Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
5-6 (Life Science)
What organisms are typical of hydrothermal vents
near the Galapagos Spreading Center?
Students will be able to identify and describe at
least three organisms that are typical of hydro-
thermal vent communities near the Galapagos
Spreading Center.
Students will be able to identify and discuss at
least three lines of evidence that suggested the
existence of hydrothermal vents before they were
actually discovered.
Students will be able to explain why hydrothermal
vent communities are apt to be short-lived.
A variety of art supplies, including construction
paper, markers, pipe cleaners, glue, tape, scis-
sors, etc.
Copies of “Guidelines for Murals and Reports
on Hydrothermal Vent Organisms,” one copy
for each student or student group
Four to five 45-minute class periods, plus time for
student research
Classroom style or groups of 3-4 students
Hydrothermal vent
Galapagos Spreading Center
Mid-ocean ridge
Plate tectonics
On February 17, 1977, scientists exploring the
seafloor near the Galapagos Islands made one
of the most significant discoveries in modern sci-
ence: large numbers of animals that had never
been seen before were clustered around under-
water hot springs flowing from cracks in the lava
seafloor. Similar hot springs, known as hydrother-
mal vents, have since been discovered in many
other locations where underwater volcanic pro-
cesses are active.
These processes are often associated with move-
ment of the tectonic plates that make up the
Earth’s crust. The outer shell of the Earth (called
the lithosphere) consists of about a dozen large
plates of rock (called tectonic plates) that move
several centimeters per year relative to each
other. These plates consist of a crust about 5 km
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center
And Now for Something
Completely Different…
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
thick, and the upper 60 - 75 km of the Earth’s
mantle. The plates that make up the lithosphere
move on a hot flowing mantle layer called the
asthenosphere, which is several hundred kilome-
ters thick. Heat within the asthenosphere creates
convection currents (similar to the currents that
can be seen if food coloring is added to a heated
container of water). These convection currents
cause the tectonic plates to move. Where the
plates move apart, a rift is formed that allows
magma (molten rock) to escape from deep within
the Earth and harden into solid rock known as
basalt. Areas where this happens are known as
spreading centers, and are a well-known feature
of mid-ocean ridges (MORs) such as the East
Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Spreading
centers are also called “divergent plate bound-
aries,” because the plates are moving apart.
Convergent plate boundaries, on the other hand,
occur where tectonic motion causes plates to col-
lide. When one plate descends beneath the other,
the process is called subduction and high temper-
atures and pressures are generated that can lead
to explosive volcanic eruptions (such as the Mount
St. Helens eruption which resulted from subduc-
tion of the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate beneath
the North American tectonic plate). Transform
plate boundaries occur where plates slide hori-
zontally past each other. At these boundaries, the
motion of plates rubbing against each other sets
up huge stresses that can cause breaks (faults) in
the rock that can result in earthquakes. A well-
known example of a transform plate boundary is
the San Andreas fault in California.
Volcanic activity can also occur in the middle of a
tectonic plate, at areas known as hotspots, which
are thought to be natural pipelines to reservoirs
of magma in the upper portion of the Earth’s
mantle. The volcanic features at Yellowstone
National Park are the result of hotspots, as are
the Hawaiian Islands. As the Pacific tectonic
plate moves over the Hawaiian hotspot, magma
periodically erupts to form volcanoes that become
islands. The oldest island is Kure at the north-
western end of the archipelago. The youngest is
the Big Island of Hawaii at the southeastern end.
Loihi, east of the Big Island, is the newest volcano
in the chain and may eventually form another
island. As the Pacific plate moves to the north-
west, islands are carried farther away from the
hot spot, and the crust cools and subsides. At the
same time, erosion gradually shrinks the islands,
and unless there is further volcanic activity (or a
drop in sea level) the islands eventually submerge
below the ocean surface. To the northwest of
Kure, the Emperor Seamounts are the submerged
remains of former islands that are even older than
The tectonic setting of the Galapagos Islands is
more complex. The Galapagos were also formed
by a hotspot called the Galapagos mantle plume
(GMP), which continues to produce active vol-
canoes (the Sierra Negra volcano erupted on
October 22, 2005). These islands are formed on
the Nazca Plate, which is moving east-southeast.
