© Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
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Complete Mandated Reporter Training Online
1) Register with iLookOut
2) Register for Core (3-hour) Training
3) Complete Core (3-hour) Training
4) Download Training Certificate
Note: Mandated Reporter training is also offered in person. Mandated Reporter Trainer Contact Info
1) Register with iLookOut
Step 1: Open the iLookOut website at https://www.ilookoutmaine.org/login
Step 2: If you have an account, skip to 2) Registration for Core (3-hour) Training below
If you need to register, select Register
Step 3: Scroll to the bottom and select Maine Mandated Reporters
then select Register
Step 4: Confirm selection for Maine Mandated Reporters (English) and select Yes
Step 5: Provide your First Name, Last Name, and Email then Submit
Step 6: Check your email for a confirmation. From there you can set your password and
your account will be ready to use.
2) Register for Core (3-hour) Training
Step 1: Open the iLookOut website at https://www.ilookoutmaine.org/login
Step 2: Under Returning Users enter your email and password and select Login
Step 3: Review the Summary Explanation of Research and answer the following
Do you agree to participate? Select Yes to continue
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Are you willing to be contacted for future research projects? Select Yes or No
Have you ever had any training about child abuse? Select Yes or No
What is your gender? Select Male, Female, Gender non-confirming, or other
What is your ethnicity? Select Hispanic or Latino or Non-Hispanic or Latino
What is your race? Check as many boxes as applicable: American Indian or Alaska Native,
Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, White/Caucasian, Asian,
How old are you? Select your age range: Less than 18, 18-29, 30-44, More than 44
How religious would you say you are? Select Extremely unreligious, Unreligious, Somewhat
unreligious, Neutral, Somewhat religious, Religious, Extremely religious, Prefer not to
What is your marital status? Select Single, Married or cohabitating, Separated or divorced,
Are you a parent/guardian of a child? Select Yes or No
If Yes, How old is your youngest child? Select 5 years old or younger, 6-17 years old,
Older than 17 years
What is your highest level of education? Select 8
Grade, High School Diploma/GED, CDA,
Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Graduate degree and/or beyond, No Formal
Do you have any formal training in early childhood education? Select Yes or No
Which of the following best describes your primary job responsibilities? Select Assistant
Director, Admin, Teacher, Teacher’s Aide, Volunteer, Intern, Cook, Maintenance,
Are you a program owner or director? Select Yes or No
If Yes, indicate the number of children currently enrolled in your program: 0-5, 6-10, 11-
25, More than 25
On what basis are you currently employed? Select Volunteer, Paid Full-Time, Paid Part-
Time, Paid Seasonal, Paid Substitute
Including this year, how many years have you worked as a child care provider? Select Less
than 1, 1-2, 3-5, 6-10, 11-15, More than 15
Including this year, how many years have you worked at your current workplace? Select
Less than 1, 1-2, 3-5, 6-10, 11-15, More than 15
License number of the child care program where you work or volunteer? Enter your licensed
number or if you don’t yet have a license number enter 555555
Program Name? Enter name of the child care program you work at or enter TBD (to be
© Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
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In what type of area is your program located? Select Rural, Suburban, Urban, Unknown
In what type of program do you work or volunteer? Select Family Child Care or
What is your current program capacity? Select Less than 10 children, 11-25 children, 26 or
more children
In your work as a child care provider, how many times have you reported a case of
suspected abuse? Type in the number of times or enter 0 if you have never reported a case
of suspected abuse
Step 4: Select Click HERE to submit this Registration
Step 5: When you see Registration Complete, select Back to Home
3) Complete Core (3-hour) Training
Step 1: From your iLookOut Home page, select Core (3-hours) Training
Step 2: Select the red arrow to begin the training
Step 2: When you finish an activity, select Next
Note: Your training progress will be saved. You can stop and return to complete the training later.
4) Download Training Certificate
Step 1: Once you have completed the training, from your iLookOut Home page, select
Certificates to view and save your Training Certificate
Note: Your Mandated Reporter Training Certificate will be valid for 4 years.