and four parachutes, then parachuted from
the rear stairway of the Boeing 727. The hijacker--who used the name Dan Cooper, but became known as
D.B. Cooper in the press--was never found. (In Feb 1980, however, tattered bills from his loot were
discovered along the Columbia River in Washington.) Another incident involving a demand for ransom
and parachutes occurred on Dec 24, 1971, and 17 more extortion attempts on U.S. air carriers were made
during the next 6 months. (See Mar 7-9, 1972.)
Nov 27, 1971: An amendment to the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (see May 21,
1970), Congress specified that:
* No trust fund money could be appropriated to carry out any program or activity under the
Federal Aviation Act other than "acquiring, establishing, and improving air navigation
facilities. . ."
* Any excess of trust fund receipts over airport-airway capital investments could be applied
toward the cost of administering the airport and airway development programs.
* Funds equal to the minimum amounts authorized for each fiscal year for airport and
airway development must remain available in the trust fund until appropriated for airport-
airway development.
Congress passed this amendment when the Nixon administration submitted a budget request
for fiscal year 1972 that proposed to obligate less than the minimum annual levels specified in the Airport-
Airway Act for airport-airway capital investments. The Department of Transportation, in a move dictated
by the newly formed Office of Management and Budget, proposed to use the difference between the
revenues generated by user charges and the amounts requested for airport-airway development to help meet
the operational needs of air navigation and air traffic control. This proposed use of the trust fund for
noncapital expenditures was substantial. For example, the submission proposed to pay the salaries of all
but 6,253 of FAA's 54,550 employees with trust fund money generated by user taxes. Such use of trust
fund money would have been in line with Congress's intent only if the administration had requested funds
for airport and airways development at the minimum levels authorized by the act. The administration's
requesting less than the minimum was seen by Congress as an attempt to raid the trust fund for operational
In addition, the amendment extended the deadline for submission to Congress of the
report of the Aviation Advisory Commission for one year (see Jan 3, 1973), and also extended the
deadline for certificating airports serving air carriers for one year (to May 21, 1973: see that date).
(See Jun 18, 1973.)
Dec 2, 1971: FAA established a program to expedite departures of general aviation aircraft at certain
airports when local weather conditions precluded VFR operations. Known as "card-a-clearance," this
program used preprinted cards containing three standard departure clearances. By referring to these cards,
pilots avoided long and repetitious clearances on congested frequencies and also reduced the possibility of
misunderstanding of air traffic control instructions. The program was of special value at airports with a
heavy volume of general aviation traffic and recurrent smog or fog problems. Prior to implementation of
this program, FAA conducted a successful year-long test of the procedures at three general aviation airports
in the Los Angeles Basin.
Dec 31, 1971: FAA terminated its four-year-old policy of granting immunity from enforcement action
to airmen reporting near midair collisions. FAA had adopted this policy on Jan 1, 1968, to encourage
full reporting of near midair collisions, and thus gather adequate data for developing midair collision
prevention programs. In 1969, FAA published a midair collision report based on data collected during
1968; data collected in subsequent years substantiated the findings of the 1969 report. FAA saw no need,
therefore, to continue its immunity policy. (See Jul 15, 1969, and Apr 8, 1975.)
Jan 3, 1972: Under a policy change effective this date, certain privately owned public-use airports
became eligible for FAA facilities such as control towers, airport surveillance radars, terminal navigation
aids, instrument landing systems, visual approach aids, and related equipment and services. Previously,
only publicly owned airports were eligible for this assistance. The agency described the new policy as a
response to a shortage of facilities serving the growing civil air fleet and to mounting opposition to
development of new airports.
Jan 5, 1972: Betty C. Dillon, a career civil servant, became the first woman to be sworn in as Minister of
the U.S. Government to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Jan 21, 1972: FAA commissioned the first operational Category IIIa instrument landing system at
Dulles International Airport. The system, a British-made STAN 37/38, allowed qualified crews flying
properly equipped aircraft to land with a runway visibility range (horizontal visibility) of 700 feet and a
decision height (vertical visibility) of zero. Previously, the lowest landing minimums had been a 100-foot
decision height and a 1,200-foot RVR, the Category II criteria (see Nov 3, 1967). FAA outlined criteria
that had to be met before Category IIIa minimums could be approved--airport and ground facilities,
airborne systems, pilot training and proficiency requirement, operations procedures, and maintenance
standards--in an advisory circular published on Dec 14, 1971. (The Lockheed L-1011 became the first
newly certificated aircraft to be equipped with flight guidance equipment that met the Category IIIa
criteria.) (See Sep 1972.)
Jan 26, 1972: FAA began a series of briefings for manufacturers as part of a new program to promote the
export of U.S. aeronautical goods and services. The action was a response to requests by aeronautical
manufacturers for the government to develop mechanisms to help them deal with stiffening foreign
competition in world markets. The program involved: providing information on export opportunities
through reports on the implementation of regional air navigation plans of the International Civil Aviation
Organization; and formulating plans for eventual revision of bilateral airworthiness agreements as a way of
facilitating U.S. exports and promoting worldwide commonality in airworthiness standards. (See Calendar
year 1974.)
Jan 27, 1972: The Secretary of Transportation signed an agreement transferring certain emergency
preparedness functions from the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) to FAA. The agreement applied to the
air transportation activities and services provided by U.S. scheduled and supplemental air carriers operating
under the economic regulatory authority of CAB and assigned to the War Air Service Program. It excluded
air carrier services provided to the Department of Defense under the Civil Reserve Air Fleet Program.
Under the agreement, FAA had responsibility for: assessing enemy-inflicted damage relating to air carriers;
assisting air carriers in submitting claims for and restoring materials and services needed to resume air
service deemed essential by CAB.
Jan 27, 1972: Secretary of Transportation John Volpe announced that FAA had awarded contracts to six
companies for the initial phase of a planned five-year development program for a microwave landing
system (MLS) for use by civil and military aircraft. (See Jul 1971 and Mar 14, 1973.)
Jan 1972: FAA announced the Executive Development Program to identify and develop individuals in
supervisory and managerial positions (GS-14 and -15) who had potential for occupying the agency's
executive positions. On Sep 17, an initial group of eight candidates began their training.
Feb 2, 1972: FAA published a rule requiring scheduled air carriers and certain commercial operators of
large aircraft to implement a passenger and baggage screening system acceptable to the Administrator
before Feb 6, 1972 (see Jul 17, 1970, and Mar 7-9, 1972). The agency stated its opinion that the "simple
and inexpensive" system used by some carriers would have prevented the majority of recent hijackings if
used to the fullest extent possible (see Jan 1969).
On the same day, at FAA request, the Federal Communications Commission issued a notice
which informed broadcasters and FCC licensees that the Communications Act of 1934 prohibited
unauthorized broadcast of FAA air-to-ground communications. This action followed instances in
which FAA's communications were monitored and rebroadcast, seriously hampering FAA's efforts to
control aerial piracy.
Feb 7, 1972: FAA announced that air traffic controllers fired for their activist roles in the 1970 strike
could apply for re-employment. Of the 52 controllers dismissed, 46 applied and were rehired. (See Jan 29,
1971, and Oct 20, 1972.)
Feb 10, 1972: FAA consolidated the National Airspace System Program Office (NASPO) with the
Systems Research and Development Service. On Jul 26 FAA abolished NASPO, established in 1966 (see
Apr 25, 1966). As the installation of NAS En Route Stage A at FAA's ARTCCs was proceeding
satisfactorily, there was no further need for a separate office to manage this program. Also, effective Jul
26, FAA transferred NASPO's facilities systems and ARTCC building program functions to the Airway
Facilities Service.
Feb 29, 1972: Following a nationwide election, the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists
(NAATS) received Department of Labor certification as the national exclusive representative for all Flight
Service Station specialists, some 3,000 employees. On Jun 1, 1972, FAA and NAATS concluded an
agencywide collective bargaining agreement, the first such contract between FAA and a national labor
organization and the first in a series of FAA/NAATS contracts.
Mar 6, 1972: FAA announced the establishment of an FAA-Industry Area Navigation Task Force to
advise and assist the agency in the further application of its area navigation system. The action followed a
Jan 24-25, FAA-sponsored international symposium on area navigation that pointed up a need to review
FAA's program. In subsequent months the task force conducted in-depth studies and tests to assess the
system's value and to determine how area navigation could most effectively be implemented. The test
results generally confirmed the advantages previously supposed (see Oct 1, 1969) -- that area navigation
provided cost benefits by allowing an aircraft en route to stay higher longer and thus conserve fuel, and to
arrive at the descent point at precisely the correct time for a letdown without delays. In addition, by
extensively analyzing terminal area operations, the tests confirmed that area navigation equipment could be
used to move traffic at the same level of efficiency as radar vectors while reducing controller workload by
restoring greater responsibility to the cockpit. By the end of fiscal 1973, a nationwide system of high-
altitude area navigation routes had been established consisting of approximately 156 route segments.
Mar 7-9, 1972: Sabotage incidents prompted new security measures. On Mar 7, a bomb planted as part
of an extortion plot against Trans World Airlines was discovered and defused aboard an airliner at New
York's Kennedy Airport. On Mar 9, another bomb damaged a TWA airliner parked at Las Vegas, and a
third was found aboard a United Air Lines jet at Seattle. That same day, President Nixon ordered into
immediate effect an FAA rule published on Mar 7 that had required scheduled air carriers and certain
commercial operators of large aircraft to submit written security programs no later than Jun 5, 1972. The
President's directive required the airlines to implement their programs immediately, and to submit them for
formal approval by May 8. The programs were to prevent or deter unauthorized persons, baggage, or cargo
from entering the carrier's aircraft, and were to include the procedures the carrier intended to use in the
mandatory passenger screening system (see Feb 2, 1972). The rule also specified certain procedures to be
followed in the event of a bomb or air piracy threat.
On Mar 9, the President also ordered that new security rules for airport operators be
expedited. On Mar 18, 1972, FAA published a rule applicable to operators of airports regularly served by
air carriers using large aircraft. Such operators were required to take prescribed actions to prevent or deter
unauthorized access to designated air operations areas, and to submit written security programs for FAA
approval by Jun 16, 1972. (See Jan 3, 1989.)
On Mar 15, a cabinet-level task force formed by President Nixon and chaired by
Transportation Secretary Volpe approved the following steps:
* Increased personnel for FAA's Security Task Force.
* Deployment of sky marshals from airborne duty to posts at major airports.
* Increased research and development funding for weapons and explosives detection
* Use of trained dogs for detection of explosives at major airports and the training of
additional dogs.
* Expedited prosecution of extortion and hijacking suspects.
(See Dec 5, 1972.)
Apr 7, 1972: The Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority Board gave final approval to a plan for
elevated tracks and a station on the rapid rail transit line to run through Washington National
Airport. FAA had preferred an underground station feeding directly into the airport's terminal, arguing
that such an arrangement would be more convenient, aesthetically preferable, and would allow greater
flexibility in future development. The Board countered that an underground station would cost $30 million
more than the elevated route and would prevent completion of the system in time for the 1976 Bicentennial
Because work could not begin without right-of-way permission from FAA, which operated
the airport, the dispute threatened a costly delay in Metro's construction. The White House broke the
impasse by approving the elevated plan, basing its decision on a recommendation by the Office of
Management and Budget that emphasized budgetary considerations. The first stage of Washington's rapid
rail system opened to the public on Jul 1, 1976, but the airport station did not open until after the close of
the Bicentennial year.
Apr 11, 1972: FAA established the General Aviation Accident Prevention Industry Advisory
Committee, implementing a recommendation of a 1971 DOT report on general aviation safety (see Sep 15,
1971) and providing an advisory body for FAA's General Aviation Accident Prevention Program (see Nov
30, 1970). The 16-member FAA-Industry panel was slated to function for two years, but was renewed for
another term and was not officially terminated until Aug 30, 1976.
Apr 17, 1972: FAA placed the Office of International Aviation Affairs under the direction of the
Associate Administrator for Plans, a change made to reduce the number of people reporting directly to the
Administrator. In July 1973, however, FAA placed the office under an assistant administrator reporting
directly to the Administrator, thus restoring the previous arrangement.
May 1, 1972: New crashworthiness and passenger evacuation standards for transport category aircraft
became effective this date. The action upgraded requirements in areas that included: seats, berths, safety
belts, and harnesses; stowage compartments; items in the passenger or crew compartments that might cause
injury in turbulence or interfere with evacuation; cabin interior fire protection; emergency evacuation
procedures; emergency exits (their arrangement, marking, lighting, and access); emergency lighting;
briefing passengers before takeoff; and structural design to minimize fire hazard due to fuel spillage in the
event of partial or complete failure of the landing gear. (See Sep 20, 1967, and Jun 26, 1978.)
May 16, 1972: President Nixon signed into law the Air Traffic Controllers Career Program Act (Public
Law 92-297). The act, an outgrowth of a Corson Committee recommendation (see Jan 29, 1970),
authorized controllers to retire after 25 years of active duty, or at age 50 if they had 20 years of active
service. The new law also established a mandatory age for retirement at 56, with exemptions at the
discretion of the Secretary of Transportation up to age 61. (Normal voluntary retirement for Federal
employees came at age 55 after 30 years service, or at age 60 after 20 years; mandatory retirement came at
age 70.) The act also provided for a “second career program” of up to two years of training at government
expense for controllers who had to leave traffic control work because of medical or proficiency
disqualification. The act became effective on Aug 14 and was implemented by FAA on Sep 8.
May 27, 1972: Transpo 72, a mammoth display of modern transportation technology, with more than 400
exhibits and demonstrations spread many acres, opened at Dulles International Airport. The Department of
Transportation staged the public exposition to provide a marketing showcase for advanced transportation
systems, equipment, and concepts, and to increase public awareness of the importance of the transportation
industry. The show remained open until Jun 4.
Jun 15, 1972: Effective this date, FAA lowered the numbers of flight attendants required on airliners
with certain seating capacities. One flight attendant was now required for planes with 10-50 passenger
seats, while on larger aircraft the ratio would be one attendant for every 50 passenger seats or additional
fraction of 50 seats. The previous rule had established a standard that began with one attendant for planes
with 10-44 passenger seats (see Jun 7, 1965). FAA stated that the change was made possible by upgraded
safety requirements for transport category aircraft adopted in recent years (see May 1, 1972).
Jun 19, 1972: A 24-hour worldwide stoppage of airline traffic declared by the International Federation
of Air Line Pilots Associations took place. This action, intended to dramatize the need for sterner measures
against hijackers, brought to a standstill domestic and international airline operations in more than 30
countries. The strike officially began at 2:00 a.m. (EST) and was supported by more than 40 of the
Federation's 64 units in 62 countries; in the United States, however, following a Federal restraining order
on Jun 18, only 10 percent of the Air Line Pilots Association's members joined in the job action. In
addition, pilots in Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and most Arab and Communist countries refused to
participate in the protest.
Jun 24, 1972: Responsibility for the civil administration of Wake Island was transferred from FAA to
the Air Force (see Sep 4, 1962). This action followed a review of FAA's role on this island, once an
important fueling stop for civil and military aircraft crossing the Pacific. With the advent of long-range jet
aircraft, civil use of the island's facilities decreased and the Air Force became the principal user. In
addition to its civil administration responsibilities on Wake, FAA had maintained the airport, airport traffic
control tower, the international flight service station, and various air navigational aids. (After the transfer
FAA continued to maintain the air navigation facilities on Wake and provide air traffic control services,
until Jun 30, 1973.)
Jun 1972 Hurricane Agnes caused river flooding and massive property damage in Virginia, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, and New York. FAAers throughout the country contributed to a fund to assist their
colleagues affected by the storm, and air traffic controllers and other personnel organized an air lift to
provide supplies. The Civil Air Patrol, airlines, and the military contributed to the air lift, which expanded
from a mission to assist FAA people to include help for thousands of others in the flooded areas.
Jul 1, 1972: FAA transferred responsibility for its Management Training School from the Office of
Training to the Aeronautical Center. (See May 3, 1971.)
Jul 1, 1972: New Federal Aviation Regulations (Part 152) prescribing policies and procedures for
administering FAA's Airport Development Aid Program (ADAP) and Planning Grant Program
(PGP) went into effect. The new rule included provisions concerning the economic, social, and
environmental effects of airport expansion or site selection, as required by the legislation that had
established the two programs (see May 21, 1970). FAA required coordination with state, local, and regional
agencies on proposed airport construction projects, as well as public hearings on each project.
Jul 20, 1972: FAA redesignated the Pacific Region the Pacific-Asia Region. At the same time, the
agency transferred the responsibility for the geographic area of the People's Republic of China to this
region from the Europe, Africa, and Middle East Region. (See Apr 2, 1971.)
Jul 26, 1972: FAA retitled the V/STOL (vertical/short takeoff and landing) Special Projects Office the
Quiet Short-Haul Air Transportation System Office. The new title better described the broadened
functions of the office, which was charged with fostering a short-haul air transportation system acceptable
to the public. (See Apr 29, 1971, and Jun 11, 1974.)
Aug 1, 1972: FAA implemented a new standard "Get-'Em-High Earlier" departure procedure to
reduce jet aircraft noise over airport communities nationwide. The new departure procedure, developed
jointly with the Air Transport Association, was to be used by 23 U.S. airlines while operating out of most
of the nation's air carrier airports. The pilots would climb at full power to 1,500 feet, instead of 1,000 feet
under the old system. Noise relief due to the higher alititude would be most noticeable from three to six
miles from lift-off. The new "Get-'Em-High" procedure supplemented the existing "Keep-'Em-High"
program. (See Feb 4, 1971, Dec 23, 1976, and Jan 19, 1979.)
Aug 1, 1972: FAA inaugurated the En Route Weather Advisory Service (EWAS) program at four Flight
Service Stations: Seattle, Portland, Oakland, and Los Angeles. This service, designed to reduce weather-
related general aviation aircraft accidents, provided en route pilots with currrent weather information along
their intended route. Flight Service Station specialists trained in the collection and dissemination of
aviation weather data manned the EWAS units. Each unit, in addition to obtaining weather information
through normal teletype and facsimile channels, was linked by direct telephone line with the nearest
National Weather Service forecast office. FAA completed the program in the summer of 1978, under
the name En Route Flight Advisory Service (EFAS), when it commissioned the service at the last of 44
designated Flight Service Stations.
Aug 1, 1972: Northeast Airlines merged into Delta Air Lines. Northeast began as Boston-Maine
Airways, which started operations on Aug 1, 1931, suspended flights in 1932, and resumed on Aug 11,
1933. The airline had adopted the name Northeast on Nov 19, 1940.
Aug 21, 1972: FAA placed its Office of Appraisal under the executive direction of the Associate
Administrator for Administration. Previously, this office reported directly to the Administrator. The
Administrator had announced on Jun 16 his intention to make this organizational change as part of a
continuing effort to reduce the number of offices reporting directly to him. (See Apr 17, 1972, and Jun 11,
Sep 15, 1972: A 17-nation anti-hijacking conference sponsored by the Legal Subcommittee of the
International Civil Aviation Organization was concluded. The conference, convened in response to the
persisting high incidence of aircraft hijackings during 1972, had attempted to draw up a treaty imposing
economic sanctions against those nations that provided havens to aircraft hijackers and saboteurs. The
failure to agree on a draft resolution cosponsored by the U.S. and Canada, however, brought the meeting to
an end.
Sep 17, 1972: Effective this date, CAB replaced the 12,500 gross weight limit for air taxi aircraft with
a 30-seat, 7,500 payload limit. This change in CAB’s system of economic regulation was intended to help
the development of service by those scheduled air taxis now designated commuter airlines (see Jul 1,
1969). CAB also hoped to encourage the development of a short takeoff and landing (STOL)
transportation system in high density areas.
Sep 1972: Trans World Airlines received FAA's first authorization to operate at Category IIIa weather
minimums. Under the new landing minimums, TWA could operate their Lockheed L-1011 aircraft at
Dulles International Airport down to a minimum visibility of 1,000 feet runway visual range (RVR), and
after gaining operational experience at this altitude, apply for minimums as low as 700 feet RVR. (See Jan
21, 1972.)
Oct 20, 1972: The Federal Labor Relations Council certified PATCO as the sole bargaining unit for
air traffic controllers. (See Feb 7, 1972, and Mar 17, 1973.)
Oct 23, 1972: Effective this date, FAA tightened the safety operating standards for large airplanes,
and for turbine-powered airplanes with more than one engine, in private carriage. The new
requirements included: survival and radio equipment for extended overwater operations; provisions
regarding minimum altitudes; passenger briefings; a fuel reserve of 30 minutes for Visual Flight Rules
operations; icing equipment; a flight engineer and a second-in-command pilot on certain airplanes; a flight
attendant on an airplane with over 19 passengers on board; and an aircraft inspection program. The new
rule was part of a series of actions following an accident on Oct 2, 1970 (see that date and Jan 3, 1973.)
Oct 27, 1972: Enactment of Public Law 92-574, the Noise Control Act of 1972, defined the respective
responsibilities of FAA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the control of aircraft noise.
EPA's role under the act was to recommend noise standards to FAA based on considerations of public
health and welfare. FAA, in turn, considered the recommendations, and determined whether the standards
proposed by EPA were consistent with safety, economically reasonable, and technologically practicable,
and subsequently take appropriate action to implement and enforce them. (See Jul 21, 1968.)
Oct 29, 1972: Four fugitives killed a ticket agent and hijacked an Eastern Air Lines Boeing 727 at
Houston, Tex., and forced it to fly to Cuba. This was followed by an even more sensational incident on
Nov 10-12 when three wanted criminals hijacked a Southern Airways DC-9 at Birmingham, Ala. During
the following 29 hours, they flew to: Jackson, Miss.; Cleveland, Ohio; Toronto, Ont.; Lexington, Ky.;
Chattanooga, Tenn.; Havana, Cuba; Key West, Fla.; and Orlando, Fla. In a desperate attempt to keep the
DC-9 on the ground at Orlando, FBI agents shot out its tires. The hijackers responded by seriously
wounding the copilot and ordering a takeoff. The pilot succeeded in clearing the runway and making a
second and final landing in Havana. The four hijackers were initially imprisoned in Cuba, but were
released. U.S. officials subsequently arrested all four, the last being sentenced in 1994. This incident
contributed directly to issuance of an anti-hijacking rule (see Dec 5, 1972), and to negotiation of a hijacking
agreement between the Nixon Administration and Cuba (see Feb 15, 1973).
Oct 31, 1972: FAA and the Office of Minority Business Enterprise signed an agreement to promote
greater participation by the minority business community in the operation of concessions at the nation's
public airports. Under the agreement, FAA would require airports receiving Airport Development Aid
Program funds to inform OMBE of all pending contracts and potential new contracts and to cooperate with
OMBE in affirmative action.
Nov 22, 1972: President Nixon lifted a 22-year-old restriction on travel of U.S. airliners to the People's
Republic of China as part of a general rapprochement between the two countries. Such flights had been
banned since 1950 by an Excutive Order issued by President Truman during the Korean War.
Dec 5, 1972: A landmark FAA antihijacking emergency rule issued this date required U.S. air carriers,
beginning on Jan 5, 1973, to inspect all carry-on baggage for weapons or other dangerous objects and scan
each passenger with a metal detector (magnetometer) before boarding or, if a detector was not available,
conduct a physical search, or pat down. (See Aug 5, 1974.) If a passenger refused to consent to a search,
he or she would not be permitted to board. The rule further required, beginning on Feb 5, 1973, that the
nation's 531 air carrier airports have a law enforcement officer in the boarding area during the screening
and boarding process. The critical difference between this rule and previous antihijacking measures was
the universality of the new regulation. Previously, FAA had required air carriers to conduct a weapons
scan of only those passengers who fitted a hijacker profile--about one percent of the 500,000 passengers
boarding airliners daily. (See Oct 29, 1972.)
Dec 17, 1972: FAA Administrator John H. Shaffer received the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy,
presented by the National Aeronautic Association for outstanding contributions to aviation. Shaffer was
the first FAA chief to win the prestigious award while holding office.
Dec 18, 1972: FAA commissioned the first of 64 standardized, prefabricated airport towers, ordered in
April, at the Chino, Calif., airport. FAA planned to complete installation of all 64 towers at low and
medium activity airports within 15 months.
Dec 26, 1972: A National Transportation Safety Board study group investigating the safety of air taxi and
commuter aircraft operations released its findings and recommendations to the public. The study group
was formed after a series of air taxis accidents in late Oct 1971 claimed 39 lives. The panel recommended
more stringent safety requirements for the industry, including higher qualifications for air taxi and
commuter pilots, more thorough training for maintenance personnel, and improved oversight by FAA. (See
Dec 1, 1978.)
Dec 29, 1972: An Eastern Air Lines Lockheed L-1011 crashed in the Everglades northwest of Miami,
killing 99 of the 176 persons aboard. Two survivors died later as a result of their injuries in this first fatal
crash of a wide-body airliner. The National Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause as the
flight crew’s failure to monitor flight instruments. Preoccupied with a malfunction of the landing gear
position indicator, they allowed the aircraft to descend unnoticed.
Dec 31, 1972: The crash of a DC-7 on takeoff from San Juan, Puerto Rico, killed baseball star Roberto
Clemente and four other persons on a relief mission to Nicaragua. Relatives and representatives of
passengers killed sued the Federal government, alleging that FAA employees negligently failed to warn
that the aircraft was overweight and lacked proper flight crew. The plaintiffs cited an order by the director
of FAA's southern region concerning inspection of large turbine-powered aircraft. A U.S. district court
found the government liable. On Dec 16, 1977, however, an appeals court reversed the decision, ruling that
the regional director's order did not give rise to legal obligation sufficient to support the plaintiff's claim.
While recognizing FAA's safety mission, the court ruled that Congress could not have intended to authorize
such FAA officials to create a legal duty of care between the Federal government and a particular class of
passengers. The Court drew a distinction between an aircraft inspector and an air traffic controller, who
"owes a duty to those dependent on the quality of his performance."
Jan 3, 1973: FAA issued a truth-in-leasing clause requirement for leases and conditional sales contracts
involving large civil aircraft so that all concerned parties would know who had responsibility for the
operation and maintenance of the aircraft and for complying with applicable Federal Aviation Regulations.
(See Oct 2, 1970.) Later, a rule published on Nov 3, 1977, required the lessee or conditional buyer of a
large civil aircraft to give notification 48 hours before its first flight to enable FAA to conduct the
necessary surveillance or inspection.
Jan 3, 1973: Chairman Crocker Snow submitted to Congress the report of the Aviation Advisory
Commission, which had been established by the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970. Sworn in
on Dec 17, 1970, the commission members had spent two years developing their report on the long range
needs of U.S. aviation. Their recommendations included establishment of an Under Secretary of
Transportation for Aviation with responsibility for a National Aviation Plan.
Jan 6, 1973: The Federal Aviation Administration announced that it had awarded a contract for an
electronic voice switching (EVS) system, which would increase communications efficiency at air route
traffic control centers and would eventually replace all existing FAA radio control and signaling equipment
at the center and remote sites. In Aug 1974, however, FAA Administrator Alexander Butterfield cancelled
the contract because of increasing cost estimates and schedule delays.
Jan 1973: Frontier Airlines hired Emily Howell (later Emily Warner) as the first woman member of a
flight deck crew on a trunk or regional air carrier since Helen Richey's brief career with Central
Airlines in 1934-35.
Feb 2, 1973: Claude S. Brinegar became Secretary of Transportation. He succeeded John A. Volpe,
who left the Department effective this date to become Ambassador to Italy. President Nixon had
announced his intention to nominate Brinegar, an executive of a California oil company, on Dec 7, 1972.
The Senate confirmed the appointment on Jan 18. (See Dec 18, 1974.)
Feb 5, 1973: FAA Administrator John H. Shaffer established the Executive Committee (EXCOM) to
review and establish agency policies. A year later, in a move intended to increase accountability among
managers, Administrator Butterfield suspended the EXCOM, as well as the Agency Review Board and
the Regulatory Council. Citing the three committees' usefulness in promoting communication and orderly
decision making, Acting Administrator James E. Dow reinstated them in April 1975. On Aug 31, 1977,
however, Administrator Langhorne Bond abolished the EXCOM, and on Dec 9, 1977 abolished the Agency
Review Board. Bond also discontinued the Regulatory Council. (See Jan 24, 1989.)
Feb 13, 1973: Ceremonies at the Memphis Air Traffic Control Center celebrated the center’s switch over
to computer processing of flight-plan data, completing Phase One of the NAS En Route Stage A,
FAA's decade-long program to automate and computerize the nation's en route air traffic control system
(see Sep 26, 1964). With the new computer installation at Memphis, all twenty ARTCCs in the contiguous
48 states gained an automatic capability to collect and distribute information about each aircraft's course
and altitude to all the sector controllers along its flight path. Pilots still had to file flight plans at flight
service stations and military operations offices, but now computers would handle the centers' "bookkeeping
functions" of assigning and printing out controller flight strips. The new computers also had the ability to
record and distribute any changes registered in aircraft flight plans en route. The system eventually tied in
with the Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS III) units then being installed at major airports (see Oct
4, 1971 and Feb 15, 1973). Phase Two of the en route automation program was still under way; it would
provide controllers at the twenty centers with new radar displays that would show such vital flight
information as altitude and speed directly on the screen. (See Feb 18, 1970 and Jun 14, 1973.)
Feb 15, 1973: The United States and Cuba signed an anti-hijacking agreement calling for the two nations
to extradite or punish any person "who seizes, removes, appropriates or diverts from its normal route or
activities an aircraft or vessel" of one country and takes it to the other. The pact was to run for five years,
but Cuba abrogated it on Oct 15, 1976, on grounds of alleged American involvement in the explosion of a
Cuban airliner. (See Oct 29, 1972.)
Feb 15, 1973: FAA announced that production had been completed on all 64 of the new computerized
automated radar terminal systems (ARTS III), marking an important milestone in the agency's air traffic
control automation program. (See Feb 13, 1973 and Aug 13, 1975.) The ARTS III system electronically
tagged radar blips on the controller's scope with luminous letters and numbers called alphanumerics that
provided the target aircraft's identiry and altitude.
Mar 14, 1973: The Department of Transportation announced that four companies had been selected to
continue development of a common civil-military microwave landing systems (MLS). Under this
Phase II of the MLS developmental program, each contractor had to demonstrate the feasibility of its
proposed system design to meet the full range of civil and military requirements. (See Jan 27, 1972, and
Jun 7, 1973.)
Mar 14, 1973: Alexander P. Butterfield became the fifth FAA Administrator, succeeding John H.
Shaffer (see Mar 24, 1969), whose resignation was one of many accepted by President Nixon in a
reorganization of the Executive Branch. Butterfield's selection had been announced on Dec 19, 1972, and
his nomination submitted to the Senate on Jan 4, 1973. Questions were raised about his eligibility,
however, since he was a retired Air Force colonel and the FAA Administrator was prohibited by law from
having a military affiliation. When congressional exemption from this statute appeared unlikely,
Butterfield resigned his Air Force commission. His nomination was resubmitted to the Senate on Feb 26
and confirmed on Mar 12.
Born in Florida in 1926, Butterfield spent much of his youth in California and attended
UCLA for two years before receiving his B.S. degree from the University of Maryland. (He later earned an
M.S. degree in international affairs from George Washington University and graduated from the National
War College.) During 20 years with the Air Force, Butterfield had flown as a command pilot and member
of a jet aerobatic team. His decorations included the Legion of Merit and Distinguished Flying Cross.
Butterfield had commanded the USAF's low and medium level air reconnaissance operations in Southeast
Asia. His staff positions included duty as senior aide to the Commander in Chief Pacific Air Forces, and
Military Assistant to the Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. He was serving as the senior U.S.
military representative to Australia when he retired from the Air Force in 1969 to become Deputy Assistant
to President Nixon. Butterfield moved from this post to FAA, serving as Administrator for just over two
years (see Mar 25, 1975).
Mar 17, 1973: Negotiators signed the first labor contract between FAA and the Professional Air Traffic
Controllers Organization (PATCO). Approved and effective on Apr 4, the one-year agreement contained
56 articles that included provisions on a variety of issues including payroll deduction of union dues and
“familiarization flights” by controllers in airline cockpits. (See Oct 20, 1972, and May 7, 1975.)
Apr 27, 1973: AN FAA rule imposing a virtual ban on civilian supersonic flights over the United States
went into effect. The rule, first proposed on Apr 10, 1970, prohibited any operator of a civil aircraft from
exceeding the speed of sound (Mach 1) when flying over the land mass or territorial waters of the United
States, except when such operations would not cause a "measurable sonic boom overpressure to reach the
surface." This wording left room for certain authorized operations at the lower end of the supersonic speed
range. The rule was not seen as a bar to planned operations of the Anglo-French supersonic transport
Concorde, which was expected to fly subsonic over U.S. territorial waters and mainland. (See Feb 4,
Apr 1973:
FAA World reported that the last airway light beacon, on Whitewater Hill near Palm Beach,
Calif., had been decommissioned. This type of beacon had reached its peak in 1946, when 2,112 were in
service. Their number declined during the 1950s, but a few had remained to mark obstructions or passes.
(See Dec 7, 1926.)
April, 1973: Federal Express began flight operations from its base at Memphis, Tenn., offering door-to-
door package delivery by air express, a popular service that soon inspired immitators. The company
expanded rapidly as airline deregulation began in the late 1970s, and it grew even more when it acquired
the Flying Tiger Line on Jan 31, 1989.
May 10, 1973: The Civil Aeronautics Board published the first rule regulating smoking on aircraft for
reasons of consumer comfort and protection. The Board required airlines to provide separate sections for
smokers and nonsmokers. Subsequent modifications to the rule included a 1981 requirement that airlines
guarantee a seat in the nonsmoking section to every nonsmoker who met the check-in deadline. (See Mar
19, 1970, and Jun 20, 1984.)
May 14, 1973: In
Burbank v. Lockheed Air Terminal, the U.S. Supreme Court prohibited states and
muncipalities from using their police powers to impose curfews on jet aircraft operations. The City of
Burbank, Calif., had passed an ordinance banning turbojet takeoffs and landings between 11 p.m. and 7
a.m. at the Hollywood-Burbank Airport, a privately owned and operated facility. Pointing to the Noise
Control Act of 1972 (see Oct 27, 1972), the Supreme Court concluded that the noise-regulatory powers
granted by Congress to FAA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were so pervasive that the
Federal government had preempted state and local authority. The Court also noted that upholding the
ordinance could lead to "fractionalized control" of takeoffs and landings that would severely limit FAA's
flexibility in controlling air traffic. Under the Federal Aviation Act, air traffic control had been preempted
by FAA. Thus, the Court concluded, it was "not at liberty to diffuse the powers given by Congress to FAA
and EPA . . . . If that change is to be made, Congress alone must do it." In what came to be known as the
"Burbank exception," however, the Court stated that the Burbank decision applied to the exercise of
police power, and did not pertain to "what limits, if any, apply to a municipality as a proprietor." (See Mar
5, 1962, and Oct 17, 1977.)
May 14, 1973: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Project Skylab orbited the first
U.S. space station, designated the Orbital Workshop (see Apr 19, 1971). The Workshop was damaged
during the launch, but astronauts were able to make repairs during the first of three flights to the station
during 1973. The station later disintegrated when it entered the atmosphere on Jul 11, 1979, scattering
debris along a path from the Indian Ocean to western Australia.
May 21, 1973: By this date, U.S. airports serving scheduled air carriers that held CAB certificates of
public convenience and necessity were required to have FAA operating certificates. The regulation
(which implemented provisions of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, as amended Nov 27,
1971) set standards for: the marking and lighting of areas used for operations; firefighting and rescue
equipment and services; the handling and storing of hazardous materials; the identification of obstructions;
and safety inspection and reporting procedures. It also required airport operators to have an FAA-approved
operations manual. FAA awarded the first operating certificate to Boston Logan airport on Sep 1, 1972,
and had certificated nearly 500 airports by the May 21, 1973, deadline. (See Aug 21, 1974, and Oct 18,
Jun 3, 1973: The crash of a Tupolev TU-144 during a demonstration flight at the Paris Air Show dealt a
serious blow to the Soviet supersonic transport program. (See Dec 31, 1968, and Dec 26, 1975.)
Jun 4, 1973: FAA published a rule requiring aircraft in designated airspace to carry an improved
radar beacon transponder with Mode C automatic altitude reporting capability, as well as the ability to
transmit identity codes (see Jun 25, 1970). The implementation schedule was: in Group I terminal control
areas (TCAs), Jul 1, 1974; in Group II TCAs, Jan 1, 1975 (see Apr 14, 1975); and above 12,500 ft MSL,
Jul 1, 1975. (See Nov 1, 1985.) Due to equipment supply problems, FAA later granted a 6-month
extension of the deadlines concerning TCAs. (See Jan 1, 1974.)
Jun 7, 1973: A rule published this date and effective July 6 required air carriers and air taxi operators to
establish training programs for personnel having responsibilities for the safe carriage and handling of
hazardous cargo. After Dec 6, only personnel who had completed this training would be allowed to
perform such duties. The regulation also required that the pilot in command be notified in writing by the
operator of the presence of hazardous cargo aboard an aircraft. FAA issued the rule against a background
of growing public and congressional concern about transport of hazardous materials by air. The dangerous
potential of “hazmat” was confirmed when a Pan American 707 freighter crashed on Nov 3 at Boston
with the loss of all three persons aboard. Smoke, probably caused by leaking acid, had almost blinded the
crew and prevented them from coordinating their actions during the landing. (See Jan 3, 1975.)
Jun 7, 1973: To fulfill a near term requirement for an approach guidance system for airports, FAA
announced that it had decided to proceed with the selection of an interim standard microwave landing
system (ISMLS), pending completion and implementation of the MLS development program. On Aug 28,
1974, FAA announced that it had selected the ISMLS designed by Tull Aviation Corp. (See Mar 14, 1973,
and Feb 27, 1975.)
Jun 14, 1973: The Los Angeles ARTCC became the first center to achieve initial operational capability
with computer-driven radar displays capable of showing identity and three-dimensional position
information on aircraft targets. Radar data processing began Phase Two of the ARTCC automation
program. (See Feb 13, 1973 and Aug 26, 1975.)
Jun 18, 1973: President Nixon signed into law the Airport Development Acceleration Act of 1973
(Public Law 93-44), which further amended the basic Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (see
May 21, 1970). It was the second time the act had been amended in its three-year existence (see Nov 27,
1971). The 1973 amendment: increased the annual funding level of the Airport Development Aid Program
(ADAP) from $280 million to $310 million; raised the Federal share for ADAP development of general
aviation airports, reliever airports, and the smaller air carrier airports (identified as those that enplaned less
than 1 percent of the passengers enplaned by all the air carriers certificated by the CAB) from 50 percent to
75 percent; and obligated the Federal government to pay 82 percent of the costs of safety equipment
required for airport certification, as compared to the 50 percent for which it had previously taken
responsibility. The amendment also prohibited states and localities from levying a "head tax" on
passengers. (See Jun 30, 1975.)
Jun 19, 1973: The U.S. and U.S.S.R. signed an agreement on joint cooperation in the field of
transportation calling for exchanges of information in areas that included the safety and efficiency of civil
aviation. As a result of the pact, FAA officials and their Soviet counterparts held meetings on a variety of
technical subjects. The agreement was one of a series signed by officials during a summit meeting between
President Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. The last of these agreements, signed on Jun 23,
provided for an expansion of direct airline flights between the two countries. Previously, Pan American
and Aeroflot had each been allowed two round-trip flights per week between New York and Moscow. The
two airlines were now permitted up to three flights per week, and Pan Am received authorization to land at
Leningrad, and Aeroflot at Washington. During 1978, however, Pan American discontinued operations
in the U.S.S.R. as part of a cutback on its European flights. Under President Carter, Aeroflot service
was reduced to two flights per week, effective Jan 13, 1980, as part of a response to Soviet military
actions in Afghanistan. (See Jun 15, 1968, and Dec 29, 1981)
Jun 29, 1973: FAA discontinued the position of Associate Administrator for Manpower (see Mar 4,
1970) following the retirement of the incumbent on this date; however, the agency did not officially abolish
the post until Dec 4, 1974. The Associate Administrator for Administration assumed most of the functions
of the position.
Jul 6, 1973: The Environmental Protection Agency issued air pollution standards for aircraft engines
and a timetable for their implementation. Formulated in consultation with FAA, the new standards applied
to nearly all civil subsonic aircraft, and limited emission of smoke, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and
nitrogen oxides. EPA specified a timetable for compliance that was less stringent than that outlined in its
original proposal. To begin implementation of the standards, FAA published a rule on Dec 28, 1973, with
an effective date of Feb 1, 1974. The rule required improved combustors to reduce smoke from the JT8D
engines used on DC-9 and Boeing 727 and 737 aircraft, and also prohibited fuel venting from turbine
engines with thrust of 8,000 lb. or greater. This regulation was followed by several others implementing
the EPA standards. (See Dec 31, 1970, and Jan 7, 1980.)
Jul 8, 1973: FAA commissioned the Flight Inspection National Field Office (FINFO) at Oklahoma City.
Established to oversee the operation of the entire flight inspection program within the contiguous 48 States,
as well as the Caribbean and North Atlantic areas, FINFO reported directly to the Director, Flight
Standards Service. Previously, flight inspection of terminal and air route navigation facilities and
communications equipment had been carried out by 17 flight inspection district offices under the
jurisdiction of five FAA regions. These district offices were consolidated into a smaller number of Flight
Inspection Field Offices (FIFOs) under the new arrangement, which was expected to save $8 million
(In 1975, FINFO became part of the Flight Standards National Field Office. Subsequently,
the flight inspection program was placed under the Office of Flight Operations in 1979, then in 1982
transferred to the Aviation Standards National Field Office, which was renamed the Office of Aviation
System Standards in 1992. The FIFOs were renamed Flight Inspection Area Offices in 1993.)
In addition to establishing FINFO, FAA updated its flight inspection fleet by replacing 47
DC-3s and Convair T-29s with light twin-engine jets: 5 Jet Commanders (delivery starting in Jun 1974) and
15 Saberliner 80s (delivery starting in Apr 1975). Faster and capable of flying longer distances, the new
jets were expected to save many flight hours annually. Unlike a group of 5 Saberliner 40 jets that FAA had
begun receiving in 1968, these new aircraft were to be equipped with the newly developed Automated
Flight Inspection System (AFIS). The AFIS system greatly expanded productivity when the first of the
new aircraft began operations in Nov 1974. In addition to Saberliners and Jet Commanders, FAA's
worldwide flight inspection fleet by the early 1980s included 3 Convairs (upgraded to the 580
configuration), one Boeing 727, one Fairchild C-123, and a single remaining DC-3 in occasional use. (See
Jan 1962 and Oct 23, 1986.)
Jul 11, 1973: An in-flight cabin fire originating in a lavatory area killed 123 persons aboard a Boeing 707
operated by the Brazilian airline Varig as the aircraft neared Paris. In partial response to NTSB
recommendations following the tragedy, FAA ordered periodic inspections of lavatory trash receptacles to
ensure fire containment capability, as well as preflight briefings and other steps aimed at preventing
passengers from smoking in lavatories. (See Jun 2, 1983, and Jun 19, 1984)
Jul 16, 1973: In public testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities,
FAA Administrator Alexander P. Butterfield disclosed the existence of a White House audio taping
system, a revelation that became instrumental in implicating President Nixon in the Watergate coverup.
Jul 23, 1973: An Ozark Airlines Fairchild-Hiller 227B crashed 2.3 miles from St. Louis airport, killing
38 of the 44 persons aboard. The National Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause as
encounter with a downdraft following the captain’s decision to conduct an instrument approach during a
thunderstorm. This decision was probably influenced by lack of a timely severe weather warning from the
National Weather Service and the improper assessment of weather conditions by flightcrew and flight
dispatcher. The Board’s recommendations included a system to improve the dissemination of severe
weather information. (See May 19, 1977.)
Jul 27, 1973: FAA issued a rule requiring air carriers, air travel clubs, and air taxi operators to have
electronic public address systems and interphone systems in all aircraft with more than 19 passenger
seats. The rule was intended to help keep crew and passengers informed during emergencies. The
deadline for compliance was Sep 8, 1975. (See Oct 20, 1989.)
Sep 7, 1973: On this date, FAA issued the first National Airport System Plan (NASP). The plan
forecasted that 700 new airports would be needed in the United States over the next 10 years to keep pace
with the projected growth of air traffic. FAA estimated that the overall cost of building the new airports
and upgrading existing facilities at $6.3 billion. The Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970
required FAA to prepare the NASP as a guide for future airport development (see May 21, 1970). The
NASP replaced the former National Airport Plan (NAP), last published in 1967. (See Aug 2, 1985.)
Sep 10, 1973: FAA gave its Office of Public Affairs new functions and redesignated it as the Office of
Information Services, effective this date, as part of an effort to introduce greater economy and efficiency
into the agency (see Jun 19, 1969). The new office consolidated public and employee information
activities that had been dispersed over six office elements. It assumed (l) the agency's public affairs
functions, (2) the employee communication functions of the Associate Administrator for Manpower, (3) the
women's aviation activities of the Office of General Aviation, (4) the audiovisual and public inquiry
functions of the Office of Headquarters Operations, (5) the congressional liaison functions of the Deputy
Administrator, and (6) the history functions of the Office of Management Systems. (See Jul 12, 1976.)
Sep 13, 1973: FAA abolished the Office of Headquarters Operations, effective this date, assigning its
functions and responsibilities to other offices and services: (l) accounting to a new Office of Accounting
and Audit; (2) personnel to the Office of Personnel; (3) security to the Office of Air Transportation
Security; (4) data processing to the Office of Management Systems; (5) property management to the
Logistics Service; (6) information functions to the new Office of Information Services. (See Jul 1, 1963.)
Sep 26, 1973: As mandated by Airport and Airway Development and Revenue Acts of 1970, DOT
submitted to Congress a Cost Allocation Study on how the Federal costs of the airport and airway system
should be shared among the various users. The report concluded that proportion should be about 50
percent for air carriers, 30 percent for general aviation, and 20 percent for the public sector. It also
concluded that present taxes failed to recover more than 55 percent of the total costs, with the general
aviation sector accounting for the largest short-fall. The study recommended that at least a high percentage
of the short-fall be recovered through user fees. A follow-up Part II report was planned but not issued.
Oct 6, 1973: War broke out between Israel and its Arab neighbors, leading to an Arab oil embargo against
the U.S. and other nations deemed to support Israel. The embargo worsened a spreading fuel shortage. On
Nov 7, President Nixon asked Congress for new conservation legislation and called for a Project
Independence to give the nation the potential to be energy self-sufficient by 1980. (See Nov 20, 1973.)
Oct 26, 1973: FAA published a rule requiring newly produced aircraft of older type designs, such as
the DC-9 or Boeing 727, to meet noise standards for turbojet and transport aircraft. The standards had
previously applied only to newly type-certificated aircraft, under a rule effective Dec 1, 1969 (see that
date). The new rule became effective in three phases between Dec 1, 1973, and Dec 31, 1974. (See Jan 6,
Nov 16, 1973: Friendship International Airport was renamed Baltimore Washington International. The
airport had originally opened on Jun 24, 1950.
Nov 20, 1973: A seven-point jet fuel conservation plan designed to save up to 20,000 barrels (840,000)
gallons of jet fuel per day went into effect. Implemented in response to President Nixon's national
campaign to conserve fuel in the aftermath of the Arab petroleum embargo (see Oct 6, 1973), the plan:
*Revised gate holding procedures to reduce the time
aircraft spent with engines running while awaiting takeoff.
*Revised air traffic flow procedures to reduce time spent aloft in holding patterns.
*Encouraged increased use of optimum aircraft cruising speeds.
*Advised controllers to effect fuel savings wherever possible by holding aircraft at high
altitudes, assigning optimum altitudes, and minimizing circuitous routings.
*Encouraged taxiing aircraft to shut down one or more engines where possible.
*Endorsed the increased use of simulators for airline training and check flights.
*Encouraged airports to expedite certain runway and taxiway improvements.
As part of this plan, FAA also advised airport operators to coordinate all construction and maintenance
activities with the agency to avoid unnecessary disruptions that might result in excess fuel consumption.
On Nov 25, the Nixon Administration released a fuel allocation plan under which air carriers
would be cut 5 percent below their 1972 usage level on Dec 1, and 15 percent below this level on Jan 7,
1974. In other categories of aviation, planned cuts ranged from 20 percent for activities such as air taxi
operations to 50 percent for recreational flying. The reductions met vigorous opposition from the aviation
community, and were softened in the rule published on Jan 2, 1974. No restrictions were placed on
regional and commuter airlines, air taxis, and certain other commercial and industrial activities. Air
carriers were cut by only 5 percent, business flying by 20 percent, and pleasure and instructional flying by
30 percent. Later in Jan, the cut for business flying was changed to only 10 percent, and various types of
personal flying received allocations that were no more than 15 percent below previous usage. The fuel
shortage eased after the end of the Arab embargo in Mar 1974. (See Dec 26, 1973.)
Dec 17, 1973: Arab terrorists used incendiaries to kill 30 passengers aboard a Pan American airliner at
Rome's Leonardo Da Vinci Airport. They then killed a guard, hijacked a Lufthansa jet, murdered a
passenger in Greece, and eventually surrendered in Kuwait.
Dec 17, 1973 An Iberia Airlines DC-10 crashed on landing at Boston's Logan Airport, causing injuries
but no fatalities. Information from the aircraft's digital flight data recorder helped the National
Transportation Safety Board establish the presence of wind shear (an abrupt shift in wind speed or
direction). Study of the accident led to a new understanding and awareness of the wind shear hazard. (See
Jun 24, 1975.)
Dec 20, 1973: New airworthiness standards became effective for small aircraft (12,500 lbs. or less)
applying for type certification after this date. The new rules contained almost 200 changes affecting flight
characteristics, structures, design and construction, powerplants, equipment, and operating limitations.
Dec 26, 1973: President Nixon used a commercial airliner instead of Air Force One to fly from
Washington to Los Angeles for a post-Christmas holiday, a move designed to show his concern for fuel
savings during the energy crisis. (See Oct 6, 1973.)
Calendar year, 1973: Not a single airliner was hijacked in the U.S. in 1973, a record traceable at least in
part to the stringent airport security measures implemented early in the year. (See Dec 5, 1972.)
Jan 1, 1974: The Federal Aviation Administration established the first Group II terminal control area
(TCA) at St. Louis. Group II TCAs were designed for locations with a lower level of enplaned passengers
and aircraft operations than at Group I sites. On Jan 13, the agency completed establishment of nine
Group I TCAs when the Dallas-Fort Worth TCA became operational. The other Group I TCAs were at
Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, and Miami. (See Jun 4,
1973, Aug 1, 1975)
Jan 2, 1974: Public Law 93-239, enacted on this date, extended the deadline for installation of emergency
locator transmitters (ELTs) in certain types of aircraft from Dec 30, 1973, to Jun 30, 1974. The law also
added certain new categories of operation, such as flights incident to design and testing, to the list of
exceptions to the ELT requirement. (See Dec 29, 1970, and Mar 16, 1978.)
Jan 13, 1974: Scheduled airline service began at the new Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport, which
had been dedicated on Sep 22, 1973. Decentralized in design, the $700 million complex was the world's
largest airport. (See Sep 1965.)
Jan 24, 1974: A U.S. appeals court issued a decision upholding the Age-60 rule (see Mar 15, 1960). The
court held that FAA rules that apply generally, even though they affect individuals, do not require an
adjudicatory proceeding before being adopted. The case grew out of a petition filed with FAA on Jun 5,
1970, by the Air Line Pilots Association. The petition charged that the rule was invalid and requested that
it be revoked and that FAA hold "public evidentiary proceedings for the development of a record" that
could be used to decide the rule's legality.
Subsequent years saw further legal challenges to the Age-60 rule, but courts continued to
uphold it. On Dec 19, 1978, for example, a U.S. appeals court affirmed FAA’s decision to deny the
petition of an airline pilot for exemption from the rule. The pilot had argued that his physical condition met
medical standards, but the court found that FAA’s application of the age-60 criterion was reasonable. (See
Aug 4, 1977.)
Jan 30, 1974: A Pan American Boeing 707 crashed short of the runway during a rain storm at Pago Pago,
American Samoa. The impact force only slightly exceeded that of a normal landing, and only the copilot
received traumatic injuries. Yet only 10 of the 101 persons aboard escaped the post-crash fire. Six of
these survivors died within nine days. Like two accidents in Chicago in late 1972, the crash helped to
renew interest in controlling toxic fumes and other fire hazards. FAA issued four rulemaking proposals on
these issues during 1974 and 1975 (see Jun 26, 1978).
In its initial finding on the probable cause of the accident, the National Transportation Safety
Board concluded that the crew had failed to adequately monitor their instruments during the approach (see
Apr 26, 1974). Following complaints by the Air Line Pilots Association, the Board issued a revised report
in 1977. The new report gave somewhat more emphasis to the presence of visual illusion and wind shear.
Feb 12, 1974: FAA inaugurated a new program aimed at providing a general review of airworthiness
regulations every two years to see that such rules were promulgated or amended in a more timely and
systematic manner. The process was to be carried out with the full participation of other Federal agencies,
the U.S. aviation industry, and foreign governments, which were invited to submit rulemaking proposals.
The suggestions were processed and considered at a Biennial Airworthiness Review Conference, held in
Washington on Dec 2-11, 1974. The success of this event lead to the establishment, on Feb 26, 1975, of a
similar program for operational rules, and to a Biennial Operations Review Conference in Dec 1975.
The two review programs eventually resulted in hundreds of rule changes. It proved impossible to
complete the process within a two-year period, however, and a biennial cycle was not established.
Feb 17, 1974: A soldier flew a stolen Army helicopter to the White House, where guards open fire with
shotguns. Wounded in the legs, the soldier landed on the lawn and was taken into custody.
Feb 22, 1974: At Baltimore-Washington International Airport, a former mental patient killed two persons
and seriously wounded another in an attempt to hijack a DC-9 and crash it into the White House. The
gunman committed suicide when wounded by a policeman.
Mar 3, 1974: A McDonnell Douglas DC-10 wide-body airliner crashed shortly after takeoff from
Paris, France, killing all 346 people on board in the worst air disaster up to that time. The Turkish
Airlines jet had reached an altitude of about 12,000 feet when its rear bulk-cargo door opened,
producing explosive decompression. The resulting collapse of the floor over the cargo compartment
disabled vital flight-control cables.
McDonnell-Douglas had known of difficulties with the latching mechanism of the DC-10
cargo doors, and had introduced modifications. On Jun 12, 1972, however, an improperly secured cargo
door opened on an American Airlines DC-10 flying over Windsor, Ontario. The resulting decompression
disrupted some control cables running through the floor beams, but the aircraft landed safely at Detroit.
Following this event, McDonnell Douglas issued a series of FAA-approved service bulletins aimed at
controlling the problem. On Oct 25, 1973, the manufacturer issued a final service bulletin that introduced a
“closed-loop” system as a definitive solution.
The “closed-loop” modification had not yet been applied to the Turkish DC-10 that crashed
near Paris. The French accident report also indicated that the manufacturer had failed to complete one of
the earlier improvements contained in a service bulletin issued before it delivered the aircraft in Dec 1972.
The report further concluded that improper in-service modifications and adjustments were among the
factors that permitted the ground crew’s defective closing of the door before the ill-fated flight.
Following the Paris crash, FAA issued two airworthiness directives dated Mar 6 and Mar 22,
1974. These directives required implementation of the various modifications contained in the
manufacturer’s service bulletins, which did not carry the force of law. Shortly thereafter, FAA
Administrator Alexander P. Butterfield announced that the agency would henceforth employ
airworthiness directives in all situations involving a design change to correct unsafe conditions. (See
Dec 27, 1974.)
On Jul 7, 1975, FAA issued an airworthiness directive requiring the manufacturers to ensure
that the floors of all wide-body jets could withstand the effects of rapid in-flight decompression
caused by sudden appearance of an opening of up to 20 square feet in the lower deck cargo compartment.
This could be achived by strengthening the floors and/or installing relief vents between the passenger
cabin and aft cargo compartment.
Apr 26, 1974: FAA began an in-depth inspection of the worldwide flight operations of Pan American
World Airways following the Apr 22 crash of a Pan Am Boeing 707 into a mountain in Bali, Indonesia.
The Bali accident, in which all 107 persons aboard died, followed three other Pan Am 707 crashes:
Tahiti, Jul 23, 1973; Boston, Nov 3, 1973 (see entry for Jun 7, 1973); and Pago Pago, Jan 31, 1974 (see that
May 9, 1974: FAA signed the Memorandum of Understanding for a joint international program to test,
evaluate, and demonstrate the use of aeronautical satellites to provide improved communications and air
traffic services over the North Atlantic. The aeronautical satellite program, known as AEROSAT and
jointly operated by the 10 countries of the European Space Research Organization (ESRO), Canada, and
the United States, was intended to furnish the information upon which to base a follow-on operational
system expected to be required in the mid-1980s. On Aug 2, representatives from Canada and ESRO
signed the Memorandum. (See Nov 12, 1974.)
May 29, 1974: FAA announced a new advisory circular on safety parameters for hang gliding, which
included recommendations not to fly: over 500 feet above general terrain; in clouds; in controlled airspace,
or within five miles of an uncontrolled airport without proper notification; in restricted or controlled areas
without prior permission; over or within 100 feet horizontally of buildings, populated areas, or crowds.
Hang gliding, a sport involving unpowered, kite-like craft, had grown rapidly in recent years. In
announcing the circular, Administrator Butterfield stated his hope that observance of the guidelines would
make it unnecessary to regulate the sport. FAA also advised hang gliding clubs to establish training and
safety programs, and urged manufacturers to ensure quality control. (See Sep 2, 1982.)
May 30, 1974: FAA certificated the Airbus A-300, the first of a series of wide-body transport aircraft
produced by Airbus Industrie, an international consortium established in Dec 1970 with French, West
German, British, Spanish, Dutch, and Belgian partner companies. The emergence of Airbus Industrie
signaled greater competition for U.S. aircraft manufacturers. (See Apr 6, 1978.)
Jun 11, 1974: A headquarters reorganization established the positions of: Associate Administrator for
Aviation Safety, with control of the Flight Standards Service and the Civil Aviation Security Service;
Associate Administrator for Airports, with control of the Airports Service and of the new Metropolitan
Washington Airport Service, which operated Washington National and Dulles International Airports; and
the Associate Administrator for Air Traffic and Airway Facilities, with control of the Air Traffic Service
and Airway Facilities Service. The Associate Administrator for Plans was redesignated the Associate
Administrator for Policy Development and Review. The post of Associate Administrator for Operations,
which had controlled the Flight Standards, Air Traffic, and Airports Services, was abolished. The Office of
Appraisal and the Quiet Short-Haul Air Transportation System Office were also eliminated. An Office of
Investigations and Security was established under the Associate Administrator for Administration (See Aug
3, 1970), and the Office of Personnel and Training was created from two formerly separate offices. The
reorganization achieved Administrator Butterfield's aim of placing the flight standards and air traffic
functions under separate Associate Administrators, but only partially fulfilled his goal of grouping safety-
related functions under the Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety. On Jun 12, the press reported the
retirement of Oscar Bakke, the experienced official designated for the Aviation Safety post, who was
disappointed by the scope of the new position.
Jun 15, 1974: FAA launched Operation Ground Assist, a 30-day general aviation safety program, to raise
the level of safety consciousness among general aviation pilots and ground personnel with safety
responsibilities. The program was designed to help reverse a continued rise in the number of accidents in
personal flying. It entailed visits to selected general aviation airports by FAA field personnel, who looked
for unsafe practices, made suggestions, and encouraged a candid exchange of ideas between airmen and the
aviation agency.
Jul 12, 1974: FAA announced a contract with Honeywell for 10 Central Control and Monitoring
Systems for use at air route traffic control centers and the Aeronautical Center. The computerized devices
were designed to to keep watch on electrical, mechanical, and fire alarm systems. They would alert
technicians in case of trouble, and also effect savings by reducing or turning off power to certain equipment
at off-peak periods. FAA announced a contract for an additional 11 systems on Jan 30, 1976, and a total of
9 were installed by the end of that year.
Jul 31, 1974: A Delta Air Lines DC-9 crashed against a sea wall while making an instrument approach to
Logan International Airport in Boston, Mass., with the loss of 89 lives. The National Transportation Safety
Board attributed the accident to flight crew error. Although the Board also named "nonstandard" air traffic
control service as a contributory factor, a U.S. district court cleared FAA of liability.
Aug 5, 1974: President Nixon signed the Anti-Hijacking Act of 1974 into law. Under its provisions, the
* authorized the President to suspend air transportation between the United States and
nations that aided terrorist groups who used the illegal seizure of aircraft as an instrument of
* empowered the Secretary of Transportation, with the approval of the Secretary of State,
to impose sanctions against the carriers of nations that failed to maintain minimum security
standards in the transportation of persons, property, and mail, as required by the Convention
on International Civil Aviation.
* required air carriers to refuse to carry persons unwilling to submit to personal search, and
any article that a passenger did not allow to be inspected.
* required FAA to continue in effect passenger and baggage screening procedures (see Dec
5, 1972).
* allowed FAA to use, for as long as needed, Federal personnel, including FAA personnel,
to supplement state, local, and private law enforcement officers in airport security programs.
(In anticipation of this responsibility, FAA had established a new unit, the Civil Aviation
Security Service, out of what had been the anti-hijacking and cargo security section of the
Office of Air Transportation Security: see Jun 11, 1974.)
The passenger screening program and other precautionary measures continued to be effective
in combating the hijacking menace. For the second consecutive year (see Calendar year 1973) not one
successful hijacking occurred on a scheduled U.S. air carrier aircraft.
Aug 9, 1974: Richard M. Nixon resigned the Presidency and was succeeded by Vice President Gerald
R. Ford.
Aug 9, 1974: James E. Dow became FAA's Deputy Administrator. The appointment was among the
last official acts of President Nixon, who had nominated Dow on Jul 24.
A native of East Machias, Maine, Dow was a graduate of the University of Maine. He
entered the Federal service in 1943 as an air traffic controller in CAA's Central Region. After several
promotions in the field, Dow transferred to CAA's Washington headquarters in 1956, where he served
successively as Assistant Chief of both the Systems Engineering and Systems Management Divisions,
Chief of the Plans Division, and Director of the NAS Special Projects Office. Following a year at
Princeton University on a fellowship in the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs,
he became Director of the Office of Budget in July 1967. In August 1972, Dow became Associate
Administrator for Administration. He became Acting Deputy Administrator in July 1973, assuming on a
collateral basis the responsibilities of an post that had been vacant since the departure of Kenneth M. Smith
on Jul 15, 1972. (See May 11, 1970, and Mar 31, 1976).
Aug 14, 1974: The Operations Committee of the Air Transport Association (ATA) decided that, effective
Sep 1, its member airlines would withdraw from the familiarization flight (SF 160) program under which
an air traffic controller could make up to eight free flights per year as a cockpit observer. Members of the
Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization reacted by conducting work slowdowns that continued
until ATA reversed its decision on Oct 16. (See May 7, 1975.)
Aug 21, 1974: FAA announced a rule providing for issuance of "limited" airport operating certificates
to airports serving CAB-certificated air carriers conducting only unscheduled operations or operations with
small aircraft. FAA allowed airports in this category to operate under previously-issued provisional
certificates until Dec 15. (See May 21, 1973)
Aug 26, 1974: Charles A. Lindbergh died in Maui, Hawaii, at the age of 72. (See May 20-21, 1927)
Sep 4, 1974: The U.S. and Mexico announced an agreement on air traffic services adjacent to their
common border. The culmination of over 15 years of negotiation, the pact authorized air traffic facilities in
6 pairs of cities to enter into agreements on coordinating air traffic control.
Sep 5, 1974: FAA shut down the last four-course radio range still in operation, at Northway, Alaska,
after more than 40 years of service. The four-course range was the first navigation system that enabled
pilots to fly "blind"--that is, fly a direct line between airports when visibility was poor or nonexistent (see
Jun 30, 1928). Beginning in the late forties, FAA replaced the system with the more efficient very-high-
frequency omnidirectional range (VOR). The VOR's higher frequency reduced static and its
omnidirectional signal afforded guidance to pilots on any bearing from the transmitter. (See Mar 17, 1982.)
The center antenna of the Northway range, now designated for use with a nondirectional beacon, remained
in operation.
Sep 8, 1974: A bomb exploded in the aft cargo compartment of a Trans World Airlines Boeing 707.
The flight had originated in Tel Aviv, stopped over at Athens, and was bound for Rome and then New
York. The explosion disabled the aircraft's control system, and the 707 crashed into the Ionian Sea with the
loss of all 88 persons aboard. Floating debris and 24 bodies were recovered, but the wreckage was not
raised from the sea bottom.
Sep 11, 1974: An Eastern Air Lines
DC-9 crashed 3.3 miles short of a runway at Charlotte, N.C., while
approaching through patchy fog. All but 10 of the 82 persons aboard lost their lives. The National
Transportation Safety Board attributed the accident to "lack of altitude awareness" due to "poor cockpit
discipline." Eastern Air Lines and 19 insurance companies sued four FAA air traffic controllers for $35
million each in connection with the accident. In Dec 1979, a jury in Charlotte found in favor of the
controllers, who were defended by the Federal government.
Sep 18, 1974: Transportation Secretary Claude S. Brinegar announced the Ford Administration's decision
not to ask Congress to subsidize the nation's financially troubled flag carriers, Pan American and
Trans World Airlines. Instead, the Administration continued to pursue an "action plan" to assist the two
airlines through a variety of means that did not involve subsidy or new legislation. Congress, however,
passed the International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974. As signed on Jan
3, 1975, this law included provisions designed to raise overseas mail rates, require Federal agencies to use
U.S. flag carriers whenever possible, and control rebates by shippers and ticket agents. The law mandated
negotiations aimed at protecting U.S. flag carriers from discriminatory landing fees and airport charges, and
directed the Secretary of Transportation to impose retaliatory fees against the airlines of nations that failed
to respond. (See Feb 15, 1980)
Sep 19, 1974: FAA commissioned the first of a new-generation Power Conditioning System for the 20
Air Route Traffic Control Centers in the contiguous U.S. at the Los Angeles ARTCC. The system
processed all incoming power, ensuring that it remained at the proper voltage level and frequency. In the
event of commercial power failure, it also provided battery power until emergency generators could take
over. The system was designed to replace less sophisticated versions in use at some ARTCCs. (See Jun
27, 1969 and Jul 13, 1977.)
Oct 1, 1974: Effective this date, FAA reduced the minimum separation distance for simultaneous
Instrument Landing System (ILS) approaches to parallel runways. The change from 5,000 feet to
4,300 feet allowed certain airports to add parallel runways when needed to handle increasing traffic.
Nov 1, 1974: Tougher new rules covering the training, testing, and certification of pilots in nearly all
categories except airline transport pilot went into effect. For the first time, FAA required a biennial flight
review for all pilots not engaged in airline or other commercial operations for which FAA already required
periodic flight checks. Other new provisions included:
* Student pilots were required to show overall piloting proficiency in all flight operational
areas before their instructors could find them eligible for the prescribed check flight.
* Flight instructor certificate requirements were upgraded to include a commercial pilot
certificate, an instrument rating, ground instruction as well as flight instruction capability,
and a class rating for instruction given in multi-engine airplanes and helicopters.
* Private pilot certificate requirements included increased emphasis on flight instruction in
night and operational problem areas. The required flight time remained at 40 hours, but the
mandatory hours of flight instruction from a certified flight instructor were raised from 3 to
* Commercial pilot certificate applicants were required to have an instrument rating to
qualify for unrestricted privileges. Flight time for a commercial license was raised from
200 to 250 hours, although 50 of these hours could be logged in a ground trainer.
Other new requirements included: more skills to be demonstrated for an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
rating; IFR checks for instrument-rated pilots with recent IFR experience lapses; and annual proficiency
checks for pilots-in-command of aircraft certificated for more than one pilot.
Nov 1, 1974: New certification and operating standards for FAA-approved pilot schools went into
effect. In an amendment to FAR Part 141, FAA upgraded standards while giving these schools increased
responsibilities in pilot training and testing. Schools granted examining authority by FAA could
recommend graduates for pilot certificates and ratings without those graduates having to pass FAA-
administered flight or written tests. The new rules also set forth standardized curriculums for each course
of approved training, thus assuring that graduates trained at different locales received the same quality of
Nov 12, 1974: For the first time in history an aircraft was given routine air traffic control instructions
via aeronautical satellite relay. The milestone occurred when an ATC demonstration project controller at
the National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center (NAFEC) issued a route change to an FAA KC-135
aircraft during a test using the ATS-6 satellite. NAFEC's Experimental Oceanic Air Traffic Control
Laboratory was the ground test facility for the ATS-6 ATC communications demonstrations, part of the
joint Aerosat project involving the United States, Canada, and the European Space Research Organization
(ESRO). (See May 9, 1974, and Sep 15, 1977.)
Nov 13, 1974: In an action to reduce the bird hazard to aviation, FAA announced guidelines aimed at
banning garbage dumps or sanitary landfills within 10,000 ft. of runways used by turbojets and 5,000 ft.
of those used by piston-engine aircraft. FAA personnel were instructed to inform airport operators that
dumps or landfills closer than these limits should be closed. Those that could not be closed within a
reasonable period of time should be operated under guidelines prescribed by the Environmental Protection
Agency and Department of Health, Education and Welfare, to minimize their attractiveness to birds.
Nov 18-27, 1974: The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) board of directors determined that the DC-
9-50 was a "stretched" aircraft within the meaning of ALPA's by-laws (see Nov 20-29, 1966). This
decision, which reversed a previous finding by ALPA's executive board, meant that the union would not
necessarily oppose operation of the DC-9-50 by a two-pilot crew. At the same time, however, the board
amended its by-laws to provide for three pilots on all turbine-powered transports, including stretched
versions, certificated after Jan 1, 1975. (See Nov 23, 1971 and Feb 21, 1976.)
