Galapagos Islands Fact Sheet
Location and Fast Facts
The Galapagos Islands, officially known as the Archipielago de Colon, are located 600
miles west of the nation of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean. They are on the equator at 1 degree
south latitude, 91 degrees west longitude. They are a province of the country of Ecuador, and
consist of 13 main islands, 6 small islands, and 107 islets. Only five of the islands are
inhabited, with a population of around 30,000 people.
Approximately 97% of the land is part of the Ecuadorean National Park system. The
other 3% is used for human settlement and farming. The ocean surrounding them was
declared a Marine Reserve in 1986. UNESCO has also made them a World Heritage Site.
In 1992, many of the islands were given Spanish names to honor Columbus’s first
voyage to the New World. Hence, the islands have both English and Spanish names. For
example, Santa Cruz is also known as Indefatigable. Most go by their Spanish names on
The islands were accidently discovered by the Bishop of Panama on his way to Peru in
1535. In his report to Spain, he said they were a miserable and worthless place. They
remained uninhabited until the early 1800’s as a result. They were, however, used by whalers
and pirates as a base of operations, food and water source, and a hideout.
In 1832, Ecuador annexed the islands and created a prison colony there. Settlers were
slow in coming as the land was not well-suited to farming. Salt processing and ranching also
proved short lived ventures. Sadly, settlers introduced many invasive species to the islands,
such as goats, pigs, dogs, cats, and rats, which destroyed much of the plant and animal life.
In 1959, the Charles Darwin Research Station was established to study and preserve native
species and help remove introduced ones. One of their most successful preservation
programs brought the Galapagos tortoise back from near extinction, and another successful
program removed all the feral goats from Santiago Island.
Today, the islands are slowly returning to the state that Charles Darwin found them in
in 1835. However, new threats have arisen from illegal fishing, tourism, and a growing
population. In 2007, UNESCO placed the islands on their World Heritage Site in Danger List.
Today, programs are in place to restrict tourism, prevent new immigration to the islands, and
teach the residents occupations that will have less impact on the environment.
The Galapagos Islands are volcanic islands that began forming 5 million years ago.
Each island was formed by a volcano as it passed over a hot spot in the Earth’s crust. A hot
spot is a weak area in the crust where magma breaks through to form a volcano. Isabela
Island is unique in that it was formed by a string of six volcanoes, making it the largest island.
In fact, Isabela and Fernandina Islands are the youngest of the islands with the last eruption
on Fernandina occurring in 2005. Espanola Island is the oldest.
The islands are on the Nazca Plate which moves about 3 inches per year to the
southeast. They say that at that rate, in a million years, the Galapagos Islands will be off the
coast of Peru rather than Ecuador.
Being on the Equator, you would expect the Galapagos Islands to be tropical, but they
are not. They are actually considered desert islands. There are two distinct seasons, and
temperatures and precipitation are determined by location. The dry and misty (Garua) season
is from May to December, while the wet season is from December to May. Temperatures
range from seventy to ninety degrees year round and rainfall is from five inches to twenty-four
inches. Higher elevations are cooler and wetter while coastal areas are warmer and drier.
This, too, depends on the wind patterns and which side of the island you are on.
Perhaps the biggest factor on the Galapagos climate is the ocean currents that
converge here. Three main currents influence both the climate and marine food supply.
Coming up from the south and Antarctica is the Humboldt Current. It is a cold current that
brings in nutrients and keep the air above it cooler. The Cromwell Current comes in from the
west along the Equator and is also a cold, nutrient rich current. These two currents cause the
Garua, or dry, misty season. The Panama Current comes from the northeast and is a warm,
but nutrient poor current. Its warming effect causes the west season.
The most devastating effect on the climate of the islands is an El Nino event. When
this happens, the cold currents fail to arrive and the warm Panama Current dominates. The
result is massive rainfall and nutrient poor ocean waters. Land animals flourish on the
increased plants, but marine animals suffer due to lack of food. This happens every 4-7
years. The last happened in 1997-98 and resulted in up to a 50% drop in marine animal
populations. Of course, when things return to normal, land animals suffer from the reduced
vegetation and their populations are reduced.
Name_______________ Galapagos Islands Fact Quiz
Directions: Circle the correct answer to each question.
1. Which country in South America are the Galapagos Islands a province of?
a. Peru c. Brazil
b. Columbia d. Ecuador
2. What is the distance, in miles, from the mainland of South America to the Galapagos
a. 400 c. 600
b. 500 d. 700
3. What geologic activity built the islands?
a. volcanic c. earthquake
b. glacial d. tidal
4. What makes the marine iguana unique?
a. clings to rocks c. eats plants
b. feeds in the sea d. all of the above
5. Which geographic term best describes the Galapagos Islands?
a. isthmus c. continent
b. barrier island d. archipelago
6. Which bird is known for it brightly colored feet?
a. blue-footed booby c. albatross
b. Nazca booby d. masked booby
7. Which crop do the islands export?
a. apples c. coffee
b. corn d. mangos
8. Which of these animals has the longest life span?
a. sea lion c. iguana
c. Darwin finch d. tortoise
Galapagos Islands Fact Quiz Answer Key
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. D
Galapagos Animal Sort Answer Key
1. Mola-mola
2. Spotted Ray
3. Blue-footed Booby
4. Pilot Whales
5. Great Frigate Bird
6. Penguin
7. Lava Lizard
8. Galapagos Sea Lion
9. Sally Light-foot Crab
10. Nazca Booby
11. Albatross
12. Finch
13. Galapagos Tortoise
14. Flamingo
15. Marine Iguana
Short Answer:
1. protective coloration, mating (refer to questions for other answers)
2. mating rituals and coloring, ability to find food in the ocean, protective coloration
(refer to questions for other answers)
3. Answers will vary.
Galapagos Islands Assessment Answer Key
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. D
Name_________________________ Galapagos Animal Sort
Directions: Match the description of the animal below with a picture of it. Write the name of
the animal in the space provided.