On the western side of the Nazca Plate, this
motion produces a divergent plate boundary with
the Pacific Plate. This boundary is called the East
Pacific Rise. On the northern side of the Nazca
Plate, just north of the Galapagos archipelago,
another divergent boundary exists with the Cocos
Plate. This boundary is known as the Galapagos
Spreading Center (GSC). A convergent bound-
ary exists on the eastern side of the Nazca Plate,
which is being subducted beneath the South
American and Caribbean Plates. This subduction
has caused some of the oldest seamounts formed
by the GMP to disappear beneath the South
American and Caribbean Plates, so it is not cer-
tain exactly how long the GMP has been active
in its present position (for illustrations of these
boundaries and plates, as well as detailed dis-
cussion of tectonic processes, see “This Dynamic
Earth” available online from the U.S. Geological
Survey at http://pubs.usgs.gov/publications/text/dynamic.pdf).
This tectonic setting means hydrothermal systems
along the GSC may receive magma from the
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
GMP as well as from rifts associated with the
spreading center itself. One of the key questions
about hydrothermal systems is how their biologi-
cal and geological processes are affected by vari-
ations in the supply of magma and thickness of
the Earth’s crust. Because the Galapagos mantle
plume is known to provide an increased supply
of magma to nearby hydrothermal vent systems,
the GSC is an ideal ”natural experiment” to study
this question. Ironically, despite the importance
of hydrothermal vents, the Galapagos Spreading
Center (GSC) where they were first discovered
has received very little exploration. This is the pri-
mary purpose of the 2005 Galapagos Spreading
Center Expedition.
In this lesson, students will learn about the first
exploration of hydrothermal vents, and investigate
some of the vent animals that had never been
seen before vent systems were discovered.
1. To prepare for this lesson, review background
essays for the 2005 Galapagos Spreading
Center Expedition, the 2005 Galapagos
Rift Expedition, and the 2002 Ocean
Exploration Galapagos Rift Expedition (http://
welcome.html; and http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/
explorations/02galapagos/galapagos.html, respectively)
In addition, visit the Dive and Discover Web
site (http://www.divediscover.whoi.edu/expedition9/; linked
from the 2005 Rift Expedition Web page) for a
complete chronicle of the 2005 Galapagos Rift
Expedition, as well as the Dive and Discover
presentation on the 25th anniversary of the
discovery of hydrothermal vents (http://www.
divediscover.whoi.edu/ventcd/vent_discovery). You may also
want to obtain the CD-ROM of this presentation
or download selected images to accompany
your narrative about the discovery of hydrother-
mal vents in the following step.
2. Briefly review the concepts of plate tecton-
ics, being sure that students understand the
processes that take place at convergent and
divergent boundaries, why these boundaries
are often the site of volcanic activity, and the
distinction between volcanic activity at hotspots
and at plate boundaries. Hotspots are believed
to originate deep inside the Earth, far below
the tectonic plates that are floating on the asthe-
nosphere. Thus, hotspots are essentially station-
ary, while the plates are in constant motion; so
“chains” of islands and seamounts are formed
by hotspot lava as a plate moves over a hot-
spot location. Scientists have found that the dis-
tance between hotspots remains constant over
periods of time in which the distance between
features on tectonic plates changes by thou-
sands of kilometers. This observation provides
further evidence that hotspots are relatively
Tell students that the idea of plate tectonics (like
many important scientific concepts) took a long
time to become accepted. The idea of conti-
nents moving across the surface of the Earth
was first suggested by Abraham Ortelius (a
Dutch mapmaker) in 1596, but it was not until
1912 that the idea was developed as an actual
scientific theory by a German meteorologist
named Alfred Wegener. Even then, the theory
was not generally accepted until the 1960’s
(see “This Dynamic Earth,” http://pubs.usgs.gov/
publications/text/dynamic.pdf for more details about the
history of plate tectonics theory).