Dec 1, 1974: A Northwest Airlines Boeing 727 crashed near Thiells, N.Y., killing all three persons
aboard. Icing had blocked the aircraft's pitot heads, causing erroneous air speed and Mach readings that
contributed to a low-speed stall. On Mar 13, 1978, FAA published a rule requiring the installation within
three years of a pitot heat indication system in all transport category aircraft having flight instrument pitot
heating systems, and making such an indication system a type certification requirement for such aircraft.
Dec 1, 1974: Approaching Dulles International Airport under conditions of poor visibility, a Trans World
Airlines Boeing 727 descended too soon and crashed into a mountain near Berryville, Va., killing all 92
persons aboard.
Unfamiliar with terrain to the immediate west of Dulles, the TWA captain interpreted a
controller's "cleared for approach" instruction to mean that he could descend to the final approach altitude
of 1,800 feet immediately, although his chart indicated mountain peaks and a prescribed minimum altitude
of 3,400 feet. The controller had assumed the pilot knew he was not to descend to 1,800 feet until he had
cleared the mountains. Soon after the accident, FAA took steps to clarify pilot responsibilities for
maintaining safe altitude by issuing a notice, followed by a regulatory amendment. This new rule
explicitly required that in-bound pilots maintain their assigned altitude until they were given a new one or
became established on a published route. FAA also issued additional guidance intended to ensure that
controllers informed radar arrivals of any applicable altitude restrictions at the time that they issued an
approach clearance. (See Jan 1, 1976.)
With FAA still under scrutiny for its handling of the DC-10 cargo door problem (see Mar 3,
1974), the TWA crash added to intense criticism of the agency (see Dec 27, 1974). The accident
underscored the need for a cockpit device to alert pilots if they strayed too close to terrain, and FAA
speeded work on a proposed rule to make a terrain warning system mandatory (see Dec 24, 1974).
Other FAA actions in the wake of the TWA crash included the appointment of a Special Air Safety
Advisory Group, composed of six retired airline captains, which submitted a variety of safety
recommendations on Jul 30, 1975. Meanwhile, DOT established a task force on FAA’s safety mission (see
Jan 28, 1975).
Dec 18, 1974: Secretary of Transportation Claude S. Brinegar announced his resignation, effective Feb
1, 1975. (See Feb 2, 1973.)
Dec 24, 1974: FAA published a rule requiring installation of the Ground Proximity Warning System
(GPWS) on large turbojet and turboprop airliners. The equipment was to provide both visual and aural
signals when the aircraft was less than 2,500 feet above the ground. The rule’s implementation deadline of
Dec 1, 1975, was subsequently extended due to persisting technical difficulties, but all major airlines were
in compliance by the end of 1976. A rule published on Oct 10, 1978, extended the GPWS requirement to
smaller commuter airline turbojets if able to seat as many as ten passengers. (See Dec 1, 1974, and Mar 17,
Dec 27, 1974: A House subcommittee chaired by Rep. Harley O. Staggers (D-W.Va.) issued a report
criticizing FAA as sluggish, insufficiently strict in its aircraft certification procedures, and too solicitous of
the interests of the aviation industry. Cases cited by the committee included the agency's handling of the
DC-10 cargo door problem (see Mar 3, 1974). The committee also faulted FAA for slowness in requiring
the Ground Proximity Warning System on airliners, a criticism underlined by the recent crash of a TWA jet
(see Dec 1, 1974). On Dec 28, public confidence in FAA was further weakened by an ABC television
broadcast, prepared by science editor Jules Bergman, that portrayed the agency as lax on postcrash survival
and other safety issues.
Calendar year, 1974: FAA launched a program aimed at the renegotiation of bilateral airworthiness
agreements with major aeronautical manufacturing countries. Previous U.S. bilateral agreements did not
cover the export or import of all aviation products--engines, appliances, propellers, and other components.
Since export sales frequently depended on foreign countries producing selected aircraft components, the
lack of such agreements tended to inhibit the sale of U.S. aircraft abroad. (See Jan 26, 1972.)
Jan 3, 1975: President Ford signed the Transportation Safety Act of 1974. Title I of this law, the
Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, gave the Secretary of Transportation new regulatory and
enforcement authority to combat the risks of transporting hazardous materials in commerce (see Jul 1,
1976). (Title II pertained to railroad safety, and Title III concerned the status of the National
Transportation Safety Board: see April 1, 1975). Title I specifically limited radioactive materials that
could be shipped on commercial passenger aircraft to those intended for research or medical use. AN
FAA rule implemented this provision, effective May 3, 1975.
Effective Mar 7, meanwhile, FAA prohibited air carriage of hazardous material unless its
container had been inspected to determine that, in all outward respects, it complied with packaging and
marking requirements. In the case of radioactive materials, FAA also required scanning with a radiation
monitoring instrument, after Jun 30, 1975 (a deadline later extended to Jan 1, 1976). The rule was based on
a proposal published shortly after an incident on Apr 5-6, 1974, in which improperly shielded radioactive
material had exposed airline passengers to unnecessary radiation.
Jan 6, 1975: FAA published a new regulation setting maximum noise levels for small propeller-driven
aircraft that were newly produced or newly type-certificated. The rule was effective Feb 7, 1975, and
applied to all propeller-driven airplanes under 12,500 pounds, with the exception of those used in
agricultural and firefighting operations (which frequently required all available engine power to carry large
loads). (See Oct 26, 1973, and Dec 23, 1976.)
Jan 21, 1975: FAA announced that it would study the effects of high-altitude flight on the earth's
atmosphere, building upon DOT's recently-ended Climatic Impact Assessment Program, which had begun
in 1971 in response to concern about environmental consequences of the fleets of supersonic transports
then anticipated. FAA's study, the High Altitude Pollution Program (HAPP), ended in 1982. Its final
report, published in Jan 1984, concluded that the effects of civilian aircraft on ozone depletion and
climactic change were not a cause of immediate concern at that time.
Jan 25, 1975: Approaching Washington National Airport, a Beech King Air executive turboprop came
in too low and crashed into a broadcasting tower at American University, killing all five aboard. The
accident occurred in the wake of the crash of a TWA jetliner on approach to Washington Dulles airport,
and it added to mounting criticism of FAA. (See Dec 1 and 27, 1974.)
Jan 28, 1975: The Secretary's Task Force on the FAA Safety Mission convened to examine FAA's
organizational structure, management, and performance on safety issues. Secretary Claude S. Brinegar had
appointed this special ten-person panel in response to criticism of FAA on such matters as the crash of
TWA Flight 514 and the DC-10 cargo door problem (see Dec 1 and Dec 27, 1974). The task force was
headed by Lt. Gen. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Environment, Safety,
and Consumer Affairs. (See Apr 8 and Apr 30, 1975.)
Jan 1975: FAA shut down the Fairbanks ARTCC, after 31 years of operation and transferred its
functions to the Anchorage ARTCC.
Feb 19, 1975: FAA announced that it had ordered air taxi operators using business-type jets to equip
these aircraft with Cockpit Voice Recorders and Flight Data Recorders
by May 15, 1975. (See Aug 5,
1957, Jun 26, 1964, and Mar 25, 1987.)
Feb 27, 1975: The Microwave Landing System (MLS) Executive Committee, a group of experts
representing various Federal agencies, chose the time reference scanning beam (TRSB) technique over
the Doppler scanning technique as the U.S. candidate for the international standard microwave landing
system. The action by the committee ratified a recommendation made in late 1974 by the MLS Central
Assessment Group (a recommendation participated in 140 experts assembled by FAA from around the
world) and cleared the way for submission of the time reference scanning beam technique to the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as the U.S. candidate for adoption as the international
precision landing system of the future. (See Jun 7, 1973, and Jul 22 1975.)
Mar 7, 1975: William T. Coleman, Jr., became Secretary of Transportation. An attorney from
Philadelphia, Coleman was the second black Cabinet member in American history. On Jan 14, President
Ford had declared his intention to nominate Coleman to replace Claude S. Brinegar, who had announced
his resignation on Dec 18, 1974. Coleman served the remainder of the Ford Administration, resigning
effective Jan 20, 1977.
Mar 25, 1975: Alexander P. Butterfield announced his resignation as FAA Administrator, effective Mar
31, after publicized differences with recently departed Secretary of Transportation Claude S. Brinegar and
amid sharp criticism of FAA's recent safety record. President Ford had asked for his resignation in a move
some interpreted as retribution for Butterfield's role in helping uncover the Watergate scandal (see Jul 16,
1973). Deputy Administrator James E. Dow (see Aug 9, 1974) became Acting Administrator. (See Nov
24, 1975.)
Mar 27, 1975: AN FAA DC-3 crashed on takeoff from Boise, Pa., injuring all 11 persons aboard. In
determining the probable cause, the National Transportation Safety Board cited the inexperience of the
pilot, who was not qualified for that type of aircraft. The pilot, a Regional Director, received a reprimand
and 30-day suspension, and was later transferred to another position.
Apr 1, 1975: Effective this date, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was separated
entirely from the Department of Transportation, in accordance with Title III of the Transportation
Safety Act of 1974. Previously, NTSB had been an independent agency lodged within the Department for
administrative purposes. In enacting Title III, Congress declared that the NTSB could not properly conduct
its responsibility of determining the probable cause of transportation accidents without total separation and
independence. (See Oct 15, 1966.)
Apr 4, 1975: A regulation governing the installation and safe operation of X-ray devices for screening
carry-on luggage at airports became effective this date. The rule had been proposed on Jun 21, 1974, after
a U.S. District Court judge declared that FAA acted illegally by allowing the X-ray machines to be installed
without certifying as to their safety. The new regulation required testing to ensure that the devices
complied fully with radiation level standards set by the Food and Drug Administration, and also provided
for the training and protection of operators of this equipment.
Apr 8, 1975: Acting Administrator James E. Dow announced the establishment of the Aviation Safety
Reporting Program (ASRP), designed to provide the agency with information on potentially unsafe
conditions in the National Airspace System, effective May 1, 1975. To encourage the reporting of
violations, the program granted immunity from disciplinary action to pilots or controllers who filed a
timely report. No immunity was granted, however, in the case of "reckless operations, criminal offenses,
gross negligence, willful misconduct, and accidents." FAA remained free to take corrective or remedial
action necessary for air safety.
Although such immunity programs had been instituted before (see Jan 1, 1968), the ASRP
was the first not limited to reports of near midair collisions. The program's establishment anticipated one
of the recommendations being prepared by the Secretary's Task Force on the FAA Safety Mission (see Jan
28, 1975), of which Dow served as Executive Secretary. The Air Line Pilots Association, skeptical of the
ASRP, preferred a system in which a third party would process reports and protect their confidentiality.
(See Aug 15, 1975.)
Apr 14, 1975: FAA eliminated the proposed requirement for altitude reporting transponders (Mode
C) on all aircraft operating in Group II Terminal Control Areas (TCAs) 45 days before it was to go into
effect (see Jun 8, 1973 and Jan 29, 1987). However, FAA still required aircraft operating to and from
primary and secondary airports within the twelve Group II TCAs to carry a transponder capable of
providing discrete identity information to air traffic controllers. In addition, the agency required aircraft to
obtain authorization prior to entering the Group II TCAs, and to maintain two-way radio communications
with controllers. The requirement for altitude reporting equipment had been strongly opposed by general
aviation operators and by such general aviation organizations as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association. (See Jan 1, 1974, and Aug 1, 1975.)
Apr 30, 1975: The Secretary's Task Force on the FAA Safety Mission (see Jan 28, 1975) submitted its
report. The Task Force commended FAA for having reestablished a no-fault aviation safety reporting
program (see Apr 8, 1975), and made recommendations including:
* That FAA should continue to rely on industry for safety compliance inspections required in
the certification process, but should strengthen its technical staff and improve its ability to
monitor the performance of those delegated safety responsibilities. In addition, FAA
should insist on more comprehensive design reviews in major aircraft and engine
* That FAA should conduct audits in cooperation with the National Transportation Safety
Board to ensure that problems cited by NTSB were worked out satisfactorily.
* That FAA's rulemaking process, judged too slow, should be expedited by means of a
priority system; the agency should also improve the clarity of the rules themselves and
speed up their legal review.
* That FAA should take steps, including use of flight data monitoring systems, to improve
aircrew performance.
* That air traffic controllers should give more attention to preventing collision with the
ground, and that a standing group of FAA and aviation community representatives should
review air traffic control procedures with the aim of increasing clarity and standardization.
* That FAA should continue as part of the Department of Transportation, but should not be
subject to undue supervision by the Office of the Secretary.
* That an intensive review should be made of the FAA headquarters organization with the
object of reducing the number of elements reporting to the Administrator. The task force
recommended also that (1) a similar study be made of the FAA regional organization, with
a view to consolidating regional functions and reducing the regions in number, and (2) that
regional Engineering and Manufacturing (E & M) personnel engaged in aircraft
certification be transferred from the regions to one or more E & M technical field centers
that would report to FAA Headquarters at a level just below the Administrator.
* That FAA should strengthen its long-range research and development activity and establish
one or more technical advisory committees.
May 7, 1975: FAA and PATCO reached agreement on a two-year contract (signed and effective Jul 8).
The contract's 74 articles included a guarantee of controller inclusion in the Aviation Safety Reporting
Program (see Apr 8, 1975) and affected such matters as an expansion of familiarization flight privileges
(see Aug 14, 1974), working conditions, and career enhancement. (See Mar 17, 1973, and Jul 28-31,
May 9, 1975 FAA announced the beginning of a new airspace program to better delineate areas of military
training activities. As of Jul 1, when requested by the military, the FAA began establishing Military
Operations Areas (MOAs) for conducting such military flight actitivities such as familiarization training,
intercept practice, and air combat maneuvers. FAA Flight Service Stations in the vicinity would inform
visual flight rules (VFR) pilots when a given MOA was to be used for military purposes and how to
traverse or circumnavigate it safely. Properly instructed VFR aircraft operated within an active MOA
without special restrictions, while instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft were afforded appropriate
separation service. By the end of fiscal 1987, 354 MOAs were in existence.
May 29, 1975: Secretary of Transportation William T. Coleman, Jr., announced that FAA's National
Aeronautical Facilities Experimental Center (NAFEC) would remain at Atlantic City, N.J. On Jan
15, 1974, a study team had recommended that NAFEC be combined with the Aeronautical Center at
Oklahoma City. (See May 29, 1980.)
Spring 1975: U.S. air carriers conducted extensive civil aviation operations in Southeast Asia as the
United States wound down its Indochinese commitment with a final spurt of activity. Requiring close
cooperation between FAA, the State Department, and the Department of Defense, the operations ranged
from airlifting rice and munitions into Pnom Penh, Cambodia, to the climactic evacuation of U.S. civilians
from Saigon, Vietnam, in late April.
Jun 1975: FAA received the first of the new ASR-8 airport surveillance radars. Features of the ASR-8
included a dual beam for expanded low-level coverage and a klystron transmitter tube that increased power
output. (See Aug 25, 1960 and Sep 30, 1983.)
Jun 24, 1975: An Eastern Air Lines 727 crashed into approach lights while attempting to land during a
thunderstorm at New York's Kennedy airport, causing fatal injuries to 113 of the 124 persons aboard. The
National Transportation Safety Board's report stated that the crew probably relied too much on visual clues
rather than instruments in assessing their altitude, but adverse winds may have been too strong for a
successful approach even if they had avoided this error. The Board criticized air traffic control personnel
for continued use of the runway after reports of wind shear from several incoming pilots.
Wind shear, a sudden change in wind speed and/or direction, may be produced by
thunderstorms or even cloud formations that appear harmless. Large gust fronts can last for more than an
hour and extend for several miles. In studying the Kennedy crash, however, the University of Chicago's
Dr. Theodore Fujita concluded that several separate cells of intense downdrafts had occurred in the vicinity
of the 727's approach path. He termed such phenomena "downbursts," and later coined the term
"microburst" to describe a small downburst (see May 15-Aug 13, 1982).
The Kennedy accident spurred FAA's efforts to develop wind shear detection equipment for use
both in the cockpit and on the ground, as well as improved methods for pilots to cope with the hazard. The
agency tested measuring devices, and in Nov 1976 began a six-month test of forecasting techniques in
cooperation with the National Weather Service. In 1977, FAA began operational testing of a ground-
based wind shear detection system called the Surface Wind Monitoring System (SWIMS), later renamed
the Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (see Sep 1978).
Jun 30, 1975: The original five-year funding authority of the Airport and Airway Development Act of
1970 lapsed (see May 21, 1970). The Subcommittee on Aviation of the House Committee on Public
Works and Transportation had opened hearings in Mar 1975 on extending the act's funding authority, but
did not report out a bill before the funding cutoff. A proposal by the Senate seeking a 90-day delay of the
cutoff failed. (See Jul 12, 1976)
Jul 22, 1975: FAA announced that it had awarded contracts to the Bendix Corp. and Texas Instruments to
build, test, and evaluate prototypes of the new microwave landing system (MLS) under Phase III of
the MLS development program. Each contractor was to build two models of the system--the small
community airport configuration and the basic configuration---using a time reference scanning beam signal
format. (See Feb 27, 1975, and Jun 1976.)
Aug 1, 1975: The establishment of a Group II Terminal Control Area (TCA) at the new Kansas City
International Airport completed the creation of 12 airport areas in this category. FAA defined each
TCA after consultation with airport users. General aviation operators, in particular, registered many
objections to proposed TCA rules and limits. Since the original concept in 1970, FAA reduced the number
of Group II TCAs from 14 to 12. The locations were: St. Louis, Seattle, Minneapolis, Houston, Denver,
Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Las Vegas; and Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Kansas City. (See Apr
14, 1975, and May 15, 1980.)
Aug 13, 1975: FAA completed its longstanding program to implement the ARTS III automated radar
terminal system at the nation's busiest terminals on this date with the commissioning at the Dallas-Fort
Worth Regional Airport. All 61 ARTS III systems were now operational in the contiguous states, as well
as one in Hawaii and one in Puerto Rico. The basic ARTS III contract had been signed in Feb 1969, and
the first ARTS III procured under it became operational at Chicago O'Hare airport (see Feb 15, 1973). The
sixty-second ARTS III, which went into operation in Jul 1975 at Atlanta Hartsfield airport, replaced an
ARTS I--the prototype ARTS--which had been in operation there since 1965. (See Aug 10, 1976.)
Aug 15, 1975: FAA and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) signed an agreement
under which NASA would operate a third-party reporting system guaranteeing anonymity to persons
providing information about safety hazards and incidents (see Apr 8, 1975). This system was designed
to overcome fears that FAA's Aviation Safety Reporting Program would not provide genuine immunity.
NASA agreed to: receive and process reports; delete information that would reveal the identity of the
informants; analyze and interpret the data; and provide the results to FAA and the aviation community.
Information concerning criminal offenses, however, would be referred directly to FAA and the Justice
Department. The system was to become operational by Apr 15, 1976 (see that date.)
Aug 25, 1975: In Senate testimony, Lockheed's chairman stated that his company paid "kickbacks" to
officials of foreign governments to encourage purchase of L-1011 aircraft, an admission that was followed
by a series of revelations about the questionable overseas sales practices of Lockheed, Boeing, and
McDonnell Douglas.
Aug 26, 1975: The commissioning of the computerized radar data processing system (RDP) at the
Miami Air Route Traffic Control Center marked the end of the final phase of the completion of NAS En
Route Stage A, FAA's program of automating and computerizing the nation's en route air traffic control
system, an effort covering more than a decade (see Feb 13, 1973). Miami was the last of the 20 ARTCCs
to receive RDP capability.
The RDP system consisted of three key elements: radar digitizers located at long-range radar
sites that converted raw radar data and aircraft transponder beacon signals into computer-readable signals
transmitted to the centers' computers; computer complexes in each center able to relay this information to
the controllers' screens; and new screens that displayed the information to the controllers in alphanumeric
Sep 2, 1975: FAA released an analysis of Federal grants issued in the first five years of the Airport and
Airway Development Act of 1970 (see May 21, 1970). For the period, $37.5 million had been obligated
under the Planning Grant Program (PGP) and $1.3 billion under the Airport Development Aid Program
(ADAP). (This was a vast increase compared to the $1.2 billion disbursed during the entire 24-year history
of the earlier Federal-aid airport program: see May 13, 1946). A total of 1,059 planning grants had been
approved during the five-year period. Authorized funding for ADAP--initially $280 million annually and
increased to $310 million in 1973 (see Jun 18, 1973)--had made it possible for FAA to approve aid for
2,434 development projects. With the help of these funds, 85 new airports were built and more than 1,000
received improvements that included: 178 new runways; 520 new taxiways; 201 runway extensions; 28
instrument landing systems, 141 runway end identifying lighting systems (REILS), 471 visual approach
slope indicators (VASIs); security fencing; and equipment for crash, firefighting, and rescue.
Nov 1, 1975: New procedures went into effect requiring air traffic controllers to provide an extra mile of
separation between small aircraft landing behind large and heavy aircraft capable of generating hazardous
wake turbulence (see Mar 1, 1970). Reflecting the findings of two special studies, the new procedures
required that small aircraft be separated by 4 miles when landing behind large aircraft and by 6 miles when
landing behind heavy aircraft. The "small" aircraft category (12,500 lbs. or less) included most of the
country's air taxis and general aviation aircraft. The "large" category (12,500-300,000 lbs.) included
certain business aircraft such as the Sabreliner and Jetstar, the smaller DC-8s and Boeing 707s, and the
Boeing 727 and 737. (The Boeing 757 also joined the “large” category after its certification in 1982.) The
"heavy" category (300,000 lbs. or more) included the C-5A, DC-10, L-1011, Boeing 747, and the larger
versions of the DC-8 and 707. (See Spring 1976 and Dec 19, 1992.)
Nov 24, 1975: Dr. John L. McLucas became the sixth FAA Administrator, succeeding Alexander P.
Butterfield (see Mar 14, 1973). The President had persuaded McLucas to give up his portfolio as Secretary
of the Air Force in favor of the FAA post. McLucas had been nominated by Ford on Oct 20 and confirmed
by the Senate on Nov 13.
Born in Fayetteville, N.C., in 1920, McLucas held degrees from Davidson College and Tulane
University. After serving as a Navy radar officer during World War II, he earned a doctorate in physics
with a minor in electrical engineering at Pennsylvania State University in 1950. McLucas authored
numerous scientific articles and held ten patents. He became vice president and later president of a private
electronics firm, then joined the Defense Department in 1962 as Deputy Director of Defense Research and
Engineering. Two years later, he became Assistant Secretary General for Scientific Affairs at NATO
headquarters. In 1966, McLucas became president and chief executive officer of the MITRE Corporation,
a nonprofit research organization established at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to work on
technical problems for the government. He became Under Secretary of the Air Force in 1969, and was
promoted to Secretary in 1973. McLucas served as FAA Administrator for 16 months, including the
remainder of the Ford Administration and two months under President Jimmy Carter. (See Apr 1, 1977.)
Dec 26, 1975: The Soviet Union inaugurated the world's first regular supersonic airline service
, with the
departure of a Tupolev-144 from Moscow for Alma-Ata in the Kazakh Republic. The plane carried only
mail and cargo over the 2,500-mile route. (See Jan 21, 1976).
Dec 29, 1975: A high-intensity bomb exploded in a coin-operated locker at New York's La Guardia
Airport, killing 11, injuring 54, and doing extensive damage to the main terminal building. The incident,
provoking national concern and leading to the creation of a special government-industry task force, caused
FAA to issue a rule (effective Apr 15, 1976) requiring that checked baggage be screened for inspection
under a "profile" system. FAA also accelerated efforts to develop automatic equipment capable of
detecting explosives in lockers and cargo holds (see Sep 1985). In the meantime, the agency stepped up its
Explosive Detection K-9 Dog Handler Team program begun in 1972 (see Nov 29, 1977). Following the La
Guardia bombing, lockers at nearly all U.S. airports were placed in areas where they could be under
Jan 1, 1976: The Federal Aviation Administration issued a new air traffic control handbook,
representing a consolidation of two formerly separate manuals--one on terminal and the other on en route
air traffic control. To improve controller-pilot communications, FAA on Apr 26 announced publication of
a new air traffic control glossary four times the length of that previously included in the Airmans
Information Manual. The National Transportation Safety Board had recommended issuance of such a
glossary after a crash at Berryville, Va. (see Dec 1, 1974).
Jan 9, 1976: As of this date, FAA implemented a conflict alert system, capable of warning air traffic
controllers of less-than-standard separation between aircraft under their control, at all 20 air route traffic
control centers in the contiguous U.S. FAA added the new conflict alert capability to the radar data
processing system of the NAS En Route Stage A center computers (see Aug 26, 1975). The new system
projected the flight paths of all aircraft on the controllers' radar sector for two minutes ahead, and flashed
the relevant aircraft data tags if the projection showed the paths approaching closer than the required
horizontal and vertical minimums. The controller could then radio appropriate orders to the aircraft to
avoid a collision. The conflict alert system initially operated only above 18,000 feet, but by Dec 1978 all
20 centers had implemented it from the ground up. FAA later installed a similar capability in the
Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS) computers (see Jan 10, 1978).
Jan 21, 1976: British Airways and Air France began the world's first scheduled supersonic passenger
service (see Dec 26, 1975) with simultaneous takeoffs of Anglo-French Concorde SST aircraft from
London and Paris for flights to Bahrain and Rio de Janeiro. The London-Bahrain flight, normally 6 hours
30 minutes by subsonic jet, took 4 hours 10 minutes. The Paris-Rio flight, scheduled to take 7 hours 5
minutes (compared with a subsonic time of 11 hours 10 minutes), arrived 40 minutes late. (See Feb 4,
Feb 4, 1976: Secretary of Transportation William T. Coleman, Jr., announced his decision to permit the
Anglo-French supersonic transport Concorde to land in the U.S. on a temporary, restricted basis.
Air France and British Airways had made application in Jan 1975 to conduct limited commercial operations
with the SST into New York Kennedy and Washington Dulles airports, proposing a maximum of four
flights daily into Kennedy and two daily into Dulles. In an environmental impact statement issued in draft
in Mar 1975 and in final on this date, FAA recommended granting the application on the grounds that the
limited operations could not significantly harm the environment. Secretary Coleman authorized the
proposed service for a trial period not to exceed 16 months.
Working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Environmental
Protection Agency, and the Office of the Secretary, FAA developed plans for noise, sonic boom, and low
altitude pollution monitoring of the Concorde to determine its environmental impact during the trial period.
Devices to monitor noise and emissions were installed at Washington Dulles and surrounding communities,
and most were in operation when Concorde service to Dulles began on May 24, 1976. Intense opposition
from environmental and citizen groups in the New York area and a ban by the Port Authority of New York
and New Jersey delayed Concorde service at Kennedy. (See Apr 27, 1973, Sep 23, 1977, and Oct 17,
Feb 15, 1976: FAA transferred the personnel and functions of its office at Beirut, Lebanon, to the office
at Frankfurt, Germany, because of the continuation of the civil war that began in late 1975. The Beirut
office had consisted basically of three inspectors who made sure that U.S.-registered aircraft operating in
the Mediterranean and Middle East were airworthy and complied with Federal regulations (see Jun 30,
1965). An office later established at Rome, Italy, took over these functions.
Feb 21, 1976: In exchange for higher salaries and shorter work hours, the pilots of Frontier Airlines
accepted a contract calling for the elimination of the flight engineer from the crew of the Boeing 737.
The Air Line Pilots Association executive board tried, but failed, to expel Frontier pilots from the union for
violating the union's by-laws. (See Nov 18-27, 1974, and May 7, 1977.)
Feb 1976: The Washington, D.C., Flight Service Station moved to the Air Route Traffic Control
Center (ARTCC) at Leesburg, Va., and FAA announced that it had ordered an AWANS (aviation
weather and notice to airmen system) for installation at Leesburg. AWANS was computer-aided system
to assist flight service specialists by displaying weather and aeronautical information on viewing screens.
It had been under test at the flight service station (FSS) in Atlanta, Ga., since July 1975. Once operational,
FAA expected the Leesburg AWANS to take over the functions of the FSSs at Richmond and
Charlottesville. This prototype would then be used to demonstrate the feasibility of consolidating several
manual FSSs into a single automated station, and of collocating FSS and ARTCC facilities. The long-
range plan was to establish AWANS-equipped FSS hubs at all 20 ARTCCs in the contiguous United
States. (See Feb 4, 1964, and Sep 1977.)
Mar 1, 1976: A rule published on this date required removal of side-facing flight attendant seats from all
airliners by May 1. In issuing the rule, FAA noted that flight attendants occupying side-facing seats were
likely to receive more serious injuries during survivable accidents than passengers in forward-facing seats,
and hence might be incapacitated at a time when their performance of emergency duties was most needed.
(See Feb 15, 1980.)
Mar 4, 1976: FAA announced a contract for the development of three engineering model Discrete
Address Beacon System (DABS) ground sensors and 30 compatible transponders. This new advanced
radar beacon system was designed to eventually replace ATCRBS, the existing air traffic control radar
beacon system (see Dec 27, 1963). The chief advantage of DABS was its ability to interrogate and receive
a transponder reply from a specific aircraft rather than from all aircraft in the zone of coverage. This would
help eliminate the problem of overlapping and garbling of transponder replies from aircraft flying in close
proximity to one another. Since DABS would address aircraft on an individual basis, it would also provide
a vehicle for automatic communications between aircraft and the ground. This data link capability was
seen as the basis for future implementation of a ground-based collision avoidance system called
Intermittent Positive Control (IPC), later designated the Automatic Traffic Advisory and Resolution
System (ATARS). (See Mar 1976.)
Mar 21, 1976: Effective this date, FAA required foreign air carriers operating large aircraft to and from
the United States in scheduled passenger operations to maintain security programs which would insure:
that all passengers and property carried aboard their aircraft were subject to effective weapons screening
procedures prior to boarding; that there was no unauthorized access to their aircraft; that no unauthorized
weapons, bombs, or incendiary devices were carried aboard; that appropriate baggage security measures
were in place; and that they were in compliance with the FARs in dealing with bomb threats and threats of
hijacking. In addition, each foreign carrier was to provide the FAA Administrator upon his request
information on the status of its screening program.
In addition, as of Aug 23, 1976, the FAA also required foreign carriers: to deny boarding to
passengers refusing to permit their persons or property to be screened for weapons; ensure that their x-ray
equipment in use at U.S. airports met minimum U.S. safety and effectiveness standards; and provided that
the prohibition against carrying weapons aboard a foreign aircraft would not apply if the weapons, after
inspection by the carrier, were in checked baggage and inaccessible to the passenger.
Mar 31, 1976: Several
organizational changes became official this date at the FAA Headquarters. The
Office of the Associate Administrator for Airports and the Airports Service were abolished and replaced by
the Office of Airport Programs, headed by an assistant administrator who reported directly to the
Administrator. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Service was converted to a field element headed by
a director who also reported to the Administrator. Finally, the Office of the Associate Administrator for
Aviation Safety lost its two largest components--the Flight Standards Service and the Civil Aviation
Security Service, which now reported directly to the Administrator--and was renamed the Office of
Aviation Safety, a small staff unit headed by an assistant administrator who reported to the Administrator.
(See Nov 2, 1978 and Jun 13, 1979.)
Mar 31, 1976: FAA Deputy Administrator James E. Dow retired after 32 years of Federal service, all
with CAA and FAA (see Aug 9, 1974). Dow had been Deputy or Acting Deputy since Jul 1973, and had
served as Acting Administrator between the tenures of Administrators Butterfield and McLucas. (See Mar
25, 1975, Nov 24, 1975, and May 4, 1977.)
Mar 1976: Responding to public and congressional concern about near collisions in the air, Administrator
John L. McLucas announced a five-point separation assurance program: continued enhancement of
ground-based air traffic control; consideration of increased use of Instrument Flight Rules and radar beacon
surveillance; possible additional requirements for carriage of radar beacons (transponders) with altitude
reporting capability; development of the Beacon Collision Avoidance System (BCAS); and development
of Intermittent Positive Control (IPC), which would allow automatic transmission of collision warnings
from ground facilities (see Mar 4, 1976).
The inclusion of BCAS represented a milestone in the long search for an airborne collision
warning device that had been begun by the Air Transport Association in 1955. FAA began participating in
1959 by sponsoring a government-industry advisory group, but by the early 1970s was under fire for failure
to achieve prompt deployment of such a system. At congressional request, the agency in 1972 undertook
an evaluation of three forms of Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) developed by Honeywell,
McDonnell-Douglas, and RCA. Within FAA, however, opinion tended to favor the BCAS system, which
made use of radar transponders and was more compatible with the ground-based air traffic control system.
On Feb 9, 1976, McLucas reported to Senator Howard Cannon that, although Honeywell's system was the
best of the three ACAS versions, increased separation assurance could best be achieved by other means,
including development of BCAS. (See Dec 27, 1978.)
Apr 15, 1976: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) implemented a system for
processing reports of aviation hazards and safety-related incidents while preserving the reporters'
anonymity (see Aug 15, 1975). FAA made certain modifications to its Aviation Safety Reporting Program
(ASRP) that took effect on the same date that NASA's participation began. Under the new policy, FAA
would waive disciplinary action against all those involved in an incident provided a timely report was filed
with NASA and certain other stipulations were fulfilled. FAA would not use reports for disciplinary
purposes even if they involved reckless operation, gross negligence, or willful misconduct (although
disciplinary action might be taken in such cases on the basis of information obtained independently). As
before, no form of immunity was provided in cases involving accidents or criminal offenses, and FAA
remained free to take remedial action to ensure safety. (See Mar 16, 1979.)
Apr 27, 1976: An American Airlines Boeing 727 crashed on landing at Charlotte Amalie on St. Thomas
in the Virgin Islands, killing 37 of 88 persons aboard. The accident, the third crash of a jetliner at St.
Thomas's Truman Airport in less than 8 years, revived criticism of the airport as unsafe because of a short
runway (4,650 feet), mountainous surroundings, and tricky winds. Later in the year, Transportation
Secretary William T. Coleman announced that grants would be provided to assist in building a longer
May 5, 1976: The United States, France, and the United Kingdom concluded an agreement providing for
the monitoring of ozone levels in the stratosphere and cooperation to ensure that the ozone layer was not
degraded by emissions from supersonic transports. (See Feb 4, 1976, and Sep 23, 1977.)
May 24, 1976: The FAA Depot at Oklahoma City completed a highly successful emergency resupply of
the FAA Center/Approach Control (CERAP) facility on Guam following the destruction wrought three
days earlier by Typhoon Pamela. The depot primarily resupplied air traffic control equipment lost when
winds of up to 170 miles per hour swept the island.
Jun 1976: FAA received delivery of the first prototype microwave landing system (MLS). The
program--a high-priority undertaking begun in 1971 and participated in by FAA, DOD, and NASA--was
considered a key element of the upgraded third generation air traffic control system (see Jul 1971). FAA
planned to test the prototypes at the National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center, in Atlantic City, and
at a NASA base in California. (See Jul 22, 1975, and Mar 16, 1977.)
Jun 2, 1976: In a suit brought by a citizens group known as Virginians for Dulles, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that the "vastly expanded use" of Washington National and Dulles
International Airports over recent years required FAA to file Environmental Impact Statements
concerning the operations of these airports. (See Mar 23, 1978.)
Jun 6, 1976: The air route traffic control center at Great Falls, Mont., closed after 34 years of service.
Great Falls was the last of 10 centers phased out in a program begun in the early 1960s to consolidate en
route air traffic control. Its closing left only 20 modernized ARTCCs within the contiguous U.S. FAA had
been reducing the airspace controlled by Great Falls since 1970. (See Appendix V.)
Spring, 1976: FAA installed a prototype wake vortex advisory system (VAS) at Chicago O'Hare airport
(see Nov 1, 1975). The prototype’s computer was designed to analyze wind measurements collected in the
runway area in order to predict aircraft wake turbulence, or give assurance of its absence. This would
making it possible for controllers to safely reduce the separation distances between landing aircraft and
thereby expand airport capacity. FAA subsequently removed the VAS, however, concluding that it did not
provide sufficient data for the purpose. (See Dec 18, 1992.)
Jul 1, 1976: The principal provisions of FAA's hazardous materials rules became incorporated into the
regulations of DOT’s Materials Transportation Bureau. The change resulted from legislation that gave
the Secretary of Transportation increased regulatory and enforcement authority over the movement of
hazardous materials in all the transportation modes (see Jan 3, 1975). DOT had accordingly established the
Materials Transportation Bureau, and transferred the authority for regulation of hazardous materials from
the various administrations, including FAA, to the new Bureau (see Sep 23, 1977).
Jul 12, 1976: FAA put into effect a national beacon code allocation plan under which pilots flying in the
contiguous U.S. would be able to keep the same radar beacon identification code from takeoff to landing,
without having to change codes as had previously been required when they flew from one area or altitude
to another.
Jul 12, 1976: President Ford signed Public Law 94-353, the Airport and Airway Development Act
Amendments of 1976, ending a one-year lapse in authorization for Federal airport aid (see Jun 30, 1975).
The legislation marked the third time that the Airport and Airway Development and Revenue Acts of 1970
were amended (see May 21, 1970, Nov 27, 1971, and Jun 18, 1973). The new law sharply raised the
Airport Development Aid Program (ADAP) funding levels to a total of $2.73 billion for the five-year
period 1976-1980. It also increased the Federal share for ADAP grants from 50 percent to 75 percent for
the nation's 67 largest airports. For smaller airports, the Federal share rose from 75 percent to 90 percent
for fiscal 1976-78 and 80 percent for fiscal 1979-80. The Federal share for planning grants rose from 66
2/3 percent to 75 percent, with some exceptions. The new law simplified funding procedures and
expanded the types of projects eligible for ADAP assistance to include snow removal equipment as well
as equipment, barriers, landscaping, and land acquisition for the purpose of airport noise abatement.
In addition, the legislation authorized appropriations from the Airport and Airway
Trust Fund during fiscal 1976-80 of : $1.3 billion for establishing and improving Federal air navigation
facilities; $1.5 billion for maintaining such facilities; and $1.275 million to assist the states in developing
their own general aviation airport standards. Other provisions of the law included authorizing the Secretary
of Transportation to select four states to receive demonstration grants for administering the general
aviation portion of the ADAP program (see Nov 24, 1976). The law also established commuter service
airports, a new class of air carrier airport not served by carriers holding CAB certificates of public
convenience and necessity. (See Sep 30, 1980.)
Jul 12, 1976: FAA redesignated its Office of Information Services the Office of Public Affairs, its name
prior to a 1973 reorganization (see Sep 10, 1973). This change also transferred from Public Affairs the
congressional correspondence function to the Executive Secretariat and the congressional liaison function
to the Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs.
Jul 28, 1976: Capt. Eldon W. Joersz, USAF, piloted a Lockheed SR-71A "Blackbird" at 2,193.16 mph near
Beale Air Force Base, Calif., setting a Federation Aeronautique Internationale absolute world record for
over a straight course. (See Oct 3, 1967.)
Jul 28-31, 1976: A slowdown by PATCO-affiliated air traffic controllers disrupted traffic around the
country. PATCO president John F. Leyden had ordered the slowdown to protest the U.S. Civil Service
Commission's delay in completing a pay reclassification study for controllers. Leyden had also protested a
Civil Service proposal to downgrade controllers at certain low-activity facilities. The slowdown ended
when the Civil Service Commission agreed to reconsider its position and expedite the review, while FAA
Administrator John L. McLucas publicly confirmed his support of upgradings at certain facilities. FAA
took no disciplinary action against PATCO. (See May 7, 1975, and Nov 12, 1976.)
Aug 10, 1976: FAA announced a contract for enhancement of its ARTS III automated terminal radar
systems (see Aug 13, 1975). Of the 65 existing ARTS III systems, 29 would be upgraded to ARTS IIIA
installations by the addition of certain capabilities. The ARTS IIIA would provide radar tracking of aircraft
not equipped with transponders, and enable controllers to place alphanumeric data tags on the scope to
allow automatic reporting of identity and altitude for these targets (whereas the basic ARTS III displayed
data tags only for transponder-equipped aircraft). The ARTS IIIA would also possess improved computer
efficiency, as well as capacity for additional radar displays and for continued operations with reduced
capabilities in the event of component failure (see Mar 1978). In addition, the contractor agreed to upgrade
all 65 existing ARTS installations to permit air traffic control operations to be continuously recorded on
magnetic disks.
The contract also called for the installation of a special ARTS IIIA system at the new New
York terminal radar control room (TRACON). Ground-breaking for the building to house the
TRACON had taken place during July at Long Island's Mitchel Field. The new facility would replace the
Common Radar Room at Kennedy International, which controlled traffic approaching and departing New
York's three major airports and several smaller airports. (See Jan 10, 1981.)
Finally, the contract provided for installation of four en route automated radar tracking
systems (EARTS) at air route traffic control centers in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, as well as at
Nellis Air Force Base (see Aug 4, 1980).
Sep 2, 1976: CAB approved Advance Booking Charter fares, available to anyone who paid 30 days in
advance (or 45 days in advance for certain destinations) and not restricted to members of pre-existing
"affinity groups." Like the approval of One Stop Inclusive Tour Charters during the previous year, this
move was part of a trend to liberalize charter regulations. The new competition from charter operators
helped stimulate scheduled carriers to begin offering deeply discounted prepaid fares during 1977. (See
Jun 10, 1977).
Sep 10, 1976: A British Airways Trident and a Yugoslav DC-9 collided over Zagreb, Yugoslavia,
killing all 176 occupants of the two airplanes, a higher toll than in any previous civil midair collision. In
May 1977, a Yugoslav court sentenced an air traffic controller to 7 years in prison for negligence in
handling the two aircraft, the first known criminal prosecution of a civilian controller for negligent
performance of duties.
Sep 10, 1976: The first successful hijacking of a scheduled American air carrier aircraft since
comprehensive security measures were instituted on Dec 5, 1972, occurred when five Croatian nationalists
commandeered a TWA jetliner en route from New York's La Guardia Airport to Chicago. The hijackers
seized the plane by threatening to blow it up with realistic-looking "bombs" they had assembled in a
lavatory from an assortment of innocuous objects brought aboard on their persons and in their carry-on
luggage. To bolster their deception, they revealed the location of a real bomb in a New York subway
locker. That device exploded after removal to a disposal area, killing one policeman. The hijackers
demanded that newspapers publish a pro-Croatian manifesto and that aircraft drop leaflets over cities in the
U.S., Canada, England, and France. This was complied with, and the hijackers eventually surrendered in
Oct 1, 1976: Fiscal year 1977 began for the Federal government.This was the first Federal fiscal year to
begin on Oct 1 instead of Jul 1. Fiscal 1976 had ended on Jun 30, 1976, and the following three months
had been designated a transition quarter.
Oct 1, 1976: FAA began to receive the first prototypes of the ARTS II automated radar terminal
system for testing and evaluation. Developed under contracts concluded in Aug and Dec 1974, FAA
programmed the system for installation at 71 terminals whose traffic volume did not warrant the more
highly automated and much more costly ARTS IIIs in use at the major hubs. Designed around a relatively
low-cost minicomputer, the ARTS II lacked certain capabilities of the ARTS III but could provide
controllers using it at airports with direct alphanumeric readouts of the identity, heading, and altitude of the
transponder-equipped aircraft they were tracking. (See Dec 12, 1978)
Oct 5, 1976: The Labor Department certified the Federal Aviation Science and Technological
Association (FASTA), a National Association of Government Employees union, as the exclusive
bargaining representative of some 7,700 airway facilities employees. The employees had selected FASTA
as their representative in an April 1976 election, but certification had been delayed by an objection by the
American Federation of Government Employees. FAA and FASTA signed a national labor agreement in
September 1977. (See Dec 31, 1981.)
Oct 15, 1976: A new nationwide standardized format went into effect for Pilot Reports (PIREPS), reports
by en route pilots describing in-flight weather conditions as they encountered them. FAA, the National
Weather Service, and Department of Defense personnel received and encoded PIREPS into the new format
and fed them into a teletypewriter network for distribution to civil and military aviation facilities around the
country. Replacing earlier informal reports given by the pilots in no particular order, the new format
facilitated the reading and relay of PIREPS, and made them more adaptable for use with several automated
weather communication systems FAA had under development.
Nov 5, 1976: FAA commissioned the first Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) system, an add-on
computer software feature specially devised for use with the ARTS III radar terminal system, at Los
Angeles International Airport. MSAW had the capacity to spot unsafe conditions by automatically
monitoring aircraft altitudes and comparing them to terrain maps stored in the computer's memory. If
aircraft descended dangerously close to the ground, aural and visual alarms on their consoles alerted
controllers who could then radio warnings to pilots (see Oct 28, 1977). Sperry Rand's UNIVAC division
developed MSAW under a contract announced by FAA on Jul 17, 1974. The need for such a system had
been highlighted by the crash of an L-1011 near Miami (see Dec 29, 1972).
Nov 12, 1976: The U.S. Civil Service Commission, in a reversal of a position taken earlier, announced its
support for upgrading air traffic controllers at 8 of the nation's busiest air traffic control facilities from
GS-13 to GS-14. The Commission also approved the upgrading of controllers of lower grades at
approximately 23 other installations, but insisted on downgradings at a few facilities. PATCO continued to
demand better terms, backing its position with the threat of renewed slowdowns. On Jan 13, 1977, the
Commission dropped its insistence on downgradings and approved promotions at some 45 facilities,
including the GS-14 level at 8 locations. (See Mar 15, 1978.)
Nov 24, 1976: The Secretary of Transportation chose Arizona, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Michigan
to participate in a four-state demonstration program mandated by Congress (see Jul 12, 1976). The
chosen states administered Federal grants for the development of general aviation airports within
their borders for fiscal 1977-78 to determine whether state agencies could manage these funds more
effectively than FAA. Although FAA recommended that the demonstration be extended beyond fiscal
1978, Congress allowed the program to expire. (See Oct 1, 1989.)
Dec 10, 1976: FAA announced completion of the conversion of the airway intersection and waypoint
identifiers on en route aeronautical charts to five-letter code names specifically designed for use in the
filing of computerized flight plans. Under the old system, pilots had listed the identifier using a geographic
name based on a nearby terrain feature or town, making it necessary for persons receiving the flight plan to
change the name to a computer code--a task that took time and greatly increased the chance for coding
error. On the same date, FAA also announced a similar program to convert the fix names on approach and
departure charts within 2 to 3 years.
Dec 21, 1976: FAA deemed contact lenses permissible to meet the distance visual acuity requirements for
all classes of airman medical certificates, by a rule effective this date. Previous FAA regulations governing
medical certification had allowed for visual correction by eye glasses only, with exceptions being made
under a time-consuming waiver process. The new rule eliminated the waiver procedure. It did not affect
the eye glass requirement for correcting near visual acuity.
Dec 23, 1976: FAA published a rule establishing deadlines for phased compliance of all jet transport
aircraft with the noise standards already established for new aircraft types (see Oct 26, 1973). The
agency gave operators whose fleets included aircraft that did not meet the standards the option of
modifying or replacing them. FAA also required all two- and three-engine jets exceeding 75,000 lb. to
comply within six years (by Jan 1, 1983), with half the total in each airline fleet to be in compliance at the
end of four years. Aircraft in this category included the BAC-111, DC-9, Boeing models 727, 737, and
747-100. Non-complying four-engine jets were to meet the standards within eight years, with one-fourth of
them complying within four years and one-half within six years. This category included the Convair 990,
DC-8, and Boeing 707.
The rule did not immediately apply to foreign-flag aircraft or U.S. aircraft on international
routes, since FAA was working with the International Civil Aviation Organization to establish world-wide
noise standards. If no agreement was reached by Jan 1, 1980, however, the agency would take regulatory
action to ensure compliance by at least Jan 1, 1985 (see Nov 28, 1980).
The rule followed President Ford's Oct 21, 1976, announcement that noise standard
compliance must be achieved within eight years. It also implemented a major provision of an FAA-DOT
noise policy dated Nov 18, 1976. Other elements of the policy included: a new rule, published Nov 29,
requiring the use of noise abatement flap settings; a decision not to prescribe the two-segment
approach procedure, which was considered to involve unacceptable risks; and implementation of a Local
Flow Traffic Management system aimed at reducing low-altitude jet flying time, rather than the minimum
altitude regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency. In accordance with another
element of the policy, FAA during fiscal 1977 issed grants to four airports to participate in a noise control
and land use planning demonstration program. (See Mar 3, 1977, Jan 19, 1979, and Feb 18, 1980.)
Jan 10, 1977: FAA published a rule raising the maximum number of transport aircraft passenger seats
per main (Type A) emergency exit from 100 to 110, effective Feb 10, 1977. The change cleared the way
for certification of Boeing 747s seating over 500.
Jan 20, 1977: Jimmy (James E.) Carter became President, succeeding Gerald R. Ford.
Feb 1, 1977: Brock Adams became Secretary of Transportation, succeeding William T. Coleman, Jr.,
with the change in administrations. Adams had been a Democratic congressman from the State of
Washington since 1964 and a leading transportation authority in the House of Representatives. (See Jul 20,
Mar 3, 1977: FAA published a rule establishing three "stages" of aircraft noise levels for subsonic large
transport aircraft and subsonic turbojets. Stage 1 aircraft were those that did not meet current noise
standards and hence must be modified or replaced according to a previously established schedule (see Dec
23, 1976). Stage 2 aircraft met the current standards, while Stage 3 aircraft were able to meet the more
rigorous noise standards for the next generation of jet transports prescribed by the rule.
The agency judged that improved noise-reduction technologies made it economically
reasonable to apply the new standards, which were effective on Oct 1, 1977 and covered all large (over
75,000 pounds) aircraft for which application for new type certificates had been made after May 5, 1975.
Noise limits on landing approaches were reduced from the old standard of 102-108 effective perceived
noise decibels (EPNdB) to 98-105 EPNdB, depending on aircraft weight. For the first time, the standards
for takeoff and sideline noise levels were based on number of engines as well as weight. Takeoff limits
were reduced from the old standard of 93-108 EPNdB to 90-106 for four-engine jets, 90-104 for three
engines, and 89-101 for one and two engines. Sideline noise limits were reduced from 102-108 EPNdB to
96-103 for three and four engines and 94-103 for one and two engines. In addition, the measuring points
for sideline noise were altered. The new noise limits were not retroactive to aircraft types already
certificated. (See Feb 18, 1980.)
Mar 16, 1977: The All-Weather Operations Panel of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
recommended to ICAO's Air Navigation Commission the adoption of the U.S.-Australian Time Reference
Scanning Beam (TRSB) technique as the world standard for a microwave landing system (MLS).
The vote was six for the U.S-sponsored system and one for the British Doppler system, with three
abstentions (Britain, France, and West Germany). Britain protested the decision as biased and technically
flawed, and hence the debate about MLS continued pending a final decision in 1978 by the full All-
Weather Operations Division of ICAO. (See Jun 1976, and Apr 19, 1978.)
Mar 27, 1977: Two Boeing 747s collided on a runway at Tenerife, Canary Islands, under conditions of
limited visibility. One of the aircraft, a Pan American jet, was moving down the runway toward an
assigned taxiway. The other, belonging to Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), had been assigned to wait at the
end of the same runway. The Dutch crew was approaching the legal flight duty time limit. Their captain
apparently misinterpreted a message from the tower as clearance to take off. Disregarding the doubts of a
crew member, he began the takeoff roll. The resulting collision killed all 248 persons aboard the KLM jet
and 335 of the 396 persons aboard the Pan American. The fatality total of 583 was the worst that had
occurred in any aviation accident. Most of the casualties were caused by the intense fires that engulfed
both aircraft. The accident stimulated interest in fire safety (see Jun 26, 1978) and in airport surface
detection equipment (see Jul 5, 1977).
Mar 30, 1977: Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams announced the withdrawal of Federal support for
a proposed new St. Louis airport near Waterloo, Ill. His predecessor, William T. Coleman, Jr., had given
conditional approval to the Waterloo site in Sep 1976, but Adams, in reversing this decision, said that
pressing ahead on a new airport there was "premature." He acknowledged that his choice had been
influenced by strong political opposition in Missouri to the project, as well as by the recent signing of long-
term leases by major airlines at the existing Lambert-St. Louis Municipal Airport. (Langhorne M. Bond,
who became FAA Administrator on May 4, 1977, had been a leading advocate of the Illinois site while he
was Illinois Secretary of Transportation. Bond agreed during his confirmation hearings not to take part in a
decision on the issue.)
Apr 1, 1977: John L. McLucas' resignation as Federal Aviation Administrator became effective. The
post of Acting Administrator was assumed by Quentin S. Taylor, an FAA executive who was President
Carter's nominee for Deputy Administrator. (See entries for May 4, 1977.)
Apr 4, 1977: A Southern Airways DC-9 crashed near New Hope, Ga. The pilot attempted an emergency
landing on a highway, but the aircraft broke apart and caught fire. The accident killed 62 of the 85 persons
aboard, as well as 8 persons on the ground. In addition, one passenger and one person injured on the
ground died about a month later. The National Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause of the
crash as the total and unique loss of thrust after the engines ingested massive amounts of water and
hail as the aircraft penetrated an area of severe thunderstorms. As contributory causes, the NTSB listed:
failure of the airline's dispatch system to provide up-to-date severe weather data; the captain's reliance on
airborne weather radar to enter a thunderstorm area; and FAA's lack of a system for disseminating real-time
hazardous weather warnings. (See May 19, 1977.)
Apr 1977: FAA set up a unique transport unit of the Miami General Aviation District Office to provide
greater oversight of non-certificated air cargo operations concentrated in the northwest corner of
Miami airport. Recent accidents had given rise to FAA concerns about the safety of these operators of
private-carriage cargo aircraft for lease.
May 4, 1977: Langhorne M. Bond became the seventh Administrator of the Federal Aviation
Administration, succeeding John L. McLucas (see Mar 31, 1977). Bond had been nominated by President
Carter on Mar 30 and confirmed by the Senate on Apr 27.
Born in Shanghai, China, in 1937, Bond was the son of a vice president of Pan American
Airways. After earning an A.B. (1959) and law degree (1963) at the University of Virginia, he went on to
study at the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University, the London School of Economics, and
Oxford University. Bond was a member of the task force that developed the legislation establishing the
U.S. Department of Transportation, and then served one-year stints as special assistant to the first DOT
Secretary, Alan S. Boyd, and as Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs in DOT's Urban Mass
Transportation Administration. He left Federal service in 1969 to become Executive Director of the
National Transportation Center, a nonprofit research organization in Pittsburgh that managed bus
technology projects for transit authorities. In Mar 1973, Bond was named Secretary of Transportation for
the State of Illinois, the position he held when tapped for the FAA job. He served as FAA Administrator
for the remaining three years and eight months of the Carter Administration. (See Jan 20, 1981.)
May 4, 1977: Quentin S. Taylor became FAA's Deputy Administrator, succeeding James E. Dow (see
Mar 31, 1976). A career civil servant, the 41-year-old Taylor was Director of FAA's New England Region
when President Carter nominated him for the Deputy post on Mar 30, 1977.
Born in Front Royal, Va., he held degrees from Howard University in electronic engineering
and Syracuse University in political science. Taylor joined FAA in 1959 as an electronics engineer
assigned to the Airway Facilities Service and served successively as a staff specialist in the Office of
Appraisal, Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator for Administration, FAA's first Director of
Civil Rights, and Deputy Director of the Alaskan Region. His appointment to the New England Region's
top post in Feb 1975 made him the first African American to head an FAA region.
Taylor served as Deputy Administrator for the remainder of the Carter Administration,
resigning on Jan 20, 1981. He continued his FAA career, serving as Consultant to the Office of the
Administrator, then Director of the Office of International Aviation, and later Deputy Assistant
Administrator for Airports. (See Aug 1, 1981.)
May 7, 1977: The pilots of Wien Air Alaska went on strike when the company determined to reduce its
Boeing 737 cockpit crew to two pilots (see Nov 23, 1971). The strike lasted 21 months, but Wien
maintained partial operations by hiring nonunion pilots. On Nov 2, 1978, President Carter created a
Presidential Emergency Board to help settle the dispute. Three months later, on Feb 9, 1979, the board
reported that both parties had agreed to accept a two-man crew for 737 operations. This settlement left
only United and Western among U.S. airlines with a three-man crew for the 737. (See Feb 21, 1976 and
Mar 27, 1980.)
May 12, 1977 Administrator Bond imposed an agency-wide hiring and promotion freeze. At FAA's
national Headquarters and its Metropolitan Washington Airports office, the freeze affected both external
and internal hiring. Field offices, however, could fill positions from within FAA, as long as promotions
were not involved. The few exceptions to these rules included hiring required to meet air traffic training
schedules. To further trim back Washington Headquarters personnel, Bond later instituted a field
placement program between Mar 27 and Oct 24, 1978. Under the program, field offices could not fill
vacancies until it was determined that qualified candidates were available at the Washington Headquarters.
During his tenure, Bond succeeded in reducing overall FAA employment from 58,081 at the end of fiscal
year 1977 to 55,340 on Dec 30, 1981. During the same period, Washington Headquarters personnel fell
from 2,683 to 2,069.
May 16, 1977: A Sikorsky S-61L helicopter parked atop New York's Pan Am Building rolled on its
side due to collapse of a landing gear. Rotating blades killed four boarding passengers, and one pedestrian
on a street below died when struck by a separated blade portion. Originally opened in 1965, the
controversial heliport had closed in Feb 1968 because of a contract dispute, then reopened on Feb 1, 1977.
The facility closed permanently after the accident.
May 16, 1977: Regulations regarding airline transportation of disabled passengers went into effect
after several years of discussion and debate. Noting increasing complaints on the subject, CAB had in 1971
referred the issue to FAA for determination of relevant safety parameters. After a series of hearings, FAA
had in Jul 1974 proposed a comprehensive, detailed set of safety regulations. Public reaction was strongly
negative, largly because many believed that the proposed rules placed unfair restrictions on disabled
Guided by research and tests by the Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI), FAA adopted a more
flexible approach in its Mar 1977 rule. The agency ordered each air carrier to develop its own set of
procedures, appropriate to its particular aircraft and operations. FAA would then review these procedures
and direct any changes needed for safety or the public interest. Airlines were prohibited from denying
passage to anyone who met the criteria in its FAA-approved plan. In addition, the new rule specifically
prohibited airlines from barring a passenger because of his or her inability to sit up in an airline seat, and
required individual briefings on evacuation procedures for all disabled persons before takeoff. (See Mar 2,
FAA had originally proposed to require that canes and crutches be readily available for use during
evacuation. The agency decided against this, however, citing CAMI research indicating that canes and
crutches might actually hamper evacuation and might puncture inflatable evacuation slides. (See Nov 20,
May 19, 1977: FAA issued a rule requiring each air carrier to obtain approval by year’s end for its
system of gathering and disseminating information on adverse weather that might affect safety.
Current rules already required airlines to supply flight crews with pertinent weather data, but contained no
provision for FAA approval of these weather information systems. In proposing this rule in a notice
published on Nov 15, 1976, FAA cited factors that included an accident at St. Louis (see Jul 23, 1973).
Following this proposal, the need for such a rule was highlighted by an accident in Georgia (see Apr 4,
Jun 10, 1977: The Senate confirmed Alfred E. Kahn as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board
(CAB). A former economics professor at Cornell, Kahn was a long-time champion of free market
competition. Although the effort to increase competition in air transportation had begun before President
Carter appointed him (see Sep 2, 1976), Kahn carried it much further. During his 15 months at CAB, the
Board approved major fare reductions and awarded many new routes and services, such as the transatlantic
Skytrain (see Sep 16, 1977). Kahn's policies at CAB helped pave the way for legislation that virtually
ended the economic regulation of airlines. (See Nov 9, 1977.)
Jun 16, 1977: FAA published a rule requiring the installation of shoulder harnesses on the front seats
of new small airplanes weighing 12,500 pounds or less that were manufactured after Jul 18, 1978. This
rule upgraded safety standards included in an Aug 1, 1969, rule that required manufacturers of small
aircraft to provide protection against head injuries for all occupants. This protection was to be achieved
through seat belts in combination with either harnesses, energy-absorbing rests, or the elimination of
injurious objects within striking radius of the head. The added requirement concerning harnesses for front
seats stemmed from a Jan 1973 rulemaking proposal that followed recommendations by the National
Transportation Safety Board and a petition from consumer advocate Ralph Nader. (See Nov 13, 1985.)
Jul 5, 1977: FAA announced award of a contract for an engineering model of a new generation of Airport
Surface Detection Equipment, designated ASDE-3. ASDE surface radar had been in service at U.S.
airports since Sep 1960 (see that date). FAA planned to use ASDE-3 as a replacement for the ASDE-2
systems in use at 13 airports, as well as to install ASDE-3 at additional locations. The new equipment
would provide clearer outlines of runways and taxiways while at the same time suppressing radar returns
from buildings and rainfall. In Apr 1977, FAA had ordered display enhancement units for the ASDE-2 as
an interim measure.
FAA ordered the ASDE-3 engineering model a few months after a ground collision in the
Canary Islands caused 583 deaths (see Mar 27, 1977). Deficiencies in surface radar had earlier been cited
by the National Transportation Safety Board as a factor in a crash in fog involving a North Central Airlines
DC-9 and a Delta Airlines Convair 880 that killed 10 passengers on the night of Dec 20, 1972, at Chicago's
O'Hare International Airport. (See Aug 1979.)
Jul 13, 1977: FAA gave uninterrupted air traffic control service during a massive electric power failure
that left approximately 9 million people in the New York City area without electricity for periods ranging
from 5 to 25 hours. The uninterrupted service was possible because of the continuous power airport
program that FAA had begun after an earlier massive blackout, in 1965, initially selecting 50 key airports
to be equipped with standby engine generators. (See Sep 19, 1974.)
Jul 21, 1977: FAA issued an advisory circular on ozone irritation in aircraft cabins. Beginning in the
winter of 1976, persons on high-altitude flights had reported such symptoms as shortness of breath,
coughing, and eye irritation. By Mar 1977, FAA had concluded that ozone was the probable cause.
Although the main atmospheric ozone layer lies above altitudes normally used by airliners, concentrations
of the gas occasionally descend lower, particularly at high latitudes and during certain seasons of the year.
FAA recommended that pilots descend to lower altitudes if effects of ozone contamination were noted. If
pilots experienced significant exposure to the gas, they were advised to breathe pure oxygen before landing
to counteract ozone’s known effect on night vision. FAA also undertook research on more permanent ways
of dealing with the problem. (See Feb 20, 1980.)
Jul 23, 1977: The United States and the United Kingdom signed the “Bermuda II” agreement
governing civil air services between the two countries. Negotiations had been completed a month earlier,
only shortly before an impending cessation of U.S.-U.K. air travel. On Jun 22, 1976, the British had given
a year's notice of the termination of the original, landmark Bermuda pact (see Feb 11, 1946). Among their
objectives were to increase their share of transatlantic passenger revenue by instituting capacity restrictions
and to curtail American air carriers' "fifth freedom" rights to fly passengers east from London and west
from Hong Kong. The U.S. negotiating team, led by former Secretary of Transportation Alan S. Boyd,
argued for open competition. The resulting compromise: placed limits on American fifth-freedom rights;
restricted situations in which more than one U.S. carrier served the same U.S.-U.K. route; and established a
procedure that governments might use to control capacity. On the other hand, the treaty opened new routes
for airlines of both countries, allowed the entrance of new carriers into the U.S.-U.K. market, and resulted
in lower fares. (See Sep 26, 1977 and Mar 10, 1978.)
Aug 4, 1977: FAA Administrator Bond signed a policy paper reaffirming the age-60 rule on mandatory
retirement of airline pilots (see Mar 15, 1960). Bond had promised to review the rule during his
confirmation hearings. Citing a new study by FAA’s Office of Aviation Medicine, the policy paper
concluded that medical examination could not sufficiently predict the future health and functional capacity
of a pilot who reached age 60. (See Dec 29, 1979.)
Aug 23, 1977: In the desert at Shaffer, Calif., Bryan Allen made the first flight propelled by human
muscle through a one-mile, figure-eight course. Allen pedaled the course in the
Gossamer Condor, a
heavier-than-air craft weighing less than 70 pounds that had been designed by Paul MacCready. Nearly
two years later, on Jun 12, 1979, Allen made the first human-powered flight across the English
Channel, pedaling the MacReady-designed
Gossamer Albatross.
Aug 29, 1977: FAA published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the elimination of seven of
eleven FAA advisory committees as the result of a review conducted under President's Carter's order for a
strict evaluation of such committees. The elminated committees were: the Citizens Advisory Committee on
Aviation; the Microwave Landing System Advisory Committee; the U.S. Advisory Committee on Obstacle
Clearance Requirements; the U.S. Advisory Committee on Visual Aids to Approach and Landings; the U.S.
Advisory Committee on Terminal Instrument Procedures; the Flight Information Advisory Committee; and
the Southern Region Air Traffic Control Committee. The remaining committees were: the Air Traffic
Procedures Advisory Committee; the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA); the Technical
Advisory Committee, later terminated on Mar 1, 1978; and the High Altitude Pollution Program Technical
Advisory Committee, later terminated on Jul 1, 1982.
Sep 7, 1977: The Aircraft Loan Guaranty Program lapsed on this date as Congress had failed to provide
funds for program, which had guaranteed loans of $307 million during its 20-year existence. (See Jun 13,
1968, and Oct 24, 1978.)
Sep 9, 1977: FAA abolished the Executive Secretariat in the Office of the Administrator and transferred
all of its functions, except administrative support and correspondence control and review, to other national
headquarters elements.
Sep 15, 1977: The dynamic simulation radar controller training laboratory (DYSIM) became
operational at the Denver Air Route Traffic Control Center, the last of the 20 centers to be so equipped.
FAA had determined that it was better to train new center controllers on a simulator than on an operational
ATC sector, and began a program in 1975 to provide the centers with training equipment that duplicated all
the conditions experienced on operational NAS En Route Stage A display equipment.
Sep 15, 1977: FAA formally notified the U.S.-European Aerosat council that the United States was
withdrawing from the satellite project, following a congressional cut-off of funds for the program.
Aerosat's objective was to increase the communications capacity over the North Atlantic. Originally a
European idea, the project had long been marked by controversy over shared ownership, radio bands, and
costs. (See Nov 12, 1974.)
Sep 16, 1977: FAA closed the Airport District Offices at Denver, Salt Lake City, and Pierre, South
Dakota, and transferred their services to Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and South Dakota to the Rocky
Mountain Regional Office at Aurora, Colorado.
Sep 23, 1977: At the end of the 16-month trial of the Anglo-French Concorde supersonic transport at
Dulles International Airport (see Feb 4, 1976), Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams announced
proposed permanent rules for civil supersonic transport (SST) operations in the United States. Most
of these related to the new noise restrictions adopted in 1977. Secretary Adams proposed to exempt the 16
Concordes manufactured before Jan 1, 1980, from retrofit requirements for older jet transports (see Dec 23,
1976), while requiring future SST's to meet all noise standards for newer subsonic aircraft (see Mar 3,
1977). In view of the exceptional loudness of the Concorde, however, the ban on Concorde operations
between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. was retained, as was the absolute prohibition on supersonic flight over land. In
addition, the Concorde was granted permission to land at Washington, New York, and 11 other
American cities.
These proposed regulations became final on Jul 31, 1978, after several more public
hearings on the subject. At that time, FAA justified its "grandfather clause" for the first 16 Concordes by
noting that they constituted the entire production run of the aircraft. (Because of its high fuel costs and
limited payload, the Concorde had been purchased only by the state airlines of France and Britain.) FAA
felt that modifications that would bring these aircraft into compliance with subsonic noise standards were
neither technologically practicable nor economically reasonable. On the other hand, some restrictions on
the Concorde were justified by thorough analysis of FAA test results on the plane's loudness, which
showed that the perceived noise generated by a Concorde on its takeoff path was double that of a Boeing
707, four times that of a Boeing 747, and eight times that of a DC-10. FAA also reviewed a number of
environmental concerns that had been expressed about SSTs, the most important of which was the fear that
emission from SST engines might damage the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere (see May 5, 1976).
Citing a number of recent research studies, including one submitted by the National Academy of Sciences,
FAA concluded that the possibility of such damage from the Concordes was too small to be an immediate
Sep 23, 1977: The Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) came into being as a new
element of the Department of Transportation. RSPA received responsibility for many issues common to all
transportation modes, and for a variety of special programs. Its responsibilities included: ensuring the safe
movement of hazardous materials and the safe operation of pipelines; improving cargo security; facilitating
cargo movement; and conducting research in support of a range of Departmental programs. Organizations
placed under RSPA included: the Materials Transportation Bureau (see Jul 1, 1976); the Transportation
Safety Institute (see Feb 23, 1971); and the Transportation Systems Center, which had conducted much of
DOT's multimodal research since its creation in 1970. (On Sep 18, 1990, the Transportation Systems
Center was renamed the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center.) After 1984, RSPA assumed
responsibility for collecting air carrier economic data (see Dec 31, 1984).
Sep 1977: The new consolidated Washington Flight Service Station (co-located with the Air Route
Traffic Control Center at Leesburg, Va.) became operational after the installation of a computerized data-
retrieval system. The new station handled all the flight services previously provided by the stations at
Washington, Richmond, and Charlottesville. Instead of the experimental AWANS computer system (see
Feb 1976), the new Leesburg station used another system, called Meteorological and Aeronautical
Presentation System (MAPS), which was more compatible with the ARTCC's computers. The AWANS
originally ordered for Leesburg was installed at another co-located FSS at the Indianapolis ARTCC. After
testing both modernized stations, the FAA concluded that FSS consolidation offered the prospect of
significant improvements in cost and service. (See Jan 1978.)
Sep 26, 1977: Laker Airlines' low-cost "Skytrain" transatlantic service made its first flight from New
York to London, signalling the start of a revolution in international air fares. The new standby fare for the
British airline had been a part of the new Bermuda II treaty (see Jul 23, 1977). On the same day, President
Carter moved to regain the initiative for the United States by approving a package of new low-cost standby
and reserved fares for U.S. scheduled transatlantic flag carriers. On Dec 21, he also moved to increase the
extent of transatlantic service, approving new routes for 11 American cities. (See Mar 10, 1978.)