1. I am a huge tropical fish with a rather odd appearance: flat, small tail, and two huge
Who am I? _________________________________
2. I have a diamond shape and a long tail. My color helps me blend with the ocean
Who am I? _________________________________
3. I am a comical looking bird with colorful feet. I do a dance to show them off to
attract a mate.
Who am I? _________________________________
4. I am not a fish, but a mammal. I am very intelligent and playful. I breathe through a
hole on the top of my head.
Who am I? _________________________________
5. I am best known for the red pouch on my neck that I inflate to attract mates.
Who am I? _________________________________
6. I am usually thought of when you think of cold climates, but I am the only species of
my kind to live at the equator.
Who am I? _________________________________
7. I am a small lizard with a red neck who loves to eat insects. I prefer to live in rocky
or sandy areas.
Who am I? _________________________________
8. I am a type of seal, but my external ears are what make me different.
Who am I? _________________________________
9. I am brightly colored and use my pincers to catch my food. I live on rocks along the
Who am I? _________________________________
10. Unlike my cousin, I have plain feet. However, the mask around my eyes makes me
stand out.
Who am I? _________________________________
11. I am the largest of the seabirds and spend most of my life at sea. I am graceful in
the air, but rather clumsy on land.
Who am I? _________________________________
12. Darwin studied us and classified us into 13 species based on the size and shape of
our beaks. We are the inspiration for his ideas on evolution.
Who am I? _________________________________
13. I am not a turtle since I live on land. I grow to be very large and very old.
Who am I? _________________________________
14. You think of me as a tropical bird, but I am not. I like to wade, and my bright color
is due to the shrimp I eat.
Who am I? _________________________________
15. I am the only lizard who goes into the ocean to find food. My fierce appearance
made me popular as a prehistoric monster in the movies.
Who am I? __________________________________
Answer the following in complete sentences:
1. Name 2 different ways in which the coloring of the animal is important to their
2. Name 2 different ways that the animals of the Galapagos have adapted so they are
successful in this environment.
3. If you were an animal in this group, which animal would you be and why?
Name_______________ Galapagos Islands Assessment
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer for each of the questions below.
1. The Galapagos Islands belong to which country?
A. Peru
B. Columbia
C. Ecuador
D. Chile
2. Which of the following is true of the protected status of the Galapagos Islands?
A. are a national park
B. are a marine reserve
C. are a World Heritage Site
D. all of the above
3. Who discovered the islands?
A. Bishop of Panama
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Charles Darwin
D. Erik the Red
4. What Englishman traveled to the Galapagos Islands and then came up with a theory
on natural selection?
A. Isaac Newton
B. Charles Darwin
C. James Beagle
D. Hiriam Walker
5. On what tectonic plate are the islands located?
A. Pacific
B. North American
C. South American
D. Nazca
6. How were the islands formed?
A. volcanoes
B. earthquakes
C. glaciers
D. landslides
7. What is the climate on the Galapagos Islands?
A. tropical
B. arctic
C. desert
D. continental
More on next page
8. What is a major influence on the climate of the islands?
A. wind patterns
B. ocean currents
C. location on the equator
D. distance from South America
9. What had the biggest impact on the plant and animal life on the Galapagos Islands?
A. climate
B. farming
C. invasive species
D. whalers
10. Which of the following currently threatens the plant and animal life on the islands?
A. tourism
B. illegal fishing
C. population growth
D. all of the above
Galapagos Islands Brochure
Writing Prompt
You are an expert on the Galapagos Islands and have been asked to
create a brochure on the islands. Your task is to present information
on the location, formation, and plants and animals of the Galapagos
as well as why it is important to protect these islands. You must
illustrate your text with a map and pictures. Use the information you
have gained in this lesson and well as other sources to complete
your brochure. Use the check sheet below to make sure you cover
all the requirements for the brochure. Good luck Galapagos Expert!
I have included the latitude and longitude of the Galapagos._____
I have included the countries nearby._____
I have included the ocean where the Galapagos Islands are found._____
I have included at least 2 sentences on how the Galapagos were formed._____
Plants and Animals
I have included at least 2 sentences naming animals found in the Galapagos._____
I have included at least 2 sentences naming plants found in the Galapagos._____
Protection of the Islands
I have included at least 5 sentences explaining why the Galapagos must be protected._____
I have included accurate a map of the islands with legible labels._____
I have included at least 5 pictures in my brochure._____
Galapagos Brochure Scoring Guide Name______________________________
Has latitude/longitude of the Galapagos (1 pt)_____
Names the countries nearby (1 pt. per country up to 3 pts)_____
Names the ocean they are located in (1 pt)_____
Has two sentences on how the Galapagos were formed (1 pt each)_____
Has two sentences naming animals found in the Galapagos (1 pt each)_____
Has two sentences naming plants found in the Galapagos (1 pt each)_____
Has five sentences explaining why the Galapagos must be protected (1 pt each)_____
Has a map of the islands (1 pt)_____
Has five pictures of the Galapagos Islands (1 pt each)_____
Total Points_____