Once accepted, plate tectonics theory helped
explain many different observations about
Earth’s biology, geography, and geology; but
also raised many new questions as well. One
of these concerned the possible existence of
hot springs in the deep ocean. The idea was
that lava erupting onto the seafloor at diver-
gent plate boundaries would cool and solidify
to form new crust. Because the cooling lava
would contract, cracks would be expected to
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
form in the solidified surface. Seawater enter-
ing these cracks could come into contact with
hot rocks below the seafloor where the water
would become heated and rise back to the
surface, possibly forming geysers or other fea-
tures similar to those seen on land (such as in
Yellowstone National Park).
While no one had actually seen a seafloor hot
spring, there were several pieces of evidence
that supported the idea:
In certain parts of the Red Sea, deep waters
are known to have unusually high tempera-
tures, and abnormally high concentrations
of salt. Investigations of this phenomenon in
the 1960s found that seafloor sediments from
the same area were unusually rich in copper,
iron, manganese, zinc and other metals.
Because the Red Sea has a mid-ocean ridge
running through it, scientists speculated that
hot brines and metal-rich sediments might be
related to the divergent plate boundary, and
that similar conditions might exist at other
spreading centers. Deep-sea drilling expedi-
tions to spreading centers in the Atlantic,
Pacific, and Indian Oceans found that sedi-
ments from these sites also contained high
concentrations of metals. In addition, metal-
rich sediments were also found on top of
volcanic ocean crust at sites far away from
active spreading centers, suggesting that
these deposits had been formed at mid-ocean
ridges and then transported away by seafloor
Deep-sea drilling expeditions also recovered
rocks from midocean ridge sites that were
different from the generally black rocks found
in the deep ocean. Analysis of minerals in
these unusual rocks suggested that they could
have been formed from typical black rocks by
chemical reactions that can only take place in
the presence of hot water.
Plate tectonics theory led some scientists to
realize that large deposits of metal-rich ores
on land were pieces of the seafloor (called
ophiolites) that had been thrust on top of con-
tinents by collisions between tectonic plates.
The minerals in ophiolites were found to have
many similarities with the minerals found in
rocks near mid-ocean ridges.
Scientists expected that the seafloor near
midocean ridges would be heated by hot
mantle material rising to the surface at diver-
gent plate boundaries. But measurements of
actual temperature in these areas were cooler
than expected. One of the proposed expla-
nations was that seawater entering cracks
in the seafloor could absorb heat and then
carry it away as the heated fluid rose back
to the seafloor surface and dispersed into the
Seafloor hot springs offered an explanation
for many different observations; an important
characteristic of a good scientific theory. Since
the ultimate test of this theory was to find one
of these springs, a series of expeditions was
launched to study midocean ridges in greater
detail than had ever been attempted before.
For the first time, these expeditions made
extensive use of deep-diving submersibles.
Expeditions to the mid-Atlantic ridge made
many important observations, but did not find
a hot spring. Finally, in 1977, an expedition
studying the Galapagos Rift found an important
clue: an area of seafloor where the water tem-
perature was noticeably higher than normal,
and where the lava bottom was covered with
hundreds of clam and mussel shells. When sci-
entists descended onto the site in the submers-
ible Alvin, they saw shimmering water flowing
out of small cracks in the lava, then turning
cloudy as minerals began to precipitate out of
the warm fluid. The first hydrothermal vent had
been discovered.
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
But the biggest surprise was that the clams and
mussels were not alone: dense biological com-
munities that included crabs, octopi, bright red
tubeworms, and orange animals resembling
dandelions were found around the Galapagos
hydrothermal vents—and scientific ideas about
life on Earth were changed forever.
3. Tell students that they will be working in small
groups to create a class mural of a hydrother-
mal vent ecosystem. They will then prepare, as
a group, oral and written reports describing
the component of the class mural they created.
Students should be divided into one of the fol-
lowing groups:
Hydrothermal Vent Geology [focusing on the
physical structure of the vent(s) itself]
Vent Shrimp/Dandelion Animals
Octopi/Zoarcid Fish
Using the “Guidelines for Murals and Reports
on Hydrothermal Vent Organisms” worksheet,
guide students to use the Web sites referenced
in Step 1 and others that they may discover to
learn how to construct their group component
of the class mural and group reports.
4. Lead a discussion of students’ reports. The fol-
lowing points should be included:
Often, mussels are among the first organisms
to colonize hydrothermal vent sites.
Tubeworms can grow up to two meters long
and ten centimeters in diameter.