Oct 17, 1977: A U.S. Supreme Court decision ended the long dispute over landing rights for the
Anglo-French Concorde supersonic transport at New York Kennedy airport. In 1976, Secretary of
Transportation William T. Coleman had allowed a 16-month trial of the Concorde at Washington and New
York (see Feb 4, 1976); however, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, operator of Kennedy
airport, had banned the Concorde pending further study of its environmental impact. During the spring of
1977, citizens concerned about the Concorde's potential noise conducted demonstrations that included the
deliberate snarling of automobile traffic by driving cars very slowly down Kennedy's access roads.
Meanwhile, on May 11, 1977, a Federal District Court ruled that the Port Authority's landing
ban was illegal because it was in "irreconcilable conflict" with Federal prerogatives. A month later, on Jun
14, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit modified this ruling, holding that the Port Authority
had the right to establish "fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory" noise standards. The Court of appeals
sent the case back to the District Court to determine whether the Port Authority's actions met the "fair,
reasonable, and nondiscriminatory" test. On Aug 17, the District Court ruled that the Port Authority's long
delay in formulating noise standards constituted unreasonable and discriminatory treatment of the
Concorde. It was this decision that the Supreme Court upheld. Concorde passenger service from New
York to London and Paris began on Nov 22, 1977.
Oct 18, 1977: FAA required operators of certificated airports to provide emergency medical plans
for medical assistance, transportation, and crowd control for an emergency involving the largest aircraft
that might reasonably be expected to serve their airports. FAA based the action on deficiencies discovered
in a random review of airport emergency plans. (See May 21, 1973, and Nov 9, 1987.)
Oct 28, 1977: FAA announced that Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) was operational at all 63
major U.S. airports equipped with ARTS III automated terminal radar systems. (See Nov 5, 1976 and Sep
30, 1981.)
Nov 9, 1977: President Carter signed legislation virtually ending economic regulation of air cargo
operations. The President stated his hope that this was the first of many such steps to reduce regulation.
(See Jun 10, 1977, and Oct 24, 1978.)
Nov 20, 1977: Teams of dogs specially trained to detect explosives were in place at a network of 29 U.S.
airports chosen so that no airliner flying over the United States would be more than 30 minutes away from
one of the designated facilities. The placement of dog teams at San Juan airport marked the complete
implementation of a joint FAA-Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) program begun in
1972 (see Dec 29, 1975). Between 1972 and 1977, dogs had detected the presence of explosives in aircraft
cargo on 21 occasions. FAA assumed full financial support for the program after Jul 1, 1981, when LEAA
terminated its participation.
Dec 1, 1977: A new air route system between Hawaii and the U.S. mainland permitting more direct
flight paths and greater fuel economy on the 2,500-mile trip became permanent, following a successful six-
month test that began in May 1976. The new system provided six great circle routes between Hawaii and
the U.S. west coast in place of the previous four essentially parallel routes. The increase in routes was
made possible by the use of composite separation criteria that permitted lateral separation of as little as 50
miles instead of the previous 100, so long as the aircraft had at least 1,000 feet vertical separation. The
procedure had been used successfully on North Atlantic routes for some time.
Jan 10, 1978: A conflict alert system designed to warn air traffic controllers of potential midair
collisions in busy terminal areas became operational at Houston International Airport, the first Automated
Terminal Radar System (ARTS III) to be so equipped. The terminal conflict alert system was similar to the
one installed in the 20 Air Route Traffic Control Centers (see Jan 9, 1976). In Apr 1980, FAA completed
the commissioning of conflict alert at 62 designated terminals.
Jan 20, 1978: Fulfilling one of President Carter's campaign promises, the Federal Aviation Administration
and other executive agencies used the Zero Based Budget (ZBB) process in submitting its fiscal year 1979
budget proposal. In applying ZBB principles, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation divided FAA's
budget into 16 "decision units" which were expected to facilitate budget choices. For each unit, FAA
developed four "decision packages," reflecting four different funding levels, and then ranked the packages
in priority order. ZBB continued during the Carter years but was discontinued under the Reagan
Jan 1978: FAA and the Office of the Secretary of Transportation submitted to Congress a new master
plan for the long-delayed modernization of FAA's 292 flight service stations (FSSs). The plan
involved a three-stage process to complete system automation. The first stage involved the installation of
semi-automated computer equipment at the 43 busiest stations. The second involved a choice between: the
eventual consolidation of all 292 stations into 20 large ones, co-located at the 20 Air Route Traffic Control
Centers (ARTCCs), and modernization of up to 150 of the existing stations at their present sites. The
decision on this stage could be postponed until 1982. The third stage would add the capacity for pilot self-
briefings, thus completely automating the most important FSS function. FAA estimated that if the FSS
system was left unchanged, up to 11,500 specialists would be needed to operate it by 1995, as opposed to
only 4,500 in 1978. (See Sep 1977 and Jun 1979.)
Feb 22, 1978: Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams nominated the terminal building at Dulles
International Airport for the National Register of Historic Places. Long recognized for the excellence
of its design (see Jun 28, 1966), the terminal was ranked third on a list of important structures of the
nation's first 200 years in a 1976 poll sponsored by the American Institute of Architects. Concerns about
FAA's aesthetic stewardship of the terminal increased in 1977, when the agency announced plans for a
large addition and stated its unwillingness to nominate the building to the National Register. After
considerable public discussion, the proposed addition (for waiting rooms on the side of the terminal facing
the airfield) was generally approved by critics. Inclusion on the National Register guaranteed that any
future modifications would be submitted for review by the President's Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation. Before actually placing the Dulles terminal on the National Register in May 1978, the
Secretary of the Interior granted it a special exception from the Register's rule excluding buildings less than
50 years old.
Mar 10, 1978: The United States and the Netherlands signed a new international aviation agreement,
based on the principle of free competition and regarded as a model for similar understandings that the
United States hoped to negotiate. On Mar 17, the United States also announced a new agreement with the
United Kingdom, within the context of the Bermuda II treaty (see Jul 23, 1977), making possible a range of
lower fares between the two nations. During 1978, the United States concluded liberal new aviation
agreements with Israel and several other nations. In an Aug 21 statement explaining its negotiating stance,
the Carter Administration declared that "maximum consumer benefits can be best achieved through the
preservation and extension of competition between airlines in a fair market place."
Mar 15, 1978: A three-year labor-management agreement between PATCO and FAA went into effect.
Since the controllers' pay had recently been adjusted in their favor by the Civil Service Commission (see
Nov 12, 1976), the agreement dealt primarily with working conditions. The contract contained 75 articles,
including provisions for overtime pay. In addition, FAA agreed to pay controllers' salaries while on foreign
as well as domestic familiarization flights. Previously, only controllers who handled international flights
were eligible for overseas familiarization trips. In the past airlines had always provided free familiarization
flights for eligible controllers, but now the principal overseas air carriers balked at the prospect of
providing cockpit space on international flights for all air traffic controllers at the GS-10 or higher level.
Even domestic familiarization flights were difficult to arrange in 1978 because of the airlines' own active
training programs. (See May 25, 1978.)
Mar 16, 1978: In a regulation effective on this date, FAA permitted temporary operation of an aircraft
without the required emergency locator transmitter (ELT). The rule responded to an amendment to the
legislation that had mandated ELT use on most civil aircraft (see Dec 29, 1970). Because the equipment
frequently malfunctioned, emitting false signals and causing other problems, Congress changed the law to
permit operation of an aircraft for up to 90 days while its ELT was being inspected, modified, repaired, or
replaced. (See Mar 28, 1979.)
Mar 23, 1978: In response to a Federal court order (see Jun 2, 1976), FAA issued draft Environmental
Impact Statements concerning the operation of Washington National and Dulles International
Airports and published a notice of proposed policy for these airports. After comments on this proposal
had been considered, Secretary of Transportation Neil Goldschmidt announced a new policy for
National Airport on Aug 15, 1980. The new policy included: a 17 million cap on the number of
passengers permitted at National per year; retaining the 60 slots per hour provided by the High Density
Rule (see Jun 1, 1969), while reducing the share of slots for Part 121 air carriers from 40 to 36; prohibiting
all departures between 10:30 pm and 7:00 am, and all arrivals between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am; lifting the
ban on 2- and 3-engine widebody jets; and extending the nonstop service perimeter rule from a radius of
650 to 1,000 miles, with no exceptions (see Apr 24, 1966).
The new policy was scheduled to take effect on Jan 5, 1981, but its implementation was
delayed. Because Congress attached a rider to DOT's fiscal 1981 appropriations act that prohibited
FAA from reducing the number of Part 121 airline slots until Apr 26, 1981, FAA decided to postpone
the entire policy until after that date. Shortly after his inauguration, President Ronald Reagan pushed
the effective date back again by his Feb 17, 1981, executive order that postponed final approval of
pending regulations until the issuing agencies had reconsidered their actions. Because of this order, the
new Secretary of Transportation, Drew Lewis, on Mar 25 ordered a review of the Goldschmidt policy
and postponed its effective date until Oct 25, 1981. (See Nov 3, 1980, and Dec 6, 1981.)
Mar 27-28, 1978: In an extreme example of opposition to new airports, about 6,000 demonstrators rioted
at the new Tokyo Airport near Narita, Japan, on the eve of its scheduled opening, some smashing
equipment inside the control tower. Protesting farmers and students had already delayed the airport
opening for five years, largely by erecting tall towers along the flight paths. The airport eventually opened
on May 20.
Mar 1978: The first ARTS-IIIA, an improved model of the Automated Radar Terminal System III,
became operational at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City (see Aug 10, 1976). Features of the new
model included the capacity to track and identify planes not equipped with transponder beacons, and a
backup system to maintain alphanumeric tags on controllers' screens in case of a computer failure in the
primary circuits. (See Dec 1979.)
Apr 6, 1978: Eastern Air Lines signed a $778 million contract to add 23 Airbus Industrie A-300 aircraft
to its fleet. FAA Administrator Langhorne Bond called the airplane "the strongest challenge to the U.S.
aircraft industry in years," reflecting widespread concern about the absence of an American entry in the
market for smaller wide-body jets to replace the aging first generation of jet transports. Airbus Industrie
had mounted an aggressive campaign to secure the Eastern order, allowing the airline to operate four A-
300s on a six-month cost-free lease, with the manufacturer paying for all legal fees, tariffs, certification
charges, maintenance, and repairs. Airbus Industrie provided $96 million in financing and promised to
compensate Eastern for certain operating costs.
Apr 17, 1978: National Weather Service meteorologists began working at 13 of FAA's Air Route
Traffic Control Centers under a recently signed agreement between the two agencies. At each of those
centers, a team of three NWS meteorologists provided information on hazardous weather throughout the
day to center controllers, as well as to FAA towers and flight service stations. FAA provided each center
with new equipment for receiving data from NWS weather radar and satellites. This new program was part
of a general effort to provide pilots with more en route weather information, since the lack of accurate
knowledge of hazardous weather, particularly thunderstorms, had been found responsible for several air
crashes (see May 19, 1977). NWS meteorologists were already on duty at FAA's national flow control
center in Washington, and by Nov 1980 they were stationed at all U.S. mainland en route centers.
Apr 19, 1978: The All-Weather Operations Division of the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) voted to adopt the FAA-sponsored time reference scanning bean (TRSB) microwave landing
system for future use at the world's airports. A special technical panel had earlier recommended the U.S.-
sponsored system (see Mar 16, 1977), but the small size of the panel and the heated nature of its
deliberations had partially discredited its conclusion. As a result, backers of the competing British and
U.S.-Australian systems staged worldwide lobbying campaigns to support the adoption of their system.
When the ICAO body began its meeting in early April, the decision appeared to be further complicated by
the late entry of a West German MLS based on distance-measuring equipment (DME). The FAA
delegation, however, agreed to begin research on how to incorporate the 360-degree azimuth coverage of
the DME system into the TRSB. This helped to clear the way for the selection of TRSB by a vote of 39 to
24, with 8 abstentions. Although the TRSB was now referred to the Air Navigation Council of ICAO for
the definition of standards, Third World nations at the conference succeeded in gaining agreement to a ten-
year extension (from 1985 to 1995) of the period during which existing instrument landing systems would
be protected. (See Jan 28, 1982.)
Apr 20, 1978: FAA proposed a new and much higher schedule of user fees for certificating airmen and
for aircraft registrations. The agency based the proposal on an existing government policy, contained in a
statute of 1952, that individuals or groups receiving special services from Federal agencies should pay their
cost. In 1967, FAA had proposed a new fee schedule, but withdrew the proposal after the General
Accounting Office pointed out that it did not entirely meet the costs of the services supplied. The April
1978 proposal encountered considerable opposition from within the aviation community, and Congress
adopted legislation prohibiting FAA from implementing the proposed fees without prior congressional
approval. FAA withdrew the proposal on May 8, 1981, stating that the data on which it was based were
no longer valid.
May 25, 1978: PATCO began intermittent slowdowns to protest the refusal of some U.S. flag carriers to
provide controllers with overseas familiarization flights. The slowdowns lasted until May 26 and were
renewed on Jun 6-7. Delays were especially severe because of the increased air travel resulting from new
low transatlantic and domestic fares (see Mar 15, 1978, and Jun 21, 1978).
Jun 19, 1978: President Jimmy Carter signed a law renaming the FAA Aeronautical Center at Oklahoma
City the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center. A. S. ("Mike") Monroney represented Oklahoma in both
houses of Congress for 30 years, and served as chairman of the Senate Aviation Subcommittee from 1955
until his retirement in 1969. He was a principal sponsor of the Federal Aviation Act (see May 21, 1958),
the Airport and Airways Development Act (see May 21, 1970), and many other pieces of aviation
legislation. The Aeronautical Center, located in Oklahoma City through Monroney's efforts, was then the
largest FAA facility, incorporating the FAA Academy, the central records center for aircraft and airmen's
certificates, a major FAA supply depot, and the Civil Aeromedical Institute (see Dec 13, 1959). On Oct 13,
1978, Administrator Bond presided over ceremonies rededicating the facility.
Jun 21, 1978: The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) agreed to obey a Federal-
court injunction and end a "work to rule" slowdown by its members that had intermittently snarled air
traffic during the spring, particularly during the period May 25-26 and Jun 6-7 (see May 25, 1978).
PATCO also agreed to pay a fine of $100,000 to the Air Transport Association for violating the permanent
injunction won by the ATA in 1970 against air traffic slowdowns (see May 4, 1979).
Jun 26, 1978: FAA established the Special Aviation Fire and Explosion Reduction (SAFER) Advisory
Committee to examine the topic of post-crash survival of aircraft cabin occupants. The committee’s 24
members were drawn from airlines, aircraft manufacturers, universities, research organizations, as well as
flight and cabin crews. Formation of the committee resulted from two hearing held by FAA during 1977
regarding four rulemaking proposals concerning fire hazards in transport aircraft. The hearings reflected a
concensus that the issues addressed in the four rules were interrelated and should be addressed
systematically as one problem.
In view of the SAFER committee’s establishment, FAA on Aug 24 published a notice
withdrawing the four rulemaking proposals. One of these, published on Apr 4, 1974, would have required
fuel tank explosion prevention systems. The other three concerned the effects of fire on compartment
interior materials: toxic gas emission standards (published Dec 30, 1974); smoke emission standards (Feb
12, 1975); and replacement of existing materials that did not meet flammability standards (Jul 11, 1975).
FAA expressed confidence that it would be able to develop comprehensive standards in the near future due
to ongoing research and the SAFER committee’s work.
Issuance of the four proposed rules during 1974 and 1975 had followed a fiery crash at Pago
Pago (see Jan 30, 1974). The collision at Teneriffe further demonstrated the destructive potential of fire
(see Mar 27, 1977). During 1977, FAA intensified its research on post-crash fire, and signed an agreement
with the United Kingdom on cooperation in developing anti-misting kerosene fuel, known as AMK. In
Nov 1978, FAA also announced that a new test laboratory for fire research would be built at its National
Aviation Facilities Experimental Center. (See Sep 10, 1980)
Jul 17, 1978: At an economic summit conference in Bonn, the leaders of United States, West Germany,
France, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, and Italy announced a joint resolution to isolate from international air
traffic all countries harboring air hijackers. In the resolution, they stated their intent to stop all flights to
any country that refused to extradite or prosecute those who have hijacked an aircraft and/or failed to return
such an aircraft. The resolution also called for a ban on incoming flights from an offending nation, as well
as a ban on any traffic to it by airlines of participating countries. The conferees informally agreed to make
no exceptions, not even for persons escaping from totalitarian governments. Diplomatic efforts were begun
to gain the agreement of as many other countries as possible.
The Bonn Resolution followed the doubling of hijacking attempts throughout the world in
1977 -- the death toll in hijackings for that year was 129 persons. In Dec, a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 737
crashed after being hijacked, killing all 100 persons aboard. The most spectacular incident of 1977,
however, was the five-day odyssey of a Lufthansa B-737 hijacked in Oct over the Mediterranean and flown
to various places in the Near East. The hijackers murdered the pilot, and later, in Somalia, threatened to
massacre the other 86 people on board. Just 90 minutes before their deadline, West German commandos
stormed the aircraft and rescued all the hostages. After this episode, the International Federation of Air
Line Pilots threatened a two-day international pilots' strike unless the United Nations took immediate action
on air piracy. In Dec, the Flight Engineers International Association urged extradition or prosecution of
hijackers held in four countries.
Jul 25, 1978: A new FAA regulation extended to both domestic and international charter operations
security screening procedures long in effect for scheduled airlines. Although no charter aircraft operating
from American airports had ever been hijacked, FAA took this action in response to two recent
developments: the worldwide increase in hijacking attempts (see Jul 17, 1978), and rulings of CAB that
relaxed many of the regulations that governed charter operations. The old requirement that only "affinity"
groups could qualify for reduced charter fares had heretofore been regarded as a protection against
hijackers, but that was among the rules no longer applied by CAB.
Aug 4, 1978: The Department of Transportation Appropriation Act signed by President Carter on this date
discontinued funding for the Air Traffic Controllers Second Career Program (see May 16, 1972). FAA
Administrator Bond said later that congressional anger over recent controller slowdowns (see Jun 21, 1978)
may have cost them their special rehabilitation program, but it had in fact been under attack for some time.
Two studies--by the House Appropriations Committee staff and by the General Accounting Office--were
begun in 1977 and issued to Congress in 1978. The GAO report revealed that about 50 percent of the 2,580
controllers eligible to participate in the program since 1972 either declined or withdrew from training, and
only 7 percent of those who had completed training actually entered the new careers they had prepared for.
The cost for each successful participant had averaged $370,000. About 1,900 former controllers had
enrolled in the program, and its total cost since fiscal year 1973 had been $104 million. The House
Appropriations Committee report suggested that controllers who had been incapacitated on the job should
seek rehabilitation services under the auspices of the Office of Worker's Compensation. FAA agreed that
the program had not been a success and did not contest the conclusions of either report. An attempt to
restore the program failed in the House of Representatives in December 1979.
Aug 10, 1978: A five-year, FAA-funded study of the health problems of air traffic controllers
challenged the generally held view that unusually high incidences of ulcers, psychiatric problems, and other
serious stress-related diseases were to be found among controllers. A team of researchers, led by Robert
Rose from the University of Texas, did find higher-than-normal rates of hypertension, social drinking, and
minor psychological problems among controllers. They concluded, however, that these did not lead to
incapacitating conditions. The most common psychological problem they discovered was "impulse control
difficulties"-- i.e., dealing with sudden emotions like anger. The researchers found that a more serious
mental problem, controller burnout, was mostly limited to those controllers who expected it to occur.
Despite the abnormal rates of social drinking, controllers had lower rates of alcoholism than the national
average. As for hypertension, researchers cautioned against the conclusion that it was directly related to
the work of controlling air traffic, since other "risk factors" were also important. The findings of the Rose
Report, or officially the
Air Traffic Controller Health Change Study, confirmed similar ones in studies by
the FAA's Civil Aeromedical Institute. (See Mar 5, 1969.)
Aug 11-17, 1978: Ben L. Abruzzo, Maxie L. Anderson, and Larry M. Newman made history's first
balloon crossing of the Atlantic. Flying in a helium-filled balloon dubbed the Double Eagle II, they lifted
off from Presque Isle, Maine, and landed near the village of Miserey, France, 50 miles west of Paris.
Aug 27, 1978: FAA issued a type certificate under FAR Part 23 for the twin-turboprop Bandeirante
aircraft manufactured by Embraer of Brazil, thus clearing the way for export to the United States. The
Bandeirante was one of several foreign airplane types expected to see service on expanding U.S. commuter
airline routes. The airplane could carry up to 19 passengers, and was the only non-pressurized, non-STOL
airliner of its size still in production.
Sep 10, 1978: The following changes in the Washington Headquarters organization became effective
on this date:
* The Office of General Aviation was abolished. The aviation education program was
transferred to the Office of Aviation Policy.
* The Associate Administrator for Policy Development and Review was redesignated as the
Associate Administrator for Policy and International Aviation Affairs.
* The Office of International Aviation Affairs was placed under the executive direction of
the Associate Administrator for Policy and International Aviation Affairs. The position of
Assistant Administrator for International Aviation Affairs was retitled Director of
International Aviation Affairs.
* The Office of Environmental Quality was renamed the Office of Environment and Energy
to reflect the newly assigned responsibility for national aviation policy concerning energy
matters (see Dec 22, 1979).
Sep 25, 1978: A midair collision over San Diego between a Pacific Southwest Airlines Boeing 727 and a
Cessna 172 caused more fatalities than any previous civil aviation accident within U.S. airspace. All 137
persons aboard the two aircraft and seven on the ground were killed. Both aircraft were transponder-
equipped and were operating in clear weather under local air traffic control when they collided at 2,600
feet. Both pilots had been warned of the presence of the other aircraft. The PSA pilot, which was
overtaking the smaller plane, had received clearance for visual, "see-and-avoid" separation procedures after
reporting to controllers that he had the Cessna in sight.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) concluded that the accident’s probable
cause was the PSA crew’s failure to comply with the provisions of a maintain-visual-separation clearance,
including the requirement to inform the controller if they no longer had the other aircraft in sight. The
Board cited as a contributing factor the procedures that allowed controllers to authorize visual separation
procedures when the capability to provide radar separation was available.
NTSB member Francis H. McAdams dissented, citing the use of visual air traffic control
(ATC) procedures as part of the probable cause rather than merely contributory. He also listed a number of
contributing factors, mostly inadequacies of the ATC system. Among these were failure to resolve an
automated conflict-alert alarm that the approach controller had disregarded on the assumption that the
pilots were maintaining visual separation. (NTBS later adopted McAdams’ viewpoint in an Aug 1982
amendment that included both ATC and pilot failings in the probable cause finding.)
The San Diego accident followed another midair collision that had occured on May 10,
1978, between a Falcon Jet and a Cessna 150 over Memphis, Tenn., with the loss of six lives The NTSB’s
finding of probable cause in that case cited the failure of controllers to maintain proper separation as well
as the pilots' failure to see and avoid each other. The two accidents set off intense criticism of FAA’s ATC
program and the pace of its plans to develop an airborne collision-avoidance system. (See Dec 27, 1978.)
Sep 26, 1978: A Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR 37) permitted persons who were not in the air
transportation business to receive payment for the carriage of candidates in Federal elections. The
SFAR responded to a Federal Elections Commission requirement that candidates pay for air transportation.
As a result of the election rule, owners of private and business aircraft who offered transportation to
candidates were required to comply with the rules for commercial operations (i.e., Federal Aviation
Regulations Part 135 instead of the less demanding Part 91). Air taxi and charter operators strongly
criticized the SFAR, which lapsed in June 1980.
Sep 1978: FAA's Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS) became operational on a full-time
basis at seven major airports. The agency announced that 17 other airports would be similarly equipped
during 1979. The new system detected the severe downdrafts and wind changes associated with the
phenomenon of wind shear (see Jun 24, 1975) by means of sensors around the airport periphery that
measured wind speed and direction. A mini-computer compared the readings from these detectors with
readings at the center of the airport and, when significant differences were found, sounded an alarm in the
tower. Controllers could then warn pilots of the problem. In Oct 1979, FAA announced a contract for 34
more units, which would bring the number of LLWAS-equipped airports to 58. (See Jul 9, 1982.)
Oct 12, 1978: President Carter signed Public Law 95-452, establishing Offices of Inspector General in
the Department of Transportation and several other departments and agencies. The independent offices
were to conduct objective audits and investigations of programs and operations.
Oct 24, 1978: President Carter signed the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 allowing immediate fare
reductions of up to 70 percent without CAB approval, and the automatic entry of new airlines into routes
not protected by other air carriers. CAB's authority over fares, routes, and mergers was to be phased out
entirely before 1983, and, unless Congress acted, CAB itself would shut down by Jan 1, 1985. The
prospective abolition of CAB brought to a culmination the work of Chairman Alfred E. Kahn at that agency
(see Jun 10, 1977). Moreover, by Oct 1978, the major emphasis of deregulation had changed from an
ideological campaign against government regulation to a key element in the President's effort to curb
inflation. This was highlighted by the President's appointment of Kahn as head of his anti-inflation
program, which was announced on this date.
This day also ended the week-long vigil of twenty-two airline representatives who had lined
up outside CAB headquarters to submit first-come-first-serve applications for dormant airline routes under
the terms of the new act. By the end of the year, CAB had awarded 248 new airline routes to these
applicants. Smaller communities, from which the airlines might wish to shift their operations, were
guaranteed essential air services for 10 years under the act, with a government subsidy if necessary. Along
with the subsidies for smaller-city service, the act provided for the inclusion of commuter airlines in the
FAA equipment loan guarantee program and in uniform methods for establishing joint fares between air
carriers. It also authorized the use of larger aircraft by commuter airlines. These special provisions for
commuter airlines boosted their already-booming growth rates, and led to important new FAA regulations
later in 1978 (see Dec 1, 1978).
The Airline Deregulation Act also revived the aircraft loan guaranty program (see Sep 7,
1977), raising the total amount that could be guaranteed for any eligible participant from $30 million to
$100 million, expanding the eligible participants to include charter air carriers, commuter air carriers, and
intrastate air carriers, and extending the term of eligible loans to 15 years. Congress withdrew authority for
the program in 1983, however, and FAA ceased issuing new loan guarantees after Jun 30 of that year.
Over its life, the program had guaranteed 106 loans totaling $900 million. Twelve airlines had defaulted on
23 of the loans for a loss of $182 million, but FAA had been able to recover $132 million.
Oct 29, 1978: Pan American World Airways discontinued most of its European services, withdrawing
from Amsterdam, Ankara, Lisbon, Paris, Moscow, Vienna, and all of Eastern Europe except Warsaw.
Denouncing the new "open skies" policy (see Mar 10, 1978) as a "giveaway," the airline shifted its
attention to finding a domestic merger partner.
Nov 2, 1978: FAA officially established the Office of the Associate Administrator for Aviation
Standards, with the Office of Aviation Safety, the Civil Aviation Security Service, and the Flight
Standards Service placed under its executive direction (see Jul 10, 1979). The agency retitled the position
of Assistant Administrator for Aviation Safety the Director of Aviation Safety.
Nov 20, 1978: In a joint program to deal with the hazards posed by birds and other animals to aircraft,
FAA and the Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of Interior agreed to improve training programs
for airport personnel and conduct more sophisticated research on the problem. FAA estimated that, since
1940, bird collisions had led to 140 aviation deaths, and that 1,200 bird strikes in an average year caused
approximately $20 million in damage to military and civilian aircraft.
Dec 1, 1978: Effective this date, FAA promulgated a comprehensive revision of Federal Aviation
Regulations Part 135, governing air taxi and commuter airline operations, the fastest growing segment
of the air transportation business. Since the Civil Aeronautics Board had created the designation
"commuter airlines" (see Jul 1, 1969), the number of passengers on these lines had increased at an average
annual rate of over 10 percent; the growth rate in 1977 was 16.5 percent. The new competitive
environment created by airline deregulation (see Oct 24, 1978) was expected to bring ever greater
As the commuter airline and air taxi business had grown in the 1960s and 1970s, FAA had
tried to tailor new regulations for it; however, serious doubts remained about the safety of the industry (see
Dec 26, 1972). An important aim of the revised Part 135 was to bring the safety level of the commuter
airlines more closely in line with that of the major airlines operating under Part 121. The new rules
required pilots of virtually all multi-engine commuter airliners to hold an airline transport pilot's rating.
Depending on the size of their operations and aircraft, commuter airlines were required to have a director of
operations, a chief pilot, and a director of maintenance, as well as more stringent programs of maintenance
and pilot training and testing. Again depending on size, FAA also required commuter airliners to have such
equipment as a ground proximity warning indicator, a third attitude gyro, and thunderstorm detection
equipment. The safety upgrade, and the fact that requirements were tied to the size and complexity of
operations, permitted FAA to raise the maximum size of aircraft included under Part 135. Commuter
airlines and commercial operators could now use aircraft with a seating capacity of up to 30 passengers or a
payload of up to 7500 lb.
Dec 12, 1978: The first production model of the Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS) II began
service at Toledo, Ohio (see Oct 1, 1976). The device was developed for airports whose traffic volume did
not warrant the much more costly ARTS III in use at major hubs. Designed around a minicomputer, the
ARTS II lacked the full-scale system's ability to predict where a target would be on the next radar scan, and
to calculate its ground speed. Like the ARTS III, however, it provided controllers with alphanumeric tags
that indicated the identity, heading, and altitude of transponder-equipped aircraft. In addition, the ARTS II
allowed controllers to record and receive flight data from adjacent air route traffic control centers.
Developed by the Burroughs Corp. under contracts concluded in 1974, ARTS II was eventually installed at
over 80 airports. It replaced engineering models developed by other manufacturers that had been in service
at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and Knoxville, Tenn. (See Jul 24, 1985.)
Dec 27, 1978: FAA Administrator Bond and Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams announced a
regulatory program to reduce the risk of midair collisions by 80 percent. Formulated in response to
criticism of FAA after the San Diego midair collision (see Sep 25, 1978), and submitted as a notice of
proposed rulemaking, the program included:
* Establishing new voluntary Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSAs) at 80 air carrier
airports (see Dec 22, 1983), and establishing new Terminal Control Areas (TCAs) at 44
additional airports.
* Lowering the floor of positive area control from 18,000 feet to 10,000 feet over the
States east of the Mississippi and much of California, and to 12,000 feet over the rest of the
contiguous 48 States.
* Establishing a new flight category, controlled visual flight rules, for positive airspace
below 18,000 feet, which would allow non-instrument rated pilots to use the airspace
above 10,000 feet with radar separation provided by air traffic controllers.
* Requiring all aircraft operating in TRSAs and TCAs to have altitude-reporting
transponders installed by Jul 1981. All transponders installed after Jul 1982 would have to
incorporate the new Discrete Area Beacon Systems (DABS), which would provide an
automatic data link with a ground-based collision avoidance system (see Mar 4, 1976 and
Jun 23, 1981).
* Requiring all airliners and air taxi aircraft to carry an airborne "active" Beacon Collision
Avoidance System (BCAS) by Jan 1985. A proposed national standard for such systems
had been issued earlier in December. (See Jun 23, 1981.)
These proposals elicited a massive negative public response, much of it orchestrated by the
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). On Sep 7, 1979, Administrator Bond announced he had
withdrawn all the en route proposals. Although the general plan to increase the number of TCAs
temporarily remained in effect, FAA gradually withdrew most of the proposed new TCAs. (See May 15,
Dec 28, 1978: Administrator Bond established a Light Transport Airplane Airworthiness Review
looking to the adoption, in December 1980, of a new FAR Part 24 that would establish separate
airworthiness standards for airplanes intended for commuter operations. FAA had airworthiness standards
for two basic designations of airplanes: Part 23 for airplanes 12,500 pounds or under that seated up to nine
passengers, and Part 25 for transport category airplanes. FAA proposed to apply the new certification
category to airplanes that carried up to 60 passengers and had a maximum takeoff weight of 50,000 pounds.
In Dec 1980, however, FAA withdrew the proposal. Foreign manufacturers, already manufacturing
commuter aircraft under the more stringent Part 25 standards, opposed the new rule. FAA also determined
that the savings in costs between manufacturing airplanes under the proposed standards and the existing
Part 25 standards would be minimal.
Calendar year, 1978: Aircraft of U.S. registry experienced eight hijacking attempts during 1978--the
highest level since the screening of passengers and carry-on luggage was instituted in early 1973. None of
the hijackers, however, had been able to slip firearms or explosives through airport screening points. Their
claims to have a gun or bomb in their possession proved to be false in every case. The eight hijacking
attempts were the most since 1972, when 27 attempts were made, eight of them successful. In the six years
since beginning mandatory screening, hijackers had attempted to commandeer U.S. airlines on 25 separate
occasions. None involved the smuggling of weapons through a screening point, and only one was
Jan 8, 1979: The Federal Aviation Administration and Panama's Department of Civil Aviation signed an
agreement under which FAA's air traffic facilities would be gradually turned over to the Republic of
Panama over a five-year period. The transfer process began on Oct 1, when the Panama Canal Treaty
went into effect. The agreement affected over 125 FAA personnel employed at the International Flight
Service Station (IFSS), the Center and Terminal Radar Approach Control (CERAP), and in related
operational and maintenance responsibilities. As part of the agreement, FAA helped to train Panamanian
personnel for their new air traffic responsibilities.
The presence of FAA and its predecessor agency in Panama dated back to 1942, when the
Civil Aeronautics Administration established a communications station there at the request of the Navy. A
1949 agreement called for the U.S. to provide air traffic control services for Panama, a function initially
performed by the Air Force but transferred to FAA after its creation in 1958.
In a ceremony on Apr 22, 1983, FAA turned over the CERAP, its last facility in Panama
to the government of that country. Only four FAA technicians then remained to perform maintenance and
training for another year.
Jan 14, 1979: Braniff Airlines began flying leased Concorde supersonic airliners between Washington
Dulles and Dallas-Fort Worth airports, under the terms of a unique interchange agreement with British
Airways and Air France. Since the Concordes carried passengers between two American cities, they had to
be registered in the United States. This involved FAA certification of the Concorde and a special FAA rule
allowing the speedy re-registration of the planes between the two European carriers and Braniff. The
Braniff flights were over land and therefore had to be flown at subsonic speeds under U.S. environmental
rules, but nevertheless cut the flight time between Dallas-Fort Worth and Europe. The service did not
prove to be profitable, however, and Braniff terminated it on Jun 1, 1980.
Jan 19, 1979: To reduce airport noise levels nationwide, FAA recommended a two-segment departure
profile for jet aircraft of 75,000 pounds or more. Aircraft using the new procedure would climb under full
power to 1,000 feet to get up quickly over airport communities, thus minimizing the noise reaching the
ground. At that altitude, they reduced their climb angle to pick up speed and permit retraction of flaps and
other high-lift devices before continuing to climb to 3,000 feet under reduced power. The new procedure
was intended to replace a variety of practices at many airports, under which the power cutback points
varied from 450 to 1,500 feet. FAA did not make the procedure mandatory because safety considerations
sometimes dicate that pilots employ other departure procedures. (See Aug 1, 1972.)
Mar 16, 1979: FAA Administrator Bond announced his plan to eliminate the "blanket immunity"
provisions of the Aviation Safety Reporting Program (ASRP) while continuing to provide anonymity to
those using the program to report hazards and safety-related incidents (see Apr 15, 1976). The
Administrator said he wished to close "the loophole that makes it possible for a violator to escape
punishment even if the offense is commited in full public view." On Mar 21, Bond issued a notice that the
change would take effect on Apr 30. Before the effective date, however, a sharp reaction in the aviation
community produced a compromise under which modified immunity provisions became effective Jul
1. Reports of hazards or incidents submitted under the ASRP could not be used in any disciplinary action
except in cases of accidents or criminal offenses. When FAA learned of a violation of safety regulations
from another source, it would take appropriate enforcement action. If the violator had filed a prompt report
with NASA, however, FAA would impose no penalty provided the violation was inadvertent and not
deliberate, did not involve an accident or criminal offense, or disclose a lack of competency, and the person
had committed no prior violation since the initiation of the ASRP. A later modification, effective Mar 1,
1985, applied the no-prior-violation requirement to only the five years before a reported incident. These
provisions did not apply to air traffic controllers involved in incidents reported to NASA, whose cases were
governed by internal FAA regulations. An important difference between the new system and the old was
that immunity now applied only to the reporter rather than to all those involved in an incident.
Mar 28, 1979: Effective this date, FAA required the removal of lithium sulfur dioxide batteries from
U.S. civil aircraft. The batteries were used primarily to power emergency locator transmitters, known
as ELTs (see Dec 29, 1970). The agency acted because of incidents in which the batteries exploded,
burned, or leaked gas that formed corrosive acid. The order affected approximately 60,000 aircraft, most of
them privately owned. In September, FAA issued new standards for the batteries, including requirements
that they be heremetically sealed and be replaced every two years. The agency ordered users of lithium
batteries to reinstall their ELTs by Mar 28, 1980, but later extended the deadline to Oct 15, 1980, because
of a shortage of the improved batteries.
Mar 29, 1979: Effective this date, FAA revised its rules for airport security. In a departure from previous
rules (see Dec 5, 1972), the agency permitted police officers assigned to security checkpoints in some
airports to patrol other areas of the terminal, as long as they could respond quickly to trouble at their
checkpoints (see Sep 11, 1981). In another major change, FAA made it a Federal offense for anyone,
passenger or not, to carry guns or explosives into the "sterile" areas beyond the checkpoints. Before,
regulations only prohibited carrying weapons on board air aircraft. FAA had originally proposed banning
unauthorized guns and explosives from all areas of airport terminals, but relaxed the provision after a
negative response from various sporting groups. The revised airport-security regulations represented
increased concern, since the bomb explosion at La Guardia Airport (see Dec 29, 1975), for the safety of
people in airport terminals as well as aboard airliners.
Apr 4, 1979: A Trans World Airlines 727 flying at 39,000 feet over Michigan entered an uncontrolled
spiral dive and descended to about 5,000 feet in about 63 seconds before the flight crew regained control.
Eight passengers received minor injuries. The crew denied that they had caused the dive or erased the
Cockpit Voice Recorder tape, most of which was found to be blank. In a June 1981 report, however, the
National Transporation Safety Board described the probable cause of the mishap as the crew’s
manipulation of the flap/slat controls.
Apr 6, 1979: FAA announced award of a contract for acquisition of second generation common radar
digitizers, equipment that converts radar returns into computer-readable digital messages that are then
transmitted to the appropriate air traffic control facility. The major advantage of the new common
digitzers, known as CD-2s, was the addition of a second channel to permit the equipment to keep working
if one channel failed or was shut down for maintenance. The contract provided for 106 of the CD-2s to be
installed at long range radar sites, while three would be used in conjunction with airport radars, and seven
would be used for training and support services. (See Mar 1986.)
May 1979: A Fokker Company workman discovered a soft spot in aluminum plate manufactured by
Reynolds Metals, leading FAA in August to issue a general notice establishing an inspection program to be
conducted by FAA-approved production holders and their suppliers. FAA discontinued the program after
Reynolds discovered the cause of the problem in early fiscal 1981.
May 4, 1979: The regional director of the Washington Office of the Federal Labor Relations Authority
ruled that a strike fund established by PATCO was legal. His ruling held that while strikes or other overt
job actions by Federal employees were prohibited by statute, strike funds were not. PATCO had
established a National Controller Subsistence Fund in May 1978, "to provide for the financial support of
members whose participation in a nationally sanctioned job action has resulted in suspension and/or
dismissal." FAA, believing the fund was a war chest for financing illegal job actions, filled an unfair labor
practice complaint against PATCO. The three-member FLRA panel upheld the regional director's ruling in
Dec 1980. (See Jun 21, 1978, and Jan 7, 1980.)
May 25, 1979: An American Airlines DC-10 crashed into an open field near Chicago's O'Hare
airport after its left engine and pylon assembly separated from the aircraft on takeoff. The engine and
pylon rotated up and over the left wing, taking part of the wing’s leading edge with them and damaging the
control system. The ensuing crash and fire killed all 272 persons aboard the flight and two people on the
ground, an unprecedented toll for an airline accident within U.S. airspace.
Early in its investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board discovered the presence of
a fatigue fracture of a pylon forward thrust link attach bolt. On May 28, FAA Administrator Langhorne
Bond ordered all airlines to keep their DC-10s on the ground until they had completed certain visual
inspections. The next day, after learning that these checks were turning up potentially dangerous
deficiencies in the pylon mountings, Bond grounded the entire U.S. DC-10 fleet pending a more
comprehensive inspection. His order included U.S.-certificated Airbus A-300s because of the similarity of
their pylon to the DC-10's.
As these inspections progressed, evidence mounted that the problem might lie in American
Airline's non-standard use of a forklift to dismount and remount engine and pylon as a single unit during
maintenance. Similar cracks had been found on DC-10s operated by Continental Airlines, the only other
carrier using the forklift method. On Jun 5, however, the discovery of cracks that appeared unrelated to the
forklift procedure strengthened evidence that seemed to suggest the existence of some more fundamental
problem. On Jun 6, Bond suspended the DC-10's type certificate indefinitely. He then ordered three
parallel investigations into the DC-10 issue.
Thirty-seven days later, FAA's investigative teams concluded that the aircraft destroyed in
Chicago had indeed been damaged by the forklift procedure. This was also the cause of the other cracks
found in the pylons of DC-10s operated by American and Continental. (The two airlines later received
civil penalties of $500,000 and $100,000 respectively for using the procedure.) Other findings of the teams
supported the conclusion that the DC-10 should be returned to service, and FAA therefore lifted the
grounding order. The agency required a stringent program of inspections, however, and directed the
manufacturer to redesign certain engine mount components.
Jun 1979: FAA signed a contract with Western Union Telegraph Company to lease a new
telecommunications system for 150 of the busiest flight service stations. The new computer-based
equipment featured cathode-ray-tube displays and high-speed printers. It would replace teletypewriters
used for Service A transmission of weather and aeronautical information (see Jan 16, 1961). The lease was
to be an interim step, pending implementation of full flight service modernization. (See Jan 1978 and Jan
25, 1980.)
Jun 13, 1979: The following changes in the FAA Washington Headquarters organization became
effective on this date:
*A new Office of Associate Administrator for Airports was established.
*The Office of Airport Programs and the position of Assistant Administrator for Airports
Programs were abolished.
*The Office of Airport Standards and the Office of Airport Planning and Programming were
established and placed under the executive direction of the Associate Administrator for
*Metropolitan Washington Airports were placed under the executive direction of the
Associate Administrator for Airports.
Jun 25, 1979: The first of a new generation of air route surveillance radars (ARSR-3s) went into
operation. The solid-state ARSR-3 was the first new en route radar system acquired in 20 years (see Nov
20, 1956). It improved radar tracking range by 25 percent, to 200 nautical miles, and could track aircraft
flying as high as 61,000 feet. The new radar could also display weather formations without interference
with aircraft targets, providing a much clearer picture for controllers. FAA eventually deployed twenty-
two ARSR-3s along high density segments of the en route system, commissioning the last in Jan 1983. An
additional unit, delivered in Feb 1978, was installed at the Aeronautical Center for training purposes. FAA
also purchased four mobile units. With their antenna capable of operating from a flat-bed truck, they could
be rushed to any location where the existing radar had failed. (See Sep 1986.)
Jul 1, 1979: Southern Airways and North Central Airlines merged to form Republic Airlines, which
in turn acquired Hughes Air West on Oct 1, 1980. (See Jan 23, 1986.)
Jul 10, 1979: FAA reorganized the offices and services under the Associate Administrator for
Aviation Standards (dee Nov 2, 1978):
*The Flight Standards Service was abolished.
*A new Office of Flight Operations was established and all functions affecting flight
operations were lodged under it.
*A new Office of Airworthiness was established and all functions affecting airworthiness
were lodged under it.
*The Civil Aviation Security Service was renamed the Office of Civil Aviation Security.
*A Safety Regulations Staff was established in the Office of the Associate Administrator
and given all flight standards safety regulation functions.
Jul 20, 1979: Brock Adams resigned as Secretary of Transportation. Adams had voiced concerns
about the Carter Administration's transportation policies and his own need for access to the President.
After resigning, he stated to the press that he took the action rather than comply with White House demands
that included dismissal of one of his aides. Adams' resignation was part of a Cabinet shakeup that involved
the departure of four other secretaries.
Jul 25, 1979: FAA abolished the Europe, Africa, and Middle East Region. The agency assigned the
executive direction of the Europe, Africa and Middle East Office to the Associate Administrator for Policy
and International Affairs. On the same day, FAA transferred the responsibility for the flight inspection
program in the North Atlantic, European, African and Middle Eastern areas from the Europe, Africa and
Middle East Region to the Flight Standards National Field Office.
Aug 1979: An engineering model of a new generation of Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE-
3) was delivered to FAA for testing and concept evaluation. (See Jul 5, 1977, and Dec 23, 1983.)
Aug 15, 1979: Neil E. Goldschmidt became Secretary of Transportation, succeeding Brock Adams,
who had resigned on Jul 20. Goldschmidt, who had been the mayor of Portland, Ore., at the time of his
selection by President Carter, received a recess appointment. The Senate eventually confirmed him on Sep
21, and he took the oath a second time on Sep 24. Goldschmidt served the remainder of the Carter
Administration and resigned effective Jan 20, 1981.
Oct 18, 1979: The first prototype of the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 series made its initial flight.
Originally designated the DC-9 Super 80, the aircraft was a “stretched” derivative of the DC-9. The MD-
80 received FAA type certification on Aug 26, 1980, and the first production aircraft was delivered to
Swissair on Sep 12, 1980.
Oct 28, 1979: Allegheny Airlines changed its name to USAir, reflecting the growing route system of this
former local-service carrier. (See Jan 11, 1949.)
Nov 1, 1979: Midway Airlines began service from Chicago's Midway Airport. The new airline was the
first all-jet air carrier created to take advantage of the new era inaugurated by the Airline Deregulation Act
(see Oct 24, 1978). Midway began with DC-9 flights to Cleveland, Kansas City, and Detroit, with more
routes to be added later. (See Nov 13, 1991.)
Nov 2, 1979: FAA redesignated the Office of Accounting and Audit the Office of Accounting. FAA's
audit functions had earlier been transferred to the newly created Office of Inspector General in the Office of
the Secretary of Transportation.
Nov 6, 1979: FAA proposed a civil penalty of $1.5 million against Braniff Airways for numerous
maintenance violations. The fine was the largest that the agency had proposed to that date. In Jan 1981,
however, FAA accepted a settlement of $400,000, stating that its decision was influenced by Braniff’s
safety improvements.
Dec 29, 1979: Enacted on this date, Public Law 96-171 required the National Institutes of Health to
produce a study of FAA’s Age-60 rule (see Mar 15, 1960) in consultation with DOT. Within one year,
NIH was to submit to Congress a study examining questions that included “whether an age limitation
which prohibits all individuals who are sixty years of age or older from serving as pilots is medically
The issue had come to a head because more airline pilots were reaching 60 than ever before, a
trend that was expected to increase. The Pilots Rights Association, a group of some 300 older airline pilots,
had waged a strong campaign against the rule. The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) was divided on the
question, with many members (especially younger ones) favoring the rule. (Later, ALPA’s board endorsed
the Age-60 rule in a Nov 1980 vote that reversed the union’s longstanding position on the issue.) Another
factor that may have influenced the congressional debate was a fatal in-flight heart attack suffered by a 59-
year-old Braniff captain on Mar 13, 1979. The outcome was a legislative mandate for a study rather than a
change in the rule.
In response to P.L. 96-171, NIH requested the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of
Sciences, to prepare a study. Released to the public on Apr 2, 1981, this report did not recommended either
retaining or abandoning the Age-60 rule. It did recommend, however, that FAA institute "a more rigorous
and comprehensive medical examination" if it discontinued the rule. In August 1981, the National
Institute on Aging also submitted a report to Congress with three basic recommendations: that the age-
60 rule be retained for major airline pilots; that FAA extend the rule to all other pilots engaged in carrying
passengers for hire; and that FAA conduct a systematic program to collect the medical and performance
data necessary to consider relaxing the rule. (See Mar 30, 1984.)
Dec 1979: At Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, FAA installed the first operational ARTS IIIA
automated radar terminal system, one of 29 produced under a contract announced on Aug 10, 1976 (see that
date and Mar 1978). This initial group of ARTS IIIA systems at first used the same A1.01 software
package employed at ARTS III facilities, pending completion of computer programs able to realize the full
potential of the new equipment. While this software development continued, FAA in Nov 1980 awarded a
contract to upgrade the other 34 operational ARTS III units to the IIIA hardware level. In Oct 1982,
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport became the site of the first ARTS IIIA able to track aircraft not
equipped with transponders, a capability made possible by the new A3.01 software (see Oct 1985).
Since Dec 1978, meanwhile, Tampa International Airport had been the site of operational testing of an
ARTS IIIA that used all-digital processing. FAA commissioned this unique system on Sep 7, 1982, but it
did not become a model for use at other locations.
Jan 1, 1980: Effective this date, Administrator Langhorne Bond established the lead region concept under
which designated Federal Aviation Administration regions assumed certain responsibilities on a nationwide
basis. FAA assigned "lead regions" to perform national headquarters staff functions relative to various
aspects of aircraft certification, while "certificating regions" held final certification authority for certain
categories of aircraft, parts, or materials. The lead regions were: Central (for aircraft under 12,500 lbs.);
Southwest (for rotorcraft); Great Lakes (for propellers); and New England (for engines). In addition, the
agency designated New England as the first certificating region, with certification authority for all foreign
engines as well as all domestically-manufactured turbojet engines of 15,000 lbs. thrust or greater. Later in
1980, two more of the original lead regions were designated certificating regions for their categories of
special responsibility: Great Lakes, effective Jul 1, 1980; and Central, effective Jan 15, 1981. In addition,
Northwest became the lead region for transport aircraft with gross takeoff weights of 12,500 pounds or
more, as well as the certificating region for foreign transport aircraft and domestically-manufactured
transports of 75,000 lb. or greater, effective Nov 1, 1980. (See Nov 1, 1981.)
Jan 7, 1980: John F. Leyden resigned as president of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers
Association (PATCO) after a bitter struggle for control of the organization with Robert E. Poli, a regional
vice president. Both Poli and Leyden had submitted their resignations to the PATCO board, but the board
accepted only Leyden's resignation. Leyden resigned effective Feb 1, and Poli became interim president on
that day. Poli subsequently was elected to a three-year term on Apr 24. (See May 4, 1979, and Apr 15,
Jan 7, 1980: Effective this date, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a new schedule
for reducing air pollution from older transport aircraft using the JT3D jet engine (mostly DC-8s and
Boeing 707s). The standards were to be applied according to a timetable that would involve the
replacement of one-fourth of these engines by Jan 1, 1981; one-half by Jan 1, 1983; and all by Jan 1, 1985.
This postponed earlier requirements (see Jul 6, 1973), but was designed to be more compatible with a
similar timetable for noise standards (see Dec 23, 1976), thereby saving airlines the cost of two successive
engine retrofittings on the same aircraft. Unlike the noise rule, the emissions standards applied to foreign-
owned aircraft serving U.S. airports. On Jan 20, 1983, however, EPA published a rule eliminating the
requirement that the remaining in-use JT3D engines be retrofitted to meet the standards. (See Dec 23,
Jan 7, 1980: Pan American World Airways signed a merger agreement with National Airlines, which
formally ceased to exist on Oct 26. (The defunct carrier's name was revived on May 15, 1994, when
Private Jet Expeditions began using the designation National Airlines.) The merger with National gave Pan
American a long-sought domestic system to feed its international routes.
Jan 18, 1980: Two air traffic controllers alledgedly erased flight data information on a Soviet
Aeroflot jet making its final approach to New York Kennedy airport with Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin
aboard. Unaware of the erasure, the controller who was handling the flight misidentified the Soviet aircraft
and ordered it to make an early descent through unprotected airspace. The plane nevertheless landed
safely. The incident reportedly stemmed from a local PATCO protest over the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan. After reviewing the case, FAA decided on Jan 16, 1981, to reprimand one of the controllers
implicated in the data erasure and to suspend the other for 60 days.
Jan 21, 1980: FAA published a rule limiting the amount of ozone gas that might be present in airliners
flying above 18,000 feet (see Jul 21, 1977). The agency restricted ozone concentration in the cabin to a
maximum of 0.25 parts per million at any point in time. In addition, the average exposure on flights of
more than four hours was to be no more than 0.1 parts per million. FAA left the airlines the choice of
achieving these standards through air filters, use of engine heat to break down ozone, or selection of routes
that avoided ozone concentrations. The agency expected, however, that about 500 large transport aircraft
used at high altitudes in northern latitudes would require modification. The deadline for compliance was
Feb 20, 1981. The same rule amended airworthiness standards for new transport aircraft to provide
protection against ozone irritation.
Jan 25, 1980: Armed with a pistol and pretending to have a bomb, a hijacker who identified himself as a
Black Muslim diverted a Delta Airlines L-1011 to Cuba. He demanded to be flown to Iran, but eventually
surrendered to Cuban authorities. This was the first U.S. air carrier hijacking in which real weapons or
high explosives passed through the passenger screening system since the implementation of strict new
airport security measures on Dec 5, 1972 (see that date and Jul 22, 1980).
Jan 25, 1980: DOT announced the award of competitive contracts to three companies to design computer
systems for automating FAA's network of flight service stations (FSS). The winning design was
expected to improve upon AWANS and MAPS, two systems already tested in use at certain FAA facilities
(see Sep 1977). Computers were to be located at air route traffic control centers and linked by telephone
lines to the FSS sites. (See Jun 1979 and Apr 2, 1980.)
Feb 15, 1980: FAA announced
improved standards for the seats of airline crew members. The new
rule required the flight attendant seats to be equipped with combination seat belts and safety harnesses, and
that the seats themselves have energy-absorbing backs. The rule also required the seats of the cockpit crew
to be equipped with a combination seat belt and shoulder harness so designed that the harness need not be
unbuckled during takeoff or landing. The standards for flight attendant seats were effective on Mar 6,
1980, and those for the cockpit crew, a year later. The rule also upgraded certain other safety standards
for large passenger aircraft concerning storage and service compartments, waste containers, and non-slip
floors. (See Sep 10, 1980.)
Feb 15, 1980: Signed into law on this date, the International Air Transportation Competition Act of
1979 reduced the Civil Aeronautics Board's power to regulate U.S. international airlines, while authorizing
the Board to retaliate against the airlines of nations that discriminated against U.S. carriers. Other
provisions: revised the rules governing Federal use of foreign air carriers; and defined circumstances under
which foreign-registered aircraft might operate on U.S. domestic routes. As a result of the law, an FAA
rule effective Oct 16 permitted U.S. airlines to fly passengers and mail in foreign-registered aircraft. The
airlines were allowed to use such leased or chartered aircraft on both foreign and domestic flights.
Section 29 of the law limited scheduled airline operations at Love Field, Dallas, Tex., to
aircraft seating 56 passengers or less, except for service within Texas and states bordering on Texas. This
provision was known as the “Wright Amendment” after Rep. James C. Wright, Jr. (D-Tex.) of Fort Worth.
Feb 18, 1980: President Carter signed the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979. The law
gave airlines more time to comply with Stage 2 aircraft noise standards insofar as they applied to two-
engine jets over 75,000 lb (see Dec 23, 1976, and Mar 3, 1977). These two-engine aircraft had been
required to comply by Jan 1, 1983, but that deadline was extended, with exceptions: until Jan 1, 1985, for
those with over 100 seats; and until Jan 1, 1988, for those with 100 seats or fewer (see Dec 31, 1987). In
other matters, the new legislation authorized funds for noise planning and land use compatibility projects
(see Feb 28, 1981) and, in certain circumstances, barred suits for damages due to airport noise.
The act also authorized the FAA to regulate the access to public areas at Washington
National and Dulles International by individuals or groups soliciting funds or distributing materials.
The law prohibited solicitors, including those representing religious groups, from interfering with airport
users or using threatening or abusive language. FAA adopted rules, effective Jul 28, requiring solicitors at
the two airports to have permits and placing certain limits on their number and the areas in which they
could operate (see Jun 26, 1992).
Mar 1, 1980: AN FAA emergency rule on experience requirements for commuter airline pilots
became effective. The pilot-in-command of a two-pilot crew was required to have logged between 10 and
25 hours of flight time in the particular aircraft make and model under the supervision of a qualified check
pilot. The agency keyed the number of hours required to the complexity of the aircraft in question. Pilots
of commuter aircraft approved for single-pilot operations with the aid of an autopilot were required to have
100 flight hours in the particular make and model of aircraft. FAA based its action on an analysis of 13
fatal commuter airline accidents that occurred during 1979.
Mar 5, 1980: FAA abolished the Office of Investigations and Security and transferred its internal security
functions to the Office of Civil Aviation Security. Earlier, the fraud and abuse investigative functions of
the Office of Investigations and Security had been transferred to the new Office of Inspector General, in the
Office of the Secretary of Transportation.
Mar 27, 1980: The Boeing Company revealed plans for flight decks accommodating two-member crews
for the fuel-efficient new generation 757 and 767 twin-engine jets. The new decks would include an
engine indicating and crew alerting system (EICAS) to centralize all engine displays and provide automatic
monitoring of engine operation. (See May 7, 1977 and Aug 26, 1980.)
Apr 2, 1980: Administrator Bond announced a proposed revision to the master plan for automating the
flight service stations (see Jan 1978). A feature of that plan had been the ultimate consolidation of the
entire network of FSS sites into 20 automated stations co-located with air route traffic control centers
(ARTCCs). Instead, Bond called for eventual consolidation into 61 automated stations. Although linked
by telephone lines to computers at the air route traffic control centers, these sites would be housed in new
buildings at airports that were centers of general aviation activity. Bond rejected the co-location of FSSs
and ARTCCs (see Sep 1977), stating that this experiment had isolated flight service stations from general
aviation pilots while showing no cost or operational advantages. (See Jan 25, 1980, and May 28, 1981.)
Apr 15, 1980: PATCO distributed to its members an “educational package” that many in FAA considered a
strike plan.” The materials provided: information on how to establish communications networks and
committees on security, welfare, and picketing; recommendations for a variety of financial preparations in
case of the loss of wages during a job action; and advice to local PATCO organizations to make
arrangements for bail bondsman and for other legal services. (See Jan 7, 1980, and Aug 15, 1980.)
Apr 30, 1980: Effective this date, FAA required a triennial aircraft registration report. Aircraft
certificate holders were to submit the report whenever three years elapsed since the Registry received
information indicating continued registration eligibility. The procedure was less burensome to the public
than an earlier annual report requirement (see Mar 7, 1970).
May 12, 1980: Maxie and Kris Anderson, father and son, completed what is considered the first nonstop
balloon crossing of the North American continent, after a four-day flight from Fort Baker, Calif. They
landed at Matane, on Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula, about 160 miles from the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
May 15, 1980: FAA established a terminal control area (TCA) at San Diego as part of the agency's
response to a midair collision that killed 144 persons (see Mar 1976). FAA established another TCA at
Honolulu on Nov 27. These new Group II TCAs brought the total in this category to 14, in addition to 9
Group I TCAs at the nation's busiest locations. (See Aug 1, 1975 and Aug 31, 1986.)
May 16, 1980: A U.S. district court decision put FAA's medical exemption system on temporary hold
by enjoining the agency from issuing medical certificates to airmen with a history of any of nine
"absolutely disqualifying conditions," including myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, or alcoholism.
Henceforth, FAA could issue medical exemptions to airmen with a history of these disqualifying conditions
only after "a proper finding that such an exemption was in the public interest." In addition, the court
enjoined the Federal Air Surgeon from placing any functional limitation on any medical certificate on the
grounds that the authority to do this had not been properly delegated to this official from the FAA
The decision arose from a suit by Delta Airlines, which opposed FAA’s policy of issuing
certificates with functional limitations to pilots who had suffered heart attacks. This practice often enabled
such pilots to serve as flight engineers, and thus ran counter to Delta’s policy that flight engineers must
possess a first class medical certificate. By mid-1982, FAA had adopted regulatory language for medical
exemptions that satisfied the public-interest criteria of the court and allowed the process of granting pilot
medical exemptions to continue.
May 18, 1980: Washington state's Mt. St. Helens erupted, destroying over 100 square miles of timber and
leaving at least 61 persons dead or missing. Ash from the volcano caused widespread disruption, but did
not close FAA facilities in the area. The agency informed airmen of the location of the volcanic cloud,
which damaged several aircraft, and issued a maintenance checklist for planes that had entered suspected
areas. FAA also set up a mobile air traffic control tower to assist military missions of reconnaissance,
search, and rescue. Interest in the threat of volcanoes to aircraft increased in 1982, when two Boeing
747s lost all engine thrust temporarily as they encountered ash from an Indonesian volcano. (See Dec 14,
May 29, 1980: FAA changed the name of its National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center
(NAFEC) to the FAA Technical Center, and at the same time dedicated a new complex of buildings at
the New Jersey facility (see May 29, 1975). Under an agreement signed in 1976, the Atlantic City
Improvement Authority had constructed the new complex for lease to FAA. On May 28, the agency had
also dedicated a new heliport at the facility, and on Jun 20 dedicated the Center's large new fire research
Jun 26, 1980: The Committee on FAA Airworthiness Certification Procedures, popularly known as the
Blue Ribbon Panel on Aircraft Certification, issued its report. The panel had been formed at the request
of Secretary of Transportation Neil Goldschmidt in response to congressional concerns after the Chicago
DC-10 accident (see May 25, 1979). The National Research Council selected a 13-person committee of
experts, headed by George M. Low, president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and including among its
members former FAA Administrator John L. McLucas. While concluding that the agency's system of
assuring the airworthiness of U.S.-built aircraft had worked satisfactorily in the past, the committee
believed that FAA must upgrade its certification staff’s technical proficiency and familiarity with current
developments. The panel's recommendations included that FAA: establish a central engineering group
responsible for type certification and participation in rulemaking; improve the type certification process
through a series of milestone reviews; develop a rule requiring that aircraft be designed to continue to fly
despite structural failure; increase surveillance of airline maintenance operations; and accelerate
development of a system for gathering safety-related data.
Jul 22, 1980: Holding what was reported to be a small handgun to the back of a flight attendant, a man
diverted a Delta Air Lines L-1011 to Cuba, beginning a series of hijackings by Cuban refugees who had
arrived in the U.S. during the boat lift from the port of Mariel that began in Apr 1980 (see Jan 25, 1980).
Mariel refugees returned to their homeland in 10 hijackings between Aug 10 and Sep 17. During the last
quarter of 1980, however, no successful "Marielista" hijackings occurred. Factors in this improvement
were special FAA security measures, coupled with the immediate return of two hijackers by the Cuban
government. The phenomenon continued, however, and one successful Marielista hijacking took place in
1981. During 1982, three airliners were diverted to Cuba by Spanish-speaking men (at least one of whom
was a Marielista) using flammable liquid as their weapon. The threat to ignite real or alleged flammable
liquid had been used in every successful hijacking to Cuba since Aug 13, 1980. (See May 1, 1983.)
Aug 4, 1980: FAA commissioned the first En Route Automated Radar Tracking System (EARTS) at
the air route traffic control center at Anchorage, Alaska. The system was the product of contracts with
Sperry Rand's Univac Division announced by FAA in Jul 1974 and Aug 1976 (See Aug 10, 1976).
Developed for the special needs of the widely dispersed centers at Anchorage, Honolulu, and San Juan,
EARTS was simpler and less costly than the automated systems used to track en route traffic at centers
within the contiguous U.S. It was essentially an expanded Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS III)
modified for en route operations by adding a plan view display component. FAA commissioned Hawaii's
EARTS in Jul 1982 and Puerto Rico's in Dec 1982. (See Mar 1984.)
Aug 15, 1980: PATCO-affiliated controllers at O'Hare International Airport conducted a one-day
traffic slowdown that caused 616 delays of 30 minutes or more and cost air carriers more than $1 million
in wasted fuel. The slowdown followed FAA's turning down a demand by O'Hare controllers for an annual
tax-free bonus of $7,500. (See Apr 15, 1980, and Oct 20, 1980.)
Aug 19, 1980: An in-flight fire on a Saudi Arabian Airlines L-1011 killed all 301 persons aboard.
Smoke inside the aircraft prompted a return to Riyadh shortly after takeoff. The aircraft landed normally,
but was destroyed by fire on the taxiway. Saudi investigators concluded that the fire probably began in the
aft pressurized cargo compartment, but were unable to determine its cause. The accident was followed by
development of improved liner material for L-1011 cargo compartments, and by FAA action to upgrade
cargo compartment safety standards (see May 16, 1986).
Aug 26, 1980: FAA type-certificated the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-80 for operation with a two-pilot
crew. The Air Line Pilots Association challenged the certification in a law suit, ultimately without success,
and picketed the White House in October to protest FAA's position. (See Mar 27, 1980, and Dec 29, 1980.)
Sep 10, 1980: The Special Aviation Fire and Explosion Reduction (SAFER) Advisory Committee (see
Jun 26, 1978) released its final report. The committee reported that, over the past 15 years, fatalities due to
post-crash fire or its effects in U.S. scheduled air carrier operations had averaged about 32 per year. It
concluded that, with the exception of toxic hazards assessment, aircraft fire research had been reasonably
well funded since the early- to mid-1970s. The SAFER group's most urgent recommendation was to
expedite the investigation and validation of anti-misting kerosene, known as AMK (see Dec 1, 1984).
Among the numerous additional recommendations were: mandatory fuel tank vent protection; maximizing
the probability of engine fuel shut-off in potential fire situations; research on lowering the flashpoint of
kerosene fuels; improved accident investigation and reporting; research to establish the contribution of
cabin interior materials to the post-crash fire hazard; development of fire-blocking layers for seats;
accelerated toxicity research; radiant heat resistance standards for evacuation slides; and development of
improved fire-resistant cabin windows. In conclusion, the committee's report urged FAA to create a
standing advisory committee to provide regular expert advice in the field of fire and explosion research.
FAA set up working groups to examine the SAFER recommendations and take rulemaking action when
feasible. (See Oct 26, 1984.)
Sep 30, 1980: The Airport Development Aid Program lapsed as of midnight on this date due to
Congress' failure to extend or replace legislative authorization (see Jul 12, 1976). Congress also failed to
authorize the collection of user taxes paid into the Airport and Airway Trust Fund. As a result, some of
these taxes expired, while others were reduced to the levels collected before Jul 1, 1970. Taxes eliminated
completely included the 5 percent air cargo tax, the $3 international departure fee, the aircraft use tax, and
the jet fuel tax. The 8 percent passenger ticket tax was reduced to 5 percent, and was now paid into the
Treasury's general fund. The general aviation gasoline tax was reduced from seven to four cents per gallon,
and was paid into the Highway Trust Fund, which also received revenues from continuing taxes on aircraft
tires and tubes. Although it no longer received any tax revenues, the Airport and Airway Trust Fund
continued to exist and to receive interest payments on the Treasury bills in which its liquid assets were
invested. While FAA ceased to award grants from the Fund, the agency continued to liquidate obligations
previously made under the grant program. The Trust Fund also continued to provide support for FAA
facilities and equipment, as well as for the agency's research, development, and engineering. (See Aug 13,
Oct 2, 1980: Recognizing the changing nature of airline operations under deregulation, the Civil
Aeronautics Board adopted a report that led to new system of classifying air carriers for statistical and
financial analysis. The carriers were described as either Majors, Nationals, Large Regionals, or Medium
Regionals, depending on the amount of their annual operating revenue. After CAB became defunct at the
end of 1984, the Research and Special Projects Administration continued this general system, although the
amounts of revenue required for the various categories were periodically adjusted.
Oct 9, 1980: FAA published a new Federal Aviation Regulations Part 125, representing a substantial
upgrade of safety standards for certain large airplanes. The new Part 125 established a uniform set of
certification and operating rules for large airplanes capable of carrying 20 passengers or more, or a payload
of 6,000 lbs. or more, and used for any purpose other than common carriage.
Oct 20, 1980: Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan wrote to PATCO president Robert E.
Poli, saying: "You can rest assured that if I am elected President, I will take whatever steps are necessary
to provide our air traffic controllers with the most modern equipment available and to adjust staff levels and
work days so that they are commensurate with achieving a maximum degree of public safety." On Oct 23,
the PATCO executive board endorsed Reagan for President. At the same time, the union charged President
Carter with ignoring serious safety problems that jeopardized the nation's air traffic control system. (See
Aug 15, 1980, and Dec 15, 1980.)
Nov 3, 1980: FAA published a special rule allocating reservations, or "slots," for takeoffs and landings
under instrument flight rules at Washington National Airport. The rule applied to air carriers, except
air taxis, and was effective Dec 1, 1980, to Apr 26, 1981. The slots had previously been assigned by an air
carrier scheduling committee, the system used at the other high density airports subject to flight restrictions
in force since Jun 1, 1969 (see that date). Since the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, however, the number
of carriers seeking slots at National had increased and the committee found it more difficult to reach
agreement. On Oct 14, 1980, the body advised FAA it was deadlocked, necessitating government
intervention. (See Mar 23, 1978, and Dec 6, 1981.)
Nov 28, 1980: FAA published a rule requiring foreign operators of aircraft over 75,000 lb. serving the U.S.
to comply with the same noise standards as U.S. operators (see Dec 23, 1976). The rule generally
required final compliance by 1985.
Dec 15, 1980: A U.S. District Court judge in Illinois, dismissed a court action brought by FAA against
PATCO and its Chicago O'Hare Local No. 316 for a slowdown which had begun on Aug 15, 1980 (see that
date). On Aug 17, FAA had brought suit for a preliminary and permanent injunction against the
controllers. The following day, a U.S. District Court judge had issued a temporary restraining order
prohibiting PATCO and its O'Hare affiliate from taking part "in any work stoppage or slowdown."
Subsequently, FAA pressed its plea for permanent injunctive relief. In ruling that the case was not properly
before his court, the judge held that a slowdown was an unfair labor practice and that Title VII of the Civil
Service Reform Act of 1978 gave original jurisdiction in such controversies to the Federal Labor Relations
Authority, not to U.S. district courts. (See Mar 15, 1981.)
Dec 19, 1980: New York Air began operations, competing against Eastern Air Lines' Washington-New
York shuttle. The new, non-union regional carrier was a creation of Texas Air, a holding company
created by Frank Lorenzo in 1980. Texas Air also owned Texas International Airlines, which Lorenzo had
headed since 1972. (See Aug 6, 1981, and Feb 1, 1987.)
Dec 22, 1980: FAA placed the Office of Aviation Medicine under the executive direction of the Associate
Administrator for Aviation Standards. Although no longer reporting directly to the Administrator, the
Federal Air Surgeon retained delegated responsibilities for medical determinations.
Dec 29, 1980: The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) organized a "public awareness" campaign called
Operation USA (Unity for Safe Airtravel). Shortly thereafter, the union threatened a general one-day
work stoppage in March unless the President appointed a panel of independent experts to examine the
question of crew complement. On Mar 5, 1981, President Reagan appointed a three-man task force
headed by former FAA Administrator John L. McLucas to review FAA's certification of the DC-9-80 for
operation with a minimum cockpit crew of two pilots (see Aug 26, 1980). On Jul 2, the task force reported
that the certification was proper and that a third crew member was not be justified in the interest of safety.
The board also noted that safe operation by a two-pilot crew would be permitted by the designs of Boeing's
new 757 and 767 aircraft, and of the A-310 aircraft being developed by the European consortium, Airbus
Industrie. On Jul 14, ALPA's executive board voted unanimously to accept the findings of the task force.
Dec 31, 1980: The end of this day marked the completion of the first calendar year without a fatal
accident for major U.S. airlines (Part 121) in scheduled service, including the flag, trunk, and local
service categories. The only fatal accident involving Part 121 operators engaged in any type of service was
an incident in which a parachutist was struck by a military contract cargo flight. (See Dec 31, 1970, and
Dec 31, 1981.)
Jan 10, 1981: The New York terminal radar control room (TRACON) became operational at
Hempstead, Long Island. The building had been completed in Jan 1978, after which the Federal Aviation
Administration had begun installing electronic equipment. Commissioning of the facility had been
delayed, however, until the closing of a nearby resource recovery plant ended FAA's concern about
unhealthful emissions. The TRACON replaced the Common Radar Room (also called the "Common IFR"
or "Common I") at Kennedy International. Initially, the new facility handled approaches and departures at
New York's three major airports, but was scheduled to later take over responsibility for numerous smaller
airports in area. The TRACON's special ARTS IIIA system had 44 displays, 91 keyboard stations, and a
track capacity of 1,200 aircraft (see Aug 10, 1976, and Mar 26, 1986). In contrast, the Common Radar
Room's ARTS IA had only 12 displays.
Jan 19, 1981: FAA announced that it had begun a program to improve navigational charts used by
pilots flying under visual flight rules. The improvements were based on recommendations of an agency
working group established in Sep 1980, and were to be implemented in cooperation with the Inter-Agency
Cartographic Committee.
Jan 20, 1981: Ronald Reagan became President, succeeding Jimmy Carter. The resignations of
Langhorne M. Bond as FAA Administrator and Quentin S. Tayor as Deputy Administrator became
effective, although Taylor accepted another post with FAA (see May 4, 1977). Charles E. Weithoner,
Associate Administrator for Administration, became Acting Administrator. (See Apr 22, 1981.)
Jan 23, 1981: Drew Lewis became Secretary of Transportation, succeeding Neil E. Goldschmidt with
the change of administrations. President Reagan had nominated Lewis on Dec 11, 1980, and the Senate
had confirmed the nomination on Jan 22, 1981. A business management specialist from Philadelphia,
Lewis first came to national attention in 1974, when he made an unsuccessful run for governor of
Pennsylvania. He had served as Deputy Chairman of the Republican National Committee prior to
accepting the Transportation cabinet post. (See Dec 28, 1982.)
Jan 30, 1981: FAA announced the adoption of new security rules making commuter aircraft with a
seating capacity of 60 or more passengers subject to the same anti-hijacking programs as the aircraft of
larger airlines.
Feb 2, 1981: FAA commissioned the first Direct Access Radar Channel (DARC) at the Salt Lake City
air route traffic control center. By Jun 28, when FAA commissioned DARC at the Minneapolis ARTCC,
all 20 en route centers within the contiguous 48 states had been equipped with the system (see Apr 5, 1988)
As a result of development begun in the late 1970s, the Raytheon Company produced DARC as a backup
system to be switched on when the primary radar processing system failed or was turned off for
maintenance. DARC provided a sharper display than the noncomputerized broadband backup system that
it replaced. Whereas the broadband system had presented only an unmarked "blip" for each radar target,
DARC provided a limited data bloc that gave a discrete code for each aircraft equipped with a discrete
beacon code transponder, as well as the altitude of those equipped with an altitude-encoding transponder.
The discrete code helped controllers to identify quickly the targets when changeover from the primary
system occurred. Initially, however, controllers using DARC were still obliged to keep track of targets by
moving plastic markers across the radar display, and hence were required to shift their scopes to a
horizontal position. In Fib 1984, therefore, FAA began installing RAH01 software that made it possible for
DARC to provide full data blocs that remained on the display between radar scans even if the radar missed
the target. Meanwhile, the agency awaited delivery of a 1982 order for a more advanced hardware and
software enhancement designated E-DARC. As compared to RAH01, E-DARC's advantages included
predicted position tracking and the capability to present composite displays using returns from several radar
sites. E-DARC also allowed an individual controller to switch back and forth between primary and backup
systems at the touch of a button, and permitted non-verbal handoffs of aircraft between sectors within a
center. FAA commissioned the first E-DARC system at the Seattle center on Nov 26, 1986.
Feb 28, 1981: Effective this date, a new Part 150 of the Federal Aviation Regulations established
requirements and procedures for airport operators participating in a voluntary noise compatibility
planning program as authorized by the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act (see Feb 18, 1980).
The new regulations provided standardized methods for measuring noise, identified land uses compatible
with various noise levels, and set forth criteria for FAA approval of the plans.
Mar 15, 1981: The labor contract between FAA and PATCO expired. In accordance with Article 75 of
the agreement, however, all its provisions but one (immunity under the aviation safety reporting program)
remained in force until a new agreement was reached. (See Dec 15, 1980, and Apr 28, 1981.)
Apr 12, 1981: The United States launched space shuttle Columbia on the first shuttle orbital flight.
Apr 22, 1981: J. Lynn Helms became the eighth FAA Administrator, succeeding Langhorne M. Bond
(see May 4, 1977). President Reagan had made the nomination on Mar 3, and the Senate confirmed it on
Apr 8.
Born in 1925 in DeQueen, Ark., Helms attended the University of Oklahoma. He received his
flight training as part of the U.S. Navy's V-5 program during World War II, then entered the Marine Corps
to serve as both a test pilot and instructor pilot. After leaving the Marine Corps with the rank of Lt.
Colonel in 1956, he went to work as a design engineer for North American Aviation. In 1963, he joined the
Bendix Corp., eventually becoming vice president, then accepted the presidency of the Norden Division of
United Aircraft in 1970. He joined Piper Aircraft Corp. in 1974, serving as president, chairman, and chief
executive officer before retiring from the company in 1980. Helms was an active pilot holding a
commercial pilot's certificate. His honors included selection as General Aviation Man of the Year for
1978, and he had been chairman of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association in 1979. Helms
served as FAA Administrator for two years and nine months. (See Dec 23, 1983.)
Apr 28, 1981: After 37 negotiating sessions with FAA, PATCO representatives walked out of the
contract talks, claiming that the agency was not responsive to their proposals. PATCO had submitted its
bargaining proposals to FAA in early January 1981, and negotiations had begun the following month.
PATCO's proposals for a 32-hour work week and separate pay scale for controllers, embodied in legislation
before Congress, were opposed by the Office of Management and Budget. (See Mar 15, 1981, and May 23,
May 6, 1981: FAA issued an Advisory Circular concerning the new Supplemental Structural Inspection
Program (SSIP) under which manufacturers developed special programs to ensure the continued
airworthiness of their older types of large transport aircraft. The background of the SSIP included the 1977
loss of a British 707 in Zambia due to structural failure. Continued concern about the airworthiness of
aging aircraft reflected a tendancy for operators to retain older planes for longer periods. This trend was
due to such factors as a slackened demand for the fuel-efficiency offered by new aircraft and the
competitive pressures of airline deregulation. Effective Jul 5, 1985, FAA made the inspections developed
under SSIP mandatory for certain Boeing 707s with high in-service time. Similar directives for other
aircraft types soon followed. (See Apr 28, 1988.)
May 23, 1981: At its annual convention, in New Orleans, PATCO set a Jun 21 deadline for reaching
agreement on a new contract with FAA. PATCO President Robert Poli said if agreement was not
reached by that date the union would poll its members for a strike vote. Newspapers quoted Poli as vowing
that the "the skies will be silent" if FAA's negotiators did not "come to their senses." (See Apr 28, 1981,
and Jun 18, 1981.)
May 26, 1981: FAA banned any new long-haul airline flights to or from Washington National
Airport pending issuance by the Department of Transportation of a new Metropolitan Washington Airports
Policy. The ban preserved a policy, begun in 1966 and continued voluntarily, under which nonstop flights
to and from National were limited to a perimeter with a 650-mile radius, with certain exceptions. FAA
acted to preserve National's traditional role as a short-haul airport in the face of a decision by three carriers-
-American, Pan Am, and Braniff--to inaugurate nonstop flights into National from Houston and Dallas,
each of which would have exceeded 1,000 miles. (See Sep 1, 1966, and Dec 6, 1981.)
May 28, 1981: At a meeting on this date, Administrator Helms directed a change in policy on acquisition
of space for the planned Automated Flight Service Stations, known as AFSSs (see Apr 2, 1980). In
addition to building and owning the facilities, FAA would also lease space at airports from municipalities,
airport operators, private parties, or government agencies at the state or Federal level. FAA would seek
competitive bids to obtain the most favorable rates. (See Oct 2, 1981, and Nov 1982.)
Jun 12, 1981: FAA announced a planned regional consolidation, to be effective Jul 1, that would reduce
the number of regional headquarters from eleven to six (see Apr 2, 1971). The headquarters at New York,
Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and Honolulu would be phased out, and their functions merged with the
remaining sites. Boston would take over the functions of New York, and Kansas City would assume those
of Chicago. Seattle would take over the functions of Denver, Los Angeles, and Honolulu. The regional
offices at Anchorage, Atlanta, and Fort Worth would remain essentially unchanged. The plan aroused
political opposition, and FAA agreed to review the decision. (See Sep 4, 1981.)
Jun 17, 1981: PATCO rejected a Reagan Administration contract proposal as inadequate and broke
off informal talks with representatives of FAA. The informal talks, conducted irregularly since the break in
formal talks on Apr 28, were held under the aegis of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. (See
Jun 18, 1981, and Jun 22, 1981.)
Jun 18, 1981: The U.S. District Court rejected a PATCO motion to vacate the injunction restraining
the union from engaging in illegal job actions or strikes (see Jun 21, 1978). PATCO moved to have the
injunction lifted on the grounds that it had been superceded by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978,
which gave the Federal Labor Relations Authority original jurisdiction in Federal labor-management
disputes. (See May 23, 1981, and Jun 17, 1981.)
Jun 22, 1981: Department of Transportation and PATCO representatives reached agreement on a
tentative new contract after a marathon bargaining session, thus averting a threatened nationwide strike by
PATCO-affiliated controllers that had been scheduled to begin at 7 a.m., Monday, Jun 22.
Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis and PATCO President Robert Poli had gone back to
the bargaining table Friday evening, Jun 19, at the behest of Representative James J. Howard (D-N.J.),
chairman of the House Public Works Committee. The resumption of talks may also have been prompted
by a letter to Poli from 36 U.S. Senators, stating that a strike by PATCO "will do nothing to further your
goals of increased pay and changes in working conditions." The bargaining sessions, which took place at
the offices of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and were joined in by Federal mediator
Kenneth Moffett, lasted more than 25 hours, with the last session running past 3 a.m., Monday.
The agreement contained four key provisions, which the Reagan Administration agreed to
recommend to Congress:
* A "responsibility" differential that would give controllers 42 hours pay for each normal 40-
hour week worked.
* An increase in the night differential from 10 to 15 percent of base pay.
* The exclusion of overtime, night differential, and Sunday and holiday pay from the
limitations of the Federal pay cap.
* A retraining allowance equivalent to 14 weeks of base pay for controllers who became
medically disqualified after five consecutive years of service at the journeyman level or
above and who were ineligible for retirment or disability compensation.
The first-year cost of the total package, which included a cost-of-living raise of 4.8 percent
due Federal civil service employees in October, came to approximately $40 million or, on the average,
$4,000 per controller per year. PATCO had been seeking a package that would have cost the government,
initially, in excess of $700 million per year. (See Jun 17, 1981, and Jul 2, 1981.)
Jun 23, 1981: Administrator Helms announced FAA's decision to adopt the Threat Alert and Collision
Avoidance System, soon renamed the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). The
TCAS system was an evolutionary improvement of the Beacon Collision Avoidance System (BCAS) that
the agency had been developing (see Mar 1976). Like BCAS, TCAS would work in conjunction with the
Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) transponder already in wide use. It would also be
compatible with the next-generation transponder, originally designated the Discrete Address Beacon
System (DABS) and later known as Mode S (see Dec 27, 1978, and Oct 5, 1984).
Two types of the new collision avoidance system were planned. TCAS I, intended for general
aviation use, would in its basic form simply alert the pilot to the proximity of another aircraft carrying
TCAS I or a conventional ATCRBS transponder. More expensive TCAS I versions would have some
ability to provide certain data on the altitude and/or "o'clock" position of threat aircraft. TCAS II would
provide more sophisticated advisories, including data on range and bearing of transponder-equipped
aircraft. When the transponder aboard the threat aircraft had altitude-reporting capability, TCAS II's
advisories would also include altitude data. In the case of two aircraft equipped with TCAS II, coordinated
advisories would be provided. TCAS II would suggest vertical escape manuevers. If feasible, the system
might be enhanced to include both vertical and horizontal escape manuevers, a version later designated
TCAS III. TCAS was expected to overcome a fundamental limitation of BCAS by its ability to operate
effectively even in the highest air traffic densities. This modified the need for a new ground-based
collision avoidance system, and led to discontinuance of the Automatic Traffic Advisory and
Resolution System (ATARS) project, originally known as Intermittent Positive Control (see Mar 4,
On Nov 13, 1981, FAA announced a contract with Bendix Corporation to provide two TCAS
II engineering models to be tested and then enhanced to advise pilots of horizontal escape manuevers. (See
Mar 18, 1987.)
Jul 2, 1981: PATCO's nine-member executive board recommended unanimously that the union's
members reject the tentative contract agreed to on Jun 22 by PATCO President Robert Poli and
Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis. Poli also voted to reject the contract, although he had stated that
he was pleased with the settlement at the time of its negotiation. On Jul 29, PATCO announced that its
members rejected the tentative contract by a vote of 13,495 to 616. Two days later, on Jul 31, PATCO
President Robert Poli announced at a press conference in Washington that his union would go on a
nationwide strike beginning on Monday, Aug 3, unless the government met PATCO's demands. (See Jun
22, 1981, and Aug 3, 1981.)
Jul 30, 1981: In
San Diego Unified Port District v. Gianturco, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit struck down an attempt by the State of California to impose more stringent noise rules at Lindbergh
Field than those imposed by Lindbergh's proprietor. The court's decision included a rationale for the
"Burbank exception" (see May 14, 1973). Noting that the U.S. Supreme Court had held in
Griggs v.
Allegheny that airport proprietors can be held liable for the noise produced by aircraft using their facilities
(see Mar 5, 1962), the Court observed that "fairness dictates that they must also have power to insulate
themselves from that liability." At the same time, the Court set forth criteria that determine airport
proprietorship, including "ownership, operation, promotion, and the ability to acquire necessary approach
easements." If a local or state entity possessed these characteristics, then it also possessed power to
regulate noise. In the case of Lindbergh Field, however, the State of California did not possess these
characteristics, having entrusted them to the San Diego Unified Port District.
On Sep 23, 1981, in Santa Monica Airport Association v. City of Santa Monica, the same
Court reaffirmed the "Burbank exception" by upholding aircraft-noise abatement ordinances and a night
curfew on takeoffs and landings imposed by the City of Santa Monica, which owned and operated the local
airport. In reaching this decision, the Court again emphasized that "municipal airport owners needed some
means of limiting their liability under
Griggs." The Court did strike down, however, a categorical ban on
all jet aircraft as violating the Commerce and Equal Protection clauses of the Constitution. (See Aug 24,
Aug 1, 1981: Michael J. Fenello became FAA's Deputy Administrator, succeeding Quentin S. Taylor
(see May 4, 1977). A native of Rochester, N.Y., Fenello was a graduate of Buffalo State Teachers College
and held a Master's degree in Administration and Supervision from New York University. He was a junior
high school teacher before starting a 38-year career with Eastern Air Lines in Jan 1943. Fenello began as a
copilot, rose to captain, and later served as a flight instructor and supervisor of flying before being
promoted in 1963 to Assistant Operations Manager in New York. The following year, he was named
Director of Administration for Flight Operations, with headquarters in Miami. In 1968, Fenello became
Assistant to the Vice President, Operations Group, and in 1972 was promoted to Vice President, Operations
Control. From 1976 until his retirement from Eastern in Feb 1981, he served as Vice President for System
Operations and Safety. Fenello was FAA’s Deputy Administrator for two years and 9 months, resigning
effective May 1, 1984. (See Dec 23, 1983, and Dec 13, 1984.)
Aug 3, 1981: Nearly 12,300 members of the 15,000-member Professional Air Traffic Controllers
Organization (PATCO) went on strike, beginning at 7 a.m., EST, grounding approximately 35 percent of
the nation's 14,200 daily commercial flights. The controllers struck after the failure of eleventh hour
negotiations, which began 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug 2, and continued, with one break, past 2 a.m. Monday, Aug
3. Shortly before 11 a.m. on Aug 3, at an impromptu news conference, President Reagan issued the
strikers a firm ultimatum: return to work within 48 hours or face permanent dismissal. The government
moved swiftly on three fronts -- civil, criminal, and administrative -- to bring the full force of the law to
bear on the strikers. In a series of legal steps, Federal officials:
* Asked the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) to decertify PATCO as the
bargaining agent for the 17,200 controllers and controller staff members.
* Moved to impound the union's $3.5 million strike fund.
* Filed criminal complaints in Federal courts in eleven cities against twenty-two PATCO
* Sought restraining orders against the strikers in thirty-three courts.
Even before the 7 a.m. walkout, a U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia signed an
order directing the controllers to return to work. Late in the evening on Aug 3, another judge of the same
court found the union in contempt for failing to obey the first order and imposed an accelerating schedule
of fines totaling $4.7 million if the controllers failed to report to work ($250,000 for Tuesday, August 4;
$500,000 for Wednesday; $1 million a day for the next four days). That judge also fined PATCO President
Robert Poli $1,000 a day for each day the strike continued, through Sunday, Aug 9. Approximately 875
controllers returned to work during the 48 hour grace period granted. After expiration of the grace period,
about 11,400 controllers were dismissed. Most of those fired appealed the action, and 440 were eventually
reinstated as a result of their appeals.
The strike and dismissals drastically curtailed FAA’s controller workforce. According to
DOT’s FY1982 annual report, the firings reduced the number of controllers at the full performance or
developmental level from about 16,375 to about 4,200. To keep the airways open, approximately 3,000
ATC supervisory personnel worked at controlling traffic. FAA assigned assistants to support the
controllers, and accelerated the hiring and training of new air traffic personnel. Military controllers arrived
at FAA facilities soon after the strike began, and about 800 were ultimately assigned to the agency. The
combined force was sufficiently large to handle traffic without activating the National Air Traffic Control
Contingency Plan, which called for FAA itself to establish rigid, severely curtailed airline schedules and to
prescribe routes and altitudes.
The day the strike began, FAA adopted Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) 44,
establishing provisions for implementing an interim air traffic control operations plan (see Feb 18,
1982). That plan allowed FAA, among others things, to limit the number of aircraft in the national airspace
system. Hence, on Aug 5, the agency implemented a plan dubbed "Flow Control 50," whereby air carriers
were required to cancel approximately 50 percent of their scheduled peak-hour flights at 22 major airports.
FAA maintained an en route horizontal spacing between aircraft under instrument flight rules of up to 30
miles. Aircraft were kept on the ground, as necessary, to maintain this spacing. FAA gave priority to
medical emergency flights, Presidential flights, flights transporting critical FAA employees, and flights
dictated by military necessity. General aviation flights operated under the severest restrictions. Aircraft
with a gross takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or less were prohibited from flying under instrument flight
rules; moreover, aircraft flying under visual flight rules were prohibited from entering terminal control
areas. Other general aviation aircraft were served, as conditons permitted, on a first-come-first-served
basis. (See Jul 2, 1981, and Sep 4, 1981.)
Aug 6, 1981: The Civil Aeronautics Board approved acquisition of Continental Airlines by Texas
, a subsidiary of Frank Lorenzo's holding company, Texas Air. The transaction was
consumated in Oct 1981. A year later, Lorenzo merged Texas International's operations into those of
the much larger Continental. (See Sep 24, 1983)
Aug 13, 1981: President Reagan signed the Fiscal Year 1981 Airport Development Authorization Act
(Title XI of P.L. 97-35) which briefly renewed the Airport Development Aid Program. The law
authorized $450 million in grants from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund for airport development,
planning, and noise compatibility projects during fiscal 1981. It also specified that at least $25 million be
used for noise compatibility grants, and forbade future authorization in excess of $600 million for fiscal
FAA had only until the end of Sep 30, 1981, to allocate the $450 million, plus another $9
million resulting from adjustments to prior year's grants. The agency approved 622 new grants and 181
amendments to previous grants, for a total of $450.4 million. FAA was unable to allocate the whole
amount because one airport sponsor did not use all the money specifically set aside for it in the legislation.
(See Sep 3, 1982).
Sep 4, 1981: FAA announced a revised regional consolidation plan under which the number of regions
would be reduced from eleven to nine. The original plan would have resulted in only six regions (see Jun
12, 1981), but FAA stated that this had been modified due to the more pressing need to rebuild the air
traffic control system in the wake of the PATCO controllers strike (see Aug 3, 1981). The consolidation
was detailed in a notice issued on Sep 29. Under the new plan, FAA combined the existing Pacific-Asia
and Western Regions into a new Western-Pacific Region with headquarters in Los Angeles, and closed the
Honolulu regional office. The agency also combined the existing Rocky Mountain and Northwest Regions
into a new Northwest Mountain Region with headquarters in Seattle, and closed the Denver regional office.
It also reassigned the states of North and South Dakota from the Rocky Mountain to the Great Lakes
Region. Operations under the new concept began on Oct 1, and all physical relocation was scheduled for
completion by the end of Aug 1982.
Sep 4, 1981: FAA announced it would hire approximately 1,500 temporary employees, including
furloughed airline pilots, to assist in replacing air traffic controllers fired for striking. The temporary
employees would not control traffic, but would perform duties related to flight strip distribution and other
controller support functions. (See Aug 3, 1981, and Oct 2, 1981.)
Sep 11, 1981: Federal Aviation Regulation Part 108, a new rule on airline security, went into effect. The
regulation levied airline security requirements according to the perceived threat facing different types of
operations and sizes of aircraft, and established security safeguards appropriate to the various types of
commercial passenger operations. Also on this date, FAA approved a new concept allowing airport
operators to position law enforcement officers farther from passenger screening checkpoints provided
certain conditions were fulfilled (see Mar 29, 1979).
Sep 26, 1981: The twin-engine Boeing 767 made its first flight. On Jul 30, 1982, FAA certificated the
aircraft, the first entirely new U.S. commercial transport design in more than a decade. The 767 began its
first revenue service on Sep 8 of that year with United Air Lines. On Jul 14, 1978, United Airlines had
placed the largest order to date for a single commercial airplane, when it made a $1.2 billion order for the
Sep 30, 1981: During fiscal year 1981, which ended on this date, FAA added two major new capabilities
to the en route air traffic control system: minimum safe altitude warning (MSAW), already a feature
of the ARTS III terminal system (see Oct 28, 1977); and arrival metering, a function that provided the
controller with computer advisories to help in managing the flow of traffic into congested terminal areas.
Oct 2, 1981: FAA announced the award of two contracts to E-Systems for computer systems for 61
automated flight service stations (AFSS). The agency planned that the existing network of over 300
stations would eventually be consolidated into the 61 automated facilities. The equipment to be produced
by E-Systems would provide flight service specialists with rapid retrieval of data needed to brief pilots,
presenting the information on television-like displays. Production was to be in two stages. Model 1, with
capability of displaying weather and aeronautical alphanumeric data, would be implemented at 41 sites.
Later, all 61 sites would get Model 2, which would add a second display for weather radar, charts, and
other graphics. Model 2 would also include the capability for demonstrating direct access by pilots to the
computer data base from remote computer terminals. The computers for both models were to be installed
at air route traffic control centers and connected by leased telephone lines to the flight service stations.
(See May 28, 1981, and Nov 1982.)
Oct 2, 1981: FAA announced a $10 million contract with the University of Oklahoma to help train new
air traffic controllers to replace those fired for participating in the illegal strike. The University would
provide FAA-certificated instructors as supplemental staffing for the FAA Academy. The agreement
proved to be the first in a series of controller training contracts with the University. (See Sep 4, 1981, and
Oct 22, 1981.)
Oct 6, 1981: Blanche W. Noyes died. One of the nation's early female pilots, she was probably the first
woman pilot to have a career in the U.S. government. Noyes was known for her work in the air marking
program during 35 years with FAA and its predecessors. She participated in many aviation events and
races, winning the 1936 Bendix Air Race, was a founder of the Ninety-Nines, Inc., an organization
established to encourage women in aviation. Her many awards included the Department of Commerce's
gold medal for exceptional service in 1956, and induction into the Aviation Hall of Fame in 1970.
Oct 19, 1981: FAA placed a General Aviation Reservation (GAR) plan in effect, because the number of
private aircraft flying in the sytem increased substantially after the controllers' strike. General aviation
pilots who wished to fly under air traffic control were required to make reservations under a quota based on
the percentage of flights that aircraft in their category had flown prior to the PATCO strike of Aug 3, 1981
(see that date). The restriction became necessary as non-airline pilots, some of whom had refrained from
using the air traffic control system at the strike's beginning, began to increase operations. After two weeks
under the GAR plan, FAA announced that the number of private aircraft flying in the system had been
reduced to approximately the pre-strike level, and that the plan had helped to cut delays for both airline and
private flights. (See Dec 31, 1983.)
Oct 22, 1981: The Federal Labor Relations Authority decertified the Professional Air Traffic
Controllers Association, depriving the union of the right to represent its members. Following a temporary
stay by a Federal Appeals Court, the decertification became effective on Oct 27. (See Oct 2, 1981, and Dec
31, 1981.)
Nov 1, 1981: Effective this date, Administrator Helms designated four aircraft certification directorates.
The directorates assumed the certification responsibilities previously assigned to the lead and certificating
regions under the lead region concept (see Jan 1, 1980). They also received additional responsibilities to
strengthen and streamline the certification process. The directorates were managed by the directors of the
following regions: Central (for aircraft under 12,500 lbs.); Northwest Mountain (for transport aircraft);
Southwest (for rotorcraft); and New England (for engines and propellers). The authority of the directorates
extended beyond regional boundaries. For example, aircraft certification offices in the Central, Southern,
and Great Lakes regions reported directly to the Small Airplane Certification Directorate at the Central
Region headquarters. FAA formally established the directorates by an order dated Feb 1, 1982, and on Mar
9 issued a news release stating that the directorate system had become operational.
Nov 2, 1981: Effective this date, FAA reestablished 12 inches as the required height for registration
marks (N-numbers) on fixed-wing aircraft. This size requirement had originally been established by a rule
published on Jan 6, 1961. In 1977, however, the size of the N-numbers was reduced to 3 inches for small
airplanes with speeds not greater than 180 knots. The agency permitted this reduction in response to the
Experimental Aircraft Association's concern to improve the aesthetic appearance of small aircraft. FAA
reestablished the 12 inch height after complaints from citizens, law enforcement agencies, and the Defense
Department demonstrated that timely and positive visual identification was compromised by the smaller
markings. To avoid undue cost, however, FAA allowed owners of existing and certain newly-
manufactured aircraft to display the smaller N-numbers until the aircraft was repainted or its marks were
restored, repainted, or changed. The new requirement for 12 inch numbers did not affect existing rules on
special marking procedures for certain aircraft that were amateur-built, unusually configured, over 30 years
old, or operated for exhibition.
Nov 9-12, 1981: Ben L. Abruzzo, Larry Newman, Ron Clark, and Rocky Aoki made the first balloon
crossing of the Pacific, a trip from Nagashima, Japan, to near Covelo, Calif., in
Double Eagel V.
Nov 20, 1981: Effective this date, FAA permitted blind airline passengers to use certain approved
methods of storing their canes at their seats. The agency had declined to permit this in an earlier rule
(see May 16, 1977), deciding instead that the long utility canes should be handed over to flight attendants
to be secured during takeoff and landing. This policy aroused considerable opposition, particularly from
the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). The NFB petitioned FAA on the issue, and filed suit when the
petition was denied. Meanwhile, more than 100 blind persons and their supporters picketed FAA’s national
headquarters on Jul 5, 1978, to protest the cane policy. In Jan 1979, a U.S. court granted FAA’s request for
time to reconsider the issue. After testing by the agency’s Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI), FAA in
Nov 1980 proposed a rule permitting accesible storage of the canes. The agency announced the final rule
on Jul 24, 1981.
Nov 30, 1981: FAA "decombined" the last domestic combined station/tower (CS/T). Located at Valdez,
Alaska, the CS/T had been the final survivor of a program begun by the Civil Aeronautics Administration
under which air traffic control towers were consolidated with airway communication stations, the
forerunners of flight service stations (see Aug 8, 1950). The number of CS/T's had been declining since
Dec 6, 1981: A new Metropolitan Washington Airports Policy became effective. In the making since
1978 (see Mar 23, 1978), the new policy differed only in a few respects with the policy proposed by the
Carter Administration in 1980. The overall objectives of both the Carter and Reagan policies were to
reduce the noise impact of operations at Washington National, maintain National's longstanding status as a
short-haul airport, and promote better utilization of Dulles. The policy placed no restrictions on Dulles,
while putting the following limitations on National:
* A 16 million cap on the number of passengers enplaning and deplaning per year (compared
to 17 million under the Carter plan).
* A maximum of 60 landing slots per hour distributed as follows: Part 121 air carriers, 37;
Part 135 commuter air carriers and air taxis, 11; general aviation, 12. (Compared to the
Carter plan, this gave Part 121 operators one more slot and Part 135 operators one less.)
* Extension of the nonstop service perimeter rule from a radius of 650 to 1,000 miles (see
Oct 30, 1986).
Whereas the Carter plan would have lifted the ban on 2- and 3-engine widebody jets at
National, the Reagan plan retained the ban. Moreover, the new administration eliminated the Carter plan's
restrictions on night-time arrivals and departures; instead, it limited operations at National between 10:00
p.m. and 7:00 a.m. to aircraft that generated no more noise than 73 dBA on takeoff and 85 dBA on
approach. The noise limitations, which become effective on Mar 1, 1982, initially had the effect of
excluding jet operations at the airport during the specified hours. (See Aug 31, 1983.)
Dec 9, 1981: President Reagan rescinded a three-year prohibition of any Federal employment of
controllers dismissed for participation in the PATCO strike (see Aug 3, 1981); however, the fired
controllers were still barred from employment with FAA.
Dec 29, 1981: President Reagan suspended the U.S. landing rights of the Soviet airline Aeroflot as
part of sanctions enacted in response to repression in Poland. The action came soon after a temporary one-
week suspension of Aeroflot's U.S. operations imposed during November because of violations of the
prescribed routes. (See Jun 19, 1973, and Apr 29, 1986)
Dec 31:, 1981 The Federal Labor Relations Authority certified the Professional Airway Systems
Specialists (PASS) as the exclusive representative of FAA's electronics technicians. In a July election,
PASS had defeated the Federal Aviation Science and Technological Association, known as FASTA (see
Oct 5, 1976); however, PASS's certification was delayed by objections filed by FASTA. FAA and PASS
concluded a national labor agreement during fiscal 1984. (See May 1, 1991.)
Dec 31, 1981: Robert E. Poli resigned as president of PATCO. (See Oct 22, 1981, and Jul 2, 1982.)
Dec 31, 1981: The end of this day marked the completion of the second consecutive calendar year with
no fatal airplane crashes by scheduled air carriers operating under Federal Aviation Regulations
Part 121--an unprecedented two-year record. Despite the absence of fatal crashes, however, Part 121
operations involved four varied mishaps in and around aircraft that each claimed one life in 1981. (See Dec
31, 1980, and Dec 31, 1993.)
Jan 13, 1982: A Boeing 737 operated by Air Florida crashed near Washington National Airport
shortly after taking off during snowfall. The aircraft hit a bridge, killing 4 persons in vehicles, and plunged
into the icy Potomac River. Of the 79 persons aboard the jet, only four passengers and one flight attendant
survived. The National Transportation Safety Board determined that the probable cause of the crash was
the crew's failure to use the engine anti-icing system during ground operation and takeoff, their decision to
take off with snow/ice on the airfoil surfaces, and the captain's failure to abort takeoff when his attention
was called to anolomous engine instrument readings. Contributing to the accident were: prolonged delay
between deicing by ground crew and takeoff, during which the aircraft was exposed to continual snowfall;
the known pitchup characteristics of the 737 when the leading edge was contaminated by even small
amounts of snow or ice; and the crew’s limited experience in jet transport winter operations. As a result of
the accident, FAA and the aviation industry took a number of actions to increase awareness of cold weather
hazards and the proper response to them. (See Dec 12, 1985.)
Jan 23, 1982: In a night landing too far down an icy runway at Boston's Logan airport, a World Airways
DC-10 slid over the edge of a seawall and into shallow harbor water. The nose section separated from
the fuselage, and two passengers seated at the separation point were later found to be missing and presumed
drowned. In its original report on the accident, the National Transportation Safety Board listed pilot error
as a contributory factor, but found the probable cause to be the pilot's lack of information on the slippery
runway conditions. The Board blamed this lack on the airport management and on FAA, citing inadequate
regulation and air traffic controllers' failure to relay runway condition reports. After protests from FAA
and the airport authority, the Board issued a revised finding that placed somewhat more emphasis on pilot
Jan 28, 1982: FAA released a National Airspace System Plan (NAS Plan or NASP), a comprehensive 20-
year blueprint for modernizing the nation's air traffic control and air navigation system. The 450-page
document had been printed the previous month and bore the date Dec 1981. It spelled out specific
improvements to be made to facilities and equipment to meet the projected demands of air transportation.
Key elements of the plan included:
* Computers: FAA would first replace the IBM 9020 computers at the air route traffic
control centers with more powerful computers that could use the existing programs or "software packages."
The agency would then proceed with development of new software as well as new consoles and displays
known as "sector suites." (See Aug 30, 1982.)
* Facility consolidation: air route traffic control centers and terminal radar control rooms
would be consolidated from approximately 200 into about 60 by the year 2,000 (see Mar 22, 1983). Flight
service stations would be consolidated from about 300 into 61 automated facilities. (See Oct 2, 1981.)
* Radars: a new secondary radar system would interrogate aircraft transponders on an
individual basis, paving the way for automatic "data link" air-ground communications. This Mode S
equipment ("S" for "selective address"), in combination with a new generation of Doppler weather radar,
would also permit the replacement of the existing primary en route radar system. Primary radar would be
retained in terminal areas, however, and be improved with the addition of a separate weather channel. (See
Oct 5, 1984.)
* Weather services: were to be upgraded by such means as direct pilot access to computer
weather data via remote terminals or touchtone telephones (see Mar 14, 1984). Automated sensors at
airports would generate radio broadcasts on surface conditions, improving safety and allowing lower
weather minimums for landing (see Jan 26, 1983).
* The Microwave Landing System (MLS): full production procurement was to be initiated
in fiscal 1983, with over 1,250 to be in place before century's end (see Apr 19, 1978 and Jan 12, 1984).
FAA expected the new equipment to provide precision guidance over a much broader area than the existing
Instrument Landing Systems, thus allowing greater operational flexibility.
Following the publication of this initial NAS Plan, FAA issued updated editions annually (see
Feb 8, 1991).
Feb 18, 1982: A special rule issued this date amended the Interim Operations Plan for air traffic
control (see Aug 3, 1981). The new rule provided procedures to be used Apr 25-Oct 30 in scheduling and
in allocating airport landing reservations ("slots") at the 22 airports at which operations were limited due to
the PATCO strike. New entrants were more clearly defined, and a system initiated that accorded such
carriers high priority in awarding such additional capacity as became available. A random draw was
implemented for determining the order in which carriers' requests for more slots were processed. (See Mar
6, 1984.)
Feb 19, 1982: The Boeing 757 first flew. On Dec 21, 1982, FAA certificated the first version of the
Boeing 757, a narrow-body jet capable of carrying up to 219 passengers in short/medium range flights and
designed to replace the Boeing 727, the single most popular jetliner model produced to date, but
obsolescent in terms of noise, fuel efficiency, and flight crew productivity. Powered by two Rolls-Royce
535C engines, the 757 was the first Boeing airliner launched with foreign-made engines. Eastern Air Lines
and British Airways had placed orders for the medium-range airliner on Aug 31, 1978.
Mar 15, 1982: The Safety Regulations Staff in FAA's Office of the Associate Administrator for Aviation
Standards was abolished and its functions were transferred to a new Safety Regulations Division
established in the Office of Aviation Safety.
Mar 17, 1982: FAA announced that it had received the first of 950 new radio navigation aids (VORs and
VORTACs) with solid state construction and other advanced features for installation during the next
three years. The National Airspace System Plan called for replacement of all vacuum tube radio navigation
aids with the reliable solid state equipment over the next 20 years. (See Sep 5, 1974 and Aug 3, 1982.)
Apr 22, 1982: Tighter rules for aircraft entering the south Florida area through off-shore Air
Defense Identification Zones (ADIZs) became effective. Previously, aircraft flying at less than 180 knots
had not been required to file flight plans and make regular position reports in any ADIZ off the coast of the
continental U.S. Now all aircraft entering an ADIZ south of the 30th parallel and east of the 86th meridian
had to comply with these requirements, regardless of their airspeed. In addition, FAA now required pilots
flying into any ADIZ to report if their aircraft carried a transponder--and if so, what kind. The agency
mandated changes in response to increased flights by drug smugglers. (See Sep 1, 1987.)
May 10, 1982: FAA began an experimental program of allowing airlines to buy, sell, and transfer
airport landing "slots" among themselves. The program included a "use or lose" provision and
restrictions on transfer by carriers allotted slots on the basis of essential air service. On Jul 6, FAA
announced that it was suspending the buy-sell policy, but would continue to allowed the exchange or trade
of slots. On Aug 5, the agency announced that it was easing certain restrictions on this slot trading. (See
Mar 6, 1984, and Dec 20, 1985.)
May 12, 1982: Braniff International Airways suspended operations, quickly filing for protection under
Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code. (See Mar 1, 1984.)
May 15-Aug 13, 1982: The National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University of Chicago
conducted a field experiment in the vicinity of Denver as part of the Joint Airport Weather Studies
(JAWS) Project. FAA and many other agencies and research groups participated in JAWS, which
employed Doppler radars and a variety of other data sources. The project resulted in new understanding of
wind shear microbursts, yielding information on their formation, duration, decay, severity, and
movement. (See Jun 24, 1975, and Jul 9, 1982.)
Jun 7, 1982: The National Airspace Review (NAR) program convened the first two of 16 task groups
organized to study various aspects of the airspace system. FAA had introduced the NAR concept in Apr
1981 with the announcement of a meeting to allow airspace users to participate in formulating the program,
and had published a proposed plan for the review on Aug 10, 1981. Composed of representatives of FAA,
the military, and the civil aviation community, the task groups submitted a host of recommended
improvements, such as the Airport Radar Service Area (ARSA) concept (see Dec 22, 1983), for the FAA
Administrator's consideration. By the Dec 4, 1984, final meeting of the Executive Committee that had
guided the NAR during its initial stage, the NAR had generated 850 recommendations, over 500 of which
had already been implemented or approved for implementation. During its next phase, the NAR focused
on the future rather than the present system, and the Office of Management Systems assumed responsibility
for guiding the program.
Jul 2, 1982: The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization filed a request for liquidation
under Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Act. According to Gary Eads, who had become PATCO's
president on Jan 1, 1982, the union had about $5 million in assets but owed $40 million, including $33.4
million to the airlines for violating a 1970 Federal court anti-strike injunction. Last Nov 25, PATCO had
filed a motion in Federal court seeking to freeze its assets while it reorganized under Chapter 13 of the
Bankruptcy Act. After filing to liquidate under Chapter 7, Eads declared, "It is over for PATCO. The
union is gone." (See Dec 31, 1981, and Jun 19, 1987.)
Jul 2, 1982: Truck driver Larry Walters reached a reported 16,000 ft. over Long Beach, Calif., during a 45-
minute flight in a lawn chair tied to balloons, crashing into a power line on descent but alighting
unharmed. FAA fined Walters $1,500 for the escapade.
Jul 4, 1982: Following a ten-month interagency review, President Reagan issued a decision directive
stating that expansion of U.S. private sector involvement in civil space activities was a national goal.
As the government phased out certain expendable launch vehicles (ELVs), private interest in commercial
operation of these systems was rising. On Nov 16, 1983, the President chose DOT as the lead organization
for ELV commercialization. On Feb 24, 1984, Executive Order 12465 formally designated DOT as the
lead agency for encouraging, facilitating, and licensing commercial ELV activities. DOT entrusted these
duties to a new Office of Commercial Space Transportation that it had begun to organize during 1983
(see Aug 7, 1995). Congress affirmed and expanded these actions through the Commercial Space Launch
Act, enacted on Oct 30, 1984. This legislation made DOT responsible for enumerated activities to
encourage and regulate U.S. commercial space launches.
Jul 9, 1982: A Pan American 727 crashed shortly after takeoff from New Orleans International Airport,
killing all 145 aboard and 8 persons on the ground. The National Transportation Safety Board listed the
accident's probable cause as the airplane's encounter with microburst-induced wind shear, which
imposed a downdraft and a decreasing headwind. As a contributory factor, the Board listed the limited
ability of the current Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS) to provide definitive guidance for
controllers and pilots in avoiding the hazard (see Sep 1978). Although the pilot was aware that LLWAS
alerts were occurring periodically around the airport, the system did not detect the wind shear that affected
the Pan Am flight until after takeoff began.
Concerned over the accident, Congress in Dec 1982 passed legislation requiring FAA to
contract with the National Academy of Sciences for a study of the wind shear hazard. The resulting report,
completed by the Academy's National Research Council in Sep 1983, urged that FAA establish an
integrated wind shear program to address all aspects of the problem. The report's recommendations
included the improvement and wider use of LLWAS, which it considered the only detection system
available in the near term for operational use. In Oct 1983, FAA announced that it had ordered another 51
of the systems. (See Aug 2, 1985.)
Jul 9, 1982: In
City of Houston v. Federal Aviation Administration, the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit held that the perimeter rule prohibiting air carriers from operating nonstop flights to
and from Washington National beyond a 1,000-mile radius was neither arbitrary nor capricious and,
therefore, a valid exercise of power. (See Apr 24, 1966, Dec 6, 1981, and Oct 30, 1986).
Jul 29, 1982: FAA certificated the Bell 222B, the first transport category helicopter certificated for single-
pilot instrument flight rules (IFR) operation without stabilization equipment.
Aug 3, 1982: FAA commissioned the first of a new generation of very high frequency omnidirectional
radio range (VOR) navigational aids at the North Philadelphia, Pa., Airport. The new installation was
the first in FAA's program to replace VORs using vacuum tubes with more reliable solid-state equipment.
(See Mar 17, 1982.)
Aug 23, 1982: United Parcel Service began “Next Day Air” package delivery between Los Angeles and
San Francisco. The service was extended to 24 metropolitan areas during the following month, and by Jun
1985 it covered all the states except Alaska. UPS air freight had traveled primarily in the cargo holds of
passenger aircraft through 1980, but thereafter the company relied increasingly on its growing fleet of
cargo aircraft.
Aug 30, 1982: FAA established an Advanced Automation Program Office, which reported directly to
the Administrator. The office had responsibility for the Advanced Automation Program, that element of
National Airspace System modernization concerned with developing a replacement for NAS En Route
Stage A and ARTS air traffic control systems. (See Jan 28, 1982 and Jul 25, 1983.)
Sep 2, 1982: FAA published a rule covering two types of recreational equipment that had emerged
during the 1970s: unpowered hang gliders (see May 29, 1974), and powered airplanes of extremely light
weight. For regulatory purposes, FAA defined machines of both these types as "ultralight vehicles" rather
than aircraft; therefore, they were not subject to the agency’s requirements on registration, airworthiness
certification, and pilot licensing. To qualify for the new category, a hang glider must weigh less than 155
lbs., and a powered vehicle less than 254 lbs. In addition, a powered ultralight must not exceed: a fuel
capacity of 5 gal.; a top speed of 55 knots; and a power-off stall speed of 24 knots. The agency limited
both powered and unpowered ultralights to a single occupant.
The new regulation subjected ultralights to certain operating restrictions, including right-of-
way and minimum visibility requirements. Ultralight operators were responsible for maintaining separation
from other aircraft on a "see and avoid" basis. FAA banned flights over congested areas, and permitted
operations in certain controlled airspace only with the prior approval of the appropriate air traffic control
facility. The new rule also authorized on-the-spot safety inspections by FAA personnel.
The question of whether ultralights required further regulation remained controversial.
During 1984, Congress heard testimony on the subject, and FAA held a series of meetings to obtain public
comment. On Feb 5, 1985, the National Transportation Safety Board urged stronger safety regulation,
citing its investigation of 88 fatal ultralight accidents that occurred between between Mar 1983 and Sep
1984. FAA subsequently drafted a rulemaking proposal on the registration and marking of powered
ultralights, as well as the licensing of their pilots. The proposal was not published, however, because of
objections by the Office of Management and Budget.
Sep 3, 1982: President Reagan signed the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (P.L. 97-248), general
tax legislation that increased aviation user taxes. The act: raised the airline passenger ticket tax from 5 to
8 percent; increased the general aviation gasoline tax from 4 to 12 cents per gallon; levied a jet fuel tax of
14 cents per gallon; and reimposed the 5 percent air cargo tax and the $3 international departure fee. These
taxes were earmarked as renewed funding for the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, which had received
no tax revenues since Sep 30, 1980 (see that date).
Title V of the tax bill, designated the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982,
reestablished FAA's airport grants program for development and noise compatibility projects.
Formerly known as the Airport Development Aid Program (ADAP), this function had been inactive since
the end of fiscal 1981 (see entry for Aug 13, 1981). It was now renamed the Airport Improvement
Program (AIP), and authorized to draw on the Trust Fund in the following amounts: $450 million for
fiscal 1982; $600 million, 1983; $793.5 million, 1984; $912 million, 1985; $1.017 billion, 1986; and
$1.017 billion, 1987. Unused authorizations could be carried over to succeeding years. (An additional
$475 million was authorized for airport projects in 1983-85 as part of P.L. 97-429, the Surface
Transportation Assistance Act of 1982.)
The Airport and Airway Improvement Act stipulated formulas for apportioning airport
development funds between primary, commuter, reliever, and general aviation airports, including a
guarantee that reliever airports receive at least 10 percent of available funds. For the first time, privately
owned airports in the reliever and commercial categories became eligible to receive grants. Other
provisions of the law specified that not less than 1 percent of available funds be set aside for airports
system planning grants, and directed FAA to publish a national plan of integrated airport systems (see Aug
2, 1985).
The Airport and Airway Improvement Act also authorized FAA to use a total of 6.327 billion
from the Trust Fund for airway facilities and equipment over the six years beginning with fiscal 1982. This
funding helped to finance the planned modernization of the National Airspace System (see Jan 28, 1982).
In addition, $1.169 billion from the Trust Fund was authorized for the agency's research, engineering, and
development activities during the same six years. The law also significantly increased the amount that
FAA could draw from the Trust Fund for operations and maintenance. It authorized $800 million in 1982,
and established formulas for the succeeding five years based on the level of funds made available for
airport development. (See Dec 30, 1987.)
Sep 8, 1982: FAA retitled the Associate Administrator for Policy and International Aviation Affairs the
Associate Administrator for Policy and International Aviation. The agency also retitled the Office of
International Aviation Affairs as the Office of International Aviation.
Sep 20, 1982: FAA published a proposal to implement "Regulation by Objective" (RBO) in regulating
airlines. Under this concept, "how to do it" regulations would be replaced by broadly stated objectives, and
the airlines would be allowed the flexibility to meet these objectives in the most efficient and cost-effective
manner possible. FAA would pass judgement on new methods of compliance, however, and the agency
would use a computer system to track the requirements that applied to each airline. A single Federal
Aviation Regulation Part 120 would replace two existing operating regulations, Part 121 for operators of
large aircraft and Part 135 for commuter and air taxi operators. Response to the proposal included many
negative comments on RBO's practicality, cost, and consistency with FAA's mandate. The agency
withdrew the proposal on Jun 16, 1983, stating that to pursue the concept would be less productive than to
proceed with a review of Parts 121 and 135.
Sep 15, 1982: Glen A. Gilbert died at age 69. An important pioneer in the conceptual development of air
traffic control, Gilbert was manager of the airlines' Chicago air traffic control center at the time that it came
under the control of the Commerce Department (see Jul 6, 1936). He subsequently became Chief of the
Airway Traffic Control Section and later held other Federal aviation positions before joining the staff of the
International Civil Aviation Organization in 1951. Gilbert worked as an aviation consultant from 1957
until his death. He also authored several books on air traffic control.
Sep 30, 1982: H. Ross Perot, Jr., and Jay Coburn landed their Bell 206L-1 LongRanger II in Dallas, Tex.,
after completing the first helicopter flight around the world in 29 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes. On Aug 5,
1982, meanwhile, Dick Smith had departed from Fort Worth, Tex. in a Bell 206B JetRanger III on the first
solo helicopter flight around the world. Smith, an Australian businessman, completed his unhurried trip
on Jul 22, 1983.
Oct 26, 1982: FAA announced a contract with Burroughs Corp. to equip the agency's district safety offices
with a computerized information processing system that would allow safety inspectors to spend more of
their time on field work rather than on preparing and analyzing reports. This Work Program
Management Subsystem (WPMS) was implemented during 1983. WPMS was part of an Aviation
Safety Analysis System (ASAS) being developed to apply computer technology to the support of a variety
of FAA tasks and decisions. ASAS continued to grow in scope and complexity during succeeding years.
Oct 29, 1982: Changes in the FAA headquarters organization became officially effective. The position
of Associate Administrator for Air Traffic and Airway Facilities was abolished, and the Air Traffic Service
now reported directly to the FAA Administrator. (The title of this service’s Director was later changed to
Associate Administrator for Air Traffic, effective Dec 25, 1983.) The Airway Facilities Service was
abolished, as were the Associate Administrator for Engineering and Development position and its
subordinate services, the Systems Research and Development Service and Office of Systems Engineering
Management. The abolished elements were replaced by an organization under a new Associate
Administrator for Development and Logistics. Reporting to this Associate Administrator were a new
Systems Engineering Service, headed by the former director of the abolished Airway Facilities Service, and
a new Program Engineering and Maintenance Service. The Logistics Service was retitled the Acquisition
and Materiel Service and remained under the Associate Administrator for Administration.
Nov 5, 1982: FAA announced that it would accept applications for air traffic controller positions from
certain categories of specially qualified persons from 31 to 35 years old. Previously, all controller
applicants had to be less than 31 years old at the time of appointment. The change would apply during the
Nov 8-30 application period, and any future application periods before the end of 1984.
Nov 1982: FAA commisssioned its first Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS) building at Denver.
Although the agency planned to link groups of AFSS sites into "family" units linked by an automated
central data processing system, the Denver facility and other early AFSS buildings were commissioned
individually without the new equipment. The Denver site was FAA-owned and not part of the lease
program begun on May 28, 1981 (see that date). The first AFSS building commissioned under the lease
program took place at Bridgeport, Conn., on Mar 3, 1984. (See Oct 2, 1981, and Feb 12, 1986.)
Dec 7, 1982: FAA announced the creation of a Rotorcraft Program Office to oversee the agency's
activities affecting helicopters. The agency formally established the new office, which reported directly to
the Associate Administrator for Aviation Standards, on Apr 28, 1983. (See Oct 31, 1986.)
Dec 28, 1982: Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis announced his resignation, effective Feb 1, 1983.
Lewis, who stated that he had originally planned to remain as Secretary only two years before returning to
private life, became chief executive of a cable television company.
Dec 28, 1982: Witnesses reported that a 737 flew dangerously close to a tall building in Rosslyn, Va., as
it approached Washington National Airport. On Mar 24, 1983, the National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) reported that the aircraft had flown nearer the building than normally should occur, and that low-
flying aircraft were not unusual in the locality. NTSB recommended that FAA change the approach path
and take certain other actions. FAA rejected these recommendations, but on Nov 21, 1983, NTSB asked
the agency to reconsider. On Dec 21, FAA responded that it would institute a new instrument approach
course farther from Rosslyn, upgrade electronic equipment on the approach already in use, and place an
additional limit on how low pilots using a third approach course could descend before sighting the airport.
FAA also tested new lead-in lights and later installed them on Potomac River bridges. (See Mar 8, 1984.)
Jan 4, 1983: Effective this date, FAA increased the minimum qualifications for air traffic controllers
who provide on-the-job training (OJT). As before, FAA required such controllers to be certificated on
the position for which they served as an OJT instructor. In addition, they were now required to have
operated in the position for a minimum of 30 solo hours after certification, and to have received
certification as an OJT instructor based on a supervisor's observation of actual performance at the position.
Jan 26, 1983: FAA announced that a year-long demonstration of the Automated Weather Observing
System (AWOS) would begin at selected airports later in the year. The demonstration was a step toward
FAA's goal of developing an unmanned weather station that would employ standard weather sensors
working in tandem with data processing equipment to produce weather observations for dissemination to
pilots, controllers, and other users. The agency had begun testing a prototype in 1978, and awarded
contracts for demonstration systems in 1982. The airport demonstration program was completed in 1984.
On Apr 11, 1986, FAA issued an advisory circular containing standards for AWOS systems for non-
Federal acquisition. The agency also planned to acquire AWOS systems for Federal use. (See Feb 28,
Jan 31, 1983: FAA published new airworthiness standards for the certification of newly designed
helicopters, effective Mar 2. One important provision required helicopters carrying ten or more passengers
to be multi-engine aircraft capable of continued safe flight if one engine failed during climb, cruise, or
descent. For helicopters carrying less than ten passengers, the new standards permitted greater flexibility of
use. This was achieved by relaxing “height velocityprovisions that had required, in effect, that these
aircraft maintain enough altitude and airspeed to allow them to land safety by auto-rotating (the helicopter
equivalent of gliding). Other changes dealt with certification for instrument flight rule operations and for
flight in icing conditions. The new standards resulted from FAA's continuing Rotorcraft Regulatory
Review Program, begun with a Jan 5, 1979, invitation for proposals which were subsequently considered
at a series of public conferences.
Feb 7, 1983: Elizabeth Hanford Dole became Secretary of Transportation. Dole had directed the
President's Committee for Consumer Interests under the Johnson Administration. She remained at that post
after Nixon succeeded Johnson in 1969, then moved to other posts, including a seat on the Federal Trade
Commission. Originally a Democrat, she registered as an independent on taking the FTC post in 1973, and
became a Republican about the time of her marriage to Senator Robert Dole (R-Kan.) in Dec 1975. She
resigned from the FTC in Mar 1979 to campaign for her husband in his unsuccessful bid for the Republican
presidential nomination, then participated in the Reagan campaign. In 1981, she became Assistant to the
President for Public Liaison, and remained in that position until accepting the cabinet post. (See Oct 1,
Mar 22, 1983: In congressional testimony, Administrator Helms outlined a new approach to facility
consolidation which was to be reflected in a revised National Airspace System (NAS) Plan published the
following month. The original plan had called for a reduction in the number of Air Route Traffic Control
Centers (ARTCCs) in the continental U.S. from 20 to 16. It had also envisioned the consolidation of the
188 existing TRACON (terminal radar approach control) and TRACAB (terminal radar approach control in
the tower cab) facilities. These 188 facilities were to have been consolidated into about 30 regional or hub
TRACONs. In the revised plan, all 20 ARTCCs would be retained, redesignated Area Control Facilities
(ACFs), and given the added responsibility of providing terminal radar services for virtually the entire
nation (see Apr 19, 1993). Individual airport towers would continue to direct takeoffs and landings, but
TRACONs and TRACABs would be consolidated into the ACFs. The existing ARTCC sites would be
augmented as necessary to perform their new responsibilities as ACFs. Three additional ACFs (one in
Alaska, one in Hawaii, and one in the continental U.S.) would bring the total number of these sites to 23.
Evolution of the ACF concept was dependent upon the development and acquisition of such air traffic
control technology as the advanced automation system (see Jul 26, 1985) and the voice switching and
control system (Oct 21, 1986).
Mar 28, 1983: The U.S. launched a weather satellite carrying Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided
Tracking (SARSAT) as part of its equipment, making it the first American satellite capable of receiving
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) signals. SARSAT was developed as a joint project of the U.S.,
Canada, and France. In parallel with this effort, the U.S.S.R. developed a compatible capability, called
COSPAS, incorporated in satellites that they launched in June 1982 and the spring of 1983. The U.S.
placed a second satellite with with SARSAT capability in orbit in Dec 1984, providing an optimum system
to minimize alerting time from the occurence of an accident. The ELT signals relayed via satellite to the
ground allowed the approximate position of the ELT to be determined. Additional satellites with
COSPAS/SARSAT were periodically launched to ensure adequate system capability. In 1984, the sponsors
of COSPAS and SARSAT signed the first agreement on maintaining the system beyond the 1980s.
May 1, 1983: A hijacker succeeded in reaching Havana by locking himself in a lavatory during an airline
flight and issuing notes threatening to blow up the aircraft. The incident began a renewed upsurge of
hijackings to Cuba, many perpetuated by Mariel boat lift refugees (see Jul 22, 1980). By Sep 22,
hijackers had diverted 10 additional airliners to Cuba, prompting FAA to increase security measures at
airports in selected areas. Hijackings to Cuba began to decline in the last quarter of 1983, although three
such diversions took place in 1984. No hijackers succeeded in reaching Cuba from the U.S. during 1985 or
May 23, 1983: The first aircraft to navigate across the Atlantic entirely by use of the Global Positioning
System (GPS) landed at Paris. The Rockwell International Saberliner had made en route stopovers due to
the lack of continuous satellite coverage by the experimental system, which the Defense Department had
been developing since the 1970s. In the Apr 1984 edition of the National Airspace System (NAS) Plan,
FAA noted that GPS would serve as a future supplemental navigation system for civil aviation, in addition
to its primary military role. The Plan therefore included FAA deployment of GPS signal monitors. (See
Apr 1, 1991.)
May 5, 1983: All three engines of an Eastern Air Lines L-1011 failed over the Atlantic, but the pilot
restarted one engine and landed safely at Miami. The cause of the incident was oil loss due to mechanics'
failure to install O-ring seals.
Jun 1983: The first Integrated Communications Switching System (ICSS) became operational at
Houma, La. ICSS, a flexible voice communications control and switching system, included three versions:
Type I (like the Houma system), for small air traffic control towers and terminal radar approach control
facilities (TRACONs); Type II, for larger towers and TRACONs; and Type III, for Automated Flight
Service Stations. By the end of fiscal 1986, FAA had installed 86 Type I, 15 Type II, and 30 Type III
Jun 2, 1983: An in-flight fire aboard an Air Canada DC-9 filled the cabin with smoke and prompted an
emergency landing at Greater Cincinnati airport in Covington, Ky. A flash fire enveloped the aircraft
interior about 60 to 90 seconds after the exits were opened, killing 23 of the 46 persons aboard. The
National Transportation Safety Board was unable to determine the cause of the fire, which originated in the
aft lavatory. The Board concluded that an underestimate of the seriousness of the fire and misleading
reports of its progress delayed the captain’s decision to land and contributed to the accident's severity. (See
Mar 29, 1985.)
Jun 8-14, 1983: A Joint System Program Office (JSPO) representing the National Weather Service, FAA,
and the Air Force awarded two competitive contracts to develop pre-production models of the Next
Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD). The contracts would remain in effect until July 1986, after
which one of the firms would be selected for production. NEXRAD would have the ability to "see" inside
storms and measure the velocity and direction of wind-driven precipitation and other particles suspended in
the air. The system was based on the Doppler effect, which permits an object's speed and direction to be
determined by the lengths or frequency of the light, sound, or radio waves it emits.
The U.S. government had been investigating the potential of Doppler radar since the 1950s.
In Apr 1977, joint NEXRAD testing was begun by the Air Force and the Commerce Department's National
Weather Service. FAA formally joined the program in Dec 1977, due to the tests' success and perhaps also
the crash of a DC-9 in a thunderstorm (see Apr 4, 1977). In Aug 1979, the Departments of Commerce,
Transportation, and Defense formed a Joint System Program Office with the goal of developing a national
network of NEXRAD radars and processing equipment. The Commerce Department, which planned to
buy and operate most of the radars, was given the lead role (see Feb 28, 1994).
Initially, NEXRAD had been intended to cover both en route and airport needs, but Project
JAWS (see May 15-Aug 13, 1982) produced data on wind shear microbursts that prompted FAA to
conclude that separate airport systems would be needed. To learn more about how Doppler radar could by
applied to the low-level wind shear hazard, FAA conducted Project CLAWS (for classify, locate, and
avoid wind shear) in the Denver area from Jul 7 to Aug 13, 1984. FAA contracted with the National Center
for Atmospheric Research to provide daily microburst forecasts, Doppler radar surveillance, and real-time
advisories of microburst activities. During CLAWS, pilots gave detailed feedback on the effectiveness of
the system. On Sep 16, 1985, FAA signed an agreement with the Commerce Department under which
FAA would contract with the Sperry and Raytheon corporations to identify how NEXRAD systems would
need to be modified to develop terminal Doppler radar. (See Aug 2, 1985.)
Jul 7, 1983: The Office of Personnel Management gave FAA final approval to proceed with its Airway
Science Curriculum program on a five-year demonstration basis, effective after a 90-day congressional
review period ending on Oct 10, 1983. FAA had first submitted a proposal for such a project in 1978. In
early 1981, Administrator Helms began discussions with selected colleges to explore the possibility of their
offering courses to help provide the agency with better-trained candidates for certain occupations. In 1982,
he wrote to a list of colleges and universities asking them to consider such courses, and many of the schools
expressed interest. The program established a curriculum, leading to a bachelor's degree, that provided a
broad foundation in mathematics, science, and management topics, as well as in aviation. Major areas of
specialization included aviation management, computer science, aircraft operations and flight technology,
and the installation and operation of aviation facilities. Institutions recognized as offering such a
curriculum became eligible to apply for airway science grants.
Jul 13, 1983: FAA announced that its program to improve aircraft braking and direction control on wet
runways through grooving the runway surface and other techniques had resulted in the upgrading of
nearly 500 runways at 360 airports in the last six years. (See Apr 23, 1967.)
Jul 25, 1983: FAA placed the Advanced Automation Program Office under the executive direction of
the Associate Administrator for Development and Logistics. (See Aug 30, 1982.)
Jul 1983: After testing in the areas of the Jacksonville and Miami Air Route Traffic Control Centers, FAA
adopted the Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service (HIWAS) for national implementation.
HIWAS was designed to provide continuous broadcast of information on dangerous weather. FAA first
implemented the system in the area where it had been tested, and in Sep 1985 expanded it to the Houston
center's airspace. By Sep 1989, the agency had completed nationwide delivery of sufficient HIWAS
equipment to provide coverage at or above 4,000 feet.
Aug 24, 1983: In
United States v. The County of Westchester, the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York struck down an all-night curfew instituted by Westchester County at its airport.
Citing the Concorde case (see Oct 17, 1977), the court said that local airport proprietors were "vested only
with the power to promulgate reasonable, nonarbitrary and non-discriminatory regulations that establish
acceptable noise levels." In instituting its curfew, however, Westchester County had failed to conduct any
study to determine the location of noise-impacted areas or to quantify the level of noise from any source.
Moreover, the curfew banned all flights at the Westchester County Airport between the hours of midnight
and 7 a.m.--regardless of the degree of noise produced by individual aircraft. As a result, in the opinion of
the Court, the curfew did not pass the test of reasonableness and was an "over-broad exercise of power."
(See Nov 5, 1990.)
Aug 31, 1983: An American Airlines DC-9 Super 80 became the first scheduled jet airliner to arrive
after 10:00 p.m. at Washington National Airport since the imposition of nightime noise limits (see
Dec 6, 1981). The Super 80 landed without violating the limit of 85 decibels.
Sep 1, 1983: A Soviet interceptor shot down Korean Air Lines flight 007, a 747 that penetrated the
Soviet Union's airspace during a flight bound for Japan from Alaska. All 269 persons aboard, including
Rep. Larry P. McDonald (D-Ga.) and 60 other Americans, were killed. An International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) report issued in June 1993 concluded: that the Korean crew unknowlingly flew into
Soviet airspace because they improperly operated their naviation equipment; and that the Soviets assumed
that the 747 was an intelligence aircraft and did not make exhaustive efforts to identify it.
On Mar 6, 1984, the governing council of ICAO condemned the destruction of KAL 007, and
on May 10 the ICAO assembly amended the Convention on International Civil Aviation to ban the use of
weapons against civil aircraft. The KAL tragedy also led to negotiations between the U.S., U.S.S.R., and
Japan aimed at enhancing the safety of civil aircraft on Northern Pacific routes. The three nations signed a
Memorandum of Understanding on Jul 29, 1985, followed by an implementing agreement on Nov 19 of
that year. In addition to procedures for correcting the course of straying aircraft and for emergency
landings in Soviet territory, the agreement included improved communications between air traffic
controllers. The new communications link became operational on Aug 15, 1986, providing a dedicated
voice circuit between air traffic control centers in Tokyo and Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R. American controllers
at Anchorage could also communicate with Khabarovsk by patching through the Tokyo center.
Sep 22, 1983: FAA announced the award of two competitive contracts for design of a new mainframe
computers to replace the IBM 9020 computers at Air Route Traffic Control Towers as part of the agency's
Advanced Automation Program. (See Jan 28, 1982 and Jul 26, 1985.)
Sep 24, 1983: Continental Airlines filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 and suspended
flights. Frank Lorenzo (chairman of the airline and its parent company, Texas Air) announced on Sep 26
that a "new Continental" was resuming operations, on a discount-fare basis, to about a third of the cities
formerly served. He offered to rehire 4,200 of the firm's 12,000 employees at salaries below those paid
under their union contracts. Continental's pilots and flight attendants began a strike on Oct 1, but failed
to shut down the airline. By the end of 1983, the company employed approximately 700 pilots and 800
flight attendants. (See Feb 6, 1984.)
Sep 30, 1983: FAA awarded a contract for a new generation of solid-state Airport Surveillance Radars,
designated ASR-9, to replace vaccum-tube radars in use at U.S. airports. (See Jun 1975 and May 2, 1989.)
Sep 30, 1983: During the fiscal year that ended on this date, key equipment was installed for the National
Airspace Data Exchange Network (NADIN), a new interfacility communication system being established
under a contract awarded in 1980. Under the NADIN system, messages originating at an air traffic control
facility would go to the nearest of some 20 regional concentrators (computerized communication
equipment sites). The message would then go to one of two major switching centers, located at Atlanta and
Salt Lake City. These switches would disseminate the data, bypassing failed or saturated areas when
required. Each switch would handle messages for half the country, but would possess the ability to manage
the entire system if necessary. During FY 1982, the first of the switches was installed at Salt Lake City,
and the first of the concentrators was installed at the FAA Technical Center. The Atlanta switch and the
remaining 20 concentrators were installed in FY 1983, moving NADIN closer to commissioning. (See
May 5, 1989.)
Oct 7, 1983: A
Wall Street Journal article accused FAA Administrator Helms and his associate, Vincent
Roggio, of questionable practices in their private business dealings during the past 8 years. The article
proved the beginning of highly publicized difficulties for Helms, who in Mar 1984 filed a damage suit
against Roggio and other business associates, then petitioned for bankruptcy. In 1987, Roggio received a
prison sentence for fraud. (See Dec 23, 1983.)
Oct 11, 1983: An Air Illinois commuter flight crashed near Pinckneyville, Ill., killing all ten persons
aboard. The National Transportation Safety Board later reported that the accident was caused by the pilot's
decision to continue the flight after loss of electrical power from both generators of his Hawker-Siddley
748. As contributory factors, the Safety Board cited inadequate aircrew training and FAA failure to
prevent this inadequacy. Following the crash, FAA made changes designed to improve in its inspection
procedures and inspector training.
On Dec 2, 1983, FAA announced a special surveillance of Air Illinois, and grounded the
airline's two largest aircraft on Dec 14. The next day, Air Illinois voluntarily ceased operations. FAA
enforcement activity subsequently resulted in a series of other groundings of commuter and charter air
carriers, some as a result of the National Air Transportation Inspection (see Mar 4, 1984).
Oct 24, 1983: FAA began testing a "scatter plan" aimed at more equitable distribution of noise from
operations at Washington National Airport. Implemented at the request of the Metropolitan Council of
Governments, the plan resulted in a high level of complaints from areas that had previously experienced
little noise. Even after the test's end on Jan 7, 1984, some citizens claimed that the flights had not returned
to their normal routes along the Potomac River.