Tubeworms obtain their nutrition from symbi-
otic bacteria that live inside the tubeworms.
The bacteria use carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide, and oxygen to produce sugars that
the tubeworms use as food. The tubeworms
use their red plumes to extract hydrogen sul-
fide and oxygen from the surrounding water,
and make these chemicals available to the
symbiotic bacteria.
Mussels obtain food from symbiotic microbes
living in their gills, as well as from food fil-
tered from the surrounding water
Dandelion animals belong to the phylum
Cnidaria, which also includes jellyfish,
anemones, and corals. The “dandelions” are
actually colonies made of many individual
Dandelion animals are scavengers, and are
among the last animals to colonize vent sites.
If there are a lot of dandelions around a vent
site, it usually means that the vents are no lon-
ger active and most of the other organisms in
the area are dying.
Shrimp eat microbes and may also eat mus-
Hydrothermal vent microbes include bacteria
and Archaea.
Vent microbes are the base of the vent system
food chain.
Vent microbes are chemoautotrophic, and are
the base of the vent system food chain.
Vent microbes grow on every surface. Some
live inside tubeworms, clams, and mussels
and have symbiotic relationships with these
Vent clams depend on symbiotic bacteria that
live in the their gills and produce sugars from
chemicals in the hydrothermal fluid.
•Octopi and zoarcid fish are top preda-
tors. Octopi eat crabs, clams, and mussels.
Zoarcid fish eat everything from tubeworms
to shrimp.
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
Vent crabs include species like the Galatheid
crab (squat lobster) that are scavengers, as
well as species like the brachyuran crabs that
are fierce predators. Predatory crabs eat bac-
teria, shrimp, mussels, clams, tubeworms, and
other crabs.
The Rose Garden was the hydrothermal
vent site where vent tubeworms were first
Between 1977 and 2005, the Rose Garden
vanished, possibly due to a volcanic eruption
www.vims.edu/bridge Select Ocean Science Topics,
then select Ecology, then Deep Sea
Remind students that new scientific theories, and
sometimes actual discoveries, often are met with
skepticism before they are accepted; particularly
if they challenge a widely accepted belief or
theory. Have students write a brief essay in which
they discuss whether this a a good thing, or is an
obstacle to better understanding.
English/Language Arts; Physical Science;
Geography; Earth Science
Class mural, reports and discussions in Steps 3
and 4 provide opportunities for assessment.
Visit these sites for many more activities and links
related to plate tectonics, earthquakes and seis-
Web page for the 2005 Galapagos
Spreading Center Expedition
http://www.divediscover.whoi.edu/ventcd/vent_discovery Dive
and Discover presentation on the 25th anni-
versary of the discovery of hydrothermal vents
Article, “Creatures of the Thermal Vents”
by Dawn Stover
http://www.oceansonline.com/hydrothe.htm “Black Smokers
and Giant Worms,” article on hydrothermal
vent organisms
Tunnicliffe, V., 1992. Hydrothermal-vent communi-
ties of the deep sea. American Scientist 80:
Corliss, J. B., J. Dymond, L.I. Gordon, J.M.
Edmond, R.P. von Herzen, R.D. Ballard,
K. Green, D. Williams, A. Bainbridge, K.
Crane, and T.H. Andel, 1979. Submarine
thermal springs on the Galapagos Rift.
Science 203:1073-1083. Scientific jour-
nal article describing the first submersible
visit to a hydrothermal vent community
Content Standard A: Science As Inquiry
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
Understandings about scientific inquiry
Content Standard B: Physical Science
• Properties and changes of properties in matter
• Transfer of energy
Content Standard C: Life Science
Structure and function in living systems
Populations and ecosystems
Diversity and adaptations of organisms
Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science
Structure of the Earth system
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
Content Standard E: Science and Technology
Abilities of technological design
Understandings about science and technology
Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social
Populations, resources, and environments
Science and technology in society
Content Standard G: History and Nature of Science
Science as a human endeavor
Nature of science
Paula Keener-Chavis, Director, Education Programs
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration
Hollings Marine Laboratory
331 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston SC 29412
843.762.8737 (fax)
This lesson plan was produced by Mel Goodwin,
PhD, The Harmony Project, Charleston, SC
for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. If reproducing this lesson, please