Dec 22, 1983: FAA established the first Airport Radar Service Area (ARSA) at Austin, Tex., followed
on Jan 19, 1984, by the second at Columbus, Ohio. A recommendation of the National Airspace Review
(see Jun 7, 1982), the ARSA concept was developed for airports with insufficient traffic to warrant a
Terminal Control Area (TCA). Within ARSAs, air traffic control provided: separation between IFR
aircraft; traffic advisories and conflict resolution for IFR and VFR traffic so that targets do not merge at the
same altitude; and traffic advisory service to all participating aircraft as well as arrival sequencing at the
primary airport. ARSAs were intended to replace Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSAs) nationwide, and
differed from TRSAs in that their shape was standardized to the maximum extent possible. Radio contact
with air traffic control was mandatory for all aircraft in an ARSA, whereas participation was voluntary in a
TRSA. Controllers were required to provide traffic advisories to all pilots in an ARSA. In a TRSA, by
contrast, controllers provided traffic advisories concerning non-participating VFR aircraft on a workload-
permitting basis. After validating the ARSA concept at Austin and Columbus, FAA began establishing
additional ARSAs in 1985. There were 121 ARSAs in operation in Sep 1993, when FAA began using its
new airspace classifications (see Dec 17, 1991), at which point TRSAs and ARSAs were no longer separate
airspace classifications.
Dec 23, 1983: In response to clean air standards adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency, FAA
published revised rules on aircraft engine exhaust emissions. Beginning Jan 1, 1984, FAA extended
smoke limitations already in effect for some classes of engines to cover all civil aircraft jet engines. As of
the same date, the agency also required all commercial aircraft jet engines manufactured for use in the
United States and rated at 6,000 lb. of thrust or more to meet new regulations on unburned carbons, a
contributor to regional air pollution problems. (See Jul 6, 1973.)
Dec 23, 1983: Attempting to takeoff at Anchorage, a Korean Airlines cargo DC-10 collided on the
ground with a Piper Navajo operated as a commuter by SouthCentral Air. Disoriented in heavy fog, the
DC-10 captain had selected the wrong runway. The accident caused no fatalities, but seriously injured
three persons and destroyed both aircraft. To Donald D. Engen, who headed the National Transportation
Safety Board's investigation team, the collision illustrated the need for better surface control. Soon after
becoming FAA Administrator (see Apr 10, 1984), Engen ordered that Airport Surface Detection
Equipment (ASDE) being used for research at FAA's Technical Center be transferred to Anchorage (see
Aug 1979). In addition, he directed the agency to speed its procurement of the more advanced ASDE-3
system. On Oct 10, 1985, FAA announced a contract for 17 ASDE-3 units, with an option for 13 more.
(See Dec 3, 1993.)
Dec 23, 1983: J. Lynn Helms resigned as FAA Administrator, effective Jan 31, 1984. Helms stated that
his objectives as Administrator were largely accomplished and he wished to return to the private sector.
Deputy Administrator Michael J. Fenello became Acting Administrator. (See Apr 10, 1984.)
Dec 31, 1983: The General Aviation Reservation (GAR) system came to an end. FAA had imposed the
GAR as part of the air traffic restrictions resulting from the air traffic controllers' strike (see Oct 19, 1981).
Initially, all general aviation pilots who wished to fly under Instrument Flight Rules had to obtain
reservations. In June and July of 1982, FAA had lifted this requirement between airports within airspace
controlled by the Seattle, Salt Lake City, and Alburquerque air route traffic control centers. Later, FAA
grouped the centers into four geographic areas and allowed pilots to fly without reservation between
airports in the same group. On Oct 1, 1983, the agency permitted unrestricted flights between the two
western groups, and on Oct 31 the southeastern group was included with the western groups. During the
final two months of 1983, the reservation system remained in effect only for pilots who wished to enter the
northeastern group, which included the New York, Boston, Minneapolis, Chicago, Indianapolis, and
Cleveland centers.
Dec 31, 1983: Operational use of an IBM 4341 computer began at the Central Flow Control facility
at FAA's Washington headquarters. Physically located at the agency's Technical Center in Atlantic City,
N.J., the new computer was connected by landline to terminals used by Central Flow personnel at
headquarters. The IBM 4341 had 14 times more memory and was 70 percent faster than the IBM 9020A
that it replaced. In addition, it allowed two-way data communication between the Flow Control facility and
en route control centers (previously, this type of communication had been one-way from the en route
centers). The computer was used to monitor the number of aircraft in flight, as well as their destinations
and times of arrival, as part of Central Flow’s mission of keeping air traffic running smoothly. (See Apr
27, 1970, and May 17, 1987.)
Jan 12, 1984: The Federal Aviation Administration awarded a contract to Hazeltine Corporation for 178
Microwave Landing Systems (MLSs). (See Jan 28, 1982, and May 20, 1987.)
Feb 4, 1984: FAA transferred the aviation education program from the Office of Aviation Policy and
Plans to the Office of Public Affairs. Later, the program was reassigned to the Office of Training and
Higher Education, which was under the Assistant Administrator for Human Resource Management,
effective Oct 4, 1992.
Feb 6, 1984: FAA conducted an intensive inspection of Continental Airlines, lasting through Mar 9. The
Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) was on strike against Continental (see Sep 24, 1983), and accused it of
unsafe practices. The FAA report cited discrepancies but concluded that overall safety was adequate.
(Two members of the inspection team later charged that higher officials had altered their report to make it
more favorable to the airline; however, an FBI investigation found no basis to prosecute for impropriety.)
In Jun 1984 congressional hearings, ALPA charged that FAA was covering up safety violations by
Continental, while FAA testified that the airline was safe. (See Mar 18, 1985.)
Feb 13, 1984: In a speech to the National Press Club, Secretary of Transportation Elizabeth Dole
outlined an agenda for aviation that included a safety review such as she had ordered for the other
transportation modes. Dole announced that FAA would step up surveillance of airlines and other elements
of aviation (see Mar 4, 1984), and that the agency's inspector workforce would be increased by 25 percent.
She also stated that she had recommended Donald D. Engen as FAA's next Administrator (see Apr 10,
Mar 1, 1984: Braniff resumed commercial flights. Now known as Braniff, Inc., the company operated
on a smaller scale than before its suspension of flights (see May 12, 1982). To assist the airline's recovery,
FAA allocated it landing reservations at five airports where operations were limited by the high density rule
and/or restrictions imposed due to the air traffic controllers' strike. (See Sep 28, 1989.)
Mar 4, 1984: FAA began a 90-day National Air Transportation Inspection (NATI) of 237 major and
commuter airlines and 25 air transportation support organizations (see Feb 13, 1984). NATI began with
"white glove" examinations to identify deificiencies that became the focus of in-depth inspections during
the second phase of the program, which ran April 7-Jun 5. On Dec 12, 1984, the Department of
Transportation announced that NATI had shown 95 percent of the airlines to be in compliance with safety
rules. Sixteen airlines had deficiencies sufficient to warrant revocation or voluntary surrender of their
certificates, suspension or curtailment of their operations, aircraft groundings, or withdrawal of pilots from
service for a period of time.
In addition to NATI, FAA undertook a Safety Activity Functional Evaluation (Project
SAFE), a review of the agency's safety inspection program. During the course of SAFE, the project's scope
broadened from an initial focus on inspectors to a comprehensive review of the Flight Standards function.
The findings of the review, announced on Nov 6, 1985, included a plan for revamping the safety inspection
program. The plan, portions of which had already been implemented, included: increased standardization
of inspection practices and interpretation of rules; a high-priority effort to update safety regulations;
increased use of the automated Aviation Safety Analysis System (see Oct 26, 1982); and strong
management oversight. (See Jun 19, 1984, and Aug 16, 1985.)
Mar 1984: Sperry Corporation received a contract to upgrade the En Route Automated Radar Tracking
System (EARTS) at the Anchorage, Honolulu, and San Juan Centers, as well as at Nellis Air Force Base
(see Aug 4, 1980). The contractor would provide radar mosaic to allow EARTS controllers to view the
best data from multiple radars on a single screen, a capability similar to that available at Centers with NAS
En Route Stage A systems. In Apr 1985, Sperry received another contract to enhance the EARTS facilities
by providing confilict alert (see Jan 9, 1976) and minimum safe altitude warning (MSAW) capabilities (see
Nov 5, 1976). FAA accepted delivery of the combined conflict alert/MSAW software package in Aug
1987. By fiscal year 1991, all the upgraded operational EARTS had been commissioned.
Mar 6, 1984: FAA published an amendment to the High Density Rule under which four of the nation's
busiest airports had long been subject to flight quotas during certain hours (see Jun 1, 1969). Effective Apr
1, the new rule increased the hours that limitations at Chicago's O'Hare were applicable, yet increased the
number of operations permitted at the airport. It also slightly increased the operations allowed at New
York's La Guardia and Kennedy, while restrictions at Washington National remained unchanged. Hourly
quotas on IFR operations were: O'Hare, 155; La Guardia, 68; and Washington National, 60. At Kennedy,
hourly quotas varied between 77 and 93. (See Dec 20, 1985.)
As of this date, only four of the nation's airports remained subject to strike-related restrictions
imposed under the Interim Operations Plan: O'Hare, La Guardia, Denver's Stapleton, and Los Angeles
International. On Apr 1, 1984, these limitations ended at Stapleton, La Guardia, and O'Hare, although the
latter two remained subject to the High Density Rule. The nation's last strike-related landing restrictions
ended on Aug 26, 1984, at Los Angeles, where runway repairs and Olympic Games traffic had delayed
return to normal operations.
Mar 8, 1984: Several aircraft descended too low while approaching Washington National airport in
snowy conditions, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. Seven days later, Transportation
Secretary Dole announced an acceleration of planned steps to improve the safety of the approach. Later, on
Apr 17, Dole stated further that a new electronic landing aid would be installed in Anacostia to permit
pilots to follow a bad-weather approach path that was less difficult and further from tall buildings in
Rosslyn, Va. (See Dec 28, 1982.)
Mar 14, 1984: FAA announced the award of a contract for the Interim Voice Response System (IVRS).
The system provided a computerized voice message giving weather information to pilots who called their
local IVRS number on a touch-tone telephone. This was expected to reduce the time required for flight
service stations to provide complete preflight weather briefings. In October 1985, FAA announced that
IVRS was available to pilots in 24 cities. Meanwhile, FAA was also developing the Direct User Access
Terminal Service (DUATS). This system allowed pilots to obtain weather information and file a domestic
flight plan using computers equipped with a modem for communication via telephone lines. The agency's
Technical Center began developing DUATS in 1983, and a test of the system began at ten sites during the
following year. (See Feb 13, 1990.)
Mar 30, 1984: FAA withdrew an advance notice of proposed rulemaking relating to the Age-60 rule
(see Mar 15, 1960). The agency had issued the notice on Jun 23, 1982, partly in response to a
recommendation made to Congress by the National Institute on Aging (see Dec 29, 1979). The notice
solicited information on whether to establish a program to determine if persons age 60 or older could safely
serve as pilots of major airplanes. It also asked for views on whether the age-60 rule should be extended to
apply to flight engineers, an action advocated by United Air Lines. In withdrawing the notice, FAA noted
that it agreed with experts who contended that "there are currently no methods to obtain medical and
performance data on older pilots that would provide significantly meaningful data to consider relaxing the
age-60 rule." The agency also stated that there was insufficient data available to support the extension of
the rule to flight engineers. (See Apr 8, 1993.)
Apr 10, 1984: Vice Admiral Donald D. Engen (USN, Ret.) became the ninth FAA Administrator,
succeeding J. Lynn Helms (see Apr 22, 1981). The Senate had received the nomination on Mar 12 and
confirmed it on Apr 5. Congress enacted Public Law 98-256 to exempt Engen from the statute prohibiting
military officers from serving as FAA Administrator.
Engen was born in 1924 in Pomona, Calif. He held a B.A. from George Washington
University, and had graduated with distinction from the Naval War College. Engen began flying with the
Navy during World War II and participated in the air and sea battles that accompanied the recapture of the
Philippines and attacks on Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and other Pacific Islands. Among his 29 wartime
decorations was the Navy Cross, the Navy's highest award for valor. After a brief return to civilian status
following the war, Engen rejoined the Navy in 1946. He flew combat missions in the Korean War, became
an engineering test pilot, and served in positions that included command of an aircraft carrier. He was
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Command and U.S. Atlantic Fleet at the time of his
retirement from the Navy in 1978. Engen was General Manager of the Piper Aircraft Corporation plant in
Lakeland, Fla., 1978-80, and then became a Senior Associate with Kentron, a consulting firm in
Alexandria, Va. He was appointed a member of the National Transportation Safety Board in June 1982,
and remained in that position until joining FAA. During his military and civilian career, Engen had flown
more than 220 different aircraft, including the Navy's first jets. He served as FAA Administrator for three
years and two months. (See Mar 18, 1987.)
May 20, 1984: Former Federal aviation official Oscar Bakke died at age 64. Bakke joined the Civil
Aeronautics Board in 1946, became Director of its Bureau of Safety in 1956, and was influential in
establishing area positive control (see May 28, 1958). He transferred to FAA in 1960 as Director of the
Flight Standards Service, and became Eastern Region Director the following year. Appointed Associate
Administrator for Plans in 1967, he led a task force that produced recommendations that influenced
subsequent legislation on airport and airway development. In 1971, Bakke went to Brussels as Assistant
Administrator for the Europe, Africa, and Middle East Region. After returning to Washington, he headed
an FAA panel to investigate the DC-10 crash of Mar 14, 1974 (see that date). Bakke retired from the
agency during that same year, following the failure of plans to place him in charge of all safety programs
(see Jun 11, 1974). He became executive director of the Newark Transportation Council and later of a
charitable foundation.
May 24, 1984: In a move intended to sharpen FAA's focus on safety, Administrator Engen announced
that the Office of Aviation Safety would now report directly to him instead of to the Associate
Administrator for Aviation Standards. A directive dated Aug 6, 1984, formally implemented the change.
(See Nov 26, 1991.)
Jun 8, 1984: Transportation Secretary Dole proposed that Washington National and Dulles
International airports be transferred from the Federal government. She announced the appointment
of an advisory commission to make recommendations on the establishment of a state, local, or interstate
body to assume operation of the airports. On Dec 18, 1984, the commission recommended leasing the
airports to a regional authority. On Apr 22, 1985, Dole submitted a bill reflecting these recommendations
to Congress. (See Oct 30, 1986.)
Jun 19, 1984: The Supreme Court reversed an appeals court decision holding FAA liable for
negligence in its certification and inspection program. The case grew out of the Varig Airlines in-flight
fire (see Jul 11, 1973), and a 1968 fire aboard a DeHaviland Dove. The respondents charged that FAA had
negligently determined that the aircraft met fire-protection standards. In deciding against the respondents,
the Court ruled that "the duty to ensure that an aircraft conforms to FAA safety regulations lies with the
manufacturer and operator, while FAA retains the responsibility for policing compliance." The Court noted
that the law allowing suites against the government makes an exception for such regulatory policing and
other activities that involve broad exercise of administrative discretion. (See Dec 31, 1972.)
Jun 19, 1984: Transportation Secretary Dole announced that FAA would conduct a General Aviation
Safety Audit. The inspections, which began on Jul 22, focused on: pilot schools, instructors, and
examiners; repair stations; non-airline operators of large aircraft; older large jet aircraft scheduled to be
phased out because of failure to meet the new noise standards (see Dec 23, 1976); and on-demand air taxis.
During the program, a number of operators voluntarily surrendered their certificates. FAA submitted the
results of the audit to DOT between Aug 1985 and Feb 1986. Four percent of the detailed findings
prepared reported significant unsatisfactory conditions, many of which involved air taxis. As a result of the
safety audit, FAA revised its guidelines to include stepped-up inspections of air taxis, repair stations, and
such operators of large aircraft as travel clubs, contract cargo carriers, and corporations with executive
Jun 20, 1984: The Civil Aeronautics Board published additional rules regulating smoking on aircraft
(see May 10, 1973). The provisions included a ban on smoking in air carrier aircraft with fewer than 30
passenger seats, except for on-demand air taxis, and a total ban on smoking in airliners while on the
ground. After the Board ceased to exist at the end of 1984, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation
administered these rules. (See Aug 13, 1986.)
Jul 1984: FAA conducted an agency-wide Employee Attitude Survey as part of a drive for
improvements in employee/management relations. Some 26,000 persons responded to the
questionnaire, which a Civil Aeromedical Institute research team prepared and analyzed. Preliminary
results announced on Nov 27 showed most employees to be generally challenged by their work, satisfied by
their pay and job security, but less than positive about FAA's human relations skills and certain related
issues. Four questions addressed to air traffic control personnel helped to identify groups more prone to
The survey became a tool to evaluate Human Resources Program steps that included: on-
site reviews by Secretarial panels of management experts; Employee Involvement Groups intended to give
employees a greater voice in developing policy and procedures; a new Office of Human Resource
Management, headed by an Associate Administrator reporting directly to the Administrator (see Mar 19,
1985); and a "hotline" linking employees with the Administrator’s staff, beginning on Aug 6, 1984.
Measures to combat burnout included stress management counseling and a June 1984 policy to allow more
air traffic controllers to achieve full performance level, thus sharing difficult work more widely among the
In a continuing effort to evaluate improvement actions, FAA conducted a follow-up survey of
all employees in 1986, and followed this with Job Satisfaction Surveys administered to a randomly selected
15 percent of the workforce. The survey series revealed the following overall job satisfaction percentages:
53 (1984); 56 (1986); 67 (1988); 65 (1990); 72 (1993); and 69 (1995).
Aug 23, 1984: FAA issued an advisory circular establishing an acceptable means of obtaining
airworthiness approval of airborne LORAN-C equipment for use as an area navigation system under
instrument flight rules (IFR) as well as visual flight rules (VFR). Derived from the LORAN (Long Range
Navigation) system developed during World War II, LORAN-C used radio signals from ground
transmitting stations spaced several hundred miles apart. It had been developed primarily for marine users,
but in the early 1980s many general aviation pilots had begun to adopt the system for VFR navigation.
(See Jun 2, 1986.)
Sep 12, 1984: Airline representatives reached agreement on rescheduling flights to avoid congestion
during peak hours at six major airports: New York's La Guardia and Kennedy; Newark International;
Chicago O'Hare; Atlanta Hartsfield; and Denver Stapleton. The representatives forged the agreement in
eight days of intense negotiations with FAA participation and with the understanding that FAA might
impose new regulations if no voluntary solution was found. The Civil Aeronautics Board granted
immunity from anti-trust laws to those engaged in the talks, and later approved the agreement. Writing to
the Air Transport Association on Mar 12, 1985, FAA Administrator Engen cited steps taken to reduce
delays and indications that the airlines would not return to excess peak-time operations. Engen therefore
stated that the scheduling agreement need not continue beyond Apr 1.
Sep 15, 1984: FAA centralized responsibility for the operational control and technical direction of
the air traffic control system under the Associate Admininstrator for Air Traffic. (On an organizational
level, however, the regional air traffic division managers continued to report to the Regional Directors: see
Jun 16, 1988.) A directive issued on Feb 8, 1985, reorganized the Associate Administrator’s office to
include an Air Traffic Operations Service and an Air Traffic Plans and Requirements Service. On Oct
31, 1986, another directive also established an Air Traffic Evaluations and Analysis Office under the
Associate Administrator. (See Oct 2, 1989.)
Sep 26, 1984: FAA announced the award of a construction contract to expand the Seattle Air Route Traffic
Control Center, the first in a program to expand all 20 en route centers in the contiguous states. The
construction would allow the facilities to accommodate more sophisticated computers and radar displays
being developed under the Advanced Automation Program (see Jul 26, 1985). The Seattle groundbreaking
ceremony took place on Nov 5, 1984. (See Apr 1987.)
Sep 28, 1984: A DOT Inspector General report on drug and alcohol abuse among FAA employees
concluded that the problem was more widespread than management realized and recommended stronger
action on the issue. In a memorandum to FAA managers at year's end, Administrator Engen stated that he
had established a policy under which employees who abused drugs or alcohol must enter a treatment
program or face penalties that might include dismissal. Employees with safety-related duties would be
assigned other tasks while receiving treatment. The Administrator also stated that he had taken steps to
establish a substance abuse screening procedure for employees in safety-related positions. In a general
notice on Feb 16, 1985, Engen stated that occasional incidents suggested that FAA was not totally immune
to drug/alcohol abuse, and informed employees that a new policy was under development. (See Aug 16,
Oct 1984: FAA awarded a contract for design of the Oceanic Display and Planning System (ODAPS)
with features that would include visual displays of oceanic air traffic. ODAPS would automatically
provide controllers with flight data for aircraft flying in oceanic sectors, thus eliminating time-consuming
procedures involving use of flight strips and repeated voice communications. A planned second phase of
the contract would include delivery of ODAPS equipment to FAA's Technical Center and two air route
traffic control centers. (See Dec 14, 1989.)
Oct 5, 1984: FAA announced a contract for ground stations for the new Mode S radar beacon system, a
secondary radar system employing advanced ground sensors and radar beacon transponders aboard aircraft.
Two corporations participated in the joint contract to produce 78 of the stations, with an option for another
59 units. The Mode S system was designed to replace the existing air traffic control radar beacon system,
know as ATCRBS (see Jun 23, 1981). The discrete address capability of the new system would enable
controllers to interrogate aircraft individually and selectively to determine their position, identity, and
altitude, without having to use voice communications. This would eliminate the overlapping and garbled
signals that were sometimes a problem in busy terminal areas. Mode S would also make possible the
development of a capability for controllers to transmit data to properly equipped aircraft directly without
using voice communications. (See Jan 29, 1987, and May 9, 1993.)
Oct 18, 1984: Vice President George Bush was involved in a near midair collision (NMAC) near
Seattle when the crew of Air Force Two was forced to take evasive action due to their failure to sight an
aircraft flying under visual flight rules. On Sep 30, 1984, Air Force Two had been involved in a less
serious incident when a controller in Ohio allowed it to come too close to another aircraft. (See Jan 11,
Oct 26, 1984: FAA published two rules to increase the survival chances of airline passengers
encountering fire and smoke. Both were based on findings of the Special Aviation Fire and Explosion
Reduction (SAFER) Advisory Committee (see Sep 10, 1980) as well as on subsequent research. One rule
called for the installation, within three years, of seat cushions possessing an outer layer of highly fire-
resistant material. Research showed that the cushions would provide as much as 40 additional seconds
before "flashover," the deadly ignition of accumulated vapors. The requirement applied to operators of
aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or more and having over 29 seats. The second rule required emergency
escape path marking at or near floor level that would provide evacuation guidance even when all sources
of illumination more than four feet above the cabin aisle floor were totally obscured by smoke. With the
exception of aircraft type-certificated before 1958, all airliners operated by major lines were required to
have such marking within two years. (See Jul 21, 1986.)
Nov 10, 1984: FAA revoked the operating certificate of Provincetown-Boston Airlines (PBA), a large
commuter carrier. The revocation was probably the most publicized of numerous operational curtailments
enforced by FAA during the year, many as a result of the NATI program (see Mar 4, 1984). Critics
charged that FAA inspections had failed to uncover PBA’s violations before information from a former
pilot of the airline triggered the investigation that led to the grounding. After assisting PBA to correct
deficiencies, FAA on Nov 24, 1984, recertificated the airline for that part of its operations involving
smaller aircraft.
On Dec 6, 1984, the crash of a PBA Embraer Bandeirante (EMB-110) shortly after takeoff
from Jacksonville killed all 13 persons aboard. On Dec 9, FAA issued an emergency Airworthiness
Directive requiring owners to inspect key parts of certain Bandeirante models. The agency also dispatched
a team to Brazil to work with authorities and the manufacturer to insure the safety of the aircraft type. On
Jan 8, 1985, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended that FAA ground many of the
approximately 90 Bandeirantes in the U.S. pending further inspection and/or modification. FAA ordered
the inspections, but allowed 18 hours of flying time prior to compliance. In its final report on the accident,
NTSB listed the probable cause as a control system malfunction. The crew's reaction to the problem
resulted in overstress that caused failure of the horizontal stabilizer attachment structure.
New incidents and allegations in late 1984 and early 1985 resulted in further FAA
surveillance of PBA. By May 1985, however, the agency was ready to recertificate the carrier for
operation of its largest aircraft.
Nov 14, 1984: Effective this date, the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) adopted a rule regulating air
carrier-owned computer reservations systems (CRSs), which set forth requirements designed to prevent
unfair, deceptive, and anticompetitive practices among the airlines who controlled those systems. CAB
mandated a future review of this regulation, and on Sep 16, 1992, DOT announcd a final rule on CRS,
which strengthened and extended the existing regulations through 1997. Among other things, the revised
rule prohibited a vendor from requiring its subscribers to make a specified minimum number of bookings;
reduced the maximum subscriber contract term from five to three years; and readopted the existing
requirements that information be organized in an objective and unbiased manner, and that participation in a
CRS be open to all carriers on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Dec 1, 1984: FAA and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducted a Controlled
Impact Demonstration (CID) in which a Boeing 720 was remotely piloted to a prepared crash site at
Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The aircraft carried instrumented test dummies, high-speed cameras, and
more than 350 sensors to transmit data to ground recorders. The project involved numerous experiments on
the crash behavior of the aircraft's structure and of internal features such as seats, seat belts and harnesses,
storage compartments, and galleys. Among the other items tested were fire-blocking seat cushion layers,
fire-resistant windows, cockpit voice recorders, and flight data recorders. Most importantly, the aircraft's
tanks carried anti-misting kerosene (AMK), an experimental fuel designed to prevent or minimize the
fireball that may result when spillage from a ruptured tank forms a volatile mist and ignites. Devices
known as degraders converted the AMK back to normal kerosene before it entered the engines.
Preparations at the impact site included eight steel wing cutters installed to ensure that fuel would
spill from the tanks. Touching down 300 feet short of the cutters with its left wing low, the aircraft slid
forward at an angle so that the first cutter slashed into the right inboard engine before ripping open the wing
tank. In consequence, the spill began with non-AMK fuel from the engine, which ignited instantly and
touched off the AMK fuel gushing from the tank. A spectacular fireball resulted. The use of AMK
reduced the heat of the fire, and an estimated 20 percent of the passengers would probably have escaped
had the aircraft contained real occupants. The AMK test was disappointing, however, and in Sept 1985 the
FAA announced that it had dropped plans to require airline use of the special fuel. Despite this, other
experiments conducted as part of the CID produced a wealth of useful information.
Dec 4, 1984: Four Arab hijackers diverted a Kuwait Air A-310 to Iran, where they murdered two
American passengers and committed other brutalities while demanding the release of prisoners held in
Kuwait. The hijackers released 153 of their hostages in several groups, and Iranian forces freed the
remainder when they stormed the aircraft on Dec 9. The hijacking was part of an increase in terrorist
seizures of foreign airliners that began in Jun 1984.
Dec 11, 1984: FAA grounded about 180 Sikorsky S-76A helicopters pending installation of a
replacement part being developed by the engine builder, a division of General Motors. The action followed
an Oct 31 accident in the South China Sea.
Dec 13, 1984: Richard H. Jones became Deputy Administrator of FAA, succeeding Michael J. Fenello
(see Aug 1, 1981). A native of Portsmouth, Va., Jones served as a Marine Corps pilot during 1953-57,
received his B.S. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1958, and began flying for Eastern Air Lines in
1959. He served a second tour with the Marines, 1960-1966, leaving active duty as a reserve Lieutenant
Colonel. Jones then returned to Eastern, becoming a captain in 1967 and continuing in this capacity until
joining FAA. He also practiced law with the firm of Lewis, Wilson, Lewis & Jones, having received an
L.L.B. from American University in 1964. Jones was Secretary and Treasurer of the Airline Pilots
Association, International, 1969-70, and ran unsuccessfully for president of the union in 1970. He was
Chairman of the Washington-based Eastern Air Lines Pilots Association, 1970-72, and served on numerous
other groups and committees devoted to legal and aviation issues.
On Jun 4, 1986, Jones announced his resignation from FAA, effective Jul 15, 1986, to return to the
private sector. (See Apr 1, 1988.)
Dec 31, 1984: In accordance with the Airline Deregulation Act (see Oct 24, 1978), the Civil Aeronautics
Board (CAB) ceased to exist at the end of this day, having operated for 44 years and 7 months. Originally
entrusted with airline economic regulation, accident investigation, and safety rulemaking, CAB lost the
latter responsibility with the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. The Department of Transportation Act of 1966
later deprived the Board of its accident investigation role, leaving economic regulation as its principal
mission. After 1984, the Department of Transportation (DOT) assumed those CAB duties that had not
been abolished by deregulation. Functions assigned to elements of the Office of the Secretary of
Transportation included: international aviation responsibilities such as bilateral treaty negotiation, carrier
selection, and tariff filing and review; the Essential Air Service Program, which protected service to small
communities; consumer protection for airline passengers; antitrust review and immunity authority; and
certification of the economic fitness of carriers. DOT's Research and Special Projects Administration
assumed responsibility for collection and dissemination of air carrier economic data.
Jan 11, 1985: Ralph Nader's Aviation Consumer Action Project made public a study claiming that FAA
had underreported near midair collisions (NMACs) for 1983 and 1984 (see Oct 18, 1984). FAA
acknowledged that discrepancies existed and stated that procedural changes would ensure more accurate
NMAC statistics in the future. On Apr 19, 1985, FAA released data showing a rise in NMACs for the first
quarter of 1985. The agency stated that the increase reflected improved statistical procedures and renewed
emphasis on pilot reporting of the incidents. In June, Georgetown University Dean Ronald L. Smith began
an audit of the new NMAC reporting system. In findings announced by FAA on Dec 3, Dean Smith judged
the system to be working well and found no evidence of earlier deliberate suppression of NMAC reports.
Meanwhile, media attention to the NMAC issue heightened due to two such incidents in the
national capital area on Jun 9 and Sep 24, 1985. In Oct 1985, NTSB Chairman James Burnett told
Congress that the Board was very concerned about a trend toward increased NMACs. On Apr 14, 1986,
FAA stated that reported NMACs for 1985 had totaled 777 (a figure later revised to 758), as compared to
589 for 1984. Commenting that the 1985 statistics were based on improved methods, FAA Administrator
Engen pointed to the agency's efforts to reduce NMACs, including the establishment of Airport Radar
Service Areas (see Dec 22, 1983) and the "Back to Basics" program (see Oct 10, 1985). Engen also stated
that special working groups were studying the problem of potential collisions on the ground, termed
"runway incursions." FAA later issued the following statistics: 840 NMAC reports in 1986; 1058 in 1987;
710 in 1988; 550 in 1989; 454 in 1990; 348 in 1991; 311 in 1992; and 293 in 1993.
Feb 8, 1985: FAA established a policy that the Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) would be the
standard visual glideslope indicator for new, Federally-funded installations at fixed-wing airports. PAPI
was an improved version of VASI, the Visual Approach Slope Indicator (see Oct 12, 1970). The PAPI
system featured four bars of light and was able to give pilots an indication of the extent of their deviation
from the desired glide path, rather than merely warning that they were too high or too low. In 1982, the
International Civil Aviation Organization had adopted PAPI to replace VASI, which would cease to be the
international standard on Jan 1, 1995. In May 1983, FAA had changed its longstanding policy of funding
only VASI to one permitting funding of various different systems, with the exception that only PAPI was
funded for international airports. The agency's Feb 1985 shift to exclusive funding of PAPI reflected a
desire to promote safety through standardization. In response to congressional action, however, FAA
modified this policy to permit funding of systems other than PAPI at general aviation airports not
certificated for air carrier use.
Feb 26, 1985: FAA published Advisory Circular 91-62 stating a new policy on child restraint systems
(CRSs). The background of this issue included the formation of an FAA Task force to evaluate the use on
aircraft of CRSs, also known as child safety seats. On Jun 1, 1979, the task force had recommended that
the agency adopt the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard for CRSs, with additional provisions for
aircraft use. FAA developed performance standards which it published as a Technical Standard Order on
May 28, 1982. Subsequently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and FAA had
worked toward a common standard.
Advisory Circular 91-62 declared that a CRS manufactured after Feb 25, 1985, was suitable for
aviation if it bore a NHTSA label certifying it for use in both motor vehicles and aircraft. In addition, a
CRS made between Jan 1, 1981, and Feb 25, 1985, was suitable for use in aircraft provided it bore a
NHTSA label indicating that it met Federal motor vehicle standards. The new FAA policy made an
additional 6 million child seats acceptable for use aloft. FAA encouraged but did not require use of the
devices, and airlines could decide whether to permit them (see Sep 15, 1992). Children under the age of
two might still be held in an adult's lap during takeoff and landing.
Mar 18, 1985: FAA began an in-depth inspection of Continental Airlines that lasted through Apr 26.
This was the second special inspection of Continental (see Feb 6, 1984) since the Air Line Pilots
Association began a strike against it. On Jun 11, 1985, FAA announced that the airline continued to
operate in basic accordance with safety regulations. In Mar 1986, however, Continental paid a $402,000
penalty for violations uncovered by FAA during its 1984 and 1985 inspections.
Meanwhile, the flight attendants and mechanics ended their strike against Continental in Apr
1985, and a bankruptcy court resolved the pilots strike during that October by ordering a back-to-work
plan. On Jun 30, 1986, the court approved a plan allowing Continental to end its bankruptcy within
sixty days. (See Sep 24, 1983 and Dec 3, 1990.)
Mar 19, 1985: The appointment of Charles E. Weithoner as the first Associate Administrator for Human
Resource Management became effective. Weithoner had served in the post on an acting basis since the
previous October. On Sep 4, 1985, an FAA directive formally created the position and placed four offices
under its control: Human Resource Planning and Evaluation; Labor and Employee Relations;
Organizational Effectiveness; and Personnel and Technical Training. At the same time, FAA abolished the
former Office of Labor Relations and Office of Personnel and Training, and assigned their functions to
offices under the new Associate Administrator. This structural change was part of a program of increased
emphasis upon human relations (see Jul 1984.)
Mar 26, 1985: A directive issued on this date established a new Office of Program and Regulations
Management under the Associate Administrator for Aviation Standards. The office was later retitled the
Office of Program and Resource Management, and subsequently abolished by a directive issued on Apr
24, 1992.
Mar 29, 1985: FAA published a rule to improve cabin fire protection for passengers aboard aircraft
operated by major airlines under Federal Aviation Regulations Part 121. The rule required that each
lavatory be equipped with a smoke detector, or equivalent, and that each lavatory trash receptacle be
equipped with an automatic fire extinguisher. It also increased the number of hand fire extinguishers
required in the cabins of aircraft with more than 60 seats, and specified that at least two of these use Halon
1211 or an equivalent extinguishing agent. The new rule resulted from investigation of two aircraft cabin
fires and an inspection survey conducted in their wake. One of these fires involved an Air Canada flight
(see Jun 2, 1983) and the other was a non-fatal blaze at Tampa on Jun 25, 1983. (See May 26, 1987, and
Apr 4, 1991.)
Apr 17, 1985: FAA published a rule establishing a blood alcohol standard (.04 percent by weight) for
determining when drinking had impaired the ability of aircrew members to perform their duties. The new
regulation strengthened the existing rule prohibiting anyone from acting as an aircrew member within eight
hours of alcohol consumption or while under the influence of alcohol or any drug adversely affecting
performance (see Dec 5, 1970). A related rule published on Jan 9, 1986, made airmen subject to
possible loss or suspension of their licenses if they refused to submit to tests for alcohol given by law
enforcement officers under certain conditions. (See Feb 17, 1987, and Mar 8, 1990.)
Apr 29, 1985: Astronauts aboard the space shuttle Challenger placed the Northern Utah Satellite
(NUSAT) in orbit. The 105 lb. aluminum polyhedron satellite was an experiment aimed at developing a
new means of calibrating the vertical tilt of FAA beacon radar antennas. Before reentering the atmosphere
on Dec 15, 1986, NUSAT transmitted important information on the radar signal environment as perceived
from low earth orbit. The project was accomplished by a volunteer coalition of FAA, NASA, Utah's Weber
State College, and numerous aerospace companies.
May 5, 1985: Administrator Engen and other FAA officials arrived in Beijing on a mission to foster closer
cooperation between the U.S. and China in aviation matters. On Aug 28, 1985, Transportation Secretary
Dole announced that the two countries were working together for a mutual exchange of information,
research, and experts for further development of their transportation systems. The Secretary made the
announcement in Beijing during a trip to China with her husband, Senator Robert Dole (R-Kan.). (See Mar
15, 1986)
May 17, 1985: United Airlines pilots went on strike over the company's plan for a two-tiered pay
structure with lower pay for new pilots. The union and management soon reached an economic agreement
that permitted such a two-tier system, but back-to-work issues delayed settlement until Jun 14. During the
strike, FAA increased safety surveillance of United operations, and used electronic equipment to help
identify those harassing non-striking pilots with illegal radio transmissions on air traffic control
May 9, 1985: The first of four heliports selected in 1983 for development under FAA's National
Prototype Demonstration Instrument Flight Rules Heliport Program was dedicated in Indianapolis. A
$2.5 million Airport Improvement Program grant had assisted the establishment of the facility.
May 31, 1985: FAA announced new criteria on extended range (ER) flights. Previously, FAA had
generally prohibited a two-engine aircraft from flying a route that at any point was more than one hour
flying time (in still air at normal cruising speed with one engine inoperative) from a usable airport. Under
the new criteria, the diversion time was increased to two hours, provided that at least half of each extended-
range route segment was less than 90 minutes of one-engine flying time from an airport. The change meant
that some two-engine aircraft would be able to fly North Atlantic routes without veering far to the north.
As experience with extended two-engine operations increased, FAA further increased permitted diversion
times. In 1989, the agency approved a three-hour diversion time, long enough to permit two-engine
operations between Hawaii and the U.S. mainland.
Jun 3, 1985: A directive issued on this date established the Airport Capacity Program Office under the
Associate Administrator for Airports. (See Feb 21, 1990.)
Jun 6, 1985: The Professional Airway Systems Specialists (PASS), the bargaining agent for Airway
Facilities technicians, agreed with FAA on a joint labor-management employee involvement (E-I) pilot
program. A steering committee composed of five FAA and five union representatives agreed upon an
eighteen-month test of E-I, a concept involving cooperative efforts to solve operational problems affecting
employees. The program was first implemented at facilities in Baltimore and New York, and subsequently
expanded to all FAA regions. (See Aug 31, 1991.)
Jun 7, 1985: Effective this date, FAA reduced the total flight hours required for a pilot to be eligible to
obtain an instrument rating from 200 to 125. A contract study had indicated that the change would have
no effect on pilots' ability to learn instrument flying skills, but would encourage them to acquire the rating
Jun 14, 1985: Two Lebanese Shiite Moslems hijacked a TWA 727 departing Athens and diverted it to
Beirut, where additional hijackers joined them. During a two-week confrontation, they demanded the
release of Shiite prisoners held by Israel. The hijackers murdered one passenger, a U.S. Navy diver. They
released the other 155 hostages (including 39 Americans) in stages, the last being freed on Jun 30.
Lebanese authorities held the aircraft in Beirut until Aug 16.
The TWA hijacking and an upsurge in Middle East terrorism prompted a series of U.S.
actions. Events included:
* On Jun 18, President Reagan warned travelers of inadequate security measures at Athens
airport. This advisory was lifted on Jul 22, after an FAA inspection found improvements.
* On Jun 23, an Air India jet crashed under mysterious circumstances (see entry for this date
* On Jun 27, Transportation Secretary Dole urged the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) to act immediately to enhance airport security. The ICAO Council
met on an accelerated schedule, and on Dec 19 adopted amendments strengthening
international security standards and recommended practices.
* On Jul 1, the President suspended airline travel between U.S. and Lebanon.
* During July, FAA issued an emergency regulatory amendment requiring airlines to carry
Federal Air Marshals on certain flights. Eight days later, the agency issued another
emergency rule that required airlines to expand security training for crew members and to
provide a ground security coordinator and an in-flight security coordinator for every flight.
* Between mid-Aug and early Nov, FAA personnel assisted by law enforcement officers
from other agencies inspected U.S. air carrier security procedures at 79 foreign airports.
* FAA also issued a number of emergency amendments to the agency-approved security
programs of both airlines and airport operators.
On Aug 8, the President signed the International Security and Development Cooperation
Act of 1985. The Act authorized the use of $5 million from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund for
research on and development of airport security devices and explosives detection techniques. It also
mandated a system for conducting security assessments at foreign airports, and authorized Federal Air
Marshals as a permanent FAA workforce. The agency began hiring additional security inspectors and
training them to serve as Air Marshals. FAA also reorganized its Office of Civil Aviation Security to
reflect its expanded responsibilities under the Act, creating an International Civil Aviation Security
Division and an Intelligence Division. (See Aug 5, 1986.)
Jun 23, 1985: An Air India 747 crashed into the North Atlantic during a flight from Montreal to London,
killing all 329 persons aboard (see Jun 14, 1985). Circumstances made it appear that Sikh separatists might
have been responsible for the tragedy and for a near-simultaneous bombing that killed two airport baggage
handlers in Tokyo. Indian and Canadian government reports released the following year concluded that that
the 747 was destroyed by a bomb in luggage in the forward cargo hold. In Jul 1992, Indian authorities
arrested a Sikh extremist who was allegedly involved in the bombing.
Jul 1, 1985: A toll-free FAA Aviation Safety Hotline began operations. Coordinated by the Office of
Aviation Safety, the hotline was intended primarily for those in the aviation industry with specific
knowledge of Federal Aviation Regulations violations. Callers' identities would be held in confidence and
protected from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. During the following month, an FAA
Consumer Hotline also opened, initially in one region only but expanding to nationwide operations on Sep
2, 1986. The Consumer Hotline was for use by the public to inquire or lodge complaints about aviation
safety issues or FAA user services. The hotline did not handle airline service issues, such as lost luggage or
flight cancellations. When such problems were not resolved by the airlines hemselves, consumers were
referred to DOT’s Office of Community and Consumer Affairs.
Jul 18, 1985: FAA published a rule setting forth simplified flight and rest time requirements for
domestic airline pilots, effective Oct 1, 1986. The new rule was intended to allow greater flexibility in
scheduling while ensuring that pilots had adequate rest. For major airlines, the rule replaced a complex
flight duty time regulation that had remained virtually unchanged for over 30 years. The new rule also
covered air taxi and commuter air carrier pilots, who previously had only minimal restrictions on the
number of hours they could fly. FAA drafted the rule with the aid of an advisory committee composed of
representatives of the various groups interested in the outcome. The agency adopted this "Regulatory
Negotiation" approach after several years of unsuccessful attempts to update and simplify flight duty time
Jul 24, 1985: FAA announced the award of a contract to upgrade the Automated Radar Terminal
System (ARTS II), giving it certain additional safety features of the more sophisticated ARTS III. Based
on development work begun in Mar 1982, this ARTS IIA enhanced system would include conflict alert and
Minimum Safe Altitude Warning capabilities. In addition to upgrading the ARTS II systems in service at
87 locations, the contractor would install ARTS IIA's at 33 airports where the outmoded TPX-42 system
was in use. (See Dec 12, 1978.)
Jul 26, 1985: FAA announced the award of a contract for replacement of the IBM 9020 computers at the
nation's 20 air route traffic control centers (ARTCCs) as part of the agency's Advanced Automation
Program. IBM won the replacement contract in a competition with Sperry Corp. under a pair of contracts
that had been announced on Sept 22, 1983. The new installations were designated the "Host" Computer
Systems (HCSs) because of their ability to run the existing 9020 software package with minimum
modifications. Using the IBM 3083-BX1 computer as its key element, the Host system would provide
greater speed, reliability, and storage capacity. Each installation would consist of two units, one serving as
the primary processor and the other providing support and backup. (See Mar 22, 1983, and May 29, 1987.)
In addition to installing the Host systems at the ARTCCs, IBM agreed to supply the systems
to teams working on the other major element of the Advanced Automation Program, the Advanced
Automation System (AAS). Under a pair of contracts announced on Aug 16, 1984, IBM and Hughes
Aircraft Co. were engaged in a competition to produce the best AAS design (see Jul 26, 1988). Among the
key elements of AAS were controller work stations, called "sector suites," that would incorporate new
display, communications and processing capabilities. AAS would also include new computer hardware and
software to bring the air traffic control system to higher levels of automation. Once the full AAS system
was operational, FAA planned to begin the integration of en route and terminal radar control services at the
ARTCCs, which would be renamed Area Control Facilities (ACFs) and expanded to handle the new
functions (see Apr 19, 1993). Among the planned future enhancements to AAS was Automated En Route
Air Traffic Control (AERA), which would automatically examine aircraft flight plans to detect and resolve
potential conflicts.
Aug 2, 1985: A Delta Air Lines L-1011 crashed when it encountered wind shear during a landing
approach to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. The accident killed 134 of the 163 persons aboard
and one person on the ground. The wind shear did not reach the sensors of the Low Level Wind Shear
Alert System (LLWAS) until after the crash, a fact that demonstrated the system's limitations. The
National Transportation Safety Board listed the accident's probable cause as: the flightcrew's decision to
approach through a cumulonimbus cloud which they observed to contain lightning; lack of specific
guidelines, procedures, and training for avoiding and escaping wind shear; and lack of real-time, definitive
wind shear information. The report noted that low-altitude wind shear had been a cause or contributory
factor in seven fatal air transport crashes since 1970.
On Nov 27, 1985, FAA announced the award of a contract for development of a
comprehensive wind shear training program for pilots. The agency received the completed program in
February 1987 and distributed it to the industry. On Apr 14, 1986, FAA circulated a draft Integrated
Wind Shear Program plan. In addition to better pilot training, the plan featured development of:
improved ground-based detectors, including: enhanced LLWAS (see Jan 1988); Next-Generation Weather
Radar, known as NEXRAD (see Feb 28, 1994); Terminal Doppler Weather Radar, known as TDWR (see
Nov 2, 1988); and sensors for airborne detection systems using microwave Doppler, laser, or infrared
radiometer technology (see Oct 9, 1986).
Aug 2, 1985: FAA submitted the first National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) to
Congress. A successor to the National Airport System Plan (see Sep 7, 1973), the NPIAS was to be
published in an updated form every two years as mandated by the Airport and Airway Improvement Act
(see Sep 3, 1982). The first NPIAS estimated that Federal, state, and local agencies needed to invest $18.3
billion in airport development over the next decade in order to keep pace with the projected growth of air
Aug 12, 1985: A Japan Air Lines 747 crashed into a mountain about 70 miles northwest of Tokyo after
wandering out of control for more than 30 minutes. All but 4 of the 524 persons aboard were killed, a
fatality toll higher than in any previous single-plane accident. Japanese authorities listed the probable
cause as rupture of the aft pressure bulkhead, and the subsequent ruptures of part of the fuselage tail,
vertical fin, and hydraulic control system. They attributed the bulkhead rupture to fatigue cracks caused by
improper repairs. To avert such accidents in the future, FAA ordered that a cover plate be placed over an
access door in the tail section of 747s to control damage in the event of an aft pressure bulkhead failure.
Aug 16, 1985: Transportation Secretary Dole released a report on FAA's Flight Standards programs by
the Safety Review Task Force that she had created in Dec 1983 to examine the safety programs of all the
Department's modal administrations. The report identified four problem areas: difficulty in carrying out
timely actions; lack of uniformity in interpreting rules and policies; sometimes ineffective communications
within FAA and with the aviation community and general public; and expanded autonomy at FAA regional
offices and some headquarters offices that had inhibited the accomplishment of program objectives. (See
Feb 20, 1986.)
Aug 16, 1985: FAA announced that it would implement a new policy on drug and alcohol abuse
involving agency employees in safety-related positions. The agency's pilots, safety inspectors, air traffic
controllers, police officers, and firefighters would be given urinalysis tests upon hiring and thereafter
during their annual physical examinations. Penalties for using illicit drugs or alcohol abuse either on or off
duty ranged from dismissal to reassignment. Employees who completed a treatment program might return
to their original positions, but would be subject to random screening. A second offense would result in
firing. The testing procedures became effective in February 1987. (See Sep 22, 1984, and Sep 9, 1987.)
Aug 20, 1985: Trans World Airlines' board of directors accepted a stock purchase offer from "corporate
raider" Carl C. Icahn, leading to Icahn's takeover of TWA before the end of 1985.
Aug 22, 1985: One engine of a British Airtours charter 737 exploded on takeoff at Manchester, U.K.,
engulfing the aircraft in flame and killing 54 of the 137 persons aboard. Both British authorities and FAA
ordered inspections of certain Pratt & Whitney JT8D engines used on some 727s, 737s, and DC-9s. On
Sep 6, a Midwest Express DC-9 rolled out of control and crashed after one engine failed on takeoff
from Milwaukee. All 31 persons aboard died. The accident's probable cause, according to the National
Transportation Safety Board, was the flight crew's improper response to the loss of the engine, an older
version of the JT8D than that involved at Manchester. Following the accident, FAA broadened its order on
engine inspections to include more models of the JT8D, and in Dec began a special inspection of engine
repair facilities (see Dec 12, 1985). Subsequently, FAA issued further directives on JT8D inspections and
parts replacement.
Sep 16, 1985: FAA dedicated the last of 800 contractor-installed solid-state VORTAC air navigation
aids. VORTAC had long been an important element of the airspace system (see Aug 30, 1956). The new
solid-state VORTACs were more reliable and energy-efficient than the tube-type equipment they replaced.
In addition to installing the 800 units, the contractors delivered 150 VORTACs for FAA to install as sites
were readied. The agency's technicians had installed more than 60 of these systems by Sep 1985. The new
VORTACs were the first FAA systems to have Remote Maintenance Monitoring (RMM), a feature that
greatly reduced the need for site visits.
Sep 18, 1985: DOT issued a rule prohibiting deceptive airline code-sharing. The rule required airlines
sharing the same two-letter designator code to notify passengers of the arrangement and identify the airline
actually providing the transportation.
Sep 25, 1985: American Airlines agreed to pay a $1.5 million civil penalty, the largest levied by FAA
to that date. Most of the safety violations cited against American had been uncovered in a special
inspection that summer.
Oct 1985: As part of its continued upgrading of automated radar terminal systems, FAA
commissioned the first ARTS IIIA installation to use a new software package designated A3.02 at Ontario
International Airport, Calif. An enhanced version of the A3.01 software (see Dec 1979, and Mar 26, 1986),
the A3.02 package could be used at facilities employing data from more than one radar sensor. In Nov
1986, the first ARTS IIIA to use the still more advanced A3.03 software was commissioned at Burbank,
Calif. This new package included an enhanced conflict alert capability that was less prone to false alarms.
Meanwhile, FAA continued to install ARTS IIIA hardware, and had replaced most of the basic ARTS III
systems by the end of 1986.
Oct 9, 1985: FAA announced that the agency had signed an agreement with the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration and the Department of Defense (DOD) to conduct a joint study of the benefits of
continued development of tiltrotor aircraft. This type of aircraft is equipped with rotors that tilt to act
like a helicopter rotor during takeoff and landing, yet perform like a conventional propeller for cruise flight.
The XV-15, a small proof-of-concept aircraft, had been flying successfully since 1977, and the larger V-22
Osprey was under development for DOD. The joint study (published in two phases, in 1987 and 1991)
concluded that civil tiltrotors could be both technically and commercially feasible. (See Jun 16, 1988.)
Oct 10, 1985: FAA and general aviation manufacturers gave a preview of a "Back to Basics" safety
program to a group of pilots at the National Air and Space Museum. Beginning on Jan 1, 1986, the
program used presentations and clinics to increase pilot awareness of a different safety topic each quarter
for three years. The first year's topics included: takeoff and landing; collision avoidance; weather; and
fueling and fuel planning. The program proved successful, and on Jan 1, 1990, FAA began a Back to Basic
II program scheduled to run through 1994.
Nov 1, 1985: FAA published a rule requiring any person flying an aircraft equipped with a radar
beacon transponder to operate the transponder (including altitude reporting equipment if installed)
while in controlled airspace. This requirement had previously applied to pilots in Terminal Control Areas
(TCAs) and flying en route above 12,500 ft. (see Jun 4, 1973). FAA now extended it to those operating in
airport control zones, designated Federal airways, and transition zones. The new rule involved no
requirements for installation of additional equipment (see Jan 29, 1987).
Nov 7, 1985: DOT announced final approval for United Airlines acquisition of Pan American's Pacific
Division. The transaction meant the end of Pan Am's far-flung Pacific operations, except for service
between Hawaii and the U.S. mainland. (See Nov 14, 1990.)
Nov 13, 1985: FAA published a rule requiring shoulder harnesses for all seats in new airplanes with
less than ten passenger seats manufactured after Dec 12, 1986. The rule extended an earlier requirement
that had applied only to the front seats of small aircraft (see Jun 16, 1977).
Nov 23, 1985: An unusually bloody hijacking began when three men seized control of an Egyptair
737 with 98 persons aboard shortly after takeoff from Athens. In a midair gunfight, one hijacker was killed
and an Egyptian security guard and two flight attendants were wounded. The hijackers demanded to fly to
Libya or Tunisia, but agreed to refuel at Malta. In an attempt to force Maltese authorities to supply the
fuel, the hijackers shot five hostages, killing two of them, including an American woman. After 22 hours
of negotiation, an Egyptian military force stormed the plane. During the rescue action, 57 persons were
killed and about 30 others injured.
Dec 4, 1985: AN FAA DC-3 (registration number N-34) arrived at Washington National Airport to
begin a new career as a flying exhibit. Manufactured in 1945, N-34 had belonged to the Navy before its
transfer to FAA in 1963. With many other DC-3s, it performed quality assurance and facility certification
checks on the nation's airways before its retirement from this role on Sep 9, 1982. N-34 was exhibited at
air shows until retired from active service as a cost saving measure in early 1994.
Dec 12, 1985: A chartered DC-8 operated by the U.S. carrier Arrow Air crashed on takeoff from
Gander, Newfoundland. All 256 persons aboard died, including 248 U.S. soldiers returning from the
Mideast. Early theories on the tragedy's cause included the possibility that it was part of a series of crashes
involving engine failure (see Aug 22, 1985), and FAA conducted a special inspection of jet engine repair
facilities following the accident. On Dec 8, 1988, the Canadian Aviation Safety Board released a divided
verdict on the crash's probable cause. The majority of five members cited icing on the wings, perhaps
combined with the loss of thrust from one engine (see Jan 13, 1982, and Nov 15, 1987). A minority of four
concluded that an in-flight explosion was most likely.
FAA increased surveillance of Arrow Air following the Gander crash, and an in-depth
inspection of airlines operating under military charter was announced in January 1986. Subsequent actions
included the Feb 8 temporary grounding all 10 of Arrow’s DC-8s pending replacement of unapproved spare
parts. Nine years later, in March 1995, Arrow voluntarily ceased operations for nearly three months
following an FAA inspection that revealed safety violations.
Dec 20, 1985: DOT published a new rule on allocation of takeoff and landing reservations ("slots") at the
four airports subject to flight quotas under the High Density Rule (see Mar 6, 1984). Beginning on April
1, 1986, any person might buy, sell, trade, or lease air carrier or commuter slots (with the exception of
international and essential air service slots, which were subject to certain transfer restrictions). A lottery
procedure was provided for allocation of new slots, or slots returned under the rule's use-or-lose provision.
On Mar 12, 1986, DOT issued a special rule aimed at increasing competition: 5 percent of slots at high
density airports would be assigned by lottery to new entrants and incumbent air carriers with fewer than 8
slots. Although the High Density Rule was subsequently amended in certain other respects, its main
provisions remained essentially unchanged despite opposition from some parts of the aviation community.
On Jun 16, 1995, DOT released a report on the issue and announced its conclusion that, on balance, the rule
was currently beneficial.
Dec 27, 1985: Near-simultaneous Arab terrorist attacks on airports in Rome and Vienna caused the
death of 20 persons, including four of the terrorists, and injured approximately 120. Five of the victims
killed were U.S. citizens. The attacks centered on the check-in counters of the Israeli airline El Al. Libyan
leader Muammar Qaddafi praised the terrorists, thus contributing to tensions between his nation and the
United States. (See Feb 11, 1986.)
Jan 7, 1986: The first helicopter flight simulator certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration
was commissioned at the Bell Helicopter plant in Hurst, Texas, for use in Bell 222 helicopter training and
proficiency checks.
Jan 9, 1986: FAA published a rule requiring passenger-carrying airliners to carry a medical kit in
addition to the basic first aid kits already mandated. The agency estimated that roughly 21 in-flight deaths
occurred annually, most involving persons already suffering from terminal illnesses. FAA expected that
about 10 percent of the in-flight deaths would be prevented by the new rule, which became effective Aug 1,
Jan 23, 1986: Northwest Airlines announced that it would buy Republic Airlines. DOT approved the
merger on Jul 31, 1986.
Jan 28, 1986: The space shuttle
Challenger exploded shortly after liftoff from Cape Canaveral. The
accident killed all seven persons aboard and dealt a severe blow to the U.S. space program. No further
shuttle flights took place until Sep 29, 1988.
Feb 10, 1986: FAA formally established the National Aviation Safety Inspection Program (NASIP), a
plan to continue on a more systematic basis the kind of in-depth inspections begun under the National Air
Transportation Inspection, or NATI (see Mar 4, 1984). An inspection of Eastern Air Lines already begun
in Dec 1985 became part of NASIP (see Mar 7, 1986). The program also included inspections targeting
airlines operating under military charter, an emphasis that fulfilled a directive issued by the Secretary of
Transportation in the wake of a crash in Newfoundland (see Dec 12, 1985). NASIP inspections during
fiscal 1986 included 18 carriers providing military charter flights, as well as 20 turbine engine repair
stations. The program was then redefined annually, as were the certificate holders targeted for inspections,
and special emphasis inspections were conducted as circumstances warranted.
Feb 11, 1986: The Department of Transportation released an order suspending commercial aviation
relations with Libya. The action made final a tentative order issued in response to a Jan 7 Presidential
directive which declared Libya a threat to U.S. security. Tensions between the two nations continued to
grow, fed by events that included naval clashes and a bombing in Germany in which a U.S. soldier was one
of the two fatalities. On Apr 15, the confrontation culminated in a U.S. air raid against Libya. (See
Dec 27, 1985, and Apr 15, 1992.)
Feb 12, 1986: FAA commissioned the first “family” group of automated flight service stations
(AFSSs), at airports in Cleveland, Ohio, Dayton, Ohio, and Bridgeport, Conn. The group of stations used
the Model 1 Flight Service Automation System (see Oct 2, 1981). They were linked by dedicated
communications lines with a Central Flight Service Data Processing System (FSDPS) at the Cleveland Air
Route Traffic Control Center. Computer terminals at the three automated stations gave flight service
specialists quick access to weather information, flight plans, and other data continually fed into the FSDPS.
The commissioning was part of FAA's long-range plan to consolidate all its flight service stations into 61
automated facilities. On Sep 28, 1987, FAA completed the first phase of the AFSS program as it
commissioned the 37th and final AFSS planned to receive the initial version of the Model 1 system. In Feb
1987, meanwhile, Congress had approved development of the Model 1 Full Capacity system in place of the
Model 2 system that FAA had originally planned. (See Nov 1982, and Nov 8, 1991)
Feb 20, 1986: Transportation Secretary Dole announced a comprehensive review of domestic airport
security to be coordinated by her Safety Review Task Force (see Aug 16, 1985). The Task Force
submitted its initial recommendations in August 1986, and FAA responded with a range of actions to
improve security training and planning, and to tighten access to secure areas.
Feb 24, 1986: Financially troubled Eastern Air Lines tentatively accepted a buy-out offer by Texas
Air. The board's decision followed labor negotiations in which Eastern's pilots agreed to make concessions
but the union representing machinists and mechanics demanded replacement of chairman Frank Borman.
Following the purchase agreement, Borman remained as Eastern's head until his resignation in June. (See
Oct 1, 1986.)
Feb 1986: FAA completed acceptance testing for new Flight Data Input/Output (FDIO) equipment.
FDIO, which provided a modernized method of transmitting and updating flight plan information, was
delivered to 11 air route traffic control centers and their associated terminals during fiscal 1986. By the end
of FY 1987, FAA had accepted delivery of FDIO equipment to all enroute and terminal control facilities;
the first system became operational in Dec 1989.
Mar 1, 1986: Trans World Airlines acquired Ozark Airlines under an agreement that received
Department of Transportation approval in September. Ozark had begun flying in 1950 and expanded
within the Midwest, then grew beyond that region with the introduction of airline deregulation in the late
1970s. The airline had encountered economic difficulties, beginning in 1984. Ozark's operations merged
into those of TWA on Oct 26, 1986.
Mar 7, 1986: FAA proposed a $9.5 million civil penalty against Eastern Air Lines, by far the largest
penalty the agency had proposed to that date, for safety violations revealed during an inspection from Dec
3, 1985, through Feb 20, 1986. Eastern objected to the fine, but in Feb 1987 agreed to pay. Meanwhile, on
Aug 22, 1986, FAA announced that Pan American would pay $1.95 million for safety violations
revealed by an inspection that began in March. This was the largest penalty actually levied by FAA to that
date, but smaller than the $3.9 million originally proposed to Pan Am for these violations.
Mar 13, 1986: FAA activated the domestic message portion of a computerized system to collect, process,
and distribute notices to airmen (NOTAMs) throughout the U.S. airspace system and abroad. This
completed the commissioning of the Consolidated NOTAM System (CNS), culminating a two-year
implementation effort that began in Feb 1984 when the international messages subsystem of CNS came on
Mar 15, 1986: FAA Administrator Engen and the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration Director signed a
U.S.-Chinese agreement on cooperation in civil aviation. The agreement covered a wide range of
activities including the exchange of scientific and technical information and personnel, cooperation in
research and development, and the provision of training and other technical assistance. (See May 5, 1985,
and Mar 31, 1995.)
Mar 14, 1986: FAA announced the choice of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University to provide a new
management training facility to replace the existing school at Lawton, Okla. (see May 3, 1971). After
building the new school at Palm Coast, Fla., Embry Riddle operated the facility for FAA under a 20 year
contract, while FAA awarded separate contracts for instructional services. FAA dedicated the new school,
named the Center for Management Development (CMD), on Oct 15, 1987, and the first class began four
days later.
Mar 26, 1986: FAA announced a contract to upgrade the New York Radar Approach Control
(TRACON) Facility, which provided radar service to aircraft approaching and departing the major hubs
and designated satellite airports in the New York area. The existing facility used a special ARTS IIIA
Automated Radar Terminal System capable of tracking 1,200 radar targets at one time. This would be
upgraded to a unique ARTS IIIE able to simultaneously track 1,700 targets. The second stage of the
enhancement would allow tracking of 2,800 targets, with a capability of expanding to 3,400 targets if
needed. (See Jan 10, 1981, and Sep 20, 1991.)
Mar 1986: FAA commissioned the first second-generation common radar digitizer, known as CD-2,
for operational use (see Apr 6, 1979). The first two CD-2s had been delivered to the FAA Academy on Feb
11, 1983, and the first field delivery took place in May 1984.
Apr 2, 1986: A bomb hidden under a seat cushion exploded aboard a TWA 727 on approach to
Athens, Greece, creating a hole in the fuselage four feet in diameter. The blast killed four passengers and
injured nine others, but the aircraft landed safely. The bomb was similar to one that exploded on Aug 11,
1982, aboard a Pan American 747 flying from Japan to Hawaii, killing 1 person and injuring 15.
Apr 15, 1986: In a move to consolidate aviation medicine expertise and responsibilities, FAA transferred
direction of the Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI) from the Director of the Aeronautical Center to the
Federal Air Surgeon. (See Sep 30, 1966.)
Apr 29, 1986: Direct airline service between the United States and the Soviet Union resumed after an
interruption of over four years (see Dec 29, 1981). The flights resulted from an agreement announced soon
after the Nov 1985 summit meeting of President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikail Gorbachev. (See Feb 16,
May 16, 1986: FAA published a rule upgrading fire safety standards for cargo or baggage
compartments in future transport category aircraft by establishing new fire test requirements. The
regulation also limited the volume of Class D compartments (those not readily accessible to crewmembers
or equipped with built-in fire extinguishers, but instead designed to control fire by restricting oxygen). The
rule stemmed from a testing project undertaken at the FAA Technical Center in the wake of a Saudi
Arabian in-flight fire (see Aug 19, 1980) and from a rulemaking proposal published in Aug 1984. (See Feb
10, 1989.)
Jun 2, 1986: FAA and the Coast Guard concluded a Memorandum of Agreement outlining the roles of
each agency in developing the LORAN-C navigation system for use by civil aviators (see Aug 23, 1984).
In an updated edition of the National Airspace System (NAS) Plan issued that same month, FAA included a
new project for LORAN-C, an interim, supplemental radio navigation system providing at least single-level
coverage for instrument flight rules (IFR) navigation for the contiguous U.S., eventually including the
"midcontinent gap" not covered by existing transmitters. FAA would provide procurement funds, while the
Coast Guard would operate and maintain the transmitters. Nonprecision LORAN-C approaches would also
be supported where signal requirements were met, and FAA therefore planned to acquire and operate
equipment to check the quality of LORAN-C signals. In Oct 1986, the agency awarded a contract for the
first 112 of these signal monitors. (See May 14, 1991.)
Jun 18, 1986: A Bell 206B helicopter and a DHC-6 Twin Otter airplane
collided while conducting air
tours over the Grand Canyon National Park, killing all 25 persons aboard the two aircraft. The National
Transportation Safety Board listed the probable cause as the failure of both flightcrews to see and avoid
each other for undetermined reasons. As contributory factors, the Board listed: failure of FAA oversight
regarding Grand Canyon flights; National Park Service influence over route selection by air tour operators;
and modification of helicopter routes to intersect those used by fixed-wing aircraft. On Dec 9, 1986, FAA
published a proposal to establish special temporary flight restrictions above the Canyon, to be followed by
a permanent rule addressing the safety and noise issues associated with operations over the park. (See Mar
26, 1987.)
Jun 20, 1986: A directive issued this date established a new Office of Science and Advanced Technology
reporting directly to the Administrator. The office was later abolished by a directive issued on Aug 29,
Jul 6, 1986: President Reagan proclaimed this to be National Air Traffic Control Day in honor of the 50th
anniversary of Federal involvement in controlling air traffic (see Jul 6, 1936). FAA personnel
throughout the nation observed the occasion with ceremonies and celebrations.
Jul 21, 1986: FAA published a rule setting stricter flammability standards for materials used in cabins
of existing and future airliners with 20 or more passenger seats. The new standards required use of fire
resistant and slower-burning materials for cabin sidewalls, ceilings, partitions, storage bins, galleys, and
other interior structures. Establishment of such standards had been one of the recommendations of the
Special Aviation Fire and Explosion Reduction (SAFER) Advisory Committee (see Sep 10, 1980). The
necessary research had been conducted primarily at the FAA Technical Center, and further toxicity studies
had been carried out at the agency's Civil Aeromedical Institute (CAMI). The new rule was effective on
Aug 20, 1986, but prescribed a phased compliance schedule stretching over four years.
Aug 5, 1986: In an example of action under the International Security Development and Cooperation Act
(see entry for Jun 14, 1985), the Department of Transportation announced that Manila airport in the
Philippines did not maintain effective security standards. Airlines were required to inform passengers
buying tickets for Manila of this determination. Following an FAA team's inspection, the Department on
Sep 2 announced that the airport now met international security standards.
Aug 13, 1986: The National Academy of Sciences issued a report on airliner cabin air quality and
related safey issues. The report had been mandated by Congress in 1984. Its most controversial
recommendation was a ban on smoking on all domestic commercial flights (see Apr 23, 1988). The
authors cited four major reasons: to lessen discomfort to passengers and crew; to reduce potential health
hazards to cabin crewmembers from environmental tobacco smoke; to eliminate possible fires; and to align
cabin air quality with standards for other closed environments. Further recommendations included an FAA
review of carbon dioxide standards, which eventually resulted in a 1996 rule lowering the allowable
concentration of this gas for occupied areas of transport aircraft from 3.0 to 0.5 percent. The report’s other
suggestions included FAA consideration of requiring additional protective breathing equipment for use
during in-flight fires aboard airliners (see May 26, 1987).
Aug 21, 1986: FAA's Air Route Traffic Control Centers handled 112,467 en route operations, the highest
single-day traffic to that date. Record operations levels at many facilities in fiscal 1986 helped to create a
19.85 percent increase in delays as compared to the previous year. During the fiscal year, FAA proceeded
with implementation of a Traffic Management System integrating certain air traffic control functions to
create a more orderly traffic flow. Work also continued on the Expanded East Coast Plan, the first phase
of which was scheduled for implementation in 1987 (see Feb 12, 1987). Under development since 1982,
the plan was designed to alleviate congestion in the New York area and associated airspace through the use
of additional departure routes and other techniques. During fiscal 1986, FAA also deployed mobile "tiger
teams" of personnel with expertise in a variety of air traffic control disciplines to improve traffic
management in areas experiencing delays.
Aug 31, 1986: A Mexican DC-9 and a Piper PA-28 collided in clear sky over Cerritos, Calif. The
Piper had inadvertently made an unauthorized entry into the Los Angeles Terminal Control Area (TCA),
and its radar return was not observed by the controller providing service to the Mexican flight. The
accident killed 82 persons--all 64 aboard the DC-9, all 3 aboard the Piper, and 15 on the ground. The
National Transportation Safety Board later listed the probable cause as the limitations of the air traffic
control system to provide collision protection, through both air traffic control procedures and automated
The Cerritos accident was the first midair collision to occur within a TCA. On Sep 15, FAA
Administrator Engen appointed a special task force to study actions to improve the TCAs. On Oct 27, the
agency announced plans to implement the group's 40 recommendations, including: a minimum 60-day
license suspension for pilots violating TCA boundaries (see Oct 10, 1986); expanded requirements for
altitude encoding transponders (see Jan 29, 1987); and action to simplify and standardize the design of
TCAs (see Jan 12, 1989).
Sep 5, 1986: At Karachi, Pakistan, four men dressed as security guards stormed a Pan American
747. The flight crew escaped, but the four terrorists demanded a crew to fly them to Cyprus. They killed
an American passenger during the ensuing 17 hour negotiations. When the lights aboard the aircraft failed,
the terrorists began a massacre, killing 22 persons and injuring 125 before being arrested.
Sep 1986: AN FAA/Air Force review board endorsed specifications for a new long-range Air Route
Surveillance Radar, designated ARSR-4, for use at joint surveillance sites. On Jul 25, 1988, FAA
announced that it had awarded Westinghouse a $271.6 million contract for 34 ARSR-4s. The new three-
dimensional, solid state equipment would replace the 25- to 30-year-old Joint Surveillance radars,
improving detection and reducing the clutter from terrain, weather, and other sources. The Air Force and
FAA shared the cost of all but one of the ARSR-4s, which the Navy purchased. FAA began initial testing
of the new radar during fiscal 1992. (See Jun 25, 1979, and Apr 12, 1996.)
Oct 1, 1986: DOT gave final approval for Frank Lorenzo's Texas Air holding company to acquire
Eastern Air Lines (see Feb 24, 1986), with Lorenzo becoming Eastern's chairman on Oct 15. The
Department had earlier rejected the merger on Aug 26, but reversed itself following an agreement
safeguarding Pan American's role as a competitor on the Boston/New York/Washington shuttle routes. On
Oct 24, DOT gave final sanction to Texas Air's acquisition of People Express and most of the assets of
People's bankrupt subsidiary, Frontier Airlines. A no-frills airline, People Express had grown rapidly after
staring operations on Apr 30, 1981, but had begun to experience heavy losses in 1985. (See Feb 1, 1987.)
Oct 9, 1986: FAA announced an agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for a
joint program to develop basic requirements for an airborne wind shear detection and avoidance system.
The program's goal was a predictive alert system that could "look ahead" of the aircraft, as distinguished
from already-available systems that reacted when wind shear was encountered. (See Aug 2, 1985, and Sep
22, 1988.)
Oct 10, 1986: FAA issued an enforcement bulletin implementing a 60-day suspension of the certificate
of any unauthorized pilot who entered a Terminal Control Area (TCA). The agency could seek
harsher actions, including a $1,000 civil penalty, if there were aggravating circumstances, such as causing a
near midair collision while illegally within a TCA. (See Aug 31, 1986, and Mar 5, 1990.)
Oct 21, 1986: FAA announced the award of two contracts to develop competing prototypes of the Voice
Switching and Control System (VSCS). The system would provide controllers at air route traffic control
centers with computer-controlled voice switching for air-ground communications and well as intercom and
interphone communications within and between FAA facilities. Compared to the existing
electromechanical system, the new electronic VSCS would be faster, more reliable, and cheaper to
maintain. Harris Corporation received the production contract on Dec 31, 1991. (See Jun 30, 1995.)
Oct 23, 1986: FAA announced the purchase of 19 turboprop Beech Super King Air Model 300 aircraft for
its flight inspection fleet used to check the accuracy of air navigation and landing aids. Expected to be
more fuel efficient and easier to maintain, the new aircraft were to replace a number of Saberliner Model
80s and all five of the agency's Jet Commander Model 1121 aircraft. Delivery began in Apr 1988. The
purchase was part of a modernization process that was reducing the number and types of aircraft that FAA
used for flight inspection and for other purposes. At its peak in FY 1964, the agency's total fleet had
consisted of 116 aircraft of 24 different types. In FY 1987, the fleet would be reduced to 50 aircraft of 16
types. (See Jul 8, 1973 and Oct 1, 1991.)
Oct 30, 1986: President Reagan signed the Public Law 99-591, including Title VI, the Metropolitan
Washington Airports Act of 1986 authorizing the transfer of control of Washington National and Dulles
International Airports to an independent regional authority under a 50-year lease (see Jun 8, 1984, and Jun
7, 1987). The authority was to be created by agreement between Virginia and the District of Columbia. It
would be governed by a board of 11 members appointed by the Governor of Virginia (5), the Mayor of the
District of Columbia (3), the Governor of Maryland (2), and the President (1). The law also prohibited
airlines from operating non-stop flights between Washington National and any airport more than 1,250
miles distant, a wider non-stop service perimeter than previously set by policy (see Dec 6, 1981).
Title V of P.L. 99-591, the Aviation Safety Commission Act of 1986, established for 18
months a commission of seven Presidentially appointed members to study how FAA might most effectively
fulfill its functions. In April 1988, the commission released its final report, concluding that overall the
nation's air transportation system was safe, but that the regulatory structure was inadequate to deal with
future growth and technological change. The commission's recommendations included: the creation of an
independent federal aviation authority with a separate safety director; increased safety inspections; tighter
regulation of commuter aircraft operations; mandatory use of Mode C transponders for general aviation
aircraft flying near hub airports; and a set term for the FAA administrator.
Oct 31, 1986: In a restructuring of the organizational complex under the Associate Administrator for
Aviation Standards, the Office of Flight Operations was retitled the Office of Flight Standards. The
Rotorcraft Program Office, which had been disbanded on Mar 7, was formally abolished and its
functions divided between the Office of Flight Standards and the Office of Airworthiness. Certain other
adjustments in the responsibilities of these two offices also took effect.
Nov 16, 1986: Effective this date, a Department of Transportation order ended air service between
the U.S. and South Africa, as required by the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986. (See Aug 8,
Dec 23, 1986: Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager became the first aircraft pilots to circle the globe without
landing or refueling when their experimental airplane
Voyager touched down at Edwards Air Force Base,
Calif., after covering 25,000 miles in nine days. The aircraft had a propeller at each end of its fuselage, and
was equipped with a main wing nearly 111 feet long as well as a smaller forward wing.
Voyager took off
on Dec 14 with 1,200 gallons of fuel and landed with only eight gallons of usable fuel remaining.
Jan 28, 1987: Secretary of Transportation Elizabeth Hanford Dole announced a three-part effort to help
reduce airline delays. The initiative included: a proposal to grant immunity to the airlines to permit them
to conduct joint discussion aimed at adjusting schedules; an investigation to determine if and how airline
scheduling processes contributed to delays; and a series of FAA actions to increase system capacity and
efficiency. Those FAA steps included the use of computer traffic models to help airlines adjust schedules,
a realignment of the air traffic control sectors in the New York/Boston corridor, a review of air traffic
procedures on a facility-by-facility basis, and the transfer of additional controllers to the busiest facilities.
Jan 29, 1987: FAA issued a rule establishing requirements pertaining to the use, installation,
inspection, and testing of transponders in U.S.-registered civil aircraft. The rule continued the
requirement that aircraft be equipped with a transponder for operation in Terminal Control Areas (TCAs)
and in the airspace of the 48 contiguous states above 12,500 feet above ground level (see Nov 1, 1985).
The requirement for automatic pressure altitude reporting (Mode C) equipment, currently mandatory in all
of the above airspace except Group II TCAs, was extended to include Group II TCAs, effective Dec 1,
1987 (see Jun 21, 1988). The rule also contained provisions intended to provide for transition from Air
Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) transponders to Mode S transponders (see Oct 5,
1984). All transponders newly installed in U.S.-registered aircraft were required to be Mode S
transponders after Jan 1, 1992, a deadline that was subsequently extended to Jul 1, 1992. (See Jul 30,
Feb 1, 1987: The Texas Air holding corporation merged New York Air and People Express into
Continental Airlines.
Feb 2, 1987: FAA's Federal Air Surgeon resigned and was reassigned at his own request to help end a
controversy over airmen certification. Critics had charged that the Federal Air Surgeon had granted
waivers to commercial pilots whom they considered medically unfit to fly.
Feb 12, 1987: FAA initiated Phase 1 of the Expanded East Coast Plan (EECP) to help increase the
capacity of the National Airspace System (see Aug 21, 1986). The plan had been originally intended to
relieve traffic congestion in the New York and Washington, D.C., areas through the more effective use of
airspace, but was expanded to cover the airspace from Maine to Florida and west to Chicago. The EECP:
created new departure and arrival routes; established separate paths and altitudes for jets and slower
propeller aircraft; set up new city-pair routes; and used new traffic management techniques to increase
airport departure flows and reduce holding procedures. The agency initiated Phase II of plan on Nov 19.
That phase involved a realignment of the northwest departure quadrant from the New York Metropolitan
area. The agency also increased the number of westbound high-altitude, routes from one to four to expedite
traffic flows to Chicago, Detroit, and the west coast. The final phase of the EECP, implemented on Mar
10, 1988, was designed to improve traffic flow from the New York area to the northeast, and involved
changes affecting the airspace in New England, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.
(See Aug 25, 1988.)
Feb 17, 1987: FAA added a new commuter category of aircraft and set forth the airworthiness and
operating rules, certification procedures, and noise rules for that additional category of propeller-driven,
multi-engine airplane, with a seating capacity of no more than 19, and a takeoff weight of no more than
19,000 pounds.
Feb 17, 1987: DOT announced a program designed to identify and prosecute pilots who failed to
declare drug or alcohol-related convictions on medical certificate applications. (See Apr 17, 1985, and
Jul 26, 1990.)
Feb 23, 1987: In the wake of a series of fatal accidents, FAA began a 60-day surveillance of civilian air
ambulance programs. Agency inspectors investigated equipment, maintenance, training, and pilots’
hours. The program was followed by publication of new safety guidelines for emergency medical service
Feb 28, 1987: General William F. McKee died in San Antonio, Tex. After serving as FAA's third
Administrator (see Jul 1, 1965), McKee had been a partner in a consulting firm before retiring.
Mar 18, 1987: Donald D. Engen announced his resignation as FAA Administrator, effective in July
(the exact date became July 2). On Engen's departure, the position of Acting Administrator was filled by
Robert Whittington, Director of the New England Region. (See Jul 22, 1987.)
Mar 18, 1987: The first revenue flight of an airplane equipped with an operational TCAS II version of the
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System occurred (see Jun 23, 1981). Two airliners began an in-
service evaluation of the system on Jan 31, 1988, marking the start of FAA's TCAS II Limited
Installation Program. Three airlines participated in the program, which was designed to resolve any
outstanding technical and operational questions about the system’s use in regularly scheduled service. (See
Jan 10, 1989.)
Mar 25, 1987: FAA published a rule requiring Cockpit Voice Recorders on new jet and turboprop
commuter aircraft manufactured after May 26, 1989 (see Jun 26, 1964). The rule also mandated the
installation of more sophisticated digital Flight Data Recorders on about 2,000 older large commercial
jets, with compliance also by May 26, 1989. (See Aug 12, 1970, and Jun 30, 1988.)
Mar 26, 1987: FAA published a special rule addressing aviation safety and noise concerns at the Grand
Canyon (see Jun 18, 1986). Provisions included: a temporary Special Flight Rule Area limiting operations
below 9,000 feet mean sea level above the Canyon; prohibition of flights below the Canyon rim, with some
exceptions; and requirements aimed at reducing the risk of midair collisions and terrain impact. Another
rule, published on Jun 15, 1987, modified and extended these temporary provisions. On Aug 18, 1987,
enactment of Public Law 100-91 mandated a study of aircraft noise impacts at a number of national
parks and required flight restrictions at three parks: Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and Haleakala. The law
specified that FAA would prepare and issue a final plan for air traffic management above the Grand
Canyon, based on recommendations from the Interior Department. On Jun 2, 1988, FAA published a rule
implementing Interior’s preliminary recommendations, with some modifications. Among other provisions,
this rule: raised the ceiling of the Special Flight Rule Area to 14,500 feet mean sea level; established flight-
free zones from the surface to 14,500 feet above large areas of the park; and provided routes for
commercial tour operators and transient operators through the canyon area. The rule was to expire after
Jun 15, 1992, but was given two extensions totaling five years to allow for completion and review of
National Park Service studies of the Canyon noise issue. On Jun 19, 1992, meanwhile, a crash claiming 10
lives continued a series of fatal accidents in the Canyon vicinity. The accidents prompted FAA to establish
a new geographical unit to help oversee the area’s air tourism. (See Mar 17, 1994.)
Apr 1, 1987: Western Airlines merged into Delta Air Lines.
Apr 1987: Completion of a construction project at the Miami Air Route Traffic Control Center early this
month marked the conclusion of a nationwide ARTCC expansion program. (See Sep 26, 1984).
May 14, 1987: President Reagan announced his nomination of Lawrence M. Hecker as FAA's Deputy
Administrator. The nominee was a former pilot and vice president of flight operations for Western
Airlines. Hecker withdrew his candidacy in September because the Senate failed to act on the
May 17, 1987: FAA began using the Aircraft Situation Display (ASD) at its Central Flow Control
Facility at Washington Headquarters. ASD provided traffic managers with a near real-time visual display
of en route aircraft operating under instrument flight rules nationally, regionally, or to a specific airport
terminal area. The information was provided by more than 100 long-range radars across the country. On
July 25, 1988, FAA announced the addition of Monitor Alert to ASD. Monitor Alert was a computer
system designed to analyze flight plans and project when and where airspace congestion was likely. By
May 1994, FAA had installed ASD at 41 en route and terminal facilities. (See Dec 31, 1983, and Nov 15,
May 19, 1987: USAir absorbed Pacific Southwest Airlines. On Oct 30, DOT announced its approval
for USAir's proposed acquisition of Piedmont Airlines. Formal merger of the two airlines' parent
companies occurred on Aug 5, 1989, and full integration of Piedmont Airlines into USAir was not
completed until Feb 1, 1990.
May 20, 1987: FAA Administrator Donald Engen announced that the agency had formally adopted a new
policy that permitted instrument landing systems (ILS) to be installed at some hub and reliever airports.
FAA had earlier imposed a freeze on installation of ILS in favor of microwave landing systems (MLS),
but Engen said that more ILSs would help address the problem of limited airport capacity in the short run.
(See Jan 12, 1984, and Apr 6, 1989.)
May 26, 1987: A new FAA regulation required airline operators to equip all large passenger aircraft with
protective breathing equipment (PBE) for flight attendants to use in fighting in-flight fires, and to
provide training in PBE use. The rule applied the same performance standards to this equipment as to the
PBEs already required for cockpit crew members. FAA had proposed the rule in Oct 1985 in response to
National Transportation Safety Board recommendations and to several in-flight fires. FAA originally gave
airlines two years to comply with the regulation, but subsequently granted extensions to Jan 31, 1991, for
PBE installation and to Jul 31, 1992 for training. (See Mar 29, 1985.)
May 29, 1987: FAA commissioned the first of its Host Computer Systems at the Seattle air route traffic
control center (ARTCC). On Jun 23, 1988, the agency commissioned the last of the systems at the Salt
Lake City ARTCC, completing the Host implementation program at all 20 continental ARTCCs. (See Jul
26, 1985.)
Jun 5, 1987: FAA published a rule requiring airlines to develop and use approved programs to control
the amount and size of carry-on baggage, with compliance by Jan 1, 1988. The agency specified that
airlines must ensure that passengers did not bring excessive luggage aboard, and that all luggage was safely
stowed prior to closing the last cabin door when preparing for takeoff. FAA’s regulation of carry-on bags
had begun with a Sep 1967 requirement that passengers could take to their seats only items that could be
securely stowed under a seat. The rules had subsequently evolved as cabin interiors changed.
Jun 7, 1987: The Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) took over management of
National and Dulles airports from FAA. The MWAA had been created by the Metropolitan Washington
Airports Act (see Oct 30, 1986). Under the terms of a lease agreement with the Federal government, the
new authority would operate the two airports for 50 years and would pay the government a total of $150
million for the lease period. Almost 700 FAA employees left the agency to join the MWAA, and a
directive issued on Oct 26, 1987, abolished FAA’s Metropolitan Washington Airports organization.
Jun 12, 1987: FAA commissioned its new National Concepts Development and Demonstration
Heliport at the Technical Center. The research heliport was fully equipped with such items as a
microwave landing system, an automated weather observing system, precision approach path indication
lights, and reconfigurable landing lights.
Jun 19, 1987: The Federal Labor Relations Authority certified the National Air Traffic Controllers
Association (NATCA) as the exclusive representative of all GS-2152 series terminal and center controllers
whose primary duty was separation of aircraft. The controllers had voted for representation by a margin of
7,494 to 3,275, using mail ballots sent to them on May 6. The Authority had announced the outcome on
Jun 11. (See Jul 2, 1982, and May 1, 1989.)
Jul 1, 1987 AirCal merged into American Airlines. AirCal had begun flying in Jan 1967 as an intrastate
carrier called Air California, then expanded to destinations outside the state in 1978. The airline had
adopted the name AirCal in 1981.
Jul 22, 1987: T. Allan McArtor became the tenth FAA Administrator, succeeding Donald D. Engen
(see Apr 10, 1984). McArtor took the oath a second time in a public ceremony on Jul 27. President
Reagan had announced the new Administrator’s appointment on Jun 5, and the Senate had confirmed it on
Jul 17.
Born in 1942 in St. Louis, Mo., McArtor received a B.S.E. from the U.S. Air Force Academy in
1964 and a M.S.E. in engineering mechanics from Arizona State University in 1971. He served as a fighter
pilot in Vietnam, logging 200 combat missions and winning the Silver Star and Distinguished Flying Cross.
McArtor flew with the Air Force Thunderbirds precision flying team from 1972 to 1974. He joined the
Federal Express Corporation in 1979, and was senior vice president for telecommunications at the time of
his selection to head FAA. He had also chaired the Department of Transportation Commercial Space
Transportation Advisory Committee from June 1986 to June 1987. McArtor served as FAA Administrator
for over 18 months, resigning during the first month of the Bush Administration. (See Feb 17, 1989.)
Jul 27, 1987: During a public ceremony in which he took the oath as FAA Administrator a second time,
Allan McArtor described his plan to restore public confidence in the aviation system through a set of
initiatives later dubbed Impact 88. In a speech on Sep 15, McArtor outlined these eight initiatives,
which were to be revealed in more detail during the succeeding weeks. Focusing on fiscal 1988, the
program was to enhance aviation safety in the areas of airline accountability, aircrew performance, airspace
capacity, advanced technology, aviation awareness, air transportation security, airport development, and
agency effectiveness. Among the elements of Impact 88 were reviews of training for pilots and air traffic
controllers, and an inspection of the aircraft manufacturing industry (see Sep 21, 1987).
Aug 16, 1987: A Northwest Airlines MD-80 crashed on takeoff at Detroit, killing all but one of the 157
persons aboard as well as two persons on the ground. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
cited the probable cause as the crew's failure to use the taxi checklist to ensure that the flaps and slates were
extended for takeoff. A contributory factor was an unexplained absence of power to the airplane takeoff
warning system. FAA actions in response to the accident and to NTSB recommendations included required
changes to MD-80 warning systems and steps aimed at improving flightcrew performance.
Aug 19, 1987: Effective this date, a Special Federal Aviation Administration Rule (SFAR) altered the
Los Angeles, Calif., terminal control area (TCA). The rule raised the upper limits of the TCA from
7,000 to 12,500 feet above mean sea level to enable air traffic control to provide terminal air traffic control
service to arriving and departing aircraft in the TCA. The action also eliminated the visual flight rule
(VFR) corridor in one area of the TCA to minimize the mix of controlled and uncontrolled operations in the
vicinity of Los Angeles (see Aug 31, 1986, and Mar 10, 1988).
Sep 1, 1987: AN FAA rule issued this date required: that 12-inch high nationality and registration marks
be displayed on all aircraft that penetrate and Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) or Defense Early
Warning Identification Zone (DEWIZ); that an identification data plate be displayed on the exterior of each
U.S.-registered civil aircraft; and that operators of aircraft modified to carry fuel tanks within the passenger
or baggage compartment keep a copy of the form authorizing that modification on board. A related rule,
issued Oct 5, 1988, required transponder-equipped aircraft to have their transponders turned on during
flights into or out of the United States penetrating an ADIZ. The rule also established flight plan and
position report requirements for operations penetrating the ADIZ around the contiguous 48 states. Both
rules were a response to concerns raised by the U.S. Customs Service in 1985, and FAA stated that they
were actions to combat hazards resulting from airborne drug smuggling. (See Apr 22, 1982, and Mar
6, 1990.)
Sep 2, 1987: DOT announced a rule directing all major air carriers to file regular monthly reports on
their delay and baggage-handling records.
Sep 9, 1987: DOT announced that within the current week it would begin random urinalysis testing to
detect drug abuse among departmental employees in jobs directly affecting safety and security. (FAA
already had a drug testing program for such employees, but it did not involve random tests: see Aug 16,
1985.) DOT's initiative was the first such program to be implemented department-wide under President
Reagan's Executive Order of Sep 15, 1986, calling for a drug-free Federal workplace. (See Nov 21, 1988.)
Sep 21, 1987: Administrator McArtor announced that FAA would begin a special inspection of the U.S.
aircraft manufacturing industry to ensure that the companies were following proper procedures and had
updated their techniques to keep up with technology (see Jul 27, 1987). On Jan 13, 1989, the agency
completed these Operation Snapshot inspections of 88 manufacturers.
Sep 27, 1987: California became the first state to ban smoking on all intrastate trips by airline, bus,
or train. In addition, the bill required that at least 75 percent of the space in airports and public transit
centers be set aside for nonsmokers. The bill became effective Jan 1, 1988. (See Apr 23, 1988.)
Oct 1, 1987: Elizabeth Hanford Dole resigned as Secretary of Transportation and Deputy Secretary
James H. Burnley became Acting Secretary. Before becoming Deputy Secretary, Burnley had been the
Department's General Counsel and had previously been an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the
Justice Department. President Reagan nominated him for the top post at Transportation shortly after Dole's
resignation. On December 3, Burnley became Secretary of Transportation. He served the remainder of
the Reagan Administration, resigning effective Jan 20, 1989.
Oct 20, 1987:
Intercom announced that New England Region Director Robert Whittington had been
designated Executive Director, a new position at FAA’s national headquarters. The departure of
Deputy Administrator-designate Lawrence M. Hecker (see May 14, 1987) had created a void that the new
position was intended to help fill. The new Executive Director, who reported to the Administrator,
provided direction and guidance to the operating elements and to the regions and centers. The position was
formally established by a directive issued on Feb 29, 1988. (See Jun 16, 1988.)
Oct 28-30, 1987: Administrator McArtor met a group of air traffic controllers in Atlanta in the first of a
series of Employee Focus Group meetings, an approach to problem solving in which personnel in various
specialties met directly with top managers.
Nov 9, 1987: FAA issued a major revision of its airport certification regulations for airports served by
air carriers with aircraft having a seating capacity of more than 30 passengers. The new regulations,
designed to improve safety standards, included: strengthening fuel handling and storage requirements;
making airport tenants responsible for quality control of aircraft fueling operations; requiring that
firefighting and rescue vehicles be equipped with two-way radios; mandating that at least one firefighting
employee trained in emergency medical care be on duty during air carrier operations; and increasing
restrictions on access of ground vehicle traffic to operational areas.
Nov 15, 1987: A Continental Airlines DC-9 crashed on takeoff at Denver Stapleton airport, killing 28
of the 82 persons on board. The National Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause of the crash
as the captain's failure to have the airplane deiced a second time after a delay before takeoff. Contributing
factors listed by the Board included the absence of regulatory or management controls governing
operations by newly qualified flightcrew members and the confusion that existed between the flightcrew
and air traffic controllers that led to the delay in departure. (See Dec 12, 1985 and Mar 22, 1992.)
Dec 7, 1987: A Pacific Southwest BAe 146 jet crashed near Paso Robles, Calif., killing all 43 on board.
Gunfire was heard on the cockpit recorder, and the authorities later determined that a vengeful former
employee caused the crash. On Dec 21, FAA ordered all airlines operating at U.S. airports to screen
all their employees entering secure areas with the same metal detectors and baggage x-ray equipment
used for passengers.
Dec 19, 1987: Effective this date, FAA required a positive baggage/passenger match on all
international flights by U.S. airlines. FAA had placed the same requirement on selected international
flights since the summer of 1985.
Dec 30, 1987: President Ronald Reagan signed the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity
Expansion Act, extending the authority for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) for an additional
five years. The legislation authorized $1.7 billion each fiscal year through 1990 and $1.8 billion each year
for fiscal years 1991 and 1992 (see Nov 5, 1990, and Oct 31, 1992). Other provisions of the act included:
authorization for a State Block Grant Pilot Program (see Nov 24, 1976, and Oct 1, 1989); a requirement
that ten percent of the funds available under AIP be expended with the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Program; a redefinition of primary airports to include all airports emplaning more than 10,000 passengers
annually; expenditures for soundproofing public schools and hospitals without a noise compatibility study;
and establishment of a discretionary fund set-aside for projects to enhance systemwide capacity, safety,
security, and noise compatibility.
The act increased the maximum civil penalty for each safety violation by an airline or other
commercial operator from $1,000 to $10,000. The legislation also authorized a two-year civil penalty
demonstration program, which began on this day, permitting FAA to adjudicate civil penalty cases not to
exceed $50,000. Subsequent legislation granted the program two extensions, ending on Jul 31, 1990 (see
Apr 13, 1990).
Dec 31, 1987: At the end of this day, FAA completed its phased ban on all large transport and
turbojet aircraft at the Phase I noise level, with the exception of non-revenue flights permitted under
certain circumstances through the end of 1989. (See Feb 18, 1980, and Nov 5, 1990.)
Jan 1988: FAA commissioned its first expanded network version of the Low Level Wind Shear Alert
System (LLWAS) at Denver Stapleton airport (see Aug 2, 1985). A second of the expanded-network
systems was commissioned at New Orleans in Nov 1988. In addition, the agency continued upgrading
the standard six-sensor LLWAS units to a version with full microburst detection capability and other
improved features. On Oct 11, 1991, a ceremony at Lexington, Ky., marked the completion of this
upgraded LLWAS at all 110 airports designated to receive it.
Feb 5, 1988: Effective this date, FAA issued the first noise certification standards for new helicopter
types and banned modifications to current helicopters types that would increase noise levels.
Feb 8, 1988: FAA announced that it had retired airplane registration number N16020, used by Amelia
Earhart when she disappeared on a flight over the Pacific Ocean (see Jul 2, 1937). The number had been
recently held by Continental Air Lines, which had agreed to its retirement.
Mar 9, 1988 Secretary of Transportation James H. Burnley announced the creation of a Secretary’s Task
Force on Internal Reforms of the FAA, co-chaired by FAA Administrator McArtor and DOT’s Assistant
Secretary for Administration. The task force was charged with examining ways to eliminate marginal, non-
safety expenditures and to improve the procurement process. It was instructed to place a high priority on
reviewing FAA’s regional structure, which Burnley described as outdated and a cause of inconsistency in
interpreting national standards. On Apr 28, DOT and FAA announced that the task force’s
recommendations would include a variety of improvements in practices and procedures, including
“straightlining” of reporting relationships. Under this arrangement, regional division managers in key
programs would report to to Associate Administrators at national headquarters rather than to the Regional
Directors. (See Sep 15, 1984, and Jun 16, 1988.)
Mar 10, 1988: Effective this date, FAA established a special flight route through the Los Angeles
terminal control area (TCA) to accommodate general aviation aircraft wishing to transit the area. The
action allowed small aircraft operating under visual flight rules (VFR) and carrying a Mode C transponder
to follow the designated route through the TCA without the prior approval of Los Angeles approach
control. The corridor was similar to one that had been closed effective Aug 19, 1987 (see that date).
Mar 16, 1988: Effective this date, FAA included free-standing heliports in regulations on airport
noise compatibility planning that had previously applied only to heliports on public airports used by
fixed-wing aircraft. When their plans were approved, the free-standing heliports would be eligible to apply
for benefits under the Airport Improvement Program.
Apr 1, 1988: Barbara McConnell Barrett became FAA's Deputy Administrator, succeeding Richard
H. Jones (see Dec 13, 1984). A previous nominee, Lawrence M. Hecker, had withdrawn in September (see
May 14, 1987).
Born in Indiana County, Pa., Barrett earned three degrees from Arizona State University
(B.S., 1972; M.B.A, 1975; J.D., 1978). She held positions with Greyhound Corp. and Southwest Forest
Industries, Inc., and in 1982 became Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Barrett served as the Board's Vice Chairman, 1983-84. She then practiced law as a partner at the firm of
Evans, Kitchel, and Jenckes in Phoenix, Ariz., until becoming the first woman to occupy the FAA's Deputy
position. Barrett served the remainder of the Reagan Administration, and resigned effective Jan 20, 1989.
(See Mar 12, 1990.)
Apr 5, 1988: FAA decommissioned the last radar bright display equipment being used at a domestic
air route traffic control center when it shut down the unit at the Los Angeles Center. (See Apr 27, 1960.)
On the same day, FAA terminated the last broadband radar service, when it stopped that service at the
Paso Robles, Calif., long-range radar facility. FAA had gradually replaced the broadband with the Direct
Access Radar Channel (see Feb 2, 1981).
Apr 15, 1988: Effective this date, FAA required large air carriers to report each failure, malfunction,
or defect of their emergency evacuation systems and components.
Apr 23, 1988: Effective this date, FAA placed a two-year ban on smoking on all domestic scheduled
airline flights of two hours or less. The rule, published ten days previously, responded to legislation that
had been enacted in Dec 1987. The same legislation also imposed a $2,000 fine for tampering with smoke
detectors in airliner lavatories, and FAA’s rule required the posting of signs warning passengers of this
penalty. (See Aug 13, 1986, and Feb 25, 1990.)
Apr 28, 1988: An 18-foot gap opened in flight in the fuselage of a Boeing 737 operated by Aloha
Airlines. Decompression swept a flight attendant through the opening, and 8 other persons were seriously
injured. The plane made an emergency landing on the Hawaian island of Maui. In the immediate
aftermath of the accident, FAA ordered inspections of 737-100 and 737-200 jets logging more than 55,000
landings and restricted those planes to 23,000-foot altitude until inspected. On May 23, 1989, the National
Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause of the accident as the Aloha maintenance program's
failure to detect disbonding and fatigue damage. Contributary factors listed included Aloha management
failings, FAA regulatory deficiencies, and Boeing’s failure to ensure correction of certain 737 construction
problems. The near disaster aboard the high-service, 19-year-old Aloha plane focused attention on the
issue of the airworthiness of aging airliners. (See May 6, 1981, and Jun 1, 1988.)
May 8, 1988: A fire at an Illinois Bell Telephone Co. switching center drastically limited communications
between the towers at Chicago's Midway and O'Hare airports, the Aurora air route traffic control center,
and aircraft. The 56 hour outage resulted in major air traffic delays throughout the country (see Jan 4,
May 17, 1988: Voters in Colorado approved a measure that allowed the city of Denver to annex land
for a new airport, which would occupy 45 square miles. One year later, on May 16, 1989, the voters
approved a referendum authorizing construction of the facility, which would be the country's first new
major airport since Dallas-Fort Worth opened in 1974. FAA approved a $60 million grant for construction
on Sep 27, 1989, and site preparation began the following day. Construction officially started on Nov 22,
1989. FAA announced it had approved an additional grant of $90 million on Mar 27, 1990, and on Apr 29,
1992, approved the collection of passenger facility charges at Stapleton International Airport to help
finance construction of the new facility. The airport was originally scheduled to open in Oct 1993, but
encountered a series of delays due to difficulties that included problems with the baggage handling system.
(See Feb 28, 1995.)
Jun 1, 1988 FAA opened a three-day international conference on the problems of aging airliners
attended by more than 400 participants. Concerns about the continued airworthiness of the many high-
service aircraft in the air carrier fleet had been heightened by a recent accident (see Apr 28, 1988). The
gathering led to the establishment of a government-industry task force on the issue, and to FAA actions that
included: increased research and development in the aging aircraft field; acquisition of expertise in non-
destructive inspection techniques; consideration of new structural inspection programs for older commuter
aircraft; the use of FAA teams to monitor maintenance checks on older aircraft; and rulemaking projects
aimed at improving the safety of high-service airliners (see Mar 7, 1990). The conference became the first
in a series of such meetings.
Jun 2, 1988: After a six week review of Texas Air Corp. and its subsidiaries, Eastern and Continental
Airlines, Secretary of Transportation James Burnley announced that the airlines were currently operating
safely. He noted however, that labor-management hostility at Eastern was at an unprecedented level.
To prevent this tension from threatening Eastern's future safety, Burnley had asked former Secretary of
Labor William E. Brock to mediate the situation. (See Mar 4, 1989.)
Jun 14, 1988: FAA issued its first certificate to a major all-composite aircraft, the Beech Starship, a
business-class turboprop seating between seven and ten.
Jun 16, 1988: Administrator McArtor announced a reorganization of FAA's senior management
structure, building upon recommendations by the Secretary's Task Force on Internal FAA Reform (see
Mar 9, 1988). The reorganization's aims were to: improve communications, coordination, and management
oversight of FAA's technical modernization and other activities; reduce unnecessary reporting
relationships; and allow Washington headquarters to handle increased authority over field operations.
Effective Jul 1, 1988, FAA increased the number of Executive Director positions from one to four (see
Oct 20, 1987, and Feb 21, 1990). The Executive Directors reported directly to the Administrator, and most
of the agency’s functions were consolidated under them. As described in a new directive issued on Feb 6,
1989, the four Executive Directors were responsible for the following organizational elements:
(1) Executive Director for Policy, Plans, and Resource Management (the new title of the
former single Executive Director position). Reporting to this position were the:
(a) Associate Administrator for Policy, Planning, and International Aviation (responsible
for the Europe, Africa, and Middle East Office and three other Offices: International Aviation; Aviation
Policy and Plans; and Environment, later redesignated Environment and Energy);
(b) Associate Administrator for Human Resource Management (responsible for four
Offices: Human Resource Development; Labor and Employee Relations; Personnel; and Training and
Higher Education);
(c) Associate Administrator for Administration (responsible for the Acquisition and
Materiel Service and three Offices: Accounting; Budget; and Management Systems);
(d) Regional Directors, now retitled Regional Administrators to reflect their role as
representatives of the Administrator; and the
(e) Director, Aeronautical Center.
(2) Executive Director for Systems Operations, to whom reported the:
(a) Associate Administrator for Air Traffic (responsible for the Office of Air Traffic
Evaluations and Analysis and two Services: Air Traffic Plans and Requirements; and Air Traffic
(b) Associate Administrator for Airway Facilities (responsible for two Services: Program
Engineering and Systems Maintenance);
(c) Director of Operations Planning and Policy; and the
(d) Director of Operations Resource Management.
(3) Executive Director for Regulatory Standards and Compliance, to whom reported the:
(a) Associate Administrator for Regulation and Certification (responsible for the Office
of Rulemaking and two Services: Aircraft Certification and Flight Standards);
(b) Associate Administrator for Aviation Standards (responsible for the Aviation
Standards National Field Office and three other Offices: Aviation Medicine; Civil Aviation Security; and
Accident Investigation); and the
(c) Director of Program and Resource Management.
(4) Executive Director for System Development, to whom reported the:
(a) Associate Administrator for Advanced Design and Management Control (responsible
for the Operations Research Office and two Services: Advanced System Design; and Management Control)
(b) Associate Administrator for NAS (National Airspace System) Development
(responsible for the System Engineering and Program Management Office and three Services: Automation;
Advanced System Acquisition; and NAS Transition);
(c) Associate Administrator for Airports (responsible for the Airport Capacity Program
Office and two other Offices: Airport Planning and Programming; and Airport Standards); and the
(d) Director, FAA Technical Center.
In addition to the Executive Directors, the positions reporting to the Administrator were: the former
Director, Aviation Safety, now retitled an Associate Administrator (responsible for two Offices: Aviation
Safety Analysis and Aviation Safety Oversight); the Chief Counsel; and three Assistant Administrators for:
Public Affairs, Civil Rights; and Government and Industry Affairs.
Also effective on Jul 1, 1988, FAA implemented a straightline reporting system under which
regional division program managers in the following functions reported to Associate Administrators at
national headquarters instead of to the former Regional Directors: air traffic, airway facilities, aircraft
certification, flight standards, civil aviation security, medical, and airports. Under the new arrangement,
the Regional and Center Counsels also reported to the Chief Counsel.
Jun 16, 1988: Administrator McArtor announced a five point program to assist development of tiltrotor
aviation, including: (1) negotiations with the Defense Department for FAA access to engineering and test
data; (2) accelerated efforts in such areas as tiltrotor airspace review, criteria for flight tests and pilot
training, and final aircraft certification standards; (3) establishment of a tiltrotor program organization that
reported to the Administrator during McArtor’s tenure; (4) expanded research and development; and (5)
stepped-up planning and development of vertiports.
Jun 21, 1988: FAA published a rule setting new requirements for aircraft to carry the Mode C
transponder, an altitude-reporting radar beacon (see Jan 29, 1987). Effective Jul 1, 1989, the rule
mandated Mode C carriage en route above 10,000 feet, instead of the 12,500 feet previously specified.
With certain exclusions, the rule also required aircraft to carry and operate Mode C transponders within 30
miles of a primary airport in terminal control areas (TCAs). (On Dec 5, 1990, however, FAA suspended
certain aspects of this provision, thus allowing aircraft without Mode C to have access to about 300
specified outlying airports within 30 miles of a TCA primary airport.) In addition, the rule required Mode
C in Airport Radar Service Areas (ARSAs), effective Dec 30, 1990.
Jun 30, 1988: In response to legislation, FAA issued a rule expanding requirements for Flight Data
Recorders (FDRs) and Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVRs), with compliance by Oct 11, 1991. The rule
required CVRs on all multi-engine, turbine-powered commuter and air taxi aircraft that were able to seat
six or more persons and were required to have a two-pilot crew. It mandated FDRs on certain existing and
newly manufactured large commuter aircraft. The rule also required large air carriers to upgrade FDRs in
certain aircraft possessing the digitial capability to accomodate more advanced devices. In addition, the
rule contained CVR/FDR requirements for certain general aviation aircraft with multiple turbine engines.
(See Jul 16, 1996.)
Jul 3, 1988: U.S.S.
Vincennes mistakenly shot down an Iran Air A-300 Airbus over the Persian Gulf,
killing all 290 persons aboard. The Navy ship fired two missiles, seven minutes after the flight took off
from Bandar Abbas. Before firing,
Vincennes had sent electronic identification requests and voice
warnings to the plane over civilian and military radio channels.
Jul 26, 1988: FAA announced it had awarded IBM a $3.55 billion contract to develop, deploy, and
service the Advanced Automation System (AAS). The announcement ended almost four years of
competition between IBM and Hughes Aircraft Corp. (See Jul 26, 1985, and Oct 1, 1991.)
Aug 5, 1988: FAA created a new general aviation staff to improve liaison between the agency and private
and business flyers. The new staff, which operated within the Office of Flight Standards, was later
abolished on Oct 13, 1992, and its functions assigned to the General Aviation and Commercial Division.
Aug 8, 1988: FAA began System Safety and Efficiency Reviews (SSERs), programs in which
interdisciplinary teams from the agency, other public officials, and industry conducted thorough
evaluations of all activities that affected aviation safety in and near a facility. The investigations included
air traffic control towers and centers, flight service stations, airway facilities, aviation security, and
inspector functions. The first SSER began at Chicago O'Hare airport.
Aug 23, 1988: United Airlines became the first major U.S. carrier to get Operations Specifications
produced by a new automated FAA system designed to increase standardization. With the new system,
FAA assumed responsibility for initial preparation of the "Ops Specs," which spelled out in detail the rules
that an airline must follow to comply with safety requirements. Previously, the carriers had prepared the
document and submitted it to FAA for approval.
Aug 25, 1988: FAA published a rule further upgrading fire safety standards for cabin interiors in
transport aircraft by establishing refined fire test procedures and apparatus as well as a new requirement for
smoke emmission testing. The agency expected that the new flammability standards would also lessen the
problem of toxic gas release during fire. FAA prescribed a phased compliance schedule for new and
existing aircraft. The rule was based on a continuing research program recommended by the SAFER
committee. (See Jul 21, 1986.)
Aug 25, 1988: FAA announced changes to the Expanded East Coast Plan because of numerous
complaints of increased noise by New Jersey residents. Changes to the EECP included rerouting Newark
westbound departures from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. (See Feb 12, 1987, and Mar 11, 1991.)
Aug 31, 1988: A Delta Airlines Boeing 727 crashed on takeoff at Dallas-Fort Worth International
Airport, killing 13 of the 108 on board. The National Transportation Safety Board listed the probable cause
of the accident as inadequate cockpit disciple resulting in an attempt to takeoff without the wing flaps and
slats properly configured, and a failure in the warning takeoff system. As a contributory factors, the Board
cited: Delta’s slow implementation of safety steps necessitated by the airline’s rapid growth; a lack of
accountability in FAA’s inspection process; and insufficiently aggressive action by the agency to correct
known deficiencies at Delta, which had been the subject of a special inspection in 1987 following a series
of incidents. FAA’s response to the Board’s recommendations included certain actions concerning
inspections, required modifications to the 727 takeoff warning system, and a variety of other measures.
Aug 1988: FAA began a test and demonstration of the Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) at the
Memphis airport, followed in May 1989 by a year-long test at the Raleigh-Durham airport. The radar
greatly reduced the update rate of aircraft movements as depicted on an air traffic control screen. The
demonstration proved successful, determining that the new radar, in conjunction with automated alarms and
high-resolution color displays, helped controllers prevent or resolve aircraft conflicts in the airspace
between closely spaced parallel and converging runways. On Apr 15, 1992, FAA announced award of a
contract to the Bendix Division of Allied-Signal Aerospace Co. for five Precision Runway Monitoring
radars. The following year, on Jul 20, 1993, FAA commissioned the first PRM in the United States at
Sep 22, 1988: FAA issued a rule requiring that all turbine-powered airliners seating 30 passengers or more
carry equipment to warn pilots when they encounter low-altitude wind shear and provide them with
information needed to escape safely (see Oct 9, 1986). The rule also mandated wind shear training for
flight crewmembers. FAA allowed until Jan 2, 1991, to complete the training requirements and permitted
the airlines to phase in the equipment in accordance with an approved schedule by Jan 4, 1993. On Apr 9,
1990, the agency published rule extending this deadline to Dec 30, 1993, making certain exemptions for
older aircraft, and allowing the substitution of more advanced "predictive" warning systems when
Oct 3, 1988: Citing increasing congestion and a rash of air traffic control operation errors, FAA
indefinitely reduced the maximum number of arrivals permitted at Chicago O'Hare from 96 an hour
to 80.
Nov 2, 1988: FAA announced it had awarded a contract to Raytheon for 47 Terminal Doppler Weather
Radar (TDWR) systems which would be able to warn of hazardous wind shear conditions and
microbursts. The contract followed operational evaluation of a TDWR at Denver Stapleton airport, and
further operational evaluations of test units continued. (See Aug 2, 1985, and Jul 2, 1994.)
Nov 2, 1988: AN FAA Jet Commander 21 crashed near Latrobe, Pa., after both engines lost power. The
accident claimed the lives of all three personnel aboard.
Nov 3, 1988: The Aviation Safety Research Act broadened FAA's role in aircraft-related research, which
had previously focused on testing and developing existing devices and materials. The act authorized the
agency to develop new technologies and conduct data analyses in such fields as the effects of wear and
fatigue on aircraft structures, aircraft maintenance, materials resistent to smoke and fire, low flammability
fuels, and methods of containing in-flight and post-crash fires. (See Nov 5, 1990 and May 6, 1996.)
Nov 7, 1988: FAA announced award of a contract for five operational models of a new Thermal Neutron
Activation (TNA) explosives detection system. The TNA device measured the gamma rays produced by
energy neutrons passed through luggage and cargo and triggered an alarm when components of explosives
were detected. FAA had first become involved in TNA research in 1976 in the wake of the La Guardia
bombing (see Dec 29, 1975). After testing a "breadboard" TNA device at several airports, the agency
awarded competitive design contracts in Sep 1985 and began testing a prototype system at San Francisco
airport in Jun 1987. (See Dec 29, 1988.)
Nov 21, 1988: DOT published an interim rule on testing procedures for a series of new rules requiring
employers in the transportation sector to have an anti-drug program for personnel with
responsibilities affecting safety or security. The programs generally included five kinds of drug-abuse
testing: pre-employment, random, periodic, post-accident, and for reasonable cause. (DOT had already
established a similar program for its own employees: see Sep 9, 1987.) Also on Nov 21, FAA published a
rule applying the DOT testing guidelines to the aviation industry by requiring an anti-drug program for
domestic and supplemental air carriers, air taxi and commuter operators, certain commercial operators,
certain contractors, and air traffic control facilities not operated by FAA or the U.S. military. (Subsequent
amendments to this rule included an exemption for some types of operations, such as student instruction.)
DOT published a final rule on testing procedures on Dec 1, 1989. The program began within the
aviation industry on Dec 18, 1989, when large airlines and regionals with 51 or more employees began
testing. (See Jul 10, 1990.)
Nov 18, 1988: After receiving information eight days earlier from West German authorities, FAA issued
an aviation security bulletin, describing a cassette recorder containing a barometric detonating device that
could be set to explode when an airliner reached a certain altitude. Such a device had been discovered by
German authorities in an Oct 26 anti-terrorist sweep. On Dec 7, FAA issued another bulletin to airlines
advising them of a telephone warning that had been received Dec 5 by the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki. The
anonymous caller claimed that a bomb was to be placed aboard a Pan Am plane in Frankfurt. (See Dec 21,
Dec 15, 1988: FAA issued a type certificate for the Airbus A-320. The aircraft had received its
certification in Europe in February 1988. The A-320 was a short-to-medium range, twin turbo-fan
transport with a seating capacity of 120-179 passengers. It was the first civilian transport to incorporate
"fly-by-wire" controls for elevators, ailerons, spoilers, tailplane trim, slats, flaps, and speed brakes.
Dec 21, 1988: An explosion destroyed Pan American World Airways Flight 103 near Lockerbie,
Scotland, killing all 259 persons aboard and 11 on the ground (see Nov 18, 1988). The Boeing 747 had
been bound for New York Kennedy from London Heathrow. Investigators later discovered that the tragedy
was the result of a bomb concealed inside a radio-cassette player that had been loaded into a forward
luggage compartment in Frankfurt (see Nov 14, 1991). FAA quickly began an inspection of Pan
American’s security procedures at Heathrow and Frankfurt airports, and later proposed $630,000 in civil
penalties against the airline for alleged violations of security regulations.
On Dec 29, FAA revealed new security measures to go into effect within 48 hours for
U.S. carriers at all airports in Europe and the Middle East. These included requirements that the airlines x-
ray or physically search all checked baggage, conduct additional random checks of passengers and
baggage, and achieve a positive match of passengers and their baggage to keep unaccompanied bags off
airplanes. FAA also ordered a sixth thermal neutron analysis (TNA) device (see Nov 7, 1988) and
accelerated the TNA delivery schedule. (See Jan 3, 1989.)
Dec 27, 1988: A presidential proclamation extended U.S. territorial jurisdiction from three to twelve
nautical miles from the nation's coasts, and FAA at the same time extended certain controlled airspace and
air traffic rules to coincide with the new limits.
Jan 3, 1989: As part of a series of security measures following the Lockerbie bombing (see Dec 21,
1988), the Federal Aviation Administration issued a rule requiring airport operators to supplement their
procedures for limiting entry into secure areas by installing a computer-controlled access system, or a
similar approved system. On Mar 13, FAA issued a rule requiring foreign air carriers that land or takeoff in
the U.S. to submit a written security program to the agency. Two days later, the agency adopted a
mandatory minimum fine of $1,000 for passengers trying to take guns through airport screening positions.
On Jul 6, FAA issued a rule strengthening its system for providing security information to airlines by
requiring compliance with prescribed countermeasures and making disclosure of information in security
alerts a violation subject to penalty.
On Sep 5, FAA published a rule giving the agency authority to require airlines to install
explosives detection systems (EDS) to screen passengers' checked baggage for international flights, with
about 40 U.S. and foreign airports targeted for initial implementation. Also on Sep 5, operational testing of
the first of six FAA-funded Thermal Neutron Activation (TNA) explosive detection systems began at
New York Kennedy airport (see Nov 7, 1988). Subsequently, operational demonstrations of TNA units
were conducted at several other airports, but the devices were not adopted for permanent use.
Other security-related events during 1989 included the establishment on Aug 4 of the
President’s Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism to review security policy (see May 15,
1990). Effective on Oct 10, FAA established an Aviation Security Advisory Committee including
representatives of 16 Federal agencies and aviation organizations. (See Mar 3, 1990.)
Jan 10, 1989: FAA published a rule requiring the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
(TCAS II) on all airliners with more than 30 passenger seats operating in U.S. airspace (see Mar 18,
1987). The airlines were to phase in TCAS II by Dec 30, 1991. On Apr 9, 1990, however, FAA extended
the TCAS II compliance schedule completion date to Dec 30, 1993 (an extension that also applied to wind
shear warning equipment: see Sep 22, 1988). The Jan 10, 1989, rule also required turbine-powered
commuter aircraft with 10 to 30 passenger seats to install the simpler TCAS I by Feb 9, 1995, a
deadline later extended to Dec 31, 1995.
Jan 12, 1989: FAA revised the pilot and equipment requirements for conducting operations in
terminal control areas and established a single class of terminal control area (TCA) instead of the two
classes which previously existed. (See Aug 31, 1986.) In addition, pilots needed at least a private
certificate to fly in a TCA. Student pilots were permitted to conduct certain operations with specified
training and logbook endorsements from a certified flight instructor except at 12 TCA primary airports,
where student pilot operations were prohibited. In addition, helicopters operating within a TCA had to
install a VOR or TACAN reciever by Jul 1, 1989.
Jan 15, 1989: The Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (SMGCS), a red-and-green traffic
light system for runways and taxiways, began a one-year test at New York Kennedy airport. The red
lights, called "stop bars," warned pilots not to enter runways until controllers issued clearance and
switched on green lights leading to the runway center line. An improved version received further testing at
Kennedy during 1991, and on Dec 10, 1992, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport became a demonstration
airport for the first FAA-approved stop bar system. Seattle's system, developed by the Port of Seattle's
airport management team, FAA, and airport users, served as the prototype for development of national
standards for low visibility operations under FAA's Runway Incursion Plan. (See Feb 7, 1991.) On Jun 1,
1993, Hartsfield-Atlanta International Airport became the second airport in the Untied States to begin using
the SMGCS plan.
Jan 20, 1989: George Bush became President, succeeding Ronald Reagan.
Jan 24, 1989: FAA Administrator T. Allan McArtor reestablished the Administrator's Executive
Committee, or EXCOM (see Feb 5, 1973). The four executive directors and the general counsel made up
the membership of the reconstituted committee, with the Executive Director for Policy, Plans, and
Resource Management serving as permanent chair. The committee's primary function was to review and
evaluate the recommendations of the Administrator's Review Committee on the budget, policy, and other
critical issues. The EXCOM was replaced on Nov 24, 1989, by the Executive Board. The Deputy
Administrator served as the permanent chair of the board, with the Executive Director for Policy, Plans,
and Resource Management serving as alternate chair. (See Mar 10, 1994.)
Jan 30, 1989: Effective this date, FAA established a Research, Engineering, and Development Advisory
Feb 6, 1989: Samuel K. Skinner became Secretary of Transportation, succeeding James H. Burnley
with the change of administrations. A lawyer from Illinois, Skinner had been chairman of a regional
transportation authority and had managed the Bush Presidential campaign in the state. He served as
Secretary until becoming President Bush's chief of staff on Dec 16, 1991.
Feb 8, 1989 A Boeing 707 crashed into a fog-shrouded mountain on the Azores island of Santa Maria
with the loss of all 144 persons aboard. The small U.S. charter company Independent Air had operated the
Feb 10, 1989: FAA issued a new rule upgrading the fire safety standards for baggage and cargo
compartments in existing airline aircraft. The new standards required that all cargo compartments larger
than 200 cubic feet that were inaccessible to crewmembers in flight be lined with rigid fiberglass or
comparable materials on their sidewalls and ceilings to more effectively resist the spread of fire. The
airlines had two years from the effective date of the new regulation to comply. (See May 16, 1986, and
Nov 14, 1996.)
Feb 17, 1989: Effective this date, T. Allan McArtor resigned as FAA Administrator. The post of
Acting Administrator was filled by Robert Whittington, whose regular position was now Executive
Director for Policy, Plans, and Resource Management. (See Jun 30, 1989.)
Feb 28, 1989: FAA's first operational Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) began service,
and the agency had installed 50 more the end of Sep 1990. AWOS equipment automatically gathered
weather data from various locations around an airport and transmitted that information directly to pilots by
means of computer-generated voice message (see Jan 26, 1983). In cooperation with the National Weather
Service, FAA also pursured a program to acquire Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS)
equipment, which offered additional percipitation sensing capabilities. The agency began ASOS
installation in Aug 1991, and had commissioned over 60 by April 1996.
Mar 4, 1989: Upon the expiration of a Federally imposed cooling-off period, the union representing
Eastern's machinists went on strike, supported by large numbers of the airline's pilots and flight
attendants. Approximately ninety percent of Eastern's planes were grounded. The airline's attempt legally
to force pilots back to work failed on Mar 7, when a Federal judge ruled that the pilots could continue their
sympathy strike. On Mar 9, Eastern filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy
Code. On Nov 21, President Bush vetoed legislation which would have set up a commission to investigate
the dispute between Eastern's unions and its management. The next day, leaders of the pilot union voted to
end their strike, and on Nov 23 the flight attendant union also told its members to return to work. The
machinists' strike continued. (See Jun 2, 1988, and Apr 18, 1990.)
Mar 22, 1989: Fire consumed one of the mobile lounges used at Dulles International Airport to transport
passengers from the terminal to aircraft, injuring two passengers. The day before the fire, a ramp worker at
Dulles had been crushed to death under the wheels of a lounge. As a result of the accidents, airport
officials on Mar 23 ordered maintenance inspections on all mobile lounges and retraining courses for all
lounge drivers.
Mar 31, 1989: The Acquisition and Materiel Service was retitled the Logistics Service, its name prior
to Oct 29, 1982. (See Sep 30, 1991.)
Mar 1989: The U.S. licensed commercial space industry made its first launch when Space Service, Inc.,
sent a scientific payload on a suborbital trip aboard a Starfire rocket. Later in 1989, the first U.S. licensed
commercial orbital launch was successfully carried out on Aug 27 by the McDonnell Douglas
corporation, using a Delta I launch vehicle.
Apr 6, 1989: In Lebanon, NH, FAA commissioned the first permanent, Federally funded Microwave
Landing System (MLS) at a commercial airport. The Hazeltine Corporation had delivered the system to
the agency under a contract for 178 MLS units. On Aug 7, 1989, however, FAA notified Hazeltine that
it was terminating the contract because of the company's failure to meet the specified delivery schedule.
(See May 20, 1987, and Dec 6, 1989.)
May 1, 1989:
FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) concluded their
first labor agreement. (Signing on behalf of the union was R. Steve Bell, who had been elected president
in 1988.) Negotiators had reached a tentative agreement in January, and union members ratified the
contract on Apr 18. (See Jun 19, 1987, and Aug 1, 1993.)
May 2, 1989: FAA commissioned the first operational ASR-9 airport surveillance radar (see Sep 30,
1983). The new radar employed advanced Doppler technology to filter out radar reflection, and was
capable of detecting a one square meter target at a distance of 60 nautical miles. FAA planned to equip
every major airport with an ASR-9, and 121 of them had been commissioned by the end of FY 1996. With
the introduction of the ASR-9 radars, the older ASR-7 and -8 units would be used to replace aged ASR-4
and -5 radars.
May 5, 1989: FAA’s National Data Interchange Network 1A (NADIN 1A) became fully operational,
supplanting several independent communications networks with a single, efficient means of transmitting
weather and flight plan data. The agency had originally contracted for the system in Nov 1980. On Mar
31, 1995, FAA commissioned an upgraded version designated NADIN II.
Jun 7, 1989 New York real estate developer Donald Trump acquired Eastern Air Lines' shuttle operation
between Washington, New York, and Boston, and began service under the name Trump Shuttle the next
day. The venture proved unprofitable, however, and on Apr 12, 1992, USAir began operating the renamed
USAir Shuttle under a management contract with a group of banks.
Jun 16, 1989: FAA issued a rule limiting the distance between emergency exits on transport category
planes to no more than 60 feet. The rule applied to all new transport planes certificated after Jul 23 and to
all newly manufactured airplanes of older type designs produced after Oct 16, 1987. It also prevented
modifications, such as deactivation of exits, to increase the distance between exits to more than the 60 foot
Jun 18, 1989: FAA implemented a five-year Pay Demonstration Project to provide a quarterly
retention/recruitment allowance of up to 20 percent of base pay. The project covered approximately 2,100
air traffic, flight standards, and airway facilities personnel working at 11 hard-to-staff facilities in the New
York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Oakland areas. (See May 26, 1994.)
Jun 30, 1989: FAA broke ground for its new high technology training complex in Oklahoma City,
named for General Thomas P. Stafford, an astronaut. The agency dedicated the building's tower cab
simulation laboratory on Jan 25, 1991, then marked the full opening of the Stafford Building with a
ceremony on Mar 11, 1992.
Jun 30, 1989: Admiral James B. Busey (USN, Ret.) became FAA's eleventh Administrator, succeeding
T. Allan McArtor (see Jul 22, 1987). Busey took the oath a second time in a public ceremony on Jul 11.
The new Administrator had been on active duty with the Navy when President Bush announced his
selection on Mar 17. He retired from the Navy in May, and the Senate confirmed his nomination on Jun
23. Enactment of Public Law 101-47 exempted him from the legal provision barring active or retired
military officers from becoming FAA Administrator.
Born in 1932 in Peoria, Ill., Busey attended the University of Illinois in Urbana, and received a
B.S. and master's in management from the Navy Postgraduate School. During a 37-year career with the
Navy, Busey rose from enlisted ranks to become a full admiral. An experienced pilot and a winner of the
Navy Cross for combat action in Vietnam, he served as commander of the Naval Aviation System
Command while a vice admiral. Busey's other positions included Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Auditor
General of the Navy, and Deputy Chief of Naval Materiel, Resource Management. Prior to becoming FAA
Administrator, Busey served for two years as Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Naval Forces in Europe and
Commander-in-Chief of Allied Forces in Southern Europe, a NATO command. He held the post of FAA
Administrator for one year and five months. (See Nov 20, 1991.)
Jul 19, 1989: A United Airlines DC-10 crashed while attempting an emergency landing in Sioux City,
Iowa, after debris from a failed engine damaged the aircraft's control system. The accident killed 110 of
the 296 people on board. On Aug 3, FAA announced the formation of an agency/industry task force on
improving aircraft survivability following major in-flight structural damage (see, Jun 5, 1990).
Preliminary investigation of the accident indicated that one of the two titanium disks holding the
engine's fan blades separated, either intact or in fragments, from the rest of the engine. On Sep 15, FAA
issued the first of several directives requiring fan disk inspections. In its final report on the crash, the
National Transportation Safety Board listed the probable cause as the failure of the airline's engine overhaul
facility to detect a fatigue crack in the fan disk, a failure the Board attributed to inadequate consideration of
human factors limitations.
Aug 24, 1989: FAA established the Charlotte, N.C. terminal control area (TCA), the first new TCA since
1980 (see May 15, 1980). Additional TCAs were established at: Memphis, Oct 19, 1989; Salt Lake City,
Nov 16, 1989; Phoenix, Jan 11, 1990; Orlando and Tampa, Sep 20, 1990; and the Washington Tri-Area
(which superceded the Washington TCA and encompassed Andrews AFB, and the Washington National,
Dulles International, and Baltimore-Washington airports), Mar 7, 1991. This brought the total of TCAs to
29. (See Dec 17, 1991.)
Aug 31, 1989: FAA established the new pilot category of recreational pilot, requiring less training than a
private pilot certificate. The agency intended the new category for pilots interested in flying basic,
experimental, or homebuilt aircraft in close proximity to a home airport in which communication with air
traffic control facilities was not required. At the same time, FAA established a required annual flight
review for non-instrument-rated private pilots with less than 400 flight hours.
Sep 17, 1989: Hurricane Hugo slammed into the U.S. Virgin Islands before moving on to Puerto Rico
and then South Carolina. Numerous FAA facilities in the storm's path suffered damage and service
interruption. Destruction was especially heavy in the Virgin Islands, where two airport towers were badly
damaged and a radar destroyed. Southern Region Headquarters took charge of the recovery effort, which
included establishment of temporary mobile towers on the islands. The agency's DC-9 carried relief
supplies to the Virgin Islands and evacuated four FAA employees and 35 dependents, as well as other
Federal personnel and their families. Damage to FAA facilities on the mainland was less severe than in the
Caribbean, although many employees suffered personal losses. Agency personnel established a relief fund
to assist their coworkers affected by the storm. By the end of September most airports in the devastated
areas had resumed operation.
Sep 28, 1989: Braniff again filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and
ceased all passenger operations on Nov 6. The company had previously suspended operations during
1982, but later resumed flights. (See Mar 1, 1984 and Jul 1, 1991).
Oct 1, 1989: A State Block Grant Pilot Program began on this date, as legislated by Congress (see Dec
30, 1987). Under the program, scheduled to run through Sep 30, 1991, FAA selected Illinois, Missiouri,
and North Carolina to administer Federal grants for the development of nonprimary airports within their
borders. Congress subsequently extended the program for one additional year under the Aviation Safety
and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990. (See Jun 29, 1992.)
Oct 2, 1989: A directive issued on this date restructured the organization of the Associate
Administrator for Air Traffic (see Sep 15, 1984) by abolishing the Office of Air Traffic Evaluations and
Analysis and establishing a new Office of Air Traffic System Effectiveness. On Feb 22, 1990, another
directive added an Office of Air Traffic Program Management. A further change came on Jul 3, 1990, with
the abolition of the Air Traffic Operations Service and establishment of the Air Traffic Rules and
Procedures Service and the Office of Air Traffic System Management. (See Nov 30, 1994.)
Oct 17, 1989: An earthquake, registering 7.1 on the Richter scale, shook northern California,
damaging runways, disrupting airline service, and causing approximately $50 million damage to FAA
facilities and equipment. Among the affected facilities were the San Francisco tower cab, which lost
windows and its ceiling, and the San Jose tower, which lost a window and air conditioning unit; controllers
nevertheless remained on duty to ensure the safety of flights aloft. FAA subsequently allocated $8 million
in discretionary airport improvement funds for partial reconstruction of a runway at Oakland.
Oct 20, 1989: FAA issued a rule requiring newly built air transport aircraft to have public address
systems with an independent power source to increase safety during emergency evacuation. (See Jul 27,
Oct 27, 1989: FAA published a rule improving type certification standards for transport category
rotorcraft by adding requirements for "flaw tolerance," a design concept aimed at ensuring that failure of a
part does not cause an accident, and by extending requirements for structural fatigue evaluations.
Dec 6, 1989: FAA issued a precision approach landing systems policy
, outlining how it planned to
transition from the Instrument Landing System (ILS) to the Microwave Landing system (MLS). An
international agreement obligated the agency to provide MLS service at all U.S. international runways by
Jan 1, 1998. Until that date, FAA determined to install new ILS's only at those locations that had an
immediate and critical requirement for precision approach service that could not be delayed until MLS
deployment. (See Apr 6, 1989, and Jun 21, 1991.)
Dec 14, 1989: Alaska's Redoubt Volcano began a series of eruptions, emitting ash that hampered
aviation. FAA used a satellite-based system, recently developed with the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, to track the ash and warn aviators. On Dec 15, however, a Boeing 747 lost
all engine thrust temporarily after encountering an ash cloud, and ash from Redoubt damaged four other
airliners during the following three months. (See May 18, 1980, and Jun 15, 1991.)
Dec 14, 1989: FAA authorized use of the Oceanic Display and Planning System (ODAPS) at the
Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (see Oct 1984). ODAPS achieved initial operational capability
at the New York center during FY92. (See Oct 1984 and Jun 21, 1995.)
Dec 14, 1989: Alliance Airport, the nation's first industrial airport, officially opened. Located fifteen
miles northwest of Dallas-Fort Worth airport, the new facility incorporated air, rail, and highway
connections. FAA grants provided major funding for construction of the airport, which stood on land
donated by industrialist Ross Perot, Jr.
Dec 21, 1989: DOT awarded AT&T a contract under the Office Automation Technology and Services
(OATS) program to replace many computer brands and software packages throughout the Department with
a standardized system for desktop automation. FAA, the lead agency for OATS, observed the coming of
the new system with a ceremony at headquarters on Feb 20, 1990.
Dec 26, 1989: DOT announced the creation of the Airport Capacity Funding Advisory Committee,
formed at the behest of Congress to recommend new approaches to funding airport capacity projects. The
Secretary of Transportation selected representatives from the airlines and airports to serve on the board,
which reported to the Secretary through FAA. On Apr 19, 1990, the committee’s report made
recommendations concerning the design of possible Passenger Facility Charges, should these be
authorized by legislation (see Nov 5, 1990).
Jan 8, 1990: The Department of Transportation officially opened TransExpo at the Sheraton
Washington Hotel. The three-day exhibition, which attracted between 8,000 and 10,000 people, was the
biggest U.S. transportation trade show since Transpo 72 (see May 27, 1972).
Jan 10, 1990: The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 first flew. A medium/long-range transport designed as a
successor to the DC-10, the aircraft could seat up to 323 passengers in its standard passenger version. The
MD-11 received Federal Aviation Administration certification on Nov 8 and first entered commercial
service on Dec 20, 1990, with Finnair.
Jan 18, 1990: On its landing roll at Atlanta Hartsfield airport, an Eastern Air Lines Boeing 727 collided
with a Beechcraft King Air 100 that had landed just before it. The accident killed the pilot of the King
Air, which was operated as a charter by Epps Air Service. FAA decertified the controller who cleared the
Eastern flight to land. On Apr 2, 1991, the majority of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
cited the controller's error as the accident's probable cause, while dissenting member Jim Burnett blamed
inadequate separation standards. On May 29, 1991, NTSB announced a revised finding expanding the
probable cause to include the failure of air traffic control procedures to take into consideration occasional
lapses in human performance. Chairman James Kolstad dissented, saying that use of existing procedures
could have prevented the accident.
Jan 25, 1990: Attempting to land at New York Kennedy airport, a Boeing 707 operated by the
Colombian airline Avianca ran out of fuel and crashed on Long Island, fatally injuring 73 of the 158
people on board. On Feb 25, demonstrators drove a procession of automobiles through Kennedy as a
protest against air traffic controllers’ alleged mishandling of the flight. The National Transportation Safety
Board cited the probable cause of the accident as the crew's failure to manage their fuel load or alert
controllers to their fuel emergency. Among the contributing factors, however, the Board pointed to a lack
of clear, standardized terminology on fuel emergencies, as well as inadequate traffic flow management.
FAA’s actions in reponse to the accident included steps to address these concerns and to stress the need for
clear pilot/controller communication and for air carriers to be thoroughly familiar with rules and
Jan 30, 1990: The Department of Transportation (DOT) issued an order inviting applications from
eligible foreign airlines wishing to serve U.S. cities having no single-plane service to the applicant's home
countries. On Mar 27, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines became the first of several carriers that received route
awards under this program. During 1990, DOT announced agreements with a number of countries making
possible expanded air service.
Feb 13, 1990: The Direct User Access Terminal Service (DUATS) began operating, allowing private
pilots to receive weather briefings and file flight plans from home computers. An FAA contractor provided
the service free to civilian pilots and students. DUATS took over most of the functions of the Interim
Voice Response System (IVRS), which FAA discontinued on Sep 30, 1990. (See Mar 14, 1984.)
Feb 16, 1990: Representatives of FAA and the Soviet aviation ministry signed a memorandum
promoting cooperation on air navigation between Alaska and the Soviet Far East.
Feb 21, 1990: Administrator Busey announced organizational changes that included establishment of an
Executive Director for Acquisition, a move designed to streamline the agency's procurement process.
The action brought the number of Executive Directors to five (see Jun 16, 1988, and Sep 30, 1991). As
documented in a directive issued on Jul 6, 1990, the newly created Executive Director controlled two new
Offices: Acquisition Policy and Oversight; and Independent Operational Test and Evaluation Oversight.
Other changes implemented by this directive included: conversion of two Associate Administrators (for
Airports and for Policy, Planning, and International Aviation) to Assistant Administrators reporting directly
to the Administrator; retitling of the Executive Director for Policy, Plans, and Resource Management as the
Executive Director for Administration and Resource Management; establishment under the Executive
Director for System Operations of an Office of System Capacity and Requirements with functions
including those of the former Airport Capacity Program Office; abolition of two Offices: Operations
Resource Management and Operations Planning and Policy; establishment of a new Associate
Administrator for System Engineering and Development to replace the Associate Administrator for
Advanced Design and Management Control; and retitling the Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety
as an Assistant Administrator.
Feb 25, 1990: In response to a congressional mandate, prohibition of smoking went into effect on
virtually all scheduled U.S. domestic airline flights. Flights to or from Alaska or Hawaii scheduled to
last six hours or more were excepted. The prohibition included foreign carriers operating between two
points within U.S. territory. The ban did not apply to the flight deck. (See Apr 23, 1988, and May 7, 1996.)
Mar 2, 1990: FAA issued a final rule requiring air carriers to restrict seats in exit rows to persons
capable of activating emergency exits and performing other emergency functions during evacuation.
Carriers were given until Oct 5, 1990, to comply (see Oct 27, 1992). Also on Mar 2, the Department of
Transportation issued a revised regulation prohibiting airline discrimination against disabled
passengers. The rule required accomodation for wheelchairs and limited an airline’s ability to restrict the
number of disabled persons on a flight or to require passengers to travel with an attendant. It also including
a ban on seating restrictions for the disabled, except to comply with FAA's safety rule.
Mar 3, 1990: FAA assigned the first permanent Civil Aviation Security Liaison Officer (CASLO)
oversees, marking the beginning of a program established as a result of the Pan American Flight 103
bombing. The first CASLO was stationed at the American Embassy in London. (See Jan 3, 1989, and May
15, 1990.)
Mar 5, 1990: FAA’s Administrator Busey announced a new policy on fostering compliance with FAA
regulations by private pilots. He described a series of changes emphasizing communication and
education rather than sanctions. Also in March, and as part of that program, Busey revoked the
enforcement bulletin implementing a 60-day suspension of the certificate of any pilot who violated a
Terminal Control Area (see Oct 10, 1986). Instead, inspectors were allowed to recommend lesser
penalities and remedial training for the infraction.
Mar 6, 1990: FAA issued a rule requiring private aircraft flying into or out of the country through an
Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) to be equipped with altitude-reporting (Mode C)
transponders by Dec 30. (See Sep 1, 1987.)
Mar 6, 1990: An SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft landed at Dulles International after a record-
breaking 68 minute flight from the Pacific coast, and was then retired to the National Air and Space
Museum collection.