cite NOAA as the source, and provide the follow-
ing URL: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
Student Handout
Guidelines for Murals and Reports on Hydrothermal Vent Organisms
1. Which group of animals is often the first to colonize a hydrothermal vent site?
2. How big do tubeworms grow?
3. How do tubeworms obtain their food? What are their red plumes for?
4. How do mussels obtain their food?
5. What phylum includes the “dandelion animals?”
6. What do “dandelion animals” eat? What do large numbers of “dandelion animals” usually indicate
about a biological community near a hydrothermal vent?
7. How do vent shrimp obtain their food?
8. What kinds of microbes are found at hydrothermal vents? Where are they in hydrothermal vent food
chains? How do they obtain their food?
9. Where do vent microbes grow?
10. How do vent clams obtain their food?
11. Where are octopi and zoarcid fish in hydrothermal vent food chains? What do they eat?
12. How do vent crabs obtain their food?
13. What is the Rose Garden?
14. What happened to the Rose Garden between 1977 and 2005?
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
Teacher Answers
Guidelines for Murals and Reports on Hydrothermal Vent Organisms
1. Which group of animals is often the first to colonize a hydrothermal vent site?
Often, mussels are among the first organisms to colonize hydrothermal vent sites.
2. How big do tubeworms grow?
Tubeworms can grow up to two meters long and ten centimeters in diameter.
3. How do tubeworms obtain their food? What are their red plumes for?
Tubeworms obtain their nutrition from symbiotic bacteria that live inside the tubeworms. The bacteria
use carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and oxygen to produce sugars that the tubeworms use as
food. The tubeworms use their red plumes to extract hydrogen sulfide and oxygen from the surround-
ing water, and make these chemicals available to the symbiotic bacteria.
4. How do mussels obtain their food?
Mussels obtain food from symbiotic microbes living in their gills, as well as from food filtered from
the surrounding water
5. What phylum includes the “dandelion animals?”
Dandelion animals belong to the phylum Cnidaria, which also includes jellyfish, anemones, and cor-
als. The “dandelions” are actually colonies made of many individual animals.
6. What do “dandelion animals” eat? What do large numbers of “dandelion animals” usually indicate
about a biological community near a hydrothermal vent?
Dandelion animals are scavengers, and are among the last animals to colonize vent sites. If there
are a lot of dandelions around a vent site, it usually means that the vents are no longer active and
most of the other organisms in the area are dying.
7. How do vent shrimp obtain their food?
Shrimp eat microbes and may also eat mussels.
8. What kinds of microbes are found at hydrothermal vents? Where are they in hydrothermal vent food
chains? How do they obtain their food?
Hydrothermal vent microbes include bacteria and Archaea.
Vent microbes are the base of the vent system food chain.
Vent microbes are chemo-autotrophic, and are the base of the vent system food chain.
9. Where do vent microbes grow?
Vent microbes grow on every surface. Some live inside tubeworms, clams, and mussels and have
symbiotic relationships with these animals.
10. How do vent clams obtain their food?
Vent clams depend on symbiotic bacteria that live in the their gills and produce sugars from chemi-
cals in the hydrothermal fluid.
2005 Galapagos Spreading Center Expedition – Grades 5-6 (Life Science)
Focus: Biological communities at hydrothermal vents
Teacher Answers (Continued)
11. Where are octopi and zoarcid fish in hydrothermal vent food chains? What do they eat?
Octopi and zoarcid fish are top predators. Octopi eat crabs, clams, and mussels. Zoarcid fish eat
everything from tubeworms to shrimp.
12. How do vent crabs obtain their food?
Vent crabs include species like the Galatheid crab (squat lobster) that are scavengers, as well as
species like the brachyuran crabs that are fierce predators. Predatory crabs eat bacteria, shrimp,
mussels, clams, tubeworms, and other crabs.
13. What is the Rose Garden?
The Rose Garden was the hydrothermal vent site where vent tubeworms were first observed
14. What happened to the Rose Garden between 1977 and 2005?
Between 1977 and 2005, the Rose Garden vanished, possibly due to a volcanic eruption nearby