Mar 7, 1990: FAA published three airworthiness directives requiring extensive structural modifications to
older Boeing 727s, 737s, and 747s. The first in a series of directives dealing with older airliners, the
rules reflected a new FAA approach adopted in 1988 (see Jun 1 of that year). To combat the hazard of
structural deterioration, the agency had historically relied upon mandatory inspections that became more
frequent as aircraft aged. Now, however, it required preventive modifications for high-service airliners and
the replacement of certain parts after a specified number of flight hours or takeoff-and-landing cycles.
FAA also asked for comments on a proposal to require corrosion control programs for certain aging
Boeing aircraft. This requirement, which became effective on Dec 31, 1991, was also extended to other
aircraft types.
Mar 8, 1990: A three-man Northwest Airlines flight crew took off from Fargo, N.D., despite an FAA
inspector's warning that they might be in violation of a rule against flying an aircraft within eight hours
of consuming alcohol. After their landing in Minneapolis, the three crewmembers were given tests that
showed their blood alcohol exceeded the permissible level. FAA revoked the trio's airman certificates the
next day. As a result of this incident, FAA announced on Mar 14 a six-point action plan designed to
tighten drug and alcohol enforcement investigation procedures. On Aug 20, a Federal jury in
Minneapolis convicted the three men of a felony for operating a common carrier while under the influence
of alcohol, and they received jail sentences in October. (See Apr 17, 1985.)
Mar 12, 1990: Barry L. Harris became FAA's Deputy Administrator, succeeding Barbara McConnell
Barrett (see Apr 1, 1988). President Bush had announced the nomination on Nov 6, 1989. A native of
Cincinnati, Ohio, Harris attended Harvard and Denison Universities and served as an officer in the U.S.
Army. His career included positions as assistant city manager for Gloucester, Mass., director of
community programs for the Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and work as a writer and
producer for the news media. Prior to joining FAA, he was president and chief executive of Alliance
Corp., in Portland, Maine, and Community Services, Inc., in Gloucester. Harris had been cochairman of
the Bush campaign's state finance committee in Maine, and had served on the campaign's national finance
committee. He was an experienced pilot, qualified to fly helicopters as well as piston- and jet-powered
fixed wing aircraft.
Harris served as Acting Administrator during the period between the tenures of
Administrators Busey and Richards (see Dec 4, 1991, and Jun 27, 1992). He remained as Deputy for the
rest of the Bush Administration, resigning effective Jan 20, 1993.
Mar 27, 1990: In a speech to the Aero Club of Washington, Administrator Busey urged all airlines to
establish a safety self-audit program. FAA would not penalize airlines for inadvertent violations
uncovered by the audits, provided the problem were promptly corrected and reported to the agency. (See
Apr 8, 1992.)
Apr 2, 1990: A National Transportation Safety Board reorganization effective this date included
establishment of a new Office of Aviation Safety.
Apr 13, 1990: A Federal court declared FAA's rules of practice in assessing civil penalties not
exceeding $50,000 to be invalid because the agency had failed to give public notice of the proposed rules
or to allow a period of public comment (see Dec 30, 1987). FAA accordingly suspended the program,
issued a rulemaking proposal, and followed this with a final rule effective Aug 2, 1990. A law enacted Aug
15, 1990, provided new legislative authority for the program, extending it until Aug 1, 1992. The
program became permanent with the Civil Penalty Assessment Act enacted on Aug 26, 1992.
Apr 18, 1990: A Federal bankruptcy judge removed Eastern Air Lines from the control of Texas Air
Chairman Frank Lorenzo and placed it in the hands of special trustee, Martin Shugrue. Eastern had lost
more than $1 billion since it filed for Chapter 11 protection on Mar 9, 1989. On Aug 9, 1990,
Scandinavian Airline System bought Lorenzo's interests in Continental Airline Holdings (formerly
known as Texas Air Corporation), which owned Eastern and Continental airlines. Besides stepping down
as chairman of Continental Airlines Holdings, Lorenzo agreed not to work for a Continental competitor for
seven years, although this stipulation was later dropped as part of a legal settlement. (See Mar 4, 1989, and
Jan 18, 1991.)
May 10, 1990: FAA announced that a contract for development of a prototype program for air traffic
control training had been awarded to Hampton University, a designated Historically Black College or
University (HBCU). Hampton thus joined the Air Traffic Control Training Center at Eden Prarie, Minn.,
as one of two institutions to receive Federal funds as part of the Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI)
begun by FAA earlier in the year. Three other educational institutions subsequently joined the CTI, but
without receiving Federal funds. Graduates of CTI programs became eligible to apply to FAA for
employment as developmental controllers without having to attend the FAA Academy.
May 13, 1990: The FAA Depot at the Aeronautical Center was renamed the FAA Logistics Center.
May 15, 1990: The President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism released its report,
which focused on the bombing of Pan American Flight 103 (see Dec 21, 1988). The report included
criticism of FAA and recommendations for improving security and combating terrorism. Among its
recommendations, the report suggested that FAA: elevate is security division to a position reporting
directly to the Administrator (see Jun 14, 1990); appoint federal security managers to manage security at
domestic airports (see Oct 1, 1991); launch a research and development program to produce techniques and
equipment to detect small amounts of plastic explosives (see Nov 16, 1990); and make public notification
of threats to civil aviation under certain circumstances.
Jun 1, 1990: The U.S. Secretary of State and Soviet Foreign Minister signed an agreement providing
for expanded air service between their two countries. The accord was one of several pacts concluded in
the context of a Washington summit meeting between Presidents Bush and Gorbachev. DOT subsequently
authorized several airlines to provide new service to Soviet airports. On Jun 17, 1991, Alaska Airlines
became the first U.S. carrier to offer scheduled service from the West Coast to the Soviet Far East. (See
Apr 29, 1986, and May 25, 1993.)
Jun 5, 1990: FAA issued an Airworthiness Directive requiring modifications to the hydraulic system of
certain DC-10 aircraft to guard against possible loss of the flight control system. (See Jul 19, 1989.)
Jun 13, 1990: FAA dedicated its first child care center to be built "from the ground up" in a ceremony at
the Aeronautical Center.
Jun 14, 1990: Secretary Skinner announced that he intended to create an Office of Intelligence and
Security within OST, and that its Director would be Coast Guard Vice Admiral Clyde E. Robbins. At the
same time, Administrator Busey announced the new FAA position of Assistant Administrator for Civil
Aviation Security (see Jul 20, 1990). The actions were in part a response to recommendations of the
President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism (see May 15, 1990).
Jul 10, 1990: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit upheld FAA's random drug testing
program for the aviation industry. (See Nov 21, 1988, and Jul 25, 1991).
Jul 20, 1990: AN FAA directive issued this date established the new position of Assistant Administrator
for Civil Aviation Security in response to a recommendation by the President's Commission on Aviation
Security and Terrorism (see May 15, 1990). Orlo K. Steele, a retired Marine Major General, was appointed
to fill that position on Nov 1. On Nov 23, FAA announced a new structure for the security organization. A
Scientific Staff was created to advise Steele, and four new offices were established to handle: Policy and
Planning; Program and Resource Management; Operations; and Intelligence.
Jul 26, 1990: FAA adopted a new rule, effective Nov 29, 1990, requiring pilots to consent to the release
of information from the National Driver Register when applying for an FAA-required medical
certificate. Pilots were also required to provide FAA with written notification of each driving conviction
related to alcohol or drugs. The rule authorized FAA to deny, suspend, or revoke a pilot certificate if the
individual concerned received two or more alcohol or drug-related convictions within a three-year period.
(See Feb 17, 1987, and Feb 3, 1994.)
Aug 2, 1990: Iraq invaded and seized control of Kuwait. President Bush's response included immediate
restrictions on air transportation between the U.S. and Iraq, and these prohibitions were extended to include
occupied Kuwait on Aug 9. The United States also sent thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia in Operation
Desert Shield. Among the other effects of the crisis during the rest of 1990 was a dramatic escalation of
the rise in jet fuel prices. (See Aug 17, 1990.)
Aug 15, 1990: FAA and the Community College of Beaver County, Pa., signed an agreement under which
the college would conduct a five-year prototype training program for air traffic controllers. Qualified
graduates would be eligible to become controllers without attending the FAA Academy.
Aug 17, 1990: A portion of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) was called up for the first time in
history as the Defense Department activated CRAF Level 1. Participating airlines provided aircraft and
crews to expand U.S. airlift capability for the Operation Desert Shield deployment in the Middle East. (See
Aug 2, 1990, and Sep 25, 1990.)
Sep 1, 1990: In accordance with DOT policy, smoking was prohibited in FAA facilities, although
designated smoking areas were permitted where a complete ban was not feasible. The actual
implementation date of the ban at specific locations was allowed to vary to allow for negotiation with
Sep 6, 1990: A new Air Force One made its maiden voyage. The specially designed Boeing 747, and its
identical backup plane, replaced two twenty-year-old Boeing 707s.
Sep 25, 1990: FAA released its first strategic plan, addressing six issue areas as well as aviation in the
21st Century. The plan, dated August 1990, was presented in the framework of the Secretary's National
Transportation Policy (NTP), which Secretary Skinner had presented to President Bush on Mar 8, 1990.
The NTP presented 169 guidelines and 65 legislative, regulatory, budget, and program initiatives to
improve the nation's transportation network.
Sep 25, 1990: The United Nations voted to ban virtually all air traffic with Iraq, with the exception of
certain humanitarian flights. (See Aug 2, 1990, and Jan 16, 1991.)
Sep 26, 1990: FAA issued a rule permitting airlines to develop alternative training for flight crews under
the Advanced Qualification Programs (AQP). Developed by a government/industry task force, AQP was
intended to promote flexibility and innovation in crew training techniques. A required element of the AQP
option was Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) training, which focused on communications skills,
coordination, and decision-making. By Aug 1996, 15 air carriers were participating in the AQP program.
During that month, FAA announced that it had developed a new training tool to assist regional airlines in
adopting the AQP approach.
Sep 28, 1990: FAA and the MITRE Corporation signed a five-year agreement under which MITRE would
operate a new Center for Advanced Aviation System Development at the firm's facility in McLean, Va.
The arrangement was subsequently renewed.
Sep 30, 1990: During fiscal 1990, which ended on this date, FAA began a Direct Route Program that
allowed controllers greater flexibility in honoring pilots’ requests to use more direct, fuel-saving routes.
Renamed the National Route Program during the following fiscal year, the enhanced program permitted
more cost-effective operations between 16 city pairs. By Sep 1994, the expanding program included 104
city pairs. (See Oct 1994.)
Oct 1, 1990: FAA began a "Manage to Budget" pilot project, to last at least one year, under which the
managers of about 2,000 employees received new types of authority in an effort to speed personnel actions
and achieve a requirements-driven budget process. The project was subsequently extended for a second
Oct 16, 1990: The Department of State announced that it had raised to $4 million the maximum reward
for information helping to catch terrorists, due to $1 million donations from both the Air Transport
Association and the Air Line Pilots Association. The rewards program had begun in 1984 with a maximum
payment of $500,000, but Congress increased that limit to $2 million after the bombing of Pan American
Flight 103 (see Dec 21, 1988).
Nov 5, 1990: The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 authorized funding for FAA and other
Federal entities for FY91-92. Title IX of that legislation included as subparts three acts pertaining to
The Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act included permission for FAA to draw on
the Trust Fund for up to 75 percent of its operations and maintenance costs and authorized $5.5 billion for
modernization of air traffic Facilities & Equipment over the two years. It also empowered the Department
of Transportation to authorize airports to levy Passenger Facility Charges of up to $3. per enplaning
passenger (see May 22, 1991). Other features of the law provided: encouragement of capacity
development at former and current military airports (see May 30, 1991); continuation of the Essential
Air Service program; development of a system of Auxiliary Flight Service Stations (see Nov 8, 1991);
and more flexibility for FAA in procurement contracts.
The Federal Aviation Administration Research, Engineering and Development
Authorization Act further defined FAA's research functions (see Nov 3, 1988). It included a mandate for
the establishment of a Catastrophic Failure Prevention Program to develop technologies to combat the
failure of parts and equipment that could result in aircraft accidents.
The Airport Noise and Capacity Act required airlines by mid-1999 to phase out Stage 2
noise-level jets (see Feb 18, 1980), although those carriers that met this deadline for 85 percent of their
fleet might apply to operate their remaining Stage 2 aircraft until the end of 2003. The law also directed the
Secretary of Transportation to prepare a national noise policy by mid-1991, and placed limitations were
upon airports' authority to impose noise restrictions (see Sep 19, 1991).
Nov 14, 1990: Pan American and United Airlines signed an agreement under which United would pay
$400 million for Pan Am's routes to London Heathrow and certain other assets. (See Nov 7, 1985, and
Jan 8, 1991.)
Nov 15, 1990: FAA announced that it had completed installation of the Enhanced Traffic Management
System (ETMS), which would become operational nationwide on Dec 3. ETMS was a computer system
able to predict nationwide air traffic demands, permitting traffic managers to take corrective action. (See
May 17, 1987, and Apr 15, 1994.)
Nov 16, 1990: President Bush signed the Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990, which: required
certain regulatory actions affecting several agencies; mandated new reports, organizational arrangements,
and staffing requirements; and empowered FAA to conduct an accelerated research and development
program in support of aviation security. (See May 15, 1990, Aug 15, 1991, and Oct 1, 1991.)
Dec 3, 1990: For the second time within eight years (see Sep 24, 1983), Continental Airlines filed for
protection under Chapter 11 of the Federal bankruptcy code. (See Jan 7, 1993.)
Jan 4, 1991: In the first of a series of telecommunications failures which created air traffic control
problems during this year, the AT&T company’s maintenance workers accidentally cut a fiber-optic
telephone cable in New Jersey, disrupting communications between air traffic control sites and delaying air
travel for several hours in the New York area. Other significant delays occurred: on May 4, when a farmer
cut a fiber cable, limiting operations at four air route traffic control centers; on Sep 17, when an AT&T
equipment failure in New York City cut controller communications and disrupted airline travel in the
Northeast; and on Nov 5, when AT&T maintenance errors disrupted New England long distance telephone
service, delaying flight operations at Boston Logan airport. (See May 8, 1988.)
Jan 8, 1991: Pan American World Airways filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy
laws. On Aug 12, 1991, a Federal bankruptcy judge approved a deal under which Delta Air Lines
would acquire major Pan American assets and also own 45 percent of a downsized PAA. On Sep 1,
Delta began operating Pan Am's shuttle serving Washington, New York, and Boston. On Oct 18, DOT
gave final approval to the sale of most of Pan Am's remaining transatlantic routes to Delta. (See Dec 4,
Jan 13, 1991: An "interim geographic adjustment" gave an eight percent pay raise to 5,933 FAA
employees at facilities in the New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco areas. The adjustment did not
result in raises for those already receiving local special pay rates of more than eight percent, or for those
already receiving a 20 percent retention allowance under the Pay Demonstration Project (see Jun 18, 1989).
Jan 16, 1991: One day after the expiration of a United Nations deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait,
military aircraft of the U.S.-led coalition began Operation Desert Storm, striking targets in Iraq and
occupied Kuwait. At 7:00 pm EST, shortly after the attacks began, FAA declared Level 4 airport/airline
security, the highest domestic level ever imposed. On Jan 17, the Department of Defense activated
Level 2 of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) program, calling upon U.S. airlines to provide additional
transport aircraft. American and allied troops routed Iraqi forces in a ground assault that began on Feb 24,
and a U.S.-proclaimed ceasefire took effect at midnight EST on Feb 27. (See Aug 17, 1990, and May
14, 1991.)
Jan 18, 1991: Eastern Air Lines ceased flight operations as of midnight on this date, after nine months
under the control of a trustee appointed by a bankruptcy judge (see Apr 18, 1990). On Jan 24, the
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers ended their strike of over 22 months
against the airline. On Feb 27, Eastern agreed to plead guilty to Federal charges involving
falsification of aircraft maintenance records, and was fined $3.5 million, while prosecutors dropped
other related charges. The case stemmed from a grand jury indictment on Jul 25, 1990.
Jan 23, 1991: The Department of Transportation announced that it would relax restrictions on
foreign investment in U.S. airlines. Under the new policy, investment of up to 49 percent of total equity
obtained from foreign sources would not generally, by itself, be considered an indicator of foreign control.
Feb 1, 1991: In a night approach to Los Angeles International Airport, a USAir 737 landed atop a Sky
West commuter Fairchild Metroliner III. Both planes then slid into a building as fire began. Fatalities
included all 12 persons aboard the commuter flight and 22 of the 89 aboard the USAir flight. On Oct 22,
the National Transportation Safety Board listed the accident's probable cause as air traffic control
management deficiencies that lead to a controller's issuing inappropriate clearances. FAA actions after the
accident included assigning additional controllers to the tower and adjusting runway lights to prevent glare
from obstructing the view from the tower. (See Feb 7, 1991.)
Feb 7, 1991: FAA announced a Runway Incursion Plan to cut incursions through actions that included
tests of advances in runway marking, lighting, and signs at four airports: Boston, Seattle-Tacoma,
Pittsburgh, and the new Denver airport under construction (see Jan 15, 1989). On Feb 15, the agency also
amended its ATC Handbook to prohibit controllers from authorizing aircraft to hold at a taxiway/runway
intersection at night or when the intersection was not visible from the tower. The change was among
several that FAA had been considering as the result of a ground procedures review, begun in early 1990,
that also resulted in the Runway Incursion Plan. (See Feb 1, 1991.)
Feb 8, 1991: FAA's first annual Capital Investment Plan (CIP) became effective, superseding the
National Airspace System Plan, or NASP (see Jan 28, 1982). The new plan incorporated the NASP
projects, over 86 percent of which were completed or in field implementation. The CIP was issued to the
public on Apr 23.
Feb 14, 1991: First Lady Barbara Bush took a commercial flight from Washington, D.C., to Indianapolis
to reassure the public about the terrorist threat to airline security stemming from the conflict with Iraq.
(See Jan 16 and May 14, 1991.)
Feb 18, 1991: FAA announced plans to build a new terminal radar control (TRACON) facility at
Elgin, Ill., to handle air traffic in the Chicago metropolitan area. Construction began during fiscal year
1993, and the facility was dedicated on Nov 10, 1996.
Feb 26, 1991: The Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority dedicated a new terminal for
international arrivals at Dulles International Airport.
Mar 1, 1991: The United States and 39 other nations signed a pact requiring the addition of a chemical
marking agent to plastic explosives during manufacture
to assist their identification by use of vapor
Mar 3, 1991: All 25 persons aboard a United Airlines flight died when their Boeing 737 crashed on
approach to Colorado Springs airport. Reported theories as to the cause included a "rotor" mountain
wind pattern or a mechanical flaw. The National Transportation Safety Board conducted an exhaustive
investigation, but reported on Dec 8, 1992, that it could not explain the crash. (See Sep 8, 1994.)
Mar 11, 1991: FAA began a series of hearings in New Jersey to obtain public comment on the noise
effects of air traffic changes under the Expanded East Coast Plan (EECP), which had been
implemented in phases between Feb 1987 and Mar 1988 (see Aug 25, 1988). The meetings reflected strong
citizen discontent with the EECP. On Jun 28, FAA announced a contract with PRC, Inc., to assist in
developing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the effects of New Jersey flight patterns revised
under the EECP. In Oct 1992, Congress acted to freeze the pay levels of certain FAA employees involved
with the project until the final impact statement was completed. In a response to another congressional
action, FAA on Oct 28 announced a series of public meetings in New York and Connecticut as part of an
Aircraft Noise Mitigation Review for the New York metropolitan area (see Nov 20, 1992). On Nov 12,
1992, FAA released a Draft Environmental Impact Statment (DEIS) on the EECP's effects on New
Jersey. The agency scheduled public hearings and gathered public views on the DEIS during a comment
period that was subsequently extended until Nov 23, 1993. (See Oct 31, 1995.)
Mar 11, 1991: The United States and the United Kingdom reached an agreement on airline service
which included permission for United and American Airlines to succeed Pan American and Trans World
Airways in serving London Heathrow. In return, British airlines received supplementary rights involving
increased access to U.S. airports.
Mar 31, 1991: Construction of the Development Demonstration Facility to assess segments of the
Advanced Automation System was completed in Gaithersburg, Md. FAA accepted the facility on May 31,
and the first operational suitability demonstration began on Aug 13.
Apr 1, 1991: A Northwest Airlines 747 began a series of test flights in Soviet airspace as part of a
cooperative program to develop a satellite navigation system in which aircraft would receive signals from
both the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Soviet Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite
System (GLONASS). A US/USSR exchange of receivers took place in Montreal on Apr 27. GPS was a
satellite-based radio-navigation system controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense. When completed, it
would include 24 satellites orbiting 11,000 miles above the earth. At an International Civil Aviation
Organization meeting on Sep 5, 1991, FAA Administrator Busey announced that the United States was
offering world civil aviation the use of its GPS for at least 10 years, starting in 1993 when the system was
to be fully operational. (See May 23, 1983, and Oct 14, 1992.)
Apr 4, 1991: FAA completed transfer of more than 600,000 square miles of oceanic airspace from the
Miami and Boston en route centers to the New York center. The action completed the last phase of a
larger restructuring begun in Sep 1989, with transfer of airspace from the San Juan center to the New York
Apr 4, 1991: FAA issued a rule increasing protection against cabin fires by upgrading requirements for
lavatory fire detectors, lavatory trash receptacles, and hand fire extinguishers. (See Mar 29, 1985.)
Apr 5, 1991: An Embraer 120 commuter plane crashed on approach to Brunswick/Glynco Jetport, Ga.
All 23 persons aboard the Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight died in the accident, including former Sen.
John G. Tower (R-Tex.). Citing several incidents, FAA during May required inspections of certain
Hamilton Standard propellers used on the Embraer 120 and other aircraft In Apr 1992, the National
Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause of the crash as malfunction of the left propeller
control unit. As contributary factors, the Board listed deificencies in the design of the control unit and
FAA's approval of that design.
Apr 16, 1991: FAA announced that educators could now obtain information on the agency's aviation
education programs by using any modem-equipped personal computer to access the Federal Education
Information Exchange System (FEDIX).
Apr 17, 1991: The Supreme Court ruled that passengers on international flights can not recover
damages for purely emotional or mental injuries.
May 1, 1991: A majority of those aviation safety inspectors casting ballots voted for representation by
the Professional Airways Systems Specialists, known as PASS (see Dec 31, 1981). On May 10, PASS
was certified as the bargaining agent for this previously non-union group of 1,913 FAA employees.
May 2, 1991: FAA ordered the Collins version of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
used on some airliners taken out of service temporarily for correction of a computer problem that led to
false traffic warnings.
May 14, 1991: DOT completed the LORAN-C long range navigation system by closing the mid-
continent coverage gap. (See Jun 2, 1986.)
May 14, 1991: As the Gulf crisis waned, DOT announced that airport security measures would soon be
adjusted to a modified Level 2, a transition that was completed by May 27. The Defense Department
deactivated the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) Level 2 on May 17, then deactivated Level 1 on May
24. During Operation Desert Shield/Storm, 27 U.S. carriers had flown 5,441 CRAF missions, carrying
709,000 people and 126,000 tons of equipment and supplies. (See Jan 16, 1991.)
May 20, 1991: In an effort to reduce the bird hazard to aircraft, U.S. Department of Agriculture
biologists shot sea gulls at New York Kennedy airport between this date and Aug 8. More than 14,000
gulls were killed during the program, which was funded by the airport authority and lasted until Aug 8.
Similar programs took place at the airport during the next three years, but the practice was suspended in
1995 due to litigation.
May 22, 1991: FAA issued a rule under which the agency could authorize airports to impose Passenger
Facility Charges (PFCs) to finance airport-related projects, in accordance with the Aviation Safety and
Capacity Expansion Act (see Nov 5, 1990). Airlines would be compensated for the service of collecting the
fees from passengers departing and making connections. On Jan 31, 1992, FAA announced its first PFC
program approval, which authorized Savannah (Ga.) International Airport to begin collecting a $3 fee on
Jul 1.
May 23, 1991: The FAA’s Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee, which had been established on
Feb 5, 1991, held its first meeting.
May 26, 1991: All 223 persons aboard an Austrian Lauda Air flight died when their Boeing 767 crashed
after takeoff from Bangkok, Thailand. On Jun 6, FAA confirmed that the thrust reverser on one engine
was found fully deployed among the wreckage (and a Thai government report later stated that
uncommanded deployment of a thrust reverser was the accident's probable cause). Beginning on Jul 3,
1991, FAA issued a series of directives requiring deactivation of the thrust reversers on 767s powered by
Pratt & Whitney PW4000 series engines, as well as inspections and adjustments for these and certain other
Boeing aircraft. In October, Boeing announced that it had received FAA approval for design changes to the
aircraft affected by the reverser deactivation order. Subsequent actions stemming from the crash included a
Boeing program, undertaken in 1992, to install an additional locking device to keep reversers properly
stowed on nearly 2,000 of its aircraft.
May 30, 1991: DOT announced a $5 million grant to Stewart International Airport, Newburgh, N.Y., the
first award under the Military Airports Program mandated by the Aviation Safety and Capacity
Expansion Act of 1990 (see Nov 5, 1990). The new program used Airport Improvement Program funds to
assist former military airports and joint civil/military airports.
Jun 2, 1991: As of this date, Pre-Departure Clearance (PDC) was operational at all 29 continental
U.S. airports designated to receive the system, which used data link to speed departures and reduce voice
radio frequency congestion. (An additional PDC system was planned for Honolulu.) Operational
evaluation of the first PDC workstation had begun at Dallas/Fort Worth in Jul 1989.
Jun 11, 1991: FAA issued a rule requiring air carriers to notify aircrew members when there is a
specific and credible security threat to their flight.
Jun 15, 1991: The Philippines' Mt. Pinatuba erupted, damaging airports within that country and emitting
a huge ash cloud that disrupted aircraft operations over a wide area. Ash damaged at least 17 airliners in
flight, most at distances over 600 miles from the volcano. The eruption lent urgency to the First
International Symposium on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety, held on Jul 8-12 in Seattle. FAA, one
of the symposium's sponsors, reported on its work to improve volcanic hazard notification procedures. The
problem was illustrated again when Alaska's Mt. Spurr erupted on Aug 18, 1992, depositing almost a
quarter inch of ash on Anchorage airport. One of the airport's runways reopened the following afternoon,
and the other reopened on Aug 20. Later FAA actions to combat this hazard included a December 1996
warning to airliners to avoid the Pavlov Volcano in the Aleutian Islands. (See Dec 14, 1989.)
Jun 17, 1991: The Supreme Court ruled that the law establishing the Metropolitan Washington
Airports Authority was unconstitutional (see Oct 30, 1986). The Court held that the legislation violated
the separation of powers by giving a congressional review board veto rights over WMAA's decisions. New
legislation enacted on Dec 18, 1991, removed the veto rights.
Jun 21, 1991: FAA issued a security regulation on foreign air carriers operating into or out of the
United States, requiring such carriers to provide a level of protection similar to that of U.S. carriers serving
the same airports.
Jun 21, 1991: FAA awarded a contract to Bendix for two Microwave Landing Systems. The contract
included an option for 26 additional units, which the agency subsequently ordered. (See Dec 6, 1989, and
Jun 15, 1992.)
Jun 27, 1991: America West Airlines filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code.
The Phoenix-based carrier had begun operations in Aug 1983, and was listed as a major airline by 1990.
The airline emerged from bankruptcy on Aug 25, 1994.
Jul 1, 1991: Piper Aircraft Corporation filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy
Jul 1991: The first of two Mode S production systems was delivered to the Technical Center in
preparation for formal acceptance of this new radar beacon ground interrogator system, 137 of which were
to be implemented in the airspace system. (See Oct 5, 1984, and Jul 30, 1992.)
Jul 1, 1991: A new Braniff International Airlines began scheduled service. Legally a different entity
from the earlier Braniff (see Sep 28, 1989), the small new airline flew for only a few weeks before filing
for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Aug 7, 1991. It ceased operations on Jul 2, 1992.
Jul 25, 1991: FAA announced the results of the first full year of drug testing (CY90) of employees in
and applicants for safety/security positions in the aviation industry: of 230,621 tests, 966 (or 0.4 percent)
were positive for drug use. The rate of positive findings in subsequent years remained below one percent.
(See Dec 1, 1989, and Feb 3, 1994.)
Aug 6, 1991: The FAA Technical Center, in conjunction with Sandia National Laboratories, opened an
aging aircraft nondestructive inspection validation center at Albuquerque International Airport, N.M..
The center, which studied improvements in nondestructive inspection systems, was dedicated on Feb 10,
Aug 8, 1991: DOT ended all aviation sanctions against South Africa and said that it would consider
applications for air carrier routes between the two countries. The action followed a DOT show cause order
issued on Jul 11, the day after President Bush declared South Africa had met conditions set by the anti-
apartheid law under which the sanctions were imposed (see Nov 16, 1986).
Aug 13, 1991: FAA held ground-breaking ceremonies for its Technical Center's new Advanced
Automation System Laboratory and its Aviation Security Laboratory. Construction was completed on
both facilities during FY 1993.
Aug 15, 1991: FAA issued a rule prescribing more stringent standards for hiring, training, and
performance of airline and airport security personnel
as mandated by the Aviation Security
Improvement Act. (See Nov 16, 1990, and Sep 28, 1995).
Sep 1, 1991: Barry Krasner became president of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association,
having defeated Steve Bell in an election during the previous month. In Aug 1994, Krasner won a second
three-year term.
Sep 19, 1991: FAA adopted two rules that had been mandated by the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of
1990 (see Nov 5, 1990). One rule required airlines, by the end of 1999, to eliminate Stage 2 noise-level
aircraft (see Feb 18, 1980), and provided interim deadlines and options for transitioning to Stage 3. The
companion rule set procedures for any new local restrictions on Stage 2 operations, and required that
local restrictions on Stage 3 be achieved by voluntary agreements with the airlines or receive FAA
approval. Secretary Skinner announced the new rules on Sep 24, saying that DOT had fulfilled its
"promise to Congress and the American people to formulate a balanced national noise policy." The Port
Authority of New York and New Jersery and local governments in Los Angeles and Minneapolis-St. Paul
considered plans for certain restrictions on Stage 2 aircraft in advance of the national phase-out; however,
FAA successfully opposed the adoption of local rules that it deemed incompatible with national policy and
legislation. Meanwhile, progress on eliminating noisier aircraft brought the percentage of Stage 3 planes in
the U.S. airline fleet to 59.3 by the end of 1992 and 70.7 at the end of 1995.
Sep 20, 1991: A dedication ceremony for the New York Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility's
ARTS IIIE marked completion of Stage II of the upgrade of the TRACON's Automated Radar
Terminal System. (See Mar 26, 1986.)
Sep 30, 1991: Joseph Del Balzo became Executive Director for System Operations, and the position's
responsibilities were expanded. As documented in a directive issued on Jan 31, 1992, the reorganization
gave Del Balzo’s new position responsibility for four Associate Administrators directing major agency
functions (Air Traffic; Airway Facilities; Regulation and Certification; and Aviation Standards). Other
elements reporting to Del Balzo were the: Office of System Capacity and Requirements; Aeronautical
Center; and Regional Administrators. The reorganization also abolished the Executive Directors for
Administration and Resource Management and for Regulatory Standards and Compliance, reducing
the number of FAA’s Executive Directors from five to three (see Feb 21, 1990, and Nov 26, 1991). The
Associate Administrators for Administration and for Human Resource Management were redesignated
Assistant Administrators reporting directly to the Administrator. The Logistics Service was abolished and
its functions divided between the Associate Administrator for Airway Facilities and a new Office of
Acquisition Support under the Executive Director for System Development.
Sep 30, 1991: During fiscal 1991, which ended on this date, FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers
Association began a Quality Through Partnership program aimed at improving operations and
Oct 1, 1991: The first Peripheral Adapter Module Replacement Item (PAMRI) became operational at
the Seattle ARTCC. PAMRI was the initial element of the Advanced Automation System. (See Jul 26,
1988, and Nov 30, 1992.)
Oct 1, 1991: FAA inaugurated the Federal Security Manager (FSM) Program as mandated by the
Aviation Security Improvement Act (see May 15, 1990, and Nov 16, 1990). The Federal Security
Managers had responsibility for approving airport security programs, acting as focal points for FAA
security operations at airports, coordinating government and law enforcement activities in domestic
security areas, and providing security information to the aviation community at each of the 18 airports
where FSMs were stationed.
Oct 1, 1991: FAA received 6 British Aerospace BAe-800 aircraft from the Air Force. The transfer was part
of an agreement under which FAA would take over the last of the Air Force's capability to conduct
flight inspection of air navigation aids (see Jan 1962).
FAA’s flight inspection fleet continued to evolve
under a multi-year modernization plan.
As of Nov 1, 1995, the flight inspection inventory included the 6 Bae-800s, 19 BE-300 Beechcraft, 1 BE-
F90 Beechcraft, 3 NA 265-80 Sabreliners, as well as 5 other aircraft with disposal action pending.
(Planning called for further disposals and for acquisition of Learjet 60 and Canadair 601 aircraft.) In
addition, FAA’s inventory included 15 aircraft for training, research and development, and support
functions. The total fleet consisted of 47 owned and two leased aircraft.
Oct 23, 1991: A ceremony in San Diego marked the start of construction of a new Southern California
Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facility. Five existing TRACONs in the area were to be
consolidated into the new facility, a process completed in Sep 1995. Meanwhile, FAA planned several
similar TRACON consolidations. (See Apr 19, 1993.)
Oct 28, 1991: The Aging Aircraft Safety Act, enacted on this date, required FAA to undertake
rulemaking requiring certain airworthiness reviews and inspections for airliners in service more than 15
years. The agency accordingly published such a proposal on Oct 5, 1993. The act also directed FAA to
establish programs to insure that U.S. air carriers properly maintained their older aircraft and to encourage
foreign airlines to so the same. Although the legislation did not specifically address commuter aircraft,
FAA extended its aging aircraft program to that sector.
Nov 8, 1991: FAA notified Congress of an Auxiliary Flight Service Station Plan adding 26 permanent
and five seasonal auxiliary stations to supplement the 61 automated flight service stations already planned
(see Oct 2, 1981). The Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act (see Nov 5, 1990) had mandated the
project. (See Feb 12, 1986, and Feb 15, 1995.)
Nov 13, 1991: Midway Airlines ceased operations at midnight. (See Nov 1, 1979.) Earlier that day,
Northwest Airlines had dropped plans to acquire Midway, which had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
protection on Mar 26, 1991. On Nov 15, 1993, a smaller new carrier named Midway Airlines began
service from Chicago Midway airport.
Nov 14, 1991: The U.S. Justice Department indicted two Libyans for the bombing of Pan American
Flight 103 (see Dec 21, 1988). Libya reportedly detained the suspects but refused to extract them. (See
Apr 15, 1992.)
Nov 20, 1991: The White House announced the selection of FAA Administrator James Busey to
become DOT Deputy Secretary, succeeding Elaine Chao, who left DOT on Oct 22 to become Peace
Corps Director. On Nov 22, the White House announced the choice of Jerry R. Curry to succeed
Busey as FAA Administrator. A retired Army major general, Curry was serving as Administrator of the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Subsequently, Curry withdrew as nominee for the
FAA post on Mar 20, 1992. (See Dec 4, 1991.)
Nov 21, 1991: Secretary of Transportation Skinner and his Mexican counterpart signed an
agreement expanding aviation opportunities. The accord permited each country to designate a carrier to
fly between any U.S. city and any Mexican city, a level of flexibility unique in U.S. international aviation
Nov 26, 1991: Administrator Busey announced a reorganization at FAA headquarters, including:
* A new Assistant Administrator for Information Technology position with responsibility
for administrative and operational information resources. The Office of Management Systems at
headquarters was abolished and its former director became Acting Deputy for the new Assistant
* A new Assistant Administrator for Budget and Accounting position with responsibility
for the Office of Budget and the Office of Accounting. These two offices had previously reported to the
Associate Administrator for Administration, a position which was abolished.
* Retitling the Executive Director for Acquisition as the Executive Director for Acquisition
and Safety Oversight and expanding this position’s responsibilities by the addition of: the Office of
Aviation Safety, whose head was retitled an Associate Administrator rather than an Assistant
Administrator; and the appraisal functions of the former Deputy Associate Administrator for Appraisal.
(See Sep 30, 1991, and Nov 30, 1993.)
Dec 4, 1991: Pan American World Airways ceased flying after 64 years of operations. On the previous
day, Delta Air Lines had told a bankruptcy court that it would not supply further financing for Pan Am (see
Jan 8, 1991). At an auction of Pan Am assets on Dec 9, United emerged as the largest purchaser, bidding
successfully on most of the defunct airline's Latin American routes. Such remaining Pan Am property as
industrial and office equipment was auctioned at Miami airport on Aug 4-7, 1992. (See Sep 26, 1996.)
Dec 4, 1991: James B. Busey left the post of FAA Administrator and became Deputy Secretary of
Transportation (a position which he held until resigning effective Jun 19, 1992). On Busey's departure
from FAA, Deputy Administrator Barry L. Harris became Acting Administrator, and Executive Director
for System Operations Joseph M. Del Balzo became Acting Deputy Administrator (see Jun 27, 1992). On
Dec 6, 1991, President Bush announced the choice of DOT Secretary Samuel L. Skinner to become
his chief of staff on Dec 16, replacing John H. Sununu (see Feb 24, 1992). Busey became Acting
Secretary upon Skinner's departure from DOT.
Dec 17, 1991: FAA published a rule to establish six classes of airspace designated by a single letter, in
conformance with the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization. The new
designations and their equivalents under the existing system were: Class A (Postive Control Area); Class B
(Terminal Control Area); Class C (Airport Radar Service Area); Class D (Airport Traffic Area, and Control
Zone); Class E (General Controlled Airspace); and Class G (Uncontrolled Airspace). The new system
became effective on Sep 16, 1993.
Dec 18, 1991: President Bush signed the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, designed
to help develop intermodal travel through a range of actions, one of which was improving access to the
country's airports. On May 11, 1992, DOT invited the 50 states to submit proposals for development of
intermodal transportation plans, including aviation as well as surface modes. On Jul 2, 1992, DOT
established a new Office of Intermodalism.
Dec 26, 1991: On the day following President Mikhail S. Gorbachev's resignation, the Soviet legislature
voted the Soviet Union out of existence.
Jan 31, 1992: Trans World Airlines filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy laws,
announcing a plan under which chairman Carl Icahn would lose his controlling interest but continue to
head the airline for at least one year. Subsequent events included acquisition of substantial interests in
TWA by its employees, and the departure of Icahn in early 1993. TWA became solvent on Nov 3, 1993,
filed again for protection on Jun 30, 1995, and emerged from its second Chapter 11 reorganization
on Aug 23, 1995.
Feb 3, 1992: FAA announced a computerized testing system, expected to speed selection of air traffic
controller trainees and improve their success rate, as well as a strengthened training program. Previously,
candidates spent their first 9 weeks of employment training and testing and were terminated if they were
not successful. The new program took 4 1/2 days, demonstrated an equivalent ability to predict success,
and was conducted before an individual was hired.
Feb 4, 1992: FAA awarded a 10-year, $508 million contact to Electronic Data Systems (EDS) to provide
automated data processing services to support such functions as safety analysis and payroll. On Aug 14-
15, the company successfully transferred computer applications and data from FAA's Aeronautical Center
in Oklahoma City to an EDS data center in Plano, Texas. The EDS contract was part of the Computer
Resources Nucleus (CORN) project, a program to "outsource" computer services begun in the fall of
1986. CORN had received criticism during June 1990 when General Accounting Office faulted FAA's
planning and justification of the project. The General Services Administration suspended procurement
authority for CORN in September, but reinstated the program in Dec 1990 after FAA made revisions.
Feb 7, 1992: The Department of Transportation published a request for public comments on rules that may
be outdated, too costly, or impede economic growth. The action was a response to President Bush's Jan 28
State of the Union speech declaring a 90-day rulemaking moratorium and a review of regulations. On
May 1, Secretary Card announced that a regulatory review had identified over 300 administrative or
legislative changes in DOT regulations that would help the nation's economy.
Feb 24, 1992: Andrew H. Card, Jr., took the oath as Secretary of Transportation (a public swearing-in
ceremony was held on Mar 11). A former member of the Massachusetts legislature, the new Secretary had
been deputy Chief of Staff under Bush and served the Reagan White House as deputy assistant to the
President and director of the Intergovernmental Affairs Office. Card had been nominated on Jan 22 and
confirmed by the Senate on Feb 21. He served for the remainder of the Bush Administration, resigning
effective Jan 20, 1993.
Mar 5, 1992: Effective this date, FAA chartered the Pilot and Aviation Maintenance Technician
Shortage Blue Ribbon Panel. On Sep 27, 1993, FAA announced the results of the panel's study, which
forsaw a possible shortage of experienced personnel within three to five years. The panel considered the
fundamental solution was to focus education and training programs on industry needs, and made 13
recommendations to that address the problem.
Mar 17, 1992: A ceremony at the Salt Lake City Air Route Traffic Control Center commemorated the
completed installation of Meteorologist Weather Processors (MWPs) at 21 en route centers and the
central flow control facility in Washington. The system assisted air traffic controllers by combining data
from the National Weather Service, FAA radars, and a satellite operated by Harris Corporation, the
contractor that provided MWP on a lease basis. On Jul 8, 1996, FAA announced a contract with Harris to
develop, install, and support the Weather and Radar Processor (WARP), a more advanced system that
would integrate information including data from Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD). The first
phase of this project would replace MWP with upgraded leased equipment.
Mar 17, 1992: FAA issued a rule extending the requirement for the Ground Proximity Warning
System to all turbine powered (rather than just turbojet) aircraft with 10 or more passenger seats flown by
air taxi and commercial operators, effective Apr 24, 1994. The new rule affected primarily commuter
airlines. On May 27, the National Transportation Safety Board announced that it had removed a
recommendation for such a rule from its "Most Wanted" list of safety actions. (See Dec 24, 1974.)
Mar 22, 1992: A USAir Fokker F-28 4000 jet crashed at New York's La Guardia Airport while taking
off during a snowstorm, killing 27 of the 51 persons aboard. In a 1993 report, the National Transportation
Safety Board cited the probable cause as: failure of the airline industry and FAA to provide flight crews
with procedures and requirements compatible with departure delays in conditions conducive to icing; and
the flight crew’s decision to take off without positive assurance that the airplane's wings were ice-free after
35 minutes exposure to precipitation following deicing. (See Nov 15, 1987, and May 28, 1992.)
Mar 31, 1992: DOT announced that the United States would explore "open skies" aviation agreements
with all European countries willing to allow free access to their markets. In the past, the nation had
offered such agreements to only a few of its largest aviation partners. On Aug 5, DOT established a
definition of "open skies" including such points as: (1) open entry on all routes; (2) unrestricted capacity
and frequency on all routes; (3) flexibility in setting fares; (4) liberal charter arrangements; (5) liberal cargo
arrangements; (6) open code-sharing opportunities; (7) nondiscriminatory operation of and access to
computer reservations systems; (8) the ability of carriers to freely enter into commercial transactions
related to their flight operations; (9) the right of a carrier to perform its own ground handling in the other
country; (10) no restrictions on converting earnings into hard currency or returning earnings to homelands;
and (11) the right to operate between any U.S. airport and any point in the European country without
restriction. (See Sep 4, 1992.)
Apr 8, 1992: FAA announced a new self-audit program for aviation manufacturers. The firms were
encouraged to identify their own violations of safety regulations, and the agency would not take
enforcement action for infringements voluntarily reported and corrected. FAA had previously unveiled a
similar program for airlines (see Mar 27, 1990).
Apr 15, 1992: United Nations sanctions, including a cut-off of air transportation links, went into
effect against Libya due to its failure to surrender two suspects in the Dec 1988 bombing of a Pan
American flight (see Nov 14, 1991). On Apr 16, FAA issued a special regulation implementing a
Presidential order prohibiting any aircraft on a flight to or from Libya from taking off from, landing in, or
overflying the United States.. Since commercial air links with Libya had already been prohibited for
several years (see Feb 11, 1986), the action expanded the ban to business and private aircraft and to
overflights of U.S. territory.
Apr 16, 1992: At Manassas, Va., FAA dedicated its first "recycled" tower. The 60-foot structure had
been moved from Englewood, Colo., where it was no longer being used.
Apr 22, 1992: FAA announced expansion of the Terminal Area VFR Routes program which charted
special routes to help pilots using Visual Flight Rules in avoiding controlled airspace. The concept, which
had been evaluated in the Los Angeles area in 1988-89, would be applied at eight other locations.
Apr 27, 1992: FAA announced that its Flight Standards Service was opening a direct computer line to
answer questions from the aviation community about regulations and procedures. The action reflected a
growing global trend toward use of computer networks for communications. On Aug 15, 1995, FAA
opened a “Headquarters News and Public Affairs Home Page” on the World Wide Web to provide news
releases and other information to the media and public, and the Northwest Mountain Region opened a home
page on the same day.
Apr 30, 1992: President Bush signed an order directing Federal agencies to modify their procedures in
order to facilitate the privatization of airports and other public assets built with Federal assistance.
Apr 30, 1992: Rioting in the Los Angeles area forced FAA to temporarily close its towers at Santa
Monica, Torrance, and Hawthorne, as well as the flight service station at Hawthorne. The disorders also
hampered operations at Los Angeles International, where smoke from burning buildings created Instrument
Flight Rules conditions.
May 4, 1992: To facilitate emergency evacuations, FAA published a rule specifying required distances
between rows of seats near over-wing exits on airliners: a 20 inch clear path for three-seat exit rows, and
a 10 inch clear path for two-seat exit rows. As an alternative, airlines could remove the seat nearest to each
overwing exit and provide two paths six inches wide in front of and behind the seats adjacent to the exit.
May 20, 1992: At the request of the State Department, DOT halted the U.S. landing rights of Yugoslav
Airlines. The sanction was a response to Yugoslavia's failure to guarantee that Sarajevo Airport would be
reopened for humanitarian relief flights or that Serbian troops would withdraw from the airport and its
vicinity. In accordance with a Presidential order issued on June 5, DOT and FAA implemented sanctions
that included a ban on flights between the United States and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia
and Montenegro). The sanctions were suspended indefinitely following a Jan 2, 1996, determination by the
President that such a suspension was needed to achieve a settlement of the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
May 28, 1992: FAA opened a two-day International Conference on Airplane Ground Deicing. The
conference reflected global concern about icing and produced a series of recommendations for combating
the hazard. On Sep 25, FAA announced a requirement for airlines using large aircraft (Part 121) to have
an approved ground de-icing/anti-icing program in place by Nov 1, 1992. On Dec 29, 1993, FAA
announced strengthened deicing requirements for commuter and air taxi pilots to check aircraft
surfaces before taking off in adverse weather. The agency also mandated certain new training requirements
for commuter pilots as well as certain training and checking requirements for pilots of larger private planes.
(See Mar 22, 1992, and Oct 31, 1994.)
Jun 15, 1992: FAA awarded contracts to the Wilcox and Raytheon corporations to design and develop
advanced versions of the Microwave Landing System. Each vendor was to produce six to twelve first
article test systems. Following successful completion of this phase, full scale production was planned with
the same contractors in 1996. (See Jun 21, 1991, and Jun 2, 1994.)
Jun 17, 1992: DOT Secretary Card and Russia's Foreign Minister signed a memorandum of
understanding on airspace use, air navigation, and air traffic control. Features included joint
cooperation in opening shorter Far Eastern routes and FAA assistance in establishing a joint civil-military
air traffic system for Russia. (See Feb 16, 1990, and May 25, 1993).
Jun 26, 1992: The Supreme Court ruled that airports are not a public forum and hence airport
authorities may place reasonable restrictions on speech. Such regulation might include a ban on
soliciting donations, and limits on the time, place, and manner of distributing literature. (See Feb 18,
Jun 27, 1992: General Thomas C. Richards (USAF, Ret.) became FAA's twelfth Administrator,
succeeding James B. Busey (see Jun 30, 1989), in a private ceremony. On Jul 17, Richards took the oath a
second time in a public ceremony. President Bush had announced Richards' nomination on Mar 31,
following the withdrawal of a previous nominee (see entry for Nov 20, 1991), and formally nominated him
on May 1. The Senate confirmed the nomination in June, and Congress passed legislation exempting
Richards from the statute barring military officers from serving as FAA Administrator.
Born on Feb 13, 1930, in San Diego, Calif., Richards received a B.S. from Virginia
Polytechnic Institute in 1956, an M.A. from Shippensburg State College in 1973, and was also a graduate
of the U.S. Army War College. Richards' military career began with the Army infantry in 1948 and
included combat service in the Korean War. He received a commission as a distinguished graduate of the
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1956. He earned his
pilot's wings in 1957. During his Air Force career, he flew over 600 combat missions as a forward air
controller in the Vietnam war. His assignments included: commandant of cadets at the Air Force
Academy; vice commander, 8th Air Force, Strategic Air Command; commander of the Air University; and
deputy commander in chief, U.S. European Command. Upon retiring from the military in 1989, he became
a corporate consultant and served on the President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism (see
May 15, 1990). Richards was FAA Administrator for less than seven months, resigning when William J.
Clinton succeeded George H. Bush as President on Jan 20, 1993.
Jul 17, 1992: The United States and the European Economic Community signed an agreement placing
certain limitations on government subsidies for the development and production of large civil
Jul 20, 1992: One of the Navy Department's five prototypes of the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor crashed in the
Potomac River, killing all seven people aboard. (Another of the prototypes had crashed, causing no
injuries, during the previous summer.) The Navy Department suspended V-22 flight testing until after an
accident report, dated May 18, 1993, identified a fluid leak and fire as the cause of the Potomac River
crash. On Aug 20, a XV-15 tiltrotor crashed during a Bell Helicopter demonstration flight at Arlington
(Texas) Municipal Airport. The XV-15, a smaller, two-seat version of the V-22, was a forerunner of the
Jun 29, 1992: In a report released to Congress on this date, FAA recommended that all states be allowed
to administer block grants for nonprimary airports on the basis of a successful pilot project under which
three states had administered such grants. (See Oct 1, 1989, and Oct 31, 1992.)
Jul 30, 1992: FAA excluded general aviation aircraft from the rule that all transponders installed
after Jul 1, 1992, be Mode S transponders (see Jan 29, 1987).
Aug 24:, 1992 Hurricane Andrew swept through south Florida, causing devastation that included damage
to airports and resulting flight cancellations. Among the worst hit FAA facilities were the Richmond Long
Range Radar site and the tower and International Automated Flight Service Station at Tamiami airport, all
of which were severely damaged. Facilities at Key West lost communication lines, and other agency
installations experienced significant damage, power loss, and outages. By the following day, however,
Miami, Key West, West Palm Beach, and Fort Lauderdale Executive airports reopened. The hurricane
moved into Louisiana on August 26. During the height of the storm, most FAA facilities in the affected
part of that state shut down or were placed on standby status, and several airports were temporarily closed.
The hurricane destroyed or badly harmed the homes of about 144 FAA employees in the
Miami area, and the agency organized an airlift to provide emergency relief. A committee representing
local agency organizations coordinated the distribution of supplies and of funds donated by FAAers
throughout the country, while the agency provided such benefits as administrative leave, counseling, and
emergency loans. At the same time, FAA rushed the restoration of airspace system facilities and supported
the overall Federal relief program.
Aug 28, 1992: Typhoon Omar struck Guam with winds of up to 150 miles an hour, causing major
damage to an estimated 75 to 90 percent of all buildings. The island lost all power. By Aug 30 the airport
had reopened, but only for VFR/daylight operations. No FAA families were injured, although the housing
area was severely damaged.
Sep 4, 1992: DOT announced that the U.S. and the Netherlands had agreed to open their international
aviation markets to each other's airlines, the first such agreement under the Department's open skies
initiative (see Mar 31, 1992). Taking advantage of the pact,
Northwest Airlines and KLM Royal Dutch
Airlines agreed on Sep 9 to create what they called "a unified global airlines system." Although KLM
already had a 20 percent stake in Northwest, the new agreement enabled the two carriers to integrate their
operations worldwide. On Jan 11, 1993, DOT gave Northwest and KLM immunity from antitrust laws so
they could operate as one airline. The trend toward greater collaboration with foreign carriers was
further illustrated by cooperative plans announced in 1993 by the following U.S. airlines: Delta (with
Swissair); Continental (with Air France); United (with Lufthansa); and USAir (which announced a scaled-
back version of a plan for partnership with British Airways first proposed in July 1992).
Sep 9, 1992: FAA published a rule establishing a "primary aircraft" category for aircraft of simple
design intended for pleasure and personal use. Primary aircraft must: be unpowered or powered by a single
engine meeting certain specifications; have an unpressurized cabin; carry no more than four persons; and
weigh no more than 2,700 pounds. (Ultralight vehicles were not included, however.) The new
classification was intended to simplify certification procedures and provide owners with aircraft less costly
to buy and maintain. The addition of this category raised the number of such of type certificates to 8:
normal, utility, acrobatic, transport, special class, commuter, restricted, and primary.
Sep 11, 1992: Hurricane Iniki hit parts of the state of Hawaii, killing one person on the island of Oahu
and three on Kauai, which suffered most of the damage. The storm severely damaged the control tower cab
at Kauai's Lihue airport.
Sep 15, 1992: FAA published a final rule requiring airlines to allow the use of approved child
restraint systems (CRSs) on their aircraft. At the same time, FAA amended its Advisory Circular
describing approved CRSs to exclude any that positioned the child on the lap or chest of a seated adult.
(See Feb 26, 1985, and Sep 21, 1994.)
Sep 16, 1992: FAA published a rule allowing manufacturers to use a much less costly alternative method
of determining whether light helicopters met noise certification standards. The new procedure
employed fewer tests and microphones, but required helicopters to meet a standard that was two decibels
more stringent than under the normal procedure.
Sep 30, 1992 During the fiscal year ending on this date, air fares in markets served by Southwest Airlines
were dramatically lower than in other short haul markets, according to a DOT study announced on May 11,
1993. The study found that Southwest (which had begun operations as a Texas intrastate carrier on Jun 18,
1971) now ranked fifth among U.S. airlines in terms of passengers carried. The success of Southwest
illustrated the demand for low-cost service in short haul markets. The DOT study also noted an
increase in new carriers over the past year, including five jet airlines providing scheduled passenger
Sep 1992: FAA inspectors completed the first evaluations under the Aircraft Certification Systems
Evaluation Program (ACSEP). The program used standardized evaluation techniques to ensure the
continued integrity of manufacturers’ design data and production activities subsequent to their initial
Oct 8, 1992: FAA ordered inspection of fuse pins securing the engines of most Boeing 747s following
the crash of an Israeli 747 in Holland on Oct 4. On Nov 13, the agency ordered all U.S. 747 operators to
replace old-style fuse pins after the inspections showed instances of corrosion and cracking.
Oct 14, 1992: An FAA-chartered task force released its report on a Global Navigation Satellite System
using the Global Positioning Systen (GPS). The report concluded that the system offered the greatest
opportunity to enhance aviation efficiency and safety since the introduction of radio communications and
navigation. To help begin the implementation process, FAA on Dec 10 released a technical standard
order prescribing standards for airborne supplemental navigation equipment using GPS. (See Apr 1,
1991, and Dec 17, 1993.)
Oct 27, 1992: Effective this date, FAA amended its regulation on exit row seats, now redefined as “exit
seats” to clarify that the rule affected only seats providing direct acces to an exit or seats in rows through
which passengers must pass to use an exit. The changes included: prohibiting taxi or pushback until a
crewmember has verified that no exit seat is occupied by a person unable to perform required emergency
functions; and prohibiting a passenger from sitting in an exit seat if that passenger cannot read, speak, or
understand the primary language of the crew. (See Mar 2, 1990.)
Oct 31, 1992: President Bush signed the Airport and Airway Safety, Capacity, Noise Improvement and
Intermodal Transportation Act of 1992. Among other provisions, the act contained amendments
reauthorizing the Airport Improvement Program through Sep 30, 1993 (see May 26, 1994). It also
reauthorized the State Block Grant Pilot Program through fiscal 1996 for the current participants
(Illinois, North Carolina, and Missouri) and provided funds to add four additional states to the program.
On Jan 15, 1993, FAA selected the states of Michigan, New Jersey, Texas, and Wisconsin to participate in
the pilot project. (See Oct 1, 1989.)
Oct 1992: In response to safety issues relating to aging aircraft, FAA established the Center of Excellence
in Computational Modeling of Aircraft Structures as a joint effort with Rutgers University and Georgia
Institute of Technology. This was the first Air Transportation Center of Excellence created by the
agency through a program in which selected institutions received long-term matching grants to conduct
research under cooperative agreements. FAA subsequently established a Center of Excellence for airport
pavement research in 1995 and another for operations research in 1996. In Dec 1996, FAA announced that
it was soliciting proposals to establish a Center of Excellence for airworthiness assurance.
Nov 20, 1992: FAA outlined the results of a congressionally mandated Aircraft Noise Mitigation
Review for the New York metropolitan area within a 55 nautical mile radius of La Guardia airport. The
review complemented FAA's work on the environmental impact of the Expanded East Coast plan on New
Jersey (see Mar 11, 1991). In conducting the review, FAA held 18 listening sessions in New York and
Connecticut. The review team's recommendations, which represented a comprehensive action plan,
included: raising certain helicopter flight altitudes; amending flight patterns to allow more flights bound for
La Guardia to remain longer over Long Island sound; establishing a second instrument landing system at
Stewart Airport, and increasing noise reduction awareness training programs.
Nov 27, 1992 A directive issued on this date retitled the Aviation Standards National Field Office as
the Office of Aviation System Standards, a designation that better reflected its identity as an FAA
Washington headquarters organizational element.
Nov 30, 1992: FAA gave a “cure notice” to IBM concerning its development of the Initial Sector
Suite System (ISSS), a part of the Advanced Automation System (AAS). The agency stated that unless the
company provided a plan to remedy deficiencies within 10 calendar days, the government would withhold
progress payments under the contract. Earlier in November, IBM had stated that, because of software
difficulties and other problems, the ISSS would not be ready for FAA acceptance until Sep 1994, thus
adding another 14 months to an already delayed timetable. Following the cure notice, IBM submitted to
FAA an initial and later a final cure plan. FAA’s own steps to remedy the situation included changes in
the project’s management structure and an Apr 1 ban on further changes in user requirements for the ISSS.
(See Oct 1, 1991, and Dec 13, 1993.)
Dec 10, 1992: Northwest Airlines began the first commercial flight to transport U.S. troops to Somalia in
support of Operation Restore Hope, an international effort to counter famine and disorder in that nation.
U.S. forces remained in Somalia until Mar 1994, and returned briefly during Feb-Mar 1995 to aid the
evacuation of United Nations peacekeepers.
Dec 17, 1992: The United States, Canada, and Mexico concluded the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA). The U.S. Congress approved implementation of NAFTA by passing P.L. 103-182,
signed into law on Dec 8, 1993. On May 20, 1994, FAA Administrator Hinson and his counterparts from
Mexico and Canada held a trilateral meeting as a first step in a continuing process aimed at increasing
cooperation on a variety of aviation issues.
Dec 18, 1992: Eight fatalities occurred when a Cessna 550 crashed after encountering wake turbulence
behind a Boeing 757 during descent into Billings, Mont. The National Transportation Safety Board
subsequently cited the probable cause as the pilot’s failure to follow established wake turbulence
procedures. Nevertheless, the accident increased concerns that 757 wake turbulence might represent a
special problem, an issue raised within FAA by Chief Scientist Robert Machol. (See Nov 1, 1975, and Dec
15, 1993.)
Dec 21, 1992: The Justice Department filed a civil antitrust suit against eight airlines, charging them
with fixing prices through their computerized fare system. The suit resulted from a three year probe
into ticket pricing between 1988 and 1990. All eight carriers eventually signed consent decrees, denying
wrongdoing but agreeing to avoid the fare practices.
Jan 7, 1993: DOT announced its approval of a $450 million investment in Continental Airlines by Air
Canada and Air Partners of Dallas, Tex. On Apr 28, Continental emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy
(see Dec 3, 1990).
Jan 20, 1993: William J. Clinton became President, succeeding George Bush. FAA’s Administrator
Thomas C. Richards left office with the Bush Administration, and Joseph M. Del Balzo became Acting
Administrator (see Aug 10, 1993).
Jan 21, 1993: Federico F. Peña became Secretary of Transportation, succeeding Andrew H. Card with
the change of Administrations. A former member of the Colorado legislature and two-term mayor of
Denver, Peña had been a strong advocate of the new airport under construction for his city (see May 17,
1988). He served as Secretary until Feb 14, 1997 (see entry for Dec 20, 1996).
Feb 9, 1993: Lt. Gen. Elwood R. Quesada died at the age of 88. Quesada had been FAA’s first
Administrator (see Nov 1, 1958).
Feb 22, 1993: The first prototype of the McDonnell Douglas MD-90 series, a follow-on to the MD-80
series, made its initial flight. FAA type-certificated the MD-90 on Nov 16, 1994, and it entered
commercial service on April 1, 1995, with Delta.
Mar 13, 1993: A blizzard swept over the East Coast, halting or delaying almost all airline travel from
Georgia to Maine. At one point during the two-day storm, which claimed over 100 lives, all major airports
were closed north of Charlotte, N.C. The airspace system took several days to recover.
Mar 25, 1993: Secretary of Transportation Federico Peña confirmed that he planned a reorganization
separating aviation policy issues from the policy issues of other transportation modes. As documented
in a directive issued on Feb 15, 1994, the change abolished the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy
and International Affairs and established a new Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy and a new
Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs.
Apr 7, 1993: President Clinton signed legislation creating a National Commission to Ensure a Strong,
Competitive Airline Industry to study the problems facing the aviation industry. Former Virginia
governor Gerald L. Baliles chaired the commission, which had 11 non-voting and 15 voting members. The
commission met for the first time on May 24, and delivered its final report to the President on Aug 19.
Among its recommendations was the creation of an independent federal corporate entity within DOT
to manage and fund air traffic control and related functions (see Sep 7, 1993). Other recommendations
included: establishment of an advisory committee to further the airlines' financial health; bankruptcy code
reforms; tax breaks for airlines; possible use of oil reserves when needed to control sharp increases in fuel
prices; efforts to create a multi-national operating environment for airlines free of discrimination and
restrictions; allowing foreign ownership of up to 49 percent of voting equity in U.S. airlines, providing this
was part of a liberal and fair bilateral agreement; limiting the liability of general aviation aircraft
manufacturers to 15 years from the date of manufacture (see Aug 17, 1994); and maintaining the Essential
Air Service program.
Apr 8, 1993: FAA released a study it had sponsored on the Age-60 rule on mandatory airline pilot
retirement (see Mar 15, 1960). On the basis of accident data, the study’s authors concluded that there was
"no support for the hypothesis that the pilots of scheduled air carriers have increased accidents as they near
the age of 60." The study did not deal with medical problems. FAA stated that any change to the Age-60
rule would have to be based on evidence that passenger safety would not be compromised. (See Dec 14,
Apr 19, 1993: In testimony on Capitol Hill, Acting Administrator Del Balzo announced that FAA had
modified its plan to consolidate its en route centers and Terminal Approach Control facilities
(TRACONs) into 23 large facilities (see Mar 22, 1983). Instead, the agency planned to operate the 22
existing centers, 170-175 stand-alone TRACONs, and 5 consolidated TRACONs (see Oct 23, 1991).
May 9, 1993: At the airport in Orlando, Fl., FAA commissioned the first of 133 ground interrrogator
systems for the Mode S radar beacon transponder (see Oct 5, 1984). On Mar 8, 1994, the agency
commissioned its first monopulse beacon radar by upgrading the Mode S sensor at the same airport.
While the older radar beacon system used a barrage of interrogation and required 16-20 replies to
determine accurate position information, the monopulse technique obtained position information from a
single transponder reply.
May 25, 1993: DOT announced a new U.S.-Russian aviation agreement, updating and expanding an
accord signed in June 1990 (see entry for Feb 16, 1990). Under the pact, the U.S. obtained new rights to fly
over parts of Russia to points in Asia, and Russia received rights to serve 11 new U.S. cities. (See Jun 17,
1992, and Oct 14, 1994.)
Jun 14, 1993: As mandated by legislation, FAA established the Civil Tiltrotor Development Advisory
Committee to study the feasibility of civil tiltrotor transportation. Delivered to Congress on Dec 29, 1995,
the Committee’s final report recommended an expansion of civil tiltrotor research and the establishment of
a public/private partnership to address issues associated with the concept.
Jul 2, 1993: Mississippi River flooding that began to disrupt air traffic control operations on this date
closed 36 general aviation airports and two FAA towers. One heavily damaged Automated Flight Service
Station remained closed for several months after the flood. FAA response to the disaster included
activation of a temporary tower in the St. Louis area.
Aug 1, 1993: A new collective bargaining agreement between FAA and the National Air Traffic
Controllers Association (NATCA) went into effect. The four-year agreement covered all operational air
traffic control specialists in terminals and centers. (See May 1, 1989.)
Aug 10, 1993: David R. Hinson became FAA's thirteenth Administrator, succeeding Thomas C.
Richards (see Jun 27, 1992). Hinson took the oath a second time in a public ceremony on Aug 24. The
new Administrator’s nomination had been announced on May 13, made formal on Jun 30, and confirmed
by the Senate on Aug 6.
A native of Oklahoma, Hinson held a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington. He
served as a naval aviator and as a pilot for Northwest Airlines. In 1961, he became a flight instructor for
United Airlines. Hinson later became a captain and director of flight training for West Coast Airlines,
eventually becoming director of flight standards and engineering for West Coast's successor, Air West. In
1973, he founded Hinson-Mennella, Inc., a partnership whose acquisitions included Flightcraft, Inc., the
Beech aircraft distributor in the Pacific Northwest. He was one of four founders of Midway Airlines in
1978, and served as chairman and chief executive officer from 1985 until the airline ceased operations in
1991. When selected to head FAA, Hinson was executive vice president for marketing and business
development with Douglas Aircraft, a subsidiary of McDonnell Douglas. (See Nov 9, 1996.)
Aug 12, 1993: The Clinton Administration announced that air traffic controllers fired for participation
in the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization strike (see Aug 3, 1981) could apply for
reemployment. (Since Dec 1981, the fired controllers could apply for any federal position except for jobs
in the FAA and certain related positions in the Defense and Treasury Departments.) At the time of the
announcement, FAA had already imposed a hiring freeze because of budget restrictions. The agency
estimated that once the freeze ended it would hire fewer than 200 new controllers per year over the next
few years. In Jan 1995, a rehired group of 26 former strikers began training, and about 14 others were
rehired during that year. (See Feb 22, 1996).
Sep 2, 1993: FAA announced that it planned to require air carriers to have proof that freight
forwarders followed FAA-approved security programs or else to inspect all cargo sent to them by the
freight forwarders. The compliance date of Jan 31, 1974, was subsequently extended to Apr 1, 1974.
Sep 7, 1993: Vice President Albert Gore released the report of the National Performance Review, a study
of the operations of the Federal government that Gore had led during the past six months. The report made
recommendations intended to streamline government and make it more cost beneficial. Proposals
concerning aviation included: terminating Federal grant funding for FAA higher education programs;
cutting Essential Air Service subsidies; increasing FAA fees for inspection of foreign repair facilities; and
contracting for the operation of low activity (Level 1) air traffic control facilities. The report’s most far
reaching recommendation concerning FAA was its proposal for creating a government-owned
corporation to provide air traffic control services (see Jan 6 and May 3, 1994).
Sep 8, 1993: An administrative law judge recommended that DOT deny the application of Friendship
Airlines, later renamed ATX, to operate as an air carrier. The company had been founded by former
Texas Air chairman Frank Lorenzo. Although DOT ordered the judge to reopen hearings, he reconfirmed
his recommendation on Dec 22. On Apr 5, 1994, DOT rejected the application, citing past safety and
regulatory compliance problems experienced by airlines run by Lorenzo.
Oct 6, 1993: The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) held a ground breaking ceremony
for the expansion of Dulles airport's main terminal, a project completed on Sep 5, 1996. On Nov 17,
1993, meanwhile, MWAA officially broke ground for a new terminal for Washington National as part of
a major improvement of the airport.
Oct 26, 1993: An FAA Beech Super King Air crashed into mountainous terrain near Front Royal, Va.,
killing all three persons aboard. The National Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause as pilot
error and deficiences in the agency’s management of its flying program. In response to the accident, FAA
made extensive changes in training, procedures, and oversight relating to its flight operations.
Nov 2, 1993: FAA dedicated the new Leased Interfacility National Airspace Communications
(LINCS) telecommunications system following an initial installation that took about nine months. LINCS
connected 20 air route traffic control centers, replacing a network of more than 10,000 individual circuits.
Expansion to other facilities was planned.
Nov 18, 1993: American Airlines' flight attendants went on strike, forcing the airline to cancel or delay
flights. The disputed issues centered on scheduling, pay, and health benefits. On Nov 22, President
Clinton interceded in the five-day old strike, persuading the union and the airline to agree to binding
Nov 23, 1993: Linda H. Daschle became the Deputy Administrator of FAA. President Clinton had
announced his intention to nominate Daschle on Oct 25, and the Senate had confirmed her appointment on
Nov 20.
Born in Oklahoma, Daschle began her career as a weather observer for FAA while attending
Kansas State University. During the early 1980's, she became the first woman to direct the Civil
Aeronautics Board's Office of Congressional, Community, and Consumer Affairs. Daschle later served as
director of Federal affairs at the Air Transport Association of America. She was also active in civic affairs
and in the campaigns of her husband, Sen. Tom Daschle (D.-S.D.). When chosen for the FAA post, she
was senior vice president in charge of Federal and environmental affairs for the American Association of
Airport Executives. (See Nov 9, 1996.)
Nov 24, 1993: A group of airlines and their trade associations formally asked DOT or FAA to prohibit Los
Angeles officials from implementing a plan to deny airlines access to Los Angeles International
Airport because of their refusal to pay higher landing fees. On Nov 30 and Dec 1, FAA Administrator
David Hinson and DOT Secretary Federico Peña met with airline representatives and Los Angeles city
officials to mediate the dispute. As a result, the airlines agreed to pay the higher fees, retroactive to July 1,
while planning to pursue the issue through litigation. The airlines subsequently asked DOT to review the
increases in accordance with legislation (see Aug 23, 1994) that provided a means of timely resolution of
such disputes. On June 30, 1995, DOT ruled that the increases were largely valid but that the airlines were
due a partial refund, a decision that remained under appeal at the end of 1996.
Nov 30, 1993: FAA Administrator Hinson announced that Joseph Del Balzo had been named Executive
Director for Strategic Initiatives, bringing to four the number of Executive Directors (see Nov 26, 1991,
and Nov 30, 1994). The position was discontinued after Feb 28, 1994, the date of Del Balzo’s
Dec 1, 1993: A Jetstream BA-3100 operating as a Northwest Airlink commuter flight crashed while
approaching Hibbing, Mont., in instrument weather conditions. The National Transportation Safety Board
cited crew errors and loss of altitude awareness as the probable cause of the accident, which killed all 18
persons aboard. The crash increased public and congressional awareness of the issue of commuter airline
safety. (See Dec 13, 1994.)
Dec 3, 1993: FAA’s first commissioning of an Airport Surface Detection Equipment model 3 (ASDE-
3) took place at the Seattle-Tacoma airport. An improved ground surveillance radar system, ASDE-3 had
been installed for testing at Pittsburgh in Feb 1990, and FAA had formally accepted the system for
operational use in Dec 1991. (See Dec 23, 1983, and Jun 27, 1996.)
Dec 13, 1993: FAA Administrator David Hinson ordered an extensive review of the Advanced
Automation System (AAS), a multi-billion dollar program designed to help modernize the nation's air
traffic control system. The contractor, IBM, was far behind schedule and had major cost overruns (see Nov
30, 1992). Hinson's recommended review included conferring with IBM to determine the impact the
company's plan to sell its unit in charge of the AAS contract to Loral Corp., a sale subsequently concluded.
On Mar 3, 1994, FAA announced initial actions as a result of the review that included a new AAS
management team and suspension of the portion of the program designated the Area Control Computer
Complex (ACCC). Subsequently, on Jun 3, 1994, FAA announced a major overhaul of the AAS
program. The agency terminated ACCC. FAA also cancelled another AAS element, the Terminal
Advanced Automation System (TAAS), stating that it would substitute a new procurement for
modernization of terminal radar approach control facilities (see Sep 16, 1996). The agency reduced the
number of towers planned to receive the Tower Control Computer Complex (TCCC). In addition, the
agency planned to review the software for the Initial Sector Suite System (ISSS), a program to provide new
workstations for en route controllers. On Sep 30, 1994, FAA announced that it would seek a proposal from
Loral that would permit the company to move forward with this work under a new program, the Display
System Replacement (DSR), which would replace ISSS. (See Apr 27, 1995.)
Dec 15, 1993: Five persons died when an Israel Westwind aircraft following a Boeing 757 encountered
wake turbulence and crashed at Santa Ana, Calif. The National Transportation Safety Board later found
the probable cause to have been the Westwind pilot’s failure to maintain adequate separation behind the
757 and/or to remain above its flight path during approach. The Board considered a related factor to be
inadequacy of air traffic control procedures regarding visual approaches and visual flight rules operations
behind heavier airplanes. On Dec 21, meanwhile, FAA required air traffic controllers to issue wake
turbulence advisories to aircraft following 757s in all cases for which such advisories would be issued for
jets heavier than the 757. On Dec 22, FAA sent a letter to licensed pilots alerting them to accidents and
incidents involving 757 wake turbulence and urging attention to existing guidance on avoiding wake
hazards. (See Dec 18, 1992, and May 20, 1994.)
Dec 17, 1993: Continental Express began the first FAA-approved use of the Global Positioning System
(GPS) for non-precision airport approaches in operations at Aspen and Steamboat Springs, Colo. Four
days later, DOT announced the report of a joint DOT/DOD task force on the GPS. The task force
recommended that DOT should take a stronger role in managing the DOD-controlled system, and that
technical steps be taken to improve the integrity and availability of GPS for all transportation modes. (See
Oct 14, 1992, and Feb 17, 1994.)
Dec 31, 1993: The end of this day completed a calendar year in which major (Part 121) scheduled
airlines experienced no passenger or air crew fatalities. The only fatal accident in Part 121 scheduled
operations involved a ground crewmember struck by a propeller. The fatal accident rate for this segment of
aviation was 0.013 per 100,000 departures, the lowest since 1980 (see Dec 31, 1980).
Jan 3, 1994: As documented by a directive issued this date, the organization of the Associate
Administrator for Airway Facilities included three Services: System Management (formerly System
Maintenance), Operational Support, and NAS Transition and Implementation.
Jan 6, 1994: DOT, FAA, and the Council of Economic Advisors held a press conference to unveil the
Clinton Administration's plan to revitalize the aviation industry. The plan entailed action on most
recommendations of the National Commission to Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry (see Apr 7,
1993). Included were efforts to move ahead with conversion of FAA’s air traffic control function to a
government corporation (see Sep 7, 1993, and May 3, 1994). Other elements of the plan aimed at:
bankruptcy reform; increased foreign investment in U.S. carriers, contingent on reciprocal opportunities;
encouragement of new entrant carriers; heightened scrutiny of airline financial fitness; and promotion of
employee ownership of airlines.
Jan 17, 1994: An earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale hit the Los Angeles area, briefly
closing Los Angeles airport. The Van Nuys airport tower lost its window glass but continued to operate
until a temporary tower was activated.
Jan 1994: Locality pay became effective for Federal workers, who received raises ranging from 6.52 to
3.09 percent. The percentage was determined by location in 27 metropolitan areas, plus a catchall “rest of
the U.S.” locality. Certain employees who were already paid at special rates did not receive a raise unless
the amount of the locality increase exceeded their pay differential.
Feb 2, 1994: FAA announced that 25 low activity towers (Level 1) would be converted to contract towers,
beginning in September 1994. The agency had been contracting the operation of such towers since 1982,
and 30 were run on this basis as of the end of 1993. On Nov 28, 1995, FAA announced that it would
discontinue funding for 7 low-activity towers, including three contract towers and four FAA-operated
Feb 3, 1994: DOT announced a group of new transportation-industry regulations on drugs and alcohol that
had been developed in response to the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of Oct 28, 1991.
Among these was an FAA rule, published on Feb 15, 1994, that established an aviation industry alcohol
misuse prevention program. The program included pre-employment and random alcohol testing of
safety-sensitive employees of airlines and certain other FAA-certificated operations (see May 10, 1995). In
announcing the new rules, DOT also stated that its operating agencies would implement similar alcohol
misuse prevention programs for their own safety-sensitive employees. At the same time, DOT unveiled a
proposal to lower the minimum random drug testing rate for industries that record a positive rate of less
than one percent for two calendar years and maintain that record during subsequent years. On Nov 22,
DOT issued a final rule allowing such industries to test only 25 percent of safety-sensitive employees rather
than 50 percent. Accordingly, FAA reduced the random drug testing rate for the aviation industry,
effective on Jan 1, 1995.
Feb 17, 1994: FAA announced that it was implementating civil use of the Initial Operational Capability
(IOC) of the Global Positioning System (GPS). IOC signified that the system’s 24 satellites were
operating in their assigned orbit and providing signals. FAA also stated that it had granted approval for
certification of two types of GPS signal receivers. (See Dec 17, 1993, and Jun 2, 1994.)
Feb 28, 1994: The National Weather Service commissioned the first Next Generation Weather Radar
(NEXRAD) as part of a joint development program in which FAA was a participant (see Jun 8-14, 1983).
Mar 10, 1994: FAA Administrator Hinson issued a memorandum announcing establishment of a
Management Board with broader membership than that of the Executive Board (see Jan 28, 1989), which
was disestablished. The new Board’s responsibilities included implementation of performance measures
for FAA as well as oversight of tactical issues and of the agency’s strategic plan.
Mar 17, 1994: DOT and the Department of the Interior published a joint advanced notice of proposed
rulemaking on measures to reduce the impact of aircraft noise over the Grand Canyon and other
national parks. In an Earth Day memorandum issued on Apr 22, 1996, President Clinton directed DOT to
take both short- and long-term actions to restore natural quiet to national parks. In response, FAA on May
15 published a notice proposing several alternative methods of controlling aircraft noise in Rocky
Mountain National Park. On Jul 31, the agency published a rulemaking proposal to modify the flight
regime at the Grand Canyon (see Mar 26, 1987), followed by a final rule on Dec 31, 1996. Among other
provisions, this final rule: modified the “flight-free” zones over the Canyon and established new ones; set
curfews for commercial sightseeing operations; and established a cap on the number of commercial tour
aircraft allowed to fly over the park. Also on Dec 31, FAA published a rulemaking proposal for a phased
ban on noisier aircraft over the Canyon.
Mar 17, 1994: FAA announced a multi-year strategy to help the general aviation industry, which was
facing adverse economic conditions. The plan included a range of initiatives to lower the cost of flying,
boost safety and technology, and guarantee fair and equal access to airways and airports. (See Aug 17,
Mar 30, 1994: President Clinton signed the Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1994, legislation
offering buyouts of up to $25,000 to personnel willing to leave Federal service. The act also targeted a
reduction of 272,900 Federal employees between 1993 and 1999. The buyout was offered in conjunction
with an early retirement option, authority for which had become available on Mar 14. FAA initially offered
the buyout to its personnel between Mar 31 and May 3, 1994. Certain categories of employees received
subsequent buyout offers, some with a deferred retirement option, during 1994 and 1995. More than 3,000
FAA employees eventually received buyouts. The buyouts were a major factor in the reduction of FAA’s
full-time equivalent workforce, which fell from 52,352 in fiscal 1992 to 47,738 at the end of fiscal 1996.
Apr 15, 1994: FAA’s Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) officially began
operations in its new facility at Herndon, Va. The ATCSCC had moved from FAA Headquarters because
of size and technological constraints (see Apr 27, 1970).
Apr 18, 1994: DOT stated that it had urged nations that mandate routine spraying of pesticides on board
aircraft while passengers are present to reconsider the requirement. The practice had been discontinued
in the United States 15 years earlier due to health concerns. In May 1995, DOT hailed a recommendation
against such spraying by the Facilitation Division of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
May 3, 1994: Vice President Albert Gore and Transportation Secretary Federico Peña announced the
Clinton Administration’s proposal to create a new Air Traffic Services Corporation to operate,
maintain, and modernize the air traffic system. (See Sep 7, 1993, and Jan 6, 1994.)
Under the proposal, 38,000 FAA employees involved in providing air traffic services would
become part of a new not-for-profit government corporation. Support for the corporation would be derived
from fees levied upon commercial aviation, subject to approval by the Department of Transportation. The
Department would maintain additional oversight through membership on the corporation’s board of
directors, on which airspace users would also be represented. FAA would continue to exercise safety
oversight over civil aviation, including the new corporation.
On the same day that Gore and Peña unveiled the plan, President Clinton wrote letters urging
Congress to make the new corporation a reality. During the following months, however, Congress
considered a variety of plans for restructuring FAA. These proposals included calls to make the agency
independent of the Department of Transportation. (See Sep 12, 1995.)
May 4, 1994: In a joint memoradum, the Associate Administrator for Airway Facilities and the President
of the Professional Airways Systems Specialists (PASS) advised employees of a proposed realignment of
the Airway Facilities organization. The proposal envisioned a leaner organization with consolidation to
be achieved gradually over a four-year period. Implementation of the plan involved steps to reduce five
organizational levels to three: Regional Office, System Management Office, and System Support Center.
In May 1995, the Southern Region was the first to declare that its headquarters realignment had been
accomplished in accordance with the plan. During the following month, Central Region stated that both its
System Management Offices were in place.
May 20, 1994: In letter responding to a series of National Transportation Safety Board recommendations,
FAA outlined an interim policy on Boeing 757 wake turbulence separations. Beginning Jul 1,
controllers would maintain a four-mile separation for both large and small aircraft following 757s. The
letter indicated that the agency would revise guidance to pilots concerning wake turbulence and would
study further changes in air traffic rules relating to this hazard. On Jun 10, Secretary of Transportation
Federico Peña and FAA Administrator Hinson ordered a review of the timeliness of FAA’s response to
the 757 wake turbulence issue. FAA Deputy Administrator Linda Hall Daschle and DOT General
Counsel Stephen Kaplan submitted the resulting report on Jul 26. Although supporting some aspects of
FAA’s actions, the report stated that the 757 wake turbulence issue should serve as a “wake-up call” to the
agency regarding its processes for addressing emerging safety issues. Recommendations included
improved integration between FAA’s research and operations functions. (See Dec 15, 1993, and Aug 17,
May 23, 1994: FAA began operational testing of the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) at
Memphis airport. ITWS was designed to combine data from FAA and National Weather Service sensors
and radars. The system would present predictions on potentially hazardous weather to air traffic control
personnel via easily-understood graphics and text. On Jan 29, 1997, FAA selected Raytheon to build ITWS
and to install and maintain the system at 34 sites covering 45 airports.
May 26, 1994: Enactment of the Airport Improvement Program Temporary Extension Act of 1994
(P.L. 103-260) renewed FAA’s authority to award Airport Improvement Program grants, the legislative
mandate for which had lapsed on Sep 30, 1993. The new act authorized FAA to make grants through Jun
30, 1994 (see Aug 23, 1994). The law provided for the gradual phasing out of compensation that certain
FAA employees had received under the Pay Demonstration Project after that project’s termination on
Jun 17, 1994 (see Jun 18, 1989, and Apr 1, 1996). It also placed a temporary freeze on increases to certain
airport fees charged to airlines and required DOT to study reforming the air traffic control system.
Jun 2, 1994: Administrator Hinson announced that FAA would halt further development of the
Microwave Landing System (MLS) for use under the more difficult visibility conditions rated Category 2
and 3 (see Jun 15, 1992). He stated that the agency instead would concentrate on the development of the
Global Positioning System, known as GPS (see Feb 17, 1994). On Jun 8, FAA issued a request for
proposals for an initial Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) for GPS. The initial WAAS would
be a network of 24 ground stations and related communications systems that would enhance the integrity
and availability of GPS signals (see entry for Aug 1, 1995). On Jul 16, Administrator Hinson and President
Phil Boyer of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association landed at the Frederick, Md., airport using the
first FAA-approved public "stand alone" GPS instrument approach. On Oct 17, the Administrator
formally offered free use of GPS for 10 years to International Civil Aviation Organization member states,
reconfirming a previous verbal offer (see entry for Apr 1, 1991). Other related events during 1994 included
FAA’s Dec 8 announcement of approval of GPS as a primary means of navigation for oceanic/remote
operations, subject to certain conditions.
Jun 12, 1994 The Boeing 777, the first U.S. jetliner to use a “fly-by-wire” control system, made its
first flight. The long-range, twin-engine transport was designed for a basic seating capacity of 375
passengers. On April 19, 1995, the aircraft received joint certification by FAA and Europe’s Joint Aviation
Authorities. After an unprecedented testing program, FAA on May 30, 1995, approved the 777 to fly on
long, over-water flights as far as three hours from a landing site. This was the first time that the agency had
granted this Extended Twin-Engine Operations (ETOPS) authority without an extensive period of in-
service operation. The 777 entered commercial service, with United Airlines, on Jun 7, 1995.
Jul 2, 1994: A USAir DC-9 crashed while attempting to land at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport,
killing 37 of the 57 persons aboard. The accident illustrated the continuing problem of wind shear. As
part of its ongoing efforts to combat this hazard, FAA on Jul 20 commissioned the first Terminal
Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR). The agency had commissioned a total of 22 TDWRs by the end of
CY1996. (See Nov 2, 1988.)
July 5, 1994: Public Law 103-272 recodified certain laws pertaining to transportation, including the
Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, which was FAA’s basic enabling legislation. As a result of the
recodification, the Federal Aviation Act was superseded by provisions of Subtitle VII of Title 49, United
States Code.
Jul 12, 1994: United Air Lines’ parent corporation announced that its shareholders had voted to transfer 55
percent majority ownership of United to the airline’s employees. The deal made United the largest
employee-owned U.S. company.
Jul 12, 1994: FAA dedicated its National Aviation Safety Data Analysis Center (NASDAC). Located at
national headquarters, NASDAC provided access to safety-related computer data bases and relevant
reference material in printed form. A new and improved NASDAC formally opened on Mar 14, 1996.
Jul 29, 1994: Citing the rapid development of satellite technology (see Jun 2, 1994), FAA announced
cancellation of plans to purchase up to 235 next generation Instrument Landing Systems (ILS)
designed for specifically for Category 1 precision approaches. (Category 1 conditions are the least difficult
of three categories defining visibility conditions for landing.)
Aug 15, 1994: FAA issued a regulation which, for the first time, set length of duty and rest
requirements for airline flight attendants. Under the rule, attendants could remain on duty for as many
as 14 hours within a 24-hour period, but would get a rest period of at least 9 hours after that duty period.
Longer duty periods would be permitted, but in such cases FAA required that rest periods and the size of
the flight attendant crew would increase. Due to litigation, FAA did not begin enforcing the rule until Feb
1, 1996.
Aug 17, 1994: President Clinton signed the General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994. Under the new
law, manufacturers could not be held liable for accidents happening more than 18 years after the production
of general aviation aircraft, engines, or parts. The legislation was followed by an upturn for this sector of
Aug 23, 1994: Enactment of the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act of 1994 provided
fiscal year 1994-96 funding and authorization for FAA’s programs. This included the awarding of Airport
Improvement Program grants, which had lapsed at the end of June 1994 (see entries for May 26, 1994,
and Sep 30, 1996). The act also required that airport fees be reasonable, and directed DOT to issue rules
on resolving disputes between airlines and airports over such fees, and to establish policies to prevent
diversion of airport revenues to activities unrelated to airports. In addition, the act established a five-year
term of office for the FAA Administrator, and directed FAA to institute a joint aviation research and
development program with other agencies.
Aug 30, 1994: Lockheed and Martin Marietta announced plans for a merger that was accomplished
during 1995, creating Lockheed Martin. Lockheed had been formed in 1926, while Martin Marietta had
been created in 1961 by a merger of the American-Marietta Company with the aircraft manufacturing firm
founded by Glenn Martin in 1917.
Sep 2, 1994: FAA issued the first release of results of its International Aviation Safety Assessment
(IASA) program, under which the agency evaluated the capability of nations to provide safety oversight
for their air carriers. In rating 30 countries, FAA concluded that 17 were acceptable in their ability to
ensure adherence to international safety standards, four were conditionally acceptable, and nine did not
meet the standards. The agency continued to issue and to revise such ratings, with the goal of evaluating all
nations with airlines serving U.S. airports. By the end of 1996, a total 64 countries had been assessed.
Sep 8, 1994: A USAir Boeing 737 crashed in Aliquippa, Pa., as it approached Pittsburgh airport. All 132
persons aboard died in the accident, the cause of which proved difficult to determine. Prompted by this
crash and an earlier one at Colorado Springs (see Mar 3, 1991), FAA conducted a critical design review of
the 737 flight control system. On May 3, 1995, the review team reported that it had found no critical
flaws but made a number of recommendations for improving the aircraft’s safety margin (see Aug 22,
1996). Following the accident, NTSB urged that upgraded Flight Data Recorders (FDRs) be required on
737s by the end of 1995 and on other large airliners by Jan 1, 1998. FAA, however, called for voluntary
upgrading of FDRs on 737s while the agency developed comprehensive rulemaking on the FDR issue (see
Jul 16, 1996).
Sep 12, 1994: A pilot flying a stolen Cessna 150 crashed a few yards from the White House, dying on
Sep 21, 1994: FAA issued a warning concerning certain types of child restraint systems (CRSs) that
were adequate for use in motor vehicles but not in aircraft. The statement was based on a research report
by the agency’s Civil Aeromedical Institute. FAA announced that it would consider banning these CRS
types, and would also: conduct further research; cooperate with the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration to revise CRS standards and labeling; and urge airlines to adopt cost-saving policies that
would encourage parents to use CRSs. (See Sep 15, 1992, and Jun 8, 1995.)
Sep 22, 1994: In response to a series of accidents, FAA issued a special rule tightening safety
requirments for air tour operators in the state of Hawaii.
Oct 14, 1994 Following a joint evaluation of the Russian air transportation system, a U.S.-Russian
team recommended immediate steps to shore up safety oversight. FAA worked with Russian authorities to
assist implementation of these recommendations, and continued to participate in efforts to improve
communications and routes for international flights in the area of Russia. On Jun 30, 1995, Vice President
Gore and Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin signed a memorandum of understanding on
strengthening technical cooperation toward a bilateral airworthiness agreement.
Oct 31, 1994: An American Eagle commuter flight crashed near Roselawn, Ind., with the loss of all 68
persons aboard. The aircraft, an Avions de Transport Regional ATR-72, had been in a holding pattern due
to weather delays at Chicago. In a report issued on Jul 9, 1996, the National Transportation Safety Board
cited the probable cause as a loss of control due to icing, the manufacturer’s failure to provide information
on the icing hazard to the aircraft, and French aviation authorities’ failure to ensure its airworthiness under
icing conditions. Deficiencies in FAA oversight were listed as contributory causes.
Following the accident, meanwhile, FAA took a variety of steps to reduce hazards to ATR aircraft
and, on Dec 9, 1994, prohibited flight by models 72 or 42 into known or forecast icing conditions. On Jan
11, 1995, FAA eased this ban, subject to certain requirements, to apply only to freezing rain and freezing
drizzle. The agency also required the installation of improved deicing boots on the aircraft by June 1995.
Subsequent FAA actions on the broader issue of combating icing included the issuance on May 2, 1996,
of 18 new airworthiness directives affecting pilots of 29 different aircraft types. (See May 28, 1992, and
Dec 13, 1994.)
Oct 1994: At FAA’s request, RTCA, Inc., convened a government/industry committee to study the Free
Flight concept. (RTCA, Inc., was the official name of the former Radio Technical Commission for
Aeronautics: see Jun 19, 1935.) The Free Flight concept sought to employ new procedures and technology
to provide much greater flexibility for Instrument Flight Rules operations at high altitudes. Currently, the
pilots of such flights were obliged to follow specified routes, unless deviations were approved by air traffic
controllers. Under Free Flight, in contrast, these pilots (or their airline managers) would be able to choose
the routes that they considered most efficient. Controllers would intervene only to ensure safety or prevent
In Jan 1995, a report by the RTCA committee defined Free Flight and the first steps for its
implementation. This was followed in Oct 1995 by the more detailed report of an RTCA task force that
had been formed at FAA request. On Mar 15 1996, FAA announced progress on Free Flight, stating that
the agency and the aviation community would work together to phase in the concept over the next ten
years. On Jan 15, 1997, the agency issued a fact sheet on a plan for a two-year evaluation of Free Flight in
the airspace of Alaska and Hawaii, beginning in 1999. (See Sep 30, 1990.)
Nov 30, 1994: Administrator Hinson announced a reorganization aimed at structuring FAA along its
key lines of business, making better use of resources, consolidating functions, and increasing management
accountability. As documented in a directive issued on May 15, 1995, the reorganization eliminated a layer
of management by abolishing the three remaining Executive Director positions (see Nov 30, 1993).
The positions reporting to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator were now the following:
Chief Counsel.
Assistant Administrator for Civil Rights.
Assistant Administrator for Government and Industry Affairs.
Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, to which the public affairs functions in regions and
centers now reported directly.
Assistant Administrator for System Safety, a new position charged with analyzing safety data
and making recommendations for improvement. The position of Associate Administrator for Aviation
Safety, which had reported to an Executive Director, was abolished.
Assistant Administrator for Policy, Planning, and International Aviation, which was modified
to include six Offices: Aviation Policy and Plans; Environment and Energy; International Aviation; Asia-
Pacific; Europe, Africa, and Middle East; and Latin America-Caribbean.
Associate Administrator for Administration, a new position assuming the responsibilities of the
abolished Assistant Administrators for Budget and Accounting and for Human Resource Management.
Elements reporting to the new Associate Administrator included the Regional Administrators, the Director
of the Aeronautical Center, and three Offices: Business Information and Consultation; Human Resource
Management; and Financial Services, a new office established to consolidate the budget and accounting
Associate Administrator for Airports
, formerly an Assistant Administrator, responsible for two
Offices: Airport Planning and Programming; and Airport Safety and Standards.
Associate Administrator for Civil Aviation Security, formerly an Assistant Administrator,
responsible for three Offices: Civil Aviation Security Intelligence; Civil Aviation Security Operations;
Civil Aviation Security Policy and Planning.
Associate Administrator for Regulation and Certification, which continued to control the
Office of Rulemaking, Aircraft Certification Service, and Flight Standards Service, with the added
responsibility for the Offices of Accident Investigation and Aviation Medicine. The Associate
Administrator for Aviation Standards was abolished.
Associate Administrator for Air Traffic Services, a new position responsible for the Air Traffic
Service, the Airway Facilities Service, the Office of Independent Operational Test and Evaluation, and the
Office of System Capacity and Requirements.
Associate Administrator for Research and Acquisitions, a new position responsible for the
FAA Technical Center and six Offices: Acquisitions; Air Traffic Systems Development; Aviation
Research; Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Systems; Information Technology; and System
Architecture and Program Evaluation. The Associate Administrators for NAS Development and for System
Engineering and Development were abolished.
Dec 9, 1994: For the first time, FAA certified an explosives detection system, the Invision CTX-5000.
The system used computed tomography and high-quality x-ray technology to automatically locate
suspicious objects in baggage. (See Dec 23, 1996)
Dec 13, 1994: An American Eagle commuter flight crashed on approach to Raleigh-Durham, N.C.,
killing 15 of the 20 persons aboard the BAe Jetstream 3201 aircraft. Capping a series of fatal airline
accidents during 1994, the tragedy heighted public concern about the safety of both commuter and major
air carriers. The next day, DOT Secretary Peña announced a three-point safety initiative, including:
acceleration of FAA efforts to increase commuter safety standards to the level for large airlines (see Dec
14, 1995); a government/industry meeting on airline safety (see Jan 9, 1995); and a national airline
safety audit, subsequently completed in Dec 1995.
In October 1995, the National Transportation Safety Board cited the probable cause of the
accident as errors by the captain, who had resigned from another airline following adverse performance
evaluation. The Board’s recommendations stemming from the crash included establishment of a system for
airlines to share information on pilot qualifications.
Jan 9, 1995: DOT and FAA opened a two-day “summit” Aviation Safety Conference on ways to
improve safety measures and increase public confidence in airline transportation. More than 950
government and industry representatives attended the event, at which Transportation Secretary Federico
Peña and FAA Administrator David Hinson urged cooperation to achieve a goal of zero accidents.
Participants formed workshops and produced recommendations on six key areas: crew training; air traffic
control and weather issues; safety data collection and use; applications of emerging technologies; aircraft
maintenance procedures and inspections; and flight operating procedures. In response, FAA on Feb 9
published an Aviation Safety Action Plan that identified 173 safety initiatives. In publishing the plan,
the agency noted that many airlines were voluntarily establishing safety offices reporting to their chief
executives. The agency stated its intention to require airlines with aircraft seating more than nine
passengers have independent safety offices. Among the action plan’s many features were emphasis on
Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) training (see Sep 26, 1990) and on increased sharing of safety
data. At the same time that it released the plan, FAA announced that it had reached agreement with the Air
Line Pilots Association and Air Transport Association on a Flight Operations Quality Assurance
(FOQA) program. The FOQA would permit the use of information from Flight Data Recorders to analyze
safety trends rather than merely to investigate accidents and incidents. FAA would have access to the data,
with pilot identities deleted. (See Dec 6, 1995.)
Feb 15, 1995: Commissioning of the final Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS)
capped FAA’s
flight service modernization plan. On this date, all AFSSs also had the Model 1 Full Capacity system. By
fiscal 1995’s end, 286 flight service stations had been consolidated into 61 AFSSs, 31 auxiliary stations,
and one remaining conventional station. (See Nov 8, 1991.)
Feb 24, 1995: FAA announced a strengthened campaign against the use of suspected unapproved parts
(SUPs) in aviation. The agency had expanded its SUP program in recent years, but its efforts had been
criticized by Department of Transportation Inspector General A. Mary Schiavo. On Feb 27, FAA
published a notice warning of its policy to enforce full compliance with relevant regulations and giving
non-complaint firms until May 30 to apply for approval to manufacture aviation parts. On May 24, the
agency announced a plan for an industry-operated accreditation program for aircraft parts brokers and
distributors. On Oct 12, FAA issued a task force report that proposed a SUP program plan and the
establishment of a national Suspected Unapproved Parts Program Office. This office was established on
Nov 13, and its creation was formally documented in a directive issued on Jan 2, 1996.
Feb 28, 1995: At Denver International Airport’s opening day, air traffic controllers at the state-of-the-
art facility cleared three aircraft to make the world’s first triple simultaneous landing. By this date, FAA
had provided Airport Improvement Program grants totaling $267.6 million for the project, and had
committed over $200 million more in Letters of Intent. In a February 1996 report on the airport’s first 11
months in operation, FAA stated that the facility had achieved a flight delay rate five times less than the
airport it replaced, Stapleton International. (See May 17, 1988.)
Mar 31, 1995: FAA announced its first certification of an aircraft type designed and manufactured in
the People’s Republic of China, the Model Y-12 Harbin. During the 1980s, FAA had provided
certification expertise to Chinese authorities in connection with McDonnell Douglas’ manufacture of
aircraft in China. The United States and China had concluded a bilateral airworthiness agreement on Oct
14, 1991, and a later expansion of this agreement permitted U.S. acceptance of small aircraft, such as the
Y-12 Harbin, and certain aircraft components. (See Mar 15, 1986.)
Apr 14, 1995: Four FAA officials signed an agreement on the Integrated Product Development System
(IPDS), greatly broadening the application of a new management approach. (The signers were the
Associate Administrators for: Research and Acquisition; Regulation and Certification; Air Traffic Services;
and Airports.) The IPDS called for the use of Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) as part of a tiered system
of teams in research, acquisition, and the management of equipment life-cycles. The IPTs were
multidisciplinary and cut across organizational lines to bring together customers and suppliers with the goal
of improving products and services and expediting their delivery. The IPDS became a prominent feature of
FAA’s new acquisition system (see Apr 1, 1996).
Apr 19, 1995: A bomb blast at the Alfred P. Murrah federal office building in Oklahoma City killed
more than 160 persons and injured hundreds of others. FAA personnel participated in relief efforts.
Apr 21, 1995: FAA issued a rule establishing minimum combined experience levels for two airline
pilots flying together and also upgrading operational experience requirements. The agency had proposed
the rule in Mar 1993 in response to accidents and incidents in which a contributing factor was the pairing of
inexperienced pilots.
Apr 23, 1995: Effective this date, many government-owned aircraft became subject to FAA safety
standards and procedures for the first time. The change resulted from legislation, enacted on Oct 25,
1994, that established a more restricted definition of “public aircraft.” It affected more than 5,000 planes
and helicopters owned by Federal, state, and local governments and used for transporting officials or other
passengers. The new statute also continued to require that FAA regulate air operations for which
governments received compensation from other governmental entities. Aircraft remaining in the public-use
category, and hence exempt from FAA oversight, included those used in fire fighting, search and rescue,
aeronautical research, and law enforcement, as well as those operated by the armed forces or intelligence
Apr 27, 1995: FAA announced an agreement with Loral Corp. on contract modifications regarding air
traffic control modernization under the former Advanced Automation System program (see Dec 13, 1993).
Loral would develop and implement the Display System Replacement (DSR), new automated
workstations for controllers at en route centers and other key sites. On Dec 5, 1996, FAA announced that
Loral had delivered the first DSR to the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control Center, ten months ahead of
schedule. The Apr 1995 agreement with Loral also included delivery of the first Tower Control
Computer Complex (TCCC), with a future agreement for additional TCCC systems to be negotiated. The
TCCC program was subsequently restructured, however, to provide modular upgrades to towers on an “as
needed” basis.
May 10, 1995: Effective this date, DOT suspended rules requiring transportation companies to
conduct preemployment alcohol testing for safety-sensitive workers (see Feb 3, 1994). A Supreme Court
decision of Apr 5, 1995, had vacated the Federal Highway Administration’s rule on this subject and raised
questions about the validity of similar rules issued by FAA and the Federal Railroad Administration. At
DOT’s request, Congress amended the relevant legislation to permit such tests rather than to require them.
On May 9, 1996, DOT accordingly published a rulemaking proposal to harmonize the regulations with the
legislation by making pre-employment testing voluntary for employers.
May 28, 1995: Effective this date, DOT gave the Office of Airline Statistics the new name Office of
Airline Information and transferred it from the Research and Special Projects Administration to the
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, a multi-modal agency which had been established in Dec 1992.
Jun 8, 1995: FAA issued a number of safety tips on traveling with children by air and announced a coming
campaign to promote use of child restraint systems, known as CRSs (see Dec 17, 1996). At the same
time, FAA reconfirmed its decision not to require CRS use for children under 2 years of age. Such children
were still allowed to fly on parent’s laps, customarily without tickets. The agency based its position on
new research, released on the same day as part of a report to Congress. This research supported FAA’s
view that a rule requiring CRS use would kill more children than it saved because the resulting increase in
air travel costs would force many parents to choose modes of travel less safe than aviation. The agency
also announced a proposal to ban certain inadequate CRS types (see Sep 21, 1994), an action
accomplished in a final rule published on Jun 4, 1996.
Jun 13, 1995: FAA unveiled the National Plan for Civil Aviation Human Factors, a joint FAA-DOD-
NASA initiative. The Plan outlined a national agenda to eliminate aviation accidents caused by human
error. Its elements included: identifying needs and problems involving human performance; guiding
research programs to address the human element; involving the nation’s top scientists and aviation
professionals; and sharing the resulting information with the aviation community.
Jun 20, 1995: A series of encounters with turbulence on this date and Jun 25 and Jun 26 injured a total of
over 40 airline passengers and crew members. On Jun 27, Secretary of Transportation Peña directed FAA
to review recent turbulence incidents and determine whether new seat belt rules are needed. The next day,
FAA issued a public advisory instructing airline passengers to use seat belts whenever seated. (See Dec 17,
Jun 21, 1995: FAA and Australia’s Qantas Airlines completed the first in a series of operational trials of a
satellite-based communication, navigation, and surveillance system. Known as the Future Air Navigation
System (FANS), the system was designed to improve communication between controllers and pilots on
oceanic and remote flights. Other events related to oceanic aviation in 1995 included FAA’s Jul 26
announcement that the first component of the prototype Oceanic Data Link (ODL) system was
operational at the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center. Single sector air-to-ground communications
using ODL became operational at Oakland in October. On Sep 22, meanwhile, FAA announced the award
of a contract to Hughes Aircraft Company to develop the Advanced Oceanic Automation System
(AOAS) to upgrade and automate the agency’s oceanic air traffic control systems. (See Dec 14, 1989.)
Jun 28, 1995: FAA directed airlines and airports in California to increase security measures and warned
passengers to be alert for suspicious baggage and parcels. The precautions responded to a threat from the
so-called “Unabomber” received by the San Francisco Chronicle on Jun 27. Postal authorities also
implemented certain temporary restrictions on mailing packages from California. The Unabomber’s
alleged crimes included several related to aviation, among them responsibility for an explosion in an
American Airlines cargo hold on Nov 15, 1979, that caused 12 persons to suffer smoke inhalation. On Apr
3, 1996, Federal agents detained Theodore Kaczynski as a suspect in the Unabomber case.
Jun 30, 1995: At the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control Center, FAA commissioned the first Voice
Switching and Control System, known as VSCS (see Oct 21, 1986). The project was completed for all
21 en route centers on Feb 18, 1997, when VSCS became operational at the Jaksonville ARTCC.
Meanwhile, on Aug 8, 1995, FAA had announced a contract with Denro, Inc, to build and install the
Enhanced Terminal Voice Switch (ETVS). This system would provide to towers and approach control
facilities the same benefits that VSCS gaves to en route centers. On Nov 1, 1995, FAA commissioned its
100th Small Tower Voice Switch (STVS), a system also produced by Denro.
Jul 13, 1995: FAA announced that it and 11 airlines would establish a consortium to develop the
framework for a worldwide
Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN).
Aug 1, 1995: FAA announced a decision to go forward as quickly as possible with the Display Channel
Complex Rehost (DCCR) project to replace aging IBM 9020E computers at five Air Route Traffic
Control Centers: Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Washington, Cleveland, and New York. The centers had
experienced 20 display channel complex failures in the past four months. On Aug 9, loss of electrical
power at the Oakland center highlighted another type of outage problem. On Aug 11, a DOT/FAA
announcement described steps to combat equipment service interruptions, including reviews of the
problem by both FAA and outside experts, additional training, and hiring of 116 more maintenance
technicians. On Aug 30, FAA announced award of a contract to Loral Corp. for DCCR production and
installation. Highly-publicized outages at the Chicago center and other facilities prompted DOT and FAA
statements during the next two months describing remedial actions and assuring the public that the air
traffic control system was safe. On Oct 25, FAA awarded a five-year contract for new emergency
electrical systems to provide backup power to air traffic facilities nationwide. (See Apr 1, 1996.)
Aug 1, 1995: DOT announced the availability of a Global Positioning System (GPS) signal specification
defining performance standards for civil aviation use. On Aug 3, a consortium led by Wilcox Electric
received an FAA contract to develop and field the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) to
enhance GPS signals. (See Jun 2, 1994 and Mar 29, 1996.)
Aug 2, 1995: DOT and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) released to Congress a joint study on
aviation inspection programs. The study concluded that USDA actions during 1994 had reduced to a
minimal level duplication between FAA inspections and USDA’s inspections of its aviation activities.
Aug 7, 1995: DOT announced that the Office of Commercial Space Transportation would move from
the Office of the Secretary to FAA, effective Oct 1, 1995. The change was part of a larger DOT
reorganization aimed at streamlining the Department in accordance with the National Performance Review
(see Sep 7, 1993). The transfer of the office was delayed, however, until sanctioned by legislation (see Nov
15, 1995).
Aug 9, 1995: DOT stated that the Clinton Administration had directed Cabinet agencies to review their
security practices. As a result, FAA had determined a need for, and was requiring, increased security by
all airports and air carriers in the United States. The action was based on information from intelligence
and law enforcement agencies but did not reflect a specific threat. On October 1, DOT announced a further
heightening of aviation security. The Department again stated that the measure was not based on a specific
threat, but press reports linked it such factors as the conviction on the same day of Islamic militants
accused of a conspiracy to bomb locations in New York. (See Jul 17, 1996.)
Sep 7, 1995: FAA announced that it was putting into operation a new Safety Performance Analysis
System (SPAS), an automated decision support system designed to aid in targeting inspection and
certification resources. By the end of fiscal 1996, the SPAS operational test system was in use by selected
inspectors at 58 FAA offices.
Sep 12, 1995: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) introduced a bill to reform FAA while keeping it within DOT.
The bill gave the agency more flexibility in personnel and acquisition matters (an approach that was also
part of a bill to provide DOT’s fiscal 1996 appropriation: see Nov 15, 1995). The McCain bill also
provided for a system of financing FAA that emphasized fees for services. The Secretary of Transportation
and FAA Administrator immediately endorsed the bill, a position that marked the Clinton Administration’s
shift away from its drive to create a government corporation for air traffic control (see May 3, 1994).
Sep 13, 1995: The United States and the Netherlands signed the world’s first bilaterial aviation safety
agreement (BASA), a new type of agreement aimed at promoting safety by creating a regulatory
partnership. The BASA included provisions on increased cooperation in such areas as aircraft certification
and the approval and/or monitoring of airmen, training, flight operations, and maintenance facilities. By
the end of 1996, the United States had concluded five more BASAs with Britain, Germany, France,
Malaysia, and Switzerland.
Sep 16, 1995: Pres. Clinton declared Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands disaster areas due to
Hurricane Marilyn. Aviation-related effects of the storm included severe damage to the tower at Cyril E.
King Airport on St. Thomas. FAA worked with the Air Force to transport a mobile tower to the island, and
took other actions to restore air service.
Sep 26, 1995: FAA issued rule on investigations of persons seeking unescorted access to secure areas
of airports, requiring disqualification of applicants who had been convicted of certain crimes in the past 10
years. The new rule, which replaced a less stringent November 1985 regulation, fulfilled a provision of the
Aviation Security Improvement Act (see Nov 16, 1990).
Oct 6, 1995: FAA issued a rule requiring manufacturers of new design transport category rotorcraft
to minimize the adverse effects of turbine engine rotor failure.
Oct 27, 1995: The first Alaskan “Alliance for Safety” meeting took place in Anchorage, with participants
from FAA, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the military, the aviation community, and
related industries. A committee formed at this meeting developed a sample safety program for use by the
state’s numerous and diverse air taxi and commuter operators. In Mar 1996, the program was presented at
a convention of the Alaskan air carriers. Meanwhile, on Nov 28, 1995, NTSB issued a report on Alaskan
aviation safety that contained a variety of recommendations for FAA, the National Weather Service, and
state authorities. In comparing the state’s fatal accident rates in recent years with that of the rest of the
nation, the report concluded that in Alaska: commuter airline fatal accident rates remained greater despite
improvement; air taxi fatal accident rates had fluctuated but were generally greater; and general aviation
fatal accident rates were comparable.
Oct 31, 1995: FAA announced its final decision on the New Jersey Environmental Impact Statement
(see Mar 11, 1991). The agency rejected a plan to reroute many flights over the ocean, but accepted a
measure known as the Solberg Mitigation Proposal for implementation in early 1996. This measure
involved routing changes to reduce noise in the Scotch Plains and Fanwood areas.
Nov 13, 1995: At midnight on this date, funding for much of the Federal government lapsed with the
expiration of a continuing resolution that had been approved by the Congress and President in October. As
instructed by the Office of Management and Budget, Federal agencies implemented shutdown plans by
12:30 pm on Nov 14. Employees were placed on furlough, with the exception of those exempted because
their positions: directly affected safety or the protection of property; were necessary for the orderly
shutdown of operations; or did not require further congressional action for their funding. About 7,800
FAA employees were furloughed, but most of the agency’s personnel were exempted. (See Nov 15,
Nov 15, 1995: President Clinton received from Congress and signed the fiscal 1996 DOT appropriations
bill, allowing all furloughed DOT employees to return to work on the morning of Nov 16. (The
furlough ended government-wide on Nov 20.) The DOT appropriations legislation provided $8.216 billion
for FAA, and included important provisions for FAA personnel and procurement reform (see Apr 1,
1996). It also cleared the way for the transfer of the Office of Commercial Space Transportation from
the Office of the Secretary of Transportation to FAA (see Aug 7, 1995). The transfer became effective on
Nov 16, and the director of this new FAA line-of-business organization became an Associate Administrator
reporting to the Administrator.
Nov 17, 1995: DOT announced a plan to implement congressionally-mandated reductions in Essential
Air Service subsidies in a manner designed to maintain the highest possible level of service to
communities eligible under the program, which had been established by the Airline Deregulation Act (see
Oct 24, 1978).
Dec 6, 1995: DOT and FAA opened a two-day Aviation Safety Initiative Review meeting to evaluate
safety actions since the earlier “summit” conference (see Jan 9, 1995) and set the safety agenda for 1996.
Some 300 aviation safety experts attended the event. On the second day of the meeting, airline
representatives announced a Jan 22 launch date for the new Flight Operations Quality Assurance
(FOQA) program to share data from flight recorders (see Sep 18, 1996). Following the meeting, FAA
published an updated Aviation Safety Action Plan in Feb 1996. Another meeting in Dec 1996 was
followed by a revised plan issued in 1997.
Dec 14, 1995: FAA announced the Commuter Safety Initiative, a group of new rules aimed at
providing a single level of safety for travelers on airliners ranging from “ten-seaters” to jumbo jets. The
Commuter Safety Initiative represented one part of a three-point program unveiled a year earlier (see Dec
13, 1994), and was based on a proposal issued on March 16 in an accelerated rulemaking effort. The new
rules required many commuter airlines formerly operating under Federal Aviation Regulations Part 135 to
operate under the stricter Part 121 governing major airlines. This change applied to scheduled passenger
operations using airliners with 10 to 30 passenger seats or using turbojets. The rules also contained
provisions on standards for airplane performance and for flightcrew training and qualifications. In
addition, the regulations extended to commuter airline pilots the age-60 rule on mandatory retirement,
which had formerly applied only to airline pilots flying larger aircraft (see Mar 15, 1960). Finally, the
Commuter Safety Initiative included a notice of proposed rulemaking on new common standards regarding
rest requirements and limitations on duty and flight time for airline flightcrew members.
Dec 20, 1995: An American Airlines 757 crashed into a mountain while attempting an approach to
Cali, Colombia, killing 159 of the 163 persons aboard. The Colombian accident report cited the probable
cause as errors by the flightcrew, who had entered incorrect data into their Flight Management System
(FMS). Alerted by the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), the crew tried to pull up but failed to
retract the speedbrakes. In response to the crash and to National Transportation Safety Board
recommendations, FAA undertook efforts aimed at improvements in FMSs and their use as well as in
charting and pilot training. The agency began evaluations of possible regulatory requirements for:
automatic speedbrake retraction for situations requiring maximum thrust and climb; visual “angle-of-
attack” indicators to aid pilots in safely obtaining maximum climb; and Enhanced GPWS (see Nov 6,
Dec 31, 1995: Authority to collect aviation user taxes expired at midnight. By this date, the tax levels
had risen to: domestic airline passenger ticket tax; 10 percent; international departure tax, $6 per passenger;
domestic air cargo tax, 6.25 percent of the freight waybill; non-commercial jet fuel, 17.5 cents per gallon;
and non-commercial aviation gasoline tax, 15 cents per gallon (14 cents of which continued to be collected
and depositied in the Highway Trust Fund). Loss of this revenue quickly reduced the amount of money in
the Airport and Airway Trust Fund. Legislation enacted on Aug 20, 1996, temporarily reinstated these
taxes, effective Aug 27, but they expired again at the end of CY 1996.
Feb 13, 1996: FAA announced that it and Europe’s Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) had developed a
common set of certification standards for newly designed small airplanes. The achievement was part of an
ongoing effort to reduce or eliminate burdensome duplicative requirements through harmonization of
international standards.
Feb 20, 1996: FAA began a 120-day special emphasis safety review of ValuJet Airlines, an innovative
low-cost carrier that had grown rapidly since its certification on Oct 21, 1993. Factors prompting the
review included a series of incidents and nonfatal accidents. (See May 11, 1996.)
Feb 22, 1996: Confirming its intent to address staffing needs at key facilities, FAA announced that it
planned to hire 100 more air traffic controllers during 1996, and that the Clinton Administration would
request funding for hundreds more during 1997 (see Sep 30, 1996). The agency pledged to give fair
consideration to former strikers (see Aug 12, 1993).
Feb 24, 1996: Cuban fighters shot down two U.S. civil aircraft off the coast of Cuba, killing all four
persons aboard the two Cessna 337s, which were operated by a Cuban exile group. A third exile plane
returned to the United States. On Feb 26, President Clinton took retaliatory measures that included the
indefinite suspension of all charter flights between Cuba and the United States. FAA actions included a
letter warning south Florida airmen of the dangers and penalties associated with violating Cuban airspace.
In May, the agency also revoked the license of the pilot of the third exile plane, based on evidence that he
had entered Cuban airspace on Feb 24 and on a previous occasion.
Feb 29, 1996: As part of a continuing “open skies” initiative (see Sep 4, 1992), DOT announced a U.S.-
German agreement relaxing limitations on air travel between the two countries. By this date, the United
States had concluded 10 other open skies agreements with European nations: the Netherlands, Austria,
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Belgium. In addition, the
United States and Canada had signed a liberal agreement on transborder air travel on Feb 24, 1995. Other
international accords increasing opportunities for airline service included a Jun 5, 1995, agreement with
Britain that included some expansion of airport access and other priviliges for U.S. and U.K. carriers.
Mar 12, 1996: FAA issued a comprehensive revision of pilot medical standards and medical
certification procedures. Among the many changes was a modification of the previous two-year validity
period for the third-class airman medical certificates required for student, receational, and private pilots.
The validity period would still be two years for pilots of age 40 and older, but would now be three years for
younger pilots.
Mar 29, 1996: The Clinton Administration announced a Presidential directive assuring the availabilility of
Global Positioning System (GPS) signals to civilian users. The new policy included a planned end to the
practice of degrading civil GPS signals, within a decade, in a manner that would allow the U.S. military to
prepare for this eventuality.
On Apr 26, FAA cancelled its contract with Wilcox Electric for the Wide Area Augmentation
System (WAAS) to enhance GPS signals (see Aug 1, 1995). The agency cited project management
problems and projected cost overruns. On May 1, FAA entered into a letter contract with Hughes
Information Technology Systems regarding WAAS. This was followed by the Oct 29 announcement of a
comprehensive contract with Hughes for WAAS development and implementation.
Other related milestones during 1996 included a Jul 26 FAA plan for transition to GPS-based
navigation and landing guidance during a period of about 10 years that would start when augmented GPS
service became available.
Mar 31, 1996: Effective this date, the following functions were transferred from the Office of Public
Affairs to the organization of the Associate Administrator for Administration: the Freedom of Information
Act program; the audiovisual function; and the agency history program.
Apr 1, 1996: Effective this date, reforms gave FAA new flexibility on personnel and procurement
policies, a change made possible by legislative relief from various statutory requirements (see Nov 15,
1995). Teams of FAA personnel had helped to establish procedures for implementing the reforms. The
new acquisition management system aimed at reducing the time and cost of acquiring systems and services
while making the acquisition workforce more accountable. The new personnel system was intended to
speed recruitment and to reward outstanding employees while dealing effectively with substandard
In accordance with reform legislation, all FAA employees became part of a new Federal
Aviation Service (FAS) on this date. The FAS was designated an “excepted service” in contrast to the
“competitive service” to which most Federal personnel belonged. FAA was no longer subject to certain
Office of Personnel Management rules on filling positions and related actions, but its employees continued
to enjoy a range of legal protections that applied to other Federal workers. Unionized FAA employees
retained their representational status, as provided for by legislation that had been enacted on Mar 29.
Later in the year, FAA reauthorization legislation enacted further reform measures (see entry for
Sep 30, 1996).
Apr 1, 1996: DOT and FAA announced a program of special pay incentives for seven hard-to-staff air
traffic control facilities in or near Oakland, Chicago, and New York City. The program affected about
2,200 employees, including controllers, flight service data processing specialists, technicians, and certain
technical staff and managers. They received a 10 percent raise, with 7 percent effective Apr 14 and the
remainder effective by mid-Oct 1996. At the same time, DOT Secretary Peña announced that delivery of
new computers to five en route control centers under the Display Channel Complex Rehost (DCCR)
project would be speeded by 10 months (see Aug 1, 1995). The first of these DCCR systems became
operational at the Chicago center in Jan 1997.
Apr 12, 1996: FAA commissioned the nation's first ARSR-4 air route surveillance radar (see Sep
1986), and had commissioned a total of 12 by the end of calendar 1996.
May 6, 1996: FAA renamed its Technical Center the William J. Hughes Technical Center. The new
name honored Ambassador Hughes, a former member of Congress (D.-N.J.) and a long-time supporter of
the facility.
May 6, 1996: In a full-scale fire test at FAA’s Technical Center, one of the new materials tested
demonstrated its ability to double the time that it takes for fire to burn through an aircraft’s fuselage. The
test was part of joint work with British aviation authorities to increase fuselages’ resistance to external
conflagrations, and was an example of FAA’s continuing research in aircraft fire safety. (See Nov 3,
May 7, 1996: DOT announced that about 80 percent of non-stop scheduled U.S. airline flights between the
United States and foreign countries would be free of smoking as of Jun 1, when certain air carriers would
implement smoking curbs. During the previous year, DOT had granted anti-trust immunity permitting
airlines to discuss smoking bans. Other U.S. steps against smoking on international flights had included
a 1994 agreement with Canada and Australia to ban the practice on flights between the three nations. (See
Feb 25, 1990.)
May 9, 1996: FAA announced its Global Analysis and Information Network (GAIN) concept, a
proposed system to collect and analyze aviation safety data. The agency asked for comments from the
aviation community on the development of GAIN prototypes, including the proposal that GAIN be
privately owned and operated by an international consortium. In Sep 1996, FAA announced that Britain’s
Royal Aeronautical Society had agreed to host a conference on GAIN during the following spring. On Oct
22-24, meanwhile, the first international GAIN workshop took place at Cambridge, Mass.
May 11, 1996: A ValuJet DC-9 crashed into the Everglades shortly after takeoff from Miami, killing all
110 persons aboard. The crew’s loss of control was due to an intense fire caused by activation of one or
more oxygen generators carried in the forward cargo compartment. In a report released in Aug 1997, the
National Transportation Safety Board found the accident’s probable cause to be: the failure of SabreTech, a
Valujet contractor, to properly handle and identify the chemical oxygen generators before presenting them
to the airline for carriage; Valujet’s failure to properly oversee its contract maintenance program; and
FAA’s failure to require smoke detection and fire suppression systems in cargo compartments of the type
(Class D) in which the fire had started.
On the day after the crash, FAA announced an expansion of its ongoing review of Valujet (see Feb
20, 1996). On May 23, DOT’s Research and Special Projects Administration issued an immediate
temporary ban on the the transportation of chemical oxygen generators as cargo on passenger
airlines. (See Jun 17 and Dec 30, 1996.)
May 16, 1996: FAA unveiled the findings of the Challenge 2000 project, a review of the agency’s
regulation and certification capabilities in light of the rapid changes taking place in aviation. The agency
had announced the project on Jul 13, 1995, and during the following month had selected Booz-Allen &
Hamilton, Inc. to conduct the review. The project report included recommendations that FAA’s Regulation
and Certification organization: shift its resources to focus more on industry groups most in need of
oversight; revise its organizational structure; redesign and expedite the rulemaking process; and create new
Centers of Excellence as sources of expertise (see Oct 1992).
May 20, 1996: FAA announced that the agency and Boeing had formed a partnership to build the world’s
first full-scale airport pavement test facility at the William J. Hughes Technical Center.
Jun 17, 1996: FAA announced that ValuJet Airlines would cease operations, as of midnight on the
same day, pending safety improvements required under a consent decree (see Aug 29, 1996). The agency
based its action on an intensified inspection of the carrier undertaken since the recent crash (see May 11,
1996). FAA stated that this heightened scrutiny had revealed serious safety deficiences in the areas of
airworthiness, maintenance, quality assurance of contractors, and engineering capability. The
announcement sparked renewed criticism of DOT and FAA because it appeared to contrast with statements,
made following the accident, assuring the public that the airline was safe. The next day, Secretary of
Transportation Peña and Administrator Hinson described steps to improve safety oversight and
address public concerns. Peña stated that he would urge Congress to make safety FAA’s single primary
mission (see Sep 30, 1996). Hinson outlined improvements to FAA’s examination of airlines, such as
ValuJet, that relied heavily on contractors for maintenance and training. He stated that Deputy
Administrator Daschle would lead a review of pertinent regulatory issues (see Sep 16, 1996). Hinson also
announced the retirement of Anthony J. Broderick, Associate Administrator for Regulation and
Certification. (See Jul 15 and Nov 14, 1996.)
Jun 27, 1996: FAA signed a contract with Northrup Grumman Systems for three full-scale development
versions of the Airport Movement Area Safety System (AMASS). The system was designed to provide a
visual and aural alert for the display of the Airport Surface Detection Equipment model 3. (See Dec 3,
July 1, 1996: The United States adopted, with some modifications, an international system for reporting
surface weather observations and terminal forecasts for aviation use.
Jul 2, 1996: Vice President Gore announced NASA’s selection of Lockheed Martin to build the X-33, an
unmanned, reusuable spacecraft intended as step toward replacing the space shuttle. The experimental craft
would be capable of suborbital flight 50 miles high. NASA stated that the project should lead to a fleet of
privately owned and operated vehicles to carry both government and industry payloads.
Jul 16, 1996: FAA published a rulemaking proposal to increase the amount of data collected by Flight
Data Recorders installed in airliners. The agency specified the data paramenters to be required for various
new and existing aircraft, with retrofit to be accomplished within four years of the final rule. The largest
increase in parameters -- from 29 to 88 -- would apply to aircraft manufactured five years after the
proposed rule’s effective date. The proposal addressed concerns raised in several National Transportation
Safety Board recommendations following unexplained crashes (see Sep 8, 1994).
Jul 15, 1996: FAA Administrator Hinson announced initiatives to address the dangers of transporting
hazardous materials by air. The initiatives called for a seven-fold increase in resources devoted to the
issue, funding to upgrade the “hazmat” program, and the hiring of 130 additional inspectors and legal
personnel. He also stated that FAA had asked the Research and Special Projects Administration to ban the
transport of oxidizing materials in specific compartments on passenger and cargo aircraft (see Dec 30,
Jul 17, 1996: Trans World Airlines Flight 800 exploded in midair and crashed into the Atlantic off
Long Island after taking off from New York Kennedy airport for Paris. All 230 persons aboard the Boeing
747 died. Initial speculation as to the cause focused on terrorism. On the day after the tragedy, FAA
confirmed that the security measures announced during the previous summer (see Aug 9, 1995) remained
in effect, with some adjustments. On Jul 25, President Clinton announced increased security for air
travel. FAA stated that steps would include more intensive screening of passengers on international
flights, increased screening of carry-on bags for both international and domestic flights, as well as other
actions not disclosed to the public. Clinton also announced that Vice President Gore would head a
commission to review aviation security. This White House Commission on Aviation Safety and
Security was formally established Aug 21, 1996. (See Sep 9, 1996.)
Despite painstaking recovery of the wreckage, the TWA disaster proved difficult to explain.
Throughout 1996, the National Transportation Safety Board refused to rule out any of three possible
causes: a bomb, a missile, or mechanical failure. As the investigation progressed, however, the possibility
of an accidental fuel tank explosion received increased media attention. On Dec 13, 1996, the Board
announced a group of recommendations for improving the safety of the 747 fuel system. FAA, which had
been conducting a review of 747 safety issues in the wake of the crash, issued on Dec 23 an airworthiness
directive requiring inspection of certain wiring in the fuel systems of older 747s.
Aug 17, 1996: To combat the hazard of wake turbulence, FAA implemented new separation
standards for aircraft. The agency increased the required separation for small aircraft traveling behind a
Boeing 757 from four to five nautical miles. At the same time, FAA revised the definition of the three
aircraft weight categories used in setting separations to avoid wake turbulence: small (formerly 12,500 lb.
or less, changed to 41,000 lb. or less; large (formerly 12,500-300,000 lb, changed to 41,000-255,000 lb.);
and heavy (formerly 300,00 lb. or more, changed to 255,00 lb. or more). As a result, some 57 aircraft types
moved from the large to small category. (See Nov 1, 1975, and May 20, 1994.)
Aug 22, 1996: FAA announced nine proposed Airworthiness Directives on changes to the design of
Boeing 737 flight control systems. The proposals stemmed from recommendations of a Critical Design
Review prompted by two 737 accidents (see Sep 8, 1994). Following new information from Boeing that a
valve in the 737 rudder power control unit could jam under extreme conditions, FAA on Nov 11 issued an
airworthiness directive requiring repetitive inspections. Continuing attention to the 737 control system
issue led in Jan 1997 to an airworthiness directive on precautionary flight procedures. During the same
month, Vice President Gore announced that FAA intended to require retrofit of 737 rudder components.
Aug 29, 1996 FAA returned ValuJet’s operating certificate to the airline, stating that the carrier had
completed the safety improvements outlined in the consent order that grounded it (see Jun 17, 1996). The
action cleared ValuJet to renew operations, subject to a DOT fitness ruling subsequently granted on Sep 26.
The airline resumed flying on Sep 30. FAA imposed a limit of 15 aircraft, subject to review, in contrast
to the 51 aircraft that the carrier had operated before its grounding.
Sep 9, 1996: President Clinton called on Congress to appropriate more than $1 billion for a variety of anti-
terrorism measures. Proposed programs related to aviation included: improved airport bomb-detection
equipment, more FAA research; more FAA security personnel; expanded Customs Service air security
resources; a computerized passenger “profile” screening system; immediate criminal background checks
for airport workers with access to secure areas; deployment of explosive-detection dog teams at airports;
and a test of a system for matching luggage and passengers on all domestic flights. These measures were
based on recommendations of the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security (see Jul
17, 1996), whose initial report was also dated Sep 9, 1996. Many of these initiatives were funded by
legislation enacted on Sep 30, 1996 (see that date).
Sep 16, 1996: FAA announced the award of a contract to build the Standard Terminal Automation
Replacement System (STARS) to a team led by Raytheon (see Dec 13, 1993). Under the contract, the
team would develop and install new computers, displays and software for terminal radar approach control
facilities (TRACONs). This joint procurement involved new equipment for up to 172 FAA and 199 DOD
facilities. On Sep 17, FAA announced that the Dallas-Fort Worth TRACON was now operating an
updated Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE (ARTS IIIE), the first of several new ARTS IIIEs
that would provide improvements pending STARS implementation.
Sep 16, 1996: A team headed by Deputy Administrator Daschle submitted a report on a 90-day review of
FAA safety regulation and certification (see Jun 17, 1996). Recommendations included: creation of a
national team to assist local certification offices regarding new entrants into the airline industry; increased
safety surveillance and growth management for new carriers; actions to ensure that carriers have the
resources to operate a varied fleet and to support “outsourcing” of functions to contractors; additional
support for inspectors through upgraded training, guidance material, and information technology; and
increased inspector staffing. (See Sep 30, 1996.)
Sep 18, 1996: FAA announced that it and NASA were testing a new Automated Performance
Measuring System (APMS) to convert digital data from Flight Data Recorders directly into easily
understood safety information. FAA/industry joint work on Flight Operations Quality Assurance
(FOQA) programs had demonstrated the need for such a system to assist FAA, airlines, and flight crews in
improving safety and efficiency. (See Dec 6, 1996.)
Sep 19, 1996: FAA issued a license to Spaceport Systems International, allowing it to open the world’s
first privately-operated space launch facility, California Spaceport. The facility was located on
Vandenberg AFB, Calif.
Sep 26, 1996: A new Pan American World Airways began service. The operators of the small new
carrier had purchased the name and trademark of the original airline. (See Dec 4, 1991.)
Sep 30, 1996: Chicago’s Meigs Field ceased operations as part of a plan by the city’s mayor to convert
the lakefront facility into a park, a concept opposed by Illinois’ governor. On Jan 6, 1997, the two officials
announced a compromise under which the city would reopen and operate the airport for five years but
then be free to close it.
Sep 30, 1996: Pres. Clinton signed the DOT appropriations bill for fiscal 1997 (P.L. 104-205), providing
$8.3 billion for FAA programs. The legislation gave funds for hiring hundreds of new controllers,
maintenance technicians, inspectors, and security personnel. On the same day, the President also signed a
continuing appropriations bill (P.L. 104-208) that funded programs to increase safety and combat
terrorism through a range of means such as deployment of new security equipment at airports (see Sep 9
and Dec 23, 1996). The continuing resolution also gave funds to step up surveillance of newly certificated
airlines and to increase the number of safety inspectors, as recommended by Deputy Administrator
Daschle’s 90-day review team (see Sep 16, 1996).
On Oct 9, the President signed the Federal Aviation Reauthorization Act of 1996 (P.L.
104-264) , which contained further appropriations, increased the agency’s share of Trust Fund monies from
70 to 72.5 percent, and provided two-year funding for the Airport Improvement Program. The legislation
established a National Civil Aviation Review Commission to report to Congress on the state of aviation
safety and on providing long-term funding for the agency. The law contained provisions aimed at
expanding FAA’s financial accountability and increasing its autonomy within DOT. It directed the
establishment of a Federal Aviation Management Advisory Council
composed of 15 members serving 3-
year terms, with one member designated by DOT, one by the Defense Department, and 13 by the President
with Senatorial approval. The Council was to advise the FAA Administrator and function as an oversight
resource for management policy, spending, and regulatory matters. To address public perceptions about
FAA’s “dual mission,” the law specified safety as the agency’s highest priority. FAA remained
responsible for encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, but references to a promotional role were
eliminated from its mandate.
The law provided for a variety of enhancements to aviation safety, emphasizing anti-terrorism
through such means as new requirements for background checks of certain airport personnel with security
functions associated with cargo or baggage. The legislation banned children from controlling aircraft
for the purpose of setting records. (This stipulation stemmed from a crash on Apr 11, 1996, that claimed
the life of a 7-year-old girl, her flight instructor, and her father.) Another provision directed FAA to hire an
ombundsman for noise issues.
The law’s Title VII was designated the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996. It
gave the National Transportation Safety Board new responsibilities for aiding the families of the victims of
air accidents.
Sep 1996: The Driver’s Enhanced Vision System (DEVS) became operational at Boston Logan airport,
the pilot installation site for this FAA-developed equipment. DEVS was designed to assist emergency
crews when visibility was limited by such factors as smoke, flames, fog, or precipitation. The system
combined satellite, digital, and infrared technologies.
Oct 1, 1996: FAA established a new Air Traffic Systems Requirements Service within the organization
of the Associate Administrator for Air Traffic Services. The move combined requirements organizations
from Air Traffic and Airway Facilities into a single unit, bringing together controllers and engineers to
conceptualize new technology.
Oct 10, 1996: FAA implemented the Metroplex Plan at Dallas/Fort Worth airport, making the airport
capable of handling simultaneous triple landings and greatly increasing air traffic capacity. The plan
entailed 68 construction projects, including two high-frequency radio towers, and an additional runway,
and a new terminal radar approach control facility (TRACON), which was the latest element to be
commissioned. New twin air traffic control towers had been commissioned at Dallas/Fort Worth on Jun
15, 1994, giving the airport a total of three working towers.
Nov 6, 1996: FAA announced its approval of operational use of the Enhanced Ground Proximity
Warning System (EGPWS) on all Boeing 757 aircraft operated by American Airlines, the first carrier to
receive such permission. (See Dec 20, 1995.)
Nov 9, 1996: David R. Hinson resigned as FAA Administrator, effective this date. With Hinson’s
departure, Deputy Administrator Daschle became Acting Administrator, a post that she held until
resigning from the agency, effective Jan 31, 1997.
Nov 12, 1996: A midair collision near New Delhi, India, claimed the lives of all 349 persons aboard two
airliners, a Saudi Arabia Airlines 747 and a Kazak Airlines Ilyushin Il-76. The accident was history’s
deadliest collision between two aircraft in flight, and ranked third among the world’s worst civil aviation
disasters, summarized as follows: (1) Mar 27, 1977, Pan American and KLM, runway collision, 583
fatalties; (2) Aug 12, 1985, Japan Air Lines, control system failure, 520 fatalities; (3) Nov 12, 1996, Saudi
and Kazak airlines, midair collision, 349 fatalities; (4) Mar 3, 1974: Turkish Airlines, in-flight
decompression, 346 fatalities; (5) Jun 23, 1985, Air India, believed sabotage, 329 fatalities; (6) Aug 19,
1980, Saudi Arabian Airlines, in-flight fire, 301 fatalities; (7) Jul 3, 1988, Iran Air, military shoot-down,
290 fatalities; (8) May 25, 1979, American Airlines, engine separation, 272 fatalities; (9) Dec 21, 1988, Pan
American, sabotage, 270 fatalities; (10) Sep 1, 1983, Korean Air Lines, military shoot-down, 269 fatalities.
(See dates indicated.)
Nov 14, 1996: FAA announced its decision to issue a rulemaking proposal to require retrofit of fire
detection and suppression equipment on some 2,800 older commercial aircraft that did not currently
carry this equipment in inaccessible cargo compartments. This proposal, which grew out of concerns
following a ValuJet crash (see May 11, 1996), was subsequently issued on Jun 10, 1997. On Dec 12, 1996,
meanwhile, a group of the nation’s largest airlines announced that they would voluntarily install fire
detection systems in cargo holds that lacked the equipment.
Nov 18, 1996: FAA announced a policy change concerning pilot certification of individuals with
insulin-treated diabetes. The new policy permitted the consideration of waivers to allow such persons to
receive limited third-class medical certificates, making it possible for them to qualify for student,
recreational, and private pilot certificates.
Nov 25, 1996: Officials at John F. Kennedy airport unveiled a new aircraft arresting system, made of
foam blocks, to bring aircraft to a safe stop if they overrun a runway. The airport was the first to install the
system, jointly developed by FAA and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Dec 15, 1996: An agreement under which Boeing would acquire McDonnell Douglas was announced by
the two companies. On Aug 4, 1997, Boeing announced that the merger was complete and that it was now
the world’s largest aerospace company. Boeing had been formed as the Pacific Aero Products Company in
1916 and adopted the Boeing name the following year. McDonnell Douglas had been created by a merger
of two firms (see Apr 28, 1967).
Dec 17, 1996: FAA unveiled a $500,000. public education campaign using the slogan “Turbulence
Happens.” The campaign promoted seatbelt use by airpline passengers (see Jun 20, 1995). It also
reinforced FAA’s recommendation that children weighing under 40 lb. were safest in a certified child
restraint system when flying (see Jun 8, 1995).
Dec 20, 1996: President Clinton announced the selection of Rodney E. Slater to be Secretary of
Transportation during the President’s second term. A former chairman of the Arkansas State Highway
Commission, Slater had been Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration since 1993. Clinton
also revealed the nomination of the current Secretary of Transportation, Federico Peña, to be Secretary of
Energy. Peña’s resignation from the DOT post became effective on Feb 14, 1997, the same day that Slater
became Secretary.
Dec 23, 1996: FAA announced the award of contracts to Raytheon and to Lockheed Martin to provide
planning, design, and services required to integrate and install advanced security equipment at up to 77
U.S. airports. On Dec 26, the agency revealed that it had ordered 54 CTX-5000 SP explosives detection
systems (see Dec 9, 1994) for use at the nation’s busiest airports. The action responded to a
recommendation of the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security (see Sep 30, 1996).
Dec 30, 1996: The Research and Special Projects Administration (RSPA) published a rule permanently
banning oxygen generators as cargo on passenger aircraft (see May 11, 1996). On the same day, RSPA
published a rulemaking proposal to prohibit carriage of oxidizing materials and compressed oxygen
on passenger aircraft, as well as on cargo aircraft if stored in inaccessible cargo compartments lacking fire
detection and suppression equipment.